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2005年3月至2006年3月,采取所有事件取样法,对成都动物园5只(2雄,3雌)圈养金钱豹(Panthera pardu)进行观察,旨在了解圈养金钱豹的交配情况。记录交配行为1 174次。结果显示,圈养金钱豹全年皆可发情。具有明显的交配模式,交配姿势仅有一种,为背腹式。平均交配持续天数为(4.75±1.26)d。昼夜都有交配行为,但白天交配次数较夜间多。日交配的高峰发生在08:00~10:00时,不同的雄性个体出现的交配高峰日不同。平均交配持续时间为(7.48±1.22)s。在交配持续时间(P=0.000)、总交配次数(P=0.04)上,不同的雄性个体间存在显著性差异;而同一雄性在与不同雌性交配时,其持续时间无显著差异。金钱豹交配的特点为,交配的频次多,但每次交配持续时间短。  相似文献   

为研究野生雌性川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)不同季节体内睾酮水平与性行为频次的变化及二者的关系,我们以秦岭一野生川金丝猴种群为研究对象,通过长时间连续跟踪观察,完成了该种群中所有87只金丝猴的个体识别。用无损伤取样法采集了三只成年雌性川金丝猴不同季节的粪样,对粪样中的睾酮进行抽提测定,同时对采样个体的性行为进行记录。结果显示:1)成年雌猴在交配盛期与非交配盛期,粪样中睾酮水平均呈明显的周期性波动,交配盛期时睾酮水平的变化周期为24.56 d±4.07 d,非交配盛期时为43.67 d±2.89 d,显著长于交配盛期;2)成年雌猴在交配盛期的粪样睾酮水平为2.85 ng±1.12 ng/g,邀配频次为0.98±1.04次/d,非交配盛期时睾酮水平为1.71 ng±0.77 ng/g,邀配频次为0.28±0.53次/d,与交配盛期相比,非交配盛期的睾酮水平和邀配频次均明显降低;3)交配盛期各成年雌猴的粪样睾酮水平与邀配频次均有较显著的正相关关系(相关系数分别为0.631、0.683和0.659),而在非交配盛期这种相关关系并不存在(相关系数分别为0.091、0.493和0.205)。本研究表明,成年雌性川金丝猴体内睾酮水平、睾酮水平变化周期及邀配行为频次均具有明显的季节性差异,这种季节性差异可能是川金丝猴行季节性繁殖的内在原因和外在表现之一。本研究亦表明交配盛期雌猴的性行为频次在一定程度上可能受体内睾酮水平的控制,而在非交配盛期这种控制作用较弱。  相似文献   

笼养间蜂猴的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989年至今,对15只(10,5)成年间蜂猴在人工饲养条件下的繁殖进行观察,结果为:1.间蜂猴的繁殖有明显的季节性;2.发情周期为49.67d(SD=1.25),在此期间,雌性外生殖器红肿,变大;雄性阴囊胀大;3.交配以背腹相贴为主;4.怀孕期为188d;5.哺乳期为108d(SD=4.12);6.均为一胎二仔。  相似文献   

红瘰疣螈的繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红瘰疣螈(Tylototriton shanjing)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,对其繁殖生态尚无系统的研究。2007~2010年在云南省新平县哀牢山对红瘰疣螈形态、繁殖栖息地、求偶和交配行为、产卵及孵化等繁殖特征进行了研究。结果表明,红瘰疣螈雌雄两性在广泛的形态学度量特征上存在着差异;繁殖栖息地主要为稻田和潮湿的沟渠;参与繁殖的雌雄成体性比随繁殖时间的推移而不断变化,繁殖前期和后期雄性比例高,中期雌性比例高。求偶和交配主要在陆地潮湿的水沟中完成,也可在静水中进行。成体产卵活动从5月初持续至6月下旬,呈现出波浪式的产卵进程,个体完成产卵平均时间为(22.2±2.7)h。繁殖前期雌螈产卵于稻田,中后期产于多杂草的田埂草丛和泥壁,平均产卵数(126±18)枚(n=17)。平均孵化期(17.3±0.1)d(n=225),孵化率59.8%(n=79),孵化时幼体平均体长12.7mm(n=6)。  相似文献   

