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A major challenge in undergraduate life science curricula is the continual evaluation and development of courses that reflect the constantly shifting face of contemporary biological research. Synthetic biology offers an excellent framework within which students may participate in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and is therefore an attractive addition to the undergraduate biology curriculum. This new discipline offers the promise of a deeper understanding of gene function, gene order, and chromosome structure through the de novo synthesis of genetic information, much as synthetic approaches informed organic chemistry. While considerable progress has been achieved in the synthesis of entire viral and prokaryotic genomes, fabrication of eukaryotic genomes requires synthesis on a scale that is orders of magnitude higher. These high-throughput but labor-intensive projects serve as an ideal way to introduce undergraduates to hands-on synthetic biology research. We are pursuing synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes in an undergraduate laboratory setting, the Build-a-Genome course, thereby exposing students to the engineering of biology on a genomewide scale while focusing on a limited region of the genome. A synthetic chromosome III sequence was designed, ordered from commercial suppliers in the form of oligonucleotides, and subsequently assembled by students into ~750-bp fragments. Once trained in assembly of such DNA “building blocks” by PCR, the students accomplish high-yield gene synthesis, becoming not only technically proficient but also constructively critical and capable of adapting their protocols as independent researchers. Regular “lab meeting” sessions help prepare them for future roles in laboratory science.  相似文献   

As a key focus of synthetic biology, building a minimal artificial cell has given rise to many discussions. A synthetic minimal cell will provide an appropriate chassis to integrate functional synthetic parts, devices and systems with functions that cannot generally be found in nature. The design and construction of a functional minimal genome is a key step while building such a cell/chassis since all the cell functions can be traced back to the genome. Kinds of approaches, based on bioinformatics and molecular biology, have been developed and proceeded to derive essential genes and minimal gene sets for the synthetic minimal genome. Experiments about streamlining genomes of model bacteria revealed genome reduction led to unanticipated beneficial properties, such as high electroporation efficiency and accurate propagation of recombinant genes and plasmids that were unstable in other strains. Recent achievements in chemical synthesis technology for large DNA segments together with the rapid development of the whole-genome sequencing, have transferred synthesis of genes to assembly of the whole genomes based on oligonucleotides, and thus created strong preconditions for synthesis of artificial minimal genome. Here in this article, we review briefly the history and current state of research in this field and summarize the main methods for making a minimal genome. We also discuss the impacts of minimized genome on metabolism and regulation of artificial cell.  相似文献   

合成生物学生物安全风险评价与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合成生物学(synthetic biology)已迅速发展为生命科学最具发展潜力的分支学科之一,但它同时也会给生态环境和人类健康带来潜在的风险。结合国内外合成生物学发展现状,本文综述了基因回路(DNA-based biocircuits)、最小基因组(minimal genome)、原型细胞(protocells)、化学合成生物学(chemical synthetic biology)等涉及的风险评价、合成生物学与生物安全工程(biosafety engineering)、合成生物学对社会伦理道德法律的影响以及当前热点议题,如生物朋(黑)客(biopunk(or biohackery))、家置生物学(garage biology)、DIY生物学(do-it-yourselfbiology)、生物恐怖主义(bioterrorism)等方面的新进展。分析讨论了世界各国合成生物学以自律监管或技术为主的安全管理原则和基于5个不同政策干预点的5P管理策略的合理性与潜在不足。同时结合我国合成生物学当前研究进展以及现有的安全管理规范,提出了建立以安全评价为核心的法规体系、生物学生物安全规范以及加强研发单位内部管理和生物安全科普宣传等我国合成生物学安全管理制度与措施等建议。  相似文献   

合成生物学作为一门新兴学科,其目标主要有两点:一是利用非天然的分子使其出现生命的现象,也就是―人造生命‖;二是―改造生命‖,比如利用一种生命体的元件(或经过人工改造),组装到另一个生命体中,使其产生特定功能。无论是哪种目的,对生命遗传物质DNA的操作都非常关键,其具体包括DNA的从头合成、组装和编辑等。同时,这些使能技术的进步也促进了合成生物学其他领域的发展。本文介绍了DNA操作相关的合成生物学使能技术的最新进展。  相似文献   

