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目的确定烟曲霉的最适生长温度、最高生长温度及致死温度。方法生长曲线法用来确定培养烟曲霉的最适宜培养基,并测定其最适生长温度和最高生长温度;菌落计数法用来确定其致死温度。结果 1)酵母浸膏培养基(yeast ex-tract medium,YG)是测定烟曲霉生长曲线的最适宜培养基;2)在YG培养基中,37℃是烟曲霉的最适宜生长温度,52℃为其最高生长温度。随着温度的升高,菌株的生长速度逐渐减慢;3)65℃处理180 min或70℃处理120 min能使烟曲霉完全失活。结论在YG培养基中,37℃是烟曲霉的最适宜生长温度,52℃为其最高生长温度;烟曲霉的致死条件为65℃处理180min或70℃处理120 min。  相似文献   

【背景】少根根霉物种内菌株间生理生化指标存在差异,相应的遗传背景不明,不利于少根根霉生产发酵的进一步应用。【目的】探究不同少根根霉菌株温度-生长动力学模型间的差异,为其群体遗传研究奠定基础,为生产菌株的筛选提供依据。【方法】选取来自欧亚各地的纯种少根根霉为实验材料,通过形态学鉴定,以及ITS和IGSrDNA分子系统发育重建进行分子鉴定,采用培养基平板培养直接测量法进行温度-生长动力学分析。【结果】少根根霉温度-生长动力学模型呈现丰富的多样性,与各形态和分子系统发育变种基本不具有相关性。菌株间温度-生长速度曲线具有显著性差异。少根根霉生长抑制低温范围、最适生长温度范围、生长抑制高温范围和致死高温范围分别为4-9、30-37、40-49和40-52°C。菌株XY00454和XY00469具有良好的高温适应性和较快的生长速度,有开发成为工业发酵菌的潜力。【结论】少根根霉物种仍然处于剧烈的演化之中,种内形态、分子和生理分化较为活跃,但尚未形成任何独立的种群。根据温度适应性的数据可以筛选出发酵生产潜力菌株。  相似文献   

从腐烂的木质纤维中筛选了一株产阿魏酸酯酶的菌株HDFE1,根据其形态特征、rDNAITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列及系统发育分析,鉴定菌株HDFE1为青霉属的橘青霉(Penicillium citrinum Thom)。菌株HDFE1最适生长温度为30°C,最适生长pH为6.0。该菌株在30°C、pH6.0、200r/min培养60h时,阿魏酸酯酶酶活力为最高,达20.75U/L。  相似文献   

【目的】培养分离大西洋脊热液区的超嗜热古菌,为进一步认识该生态系统中的物种及其特点奠定基础。【方法】将大西洋脊热液区海水样品用YTSV培养基富集培养,选取其中富集效果最佳的TVG2培养物用减绝稀释法分离纯化。对所分离菌株进行形态、生理生化特征等分析,并通过分子生物学手段对其进行初步鉴定。【结果】菌株TVG2属于超嗜热厌氧球菌,直径约1.0 μm;生长温度范围50?88 °C,最适生长温度82 °C;生长pH范围为5.0?9.0,最适生长pH 6.5;生长NaCl浓度为1.0%?4.0% (质量体积比),最适生长浓度为2.5%;元素硫可显著提高菌株TVG2的生物量,但非生长必需;丙酮酸钠能显著促进该菌株生长,但葡萄糖对其生长则有抑制作用。根据其形态特征、生理生化特性及16S rRNA基因序列分析,确定菌株TVG2属于热球菌属。【结论】用YTSV培养基从大西洋脊热液区样品中分离获得超嗜热厌氧菌株TVG2,并确定其为Thermococcus属成员,命名为Thermococcus sp. TVG2。  相似文献   

