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通过缩小叶面积和去茎尖改变源库比率,以调节韧皮部卸出的途径,证明了韧皮部卸出的共质体与质外体途径的季节变化,和由对氯高汞苯磺酸所诱发的从质外体向共质体途径的转变,是与光合产物的输入有关。缩小叶面积而降低源库比率,能增加夏季生长植株茎韧皮部的质外体卸出,但对冬季生长植株无影响。去尖而增加源库比率,则促进共质体卸出。赤霉酸和激动素能促进共质体的横向转运,但对质外体转运无作用。当质外体为主要运输途径时,赤霉酸和激动素开启共质体途径。赤霉酸和激动素刺激光合产物,通过共质体从筛管一伴胞复合体向韧皮部薄壁纽胞输送,并可能在韧皮部薄壁细胞被动扩散到自由空间。由此可进一步说明蔗糖在激素处理部位自由空间的增加。  相似文献   

章英才  景红霞 《西北植物学报》2014,34(12):2446-2452
采用ATPase超微细胞化学定位技术,研究灵武长枣果实不同发育阶段韧皮部和果肉库薄壁细胞ATPase分布特征,以明确灵武长枣果实ATPase超微细胞化学定位特征和功能。结果显示:(1)第一次快速生长期SE/CC复合体与周围的薄壁细胞有丰富的胞间连丝,形成共质体连续,韧皮部薄壁细胞之间有丰富的胞间连丝,ATPase反应物在韧皮部各细胞分布较少。(2)缓慢生长期ATPase反应物在韧皮部各细胞分布逐渐增加。(3)第二次快速生长期SE/CC复合体与周围的薄壁细胞缺乏胞间连丝,形成共质体隔离,韧皮薄壁细胞及果肉库薄壁细胞的胞间连丝较少,囊泡和膜泡在筛管、韧皮薄壁细胞和库薄壁细胞中很丰富,质膜、液泡膜、囊泡膜、细胞壁和胞间隙的ATPase活性较高。研究表明,果实在第一次快速生长期同化物从筛分子的卸出主要采取共质体途径,缓慢生长期同化物卸出时可能为共质体和质外体途径共存,第二次快速生长期则主要以质外体途径为主,证明果实不同发育阶段韧皮部同化物卸出路径存在差异。  相似文献   

为了探讨灵武长枣果实光合同化物韧皮部卸载和运输的途径,该研究采用透射电镜技术,对不同发育时期灵武长枣果实维管束韧皮部及其周围薄壁细胞的超微结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:筛管/伴胞复合体及其周围韧皮薄壁细胞间在果实膨大前期富含胞间连丝,而韧皮薄壁细胞与周围库细胞以及相邻库细胞间几乎不存在胞间连丝,形成共质体隔离;筛管/伴胞复合体及其与周围薄壁细胞间在果实快速膨大期也存在胞间连丝,但与果实膨大前期相比明显减少;果实着色期,SE/CC复合体及其与周围薄壁细胞间胞间连丝较少,并且出现阻塞现象;果实完熟期,筛管和伴胞之间几乎没有胞间连丝,有的筛管之间有少量胞间连丝,但却出现了阻塞现象,果肉库薄壁细胞与韧皮薄壁细胞间因胞间连丝阻塞现象而形成共质体隔离。综上结果认为,在果实发育的膨大前期阶段,光合同化物以共质体途径经筛分子卸出,卸出后可能以质外体途径进入液泡贮藏与利用;果实快速膨大期,光合同化物的卸出与运输采用共质体和质外体共存的途径;果实着色期和完熟期,光合同化物从筛分子卸出到贮藏薄壁细胞的运输均以质外体途径为主。  相似文献   

通过向蚕豆叶片饲喂~(14)CO_2,应用液闪和显微放射性自显影技术表明标记同化物经叶脉和果荚韧皮部筛管快速运输至蚕豆种皮。种皮吸收营养、生长,后期逐步降解、供养子叶。种皮内的两类维管束系统同时输送营养并卸出到种皮内侧的质外体空间里。种皮里的反向维管束韧皮部卸出以共质体方式为主。并提供养分供种皮生长,而大部分的同化物由正向完整维管束韧皮部的筛分子一传递细胞进行质外体方式卸出。膨大中的子叶在早期即已成为生理上十分活跃的库。它对标记同化物的摄入随时间进程而急剧上升。  相似文献   