DNA synthesis has become one of the technological bases of a new concept in biology: synthetic biology. The vision of synthetic biology is a systematic, hierarchical design of artificial, biology-inspired systems using robust, standardized, and well-characterized building blocks. The design concept and examples from four fields of application (genetic circuits, protein design, platform technologies, and pathway engineering) are discussed, which demonstrate the usefulness and the promises of synthetic biology. The vision of synthetic biology is to develop complex systems by simplified solutions using available material and knowledge. Synthetic biology also opens a door toward new biomaterials that do not occur in nature.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is first represented in terms of two complementary aspects, the bio-engineering one, based on the genetic manipulation of extant microbial forms in order to obtain forms of life which do not exist in nature; and the chemical synthetic biology, an approach mostly based on chemical manipulation for the laboratory synthesis of biological structures that do not exist in nature. The paper is mostly devoted to shortly review chemical synthetic biology projects currently carried out in our laboratory. In particular, we describe: the minimal cell project, then the "Never Born Proteins" and lastly the Never Born RNAs. We describe and critically analyze the main results, emphasizing the possible relevance of chemical synthetic biology for the progress in basic science and biotechnology.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology combines knowledge from various disciplines including molecular biology, engineering, mathematics and physics to design and build novel proteins, genetic circuits and metabolic networks. Early efforts aimed at altering the behavior of individual elements have now evolved to focus on the construction of complex networks in single-cell and multicellular systems. Recent achievements include the development of sophisticated non-native behaviors such as bi-stability, oscillations, proteins customized for biosensing, optimized drug synthesis and programmed spatial pattern formation. The de novo construction of such systems offers valuable quantitative insight into naturally occurring information processing activities. Furthermore, as the techniques for system design, synthesis and optimization mature, we will witness a rapid growth in the capabilities of synthetic systems with a wide-range of applications.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a logical extension of what has been called recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology or genetic engineering since the 1970s. As rDNA technology has been the driver for the development of a thriving biotechnology industry today, starting with the commercialization of biosynthetic human insulin in the early 1980s, synthetic biology has the potential to take the industry to new heights in the coming years. Synthetic biology advances have been driven by dramatic cost reductions in DNA sequencing and DNA synthesis; by the development of sophisticated tools for genome editing, such as CRISPR/Cas9; and by advances in informatics, computational tools, and infrastructure to facilitate and scale analysis and design. Synthetic biology approaches have already been applied to the metabolic engineering of microorganisms for the production of industrially important chemicals and for the engineering of human cells to treat medical disorders. It also shows great promise to accelerate the discovery and development of novel secondary metabolites from microorganisms through traditional, engineered, and combinatorial biosynthesis. We anticipate that synthetic biology will continue to have broadening impacts on the biotechnology industry to address ongoing issues of human health, world food supply, renewable energy, and industrial chemicals and enzymes.  相似文献   

合成生物学是综合了科学与工程的一个崭新的生物学研究领域,为生命现象及其运动规律的解析提供了一种采用“白下而上”合成策略的正向工程学的研究思路和方法手段,在经济和社会发展中具有巨大的应用开发潜力。近年来,DNA合成与系统生物学技术的发展使生命系统复杂基因回路的设计、合成与组装逐步成为可能,并应用于生物基化学品、生物燃料、医药中间体、保健产品的生产和环境保护等领域。但是,合成生物学的研究仍然面临科学、技术和伦理的挑战,只有积极地应对这些问题,在加大研究开发支持力度的同时,做好必要的风险监管,才能真正把握合成生物学发展带来的历史机遇。  相似文献   

