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为探究黄海北部大鹿岛鹅耳枥群落特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系,以大鹿岛9个鹅耳枥群落的样地调查数据为数据源,采用植物区系成分、物种重要值、物种多样性和径级结构等指标表征群落特征,运用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)和冗余分析方法(RDA)分析其土壤环境影响因子。结果表明:(1)大鹿岛鹅耳枥群落维管植物共计110种,隶属46科84属,包括种子植物44科82属107种和蕨类植物2科2属3种。种子植物区系成分大部分具有温带分布性质。群落乔木层、灌木层和草本层的优势种分别为鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii)、山花椒(Zanthoxylum schinifolium)和矮丛薹草(Carex callitrichos var.nana),重要值分别为52.84%、34.49%和21.54%。群落乔木层的物种较少,而灌、草层植物种较为丰富,群落尚未达到演替的顶极阶段。鹅耳枥种群径级结构反映出该群落由增长型种群构成。(2)聚类分析将鹅耳枥群落划分为4类群丛,排序分析结果在验证前述聚类分析结果合理性的同时,进一步佐证土层厚度、土壤全磷含量和pH值是影响鹅耳枥群落物种分布的主要土壤环...  相似文献   

廉敏  铁军 《生态学报》2020,40(7):2267-2276
分析植物群落谱系结构,可以探究乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种对环境变化的响应情况。以山西陵川南方红豆杉自然保护区鹅耳枥群落为研究对象,采用样方法,分别从不同径级和不同坡向对鹅耳枥群落净谱系亲缘关系指数(Net relatedness index,NRI)和净最近种间亲缘关系指数(Nearest taxon index,NTI)进行研究,探讨了鹅耳枥群落沿着径级梯度形成群落谱系结构特征,进而分析了鹅耳枥群落构建的历史进程。结果表明:(1)该保护区鹅耳枥群落乔木层(26种)、灌木层(32种)和草本层(39种)谱系结构树可分为5个类群、5个类群和4个类群;乔木层(86.67%的样地,下同)和灌木层(73.33%)物种群落谱系结构呈谱系发散格局(NRI0,NTI0),但草本层(86.67%)物种群落谱系结构呈谱系聚集格局(NRI0,NTI0)。(2)鹅耳枥群落乔木层中,DBH在Ⅰ级至Ⅱ级间,NRI指数随着DBH的增大而减小,NTI指数随着DBH的增大而增大;在Ⅱ级至Ⅴ级之间,随着植物DBH增大NRI指数和NTI指数值均呈下降趋势;而且在不同DBH水平上群落NRI和NTI指数均差异显著(P0.05),说明随着径级的增大,群落谱系结构由谱系聚集变为谱系发散。(3)灌木层物种谱系结构在阴坡和阳坡均呈聚集型,乔木层阴坡物种的谱系结构呈发散型(NRI0,NTI0),乔木层阳坡和草本层阴阳坡群落均无法判定群落谱系结构是聚集还是发散。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林是亚热带山地中重要的森林植被类型之一,是维持区域生态安全和保护生物多样性的重要屏障。为深入研究亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林中的生物多样性维持机理和动态过程,我们在湖北恩施七姊妹山国家级自然保护区6 ha亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林动态监测样地调查了所有胸径(DBH)≥1 cm的木本植物,分析了其群落组成、径级结构和优势种的空间结构特征。共记录到木本植物50,316株,其中独立个体有36,596株(去除分枝和萌生),隶属于57科124属245种,包括7种国家级保护植物和76种稀有种(每公顷个体数不超过1株)。样地内落叶物种分别占总物种数的61.2%(150种)和总个体数的52.6%(26,503株)。整个样地内植物个体胸径呈明显的倒"J"型分布,平均胸径为4.38 cm。样地小径级木本植物较多,胸径≥30 cm的木本植物仅175株。样地中重要值排名前4位的物种分别是川陕鹅耳枥(Carpinus fargesiana)、多脉青冈(Cyclobalanopsis multinervis)、交让木(Daphniphyllum macropodum)和缺萼枫香(Liquidambar acalycina)。这些优势种虽然在整个样地均有分布,但大径级个体(DBH≥10 cm)的空间分布差异较为明显。依据群落组成和径级结构特征,湖北七姊妹山森林动态样地属于人为干扰后处于自然恢复中期的森林群落。针对该样地开展长期的森林动态监测,将有助于深入了解亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林恢复过程中的群落构建规律和物种多样性维持机制。  相似文献   

