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膜脂是生物膜的基本骨架,膜蛋白是膜功能的主要体现者。生物膜脂研究是生物膜研究的一个重要组成部分。结合近几年来的新进展,从生物膜脂的分离和脂肪酸的分析角度出发,综合评述了应用于脂类物质分析的TLC、GC、HPLC、CE为代表的主要分析方法,以及CE-MS、HPLC-MS在脂类物质分析中的应用前景。  相似文献   

生物膜是将细胞与环境分开的第一道屏障,是环境胁迫造成损伤的主要位点.脂肪酸是生物膜的主要组成成分,不饱和脂肪酸在决定生物膜的生理特性中具有重要作用,增加脂肪酸的不饱和程度能增加膜脂的流动性.近年来,很多研究发现,生物通过脂肪酸脱饱和维持膜的流动性来适应外界环境变化.本文主要从不饱和脂肪酸在环境温度胁迫、盐胁迫、氧化胁迫、酸碱胁迫、干旱胁迫、乙醇胁迫及铝胁迫中的作用研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

GC-MS技术在延胡索块茎代谢产物研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术建立了延胡索(Corydalis yanhusuo)块茎形成过程中代谢产物的代谢组学研究方法。考察了不同体积提取液和衍生化试剂MSTFA对峰的信号强度和个数的影响, 优化了实验条件, 确定每100 mg材料用300 μL提取液与100 μL衍生化试剂MSTFA时, 效果最佳。对延胡索块茎样品进行测定, 结果共得到92种化合物, 分别为: 5种脂肪酸、21种有机酸、16种氨基酸、6种糖类、23种其它成分和21种未知化合物; 并且利用主成分分析(PCA)数据处理方法对延胡索块茎代谢产物进行了模式识别研究。结果表明: 该实验方法稳定、可靠, 且在主成分分析模式下其识别结果有明显的分类, 因此可为延胡索块茎的进一步研究提供有效数据, 并为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

链霉菌能够产生多种抗生素,具有重要的研究与应用价值。代谢物组学能够定性和定量测定胞内外主要低分子量代谢产物。相对于其他组学,代谢物组学在监控胞内代谢状态、指导物种理性改造方面具有独特优势。本文旨在建立一种快速、准确的链霉菌胞内代谢物分析方法。以模式菌株天蓝色链霉菌为研究对象,基于GC-MS分析平台优化了代谢物组学样品制备流程中的细胞淬灭时间、菌体分离方法、代谢物提取及代谢物衍生化条件,并利用该方法对天蓝色链霉菌不同生长时期各代谢途径的相对活性进行了初步分析。采用"低温淬灭(–40℃,4 min)-快速过滤分离-反复冻融(45 s/3 min)-衍生化(40℃,90 min)"的流程能够鉴定出中心代谢途径(糖酵解、戊糖磷酸途径和TCA循环)、氨基酸代谢途径、脂肪酸代谢途径、核酸代谢途径及部分次级代谢途径中的103种主要代谢物。利用该流程测定发现天蓝色链霉菌细胞生长周期中存在显著的代谢时序差异,并且发现氨基酸与脂肪酸代谢在衔接初级代谢与次级代谢生物合成中具有重要作用。本研究建立的测定方法能够有效地用于天蓝色链霉胞内代谢物分析,该方法将有助于深入刻画链霉菌细胞代谢过程,为菌株代谢工程改造增加次级代谢产物产量提供理性指导。  相似文献   

应用美国MIDI公司Sherlock MIS系统检测一株归属于血液杆菌属的新菌种Haematobacter sp.HNMC11807的细胞脂肪酸组成,探讨不同培养方法和条件对其细胞脂肪酸组成的影响。采用不同培养条件培养微生物细胞,即不同的培养基组成、固液类型和培养时间;分析比较细胞脂肪酸检测结果存在的差异。同时对比分析仪器专用的两种检测体系,即常规标准和快速标准体系,对样品脂肪酸测定结果的影响。结果发现,细胞脂肪酸组成与其培养条件密切相关,且差异显著。因此,在应用该系统做微生物分类鉴定时,必需严格遵守特定的、统一的培养条件平行进行。  相似文献   

