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鲫鱼金属硫蛋白的提纯及性质研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用氯化镉诱导鲫鱼(Carassius aurattus),应用层析介质 Sephacryl S 体系从鱼肝脏中提取金属硫蛋白(MT),并对其性质进行研究.实验表明鲫鱼 MT 的性质与哺乳动物 MT 的性质十分相似.分子量约10 000,含丰富的半胱氨酸,较多的赖氨酸,不含芳香族氨基酸.紫外250nm 处强吸收,280nm 处几乎没有吸收。鱼 MT 含7个金属每分子,并含有20个巯基.测得鲫鱼 MT 等电点 pI 在5.6左右.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)是一类低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白.MT几乎广泛分布于所有生物,包括哺乳动物、两栖动物、鱼、植物、真菌和蓝细菌.不同生物金属硫蛋白理化特性和其氨基酸序列及中心片段的比较研究,对研究MT的结构和生物功能及生物的分子进化提供重要依据.哺乳动物MT研究较多,爬行动物鳖MT的研究尚属空白,本文报道鳖肝的金属硫蛋白.中华鳖 (Pelodiscus sinensis) 分别经皮下注射ZnSO4、CuSO4和CdCl2 溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经Sephadex G-50、DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B 及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT.质谱和HPLC分析其分子量约为6 300 dalton.根据氨基酸组成分析,鳖肝脏MT含61个氨基酸残基,其中MT的典型氨基酸Cys含量占17%.Lys、Glu和Asp含量较高,而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量极低.从紫外光谱特性分析,Zn-MT、Cu-MT、Cd-MT紫外吸收肩分别在220 nm、270 nm和250 nm.表明确为鳖肝脏MT.从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓及酵母菌的MT类似.鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现了鳖这种生物进化的特点.  相似文献   

中华鳖肝金属硫蛋白的分离、纯化及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属硫蛋白metallothionein,MT)是一类低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白。MT几乎广泛分布于所有生物,包括哺乳动物、两栖动物、鱼、植物、真菌和蓝细菌,不同生物金属硫蛋白理化特性和其氨基酸序列及中心片段的比较研究,对研究MT的结构和生物功能及生物的分子进化提供重要依据。哺乳动物MT研究较多,爬行动物鳖MT的研究尚属空白,本文报道鳖肝的金属硫蛋白,中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)分别经皮下注射ZnSO4,CuSO4和CdCl2溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经SephadexG-50、DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT,质谱和HPLC分析其分子量约为6300dalton。根据氨基酸组成分析。鳖肝脏MT含61个氨基酸残基,其中MT的典型氨基酸Cys含量占17%。Lys,Glu和Asp含量较高,而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量极低,从紫外光谱特性分析,Zn-MT、Cu-MT、Cd-MT紫外吸收肩分别在220nm、270nm和250nm。表明确为鳖肝脏MT。从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓酵母菌的MT类似。鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现了鳖这种生物进化的特点。  相似文献   

目的初步分离和鉴定力竭运动诱导的大鼠睾丸金属结合蛋白(testis metal-binding proteins,TMB-Ps)。方法 8只雄性SD大鼠一次性力竭游泳运动(8只对照)后6 h取睾丸和肝脏组织,用镉饱和法测定TMBPs和肝脏金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)含量,用tricine-SDS-PAGE方法分离镉饱和法提取液的TMBPs组分和肝脏MT,用液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS-MS)鉴定TMBPs分离条带。结果力竭运动组大鼠TMBPs水平(113.71±11.72)nmol Cd/g testis显著高于安静对照组(87.14±12.72)nmol Cd/g testis(P0.01),肝脏MT表达量(64.70±14.89)μg/g也显著高于安静对照组(7.32±3.31)μg/g(P0.001)。LC-MS-MS对tricine-SDS-PAGE分离的蛋白条带的鉴定结果为:TMBPs含有泛素、铜-锌-超氧化物歧化酶、酪蛋白样磷蛋白等蛋白质,另外还应包括MT。结论TMBPs由一组具有金属结合性、耐热性和诱导性的蛋白质所组成,主要有泛素、超氧化物歧化酶和酪蛋白样磷蛋白。镉饱和法并非测定金属硫蛋白的特异性方法。  相似文献   

