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【目的】研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性特征。【方法】对7只健康成年野生狞猫(2只雄性,5只雌性;2只来自济南野生动物园,5只来自威海野生动物园)粪便微生物16S rRNA基因V3–V4区进行高通量测序,对狞猫肠道微生物多样性进行研究。【结果】7只狞猫共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3–V4区有效序列1458741条,平均208392条,序列平均长度433 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,获得操作分类单元(OTU)平均233个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括13个门,26个纲,43个目,75个科,119个属。其中,丰度最高的细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占61.7%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,12.42%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,7.79%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,7.79%)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria,7.53%)。丰度最高的科依次是消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占16.15%),梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,14.78%),毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,13.13%),红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,12.31%)等。丰度最高的属是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,11.44%),艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,10.91%),狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,10.3%),拟杆菌属(Bacteroides,7.41%),消化链球菌属(Peptostreptococcus,5.21%)等。7只狞猫的肠道微生物中有平均15.35%的OTU没有归类到属。样本间聚类分析结果表明,来自同一动物园的样本聚为一支。【结论】本文通过高通量测序技术研究了狞猫肠道微生物的组成和多样性特征,为狞猫的救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)肠道微生物多样性特征。【方法】通过采集新鲜粪便样品,对9只健康成年野生猎豹(4只雄性,5只雌性)的肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3–V4区进行高通量测序,对猎豹肠道微生物多样性进行研究。【结果】测序共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3–V4区有效序列599349条,序列平均长度405 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,共获得操作分类单元(OTU)268个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括10个门,21个纲,35个目,72个科,144个属。其中,丰度最高的5个细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占OTU总数的42.29%%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,31.54%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,16.66%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria,5.30%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,4.19%)。拟杆菌门的丰度较低是猎豹肠道微生物的主要特征。丰度最高的5个科依次是红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,31.28%)、消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占17.66%),梭杆菌科(Fusobacteriaceae,15.46%)、毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,12.40%)、梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,6.93%)等。丰度最高的5个属依次是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,30.16%)、梭杆菌属(Fusobacterium,15.46%)、艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,11.46%)、Blautia属(8.28%)和狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,6.39%)。约有2.32%的OTU没有归类到属。群落alpha多样性分析结果显示,猎豹肠道微生物群落Shannon指数为2.93–4.41,Simpson指数为0.72–0.91。通过依据性别进行分组,对雌雄两组之间的alpha多样性比较表明,雄性组的物种和Shannon指数略高于雌性组。Beta多样性分析表明,雌雄两组之间的差异高于各组内部不同个体之间的差异。然而,聚类分析显示,相同性别的猎豹的肠道微生物并没有聚在一起。【结论】本文通过高通量测序技术研究了猎豹肠道微生物多样性特征和性别差异,为猎豹的保护、救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