目的:建立适用于婴幼儿配方粉及成人营养品中脂肪酸检测的方法,并在不同基质中验证其性能。方法:在AOAC 2012.13方法基础上进一步修改建立了直接甲酯化法,并对其检测婴幼儿配方食品及成人营养品中主要功能性脂肪酸的能力进行验证。方法验证包括其准确性、回收率、精确度及定量限。本实验还研究了此方法在7种不同基质(乳基、豆基、部分水解蛋白及氨基酸配方)婴幼儿配方粉中的适用性,并与现行国标GB 5413.27-2010检测4种脂肪酸的能力进行了比对。同时,还评价了此方法检测包埋DHA原料的能力。结果:直接甲酯化法表现出了良好的准确性、回收率及精确度,在不同基质及使用不同包埋工艺的DHA原料中均显示了很好的适用性。此方法与现行国标方法测定7种乳粉试样中的4种脂肪酸的结果一致性均在90%~106%范围内,表现出了很高的一致性。结论:直接甲酯化法预处理步骤简单、方便、快捷,作为乳粉样品中脂肪酸含量的日常检测方法具有较大的推广潜力及价值。  相似文献   

膜脂物理状态的变化与肺腺癌细胞A549的顺铂耐药性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用荧光探剂DPH分别标记药物敏感的肺腺癌细胞A549和抗顺铂药物的肺腺癌细胞A549/DDP, 对其膜脂物理状态的变化研究结果表明, 对顺铂药物敏感的A549的DPH各向异性值(P)为0.162, 而抗顺铂药物的A549/DDP者为0.194, 统计分析表明二者具有明显的差异. 当用可探测细胞膜脂双层不同层次的荧光探剂2-AS, 7-AS和12-AS进一步测定不同层次的膜脂质分子的流动性变化时, 结果表明: 分别反映膜表层和中层的2-AS和7-AS的各向异性值, 对敏感性的A549细胞分别为0.134和0.144, 具抗药性的A549/DDP细胞则分别为0.171和0.178. 而反映膜深层脂质分子变化的12-AS的各向异性值二者却无显著差异. 这提示, 两种细胞膜脂流动性的变化主要反映在膜的表层和中层. 同时, 用MC540荧光探剂标记两种细胞膜在FCM (flow cytometry)上测定反映膜脂质分子头部堆积程度差异的二维散点图及频数分布直方图的结果分析也表明, A549/DDP细胞膜脂质分子的有序性增加, 即流动性降低. 用气相色谱测量两株细胞膜脂肪酸的不饱和度, A549/DDP细胞膜脂肪酸的不饱和度明显低于A549细胞, 进一步肯定了上述结果. 结果提示, 在药物长期作用下, 膜脂物理状态的变化亦可能是肿瘤细胞具有抗药性的原因之一.  相似文献   

木兰科四种植物种子油的提取及脂肪酸成分分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘举  陈继富 《广西植物》2013,33(2):208-213
采用超声波辅助提取法和微波辅助提取法同时提取白玉兰、凹叶厚朴、深山含笑和醉香含笑四种木兰科植物的种子油,种子油甲酯化后,运用气相色谱—质谱联用技术测定其脂肪酸成分。结果表明:四种植物种子油的提取率不同,白玉兰平均为27.35%、凹叶厚朴23.34%、深山含笑31.66%,醉香含笑9.27%。不同提取方法所得到的种子油脂肪酸成分和相对含量不同,但四种种子油的主要脂肪酸成分相同,包括油酸、亚油酸、硬脂酸和棕榈酸。  相似文献   

