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石蒜属12种植物叶片比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对石蒜属(Lycoris Herb.)12种植物叶片的比较解剖学研究表明:(1)石蒜属植物叶片横切面的端部、中部及基部的轮廓基本呈浅“W”或“V”字型,有些种的表皮细胞上具有明显的尖刺状乳突;(2)石蒜属植物均为异面叶,叶肉组织有一定的栅栏组织和海绵组织分化,但二者的厚度、叶肉中所占比例及栅栏组织的细胞层数在种间有一定的差异;(3)海绵组织发达、具有大而明显的薄壁细胞或细胞裂溶后形成空腔(分泌腔或气腔);(4)叶片中维管束数目大多为奇数,叶脉维管束鞘由薄壁细胞组成;(5)石蒜属植物横切面上叶缘的形状分为圆弧形和楔形两种类型。石蒜属植物叶的解剖结构具有许多相似特征;同时又具有一定的种间差异,可为石蒜属槽物的种间关系和开发利用提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

马兜铃科细辛属(AsarumL.)植物全世界约有90种。我国约有40种,主要分布于长江以南各省区、少数分布在北方。该属植物绝大部分种类在我国作为药用具有悠久的历史。然而,该属植物部分种类作为室内观赏花卉同样具有很高的价值。该属植物日本已培育了许多观赏品种,其中春草园株式会社出版的一本广告宣传画册,列出品种100多种,主要有观花类(尾状花、大花类)、观叶类(叶色及叶面云班)、观叶观花类(花形与面色斑)等。我国该属植物资源十分丰富,目前国内尚未见有关该属植物用作观赏花卉方面的研究报道。因此该属植物作为一种新的室…  相似文献   

木姜子属生物碱的研究概况(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
樟科木姜子属(LitseaLam.)全球约200种,主要分布于亚洲的热带和亚热带。我国有72种,在北纬18°至34°间均有分布,但主产南方和西南温暖地区,为森林中习见的树木。本属植物的主要用途是提取芳香油(工业上的重要原料)和作为中草药[1]。在我国本属有17种植物可入药[2]。如药典记载的毕澄茄-山鸡椒(L.cubeba)的干燥成熟果实,有温中散寒、行气止痛的功效[3];天目木姜子(L.auriculata)、木姜子(L.pungens)、清香木姜子(L.euosma)、潺槁木姜子(L.glu…  相似文献   

石蒜属植物资源的开发利用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
石蒜属植物全世界约20种,我国分布有15种,且野生资源丰富。作为观赏花卉,其花型奇特,花色艳丽,具有很高的观赏价值。其鳞茎含有的10余种生物碱,具有较高的药用功能,同时也可以直接用作工业原料。  相似文献   

小柏属植物的开发利用邵则夏(云南省林业科学院650204)小柏为小柏科小柏属(BerberisL.)植物。本属约有500余种,分布于南美洲、北美洲、亚洲、非洲、欧洲。我国有200余种,主要产于西部和西南部地区。云南有100余种,20多变种。常绿、半常...  相似文献   

小檗属(Berheris)植物的开发利用研究与保护杨柏珍(中国科学院沈阳应用生态所植物资源室植物化学组,沈阳110015)小檗科小檗属植物全世界约有500种,我国约200种,各省均有分布。西南、西藏、西北等地区种类较多,东北地区也有一定储量。经研究发...  相似文献   

北京四座楼自然保护区植物区系及植被分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过样地法对北京市四座楼自然保护区的植被进行了调查,在本底调查的基础上分析了四座楼自然保护区维管植物的区系成分和植被分布规律:该保护区有北京新记录种1个:麦李(Prunus glandulosa Thunb.);国家三级保护植物3种,即:紫椴(Tilia amurensis Rupr.)、黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)和刺五加[Acanthopanax senticosus(Rupr.et Maxim.)Harms];并分布有较大面积的天然侧柏[Platycladus orientalis(Linn.)Franco]林。该保护区共有维管植物约869种,分别属于127科431属,其中蕨类植物共有16科19属33种,裸子植物共有3科4属4种,被子植物共有108科408属832种,其中野生植物有772种,占北京所具有的野生植物种类的1/3以上。四座楼自然保护区野生种子植物共有15个分布区类型,其中北温带分布类型最多,表明本保护区的植物分布具有温带性质。  相似文献   

楝科(Meliaceae)的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
楝科为泛热带分布科,全世界有51属,约550—600种,分布于旧世界热带地区有46属,热带美洲有8属.热带亚洲和热带非洲为楝科两大现代分布中心.中国楝科共15属,61种,占世界属总数的29%,种总数的10%。中国楝科的分布是在全球楝科分布区的边缘,主要分布于中国西南部及南部诸省,种类由西南向东南递减。中国楝科属的分布区类型可归为5类:1.热带亚洲、非洲和中南美洲间断分布(1属);2.旧世界热带分布(3属);3,热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布(2属);4.热带亚洲至热带非洲分布(1属);5.热带亚洲分布(8属)。中国楝科种的分布区类型仅有2类:1.热带亚洲分布(31种);2.中国特有分布(30种)。楝科植物的起源推断在早白垩纪。中国楝科植物由印度—马来西亚成分及特有成分组成。热带亚洲的楝科植物主要是通过中南半岛和中国云南。广西和海南等地发生联系,而菲律宾和台湾之间可有直接的联系。  相似文献   