探究叶酸对高尿酸血症大鼠肠道微生物的影响,为治疗高尿酸血症提供新思路。将SPF 级雄性大鼠分为空白对照组、模型组和叶酸组,采集大鼠的粪便样本,采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术分析肠道微生物的多样性、群落组成以及结构的变化。研究结果显示,Alpha多样性和Beta多样性分析表明,空白对照组、模型组和叶酸组大鼠粪便中微生物多样性和群落组成存在明显差异,其中模型组大鼠粪便微生物具有较高的物种丰度和种群差异性。对门分类水平上的物种丰度分析发现,微生物种群主要由厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)组成;对属分类水平上的物种丰度分析发现,微生物种群由乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、Muribaculaceae、拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)、柯林斯菌属(Collinsella)、梭菌属(Clostridium)、罗姆布茨菌(Romboutsia)、劳特氏菌属(Blautia)和毛螺菌科NK4A136群(Lachnospiraceae NK4A136_group)等菌属组成,与空白对照组相比,模型组中Muribaculaceae和柯林斯菌属的丰度显著升高,乳杆菌属、梭菌属、罗姆布茨菌和毛螺菌科的丰度显著下降;叶酸组中Muribaculaceae、拟杆菌属、柯林斯菌属和劳特氏菌属的丰度显著升高,梭菌属、罗姆布茨菌和毛螺菌科的丰度显著下降。研究探索了叶酸干预调控高尿酸血症大鼠肠道微生物的变化,为治疗高尿酸血症提供参考。  相似文献   

不同生长性能苏姜猪保育猪肠道菌群差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】苏姜猪是优质瘦肉型新品种猪,断奶仔猪受到多方面应激影响会出现生长性能差异。【目的】研究不同生长性能的苏姜猪保育猪肠道菌群结构的异同。【方法】试验选取了同日龄、体重相近、健康情况良好的的保育仔猪100头,在相同的饲养条件下饲养42 d,试验结束选取体重较轻的为弱仔猪,3头弱仔猪体重为18.43±2.37 kg;体重较大的为健康仔猪,3头健康仔猪体重为27.37±1.36 kg。屠宰后,采集其空肠和盲肠内容物,提取微生物基因组DNA进行高通量测序分析其菌群结构。【结果】苏姜猪仔猪空肠和盲肠在菌群丰度、多样性上有极显著的差异(P<0.01)。苏姜猪仔猪空肠菌群优势菌群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)的非致病性菌株,占比超过90%。苏姜猪仔猪盲肠优势菌门依次为拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。门水平组成结构存在差异,弱仔猪厚壁菌门丰度低于健康仔猪、变形菌门丰度高于健康仔猪。苏姜猪盲肠中普雷沃氏菌属(Prevotella)、疣微菌科UCG-005 (Ruminococcaceae_UCG-005)、拟普雷沃菌属(Alloprevotella)等与纤维消化有关的菌属丰度较高。弱仔猪与健康仔猪盲肠菌群在属水平结构存在显著差异(P<0.05),弱仔猪盲肠中普雷沃氏菌-9 (Prevotella_9)、埃希菌-志贺菌属(Escherichia-shigella)、疣微菌科UCG-005 (Ruminococcaceae_UCG-005)、Norank_f_普雷沃氏菌(norank_f_ Prevotellaceae)高于健康仔猪,健康仔猪盲肠中乳酸杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、普雷沃氏菌-2 (Prevotella_2)、土孢杆菌属(Terrisporobacter)、狭义梭菌属1 (Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1)高于弱仔猪。其中乳酸杆菌属和土孢杆菌属与仔猪健康相关,埃希菌-志贺菌属与疾病相关。【结论】不同生长性能仔猪肠道菌群构成存在显著差异,研究结果为进一步研究苏姜猪肠道菌群的功能提供依据。  相似文献   

陈磊  刘咪  朱静  高迎  陈佳欣  沙未来 《微生物学报》2019,59(9):1723-1736
[目的]探讨猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)肠道微生物多样性特征。[方法]通过采集新鲜粪便样品,对9只健康成年野生猎豹(4只雄性,5只雌性)的肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,对猎豹肠道微生物多样性进行研究。[结果]测序共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区有效序列599349条,序列平均长度405 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,共获得操作分类单元(OTU) 268个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括10个门,21个纲,35个目,72个科,144个属。其中,丰度最高的5个细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占OTU总数的42.29%%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,31.54%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,16.66%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria,5.30%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,4.19%)。拟杆菌门的丰度较低是猎豹肠道微生物的主要特征。丰度最高的5个科依次是红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,31.28%)、消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占17.66%),梭杆菌科(Fusobacteriaceae,15.46%)、毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,12.40%)、梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,6.93%)等。丰度最高的5个属依次是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,30.16%)、梭杆菌属(Fusobacterium,15.46%)、艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,11.46%)、Blautia属(8.28%)和狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,6.39%)。约有2.32%的OTU没有归类到属。群落alpha多样性分析结果显示,猎豹肠道微生物群落Shannon指数为2.93-4.41,Simpson指数为0.72-0.91。通过依据性别进行分组,对雌雄两组之间的alpha多样性比较表明,雄性组的物种和Shannon指数略高于雌性组。Beta多样性分析表明,雌雄两组之间的差异高于各组内部不同个体之间的差异。然而,聚类分析显示,相同性别的猎豹的肠道微生物并没有聚在一起。[结论]本文通过高通量测序技术研究了猎豹肠道微生物多样性特征和性别差异,为猎豹的保护、救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

