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陈灼娟 《广西植物》2017,37(11):1447-1454
对不同栽培区的25种普通枇杷品种以及7种枇杷属野生种的ITS序列进行扩增并测序,采用邻接法和最大简约法进行系统发育树的构建并对枇杷属内不同种间的遗传关系进行了分析。结果表明:枇杷属植物ITS序列ITS1+5.8S rDNA+ITS2总长度为592 bp或594 bp,长度变化发生在ITS2。所有样本的ITS1和5.8S rDNA长度一样,都是223 bp和168 bp;而ITS2为201 bp或203 bp。5种枇杷属野生种的ITS序列长度为594 bp,包括栎叶枇杷、大渡河枇杷、南亚枇杷、南亚枇杷窄叶变种和大瑶山枇杷;其余2种枇杷属野生种(麻栗坡枇杷、小叶枇杷)和普通枇杷栽培种的ITS序列长度都为592 bp。所有样本ITS序列的GC含量为64.2%~64.5%,其中ITS1为64.1%~65.5%,ITS2为68.1%~72.6%。对所有样本的ITS序列比对产生44个可变位点,其中38个为简约信息位点,其中11个位于ITS1,5个位于5.8S rDNA,22个位于ITS2。最大的种间序列差异为7.7%,最小的种间差异发生在麻栗坡枇杷和小叶枇杷之间,仅为0.2%。普通枇杷种内的ITS序列差异很低,25种普通枇杷栽培种之间的序列差异为0~1.5%。所研究的枇杷属植物可分为3个分支。分支Ⅰ包括所有普通枇杷品种,分支Ⅱ包含5种野生枇杷种,包括栎叶枇杷、大渡河枇杷、南亚枇杷、南亚枇杷窄叶变种和大瑶山枇杷;分支Ⅲ由2个野生枇杷种(麻栗坡枇杷、小叶枇杷)组成。该研究结果表明ITS序列对枇杷种间鉴定和系统发育分析具有一定意义,但对普通枇杷栽培种间的鉴定作用不大。  相似文献   

19个枇杷杂交新品种(系)的SSR鉴定和指纹图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究枇杷(Eriobotryajaponica)杂交品种真实性和DNA指纹图谱,对新育成的19个枇杷杂交品种(系)进行SSR标记鉴定分析。结果表明,从已发表的89对SSR引物中筛选出扩增条带清晰稳定的多态性引物19对,在24份枇杷材料中共扩增到83条带,每对引物平均扩增4.37条,PIC值为0.234~0.983,平均为0.764。经12对具有父本特征带多态性引物鉴定, 19个杂交新品种(系)全部为真杂种,真杂种率为100%。UPGMA聚类分析表明,19个杂交新品种(系)的遗传相似系数为0.728~0.969,与杂交亲本‘新白2号’和‘贵妃’聚为同一个大类,并可细分为4个亚类,红肉与白肉的枇杷品种(系)间无明显划分。同时利用8对多态性SSR引物组合,构建了19个枇杷杂交新品种(系)的分子指纹图谱。这为枇杷品种鉴定、新品种权保护和杂交育种提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

利用RAPD、ISSR和AFLP分子标记技术对50个西瓜枯萎病菌株进行了分析。结果表明,21个RAPD引物、21个ISSR引物和21对AFLP引物分别对供试菌株扩增出113、134和389条带,三种分子标记的遗传相似系数比较一致,均可揭示西瓜枯萎病菌的遗传变异特点。三种分子标记产生的聚类分析结果存在一定差异,其中RAPD类群与生理小种和地理来源之间均不存在明显关系;而AFLP和ISSR类群与生理小种之间存在一定相关性,与菌株的地理来源关系不明显.  相似文献   

基于RAPD、ISSR和AFLP对西瓜枯萎病菌遗传多样性的评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用RAPD、ISSR和AFLP分子标记技术对50个西瓜枯萎病菌株进行了分析。结果表明,21个RAPD引物、21个ISSR引物和21对AFLP引物分别对供试菌株扩增出113、134和389条带,三种分子标记的遗传相似系数比较一致,均可揭示西瓜枯萎病菌的遗传变异特点。三种分子标记产生的聚类分析结果存在一定差异,其中RAPD类群与生理小种和地理来源之间均不存在明显关系;而AFLP和ISSR类群与生理小种之间存在一定相关性,与菌株的地理来源关系不明显。  相似文献   

