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目的:从产品开发角度分析间充质干细胞治疗产品的发展现状和未来趋势。方法:检索科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)的Cortellis数据库的数据,利用定量分析法和对比分析法对检索结果进行分析。结果:目前已有5种间充质干细胞治疗产品上市,9种间充质干细胞治疗产品处于注册及临床Ⅲ期,未来市场上的间充质干细胞治疗产品将呈现快速增长趋势。Mesoblast、FCB等公司在间充质干细胞治疗产品的拥有量上具有优势。间充质干细胞产业内部的商业交易也越来越多,目前共发生包括药物开发及商业化许可、专利资产出售以及早期药物研发合作等12起交易,其中药物开发及商业化许可是最主要的交易模式。尽管中国的间充质干细胞治疗产品研究尚处于起步阶段,但中国的西比曼生物、北科生物等公司已有多款产品处于临床阶段,中国本土的间充质干细胞治疗产品前景可期。结论:虽然间充质干细胞治疗产品市场尚处于起步阶段,但其技术发展快,市场需求大,相关企业产品研发与商品化积极性高,上升潜力巨大。  相似文献   

近年来,艾滋病感染人数急剧增加,已成为威胁人类健康的重大疾病。为了对抗HIV药物的研究现状和发展趋势进行深入分析,本文通过在Derwent Innovations Index数据库中检索2006-2012年的抗HIV药物专利。对采集的专利信息用TDA软件进行数据清洗,利用专利计量分析方法,借助可视化的分析工具,从专利申请数量、优先权国、专利技术机构和专利技术领域等方面进行分析。研究发现近几年抗HIV药物专利申请数量较为平稳;专利申请主要集中在美国、加拿大和中国;抗HIV药物的技术领域主要集中在天然产物、发酵工业和杂环化合物等方面。美国在专利申请数量方面远远领先于其他国家,足以见美国在抗HIV药物研发的活跃和强劲的技术实力。我国虽然在专利申请数量方面具有一定优势,但是与国外相比仍有较大差距。  相似文献   

羊膜间充质干细胞是一类来源于羊膜的干细胞。相比较其他来源的干细胞,羊膜间充质干细胞具有低免疫原性和免疫抑制的特点,这使得羊膜间充质干细胞的移植副作用相对较小。羊膜间充质干细胞移植治疗一些炎症相关疾病,取得了较好的效果,相关的临床试验也逐步开展。现针对羊膜间充质干细胞在免疫调节方面的机制虽然有一定的认识,但仍不是很清楚。本文针对现阶段关于羊膜间充质干细胞的免疫调节功能进行讨论,为进一步开展相关方面的研究奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

脑科学是生命科学领域的研究前沿和热点,美国是该领域的科技强国。本文基于科技论文和专利数据,利用文献计量学的定量分析方法,比较中国和美国在脑科学领域的理论研究和应用研究的差距。结果表明,基于论文分析的理论研究对比,发现中国较美国起步晚,目前论文数量上的差距正在缩小,但学术影响力的差距较大;基于专利分析的应用研究对比,发现中国在专利申请数量上已略超过美国,但在代表专利技术价值和市场价值的国际专利数量、技术布局、龙头企业及企业参与研发比重等方面,差距还非常之大。  相似文献   

目的:基于专利文献深入分析天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术的发展态势。方法:采用专利计量分析、统计学趋势分析等定量分析方法结合药学专业知识的定性分析方法从专利申请数量、国家/地区分布、专利技术领域等方面对天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术领域的发展态势进行分析。结果:天然抗肿瘤药制剂技术专利年申请数量在3000件左右,处于比较稳定平稳的发展时期;专利申请主要集中在美国和中国;专利技术领域主要集中在抗肿瘤活性和剂型的相关研究。结论:美国专利申请数量排名第一,远远领先于其他国家,且专利质量很高,处于绝对的领先地位。中国虽然在专利申请数量方面具有一定优势,但是专利质量亟待提高,与国外发达国家相比仍有较大差距。  相似文献   