为探究不同健康状态下棘胸蛙(Paa spinosa, David)肠道菌群结构, 文章对13个健康(Health组)、19个患歪头病(WHD组)和18个患蓝眼病(BED组)的棘胸蛙肠道微生物总DNA进行16S rRNA V4—V5高变区测序。结果显示: 共获得3984个总操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic units, OTUs), 35个门, 80个纲, 155个目, 283个科, 501个属。α多样性结果表明, 健康组的菌群丰富度显著高于患病组(P<0.05), 患病组间的菌群丰富度差异不显著(Chao1指数: Health: 1232.92; WHD: 975.57; BED: 1048.76); 健康和患病组间微生物群落均匀度无显著差异(Shannon指数: 5.27; 5.20; 5.41)。门分类水平分析发现: 厚壁菌门(Firmicutes; 52.08%; 49.57%; 26.48%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes; 30.55%; 21.93%; 43.02%)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria; 15.55%;10.42%; 5.25%)是棘胸蛙肠道菌群的优势菌门。患病蛙肠道中的优势菌门及其丰度均发生变化, 特别是脱铁菌门(Deferribacteres)在歪头病组和蓝眼病组棘胸蛙肠道中丰度显著上升(0.18%; 14.05%; 22.16%; P<0.05)。属分类水平分析发现: 拟杆菌属(Bacteroides; 29.70%; 16.09%; 21.76%)、丹毒丝菌科中未定义的一个属(An unclassified Erysipelotrichaceae; 21.38%; 6.92%; 4.94%)、毛螺科中未定义的一个属(An unclassified Lachnospiraceae; 12.23%; 15.98%; 4.43%)、柠檬杆菌属(Citrobacter; 10.31%; 6.19%; 1.10%)和真杆菌属(Eubacterium; 9.09%; 4.88%; 0.54%) 是棘胸蛙肠道菌群优势菌属, 但各组间的丰度差异显著; 脱铁菌门的Mucispirillum在患病棘胸蛙肠道中丰度显著上升(0.17%; 13.89%; 21.94% ; P<0.05)。研究表明: 棘胸蛙肠道菌群结构与健康状态相关, 且健康与患病棘胸蛙肠道菌群结构差异显著。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Graves病患者、桥本甲状腺炎患者及健康人的肠道菌群结构、多样性和丰度差异。方法 选取2020年8月至2020年12月于湖北省中医院甲状腺疾病诊疗中心就诊的新诊断且未经治疗的Graves病患者(GD组)、桥本甲状腺炎患者(HT组)各15例以及15例年龄、性别相匹配的健康受试者(健康对照组)。采集参与者粪便样本,采用16S rDNA高通量测序法分析肠道菌群,比较各组对象肠道菌群物种组成及丰度差异。结果 与健康对照组相比,GD组患者肠道菌群Sobs指数、Ace指数、Chao指数偏低,Coverage指数偏高(均P<0.05)。GD组与HT组以及HT组与健康对照组比较,其肠道菌群Sobs指数、Ace指数、Chao指数、Coverage指数差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。3组对象肠道优势菌门为拟杆菌门、厚壁菌门、变形菌门、梭杆菌门。瘤胃球菌属、罗斯伯里菌属、罗姆布茨菌属、链球菌属等在3组对象中差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05),其中GD组患者肠道乳杆菌目、链球菌属、链球菌科的相对丰度较高;HT组患者肠道瘤胃球菌属、消化链球菌科、消化链球菌—蒂氏菌目、罗姆布茨菌、梭菌科、严格厌氧梭状芽胞杆菌1、梭菌目的相对丰度较高;而罗斯伯里菌属、光冈菌属在健康对照组中丰度较高。GD组患者肠道中严格厌氧梭状芽胞杆菌1、Odoribacter、Phocea丰度低于HT组,而Streptococcus的丰度高于HT组(均P<0.05)。结论 Graves病患者、桥本甲状腺炎患者的肠道菌群与健康人群有显著差异,促进脂肪累积与能量吸收的菌群在Graves病患者中降低,而条件致病菌在自身免疫性甲状腺疾病患者中丰度增加,这些菌种变化可能通过破坏肠道稳态,干预免疫调节,促进炎症反应介导自身免疫性甲状腺疾病的发病。严格厌氧梭状芽胞杆菌1、Odoribacter、Phocea、链球菌属可能是Graves病和桥本甲状腺炎的关键差异菌属,但还需要进一步的研究以明确这些菌株介导疾病的机制。  相似文献   

为研究性别和生长阶段对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)肠道菌群的影响, 实验对来自虾塘的雌雄成虾肠道样品及来自实验室养殖的幼虾和成虾的肠道样品进行了16S rRNA高通量测序分析。结果表明, 不同性别间克氏原螯虾肠道菌群的多样性和功能均没有显著性差异(独立样本t检验: P>0.05), 其优势菌群在门水平上均包括厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)等; 属水平上包括拟杆菌属(Bacteroidia)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、梭菌属(Clostridium)和柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter)等; 但各优势菌群在个体间的丰度差异较大, 且在成虾阶段趋于保守, 属肠道常驻菌群。幼虾肠道菌群的Alpha多样性显著高于成虾(独立样本t检验: P<0.05)。在门水平上, 优势菌群较为一致, 包括变形菌门、拟杆菌门、厚壁菌门和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。成虾厚壁菌门与拟杆菌门的比例高于幼虾, 表明成虾分解食物和吸收营养的潜力更强。在属水平上, 成虾和幼虾肠道中均存在大量的黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)、拟杆菌属和氢噬胞菌属(Hydrogenophaga), 这些菌属可以帮助机体进行多种营养代谢, 成虾肠道中与碳水化合物代谢相关的菌群多于幼虾。PICRUSt功能预测显示, 在克氏原螯虾肠道中, 营养代谢功能相关的菌群相对丰度最高, 而成虾肠道菌群代谢碳水化合物的功能显著高于幼虾。实验表明, 在野外虾塘养殖下的克氏原螯虾的肠道菌群不论是在群落多样性、物种丰度还是菌群功能预测上, 都未体现出性别间的差异, 且肠道菌群的个体差异较大; 但在不同生长阶段间, 克氏原螯虾肠道微生物的群落多样性、丰度及功能都有显著差异, 相比于幼虾, 成虾肠道菌群多样性降低, 多种代谢功能升高。  相似文献   

目的比较分析WHBE兔和日本大耳白(Japanese white rabbit,JW)兔腹泻型肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)模型肠道菌群的差异性。方法 WHBE兔和JW兔各16只,按品系随机分为两组,即正常对照(NC)组和IBS模型组,每组8只。采用湿热应激复合番泻叶方法建立腹泻型IBS兔模型,观察实验兔的腹围指数、粪便含水量、结肠转运功能,处死后分别取结肠组织和结肠内容物进行病理组织学观察和肠道菌群多样性分析。结果与NC组比,IBS模型兔均出现腹围指数和粪便含水量增加,结肠转运时间缩短,但结肠组织未见病理性改变;同时IBS模型兔Shannon指数和Chao1指数均显著下降(P0.05)。根据OTU分类分析的结果,厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门为兔肠道菌群的绝对优势菌群。与NC组比较,WHBE兔IBS模型组厚壁菌门、疣微菌门、绿弯菌门、Akk菌属、链球菌属均明显下降(P0.05,P0.01),拟杆菌门和rc4-4菌属丰度显著上升(P0.05,P0.01);而JW兔IBS模型组优杆菌属和罕见小球菌属均显著上升(P0.05),乳酸杆菌属、粪杆菌属、韦荣球菌属和链球菌属均显著下降(P0.05)。与JW兔NC组比,WHBE兔NC组厚壁菌门、Odoribacter菌属、韦荣球菌属、链球菌属、颤螺旋菌属、Pseudoflavonifractor菌属较低(P0.05,P0.01),拟杆菌门、疣微菌门、优杆菌属、粪杆菌属、Akk菌属较高(P0.05,P0.01)。与JW兔IBS模型组比,WHBE兔IBS模型rc4-4菌属、粪杆菌属、梭菌属的丰度较高(P0.05,P0.01),而厚壁菌门、多尔氏菌属、粪球菌属和罕见小球菌属的丰度则较低(P0.05,P0.01)。结论 IBS模型兔存在肠道菌群失调,导致菌群多样性降低;WHBE兔和JW兔IBS模型肠道菌群变化均具有其自身的特点,且具有明显的差异性。  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈磊  刘咪  沙未来  高迎  陈佳欣  朱静 《微生物学报》2019,59(9):1685-1694