孙琴  刘小勇  王前  罗元明  王雪薇 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1203-1209
【目的】毛壳属真菌的子囊果毛形态曾是重要的分类性状,但因容易发生变异,在现代毛壳属的分类中它们的分类学价值受到质疑。印度毛壳(Chaetomium indicum)和绳生毛壳(Chaetomium funicola)是2个依据子囊果毛形态差异定义的物种,本研究旨在从蛋白表达谱水平认识这2个种的差异及其子囊果毛的变异性,同时探讨蛋白表达谱在真菌分类中的应用价值。【方法】通过形态学观察获得印度毛壳和绳生毛壳典型菌株和子囊果毛形态变异菌株,利用双向电泳技术对典型菌株和变异菌株的蛋白表达谱进行分析和比较。【结果】双向电泳(2DE)图谱特征反映出印度毛壳和绳生毛壳之间的蛋白表达谱差异明显。根据Neighbor-joining(NJ)算法生成的系统发育树进一步显示印度毛壳和绳生毛壳分别聚在2个不同分支,即同一种的典型菌株和变异菌株聚在一起。【结论】依据子囊果毛形态特征和种特异性的蛋白表达谱特征对印度毛壳和绳生毛壳的分类结果是一致的,表明子囊果毛特征仍然是毛壳属真菌分类的重要指标。  相似文献   

从城市生活污水厂曝气池表面泡沫中分离到1株罕见的泡沫产生菌CU2,该菌为球杆状,通常成对排列,经鉴定为乙酸钙不动杆菌(Acinetobacter calcoaceticus)。该菌大量繁殖,可产生严重的泡沫。对其生理特性研究表明:CU2为兼性好氧菌,能在温度15~40℃,pH值3~11范围内生长,最适生长温度为32.5℃,最适生长pH值为10。致死温度为95℃,10 min。对次氯酸钠消毒液敏感。  相似文献   

生物在长期进化过程中 ,逐渐演化 ,适应了周围的环境。温度是一种基本的环境因素 ,任何生物体都有其生长温度范围和最适生长温度。当生物体的某些基因发生突变后 ,可以改变生物体对温度的适应性。温度敏感型突变体是指生物体基因突变后 ,在最适生长温度条件下可以生长 ,而在低于 (或高于 )最高 (低 )生长温度的某一亚致死温度下不能生长的突变体 ,突变的基因为温度敏感型相关基因。温度敏感型突变体对温度适应性的变化涉及到一系列生理生化特性的改变 ,体现了基因功能结构域突变后基因功能的异常。因此 ,温度敏感型突变体提供了研究功能基因…  相似文献   

"生长标度"定义了在研究腕足动物异速生长时所需的个体生长发育定量指标,其数值大小受到壳长、壳宽、壳厚以及相对应权重的共同控制。将腕足动物待研究性状的测量值与其生长标度作为两个变量进行二元回归分析,可判断该性状是否存在与腕足动物个体发育不等的生长速率,即异速生长。该指标对凯迪期(Katian)(晚奥陶世)腕足动物无洞贝类Rongatrypa xichuanensis的定量分析表明,该种腕足动物的壳宽与个体发育保持同步,壳长呈负异速生长,壳厚呈正异速生长,指示出该种生物在生长过程中总体向横宽方向伸展,并伴随着壳体的加快增厚。  相似文献   

【目的】楠属(Phoebe)各物种在形态学方面差异甚微,种间界限模糊,物种的识别鉴定较为困难,尤其在缺少花、果的时期。叶微形态特征对植物种间界定具有重要价值,但目前楠属植物叶显微特征的研究仍然较少。【方法】利用体视显微镜、光学显微镜对湖北省楠属8种及1变种的叶形态和微形态进行观察,并测定分析各物种气孔、表皮毛的质量和数量性状,以期为楠属植物的识别和鉴定提供必要依据。【结果】结果表明,叶形态有大型叶、中型叶、小型叶和不规则叶4种类型;毛被类型有粗短柔毛、细短柔毛、长柔毛、混生短柔毛和长柔毛(脉上被长柔毛)4种。毛密度在湘楠(200根/mm2)与闽楠、浙江楠、紫楠(低于100根/mm2)之间差异显著。表皮细胞类型为多边形或不规则形,垂周壁为平直-弓形、浅波或波状。气孔除披针叶楠、闽楠、裂叶白楠为近圆形外,其余物种均为宽椭圆形。气孔密度以紫楠最高,山楠和湘楠最低。此外,气孔大小与气孔密度之间,毛长度与毛密度之间存在负相关关系。【结论】研究表明,叶形态和微形态的特征组合可作为9种楠属植物鉴定和区分的必要依据,可为楠属植物识别和种间界定提供参考。  相似文献   