合成生物学技术采用工程化设计理念,对生物体进行有目标的设计、改造乃至重新合成,对重塑非自然功能的“人造生命”具有重要意义。噬菌体重组系统具有高效、精确和广谱适用性等特点,在基因工程、代谢工程以及生物治疗等合成生物学领域得到了广泛的应用。从基因电路、体内遗传改造和体外重组等方面全面阐述了噬菌体重组系统在合成生物学研究的现状及热点,对当前该系统的局限性进行了探讨,并就未来的研究和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Whole genome engineering is now feasible with the aid of genome editing and synthesis tools. Synthesizing a genome from scratch allows modifications of the genomic structure and function to an extent that was hitherto not possible, which will finally lead to new insights into the basic principles of life and enable valuable applications. With several recent genome synthesis projects as examples, the technical details to synthesize a genome and applications of synthetic genome are addressed in this perspective. A series of ongoing or future synthetic genomics projects, including the different genomes to be synthesized in GP-write, synthetic minimal genome, massively recoded genome, chimeric genome and synthetic genome with expanded genetic alphabet, are also discussed here with a special focus on theoretical and technical impediments in the design and synthesis process. Synthetic genomics will become a commonplace to engineer pathways and genomes according to arbitrary sets of design principles with the development of high-efficient, low-cost genome synthesis and assembly technologies.  相似文献   

A key challenge for domesticating alternative cultivable microorganisms with biotechnological potential lies in the development of innovative technologies. Within this framework, a myriad of genetic tools has flourished, allowing the design and manipulation of complex synthetic circuits and genomes to become the general rule in many laboratories rather than the exception. More recently, with the development of novel technologies such as DNA automated synthesis/sequencing and powerful computational tools, molecular biology has entered the synthetic biology era. In the beginning, most of these technologies were established in traditional microbial models (known as chassis in the synthetic biology framework) such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enabling fast advances in the field and the validation of fundamental proofs of concept. However, it soon became clear that these organisms, although extremely useful for prototyping many genetic tools, were not ideal for a wide range of biotechnological tasks due to intrinsic limitations in their molecular/physiological properties. Over the last decade, researchers have been facing the great challenge of shifting from these model systems to non-conventional chassis with endogenous capacities for dealing with specific tasks. The key to address these issues includes the generation of narrow and broad host plasmid-based molecular tools and the development of novel methods for engineering genomes through homologous recombination systems, CRISPR/Cas9 and other alternative methods. Here, we address the most recent advances in plasmid-based tools for the construction of novel cell factories, including a guide for helping with “build-your-own” microbial host.  相似文献   

基因合成技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯淼  王璐  田敬东 《生物工程学报》2013,29(8):1075-1085
基因合成是生物学中一项最基本的、最常用的技术.对DNA调控元件、基因、途径乃至整个基因组的合成是验证生物学假设和利用生物学为人类服务的有力工具.合成生物学的快速发展对基因合成能力提出了日益迫切的需求.近年来,基于微芯片基因合成技术取得了很多令人振奋的新进展,正在向着高通量、高保真、自动化的方向发展.文中综述了DNA化学合成和基因组装及相关技术的最新研究进展和发展趋势,这些新技术正在推动着合成生物学向着更高的水平发展.  相似文献   

合成生物学是一个新兴的交叉学科,近年来得到了广泛关注。本文以1992-2012年期间Web of Science数据库收录的5012篇与合成生物学相关的论文为研究对象,进行年代分布、地域分布、机构分布、研究热点等方面的计量分析,以探究合成生物领域的研究实力分布、研究热点与发展动态。通过文献计量分析发现合成生物学领域近十年来发展迅猛,美国等发达国家占据主动。我国在该领域的论文产出数量可观,但学术影响力有待提高。研究的热点主要集中在基因调控网络构建、基因基因组合成、功能回路设计等方面。  相似文献   

Over recent years the label “synthetic biology” has been attached to a number of diverse research and commercial activities, ranging from the search for a minimal cell to the quick delivery of customized genes by DNA synthesis companies. Based on the analysis of biosecurity issues surrounding synthetic biology during the SYNBIOSAFE project, this paper will first provide a rationale for taking security, in addition to safety aspects of this new field, seriously. It will then take stock of the initiatives and measures that have already been taken in this area and will lastly try to map out future areas of activities in order to minimise the security risks emanating from this promising new field of scientific inquiry and technological progress.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology employs rational engineering principles to build biological systems from the libraries of standard, well characterized biological parts. Biological systems designed and built by synthetic biologists fulfill a plethora of useful purposes, ranging from better healthcare and energy production to biomanufacturing. Recent advancements in the synthesis, assembly and “booting-up” of synthetic genomes and in low and high-throughput genome engineering have paved the way for engineering on the genome-wide scale. One of the key goals of genome engineering is the construction of minimal genomes consisting solely of essential genes (genes indispensable for survival of living organisms). Besides serving as a toolbox to understand the universal principles of life, the cell encoded by minimal genome could be used to build a stringently controlled “cell factory” with a desired phenotype. This review provides an update on recent advances in the genome-scale engineering with particular emphasis on the engineering of minimal genomes. Furthermore, it presents an ongoing discussion to the scientific community for better suitability of minimal or robust cells for industrial applications.  相似文献   

