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冬小麦叶片气孔导度模型水分响应函数的参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物气孔导度模型的水分响应函数用来模拟水分胁迫对气孔导度的影响过程, 是模拟缺水环境下植物与大气间水、碳交换过程的关键算法。水分响应函数包括空气湿度响应函数和土壤湿度(或植物水势)响应函数, 该研究基于田间实验观测, 分析了冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)叶片气孔导度对不同空气饱和差和不同土壤体积含水量或叶水势的响应规律。一个土壤水分梯度的田间处理在中国科学院禹城综合试验站实施, 不同水分胁迫下的冬小麦叶片气体交换过程和气孔导度以及其他的温湿度数据被观测, 同时观测了土壤含水量和叶水势。实验数据表明, 冬小麦叶片气孔导度对空气饱和差的响应呈现双曲线规律, 变化趋势显示大约1 kPa空气饱和差是一个有用的阈值, 在小于1 kPa时, 冬小麦气孔导度对空气饱和差变化反应敏感, 而大于1 kPa后则反应缓慢; 分析土壤体积含水量与中午叶片气孔导度的关系发现, 中午叶片气孔导度随土壤含水量增加大致呈现线性增加趋势, 但在平均土壤体积含水量大于大约25%以后, 气孔导度不再明显增加, 而是维持在较高导度值上下波动; 冬小麦中午叶片水势与相应的气孔导度之间, 随着叶水势的增加, 气孔导度呈现增加趋势。根据冬小麦气孔导度对空气湿度、土壤湿度和叶水势的响应规律, 研究分别采用双曲线和幂指数形式拟合了水汽响应函数, 用三段线性方程拟合了土壤湿度响应函数和植物水势响应函数, 得到的参数可以为模型模拟冬小麦的各类水、热、碳交换过程采用。  相似文献   

在整个生长季内,研究了陕西渭北旱源冬小麦叶气孔阻力与生态和生理因子的关系。结果表明,气孔阻力与大气温度、相对湿度和大气水势及叶温均呈二次曲线相关;与土壤水势呈直线正相关;与叶水势呈指数函数相关;当光量子通量密度小于1523μmol·m-2·s-1时.气孔阻力与之呈幂函数相关,当光量子通量密度大于1523μmol·m-2·s-1时,气孔阻力与之呈指数函数相关,此时气孔正处于“午休”期间。试验给出了冬小麦叶气孔阻力与各因素之间的现象模型。通过主要生态因子(气温、光量子通量密度、大气水势和相对湿度)对气孔阻力作用的综合分析表明,在陕西渭北旱塬,诸生态因子对冬小麦叶气孔阻力的重要性依次为大气水势、相对湿度、光量子通量密度和气温。并对其它影响气孔阻力的因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

赵福年  张强  周广胜  王润元  陈斐  齐月  张凯  王鹤龄 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5581-5591
与缓慢发展的干旱过程不同,骤旱具有发生速度快,短期内可致害的特点。目前,关于作物骤旱致害的临界阈值及其调控机制尚不清楚。以春小麦为供试作物,通过桶栽试验,模拟研究骤旱过程中小麦受旱致害的过程特征及其控制因素。结果发现,发生骤旱时土壤含水量下降呈先快后慢的变化趋势,叶片水分和叶水势则呈先慢后快的指数变化趋势。叶片光合生理指标对土壤水分的下降存在明显的阈值响应,且不同生理指标的阈值并不完全相同,其中净光合速率与表征叶片光合能力的指标(最大羧化速率)对土壤有效含水量的响应阈值为0.4,气孔导度和蒸腾速率对土壤有效含水量的响应阈值分别为0.5和0.4。而小麦光合生理指标对叶片水分和叶水势的阈值响应并不明显。同时依据各生理指标相关和通径分析结果得出,骤旱发生时引起小麦叶片净光合速率快速降低的主导因子为非气孔因素,而并不是以往作物受旱研究中的气孔因素。本研究结果有望丰富干旱影响认知,并可为科学应对干旱提供依据。  相似文献   