为了掌握三角帆蚌幼蚌贝壳形态及体重的生长规律,采用模型拟合的方法研究了三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)幼蚌一个生长周期内4个贝壳性状形态及体重性状的生长规律。结果显示,三角帆蚌幼蚌的贝壳形态与体重的增长过程均遵循Logistic生长模型。运用Levenberg-Marquardt迭代法估计出生长模型中的3个生长参数,得到在观测周期内各性状的生长极限值分别为,壳长9.216 cm、壳高4.985 cm、壳宽2.212 cm、全高8.262 cm、体重75.240 g;各性状的快速生长区间分别为壳长2.211 ~ 5.181月龄、壳高2.107 ~ 5.363月龄、壳宽2.712 ~ 5.470月龄、全高2.294 ~ 5.026月龄、体重4.247 ~ 8.065月龄,可见体重具有明显的生长延缓现象。各性状的瞬时增长率曲线均呈钟型,先增大到达生长拐点后又逐渐减小;瞬时增长加速度曲线为倒S型曲线,有最高和最低点;相对增长率在养殖初期最大,然后随着生长逐渐下降。上述结果可为三角帆蚌的养殖生态及选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal patterns in photosynthetic temperature acclimation and growth were investigated in the sedge, Carex eleocharis Bailey, a species which has demonstrated a marked capacity for shifts in the photosynthetic temperature optimum in previous growth chamber studies. The seasonal production of new leaves was 90% complete by the earliest study date, June 3. Shifts in the photosynthetic temperature optimum of 10°C (from 15 to 25°C) were observed during the months of June and July. These results indicate that in situ acclimatory adjustments in C. eleocharis occur in existing leaf tissue, rather than new leaves which are produced as the season progresses. Despite the 10°C increase in the temperature optimum, mean mid-day leaf temperatures were higher than the optimum throughout the summer. A broad temperature response appeared to be more important than the acclimation adjustments in maintaining near-maximum photosynthesis rates during the mid-day period. Seasonal shifts in the photosynthetic temperature optimum were not as great as those previously observed in growth chamber studies. This discrepancy arises because of the capacity for growth chamber grown plants to produce new leaves with temperature response characteristics closely tuned to the growth temperature regime. In field-grown plants the production of 90% of the leaves during the cool portion of the season places limitations on the potential for acclimation to the warmer midsummer temperatures.  相似文献   

Heat resistance of spores of Bacillus strains was compared with the temperature adaptation of each strain as measured by the optimum and maximum growth temperatures and the heat resistance of vegetative cells. Maximum growth temperatures ranged from 31 to 76 degrees C and were little affected by the nature of the growth medium. The temperature giving maximum growth rate was closely correlated to the maximum temperature for growth, and about 6 degrees C lower. Vetetative-cell heat resistance, determined on exponential-phase cells, was also correlated with maximum growth temperature. The temperature at which spores were inactivated with a decimal reduction time of 10 min was in the range of 75 to 121 degrees C. This temperature was 46 +/- 7 degrees C higher than the maximum growth temperature and correlated with it and the other cell parameters. Spore heat resistance can be considered to have two components, the temperature adaptation characteristic of the species and the stabilization conferred by the spore state.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the growth responses of different Rhizobium japonicum strains to increasing temperatures, determine the degree of variability among strains in those responses, and identify temperature-related growth characteristics that could be used to select temperature-tolerant strains. Each of 42 strains was grown in liquid culture for 96 h at 19 incubation temperatures ranging from 27.4 to 54.1 degrees C in a temperature gradient apparatus. Growth was estimated by measuring the change in optical density over time. Strains differed in their responses to increasing temperatures. Three characteristic temperatures were determined for each strain: the temperature giving the maximum optical density at 96 h (optimum temperature), the maximum temperature allowing a continuous increase in optical density during the 96-h period (maximum permissive temperature), and the maximum temperature allowing growth of the cultures after they were transferred to a uniform incubation temperature of 28 degrees C (maximum survival temperature). The three characteristic temperatures varied among strains and had the following ranges: optimum temperature, from 27.4 to 35.2 degrees C; maximum permissive temperature, from 29.8 to 38.0 degrees C; and maximum survival temperature, from 33.7 to 48.7 degrees C. Significant positive correlations were found between maximum permissive temperature and optimum temperature and between maximum permissive temperature and maximum survival temperature. Eight strains which had the highest maximum permissive temperature, optimum temperature, and maximum survival temperature were considered tolerant of high temperatures and were able to grow at temperatures higher than those previously reported for the most tolerant R. japonicum strains. The strains were of diverse geographical origin, but the response to high temperatures was not related to their origin. Evaluation of the temperature responses in pure culture may be useful in the search for R. japonicum strains better suited to environments in which high soil temperature is a limiting factor.  相似文献   