2004~2006年的3~7月,在辽宁省白石砬子国家级自然保护区,对杂色山雀(Parus varius)的繁殖及繁殖成功率进行了初步研究。结果显示,杂色山雀主要营巢于海拔400~900m的阔叶杂木林、针叶林及林缘地带;繁殖期在3~7月,其洞巢种类多样,筑巢期约15d;巢为碗状,巢结构的2/3由苔藓构成;窝卵数为6~8枚,平均(6·92±0·92)枚(n=13);雌鸟单独孵卵,孵化期为(14·00±0·00)d(n=10);育雏由雌雄鸟共同承担,育雏期为(17·50±0·58)d(n=4)。杂色山雀繁殖成功率为50·95%,繁殖力为2·22。人为干扰是造成卵和雏鸟损失的主要原因,占总损失的74·19%。  相似文献   

本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   

【目的】为了更好地掌握青杨楔天牛Saperda populnea Linnaeus的生物学特性和有效地提高交配繁殖试验效率,本文研究了青杨楔天牛的生理活性、交配行为,并探究触角的完整性与天牛交配率的关系。【方法】本试验于适宜交配期(5月)和模拟交配期(9月)两个时期,采用颜色标记法研究青杨楔天牛的性成熟时间,采用木椴饲养法研究观察青杨楔天牛交配行为。【结果】适宜交配期的青杨楔天牛存活率低,初羽化成虫存在先假死后复苏之后活跃的现象;雌成虫性成熟羽化日龄为2d,雄成虫为3d;交配活跃,有交配趋势的29.16%,成功率约为22.18%。模拟交配期初羽化成虫活跃性较高;雌雄性成熟的羽化日龄均为2d;有交配趋势的16.55%,成功率8.27%。【结论】在模拟交配期无法展开青杨楔天牛交配繁殖实验研究。触角的完整性对青杨楔天牛交配成功率无明显影响。  相似文献   

2014年10月—2016年6月,采用野外定点观察的方法系统观察雷山髭蟾Vibrissaphora leishanensis的繁殖生态习性。研究表明:雷山髭蟾求偶、交配、产卵均在水体中进行;繁殖期在每年的9月底至12月底,11月中旬最集中;雄性的体长和体质量均显著大于雌性;繁殖行为包括筑"巢"、鸣叫求偶、抱对、产卵,雄蟾单个鸣叫,抱对时雄蟾主动。有共用一个"巢"穴抱对产卵的习性和集群产卵的行为。卵群直径65.13~100.47 mm,平均77.73 mm±9.47 mm(n=54);窝卵数162~394粒,平均226.79粒±7.89粒(n=54);卵径2.06~5.18 mm,平均3.82 mm±0.91 mm(n=270);孵化期为107~157 d,平均127.71 d±7.38 d(n=54)。  相似文献   

生存和繁衍是动物的本能,交配则是营有性繁殖动物成功繁殖的前提,亦是自然选择和性选择的重要作用环节。由于在自然条件下较难观察交配行为,故而相对缺乏有关野生动物交配行为的量化分析。本研究以济源五龙口地区的太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) WLK-1A群为对象,利用焦点动物取样法,采集了太行山猕猴交配行为数据,并对其进行了量化分析,进而与近缘物种作了比较。研究结果显示,(1)太行山猕猴的交配前行为以社会理毛为主(49.8%),且多由雌性发起(61.8%);(2)太行山猕猴的交配模式属于多次爬跨射精型,一次完整的交配过程包括12个爬跨回合和1次射精,持续时长平均为(719.4±43.3) s;(3)交配后行为以社会理毛(19.4%)和休息(18.1%)为主,雌雄个体交配关系可持续平均(2.1±2.03) d;(4)猕猴属(Macaca)物种的交配参数存在种间差异,交配模式与系统发育关系和分类群组基本吻合,但与社会风格关系不甚明显。本研究结果为全面理解猕猴属物种的繁殖生态学特征提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