[目的]研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性特征。[方法]对7只健康成年野生狞猫(2只雄性,5只雌性;2只来自济南野生动物园,5只来自威海野生动物园)粪便微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,对狞猫肠道微生物多样性进行研究。[结果] 7只狞猫共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区有效序列1458741条,平均208392条,序列平均长度433 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,获得操作分类单元(OTU)平均 233个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括13个门,26个纲,43个目,75个科,119个属。其中,丰度最高的细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占61.7%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,12.42%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,7.79%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,7.79%)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria,7.53%)。丰度最高的科依次是消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占16.15%),梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,14.78%),毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,13.13%),红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,12.31%)等。丰度最高的属是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,11.44%),艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,10.91%),狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,10.3%),拟杆菌属(Bacteroides,7.41%),消化链球菌属(Peptostreptococcus,5.21%)等。7只狞猫的肠道微生物中有平均15.35%的OTU没有归类到属。样本间聚类分析结果表明,来自同一动物园的样本聚为一支。[结论]本文通过高通量测序技术研究了狞猫肠道微生物的组成和多样性特征,为狞猫的救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102042
Bumblebees are crucial buzz pollinators of poricidal plants and commercial crops. The population of these crucial pollinators is globally declining. The need to focus on factors contributing to bee health such as gut microbiota is imperative. We evaluated the effect of source on gut microbiota composition in adult worker Bombus terrestris from two environments using multiplexed 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq platform. Indoor reared adult worker bees were segregated into non-pollination (NP) and pollination (P) groups. The NP group bumblebees were raised and kept in the insectary for the entire experiment. P group bumblebees worked in a tomato-planted greenhouse for 15 days as pollinators. Our results show that members of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were significantly different between the two groups. Bifidobacterium bombi (Actinobacteriota) and Candidatus_Schmidhempelia (Proteobacteria) were found to be important gut colonizer exclusive to NP and P group bees, respectively. DESeq2 analysis showed differentially abundant OTUs belonging to Lactobacillus spp. in each group. But for the differentially abundant detected OTUs, resolution till genus level was obtained which impairs our knowledge of the species associated with each group. Our data show that the gut microbiota between the groups differed when indoor- reared adult worker bees were exposed to different environments. The distinct gut microbiota between the two groups may also have been influenced by the different diets fed to bees upon segregation. Further studies can give important insights into the role of gut microbiota on bee health when indoor reared bees are employed for pollination.  相似文献   