Temperature not only has direct effects on microbial activity, but can also affect activity indirectly by changing the temperature dependency of the community. This would result in communities performing better over time in response to increased temperatures. We have for the first time studied the effect of soil temperature (5–50 °C) on the community adaptation of both bacterial (leucine incorporation) and fungal growth (acetate-in-ergosterol incorporation). Growth at different temperatures was estimated after about a month using a short-term assay to avoid confounding the effects of temperature on substrate availability. Before the experiment started, fungal and bacterial growth was optimal around 30 °C. Increasing soil temperature above this resulted in an increase in the optimum for bacterial growth, correlated to soil temperature, with parallel shifts in the total response curve. Below the optimum, soil temperature had only minor effects, although lower temperatures selected for communities growing better at the lowest temperature. Fungi were affected in the same way as bacteria, with large shifts in temperature tolerance at soil temperatures above that of optimum for growth. A simplified technique, only comparing growth at two contrasting temperatures, gave similar results as using a complete temperature curve, allowing for large scale measurements also in field situations with small differences in temperature.  相似文献   

Specific growth rates of individually reared juvenile three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were investigated under laboratory conditions to parameterize a complete temperature-dependent growth model for this species. To test the applicability of experimentally derived optima in growth response rates to natural conditions, the effects of commercial pellets and natural prey on growth rates were investigated. In addition, to test for seasonal effects on growth, laboratory trials were performed in both spring and winter. Growth took place from 5 to 29° C with a temperature for optimum growth reaching a sharp peak at 21° C. Modelled optimal temperature for maximum growth was estimated to be 21.7° C and lower and upper temperatures for growth were estimated to be 3.6 and 30.7° C, respectively. There were no significant differences in growth rates between fish reared on invertebrates or commercial pellets. Seasonal effects on growth were pronounced, with reduced growth rates in the winter despite similar laboratory conditions. On average, 60% higher growth rates were achieved at the optimum temperature in summer compared to the winter. The strong seasonality in the growth patterns of G. aculeatus indicated here reduces the applicability of the model derived in this study to spring and summer conditions.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the growth responses of different Rhizobium japonicum strains to increasing temperatures, determine the degree of variability among strains in those responses, and identify temperature-related growth characteristics that could be used to select temperature-tolerant strains. Each of 42 strains was grown in liquid culture for 96 h at 19 incubation temperatures ranging from 27.4 to 54.1°C in a temperature gradient apparatus. Growth was estimated by measuring the change in optical density over time. Strains differed in their responses to increasing temperatures. Three characteristic temperatures were determined for each strain: the temperature giving the maximum optical density at 96 h (optimum temperature), the maximum temperature allowing a continuous increase in optical density during the 96-h period (maximum permissive temperature), and the maximum temperature allowing growth of the cultures after they were transferred to a uniform incubation temperature of 28°C (maximum survival temperature). The three characteristic temperatures varied among strains and had the following ranges: optimum temperature, from 27.4 to 35.2°C; maximum permissive temperature, from 29.8 to 38.0°C; and maximum survival temperature, from 33.7 to 48.7°C. Significant positive correlations were found between maximum permissive temperature and optimum temperature and between maximum permissive temperature and maximum survival temperature. Eight strains which had the highest maximum permissive temperature, optimum temperature, and maximum survival temperature were considered tolerant of high temperatures and were able to grow at temperatures higher than those previously reported for the most tolerant R. japonicum strains. The strains were of diverse geographical origin, but the response to high temperatures was not related to their origin. Evaluation of the temperature responses in pure culture may be useful in the search for R. japonicum strains better suited to environments in which high soil temperature is a limiting factor.  相似文献   