利用RAPD、ISSR和AFLP分子标记技术对50个西瓜枯萎病菌株进行了分析。结果表明,21个RAPD引物、21个ISSR引物和21对AFLP引物分别对供试菌株扩增出113、134和389条带,三种分子标记的遗传相似系数比较一致,均可揭示西瓜枯萎病菌的遗传变异特点。三种分子标记产生的聚类分析结果存在一定差异,其中RAPD类群与生理小种和地理来源之间均不存在明显关系;而AFLP和ISSR类群与生理小种之间存在一定相关性,与菌株的地理来源关系不明显。  相似文献   

基于枇杷转录组序列的SSR分子标记引物开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得更多的枇杷SSR引物,对枇杷转录组测序得到的1 kb以上的11 798条Unigenes进行SSR位点搜索。结果在3515 条Unigenes(6.77%)中共获得4438个SSR位点,其中主要重复类型为双碱基重复和三碱基重复,二者占SSR总数的68.27%,而四、五、六碱基重复类型较少,仅占1.42%。对选出的SSR标记采用Primer3进行引物设计,得到7911 对SSR位点特异引物,可用于枇杷遗传多样性分析、分子标记辅助育种、育种群体的建立等研究。  相似文献   

枇杷属植物等位酶遗传变异及品种基因型指纹   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶的等电聚焦电泳技术,对国家枇杷种质资源圃所收集保存的113个枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)品种(或株系)和4个野生近缘种[栎叶枇杷(E.prinoides Rehd.et Wils.)、大渡河枇杷(E.prinoides var.daduheensis H.Z.Zhang)、齿叶枇杷(E.serrata Vidal.)、大瑶山枇杷(E.dayaoshanensis Chen.)],共117份材料进行了等位酶遗传变异分析。在12个酶系中共检测到24个清晰位点和59个等位基因,多态位点为21个,位点最大等位基因数为5,体现出枇杷丰富的遗传种质多样性;X^2分析表明等位基因频率在不同产地品种群间存在明显差异,在用于分析的19个多态位点中,有15个位点达到显著或极显著水平;且不同的种材料拥有各自特有等位基因,如Dia-1^c,Dia-2^b,Dia-3^b只存在于大瑶山枇杷中,Est-2^b,Est-3^a只存在于大渡河枇杷中,Idh-1^d仅出现于枇杷品种荔枝枇杷中,体现了枇杷物种间的遗传组成差异;利用11个酶系统22个位点的53个等位基因所构建的枇杷品种(株系)等位酶基因型指纹可以将113个枇杷品种中的111个完全区分,各品种均有自己独特的等位酶基因型指纹,虽然进一步的分析表明,目前所研究的酶系统位点和等位基因变异与枇杷品种果实园艺性状变异间缺乏关联,但等位酶标记仍然不失为枇杷品种鉴别的一种有用工具。  相似文献   

AFLP和RAPD标记技术在栉孔扇贝遗传多样性研究中的应用比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
AFLP和RAPD标记技术是近年来发展最快的基于PCR基础上的两种DNA标记技术,本文比较了两种标记技术在我国栉孔扇贝群体遗传多样性研究中的应用。共筛选20个RAPD引物和7个AFLP引物组合,检测到AFLP标记的有效等位基因数和平均多态信息量稍低于RAPD标记,但AFLP标记在每单位分析中扩增到的野生和养殖群体的多态性条带数(23.8,24.8)分别高于RAPD标记(5.6,5.6),AFLP多态性检测效率显著高于RAPD标记。AFLP和RAPD两种标记技术所揭示的野生种群与养殖群体间的近交系数、遗传距离两项指标均表明,我国栉孔扇贝养殖群体和野生种群之间尚未出现明显的遗传分化。研究结果表明:RAPD和AFLP这两种标记技术均可用于栉孔扇贝遗传多样性的分析,其分析结果是一致的。  相似文献   