肠道微生物通过维持稳态、辅助消化和促进免疫系统发育等方式维护宿主的健康状态。肠道微生物本身则受到宿主的基因、饮食、年龄和环境等因素的影响。然而,肠道微生物的变化与宿主年龄之间的关系仍有许多未知。本研究分别收集斑头雁(Anser indicus)2只成鸟及3只雏鸟泄殖腔样品,提取肠道微生物总DNA,采用16S rRNA高通量测序的方法,分析并比较两年龄阶段鸟类肠道微生物的菌群结构及组成差异。研究发现,斑头雁雏鸟泄殖腔微生物属于9个门,含量最高的前5个门分别是梭杆菌门(48.29%)、厚壁菌门(22.21%)、变形杆菌门(22.07%)、放线菌门(5.02%)和软壁菌门(1.93%)。成鸟泄殖腔微生物属于17个门,最多的依次是变形菌门(64.69%)、厚壁菌门(23.92%)、蓝细菌(8.48%)、放线菌门(1.43%)和梭杆菌门(0.56%)。在属的水平,斑头雁雏鸟泄殖腔微生物属于18个属,而成鸟含有24个属。成鸟泄殖腔微生物的α多样性显著高于雏鸟(P0.05,Welch′s t-test)。有186个操作分类单元(OTU)属于成鸟和雏鸟共有,而其他640个OTU和90个OTU则分别隶属于成鸟和雏鸟。雏鸟中67.39%的OTUs是成鸟所具有的。基于OTU的聚类结果与年龄分组一致。本结果对认识鸟类肠道微生物与宿主年龄变化之间的关系有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Despite a long-suspected role in the development of human colorectal cancer (CRC), the composition of gut microbiota in CRC patients has not been adequately described. In this study, fecal bacterial diversity in CRC patients (n=46) and healthy volunteers (n=56) were profiled by 454 pyrosequencing of the V3 region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Both principal component analysis and UniFrac analysis showed structural segregation between the two populations. Forty-eight operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified by redundancy analysis as key variables significantly associated with the structural difference. One OTU closely related to Bacteroides fragilis was enriched in the gut microbiota of CRC patients, whereas three OTUs related to Bacteroides vulgatus and Bacteroides uniformis were enriched in that of healthy volunteers. A total of 11 OTUs belonging to the genera Enterococcus, Escherichia/Shigella, Klebsiella, Streptococcus and Peptostreptococcus were significantly more abundant in the gut microbiota of CRC patients, and 5 OTUs belonging to the genus Roseburia and other butyrate-producing bacteria of the family Lachnospiraceae were less abundant. Real-time quantitative PCR further validated the significant reduction of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut microbiota of CRC patients by measuring the copy numbers of butyryl-coenzyme A CoA transferase genes (Mann–Whitney test, P<0.01). Reduction of butyrate producers and increase of opportunistic pathogens may constitute a major structural imbalance of gut microbiota in CRC patients.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota plays a key role in the maintenance of healthy gut function as well as many other aspects of health. High-throughput sequence analyses have revealed the composition of the gut microbiota, showing that there is a core signature to the human gut microbiota, as well as variation in its composition between people. The gut microbiota of animals is also being investigated. We are interested in the relationship between bacterial taxa of the human gut microbiota and those in the gut microbiota of domestic and semi-wild animals. While it is clear that some human gut bacterial pathogens come from animals (showing that human – animal transmission occurs), the extent to which the usually non-pathogenic commensal taxa are shared between humans and animals has not been explored. To investigate this we compared the distal gut microbiota of