The present study uses a mathematical-empirical approach to estimate the cardinal growth temperature parameters (T(min), the temperature below which growth is no longer observed; T(opt), the temperature at which the μ(max) equals its optimal value; μ(opt), the optimal value of μ(max); and T(max), the temperature above which no growth occurs) of 27 yeast strains belonging to different Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces species. S. cerevisiae was the yeast best adapted to grow at high temperatures within the Saccharomyces genus, with the highest optimum (32.3°C) and maximum (45.4°C) growth temperatures. On the other hand, S. kudriavzevii and S. bayanus var. uvarum showed the lowest optimum (23.6 and 26.2°C) and maximum (36.8 and 38.4°C) growth temperatures, respectively, confirming that both species are more psychrophilic than S. cerevisiae. The remaining Saccharomyces species (S. paradoxus, S. mikatae, S. arboricolus, and S. cariocanus) showed intermediate responses. With respect to the minimum temperature which supported growth, this parameter ranged from 1.3 (S. cariocanus) to 4.3°C (S. kudriavzevii). We also tested whether these physiological traits were correlated with the phylogeny, which was accomplished by means of a statistical orthogram method. The analysis suggested that the most important shift in the adaptation to grow at higher temperatures occurred in the Saccharomyces genus after the divergence of the S. arboricolus, S. mikatae, S. cariocanus, S. paradoxus, and S. cerevisiae lineages from the S. kudriavzevii and S. bayanus var. uvarum lineages. Finally, our mathematical models suggest that temperature may also play an important role in the imposition of S. cerevisiae versus non-Saccharomyces species during wine fermentation.  相似文献   

S. Cunningham  J. Read 《Oecologia》2002,133(2):112-119
Little is known about the differences in physiology between temperate and tropical trees. Australian rainforests extend from tropical climates in the north to temperate climates in the south over a span of 33° latitude. Therefore, they provide an opportunity to investigate differences in the physiology of temperate and tropical trees within the same vegetation type. This study investigated how the response of net photosynthesis to growth temperature differed between Australian temperate and tropical rainforest trees and how this correlated with differences in their climates. The temperate species showed their maximum rate of net photosynthesis at lower growth temperatures than the tropical species. However, the temperate species showed at least 80% of maximum net photosynthesis over a 12-16°C span of growth temperature, compared with a span of 9-11°C shown by the tropical species. The tropical species showed both larger reductions in maximum net photosynthesis at low growth temperatures and larger reductions in the optimum instantaneous temperature for net photosynthesis with decreasing growth temperature than the temperate species. The ability of the temperate species to maintain maximum net photosynthesis over a greater span of growth temperatures than the tropical species is consistent with the greater seasonal and day-to-day variation in temperature of the temperate climate compared with the tropical climate.  相似文献   

The relationship between the temperature requirements of some fish species, using published data for growth optima, final preferences and lethal limits were examined. A good correlation was found and it is suggested that the data established gives a good estimate of the temperature promoting maximum growth. Determinations of final preferenda are easily conducted in the laboratory and could therefore be used to give rapid assessments of optimum growth temperatures of potential culture species. The practical application of such measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-five taxa (128 clonal cultures) of Antarctic algae isolated from various habitats were assayed for growth over a range of 2–34°C. Isolates, all unialgal and two axenic, varied markedly in their temperature-growth responses. Only four taxa belonging to either the Chlamydomonadaceae or Ulotrichaceae were obligately cold-adapted and incapable of growth at ≥20°C. All isolates grew at temperatures ranging from 7.5 to 18°C, and a few were incapable of growth at ≤5°C. Over one-third of the isolates grew at 30°C, but none grew at 34°C. Percentages of cold-adapted clones correlated well with the more stable low temperature habitats. Four chlamydomonad isolates displayed optimum temperatures for growth near their maximum temperatures for growth, both temperatures being well above those of the native habitats. This temperature-growth response suggests a closer relationship to algae from more moderate thermal regions than one might have supposed. However, the ability to grow at low temperatures and the inability to grow at 34°C suggest that these Antarctic algae are cold temperature adapted. Growth capability at low in situ temperatures is considered more useful ecologically than physiologically-defined categories for algae based on their maximum temperature for growth.  相似文献   

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