报道了桦木科(Betulaceae)鹅耳枥属(Carpinus L.)一新种——香港鹅耳枥(C.insularis N.H.Xia,K.S.PangY.H.Tong)。香港鹅耳枥与太鲁阁鹅耳枥(C.hebestroma Yamamoto)及多脉鹅耳枥(C.polyneura Franch.)相似,但习性灌木状,叶具13~16对侧脉,先端锐尖,边缘锯齿的芒尖较短,果苞宽半卵形或半卵形,长8~14 mm,小坚果顶端密被长柔毛且疏具树脂状腺体,与后两者易于区别。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉为国家Ⅰ级重点保护植物,山西省东南部为其自然分布最北界.本文调查了南方红豆杉在山西省的野生分布,对其进行了群落划分、物种多样性、结构特征和竞争特性的研究.结果表明: 山西省南方红豆杉主要形成南方红豆杉+鹅耳枥群落、南方红豆杉-荆条群落、南方红豆杉-海州常山群落和南方红豆杉+栓皮栎群落,集中分布于陵川县磨河和阳城县蟒河自然保护区,其他地区均为散生;群落垂直结构明显,南方红豆杉已进入主林层,混交林林冠层高8~10 m,纯林高5~6 m;群落间的总体物种多样性指数和均匀度指数存在显著差异.南方红豆杉植株矮小,平均高5.16 m,乔木层、演替层分别占43.4%和56.6%,更新层缺乏;胸径<16 cm的个体占67.6%,胸径32~40 cm的个体占4.0%,幼苗稀少,仅发现4株幼苗;大量的小径级个体虽可保证南方红豆杉在一定时间内维持稳定的种群结构,但幼苗缺失必将引起未来种群的衰退.山西省野生南方红豆杉分布相对集中,多数是小径级个体,导致其种内竞争激烈,种内竞争强度占61.8%;鹅耳枥和栓皮栎是研究地区的主要组成树种,对南方红豆杉造成的种间竞争压力最大.  相似文献   

贵阳喀斯特山地云贵鹅耳枥种群结构和动态初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文对贵阳喀斯特山地云贵鹅耳枥种群结构和动态进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)云贵鹅耳枥种群大小结构分初始增长型、增长型、稳定型、始衰型、中衰型、老衰型和偏途顶极型等7种类型,并呈现由初始增长型过渡到老衰型的变化;(2)云贵鹅耳枥种群分布格局呈集群型和随机型,分布格局的变化有一定的规律性,即种群在其散布和发展阶段多趋于集群型,而在其衰退阶段趋于随机型;(3)云贵鹅耳枥种群密度随时间变化呈现负增长;(4)云贵鹅耳枥种群是先锋种群,但在裸岩陡坡等特殊生境中亦能形成稳定的群落。  相似文献   

桦木科两种濒危植物的染色体数目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次对桦木科濒危物种普陀鹅耳枥和天目铁木进行了细胞学研究。普陀鹅耳枥和天目铁木的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体均分别为复杂染色中心型和中间型;普陀鹅耳枥的染色体数目为2n=14x=112,染色体大小介于0.230pm至0.920μm之间。天目铁木的染色体数目为2n=2x=16,染色体大小为0.468μm至1.150μm。以上研究结果为濒危物种普陀鹅耳枥和天目铁木的物种生物学及其濒危机制的研究提供了细胞学资料。  相似文献   

崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为中国特有珍稀濒危裸子植物。在多次调查的基础上,通过区系分析、聚类分析和热图分析等方法,对大巴山崖柏群落的区系特点、群落结构和搭配模式进行了研究,以明确群落区系的本质特征及伴生物种的成层结构对崖柏种群的影响。结果表明:(1)崖柏的伴生物种组成丰富,地理成分较为复杂,区系成分主要以温带成分为主;物种生活型以矮高位芽植物、地面芽植物和小高位芽植物占优势。(2)样地间聚类分析结果表明,海拔和空间地理位置是影响崖柏群落伴生植物区系组成的重要因素。(3)崖柏群落平均高度越矮越有利于崖柏种群的扩大和延续;其中,群落以灌木层、乔木下层类群为主时,崖柏种群内个体数量最多。(4)根据优势种热图结果分析,以崖柏为优势种的群落结构中,乔木层物种搭配以崖柏+多脉青冈+川陕鹅耳枥、崖柏+川柯+小叶青冈和崖柏+马尾松+高山栎最优,灌木层物种搭配以崖柏+球核荚蒾+豪猪刺、崖柏+粉背黄栌最优。(5)较为丰富的物种多样性和高大的伴生物种给崖柏种群造成较大威胁,结合崖柏群落的垂直结构构建适合崖柏种群延续和扩大的物种搭配模式对于崖柏的保护尤为重要。  相似文献   

陈模舜  杨仲毅 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1703-1716
天台鹅耳枥为中国特有的濒危植物,仅间断分布于浙江省境内,种群数量稀少,已处于极危状态。该文通过对6个自然居群(包含所有居群的母株)叶绿体基因组(cpDNA)单核苷酸多态性(SNP)研究,探讨天台鹅耳枥谱系结构与系统分化,以评估濒危状况,并提出相应的保护策略。使用TIANGEN试剂盒法提取基因组DNA,用Illumina NovaSeq 6000进行高通量测序,对获得叶绿体全基因组序列,使用在线程序OGDRAW制作cpDNA图谱,用DnaSP分析核苷酸多样性,用PopART软件进行单倍型网络构建,使用RAxML软件构建极大似然树(ML tree),用MrBayes构建 Bayes tree。结果表明:(1)通过天台鹅耳枥叶绿体全基因组序列分析,发现大多数蛋白质编码基因和氨基酸序列显示出明显的密码子偏好,检测到cpLTR正向重复32个、回文重复25个、反转重复22个; SSR重复序列不同类型87个,其中大多数富含A/T,单核苷酸的数量最多。(2)在cpDNA中鉴定了314条SNPs,单核苷酸取代显示天台鹅耳枥群体属单系,分为天台县居群(THS)和景宁县居群(JST),居群单倍型之间演化关系呈现星状中心辐射。(3)所有居群核苷酸多样性的变异均较低(Pi<0.005),JST居群和THS居群单倍型多样性较低(Hd为0.5~0.6),显示出天台鹅耳枥在历史上遇到瓶颈后曾发生局部扩张,居群间呈现较大的遗传分化,居群内具有较低的遗传变异与居群间较高的分化水平。通过对cpDNA SNP的研究,揭示天台鹅耳枥的遗传多样性和谱系分化,为濒危植物天台鹅耳枥种质资源保护和遗传拯救提供理论依据。  相似文献   

云贵鹅耳枥群落演替中乔木树种间协变的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁士楚   《广西植物》1995,15(4):335-339
采用Spearman秩相关系数探讨了贵阳喀斯特山地云贵鹅耳枥群落演替中16种常见乔木树种间的协变,并对这些乔木树种间的协变关系及其对群落的性质、结构和动态的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

The diverse ecological roles played by different rodent species mean that the loss of some species and superabundance of others could potentially influence a wide range of ecological processes. Hong Kong (22° N, 114° E), with seven million people in a land area of 1100 km2, could be considered a `worst case scenario' for the survival of mammalian diversity. Existing information on rodents in Hong Kong was compiled from previous published and unpublished studies, and additional trapping was conducted at 17 non-urban sites. The rodent fauna of modern Hong Kong consists of eight species of rats and mice (Bandicota indica, Mus caroli, M. musculus, Niviventer fulvescens, Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus, R. tanezumi, R. sikkimensis: Muridae), one porcupine (Hystrix brachyura: Hystricidae), and one recently introduced tree squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus: Sciuridae). Six of the murids are urban or agricultural commensals, so only the porcupine and two murids, N. fulvescens and R. sikkimensis, are likely survivors of Hong Kong's pre-deforestation native rodent fauna. The two murids co-dominate in forest and shrubland, but can also move through grassland, which has probably enabled their survival through repeated cycles of fragmentation and regrowth. Additional forest rodents that may have inhabited Hong Kong in the past are tentatively identified from information on their recent distributions in the region. One possible ecological consequence of Hong Kong's depleted rodent fauna is a shift in the balance between seed predation and seed dispersal, in favor of the former.  相似文献   