许多鸟种因具有较强的适应性而分布广泛,例如家燕(Hirundo rustica)。在不同纬度地区研究其繁殖生态学特征有助于了解家燕对不同环境的适应。家燕mandschurica亚种在国内仅分布于黑龙江省,且该亚种的繁殖资料少有报道,为此,于2016和2017年每年的4至10月,在哈尔滨对其繁殖生态特征开展研究,并与国内目前已发表的家燕gutturalis亚种繁殖生态特征进行对比。家燕mandschurica亚种4月底或5月初迁来哈尔滨,9月下旬或10月初南迁;窝卵数为4~6枚(n=19);卵长径(18.7±1.4)mm(15.9~22.5 mm)、卵短径(13.0±0.5)mm(12.2~14.2 mm),卵重(1.6±0.1)g(1.3~1.9 g),n=35;孵卵期为(16±2)d(14~18 d,n=19);育雏期为(17±1)d(16~18 d,n=6)。雏鸟的体长、翅长及尾羽长的生长曲线能与Logistic较好地拟合;体重、嘴峰和跗跖在5日龄左右生长最快,体长和翅长在7日龄左右增长最快,雏鸟的生长模式符合能量分配假说。与我国南方的家燕gutturalis亚种相比,在哈尔滨繁殖的mandschurica亚种的卵更小、更轻,二者孵卵期相似,但后者育雏期更短。这或许与不同地区食物丰富度及亲鸟喂食策略有关。  相似文献   

New record of predatory behavior by the mandrill in Cameroon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The predatory behavior of the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx,Linnaeus 1758), a forestliving baboon, on the bay duiker (Cephalophus dorsalis,Gray 1864) was observed under natural conditions. In the predatory episode, at least two mandrills (one adult female and one adult male) attacked a bay duiker, but no overt aggressive interactions between the attackers occurred during consumption. The estimated predation pattern based on scars—intensive attacking of the head and pulling of the hind legs to eat the thigh muscles first—resembled the predation patterns of captive mandrills observed experimentally. The findings suggest that the predatory behavior is established in mandrills as a feeding behavior pattern as in savanna-living baboons. New data are thus presented which are relevant to the discussion of the origins of hunting behavior in early hominids.  相似文献   

Little is known about the behavior of mandrills in the wild, and few captive studies have been conducted. Individual and social behaviors of six captive mandrills were categorized and quantified. The captive troop consisted of one adult male, two adult females and three infants. Behavioral categories were constructed during 150 hr of preliminary observations. One hundred and sixty-seven hours of quantitative data were collected over an eight-month period. Although much of the mandrill's behavioral repertoire is similar toPapio, some facial expressions, body postures and various social behaviors were found to be unique.  相似文献   

The genital swelling patterns and birth records of female mandrills housed at the Tulsa Zoo between 1979 and 1992 were examined to determine various reproductive parameters. Mean age at first adolescent genital swelling was 2.7 years (sd = .55), first adult swelling was 3.7 years (sd = .64), and first conception was 5.1 years (sd = 1.30). Genital swelling cycle duration averaged 39.6 days (n = 33 cycles), with the swelling phase averaging 19.5 days (n = 51 cycles). There was no interindividual difference in cycle length (F = 1.26, P = .31) or swelling duration (F = 0.65, P = .58), nor was there a difference in cycle length (F = 0.47, P = .50) or swelling duration (F = 1.27, P = .27) before and after first parturition. Duration of gestation was estimated to be 165.9 days (sd = 3.3; n = 17 pregnancies). Lactational anestrus averaged 10.1 months, whereas mean interbirth interval was 17.9 months (n = 11). There was a significant negative correlation between age of the mother and interbirth interval (r = ?;0.648, P = .03). Data presented in this report provide a comprehensive profile of reproductive parameters for zoo-housed mandrills, which may aid other facilities in the reproductive management of their captive groups. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