humans, cattle and semi-captive chimpanzees in communities that are geographically sympatric in Uganda. The gut microbiotas of these three host species could be distinguished by the different proportions of bacterial taxa present. We defined multiple operational taxonomic units (OTUs) by sequence similarity and found evidence that some OTUs were common between human, cattle and chimpanzees, with the largest number of shared OTUs occurring between chimpanzees and humans, as might be expected with their close physiological similarity. These results show the potential for the sharing of usually commensal bacterial taxa between humans and other animals. This suggests that further investigation of this phenomenon is needed to fully understand how it drives the composition of human and animal gut microbiotas.  相似文献   

The effects of avilamycin, zinc bacitracin, and flavophospholipol on broiler gut microbial community colonization and bird performance in the first 17 days posthatch were investigated. Significant differences in gut microbiota associated with gut section, dietary treatment, and age were identified by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), although no performance-related differences between dietary treatments were detected. Similar age-related shifts in the gut microbiota were identified regardless of diet but varied between the ilea and ceca. Interbird variabilities in ileal bacterial communities were reduced (3 to 7 days posthatch) in chicks fed with feed containing antimicrobial agents. Avilamycin and flavophospholipol had the most consistent effect on gut microbial communities. Operational taxonomic units (OTU) linked to changes in gut microbiota in birds on antimicrobial-supplemented diets were characterized and identified. Some OTUs could be identified to the species level; however, the majority could be only tentatively classified to the genus, family, order, or domain level. OTUs 140 to 146 (Lachnospiraceae), OTU 186/188 (Lactobacillus johnsonii), OTU 220 (Lachnospiraceae), OTUs 284 to 288 (unclassified bacterial spp. or Ruminococcaceae), OTU 296/298 (unclassified bacterium or Clostridiales), and OTU 480/482 (Oxalobacteraceae) were less prevalent in the guts of chicks fed antimicrobial-supplemented diets. OTU 178/180 (Lactobacillus crispatus), OTU 152 (Lactobacillus reuteri or unclassified Clostridiales), OTU 198/200 (Subdoligranulum spp.), and OTU 490/492 (unclassified bacterium or Enterobacteriaceae) were less prevalent in the gut of chicks raised on the antimicrobial-free diet. The identification of key bacterial species influenced by antimicrobial-supplemented feed immediately posthatch may assist in the formulation of diets that facilitate beneficial gut microbial colonization and, hence, the development of alternatives to current antimicrobial agents in feed for sustainable poultry production.  相似文献   