通过Thomson Innovation(TI)专利平台数据库中相关专利的检索,利用专利计量学的方法,从专利申请数量、受理国家、申请机构、技术生命周期以及研发热点等方面对水稻分子育种技术国际发展态势进行分析。结果表明,水稻分子育种技术目前整体呈快速发展趋势,并已趋于成熟。其中,美国的申请量最多,是全球最受重视的技术市场。大型跨国公司不仅是全球最主要的专利申请主体,而且在我国的专利申请活动也较为活跃。我国在水稻分子育种技术领域专利数量较多,并且具有一定优势,相关专利申请主体为科研机构和大学。对专利文献内容的深入分析表明,重要农艺性状的基因挖掘和转基因技术是分子育种技术领域当前的研发热点。  相似文献   

新药研发的失败率之高众所周知,其中一个原因是依靠动物实验获得的临床前数据无法真实反映人类生理情况,不可避免地在药物进入临床试验后产生偏差,最终可能导致研发失利。基于人诱导性多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSCs)或成体干细胞建立的疾病模型一方面提供了大量的细胞原材料;另一方面,由于iPSCs或成体干细胞可来源于患者,因而可准确模拟疾病的遗传背景。因此,干细胞疾病模型为药物临床前试验提供了更贴近人体生理和病理情况的体外细胞模型。更进一步地,通过建立群体iPSCs细胞库,可在体外细胞培养皿内进行人类遗传学研究,采用全基因组关联研究(genome-wide association study, GWAS)及定量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus, QTL)等方法筛选人群中与疾病、药物敏感性差异、细胞毒性差异相关的易感位点,为特定药物的毒性、易感性人群间差异等提供遗传学基础,进而为后续临床试验中合适的试验人群的招募提供理论依据。因而,干细胞疾病模型可潜在辅助新药研发,提高新药临床前试验的准确率,降低新药研发的周期和成本。本文以肝脏代谢疾病为对象,对干细胞来源的肝脏细胞疾病模型在代谢功能方面的生理机制研究、药物筛选和评估等领域进行综述。  相似文献   

华杰  龚健  宋振顺 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7150-7152,7175
近年来,由于世界人口的老龄化及许多疾病的不可治愈性,成人间充质干细胞(hMscs)用于细胞治疗越来越受到重视。虽然成人间充质干细胞可来源于骨髓、脂肪、脐血、脐带、胎盘、骨骼肌等,但由于其细胞数目较少,在临床运用之前必须依靠体外扩增来获取理想的细胞数量。本文拟搜索前期研究来探讨人间充质干细胞体外扩增期间影响细胞数目的因素,如供体的年龄、性别、组织来源选择及细胞接种密度,从而优化获取足量人间充质干细胞的过程,进而为今后临床干细胞治疗提供必要的理论基础。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析我国有关干细胞科技论文被国际权威检索工具PubMed收录情况,评价我国干细胞领域的发展历程及应用前景。方法:应用文献计量学和数理统计方法对PubMed收录我国干细胞领域科技论文进行统计分析。结果:PubMed一共收录我国干细胞领域科技论文8039篇,其中中文文献2021篇,外文文献6018篇;北京、上海、广东、台湾四个地区发文量领先于其他地区;排名前三的发文机构为中山大学、上海交通大学和中国医学科学院北京协和医院;国际期刊分布中Biochem Biophys Res Commun、Biomaterials、PLoS One位列前三甲;国内期刊分布中中国实验血液学杂志、中国修复重建外科杂志、中华医学杂志位列前三甲;主题分布中高频主题词有间充质干细胞、骨髓细胞、造血干细胞,等;干细胞治疗疾病常见的有白血病、心肌梗死、肝肿瘤,等。结论:我国干细胞起步于1986年,于2000年后快速发展,发文量成几何倍数增长,干细胞的发展将对我国传统医疗手段和医疗观念造成一场重大的革命。  相似文献   

目的通过分析干细胞技术治疗糖尿病科技论文被国际权威检索工具PubMed收录情况,以评价干细胞技术治疗糖尿病的发展历程及应用前景。方法应用文献计量学和数理统计方法对PubMed收录干细胞技术治疗糖尿病领域科技论文进行统计分析。结果PubMed一共收录干细胞技术治疗糖尿病领域科技论文1413篇;美国、中国、日本3个地区发文量领先于其他地区;排名前三的发文机构为哈佛大学、加利福尼亚大学、东京大学和佛罗里达大学;国际期刊分布中Diabetes、Diabetologia、Stem Cells位列前三甲;高频被引文献集中在美国;主题分布中高频主题词有间充质干细胞、胚胎干细胞、造血干细胞、骨髓细胞等。结论干细胞技术治疗糖尿病起步于1971年,于2000年后快速发展,随着医学技术的发展和研究的深人,随着干细胞技术的日益成熟,彻底治疗糖尿病指日可待。  相似文献   