2003 年,圈养大熊猫“梅梅”首例哺育成活一胎二仔,通过对其近半年的育幼行为观察,结果发现:1) 母兽主要以同时衔2 仔、同时衔和抱2 仔二种方式将幼仔抱入怀中哺育;60 d 内, 育幼姿势以坐位为主,倦卧其次, 其它姿势更少, 其中坐位随日龄增加逐渐减少, 倦卧变化不大。2) 母兽活动时间在产仔当天最多, 之后显著下降并维持在35.2 ± 0.6% 的低水平, 47 d 后再缓慢上升到108 d 后的54.8 ± 0.9% 。3) 双胞胎幼仔间哺乳的日均次数和时间无显著差异。4) 7 d 内2 幼仔“仔在母身上” 的时间占100%, 21 ~ 23 d 后显著减少, 而“母体盖仔”、“仔在母身边”和“母仔自然分离”的时间显著增加, 但“母体盖仔” 的时间在32 d 左右后又显著减少;双胞胎分别在与母兽的此四种位置变化的时间上无显著差异。5) 母兽的活动、幼仔哺乳日均次数、“母仔自然分离”在全天的日均时间分布有峰、谷变化。6) 随幼仔活动能力的逐渐增强,幼仔离“育幼窝”的距离也逐渐增加,双胞胎幼仔离“育幼窝”的远近也有差别。7)母兽分别与其雄性双胞胎幼仔玩耍的时间有显著差异,而两幼仔自玩的时间无差异,此两双胞胎自玩和一起玩耍所用时间远大于分别与母兽玩耍的时间。该研究丰富了大熊猫育幼行为内容,并为以后的大熊猫双胞胎育幼提供了可供参考的行为资料。  相似文献   

The menstrual cycles of 14 captive Talapoin monkeys ( Miopithecus talapoin ) were studied by making serial observations on the vaginal smears and sexual skin swellings for up to 15 months. Twelve of these females menstruated and the mean duration of their cycle was32–9 days (95% confidence limits 28.0-37.7). The corresponding value for the seven most regular females was 33.0 days (29.1-36.8). There were rhythmic changes in the vaginal smears and sexual skin during the menstrual cycle. Maximum cornification of the smears and maximum sexual skin swelling were observed at midcycle; the sexual skin deflated and the smear became less cornified during the luteal phase. The follicular phase—i.e. from menstruation to maximum skin swelling lasted 20.4 days with a wide distribution, in contrast to the mean duration of the luteal phase (13.7 days) which showed a pronounced peak at 14 days. The menstrual cycle of the talapoin thus resembles those of certain other Old World monkeys that exhibit perineal sexual skin swelling.
Sexual behaviour of the male and female was maximal near the female's midcycle and minimal during the luteal phase, with intermediate values in the follicular phase. The males were most aggressive towards other females of the group when one female was at midcycle; there were no consistent changes in aggression between the male and the female herself. The number of times one animal looks at another (a characteristic behaviour pattern in talapoins) was measured and occurred most often at midcycle, but other preliminary observations indicated a more pronounced correlation between this behaviour pattern and an animal's position in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

Five red‐capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus) were gradually introduced to an established mixed‐species exhibit containing six black and white colobus, seven mandrills, and six sooty mangabeys. Interspecific interactions were documented throughout the 3‐month introduction period and for an additional 3 months immediately thereafter. In addition, each species' behavior and exhibit use were documented before and after the addition of the fourth species. Minimal interactions were observed between the red‐capped mangabeys and the colobus or mandrills, and neither species was significantly affected by this addition. Many affiliative and aggressive interactions and changes in behavior were documented in the sooty mangabeys. However, this study shows that even closely related allopatric species can coexist in a captive environment, and the animals can benefit from this association. Zoo Biol 23:95–108, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of reproduction with 45 wild African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) (36 females and 9 males) during the nine years from 1981 to 1989 under indoor individually-caged conditions. In 206 cases of menstruation observed, menstrual discharge lasted for 2.5 +/- 1.2 days in cycles of 22-48 days, and the length of each menstrual cycle was 31.2 +/- 6.5 days. Females who had regular menstrual cycles were subjected to "one-to-one timed mating"; females and males were put together on a one-to-one basis daily only for a certain period of time on and after the day of ovulation. Females who had irregular menstrual cycles or had no menstruation were subjected to "every-other-day mating"; females and males were put together on a one-to-one basis every other day for at least 16 weeks. The pregnancy rate (No. of pregnant females/No. of mated females) by one-to-one timed mating was 48.9% (116/237); 2.0 mating trials were needed to obtain one case of pregnancy. On the other hand, the pregnancy rate (No. of pregnant females/No. of mating trials) by every-other-day mating was 96% (48/50). Females who delivered normally totaled 129. The mean gestation period was 165 days when males, weighing 343 g on average at birth, were delivered, and 166 days when females, weighing 318 g on average at birth, were delivered. The male and female newborns were nursed for 131 and 138 days, respectively, on average. Details are summarized in Table 3. This paper also reports 23 cases of abortion, 6 stillbirths, and 6 cases of Caesarean section, by which three live fetuses and three dead fetuses were obtained.  相似文献   