尖镰孢寄主范围广、遗传差异大,其种下存在多种寄主专化型。对尖镰孢寄主专化型的快速鉴定可为科学制定植物病害防控策略提供依据。利用Sherlock MIS脂肪酸鉴定系统对分离自番茄、棉花、黄瓜、茄子等4种寄主专化型的18株尖镰孢进行脂肪酸成分测定,共检测到10种脂肪酸。运用SPSS软件中的PCA法对被检测到的脂肪酸进行主成分分析,确定了18:1CIS9(W9)[X1],18:2 CIS 9,12/18:0a[X2]和18:00[X3]等3个脂肪酸为其主成分。利用Bayes逐步判别法建立了尖镰孢4种不同寄主专化型判别模型为Y1=-157.750+2.809X1+3.391X2+8.099X3;Y2=-178.343+0.586X1+7.587X2- 0.214X3;Y3=-129.132+2.749X1+4.163X2+4.476X3;Y4=-201.307+2.016X1+7.345X2+2.400X3。通过对43株未知寄主专化型菌株主成分脂肪酸的测定,利用判别法对尖镰孢进行判定,结果发现有40株与原寄主来源一致,判对率达93%。表明脂肪酸生物标记法可用于尖镰孢寄主专化型的快速鉴定。  相似文献   

抗肿瘤药物筛选中MTT法和SRB法的比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在抗肿瘤药物的体外筛选中 ,MTT法和 SRB法是常用的两种方法。我们用MTT法和 SRB法分别测定 3种已知植物抗癌药对 2 2株人肿瘤细胞的抗癌活性 ,对这两种方法进行了详细的比较。通过分析两种方法测出的细胞存活率 ( T/ C)的差异分布和相关系数以及 IC50 的二变量分布 ,比较了两种方法测定结果的异同 ;通过两种方法重复测定 3种药物对 7株人癌细胞的抗癌活性 ,比较了两种方法的重复性 ;通过分析两种方法测定结果 T/ C值随时间变化的程度 ,比较了两种方法测定结果的稳定性。实验结果表明 :MTT法和 SRB法的相关性较好 ,都可用于抗肿瘤药物的体外筛选 ,SRB法更适合于大规模筛选 ,3种抗癌药物的测定结果与临床资料基本一致。  相似文献   

Fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME) by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) is a widely used technique in biodiesel/bioproduct (e.g. poly‐unsaturated fatty acids, PUFA) research but typically does not allow distinguishing between bound and free fatty acids. To understand and optimize biosynthetic pathways, however, the origin of the fatty acid is an important information. Furthermore the annotation of PUFAs is compromised in classical GC‐EI‐MS because the precursor molecular ion is missing. In the present protocol an alkaline methyl esterification step with TMS derivatization enabling the simultaneous analysis of bound and free fatty acids but also further lipids such as sterols in one GC‐MS chromatogram is combined. This protocol is applied to different lipid extracts from single cell algae to higher plants: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Coffea arabica, Pisum sativum and Cuscuta japonica. Further, field ionization (GC‐FI‐MS) is introduced for a better annotation of fatty acids and exact determination of the number of double bonds in PUFAs. The proposed workflow provides a convenient strategy to analyze algae and other plant crop systems with respect to their capacity for third generation biodiesel and high‐quality bioproducts for nutrition such as PUFAs.  相似文献   

分别用乙醚、石油醚及氯仿一甲醇等三种溶剂萃取海边月见草种子油,经KOH-Me0H室温酯化法或BF3-Me0H酯化法将其脂肪酸转化成甲酯,而后采用毛细管气相色谱外标法进行定量测定,结果表明:三种溶剂萃取所获得的种子油脂肪酸中亚油酸、γ-亚麻酸的含量无显著差异。但若考虑到溶剂的残留,选择石油醚为溶剂更合适。此外,采用上述两种酯化法,γ-亚麻酸均能与其它脂肪酸,尤其是亚油酸较好分离。  相似文献   