运用常规ATP酶超微细胞化学定位技术,对宁夏枸杞果实发育不同阶段的韧皮部和果肉库薄壁细胞ATP酶分布进行了观察研究.结果显示,在果实发育过程中SE/CC复合体与周围韧皮薄壁细胞间存在共质体隔离,韧皮薄壁细胞及果肉库薄壁细胞的胞间连丝较少,但是与果肉库薄壁细胞相邻的韧皮薄壁细胞的胞间连丝较多.囊泡和膜泡在筛管、韧皮薄壁细胞和库薄壁细胞中很丰富,并且质膜、囊泡膜、液泡膜上ATP酶沉淀物在韧皮部各细胞分布较少,在果肉库薄壁细胞分布较多,特别是在果实第二次快速生长期,果肉库薄壁细胞膜系统、细胞壁和胞间隙的ATP酶活性剧烈增强.此外,果肉库薄壁细胞的质膜ATP酶具极性分布特点.由此得出,枸杞果实韧皮部卸载是一种需要能量驱动的过程,其卸载途径主要以质外体途径为主,在从韧皮部向果肉库薄壁细胞卸出时可能为共质体和质外体途径共存.膜泡运输是枸杞果实同化物卸出和转运的重要方式,而韧皮薄壁细胞在同化物卸出和转运过程中承担了主要转运角色;果肉库薄壁细胞进行主动和定向卸载、积累同化物的能力很强.  相似文献   

章英才  海源  黄月  张媛 《西北植物学报》2020,40(12):2054-2064
韧皮部卸载和韧皮部后运输在调节同化物在果实中的分配和积累方面起着至关重要的作用,而且很大程度上决定着果实的产量和质量。为探讨灵武长枣果实同化物韧皮部卸载和运输途径,以4个时期灵武长枣果实为实验材料,对各个发育时期果实维管束的显微结构进行观察,并综合运用荧光染料活细胞示踪与激光共聚焦扫描显微镜技术实时观察果实内韧皮部同化物卸载路径的变化,为灵武长枣果实同化物积累和品质调控奠定基础。结果显示:(1)膨大前期不仅果实的韧皮部中具有明显的CF绿色荧光,同时在周围薄壁细胞中也分布着CF绿色荧光,筛管伴胞复合体和周围薄壁细胞之间存在着共质体联系。(2)快速膨大期,CF绿色荧光主要局限于果实的韧皮部中,在韧皮部周围薄壁细胞中分布较少,筛管伴胞复合体与周围薄壁细胞之间主要以共质体隔离为主,但也存在着一定的共质体联系。(3)着色期和完熟期,CF绿色荧光局限于果实的韧皮部中,在韧皮部周围薄壁细胞中基本没有CF绿色荧光,果实筛管伴胞复合体与周围薄壁细胞之间是共质体隔离状态,但引入CFDA的同时引入具有质膜通透作用的洋地黄皂苷时,周围薄壁细胞中CF绿色荧光分布明显增加。研究认为,灵武长枣在膨大前期果实韧皮部同化物为共质体卸载途径,快速膨大期果实主要以质外体途径运输同化物,但也通过共质体卸出同化物,着色期和完熟期果实通过质外体途径运输同化物。  相似文献   

植物组织电阻及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物组织可分为质外体和共质体,其中,质外体由细胞壁、细胞间隙和导管组成,共质体由胞间连丝把相邻的原生质贯穿在一起而成。对于一鲜嫩植物组织来说,可将组织中质外体部分和共质体部分分别看作一连续整体,在两者之间有近似绝缘层的高电阻膜存在。此细胞膜的比电阻一般可达10~3—10~4Ω·cm,和5nm厚的油层相近。因此,可以近似地将共质体和质外体看作是电学上相并联的两条支路。其中,共质体电阻由膜电阻、胞内电阻和胞问电阻相互串联而成。由于胞内离子强度较  相似文献   