[目的]在不同p H范围内和不同时间下检测重组HcMT结合的锌、铜离子的含量,对金属离子竞争结合金属硫蛋白的特征进行分析。[方法]构建重组表达载体,将重组质粒pET-32a-Hc MT进行原核表达,诱导时加入Zn~(2+),获得菌体后超声破碎,上清中添加Cu~(2+),分离纯化融合蛋白Trx A-Hc MT,检测金属硫蛋白溶液紫外吸收情况。样品硝化后用ICP-OES检测金属硫蛋白结合的金属离子含量。[结果]在pH 3~9的范围内,重组Hc MT上结合的Zn~(2+)含量随着p H值升高而升高。加入Cu~(2+)后,重组Hc MT上结合的Cu~(2+)浓度上升,Zn~(2+)浓度下降。在p H 3时,重组Hc MT结合金属离子的比值Cu~(2+)/Zn~(2+)为最小值0. 68,在pH 8时Cu~(2+)/Zn~(2+)为最大值1. 48,有利于Cu~(2+)竞争。当pH 8时,不同时间下Zn-Hc MT与Cu~(2+)的竞争结果表明1 h时锌铜有竞争高峰。[结论]证明了铜离子可以取代结合在重组HcMT上的锌离子,在p H 7~9范围中结合1 h竞争效率最高,该研究为重组Hc MT在重金属解毒方面的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

采用体外暴露法对文蛤Meretrixmeretrix进行锌(0、1.5mg/L、3mg/L、6mg/L)染毒,研究不同染毒浓度的锌离子在不同染毒时间下,诱导金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)在文蛤足、肝胰腺、鳃、外套膜组织中的表达差异。取经不同浓度的锌溶液在染毒2d及4d后的不同组织匀浆、离心后经Bio-GelP-10凝胶柱层析纯化,用TU-1810紫外可见分光光度计测定每个样品中金属硫蛋白的吸光值。实验结果显示:同一浓度锌离子染毒后,MT在文蛤4个不同组织中的表达量差异较显著,一般为足>肝胰腺>外套膜>鳃;不同染毒浓度的锌离子在不同染毒时间下诱导MT在不同组织中的表达也不同,具有一定的组织差异性和规律性。  相似文献   

目的:通过正交实验,确定火棘果红色素的最佳提取工艺。方法:以贵州野生火棘果为原料,首先,以柠檬酸的乙醇溶液为提取剂,在400~800nm范围内对提取液的吸收光谱进行扫描,确定其最大吸收波长;然后,以最大吸收波长处的吸光度为衡量指标,确定最佳提取剂;再次,探讨了提取次数、提取温度、提取时间、料液比等单因素对火棘果红色素提取效果的影响;最后,在单因素实验结果的基础上,通过L9(34)正交实验,确定红色素的最佳提取工艺。结果:1.在400~800nm范围内,火棘果红色素的最大吸收波长为530nm;2.最佳提取剂为9%柠檬酸乙醇溶液;3.火棘果红色素的最佳提取工艺为,料液比1∶10,提取时间60min,提取次数2次,提取温度40℃。  相似文献   

旨在研究盐穗木金属硫蛋白Hc MT基因原核表达情况及结合金属离子的能力。从盐穗木中克隆获得的金属硫蛋白(Hc MT)基因亚克隆至p GEX-6p-2原核表达载体上,在大肠杆菌BL21中表达,分离纯化融白蛋白GST-Hc MT,通过原子吸收分光光度法测定融合蛋白GST-Hc MT结合金属离子的量以判断其与金属离子的结合能力。结果显示,诱导表达的融合蛋白GST-Hc MT分子量在34 k D左右,与预期一致,且通过Western blot进一步得到验证;原子吸收结果表明其具有结合Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)的能力,融合蛋白结合Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)的量分别是对照的25倍、10倍、4倍和2倍,其结合能力大小为Cu~(2+)Cd~(2+)Zn~(2+)Pb~(2+)。  相似文献   

金属螯合亲和层析纯化金属硫蛋白   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将二价铜离子螯合在Chelating Sepharose Fast Flow凝胶上制成亲和层析柱,锌诱导兔肝和镉诱导小鼠肝经匀浆、乙醇处理后上柱,用pH4.0的醋酸盐缓冲液平衡,再用pH5.2不同浓度的醋酸盐缓冲液分别洗脱,可得两个金属硫蛋白(MT)洗脱峰,经确定先后为MT-2和MT-1.分离方法比传统的凝胶过滤-离子交换法简单、省时,适于实验室规模分离纯化.  相似文献   