Probiotics are live microorganisms that potentially confer beneficial outcomes to host by modulating gut microbiota in the intestine. The aim of this study was to comprehensively investigate effects of probiotics on human intestinal microbiota using 454 pyrosequencing of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes with an improved quantitative accuracy for evaluation of the bacterial composition. We obtained 158 faecal samples from 18 healthy adult Japanese who were subjected to intervention with 6 commercially available probiotics containing either Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus strains. We then analysed and compared bacterial composition of the faecal samples collected before, during, and after probiotic intervention by Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and UniFrac distances. The results showed no significant changes in the overall structure of gut microbiota in the samples with and without probiotic administration regardless of groups and types of the probiotics used. We noticed that 32 OTUs (2.7% of all analysed OTUs) assigned to the indigenous species showed a significant increase or decrease of ≥10-fold or a quantity difference in >150 reads on probiotic administration. Such OTUs were found to be individual specific and tend to be unevenly distributed in the subjects. These data, thus, suggest robustness of the gut microbiota composition in healthy adults on probiotic administration.  相似文献   

Intestinal tracts are among the most densely populated microbial ecosystems. Gut microbiota and their influence on the host have been well characterized in terrestrial vertebrates but much less so in fish. This is especially true for coral reef fishes, which are among the most abundant groups of vertebrates on earth. Surgeonfishes (family: Acanthuridae) are part of a large and diverse family of reef fish that display a wide range of feeding behaviours, which in turn has a strong impact on the reef ecology. Here, we studied the composition of the gut microbiota of nine surgeonfish and three nonsurgeonfish species from the Red Sea. High‐throughput pyrosequencing results showed that members of the phylum Firmicutes, especially of the genus Epulopiscium, were dominant in the gut microbiota of seven surgeonfishes. Even so, there were large inter‐ and intraspecies differences in the diversity of surgeonfish microbiota. Replicates of the same host species shared only a small number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs), although these accounted for most of the sequences. There was a statistically significant correlation between the phylogeny of the host and their gut microbiota, but the two were not completely congruent. Notably, the gut microbiota of three nonsurgeonfish species clustered with some surgeonfish species. The microbiota of the macro‐ and microalgavores was distinct, while the microbiota of the others (carnivores, omnivores and detritivores) seemed to be transient and dynamic. Despite some anomalies, both host phylogeny and diet were important drivers for the intestinal microbial community structure of surgeonfishes from the Red Sea.  相似文献   

【目的】研究水貂远端肠道微生物群落组成及其多样性。【方法】通过高通量测序技术研究水貂远端肠内容物细菌的组成和多样性。【结果】从10只健康水貂远端肠道内容物样品中得到146 287高质量序列代表17个菌门、167个细菌属。水貂肠道细菌以厚壁菌门(59.99%)、拟杆菌门(16.2%)、梭杆菌门(11.5%)、放线菌门(5.9%)和变形菌门(5.3%)为主,其中厚壁菌门最为丰富。厚壁菌门中的梭菌目是最丰富的目,而梭菌目中的链球菌占有50%以上的OTUs,是最大的细菌属。【结论】水貂肠道内存在复杂的微生物区系,这对进一步研究水貂对营养物质吸收利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Wu S  Wang G  Angert ER  Wang W  Li W  Zou H 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30440
