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栓皮栎核型及体胚发生的细胞学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用常规制片方法对栓皮栎核型、体胚发生过程中胚性愈伤组织细胞染色体进行了分析。结果表明,栓皮栎体细胞染色体数目2n=24,核型公式K(2n)=2x=24=20m十4sm,属于“2B”型,染色体组总长18.55 μm。继代8个月的胚性愈伤组织细胞的染色体数目和结构相对稳定,其中二倍体细胞占 97.20%,四倍体细胞占1.87%,单倍体细胞占0.93%。未发现有非整倍体细胞和染色体形态结构变异。子叶期体胚胚轴亚表层起源的分生组织团中有些细胞核呈片状或椭圆形。个别成熟体胚中偶见有3核细胞。  相似文献   

对中国春及其6A缺体与黑麦杂种幼胚愈伤组织在长期继代培养过程中愈伤组织的染色体数量进行了统计分析,结果表明:中国春×黑麦和6A缺体×黑麦杂种幼胚愈伤组织在继代培养的前60d内细胞染色体数目分别稳定在2n=28和27;随着继代培养时间的延长,其染色体数量均发生变异主要表现为染色体数的减少;在第420d至540d培养期间两个组合愈伤组织丢失染色体的细胞比率明显增加,同时也发现了个别超出正常染色体数的细胞。第540d后的愈伤组织染色体数量变异基本维持在这一水平。  相似文献   

对中国春及其6A缺体与黑麦杂幼胚愈伤组织在长期继代培养过程中愈伤组织的染色体数量进行了统计分析,结果表明:中国春×黑麦和6A缺体×黑麦杂种幼胚愈伤组织在继体培养的前60d内细胞染色体数目分别稳定在2n=28和27;随着继代培养时间的延长,其染色体数量均发生变异主要  相似文献   

玉米胚性愈伤组织的长期继代及其染色体分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
对5种基因型幼胚诱导的愈伤组织继代培养表明,玉米胚性愈伤组织的长期继代受基因型,培养基成分,激素,培养条件的影响。适时继代,逐代筛选对胚性保持起重要作用。适当降低培养温度(12±2℃)有利于愈伤组织的保存和胚性保持,可以减少愈伤组织长期继代所需的物质和工作量。长期继代培养的胚性愈伤组织,胚状体发生能力和植株再生率无显著变化,但正常苗的再生频率显著下降。观察愈伤组织细胞染色体发现:(1)基因型对不同倍性细胞的比例有明显影响。(2)随着继代时间的延长,二倍体细胞下降,四倍体和非二倍体细胞增多。(3)愈伤组织中出现多种染色体结构变异,这些结构变异有可能导致非整倍体细胞的形成。  相似文献   

不定胚再生植株的染色体数目变异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
何欢乐  蔡润  潘俊松 《遗传》2002,24(2):166-170
本实验以甜瓜“小麦瓜”和“青皮绿肉”品种为试材,经不定胚诱导再生植株。分别调查了不同继代培养时间后形成再生植株的染色体数目,并将之与对照染色体数目相比较,发现通过诱导不定胚所得到的再生植株中存在着一定的变异,而且经过不同继代培养时间后,所得到的不定胚再生植株的变异程度不同,随着时间的增加,染色体数目的变异率从3.3%增加到30%,变异幅度也从2n=23~24增加到2n=13~48。从而得出结论:不定胚再生植株染色体数目变异程度随着培养时间的增加而增加;培养时间在1~2个月内所得到的不定胚再生植株的变异较少。此外,不定胚再生植株的染色体数目变异程度也因品种而异。 Abstract:Chromosomal number of different of somatic embryos regenerated plants were investigated in melon variety “xiaomaigua” and “Qingpilurou”.Certain variations of chromosomal number were found among the regenerated plants compared with normal sample,and range of variation covered from 2n=23~24 to 2n=13~48 with the increase of generation,the rate from 3.3% to 30%.The results indicated that degree of variation in chromosomal number of somatic embryos regenerated melon plants increased with the time of culture,and those cultured in one to two months had the least variation.It was also found that degree of chromosomal number variations varied with melon varieties.  相似文献   

研究了继代 4年的东北红豆杉愈伤组织细胞分裂过程 ,并对其染色体数目的稳定性进行了讨论及染色体核型进行了分析。取转接 3~ 4d的东北红豆杉愈伤组织细胞 ,制作染色体压片 ,可观察到细胞有丝分裂前、中、后、末期的染色体形态 ;未观察到无丝分裂过程。继代 4年的愈伤组织细胞的染色体倍性十分稳定 ,体细胞染色体数目及核型 2n =2 4,这一结果与实生根压片所得结果一致  相似文献   