镉诱导家兔肝脏含锌金属硫蛋白的纯化及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李令媛  铁锋 《动物学报》1993,39(3):298-306
预先给家兔皮下注射CdCl_2四次,取肝脏经匀浆、离心、乙醇沉淀后,通过Sephadex G-50凝胶过滤层析,DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换层析和Sephadex G-25层析柱脱盐,得到MT的两个“亚型”—MT-1和MT-2,对其进行鉴定,其紫外扫描图谱示在280和250nm处无吸收峰,而最大吸收在220nm处。MT-1和MT-2均不含镉和铜,而每分子结合6个锌。用简化巯基试剂测定,MT-1含18.8个巯基,MT-2含19.1个巯基;HPLC分析MT主要以单体存在,也有少量二聚体。氨基酸组成与Cd-MT一致。整个纯化过程采用示波极谱法和火焰原子吸收光谱法测锌含量。结果表明前者可代替后者。  相似文献   

The absorption spectrum of allophycocyanin of Anabaena cylindrica was studied. The extinctions of the main absorption bands (650 and 620 nm) varied depending on the protein concentration, ionic strength, and pH. At higher protein concentrations or higher ionic strength, the 650 nm band became stronger and the 620 nm band became weaker. At pH values lower than 6.0, reverse changes occurred in association with protein dissociation into monomer. Similar spectral variation was also induced by sugars and polyols. Glucose, sucrose, or glycerol (1-5 M) induced an increase in the 650 nm band and a decrease in the 620 nm band without causing any changes in protein conformation. Propylene glycol and ethylene glycol showed a reverse effect and caused protein dissociation into monomer. The difference spectra of all spectral changes were identical, consisting of a sharp and strong peak at 650 nm and a broad and weak one in the reverse direction at a wavelength below 620 nm. The spectral variation probably results from shifts of the electronic state of phycocyanobilin. We postulated that a protein field favorable to the state producing the 650 nm band is established around phycocyanobilin when the protein takes a "tight state" through protein association or by the action of sugar in aqueous environment; in a "relaxed state" in the monomer, the state of phycocyanobilin similar to that in phycocyanin becomes dominant.  相似文献   

【背景】在不产氧光合细菌中,因420-425nm特征峰位于类胡萝卜素(Carotenoid,Car)吸收区域,通常被认为是由Car积累引起,但固氮红细菌R7菌株呈现的423 nm特征峰不具备Car三指峰特征。【目的】阐明R7菌株423 nm特征吸收峰形成的物质基础及胞内定位。【方法】采用吸收光谱、薄层层析、高效液相色谱、质谱、超速离心和离子交换层析等方法阐明423 nm吸收峰形成原因。【结果】谷氨酸钠明显促进R7菌株活细胞呈现423 nm特征峰,色素提取液中该峰蓝移至415 nm,但其生长、细菌叶绿素(Bacteriochlorophyll,BChl)和Car含量大幅度降低,而添加酵母提取物则反之。色素组成分析表明,在检测到的色素成分中,只有镁卟啉单甲基酯Ⅸ (Magnesium Protoporphyrin Ⅸ Monomethylester,MPE)呈现415 nm特征吸收峰。MPE可定位于光合膜上并呈现出423 nm特征峰。对色素蛋白复合体(Pigment Protein Complex,PPC)的研究显示,添加谷氨酸和酵母提取物的菌体细胞虽然都检测到3种PPC组分[2个外周捕光复合体(Peripheral Light Harvesting Complex 2,LH2)和1个光反应中心(Reaction Center,RC)],但源自谷氨酸菌体细胞的RC和1个LH2则呈现423 nm特征吸收峰,表明R7菌株可产生2种不同类型的LH2,且MPE可定位于一种LH2和RC。【结论】R7菌株所呈现的423 nm特征峰不是由Car积累所致,而是由MPE积累所形成,且能与LH2和RC结合定位于光合膜上。MPE是BChl合成的中间产物,其合成受严格调控,不容易获得。MPE代谢调控的深入研究可为光合作用光氧化损伤与保护机理增添新内容。  相似文献   