仅仅是在最近些年,植物生理学家才能够清楚地说明,叶子的绿色组织中合成的蔗糖是如何进入小叶脉的韧皮部并在那里浓缩的。蔗糖由绿色组织进入韧皮部的过程中,必须穿过两层膜和一个细胞间隙。首先,蔗糖在绿色组织细胞的细胞质中合成,并从那里穿过质膜进入质外体。质外体是植物无生命的细胞壁空间,它含有处于细胞壁的表面上和其间隙中的水溶液。蔗糖穿过绿色组织细胞的质膜时,就进入这个溶液。第二,蔗糖在质外体溶液中向韧皮部细胞扩散(不超过五个细胞直径的距离),并通过质膜被吸收进入这些细胞。在质外体内的蔗糖  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术研究了宁夏枸杞果实韧皮部细胞的超微结构变化。结果表明:(1)随着枸杞果实的发育成熟,果实维管组织中的韧皮部筛分子筛域逐渐变宽,筛孔大而多,通过筛孔的物质运输十分活跃;筛分子和伴胞间有胞间连丝联系,伴胞属传递细胞类型,与其相邻韧皮薄壁细胞和果肉薄壁细胞连接处的细胞界面发生质膜内突,整个筛分子/伴胞复合体与韧皮薄壁细胞之间形成共质体隔离,韧皮部糖分的卸载方式主要以质外体途径进行。(2)韧皮薄壁细胞间的胞间连丝较多,而韧皮薄壁细胞与果肉薄壁细胞的胞间连丝相对较少,但果肉薄壁细胞间几乎无胞间连丝;果肉薄壁细胞之间胞间隙较大,细胞壁和质膜内突间形成较大的质外体空间,为质外体的糖分运输创造了条件。(3)筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞和果肉薄壁细胞中丰富的囊泡以及活跃的囊泡运输现象,暗示囊泡也参与了果实糖分的运输过程。研究推测,枸杞果实韧皮部同化物的卸载方式以及卸载后的同化物运输主要以质外体途径为主。  相似文献   

重金属镉(Cd)在植物体内的转运途径及其调控机制   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王晓娟  王文斌  杨龙  金樑  宋瑜  姜少俊  秦兰兰 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7921-7929
重金属镉(Cd)的毒害效应与其由土壤向植物地上部分运输有关,揭示Cd~(2+)转运途径及其调控机制可为提高植物抗镉性以及镉污染的植物修复提供依据。对Cd~(2+)在植物体内的转运途径,特别是限制Cd~(2+)移动的细胞结构和分子调控机制研究进展进行了回顾。Cd~(2+)通过共质体和质外体途径穿过根部皮层进入木质部的过程中,大部分在皮层细胞间沉积,少部分抵达中柱后转移到地上部分。为了免受Cd~(2+)的危害,植物体产生了多种限制Cd~(2+)吸收和转移的生理生化机制:1)环绕在内皮层径向壁和横向壁上的凯氏带阻止Cd~(2+)以质外体途径进入木质部;2)螯合剂与进入根的Cd~(2+)螯合形成稳定化合物并区隔在液泡中;3)通过H+/Cd~(2+)离子通道等将Cd~(2+)逆向转运出根部。植物共质体和质外体途径转运重金属镉的能力以及两条途径的串扰尚待进一步明晰和阐明。  相似文献   

Phloem loading and unloading of sugars and amino acids   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
In terrestrial higher plants, phloem transport delivers most nutrients required for growth and storage processes. Some 90% of plant biomass, transported as sugars and amino nitrogen (N) compounds in a bulk flow of solution, is propelled though the phloem by osmotically generated hydrostatic pressure differences between source (net nutrient export) and sink (net nutrient import) ends of phloem paths. Source loading and sink unloading of sugars, amino N compounds and potassium largely account for phloem sap osmotic concentrations and hence pressure differences. A symplasmic component is characteristic of most loading and unloading pathways which, in some circumstances, may be interrupted by an apoplasmic step. Raffinose series sugars appear to be loaded symplasmically. However, sucrose, and probably certain amino acids, are loaded into minor veins from source leaf apoplasms by proton symporters localized to plasma membranes of their sieve element/companion cell (se/cc) complexes. Sucrose transporters, with complementary kinetic properties, are conceived to function as membrane transporter complexes that respond to alterations in source/sink balance. In contrast, symplasmic unloading is common for many sink types. Intervention of an apoplasmic step, distal from importing phloem, is reserved for special situations. Effluxers that release sucrose and amino acids to the surrounding apoplasm in phloem loading and unloading are yet to be cloned. The physiological behaviour of effluxers is consistent with facilitated membrane transport that can be energy coupled. Roles of sucrose and amino acid transporters in phloem unloading remain to be discovered along with mechanisms regulating symplasmic transport. The latter is hypothesized to exert significant control over phloem unloading and, in some circumstances, phloem loading.  相似文献   