以枇杷属Eriobotrya植物11个野生种、1个远缘杂交后代材料为试材,采用胚为外植体,在不同植物生长调节剂配比培养条件下,进行胚离体培养和植株再生研究。结果表明,胚培养的最佳培养基配方为MS + 6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1 + KT 1.0 mg·L-1 + NAA 0.1 mg·L-1。在此培养基中,所有试验材料均获得成功,其中栎叶枇杷E. prinoides的萌发率和丛芽率均达100%,有效地建立了枇杷属野生种的胚离体培养及其植株再生体系。  相似文献   

本实验通过U25(54)均匀设计实验研究,对枇杷ISSR-PCR分子标记体系中模板DNA、dNTPs、Taq DNA聚合酶、Mg2+、引物5个组分的浓度进行优化.获得25 μL反应体系中各成分的适宜浓度或用量分别是:模板DNA为10ng、dNTPs为0.5 mmol/L、Taq DNA聚合酶为1 U、Mg2+为2.5 mmol/L,引物为0.4 μmol/L.与单因素梯度优化体系相比,操作简便,简化了实验步骤,获得的实验结果可靠,从100条ISSR引物中筛选出27条扩增良好的引物,并获得了这些引物的最佳退火温度,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳获得了清晰的图谱.这一优化体系的建立为进一步利用ISSR标记技术进行枇杷种质鉴定及遗传多样性分析提供了一个标准化程序.  相似文献   

Three different DNA-based techniques, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers, were used for fingerprinting Dactylis glomerata genotypes and for detecting genetic variation between the three different subspecies. In this study, RAPD assays produced 97 bands, of which 40 were polymorphic (41.2%). The ISSR primers amplified 91 bands, and 54 showed polymorphism (59.3%). Finally, the AFLP showed 100 bands, of which 92 were polymorphic (92%). The fragments were scored as present (1) or absent (0), and those readings were entered in a computer file as a binary matrix (one for each marker). Three cluster analyses were performed to express–in the form of dendrograms–the relationships among the genotypes and the genetic variability detected. All DNA-based techniques used were able to amplify all of the genotypes. There were highly significant correlation coefficients between cophenetic matrices based on the genetic distance for the RAPD, ISSR, AFLP, and combined RAPD-ISSR-AFLP data (0.68, 0.78, 0.70, and 0.70, respectively). Two hypotheses were formulated to explain these results; both of them are in agreement with the results obtained using these three types of molecular markers. We conclude that when we study genotypes close related, the analysis of variability could require more than one DNA-based technique; in fact, the genetic variation present in different sources could interfere or combine with the more or less polymorphic ability, as our results showed for RAPD, ISSR and AFLP markers. Our results indicate that AFLP seemed to be the best-suited molecular assay for fingerprinting and assessing genetic relationship among genotypes of Dactylis glomerata.  相似文献   

AFLP and RAPDmarkers were employed in sixteen diploid cotton (Gossypium sp) cultivars for genetic diversity estimation and cultivar identification. Polymorphism information content (PIC) and percent polymorphism were found to be more for AFLP markers as compared to RAPD markers. Average Jaccard’s genetic similarity index was found to be almost similar using either AFLP or RAPD markers. All the cultivars could be distinguished from one another using AFLP markers and also by the combined RAPD profiles. Cultivar identification indicators like resolving power, marker index and probability of chance identity of two cultivars suggested the usefulness of AFLP markers over the RAPD markers. AFLP and RAPD analyses revealed limited genetic diversity in the studied cultivars. Cluster analysis of both RAPD and AFLP data produced two clusters, one containing cultivars of G. herbaceum and another containing cultivars of G. arboreum species. Highly positive correlation between cophenetic matrices using RAPD and AFLP markers was observed. AFLP markers were found to be more efficient for genetic diversity estimation, polymorphism detection and cultivar identification.  相似文献   