A water-soluble chlorophyll protein was prepared from Brassica oleracea var. Botrys (cauliflower) and purified by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. The chlorophyll protein contained chlorophylls a and b in the ratio 6:1, and no carotenoids. The molecular weight, determined by means of gel filtration on Sephadex G-100, was 78000. The chlorophyll protein showed absorption peaks at 273, 340, 384, 420, 438, 465, 628, 674 and 700 nm. Since the three bands at 384, 420 and 438 nm all have approximately the same height, the spectrum is different from that of chlorophyll a in organic solvents. The fluorescence of the chlorophyll protein showed a peak at 683 nm, with shoulders at 706 and 745 nm at room temperature, and peaks at 685, 706 and 744 nm at the temperature of liquid N2. An apo-protein was prepared by removing the chlorophylls with 2-butanone and purified by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4. The apo-protein thus prepared had an absorption band at 273 nm but none at longer wavelengths. The apo-protein could be combined with chlorophylls, forming a chlorophyll protein which had spectral characteristics similar to those of the original.  相似文献   

Effects of phosphorus limitation on the physiological and biochemical changes of the freshwater bloom alga Microcystis aeruginosa Qutz. are reported in the present study. As a result of phosphorus limitation, biomass was controlled to some extent and the protein content per cell in vivo decreased. However,the carbohydrate content per cell was higher in phosphorus limitation over the 8 d of cultivation. Soluble proteins were distinct in the media, whereas phosphorus deficiency induced the presence of a unique protein (16.2 kDa). Under conditions of phosphorus limitation, the activities of both superoxide dismutase and peroxidase per cell in vivo were lower than under normal conditions in the last cultivation. The in vivo absorption spectra of cells showed chlorophyll absorption peaks at 676 and 436 nm, over 10 nm red-shifted from the normal position; cells showed an absence of a chlorophyll c with an in vivo absorption peak at 623nm and an extraction absorption peak at 617 nm. The chlorophyll a/carotene and chlorophyll a/xanthophylls ratios decreased under conditions of phosphorus limitation, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) was clearly lower, and the low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra indicated a higher peak at 683 nm and a lower peak at 721 nm relatively, with the 721 nm peak drifting slightly to the red and the 683 nm peak strengthened with a weakened 692 nm shoulder peak.  相似文献   

Excitation spectra of chlorophyll a fluorescence in chloroplasts from spinach and barley were measured at 4.2 K. The spectra showed about the same resolution as the corresponding absorption spectra. Excitation spectra for long-wave chlorophyll a emission (738 or 733 nm) indicate that the main absorption maximum of the photosystem (PS) I complex is at 680 nm, with minor bands at longer wavelengths. From the corresponding excitation spectra it was concluded that the emission bands at 686 and 695 nm both originate from the PS II complex. The main absorption bands of this complex were at 676 and 684 nm. The PS I and PS II excitation spectra both showed a contribution by the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab protein(s), but direct energy transfer from PS II to PS I was not observed at 4 K. Omission of Mg2+ from the suspension favored energy transfer from the light-harvesting protein to PS I. Excitation spectra of a chlorophyll b-less mutant of barley showed an average efficiency of 50–60% for energy transfer from β-carotene to chlorophyll a in the PS I and in the PS II complexes.  相似文献   

The binding of polyene antibiotic amphotericin B to serum albumin was studied using absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism techniques. A hypochromic effect was observed in the absorption spectrum of amphotericin B in the presence of albumin with maxima at 366 nm, 385 nm, and 408 nm, which correspond to the absorption of the monomeric form of amphotericin B. A modification on the circular dichroism spectrum of amphotericin B in the presence of albumin was observed at bands 329 nm and 351 nm (excitronic interaction), which suggests that only amphotericin B monomer is bound to the protein. Amphotericin B perturbs the specific markers for sites I, II, and fatty acid binding site bound to these sites, suggesting that amphotericin B interacts with a great binding area in albumin. Lysines 199 and 525 in albumin participate in the molecular interaction between amphotericin B and the protein. The absorption spectrum of amphotericin B bound to albumin was sensitive to the chemical and thermal treatment of the protein, to neutral-basic transition of albumin and to conformational changes induced by the binding of other ligands to this protein.  相似文献   