Liesche J  Schulz A 《Plant physiology》2012,159(1):355-365
Uptake of photoassimilates into the leaf phloem is the key step in carbon partitioning and phloem transport. Symplasmic and apoplasmic loading strategies have been defined in different plant taxa based on the abundance of plasmodesmata between mesophyll and phloem. For apoplasmic loading to occur, an absence of plasmodesmata is a sufficient but not a necessary criterion, as passage of molecules through plasmodesmata might well be blocked or restricted. Here, we present a noninvasive, whole-plant approach to test symplasmic coupling and quantify the intercellular flux of small molecules using photoactivation microscopy. Quantification of coupling between all cells along the prephloem pathways of the apoplasmic loader Vicia faba and Nicotiana tabacum showed, to our knowledge for the first time in vivo, that small solutes like sucrose can diffuse through plasmodesmata up to the phloem sieve element companion cell complex (SECCC). As expected, the SECCC was found to be symplasmically isolated for small solutes. In contrast, the prephloem pathway of the symplasmic loader Cucurbita maxima was found to be well coupled with the SECCC. Phloem loading in gymnosperms is not well understood, due to a profoundly different leaf anatomy and a scarcity of molecular data compared with angiosperms. A cell-coupling analysis for Pinus sylvestris showed high symplasmic coupling along the entire prephloem pathway, comprising at least seven cell border interfaces between mesophyll and sieve elements. Cell coupling together with measurements of leaf sap osmolality indicate a passive symplasmic loading type. Similarities and differences of this loading type with that of angiosperm trees are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang XY  Wang XL  Wang XF  Xia GH  Pan QH  Fan RC  Wu FQ  Yu XC  Zhang DP 《Plant physiology》2006,142(1):220-232
It remains unclear whether the phloem unloading pathway alters to adapt to developmental transition in fleshy fruits that accumulate high level of soluble sugars. Using a combination of electron microscopy, transport of the phloem-mobile symplasmic tracer carboxyfluorescein, movement of the companion cell-expressed and the green fluorescent protein-tagged viral movement protein, and assays of the sucrose cleavage enzymes, the pathway of phloem unloading was studied in the berries of a hybrid grape (Vitis vinifera x Vitis labrusca). Structural investigations showed that the sieve element-companion cell complex is apparently symplasmically connected through plasmodesmata with surrounding parenchyma cells throughout fruit development, though a small portion of plasmodesmata are apparently blocked in the ripening stage. Both carboxyfluorescein and the green fluorescent protein-tagged viral movement protein were released from the functional phloem strands during the early and middle stages of fruit development, whereas the two symplasmic tracers were confined to the phloem strands during the late stage. This reveals a shift of phloem unloading from symplasmic to apoplasmic pathway during fruit development. The turning point of the phloem unloading pathways was further shown to be at or just before onset of ripening, an important developmental checkpoint of grape berry. In addition, the levels of both the expression and activities of cell wall acid invertase increased around the onset of ripening and reached a high level in the late stage, providing further evidence for an operation of the apoplasmic unloading pathway after onset of ripening. These data demonstrate clearly the occurrence of an adaptive shift of phloem unloading pathway to developmental transition from growing phase to ripening in grape berry.  相似文献   