The effects of the mitochondria-targeted lipophilic cation dodecyltriphenylphosphonium (C12TPP, the charge is delocalized and screened by bulky hydrophobic residues) and those of lipophilic cations decyltriethylammonium bromide and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (C10TEA and C16TMA, the charges are localized and screened by less bulky residues) on bilayer planar phospholipid membranes and tightly-coupled mitochondria from the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica have been compared. In planar membranes, C12TPP was found to generate a diffusion potential as if it easily penetrates these membranes. In the presence of palmitate, C12TPP induced H+ permeability like plastoquinonyl decyltriphenilphosphonium that facilitates transfer of fatty acid anions (Severin et al., PNAS, 2010, 107, 663–668). C12TPP was shown to stimulate State 4 respiration of mitochondria and caused a mitochondrial membrane depolarization with a half-maximal effect at 6 μM. Besides, C12TPP profoundly potentiated the uncoupling effect of endogenous or added fatty acids. C10TEA and C16TMA inhibited State 4 respiration and decreased the membrane potential, though at much higher concentrations than C12TPP, and they did not promote the uncoupling action of fatty acids. These relationships were modeled by molecular dynamics. They can be explained by different membrane permeabilities for studied cations, which in turn are due to different availabilities of the positive charge in these cations to water dipoles.  相似文献   

Previously it has been shown by our group that berberine and palmatine, penetrating cations of plant origin, when conjugated with plastoquinone (SkQBerb and SkQPalm), can accumulate in isolated mitochondria or in mitochondria of living cells and effectively protect them from oxidative damage. In the present work, we demonstrate that SkQBerb, SkQPalm, and their analogs lacking the plastoquinone moiety (C10Berb and C10Palm) operate as mitochondria-targeted compounds facilitating protonophorous effect of free fatty acids. These compounds induce proton transport mediated by small concentrations of added fatty acids both in planar and liposomal model lipid membranes. In mitochondria, such an effect can be carried out by endogenous fatty acids and the adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

Membrane compositions, particularly of mitochondria, could be critical factors in the mechanisms of growth and aging processes, especially during phases of high oxidative stress that result in molecular damage. In the present study, liver and mitochondrial membrane phospholipid (PL) compositions were analyzed in rainbow trout during its four first years of life, a period characterized by rapid growth and high oxidative stress. Specifically, farmed fish of three ages (1-, 2- and 4-years) were studied, and PL compositions of whole liver and liver mitochondria, and fatty acid compositions of individual PL classes were determined. Liver mitochondrial membranes showed a PL composition different to that of the whole tissue suggesting adaptation of cell and subcellular membranes to specific functions. Individual PL had characteristic fatty acid compositions that were similar in whole liver and mitochondrial membranes. Whole liver and mitochondria showed increased lipid peroxidation with age along with changes in membrane PL fatty acid compositions. Most PL classes showed similar changes in fatty acid composition among the age groups, with reduced proportions of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and, generally, concomitantly increased levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, which together resulted in reduced peroxidation index (PIn). However, total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content did not change significantly with age due to increased eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and, in most PL, increased n−6 PUFA. These results suggest there may be oxidation of PL DHA with compensatory mechanisms to maintain membrane fluidity and function. However, modification of fatty acid composition of specific PLs, such as cardiolipin, could affect the electron transport chain efficiency and propagate the oxidative reaction throughout the cell. In addition, both the content and fatty acid composition of sphingomyelin, which has been suggested as a possible mediator of cell dysfunction and apoptosis, changed with age differently to the other PL classes. Moreover, these changes showed different trends between mitochondria and whole liver. These data suggest there is marked oxidative stress associated with rapid growth and maturation in rainbow trout. Changes observed in membrane lipids point to their possible participation in the processes involved in this species response to oxidative stress and damage accumulation rate.  相似文献   

Two main aspects of the lipid dynamics, local microviscosity and lateral diffusion, were investigated in intact plant mitochondria isolated from different tissues exhibiting large differences in their fatty acids in terms of unsaturation (amount of linoleic and linolenic acids) or length of the hydrocarbon chains. In addition, the same parameters were determined in the outer and inner membranes isolated from cauliflower mitochondria, which differed not only in the fatty acid composition but also by the lipid-to-protein ratio. In intact mitochondria, local microviscosity assayed with anthroyloxy-fatty acids exhibited a transverse gradient from the surface to the center of the bilayer, which was mainly affected by the unsaturation index and the content in linoleic or linolenic acids. In contrast, lipid lateral diffusion increased as the content in linolenic or palmitic acids increased, but was not directly correlated to the unsaturation index. Interestingly, local microviscosity at the membrane surface was higher in the outer membrane than in the inner membrane, whereas no significant difference was found in lipid lateral diffusion. These results indicate that the influence of the fatty acid composition of mitochondrial membranes on the dynamics of the phospholipid bilayer depends on the type of movement considered and suggest that other parameters, such as the protein content of the bilayer, also affect membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