抗体在疾病的诊断、治疗和预防方面发挥着重要作用。随着2019新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)感染引起的肺炎不断传播,如何研发针对该病毒的抗体迫在眉睫。基于IncoPat数据库的专利信息和Cortellis数据库的药物信息,采用定量分析与定性调研相结合的方法,从申请趋势、技术分布、国家/地区分布、机构分布以及市场现状等维度对人冠状病毒抗体领域的专利进行态势分析。结果表明美国是专利技术拥有量最大的国家,中国是专利保护的重点国家。中国科学院等3家国内机构进入全球前十位。人冠状病毒抗体产品研发主要以SARS和MERS为主,部分MERS抗体已进入临床阶段。研究结果为2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的相关抗体研发提供数据参考与决策支撑。  相似文献   

Research involving mesenchymal multipotent/stem/progenitor/stromal/marrow cells (MSCs) have translated to clinical trials at an extraordinary pace. By the time of this review, the public clinical trials database (http://clinicaltrials.gov) has 394 clinical trials listed using MSCs for a very wide range of therapeutic applications. Unexpectedly, the explanation for the increase in clinical trials using MSCs does not lie on a well-defined therapeutic mechanism – dramatic results have been demonstrated in a variety of studies involving different animal models of diseases, often describing discrete therapeutic mechanisms exerted by MSCs. This review will focus on recent data suggesting the involvement of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the beneficial effects of MSCs, evaluate the potential of MSC as modulators of HA and the implications of this modulation for disease therapy.  相似文献   

目的:揭示3D生物打印产业技术研发态势和专利布局,以期为相关机构提供竞争情报,为行业发展提供数据支撑。方法:基于3D生物打印领域产业调研和技术分解,构造检索式获取数据,多维度量化分析领域专利。结果:3D生物打印产业发展可分为孕育期、萌芽期和高速发展期;该产业集中度较低,处于分散竞争阶段;申请人多依据地缘因素选择合作对象,合作方之间多为不同类型的机构;中国申请人的专利申请量占全球的比重已接近50%,但美国申请人的专利篇均被引频次仍远超中国;美国申请人更关注海外市场。结论:3D生物打印产业尚未形成规模效应,有必要整合业内资源,打造产业集群;中、美两国在该产业都具有优势地位,中国亟待加强海外专利布局;综合权衡专利数量和质量,美国申请人的专利竞争力仍高于中国,中国需培育更多核心专利。  相似文献   



Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a global public health problem. Therefore, novel and effective drugs that show few side-effects are needed. Early literature studies indicated that Huangqi injection is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese patent medicines for CHF in China. As a large number of clinical studies has been carried out and published, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Huangqi injection. Therefore, we carried out this systematic review under the support of the framework of the Joint Sino-Italian Laboratory (JoSIL).


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Huangqi injection for CHF according to the available scientific knowledge.


An extensive search including PubMed, EMBASE, CBM, the Cochrane Library and Chinese literature databases was performed up to July 2008. Clinical trials regarding Huangqi injection for the treatment of CHF were searched for, irrespective of languages. The quality of each trial was assessed according to the Cochrane Reviewers'' Handbook 5.0, and RevMan 5.0 provided by the Cochrane Collaboration and STATA 9.2 were used for data analysis.


After selection of 1,205 articles, 62 RCTs and quasi-RCTs conducted in China and published in Chinese journals were included in the review. The methodological quality of the trials was low. In most trials inclusion and exclusion criteria were not specified. Furthermore, only one study evaluated the outcomes for drug efficacy after an adequate period of time. For these reasons and because of the different baseline characteristics we did not conduct a meta-analysis.