Synthetic biologists use engineering principles to design and construct genetic circuits for programming cells with novel functions. A bottom-up approach is commonly used to design and construct genetic circuits by piecing together functional modules that are capable of reprogramming cells with novel behavior. While genetic circuits control cell operations through the tight regulation of gene expression, a diverse array of environmental factors within the extracellular space also has a significant impact on cell behavior. This extracellular space offers an addition route for synthetic biologists to apply their engineering principles to program cell-responsive modules within the extracellular space using biomaterials. In this review, we discuss how taking a bottom-up approach to build genetic circuits using DNA modules can be applied to biomaterials for controlling cell behavior from the extracellular milieu. We suggest that, by collectively controlling intrinsic and extrinsic signals in synthetic biology and biomaterials, tissue engineering outcomes can be improved.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a newly developed field of research focused on designing and rebuilding novel biomolecular components, circuits, and networks. Synthetic biology can also help understand biological principles and engineer complex artificial metabolic systems. DNA manipulation on a large genome-wide scale is an inevitable challenge, but a necessary tool for synthetic biology. To improve the methods used for the synthesis of long DNA fragments, here we constructed a novel shuttle vector named p GF(plasmid Genome Fast) for DNA assembly in vivo. The BAC plasmid p CC1 BAC, which can accommodate large DNA molecules, was chosen as the backbone. The sequence of the yeast artificial chromosome(YAC) regulatory element CEN6-ARS4 was synthesized and inserted into the plasmid to enable it to replicate in yeast. The selection sequence HIS3, obtained by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) from the plasmid p BS313, was inserted for screening. This new synthetic shuttle vector can mediate the transformation-associated recombination(TAR) assembly of large DNA fragments in yeast, and the assembled products can be transformed into Escherichia coli for further amplification. We also conducted in vivo DNA assembly using p GF and yeast homologous recombination and constructed a 31-kb long DNA sequence from the cyanophage PP genome. Our findings show that this novel shuttle vector would be a useful tool for efficient genome-scale DNA reconstruction.  相似文献   

How are public perceptions towards synthetic biology likely to evolve? Which factors will impact the framing of this emerging technology, its benefits and risks? The objective of this article is not to draw exhaustive conclusions about public perceptions of synthetic biology, but rather to provide readers with a review of integrated findings from the first quantitative and qualitative research ever conducted on this subject in the United States. Synthetic biology survey research shows two clear findings. The first is that most people know little or nothing about synthetic biology. Second, notwithstanding this lack of knowledge, respondents are likely to venture some remark about what they think synthetic biology is and the tradeoff between potential benefits and potential risks. Finding only some support for the “familiarity argument”—according to which support for emerging technologies will likely increase as awareness of them develops—this article suggests that analogs to cloning, genetic engineering and stem cell research appear to be recurrent in the framing process of synthetic biology. The domain of application seems to be another decisive factor in the framing of synthetic biology. Finally, acceptance of the risk-benefit tradeoff of synthetic biology seems to depend on having an oversight structure that would prove able to manage unknowns, human and environmental concerns, and long-term effects. The most important conclusion of this study is the need for additional investigation of factors that will shape public perceptions about synthetic biology, its potential benefits, and its potential risks.  相似文献   

合成生物学旨在基于工程学原理,通过人工合成生物调控元件、模块和基因调控网络等对细胞进行设计和改造,以实现细胞和生命体的定向演化。在医学研究中,合成生物学主要采用人工设计合成治疗性的基因回路,制备工程化细胞植入体内,纠正机体已发生缺陷的生物调控元件,以达到治疗疾病的目的。本文对合成生物学的兴起、发展及其在医学中的应用和研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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