We have validated and compared two direct methods for the determination of fatty acids in feces by capillary gas chromatography. Method I consisted of esterification of fatty acids using acetyl chloride. Method II used boron trifluoride-methanol as esterification reagent. The two methods were assayed with and without previous freeze-drying of the fecal sample. We found that the two methods could be carried out without sample freeze-drying. Precision and recovery rates were determined and the results were satisfactory. Both methods gave similar results, but Method II has certain advantages over Method I, such as speed, safety, and better recovery rates.  相似文献   

Macrophages which were incubated with acetylated low-density lipoproteins, resulting in cholesteryl ester accumulation, incorporated the monohydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (5-, 15-, and 12-HETEs) into cholesteryl esters. The esterification of these hydroxy fatty acids to cholesterol by total membrane preparations of cholesterol-rich macrophages was dependent on the synthesis of the fatty acyl-CoA derivative, and was catalysed by acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT). Stimulation of membrane ACAT activity by 25-hydroxycholesterol increased the synthesis of cholesteryl 12-HETE by 40%. In contrast, inhibiting ACAT activity by progesterone and compound 58-035 decreased cholesteryl 12-HETE production by 60% and 90% respectively. Although 5-, 15- and 12-HETE were esterified to cholesterol by ACAT, these monohydroxy fatty acids were less optimal as substrates compared with oleic acid or arachidonic acid. The hydrolysis and release of 12-HETE and the other monohydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids from intracellular cholesteryl esters and phospholipids occurred at a faster rate than for the more conventional fatty acids, oleate and arachidonate. Cholesteryl esters which contain hydroxy fatty acids therefore provide only a transient storage for lipoxygenase products, as these fatty acids are released into the medium as readily as hydroxy fatty acids found in phospholipids and triacylglycerols. The data provide evidence, for the first time, of an ACAT-dependent esterification of the lipoxygenase products 5-, 15- and 12-HETEs to cholesterol in the macrophage-derived foam cell. The channelling of these monohydroxy fatty acids to cholesteryl esters provides a mechanism which can alter the amount of lipoxygenase products incorporated into cellular phospholipids, thus averting deleterious changes to cell membranes. ACAT, by catalysing the esterification of monohydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids to cholesterol, could play a key role in regulating the amount of lipoxygenase products in the pericellular space of the cholesterol-enriched macrophage.  相似文献   

Considering membranes and membrane components as possible pacemakers of the main processes taking place inside mitochondria, changes in phospholipids or fatty acids could play a central role linking different mechanisms involved in cumulative damage to cell molecules and dysfunction during periods of high stress, such as rapid growth and aging. Changes affecting either lipid class or fatty acid compositions could affect phospholipid and membrane properties and alter mitochondrial function and cell viability. In the present study, mitochondrial oxidative status and mitochondrial membrane phospholipid compositions were analyzed throughout the life-cycle of zebrafish. TBARS content significantly increased in 18-month-old fish while aconitase activity decreased in 24-month-old fish, which have been related with oxidative damage to molecules. Mitochondria-specific superoxide dismutase decreased in 24-month-old animals although this change was not statistically significant. Age affected both mitochondrial phospholipid content and the peroxidation index of most phospholipid classes suggesting that oxidative damage to mitochondrial lipids was occurring.  相似文献   

特定电磁波对小麦幼苗膜脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了特定电磁波处理小麦种子对其幼苗叶片的总膜脂肪酸组成及线粒体膜脂肪酸组成的影响。在正常情况下,TDP处理的总膜脂肪酸组成及线粒体膜脂肪酸组成与对照的区不大。  相似文献   

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