采用去污剂TritonX-100增溶类囊体膜和高速离心的方法,首次分离和纯化了毕氏海蓬子的光系统Ⅱ(photosystemⅡ,PSⅡ)颗粒,通过光谱学和SDS-PAGE对其进行鉴定并与类囊体膜进行比较。室温吸收光谱结果表明,PSⅡ颗粒在蓝区的叶绿素(chlorophyll,ChOb和胡萝卜素类吸收峰为485nm,在红区的Ch1b吸收峰为655nm,这两个峰值均低于类囊体膜中的。77K荧光发射光谱结果表明,提取的PSⅡ颗粒基本不含光系统Ⅰ(photosystemⅠ,PSI)的低温荧光反射峰737nm。77K荧光激发光谱结果显示,海蓬子PSⅡ颗粒在470-485am之间的Ch1b 和胡萝卜素类的荧光发射峰明显低于类囊体膜的。这说明在PSⅡ中大部分的PSI已被除去。电泳结果显示,海蓬子PSⅡ颗粒缺少PSI反应中心蛋白质亚基PsaA和PsaB,这说明提取到的PSⅡ纯度较高,这为进一步研究毕氏海蓬子PSⅡ的结构与功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

A hemolytic toxin has been obtained from mycelia and culture filtrates of Aspergillus fumigatus by the procedures that included precipitation with ammonium sulfate, chromatography of DEAE-Sephadex, affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose and gell filtration on Sephadex G-50, G-100 AND G-150. The purified homolytic toxin was homogeneous on immunological and disk electrophoretic analysis, and the toxin from culture filtrates was identical with that from mycelia by the immunodiffusion technique. The hemolytic toxin was obtained for the first time from fungi and designated as Asp-hemolysin. The molecular weight of Asp-hemolysin was estimated to be appoximately 30,000 by the gel-filtration technique and its isoelectric point was found to be around pH 4.0. This Asp-hemolysin contained large amounts of protein and very small amounts of carbohydrate. The UV absorption spectrum of Asp-hemolysin showed a maximum absorption at 280 nm and minimum absorption at 251 nm. The extinction coefficient at 280 nm and minimum absorption at 251 nm. The extinction coefficient at 280 nm, E 1% 1CM, was 12.4 and the ratio of absorbance at 280 nm to that at 260 nm was 2.3. The optimum pH for the hemolytic activity of the toxin toward chicken erythrocytes was 5.0 at room temperature and it was active in the pH range of 3.5 to 10.5. The optimum temperature was 21 C and about 50% of the activity was lost by incubation at 50 C for 5 min or 45 C for 23 min. The hemolytic activity was remarkably inhibited by Hg2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Ag1+, iodine and p-CMB, but enhanced slightly by Zn2+ and Co2+.  相似文献   

A major cytochrome b peptide was purified from yeast mitochondria by a procedure involving solubilization in deoxycholic and cholic acids, ammonium sulfate fractionation, proteolytic digestion, and sucrose gradient centrifugation in the presence of Tween 80. The homogeneity of the purified protein was established by the criteria that the product was spectrally pure and yielded a single band on both sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and by gel isoelectric focusing. The purified cytochrome b polypeptide had absorption maxima at 562, 532, and 430 nm in the reduced form and at 525 to 570 nm and 419 nm in the oxidized form. The reduced minus oxidized difference spectra revealed absorption bands at 562, 532, and 430 nm at room temperature and 559, 529, and 429 nm at 77 K, respectively. The heme group was identified as protoheme by formation of the reduced pyridine hemochromogen. Treatment of the reduced form with carbon monoxide affected the absorption spectrum, indicating that the isolated hemoprotein was modified compared to native cytochrome b. The apparent molecular weight of the preparation was 28,000 based on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and 28,800 based on sucrose gradient centrifugation. The isolated cytochrome b polypeptide showed a strong tendency to aggregate.  相似文献   

Easily solubilized carotenoid-containing proteins have been found in aqueous extracts from three genera of cyanobacteria. The three proteins have been purified, and the absorption spectra have been determined to be virtually identical with absorption maxima at 495 and 465 nm. During the purification the orange protein spontaneously changed to a red protein with a single, broad absorption maximum at 505 nm. The orange protein showed a molecular weight of 47 000 on gel filtration while that of the red protein was 26 700. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated a single polypeptide of Mr 16 000 in both the red and orange forms, but this method removed the chromophore from the proteins. The main carotenoid component of the complex was determined to be 3′-hydroxy-4-keto-ββ-carotenoid or 3′-hydroxyechinenone. The number of carotenoid molecules per molecule of orange protein of molecular weight 47 000 was between 20 and 40. The stoichiometry of carotenoid to protein seemed reasonably constant.  相似文献   

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