Gut microbiota has become an integral component of the host, and received increasing attention. However, for many domestic animals, information on the microbiota is insufficient and more effort should be exerted to manage the gastrointestinal bacterial community. Understanding the factors that influence the composition of microbial community in the host alimentary canal is essential to manage or improve the microbial community composition. In the present study, 16S rRNA gene sequence-based comparisons of the bacterial communities in the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) intestinal contents and fish culture-associated environments are performed. The results show that the fish intestinal microbiota harbors many cellulose-decomposing bacteria, including sequences related to Anoxybacillus, Leuconostoc, Clostridium, Actinomyces, and Citrobacter. The most abundant bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the grass carp intestinal content are those related to feed digestion. In addition, the potential pathogens and probiotics are important members of the intestinal microbiota. Further analyses show that grass carp intestine holds a core microbiota composed of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria. The comparison analyses reveal that the bacterial community in the intestinal contents is most similar to those from the culture water and sediment. However, feed also plays significant influence on the composition of gut microbiota.  相似文献   

《Translational oncology》2020,13(5):100772
OBJECTIVE: Intestinal microbiota plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC), which is crucial for assessing the risk and prognosis of CRC. Most studies regarding human gut microbiota mainly based on the feces, but the exact composition of microbiota vary significantly due to fecal composition is easily affected by many factors. We aim to evaluate whether intestinal lavage fluid (IVF) is a better substitution mirroring the gut microbiota. METHODS: We performed 16S rRNA gene analysis on fecal and IVF samples from 30 CRC patients and 25 healthy individuals, comparison in luminal (feces) / mucosal (IVF) adherent bacterial community profiles were analyzed. RESULTS: The difference between feces and IVF were observed, including the diversity and abundance of pathogenic bacteria (either in single strain or in co-occurrence pattern). IVF group shared 605 OTUs with the fecal group, but there was 94 OTUs only observed in fecal samples, while 247 OTUs were mainly existing in the IVF group. Among them, 27 vital bacterial species detected in IVF, while 10 critical species detected in fecal samples. The co-occurrence bacteria Fusobacteria Cluster and Proteobacteria Cluster 2 significantly increased in IVF than in control (P < .01), while Firmicutes Cluster 1, Firmicutes Cluster 2 and Proteobacteria Cluster 1 were markedly lower in IVF than in control (P < .001). In CRC feces, Fusobacteria Cluster was higher than in control (P < .05), but Firmicutes Cluster 1 was of substantially less abundance than in control (P < .001). Proteobacteria Cluster 2 was increased dramatically in IVF than in feces (P < .05), Firmicutes Cluster 1 were of substantially less abundance than in feces (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Pathogenic microbiota is more abundant in IVF than in feces. Microbiota of IVF may closely be related to the mucosal-associated microbial communities, which benefit from elucidating the relationship of the intestinal microbiota and CRC carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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