土壤水分不足是引起作物干旱的最主要因素。准确确定作物响应土壤水分的临界点对客观辨识、监测作物干旱的发生发展具有重要意义。本研究基于6个初始土壤水分的夏玉米持续干旱模拟试验,利用多元方差分析确定了较早响应土壤水分变化的玉米生长指标,并提出了基于正态总体统计容忍下限确定引起各指标发生显著性变化的临界土壤湿度的方法。结果表明:夏玉米苗期茎含水率、叶含水率、蒸腾速率、光合速率、气孔导度和叶面积较早响应土壤水分,其临界土壤水分(0~30 cm平均土壤相对湿度)分别为72%、65%、62%、60%、58%、46%,反映出随着土壤水分降低、干旱发生发展,玉米的茎含水率、叶含水率、蒸腾速率、光合速率、气孔导度和叶面积会依次受到影响。研究结果可为夏玉米苗期干旱发生发展的监测和定量评估提供依据,也为生态系统响应阈值的确定提供了思路。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下,盆栽冬小麦根干重和根长密度呈直线正相关。鉴于根长密度反映了土壤中根系最活跃的部分[5],是研究植物根系吸收水分和养分的最优参数之一[6],本文用之研究了它与地上部生物量、净同化速率、叶水势和叶片相对含水量、气孔阻力和蒸腾速率的关系。结果表明,根长密度与净同化速率和地上部干重呈直线负相关,与叶水势和叶片相对含水量呈直线正相关;与气孔阻力呈直线负相关,与蒸腾速率呈直线正相关。为实验室进行冬小麦生长控制与生理特性控制提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

土壤水分和氮磷营养对冬小麦根系生长及水分利用的调节   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:37  
梁银丽 《生态学报》1996,16(3):258-264
模拟试验研究结果表明:在土壤相对含水量为40% ̄70%范围内,水分亏缺严重,根水势和蒸腾蒸发量显著降低,根系生长严重受阻,根长变短,根干重降低,随着土壤水分趋于良好,根水势和蒸腾蒸发量显著增加,根干重在土壤相对含水量为55% ̄62%之间时最大,而土壤相对含水量在55%上下时根长达最长;土壤水分趋于轻度干旱有利根系下扎,土壤水分趋于良好利于根量增长。氮磷营养对小麦根系生长具有明显的调节作用。磷营养可  相似文献   

 施肥降低旱地冬小麦的叶片水势。当作物体内出现水分胁迫时,冬小麦叶片两面气孔对施肥的反应有明显差异。远轴叶面气孔对施肥的反应比近轴叶面气孔敏感。旱地施肥以后,冬小麦远轴叶面气孔首先收缩,且收缩的程度比近轴叶面大,从而使远轴叶面气孔阻力与近轴叶面气孔阻力的比值(Rab/Rad)增大。旱地施肥以后,远轴和近轴叶面气孔阻力均急剧增大,并且随肥力水平的提高(施肥量增加)而缓慢增大,二者呈直线关系发展趋势。旱地施肥对土壤水势有影响,但不论是提高还是降低土壤水势,均增大Rab/Rad。说明施肥确有增强旱地冬小麦远轴叶面气孔对环境因素变化敏感性的作用。  相似文献   

夏玉米对土壤水分持续减少的响应及其转折点阈值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米是世界三大粮食作物之一,玉米生产在中国粮食安全与畜牧业发展中具有举足轻重的作用。干旱是夏玉米生产最主要气象灾害,及时准确地获取干旱信息对夏玉米安全生产至关重要。以夏玉米郑单958品种为材料,设置充分供水和拔节期开始土壤水分持续减少两种水分处理,研究夏玉米对土壤水分持续减少的响应及其转折点阈值,为夏玉米干旱识别与监测提供依据。结果表明,土壤水分持续减少10d后生理指标开始陆续受到胁迫,20d后生物量积累受到抑制,30d左右形态特征开始受到胁迫。夏玉米生理指标中最先受到胁迫的是顶端第1片完全展开叶的含水量和水势,生物量积累指标中为茎生物量,形态指标中为叶数。夏玉米顶端第1片完全展开叶的含水量或水势、茎生物量和叶数开始受到土壤干旱过程胁迫的时间阈值分别为11、21、27d,水分亏缺阈值分别为34、66、86mm,土壤相对湿度阈值分别为64%、56%和52%。表明夏玉米对土壤干旱过程的响应首先表现为生理特征变化、其次为生物量积累变化、最后为形态特征变化。研究结果可为客观辨识夏玉米干旱的发生发展及监测预警提供参考。  相似文献   