Hu L  Sun H  Li R  Zhang L  Wang S  Sui X  Zhang Z 《Plant, cell & environment》2011,34(11):1835-1848
The phloem unloading pathway remains unclear in fruits of Cucurbitaceae, a classical stachyose-transporting species with bicollateral phloem. Using a combination of electron microscopy, transport of phloem-mobile symplasmic tracer carboxyfluorescein, assays of acid invertase and sucrose transporter, and [(14)C]sugar uptake, the phloem unloading pathway was studied in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruit from anthesis to the marketable maturing stage. Structural investigations showed that the sieve element-companion cell (SE-CC) complex of the vascular bundles feeding fruit flesh is apparently symplasmically restricted. Imaging of carboxyfluorescein unloading showed that the dye remained confined to the phloem strands of the vascular bundles in the whole fruit throughout the stages examined. A 37 kDa acid invertase was located predominantly in the cell walls of SE-CC complexes and parenchyma cells. Studies of [(14)C]sugar uptake suggested that energy-driven transporters may be functional in sugar trans-membrane transport within symplasmically restricted SE-CC complex, which was further confirmed by the existence of a functional plasma membrane sucrose transporter (CsSUT4) in cucumber fruit. These data provide a clear evidence for an apoplasmic phloem unloading pathway in cucumber fruit. A presumption that putative raffinose or stachyose transporters may be involved in soluble sugars unloading was discussed.  相似文献   

In mesophyll cells of species with a symplasmic (Ocimum basilicum, Catharanthus roseus, Magnolia denudata) or an apoplasmic (Vicia faba, Impatiens walleriana, Bellis perennis) minor-vein configuration, membrane depolarizations in response to 20 or 200 mol·m–3 raffinose and sucrose were measured. Ageing period and resting potential marginally affected the degree of depolarization. The symplasmic species showed similar depolarization responses to 20 and 200 mol·m–3 sucrose or raffinose. In the apoplasmic species, depolarization increased statistically significantly from 20 to 200 mol·m–3 sucrose, whereas the depolarization response to raffinose was equal at both concentrations. In the apoplasmic species, moreover, the depolarization response to raffinose was significantly weaker than to sucrose at all concentrations. A major difference between symplasmic and apoplasmic species seems to lie in the scantiness of raffinose carriers in the mesophyll plasma membrane of species with the apoplasmic mode of phloem loading.Abbreviations 20R(200R) 20(200) mol·m–3 raffinose - 20S(200S) 20(200) mol·m–3 sucrose  相似文献   

Plant species were selected on the basis of abundant or no symplasmic continuity between sieveelement-companion-cell (SE-CC) complexes and adjacent cells in the minor veins. Symplasmic continuity and discontinuity are denoted, respectively, as symplasmic and apoplasmic minor-vein configurations. Discs of predarkened leaves from which the lower epidermis had been removed, were exposed to 14CO2. After 2 h of subsequent incubation, phloem loading in control discs and discs treated with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS) was recorded by autoradiography. Phloem loading was strongly suppressed by PCMBS in minor veins with symplasmically isolated SE-CC complexes (Centaurea, Impatiens, Ligularia, Pelargonium, Pisum, Symphytum). No significant inhibition of phloem loading by PCMBS was observed in minor veins containing sieve elements with abundant symplasmic connections (Epilobium, Fuchsia, Hydrangea, Oenothera, Origanum, Stachys). Phloem loading in minor veins with both types of SE-CC complex (Acanthus) had apoplasmic features. The results provide strong evidence for coincidence between the mode of phloem loading and the minor-vein configuration. The widespread occurrence of a symplasmic mode of phloem loading is postulated.Abbreviations PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SE-CC complex sieve-element-companion-cell complex  相似文献   

The transport of assimilates from source to sink tissues is mediated by the phloem. Along the vascular system the phloem changes its physiological function from loading phloem to transport and unloading phloem. Sucrose carrier proteins have been identified in the transport phloem, but it is unclear whether the physiological role of these transporters is phloem unloading of sucrose or retrieval of apoplasmic sucrose back into the sieve element/companion cell complex. Here, we describe the dynamic expression of the Ricinus communis sucrose carrier RcSCR1 in the hypocotyl at different sink strengths. Our results indicate that phloem unloading in castor bean is not catalysed by the phloem loader RcSCR1. However, this sucrose carrier represents the molecular basis of the sucrose retrieval mechanism along the transport phloem, which is dynamically adjusted to the sink strength. As a consequence, we assume that other release carrier(s) exist in sink tissues, such as the hypocotyl, in R. communis.  相似文献   