对小麦及其4种近缘属间禾草进行了长时间 (0.5~5.7年, 个别8.6年) 的愈伤组织培养,在继代过程中染色体数目的变异在染色体倍性低的簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa, 2n=2x=14)及新麦草(Psathyrostachys juncea, 2n=2x=14) 倾向于数目的增大;染色体倍性高的小麦 (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42) 趋向于数目的减少;而倍性居中的羊草 (Leymus chinensis, 2n=4x=28) 既有增大也有减小;染色体倍性最高的高冰草 (Agropyron elongatum, 2n=6x=70) 最为稳定,但也有减少的趋向。愈伤组织的胚性主要与二倍体及亚二倍体的总水平相关。  相似文献   

枸杞胚乳植株的诱导及染色体倍性观察   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
枸杞[Lycium chinense Mill.var.potaninii(Pojark)A.M.Lu]的未成熟胚乳接种在MS基本培养基上,并添加1毫克/升2,4-D和0.1毫克/升KT,诱导产生愈伤组织,其频率为23.8%。处于色变期的果实为胚乳培养的最适时期。胚在胚乳培养中不是必不可少的,但当有胚存在时可以提高胚乳愈伤组织的诱导频率。胚乳愈伤组织的继代培养对器官分化和植株再生没有明显影响。胚乳植株根尖细胞染色体数目不很一致,甚至有的植株同一根尖的不同细胞染色体数目也有不同。其中有三倍体(2n=3x=36),也有二倍体(2n=2x=24)和非整倍体的细胞,染色体数为9、18等,但从观察的15株胚乳苗来看,三倍体有11株,占73.3%,非三倍体的只有4株,占26.7%。  相似文献   

新疆紫草的组织培养及其染色体分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆紫草(Arnebia euchroma)的胚轴、子叶、根都产生愈伤组织。不同来源的外植体产生苗的能力不同,胚轴来源的愈伤组织分化苗最多,而且苗生长旺盛。根的愈伤组织只产生不定根。新疆紫草的核型是 K(2n)=14=2m 8sm 2sm(SAT) 2st。随着继代培养代数增多,染色体变异的种类和频率以及染色体数目显著增加。如果继代培养时间较长,染色体数目变异的范围更广,而且出现染色体结构变异。  相似文献   

新疆紫草(Arnebia euchroma)的胚轴、子叶、根都产生愈伤组织。不同来源的外植体产生苗的能力不同,胚轴来源的愈伤组织分化苗最多,而且苗生长旺盛。根的愈伤组织只产生不定根。新疆紫草的核型是K(2n)=14=2m+8sm+2sm(SAT)+2st。随着继代培养代数增 多,染色体变异的种类和频率以及染色体数目显著增加。如果继代培养时间较长,染色体数目变异的范围更广,而且出现染色体结构变异。  相似文献   

本试验在附加和不附加外源激素的MS培养基上,均得到了玉米未成熟胚乳愈伤组织。愈伤组织在附加外源激素的MS培养基上达到器官分化,获得了发育正常的和许多畸形的胚乳植株。所得到的愈伤组织细胞和植株根尖细胞染色体数目和倍性是不稳定的,二者有相同的趋向,其中有整倍体的细胞(2n=10,20,30,40,50),也有各种非整倍体的细胞(2n=5—49)。  相似文献   

The endosperm callus has been induced from the young endosperm of Asparagus officinalis L. on the MS supplemented with auxin. The induction frequency of callus amounts to 65.9%–83.1%. When the callus was transferred to the medium supplemented with lower concentration of NAA 0.1 ppm or containing BA 1 ppm and NAA 0.5 ppm, the differentiation of shoots, roots and a few embryoids began to occur. A few calluses and embryoids can develop into plantlets. The chromosome number in the cells from the same root tip and shoot apex of endosperm plantlet is very unstable. They can be euploids (n=10, 2n=20, 3n=30, 4n=40). or aneupl0ids (n=6, 7, 17, 25, 53).  相似文献   