Genus Jatropha with 172 species having significant economic importance belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. There are no reports on molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationship among the species of Jatropha. Hence, the present study was undertaken to assess the extent of genetic variability that exist and also to establish phylogenetic relationship among Jatropha curcas, J. glandulifera, J. gossypifolia, J. integerrima, J. multifida, J. podagrica and J. tanjorensis using RAPD and AFLP. The percentage of loci that are polymorphic among the species studied was found to be 97.74% by RAPD and 97.25% by AFLP. The mean percentage of polymorphism (PP) was found to be 68.48 by RAPD and 71.33 by AFLP. The phylogram generated with RAPD and AFLP data showed maximum similarity. With the generated data maximum relatedness was found between J. curcas and J. integerrima this may be the reason for the success of inter hybrid crosses between these two species. Neither RAPD nor AFLP data generated in this study supports the view of J. tanjorensis, a natural interspecific hybrid between J. curcas and J. gossypifolia. The present study concludes that both RAPD and AFLP techniques are comparable in divergence studies of Jatropha species. The markers generated by RAPD and AFLP can be employed efficiently for interspecific hybrids identification, marker assisted selection and genetic resource management.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among Spanish isolates of the fungus Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, one of the major causes of grapevine decline, was determined using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. Using RAPD, a large genetic variation was observed among 36 Pmaleophilum single‐spore cultures, with 76 (82.6%) polymorphic bands generated by 12 RAPD primers. A neighbour‐joining dendrogram showing the RAPD patterns of diversity revealed four groups of haplotypes. The Bayesian and principal components clustering analysis revealed three groups of haplotypes. When more than one isolate of Pmaleophilum was obtained from a single vine, different haplotypes were found. Seventeen single‐spore isolates were used for AFLP analysis. Five primer combinations produced 358 scorable markers, of which 309 (86.3%) were polymorphic. The analysis based on genetic distance as well as clustering analysis confirmed three main groups largely in agreement with those returned by the RAPD results. The Mantel correlation between the RAPD and AFLP distance matrices ranged from = 0.5931 to = 0.6294. The high level of haplotype diversity among the RAPD and AFLP markers suggests that sexual reproduction and genetic recombination may occur between Pmaleophilum haplotypes in Spain. The AFLP approach revealed a greater number of polymorphic markers. A relationship between the genetic profile of the infecting isolate of Pmaleophilum and the age or decline symptoms of the grapevines may exist.  相似文献   

This work represents the first application of the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique and the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique in the study of genetic variation within and among five geographical populations of M. nemurus. Four AFLP primer combinations and nine RAPD primers detected a total of 158 and 42 polymorphic markers, respectively. The results of AFLP and RAPD analysis provide similar conclusions as far as the population clustering analysis is concerned. The Sarawak population, which is located on Borneo Island, clustered by itself and was thus isolated from the rest of the populations located in Peninsular Malaysia. Both marker systems revealed high genetic variability within the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Sarawak populations. Three subgroups each from the Kedah, Perak, and Sarawak populations were detected by AFLP but not by RAPD. Unique AFLP fingerprints were also observed in some unusual genotypes sampled in Sarawak. This indicates that AFLP may be a more efficient marker system than RAPD for identifying genotypes within populations.  相似文献   

用AFLP技术分析四川核桃资源的遗传多样性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 利用AFLP分子标记技术, 运用EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ双酶切组合, 选用多态性高、分辨力强的4对选择性扩增引物组合E32/M48、E33/M61、E35/M61、E33/M62分别对四川省3个野生核桃(Juglans regia)种群和1个野生铁核桃(J. sigillata)种群共46个样品进行遗传多样性分析、居群遗传结构分析及种属关系探讨。结果表明: 1)共扩增出244个遗传位点, 其中146个多态位点, 多态率为59.84%; 核桃群体组和铁核桃群体的多态性百分率分别为55.33%和52.05%, 两个物种遗传多态性水平相当; 核桃群体组所检出的位点平均有效等位基因数Ae、Nei’s基因多样度H、平均Shannon信息指数I分别为1.322 9、0.190 8和0.286 3, 而铁核桃群体分别为1.339 9、0.196 1和0.289 8, 铁核桃群体遗传多样性水平略高于核桃群体。2)群体间特异带及群体间共有带占总扩增带数的15.16%, 其中铁核桃群体特异谱带最多, 群体特异谱带揭示了群体间的遗传差异及相似性。3) Shannon信息指数(I)、Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)和分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明核桃遗传多样性在群体间和群体内的分布分别为14.36%和85.64%、12.6%和87.4%、11.07%和88.93%, 表明群体内的遗传多样性大于群体间的遗传多样性; 核桃群体组与铁核桃群体的变异主要存在于群体组内, 组间的遗传变异仅占总变异的9.35%, 两者间的遗传分化系数Gst为0.093 5, 与AMOVA分析结果一致。4) 4个群体的Nei’s遗传距离在0.038 2~0.069 2之间, 遗传一致度在0.933 2~0.962 5之间, 表现出较高的遗传相似性; 运用Nei’s遗传一致度对供试种群进行了UPGMA聚类, 结果表明核桃的3个群体优先聚类, 大渡河流域群体与甘南地区群体聚类最近。AFLP所检测出的结果既是核桃与铁核桃生物学特性的反映, 又是其各自生态学特性的反映, 该研究结果对核桃种质资源的保护和育种提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