采用根区渗灌控水技术,将土壤水势长期控制在0~-20kPa(W1)、-20~-40kPa(W2)、-40~-60kPa(W3)、-60~-80kPa(W4)、-80~-160kPa(W5)范围内,系统地研究了不同土壤水势条件下水曲柳幼苗的蒸腾过程、吸水过程、根叶水势日动态过程及SPAC体系的水流阻力.结果表明,在亚饱和土壤水分状态下(W1),细根水势最高,水分由土壤进入细根的阻力最小,根系吸水速率最高,从而支持了日间强烈的蒸腾作用.在田间持水量土壤水分状态下(W2),细根吸水阻力成倍增加,吸水速率和蒸腾速率显著下降,但尚未改变蒸腾作用日动态过程的单峰模式.当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(W3~W5)时,随着土壤水势递降,细根吸水阻力急剧增加至几倍乃至几十倍,根系吸水速率过低,吸水与蒸腾矛盾加剧,叶水势降至很低,气孔关闭,蒸腾作用受到严重抑制,呈现明显的午休低谷.在实验范围内(0~-160kPa),土壤水分对水曲柳幼苗是非等效的,当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(<-40kPa)时,水曲柳全光苗发生显著的水分胁迫.  相似文献   

土壤水势对水曲柳幼苗水分生态的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用根区渗灌控水技术,将土壤水势长期控制在0~-20kPa(W1)、-20~-40kPa(W2)、-40~-60kPa(W3)、-60~-80kPa(W4)、-80~-160kPa(W5)范围内,系统地研究了不同土壤水势条件下水曲柳幼苗的蒸腾过程、吸水过程、根叶水势13动态过程及SPAC体系的水流阻力,结果表明,在亚饱和土壤水分状态下(W1),细根水势最高,水分由土壤进入细根的阻力最小,根系吸水速率最高,从而支持了13间强烈的蒸腾作用.在田间持水量土壤水分状态下(W2),细根吸水阻力成倍增加,吸水速率和蒸腾速率显著下降,但尚未改变蒸腾作用13动态过程的单峰模式.当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(W3-W5)时,随着土壤水势递降,细根吸水阻力急剧增加至几倍乃至几十倍,根系吸水速率过低,吸水与蒸腾矛盾加剧,叶水势降至很低,气孔关闭,蒸腾作用受到严重抑制,呈现明显的午休低谷.在实验范围内(0~-160kPa),土壤水分对水曲柳幼苗是非等效的,当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(<-40kPa)时,水曲柳全光苗发生显著的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

This study reports the effect of rate of development of leaf water deficits in soil-grown sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) on the relationship of net photosynthesis, leaf conductance, and water use efficiency to leaf water potential, and on the degree of solute accumulation (osmotic adjustment). Recovery of these processes on rewatering, and responses during a second stress cycle were also studied. The most rapid rate of stress (1.2 MPa day?1) resulted in no solute accumulation and the lowest rate of net photosynthesis and leaf conductance for any given leaf water potential during stress. Stress at 0.7 and 0.15 MPa day?1 led to equal solute accumulations of approximately 0.6 MPa, but net photosynthesis, leaf conductance, and water use efficiency at a given leaf water potential were lower with the faster rate of stress (0.7 MPa day?1). Additionally, leaf conductance at a given leaf turgor potential was lowest at the 1.2 MPa day?1 stress rate, slightly higher at the intermediate rate of stress, and clearly highest at the slowest rate of stress. Recovery of both net photosynthesis and leaf conductance upon rewatering was rapid, taking less than 3 days, but full recovery of osmotic potential took between 6 and 11 days. One slow stress cycle had no influence on relationships during a second cycle. The concept of a threshold leaf water potential for stomatal closure is discussed and the conclusion reached that stomatal closure occurs slowly over a wide range of leaf water potential (> 1.0 MPa), the range being greater for slower rates of stress.  相似文献   