The studies were conducted in the Biaowiea primeval forest on a study area of 28,000 m2, divided into two plots and 280 quadrats. In 1979, all Carpinus betulus individuals were cut off within the experimental plot (E, 7800 m2), whilst the control plot (C, 13000 m2) remained unchanged. Each plot contained a phytocoenose of Potentillo albae-Quercetum and an adjacent community of Tilio-Carpinetum.By 1983, hornbeam invasion into the oak-forest habitat within C plot had resulted in: 1) a decrease in species number by more than 10 per 100 m2 on average (c.a. 30%); 2) a twofold greater deletion rate of heliophil oak-forest species than for Fagetalia and Querco-Fagetea; 3) a diminution of the area of oak-forest phytocoenose by more than 100 m2 per year; 4) formation of a community with a species combination corresponding to Tilio-Carpinetum. Hornbeam removal had the opposite effect: 1) the number of species increased by more than 100%; 2) the number and frequency of oak forest species rose considerably; 3) those parts of the phytocoenose colonized previously by Carpinus betulus regenerated, and thence the area of Potentillo albae-Quercetum community increased.  相似文献   

Plant communities in the continental tropics have suffered less from exotic plant invasions than their oceanic island counterparts. Most studies have focused on near-pristine communities. By contrast, we examine the resistance of semi-natural continental plant communities in Hong Kong, which have been suffering from chronic and massive human impacts. We compiled a list of all naturalized non-native species recorded in Hong Kong and then sampled the plant communities for exotic species along roadsides, a stream through semi-natural vegetation, and in semi-natural vegetation away from both roads and streams on Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong’s highest peak (957 m). Similar surveys were repeated in other areas of Hong Kong. More than 162 naturalized exotic plant species have been recorded in Hong Kong. On Tai Mo Shan, 29 exotic species were recorded in roadside vegetation, with the diversity but not percentage cover declining significantly with altitude. Fifteen exotic species were found along the stream, including two not found along the roadside. Only six exotic species were found away from roads and streams, all in unshaded areas disturbed by feral cattle. In all surveys, no exotics were found in closed woody vegetation or in open areas without feral cattle, except for one species. The shade-tolerant tropical Asian tree Syzygium jambos was found invading along some streamsides without anthropogenic disturbance. Despite centuries of massive human impacts, exotic plant invasions in Hong Kong are still largely confined to habitats that suffer from chronic human disturbance. Feral cattle promote invasion where people are absent, but this problem still seems potentially reversible. Only Syzygium jambos is of possible current conservation concern.  相似文献   

An Enterobacter cloacae strain, producing restriction enzyme EclHKI, was isolated from a decaying potato. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of Eam1105I, which recognizes and cleaves GACNNN!NNGTC. EclHKI was produced at high activity (4×104 U/g wet cells) and was purified from contaminants which interfere with restriction digestion by passing the cell lysate through DEAE-Sephacel and heparin columns. Activity was optimal at 37°C in a medium salt buffer.H.-Y. Chan, Y.-C. Chan and P.-C. Shaw are with the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: K.-M. Kam is with the Institute of Pathology, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Clinic, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

A thermotolerant -amylase was purified from Bacillus circulans S31 isolated from soil in Hong Kong. The purified enzyme has an M r of 64 kDa and was stable at 50°C and pH 7.0 for 30 min. Its K m for starch was 0.9 mg/ml with a V max of 0.3 mg/min. It was not activated by any metal ion although sulphydrys reagents were inhibitory.H.S. Kwan, K.H. So and K.Y. Chan are with the Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong S.C. Cheng is with the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hung Hom, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The reproduction of Nassarius festivus (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) has been studied on three contrasting beaches in Hong Kong. There was no significant difference in shell heights between females and males of N. festivus at three study sites and the sex ratio was always female biased. The highest female sex ratio was recorded from Starfish Bay, followed by Tai Tam Bay and then Tai Mong Tsai. The sexual cycle of N. festivus is completed in 1 year in Hong Kong. It is a winter spawner with a reproductive period ranging from September to May. The gonads progressively mature in autumn with maturity being achieved in winter. Spring and summer are times of gonadal decline and gametogenesis initiation, respectively. The ranges in water temperature and salinity at which mature individuals occur were 13.7–28.0°C and 19.3–29.0‰, respectively. N. festivus produces between 16 and 46 eggs·capsule−1. Over its short life span of 1.21 years, therefore, N. festivus attempts to maximize reproductive output. The eggs hatch as veligers which remain in the plankton for between 33 and 41 days. In terms of its reproductive biology, it is concluded that N. festivus behaves as a typical sub-tropical species with a mix of tropical and temperate characteristics seen in other nassariids from these latitudes.  相似文献   