Sucrose utilisation in sink tissues depend on its cleavage and is mediated by two different classes of enzymes, invertase and sucrose synthase, which determine the mechanism of phloem unloading. Cloning of two extracellular (BIN35 and BIN46) and one vacuolar invertase (BIN44) provided the basis for a detailed molecular analysis of the relative contribution of the sucrose cleaving enzymes to the sink metabolism of sugar beets (Beta vulgaris) during development. The determination of the steady state levels of mRNAs has been complemented by the analysis of the corresponding enzyme activities. The present study demonstrates an inverse regulation of extracellular invertase and sucrose synthase during tap root development indicating a transition between functional unloading pathways. Extracellular cleavage by invertase is the dominating mechanism to supply hexoses via an apoplasmic pathway at early stages of storage root development. Only at later stages sucrose synthase takes over the function of the key sink enzyme to contribute to the sink strength of the tap root via symplasmic phloem unloading. Whereas mRNAs for both extracellular invertase BIN35 and sucrose synthase were shown to be induced by mechanical wounding of mature leaves of adult plants, only sucrose synthase mRNA was metabolically induced by glucose in this source organ supporting the metabolic flexibility of this species.  相似文献   

The sieve element-companion cell (SE-CC) complex of the sepal bundles feeding the fleshy pericarp of developing walnut (Juglans regia L.) fruit is structurally symplasmically isolated, but the SE-CC complex of the minor ventral carpellary bundles located in the seed pericarp and feeding the seed is structurally symplasmically connected to its adjacent parenchyma cells. 14C-autoradiography indicated that the phloem of both the sepal and carpellary bundles was functional for unloading. Confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging of carboxyfluorescein unloading showed that the dye is confined to the phloem strands of the sepal bundles in the fleshy pericarp, but released from the phloem strands of the minor ventral carpellary bundles into the surrounding parenchyma cells in the seed pericarp. A 60-kDa acid invertase was immunolocalized to the cell wall of SE-CC complex and parenchyma cells in both the fleshy and seed pericarp. These data provide clear evidence for an apoplasmic phloem unloading pathway in the fleshy pericarp and a predominant symplasmic phloem unloading pathway parallel with a possible apoplasmic path as suggested by the presence of the extracellular invertase in the seed pericarp. A model of complex phloem unloading pathways in developing walnut fruit has been proposed.  相似文献   

Plant species which translocate distinct combinations of carbohydrates in the phloem were investigated to assess whether differences in minor-vein anatomy were associated with differences in carbohydrate composition of the phloem sap. In Vicia faba L., a species in which the minor-vein companion cells are modified into transfer cells, sucrose alone was found to be the translocated form of carbohydrate. In Vicia, phloem transport of sucrose was inhibited by pretreatment of leaves with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS), a known inhibitor of the sucrose carrier. In contrast, in Ocimum basilicum L., a species in which the minor-vein companion cells are of the symplasmically linked intermediary cell type, both sucrose- and raffinose-family oligosaccharides were exported in the phloem. In this species, no PCMBS sensitivity was observed for phloem transport of either sucrose- or raffinose-family oligosaccharides, although a PCMBS-sensitive sucrose carrier was detected in leaf tissues. This carrier did not appear to be involved in phloem loading, rather, it appeared that phloem loading occurred via the symplasm in this species. In the polyoltranslocating species Petroselinum crispum L., the same insensitivity to PCMBS was seen, suggesting that symplasmic phloem loading also occurred. The companion cells were symplasmically connected to the surrounding bundle-sheath cells by numerous H-shaped plasmodesmata but were not intermediary cells, and no raffinose oligosaccharides were exported by Petroselinum. Taken together, the data indicate that apoplasmic transport may be responsible for phloem loading in species in which sucrose alone is exported. However, in those plant species in which a combination of sucrose and any other carbohydrate, including the polyols, is translocated, symplasmic phloem loading may predominate.Abbreviation PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DCB 8901785 to M.A.M. and by a National Science Foundation Graduate Minority Fellowship to L.L.F. The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Dr. William W. Thomson in preparing the micrograph.  相似文献   

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