A method for evaluation of temporal changes in canopy transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in crop fields by using a plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) has recently been developed. The method was applied to a corn canopy at different growth stages in the upper Yellow River basin, China. Diurnal changes in the canopy transpiration rate and stomatal conductance were evaluated at the initial stage with a leaf area index (LAI) of 0.37 on June 7 and the crop development stage with an LAI of 4.39 on July 15, 2005. The proportions of the accumulated transpiration rate during daytime to the accumulated evapotranspiration were 24% and 74% at the initial and crop development stages, respectively. Stomatal conductance varied in parallel with transpiration rate in the initial stage of the crop. However, in the crop development stage with low soil water content, stomatal conductance reached the maximum value at 10:00 a.m. and thereafter decreased rapidly at around noon with high evaporative demand to corn canopy. This shows the midday stomatal closure was caused by excessive water stress to corn canopy in the crop development stage. Thus, the proposed method with ABA application is useful for evaluation of temporal changes in transpiration rate and stomatal conductance, and hence, can detect the plant water stress.  相似文献   

A drought event can cause yield loss or entire crops to fail. In order to study the effects of continuous drought on physiological characteristics, yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the variety “Zhoumai 22” was grown in controlled water conditions of the pot-planted winter wheat under a mobile rainout shelter. Foot planting and safe wintering were used to evaluate, winter wheat under different drought conditions, including light, moderate and severe drought at the jointing, heading, and filling stages. The soil water content was controlled at 60–70%, 50–60%, or 40–50% of field capacity. Experimental trials included 3 pre-anthesis drought hardening, 3 three-stage continuous drought, and 1 test control conditions. Under drought stress conditions, winter wheat leaf water potential, soil plant analysis development (SPAD), photosynthesis parameters, and yield declined due to pre-anthesis drought hardening. And the degree of decline: continuous drought > pre-anthesis drought hardening. Changes in the post-anthesis photosynthetic capacity of winter wheat were mainly related to the pre-anthesis drought level, rather than post-anthesis rehydration. The threshold of non-stomata limiting factors caused by photosynthesis at the filling stage is 40–50%FC, while comprehensive yield and WUE affected, the yield in severe drought treatments was the most significant, B3C3 and B3C3G3 decreased by 55.68% and 55.88%, respectively. Pre-anthesis drought was the main reason for the decreased crop yield. Thus, severe drought should be avoided during planting, while pre-anthesis light drought is a suitable choice for water-saving and crop production, as proper pre-anthesis drought hardening (60–70% FC) is feasible and effective.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦叶片CO2/H2O交换参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes of CO2/H2O exchange parameters were continually measuredin winter wheat under different water stress stages.The results showed that photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate of winter wheat in water stress conditions were obviously lower than that in non-stress conditions.After water stress,both of them slowly increased and even overtook that on sufficient irrigation treatment. Responses of winter wheat to water stress in different growth stages were different.To some extent, water stress can improve crop water use efficiency,speed up the process of milking.Under water stress condition,stomatal conductance limited diurnal changes of photosynthesis and transpiration in the morning but not in the afternoon.Transpiration is more sensitive to water stress than photosynthesis.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦叶片CO_2/H_2O交换参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源严重匮乏已成为华北平原农业可持续发展的主要障碍因素 [1] ,提高有限水资源的利用效率显得十分重要。以前的研究主要注重农田水平作物与水分的关系 [2 ,4 ] ,利用作物生物学进行节水研究不够 [3,4 ] 。Roa等人认为作物适度的水分亏缺可获得高产 [15] ;Jensen等人认为适度水分胁迫甚至能使作物水分利用效率显著提高 [5,6] ,依此发展了调亏灌溉思想 ,对有限水量在作物生育期内时空最优分配制度进行研究 ,目前已为世界各国广泛关注 [6] 。作物 CO2 /H2 O交换参数包括光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率等 ,这些是确定作物水分高效利用…  相似文献   