Biosorption of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate by seaweed biomass   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Samples of various Sargassum species were collected in the Hong Kong marine environment and used for studies on biosorption of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP). Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to determine the removal capacity and removal efficiency of the biosorbents. The DEHP removal ability was similar among beached seaweed and three freshly collected Sargassum species. Different physico-chemical factors were evaluated in order to enhance the performance of the biosorbents. Under optimized conditions (25 mg biomass, initial pH 4, 25 °C, 40 mg L–1 DEHP), the mean removal capacity of beached seaweed and Sargassum siliquastrum was 5.68 and 6.54 mg g–1, respectively. Examination of the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms showed that the biosorption phenomenon by these biosorbents could well be described by these models. Desorption of DEHP was also assessed with methanol, which showed the most satisfactory desorbing ability. Further study in multiple adsorption–desorption of DEHP by the biosorbents demonstrated the reusability of both beached seaweed and S. siliquastrum for biosorption of DEHP.  相似文献   

以国家Ⅱ级保护极小种群野生植物——对开蕨(Phyllitis scolopendrium)为研究对象,分析了在海拔729、1008m群落内,其种群大小、分布频度和密度,个体形态特征指标及其在种群内、种群间差异,苗高分布规律、相对苗高组替代年龄级结构,分布格局和群落各层次的物种多样性,群落的相似性。结果表明:对开蕨在自然分布区内为偶见种,呈斑块状分布。在400m~2内,海拔1008m处(01群落)种群密度为31株,样地分布频度为43.75%,最大密度15株/25m~2;海拔729m处(02群落)种群密度为91株,样地分布频度为93.75%,最大密度30株/25m~2。通过对其自然苗高,叶片数量,有孢子囊叶片数量,最大叶片长、宽值,最小叶片长、宽值,冠径,叶片厚度7个形态指标的分析显示,种群内变异较大,随着植株高度(年龄)的增加,其变异系数均随之减小而趋于稳定;种群间在自然苗高,最大叶片长度和宽度,成熟孢子叶片数量,冠径,叶片厚度上达到极显著差异(P0.01)。其苗高分布呈现双峰型,01种群波谷出现在15.1—20.0cm处;02种群波谷出现在10.1—15.0cm处,两群落均显示有一次较大的更新过程,同时01种群在40.1—45.0cm出现间断。年龄级分析得出,01种群划分为5个龄级,近于正态分布;02种群划分为4个龄级,为倒J型分布;两种群分别处于中龄期和幼龄期,没有出现衰退型年龄结构。格局分析得出,对开蕨种群均为聚集分布。两群落的乔木、灌木、草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Marglef丰富度指数、生态优势度和种间相遇机率较低(与地带顶级植被相比)而且分布不均;对开蕨在两群落的草本层中重要值较低,仅为伴生种。两群落相似性分析显示,乔木、灌木、草本层的相似度指数分别为66.67%、69.23%和38.46%,草本层差异较大。  相似文献   

Over a 3-week period, samples of fresh, chopped, pork meat were taken every morning and afternoon from 50 meat stalls. Microbiological examination revealed that the samples had (c.f.u./g): total microbes, 1×103 to 2.14×106; mean probable numbers of coliforms and Escherichia coli, 1.51×103 to 1.15×104; and yeasts and moulds, 0 to 1.28×104. Salmonella, found in 32 samples from 21 stalls, were serotyped as B (three samples), C1 (four) or E (25). No Campylobacter were found. Because microbial growth and/or contamination of the meat occurred during the day, samples taken in the afternoon had greater total counts (P<0.05) and contained detectable numbers of Salmonella more frequently (42% versus 22%) than those taken in the morning.The author is with the Department of Biology and Chemistry, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon, Hong Kong  相似文献   

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