于2011年对成都动物园饲养的8只成年圈养山魈进行3种食物丰容、2种环境丰容及5种食物与环境丰容试验,考察不同形式丰容方式对圈养山魈行为的影响.结果表明,第一期丰容试验(B)后,山魈的休息行为、运动行为和玩耍行为增加极显著(P<0.01),而交往行为和取食行为减少极显著(P<0.01);第二期丰容(D)后,休息行为减少极显著,交往行为增加显著,运动行为、采食行为和玩耍行为增加极显著.山魈对纯轮胎丰容方式的接触次数最少,而对食物丰容方式接触次数更多.有两种丰容方式(纯轮胎丰容和纯轮胎+纯麻袋丰容)仅持续很短的时间即失去作用,其余的丰容方式一般在第8d出现兴趣下降的现象,因此建议每种丰容方式的持续使用时间不超过8d.  相似文献   

Xian Y  Wang K  Xiao J  Wang D 《Zoo biology》2012,31(2):229-234
We focally observed the suckling behavior of two Yangtze finless porpoise calves, C05 and C07, in captivity. Between 15 and 730 days postpartum of C05 and between birth and 30 days postpartum of C07, 286.3 (1.9 ± 0.4 hr/day (mean ± standard deviation), n = 148 days) and 18.3 hr (2.0 ± 0.5 hr/day, n = 9 days) of video footage were recorded, in which 429 and 111 suckling events were observed, respectively. We found that the calves made their initial suckling attempts after repeated stroking of the mother's body with their rostrums. The suckling duration was 4.4 ± 1.8 sec and 4.8 ± 2.4 sec, respectively. Before suckling, the calves swam under the mother's genital region (99.1% of number of event, respectively). During suckling, the mother generally turned sideways to facilitate the calves' suckling (80.7 and 76.6%, respectively). The calves almost equally used the two mammary slits [52.2% (left) and 47.8% (right), and 44.1% (left) and 55.9% (right), respectively]. The frequency and proportion of time C05 spent suckling continuously decreased to zero by 483 days postpartum. The two variables for C07 increased following birth, to a peak at 16 days postpartum, and then decreased continuously until 30 days postpartum. We discuss the possible implications of these observations for the management and conservation of this endangered cetacean.  相似文献   



Each of the pathogenic human retroviruses (HIV-1/2 and HTLV-1) has a nonhuman primate counterpart, and the presence of these retroviruses in humans results from interspecies transmission. The passage of another simian retrovirus, simian foamy virus (SFV), from apes or monkeys to humans has been reported. Mandrillus sphinx, a monkey species living in central Africa, is naturally infected with SFV. We evaluated the natural history of the virus in a free-ranging colony of mandrills and investigated possible transmission of mandrill SFV to humans.


We studied 84 semi-free-ranging captive mandrills at the Primate Centre of the Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (Gabon) and 15 wild mandrills caught in various areas of the country. The presence of SFV was also evaluated in 20 people who worked closely with mandrills and other nonhuman primates. SFV infection was determined by specific serological (Western blot) and molecular (nested PCR of the integrase region in the polymerase gene) assays. Seropositivity for SFV was found in 70/84 (83%) captive and 9/15 (60%) wild-caught mandrills and in 2/20 (10%) humans. The 425-bp SFV integrase fragment was detected in peripheral blood DNA from 53 captive and 8 wild-caught mandrills and in two personnel. Sequence and phylogenetic studies demonstrated the presence of two distinct strains of mandrill SFV, one clade including SFVs from mandrills living in the northern part of Gabon and the second consisting of SFV from animals living in the south. One man who had been bitten 10 years earlier by a mandrill and another bitten 22 years earlier by a macaque were found to be SFV infected, both at the Primate Centre. The second man had a sequence close to SFVmac sequences. Comparative sequence analysis of the virus from the first man and from the mandrill showed nearly identical sequences, indicating genetic stability of SFV over time.


Our results show a high prevalence of SFV infection in a semi-free-ranging colony of mandrills, with the presence of two different strains. We also showed transmission of SFV from a mandrill and a macaque to humans.  相似文献   

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