研究了土壤干旱条件下磷素营养对春小麦水分状况和光合作用的影响。结果表明:土壤干旱下,磷素营养明显改善了春小麦的水分状况,维持了较高的ψw和RWC,并因而导致了较高的净光合速率和较大的气孔开度。不同干旱程度下,限制春小麦光合的因子并不相同,轻度干旱下,光合降低主要是气孔的作用,而严重干旱下则主要是非气孔因子的作用。无论何种水分水平下,施磷处理的净光合速率皆高于不施磷处理,与其较大的气孔导度和叶肉光合  相似文献   

Different spatial distributions of soil moisture were imposed on field-grown grapevines by applying the same irrigation volumes to the entire (DI; deficit irrigation) or part of the (PRD; partial root zone drying) root zone. Five treatments were applied: controls irrigated at 60% ETc (crop evapotranspiration) for the whole season (308 mm year(-1)); DI-1 and PRD-1 that received the same irrigation as controls before fruit set, 30% ETc from fruit set to harvest and 45% ETc post-harvest (192 mm year(-1)); and DI-2 and PRD-2 that were the same, except that 15% ETc was applied from fruit set to harvest (142 mm year(-1)). Compared with DI-1, PRD-1 maintained higher leaf area post-veraison and increased root water uptake, whole-plant hydraulic conductance, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis, but decreased intrinsic gas exchange efficiency without causing differences in leaf xylem abscisic acid (ABA) concentration. Compared with DI-2, PRD-2 increased leaf xylem ABA concentration and decreased root water uptake, whole-plant hydraulic conductance, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis, mainly at the beginning of PRD cycles. Distinctive PRD effects (e.g. greater stomatal closure) depended on the volumetric soil water content of the wet root zone, as predicted from a model of root-to-shoot ABA signalling.  相似文献   

张瑞  李鹏展  王力 《生态学杂志》2019,30(2):359-369
土壤水分研究是统筹农业生产和生态环境建设的关键环节.本研究结合4年田间定位试验,通过对黄土高原南部长武旱塬冬小麦和春玉米2012—2015年土壤水分状况的研究,分析农田土壤干层形成情况、土壤水分对作物生长的影响、降水对土壤水库的影响以及作物对土壤水分状况的影响.结果表明: 降水年型是冬小麦地土壤干层形成的主导因素,年内降水分布不均是春玉米地土壤干层形成的主导因素.长武旱塬区冬小麦和春玉米一年一季的种植制度不会导致永久性干层的产生;相较于春玉米,冬小麦根系生长习性更符合黄土旱塬区土壤水分循环特征,黄土旱塬区土壤水分有效性可保证作物产量稳定;降水作用下,冬小麦土壤水库充、放水过程呈现收获期、休闲期和苗期连续充水、缓慢消耗期和大量消耗期连续失水相互交替的特点.0~300和300~600 cm土层土壤水库不一致性现象明显,以最大根深作为野外监测试验中土壤含水量的取样深度时,由于深层土壤水库负反馈作用,不同降水年型下,休闲期和苗期的蒸散均会被高估,缓慢消耗期和大量消耗期的蒸散均会被低估.冬小麦田间过渡层存在的范围为140~360 cm;作物生长的时间跨度影响土壤水库效应的发挥,土壤水库对冬小麦供水表现为年际间的调节作用,土壤水库对春玉米供水表现为季节间的调节作用.  相似文献   

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