青杄(Picea w ilsoniiMast.)胚性愈伤组织在改良59 附加2, 4-D及Kt各1 ppm 的培养基上继代3 年(每月继代1 次),仍具有旺盛的增殖能力。在胚性愈伤组织转入1/2改良59 并附加ABA 1 ppm 的分化培养基上,约3 个月左右可分化出大量体细胞胚。体细胞胚分化率达90% 以上。经继代3 年的胚性愈伤组织细胞的染色体倍性十分稳定,其染色体数及核型为2n= 24= 16m (6sc)+ 8sm + 2B。这一结果与由实生苗根尖压片所得结果基本一致  相似文献   

The endosperm callus has been induced from immature endosperm of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on the MS medium supplemented with auxin. When the callus was transferred to the medium supplemented with lower concentration of auxin, the differentiation of shoots began to occur. The regenerated plantlets can be green, albino and whitegreen stripe. The chromosome number in the cells from same root tip of endosperm plantlet is very unstable. They can be euploid (2n=7, 14, 21, 28) or aneuploid (2n = 8, 9, 10, 13).  相似文献   

白Qian(Picea meyeri Rehd.et.Wils.)的胚性愈伤组织MS+2,4-D1mg/L+KT1mg/L的培养基上继代3年,增殖能力和分化潜力仍保持在原来的水平,没有明显降低的趋势。但随着继代时间的增长,胚性愈伤组织内有细胞的染色体数目发生了无规律的变化,而再生植株根尖细胞染色体数目比较稳定(2n=28)。  相似文献   

十里香的染色体核型国内一直未见报道,利用根尖压片法对野菜十里香进行核型分析,统计观察了30个准确计数染色体根尖有丝分裂的中期细胞。实验结果表明:野菜十里香的染色体数为2n=22,其核型公式为2n=22=12m+4sm+6st。利用有丝分裂过程中的染色体核型,可明确区分马兰属植物在表现型上难以区别的类型。染色体数目、相对长度、着丝粒位置和随体有无等都可以作为马兰属植物的分类指标。  相似文献   

用卡宝品红染色法检查格列那什二倍体葡萄(Vitis vinifera var. Cre nache)花药再生植株的染色体, 并用UNICHRO软件对其数目及长度进行了测量。结果表明,这些花药植株根尖中染色体组型为2n=3x=57的细胞平均占观察细胞总数的86.5%,来自不同花药的再生殖株均为三倍体。讨论了这些植株的可能来源。 Abstrart:The chromosome number in the root tip of triploid plants regenerated from anther culture of diploid Vitis vinifera var.Grenache were examined with Carbolfuchsin staining method and the length of chromosomes were measured with UNICHRO package.The results show that average pecentage of cells which have a karyotype for 2n=3x=57 in root tip of pollen plants were 86.5% in the total number of cells observed,the plants regenerated from different anthers are triploid.Their possible origin is discussed.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the chromosome numbers, 2C nuclear DNA amounts and karyomorphology were made in explant cultures of diploid (2n = 2x = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) Phlox drummondii. In 6–36 week old calli derived from diploid internodal segment explants, and in cells of root tips regenerated from such callus, marked differences were observed in chromosome number. The chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 14 to 2n = 100 and DNA amounts from 8.20 to 63.20 pg in the diploid derived callus, while the extent of variation was much reduced in the regenerated roots. In contrast, the autotetraploid cultures were characterised by the maintenance of the same chromosome number and DNA amounts as the mother plant. Modified chromosome structures were not apparent in any of the cultures. The possible reasons for the chromosomal instability at the diploid level and stability at the tetraploid level are discussed.  相似文献   

By counting the chromosome number of root tip cells in 18 regenerated plants derived from protoplasts of Actinidia eriantha Benth., the authors found 12 euploid plants and 6 mixoploid plants. Of the 12 euploid plants, 6 were diploid (2n = 2x = 58) and the other 6 were tetraploid (2n =4x = 116). The chromosome numbers of the mixoploid plants varied from 59 to 203. Mttltinueleate phenomenon was also observed in the interphase cells of 10 protoplast-derived plants. Cells with binuclei or trinuelei were common and cells having heptanuclei were also seen occassionally. Muhinucleate phenomenon did not occur in the control, i. e., the donor plant, where the chromosome number was 2n = 2x = 58.  相似文献   

对18株毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha Benth.)原生质体再生植株的体细胞染色体数做了观察,其中12株为整倍体:二倍体(2n=58)和四倍体(2n=116)各6株;另外6株为混倍体,其染色体数目变化在59~203之间。还发现原生质体再生植株有丝分裂间期细胞存在多核现象,有多核细胞的共10株,细胞核数目以双核和三核较常见,最多的有7个核。对照植株为2n=2x=58,未发现多核细胞。  相似文献   

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