中国食用向日葵种质资源遗传变异的RAPD及AFLP分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究采用RAPD和AFLP方法对23个中国不同地区的食用向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)骨干品种进行了遗传变异分析,同时对两种标记系统进行了比较。26个RAPD引物产生了总计192条DNA条带,大小分布 于0.26kb-1.98kb之间,其中165条(86.12%)具有多态性,每条引物产生DNA条带的平均数为7.38。8对AFLP引物组合共产生了576条带,分布于100bp-500bp之间,其中的341条具有多态性,多态百分率为76.00%,每对引物组合产生DNA条带的平均数为72。RAPD方法检测的每位点有效等位基因数(1.76)大于AFLP(1.65),AFLP标记位点的平均多态性信息量(PIC)(0.38)低于RAPD标记位点PIC(0.41),但AFLP标记具有很高的多态性检测效率(Ai=38.52)。用RAPD标记分析23个食用向日葵材料的亲缘关系,Nei氏相似性系数分布在47.84%-82.06%,平均相似性系数为0.6495,而采用AFLP的Nei氏相似性系数分布在54.15%-83.52%,平均相似性系数为0.6884。RAPD数据的标准差为0.13,而AFLP数据的标准差为0.08。因此,采用RAPD和AFLP方法分析食用向日葵遗传变异,RAPD标记具有较低相似性系数和较高方差而AFLP则相反。源于两种不同标记的遗传相似矩阵的相关系数为0.51,说明采用RAPD和AFLP系统分析食用向日葵遗传变异得到的结果有一定的相关性,无论采用RAPD还是AFLP标记进行聚类分析,都将23个不同基因型的食用向日葵材料分成了三个类群。  相似文献   

AFLP and RAPD marker techniques have been used to evaluate and study the diversity and phylogeny of 54 lentil accessions representing six populations of cultivated lentil and its wild relatives. Four AFLP primer combinations revealed 23, 25, 52 and 48 AFLPs respectively, which were used to partition variation within and among Lens taxa. The results of AFLP analysis is compared to previous RAPD analysis of the same material. The two methods provide similar conclusions as far as the phylogeny of Lens is concerned. The AFLP technique detected a much higher level of polymorphyism than the RAPD analysis. The use of 148 AFLPs arising from four primer combinations was able to discriminate between genotypes which could not be distinguished using 88 RAPDs. The level of variation detected within the cultivated lentil with AFLP analysis indicates that it may be a more efficient marker technology than RAPD analysis for the construction of genetic linkage maps between carefully chosen cultivated lentil accessions.  相似文献   

26种冬青属植物遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以26种冬青属植物种质资源为研究材料,利用RAPD和AFLP技术对基因组DNA进行扩增,以研究其物种间遗传多样性以及亲缘关系.结果表明:在RAPD分析中,从400条10个碱基的寡核苷酸引物中筛选出反应稳定、扩增性强、重复性好的引物20个,共扩增出312条多态性条带,多态率为95.41%;聚类分析显示26种冬青属植物间,布利奥特夫人枸骨叶冬青和黄果在AFLP分析中,10对选择性引物组合均扩增出了丰富的多态性片段,共扩增出350条谱带,其中336条具有多态性,占95.96%.综合RAPD和AFLP聚类结果,枸骨、无刺枸骨和日拉斯纳尔逊枸骨的亲缘关系较近,钝齿冬青、金宝石钝齿冬青和龟甲冬青三者的亲缘关系较近,可为冬青属植物的杂交育种与种质创新提供理论依据.  相似文献   

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