Although available studies are not adequate to draw a conclusion on the efficacy and safety of Huangqi injection (a traditional Chinese patent medicine), we hope that our work could provide useful experience on further studies on Huangqi injections. The overall level of TCM clinical research needs to be improved so that the efficacy of TCM can be evaluated by the international community and possibly some TCM can enter into the international market.  相似文献   

The discovery of the immunosuppressive properties of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) has given new hope to patients suffering from autoimmune diseases as their lack of immunogenicity in addition to their immunosuppressive and regenerative properties makes them an ideal biological agent for the treatment of various disorders ranging from autoimmune diseases to tissue injury. The translational promises of a safer and more effective therapy has however suffered a setback with the recent release of the results from Phase III randomized clinical trial using MSCs for treatment of steroid refractory acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), which failed to meet its primary efficacy endpoint. In this review, we will address the current knowledge of the immunosuppressive mechanisms of MSCs from in vitro studies to animal models and then look upon the results obtained from human clinical trials in order to provide failure analysis of negative studies. We will conclude by proposing future directions which could help address this issue and allow rational development of MSCs as an effective and useful cell-based immunotherapeutic.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are considered to be promising agents for the treatment of immunological disease. Although originally identified as precursor cells for mesenchymal lineages, in vitro studies have demonstrated that MSCs possess diverse immune regulatory capacities. Pre-clinical models have shown beneficial effects of MSCs in multiple immunological diseases and a number of phase 1/2 clinical trials carried out so far have reported signs of immune modulation after MSC infusion. These data indicate that MSCs play a central role in the immune response. This raises the academic question whether MSCs are immune cells or whether they are tissue precursor cells with immunoregulatory capacity. Correct understanding of the immunological properties and origin of MSCs will aid in the appropriate and safe use of the cells for clinical therapy. In this review the whole spectrum of immunological properties of MSCs is discussed with the aim of determining the position of MSCs in the immune system.  相似文献   

目的:从产品开发角度分析PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体的发展现状和未来趋势。方法:检索科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)的Cortellis数据库的数据,利用定量分析法和对比分析法对检索结果进行分析。结果:目前已有5种PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体上市、4种PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体处于预注册及6种PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体处于临床Ⅲ期,未来市场上的PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体将呈现快速增长趋势。此外,PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体的商业交易也越来越多,目前共发生包括药物开发及商业化许可、专利资产出售及早期药物研发合作等10余起交易,其中药物开发及商业化许可是最主要的交易模式。结论:虽然PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体市场尚处于起步阶段,但随着未来技术的不断发展改进,相信未来有更多的PD-1/PD-L1单克隆抗体上市,为癌症及其他疾病的治疗提供新的契机。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A 2003 survey suggested the number of noncommercial trials in the UK was declining. Formation of the NIHR in 2006 and increased research spending by the Department of Health may have increased the number of noncommercial trials but no data are available. METHODS: Available data on UK noncommercial trials were obtained from the two relevant registries: ISRCTN register for the UK, and US ClinicalTrials.gov. Data on each trial were sorted by start year, and compared with the : 2003 survey, and UKCRN portfolio database from 2007. RESULTS: The number of UK noncommercial trials registered rose from 25 in 1990 to 188 in 1999, peaked at 533 in 2003, and fell back to 334 in 2009. Total trials registered was similar to but slightly above those in the 2003 survey up to 1998, then rose sharply to 2003 before falling to 2007. From 2007 to 2009 the number registered to start each year was similar to but slightly above the UKCRN database. Less than 10% of UK noncommercial trials registered with ClinGov for most years before 2005, but this rose to 35% by 2009. CONCLUSIONS: For the periods of overlap, trial registration data provide fairly similar totals to other sources on the number of noncommercial trials starting each year. The rise and fall in the number of trials registered between 1999 and 2007 was due to those registered in the ISRCTN database as funded by NHS Trusts. After 2007, the number of trials registered as funded by NHS Trusts has fallen in the ISRCTN register but these trials may have migrated to the US ClinGov register. The total number of noncommercial trial starts, excluding those funded by NHS Trusts, has been upward since around 2002. By 2009 the two main funders were NIHR and charities. Feasibility of using registration data to monitor the number of noncommercial trials has been demonstrated but is complicated by the use of two registers and difficulties in accessing the data. We recommend an annual report on the number of noncommercial trials registering each year.  相似文献   

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