安徽石蒜属4种植物核型研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
孙叶根  郑艳  张定成  邵建章   《广西植物》1998,18(4):363-367
本文分析了安徽境内石蒜属LycorisHerb.4种植物的核型,并结合有关文献探讨它们的核型变异。结果表明,乳白石蒜L.albifoliaKoidz.的核型为2n=19=3m+7st+4t+5T,属3B型;中国石蒜L.chinensisTraub.为2n=16=6m+10T,属3B型;石蒜L.radiata(L’Her.)Herb.为2n=22=4st+18t,属4A型;换锦花L.sprengeriComes.exBaker.为2n=22=2st+20t,属4A型。以上各种植物均未发现随体和次缢痕,通过核型比较,可见同种不同居群间在染色体数和核型结构上均存在较大的变异。  相似文献   

粉苞苣属(Chondrilla L.)植物是菊科多年生草本,约25种,主要分布中亚、北亚和欧洲。我国有10种,主要分布在新疆北部。通过对粉苞菊的生境、分布调查,得知粉苞苣属植物在新疆分布非常广泛,主要生长于砾石地和沙地,在公路两旁有大量的自然分布。粉苞苣属植物花期长,花色鲜艳,姿态优雅,是一种难得的野生观赏植物;同时,粉苞苣属植物具有耐盐碱、抗旱及耐贫瘠的特性,以其强盛的适应性和繁殖能力生长于荒漠、戈壁地带,是园林绿地、公路铁路和荒山荒坡绿化的理想植物。  相似文献   

In diffuse growing cells the orientation of cellulose fibrils determines mechanical anisotropy in the cell wall and hence also the direction of plant and organ growth. This paper reports on the mean or net orientation of cellulose fibrils in the outer epidermal wall of the whole Arabidopsis plant. This outer epidermal wall is considered as the growth-limiting boundary between plant and environment. In the root a net transverse orientation of the cellulose fibrils occurs in the elongation zone, while net random and longitudinal orientations are found in subsequent older parts of the differentiation zone. The position and the size of the transverse zone is related with root growth rate. In the shoot the net orientation of cellulose fibrils is transverse in the elongating apical part of the hypocotyl, and longitudinal in the fully elongated basal part. Leaf primordia and very young leaves have a transverse orientation. Throughout further development the leaf epidermis builds a very complex pattern of cells with a random orientation and cells with a transverse or a longitudinal orientation of the cellulose fibrils. The patterns of net cellulose orientation correlate well with the cylindrical growth of roots and shoots and with the typical planar growth of the leaf blade. On both the shoot and the root surface very specific patterns of cellulose orientation occur at sites of specific cell differentiation: trichome-socket cells complexes on the shoot and root hairs on the root.  相似文献   

Paul B. Green  Jeanne M. Lang 《Planta》1981,151(5):413-426
Polarity shifts occur during organogenesis. The histological criterion for polarity is the direction of cell division. The biophysical criterion is the orientation of reinforcing cellulose microfibrils which lie normal to the organ axis and which determine the preferred growth direction. Using cell pattern to deduce cell lineage, and polarized light to study cellulose alignment, both aspects of polarity were examined in the epidermis of regenerating G. paraguayense. In this system new leaves and a stem arise from parallel cell files on a mature leaf. Large (90°) shifts in polarity occur in regions of the epidermis to give the new organs radial symmetry in the surface plane (files radiating from a pole). Study of the shifts in the epidermis showed that, during certain stages, shifts in the division direction are accompanied by shifts in the cellulose deposition direction, as expected. The new cellulose orientation is parallel to the new cross wall. During normal organ extension, however, shifts in division direction do not bring on changes in cellulose pattern. Thus the coupling between the two kinds of polarity is facultative. This variable relation is used in a biophysical model which can account for the reorganization of cell file pattern and cellulose reinforcement pattern into the radial symmetry of the new organ.  相似文献   

Sorghum belongs to a group of economically important, silicon accumulating plants. X-ray microanalysis coupled with environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) of fresh root endodermal and leaf epidermal samples confirms histological and cultivar specificity of silicification. In sorghum roots, silicon is accumulated mostly in endodermal cells. Specialized silica aggregates are formed predominantly in a single row in the form of wall outgrowths on the inner tangential endodermal walls. The density of silica aggregates per square mm of inner tangential endodermal cell wall is around 2700 and there is no significant difference in the cultivars with different content of silicon in roots. In the leaf epidermis, silicon deposits were present in the outer walls of all cells, with the highest concentration in specialized idioblasts termed 'silica cells'. These cells are dumb-bell shaped in sorghum. In both the root endodermis and leaf epidermis, silicification was higher in a drought tolerant cultivar Gadambalia compared with drought sensitive cultivar Tabat. Silicon content per dry mass was higher in leaves than in roots in both cultivars. The values for cv. Gadambalia in roots and leaves are 3.5 and 4.1% Si, respectively, and for cv. Tabat 2.2 and 3.3%. However, based on X-ray microanalysis the amount of Si deposited in endodermal cell walls in drought tolerant cultivar (unlike the drought susceptible cultivar) is higher than that deposited in the leaf epidermis. The high root endodermal silicification might be related to a higher drought resistance.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, leaf and root epidermis hairs exhibit contrasting spatial arrangements even though the genetic networks regulating their respective cell-fate determination have very similar structures and components. We integrated available experimental data for leaf and root hair patterning in dynamic network models which may be reduced to activator-inhibitor models. This integration yielded expected results for these kinds of dynamic models, including striped and dotted cell patterns which are characteristic of root and leaf epidermis, respectively. However, these formal tools have led us to novel insights on current data and to put forward precise hypotheses which can be addressed experimentally. In particular, despite subtle differences in the root and leaf networks, these have equivalent dynamical behaviors. Our simulations also suggest that only when a biasing signal positively affects an activator in the network, the system recovers striped cellular patterns similar to those of root epidermis. We also postulate that cell shape may affect pattern stability in the root. Our results thus support the idea that in this and other cases, contrasting spatial cell patterns and other evolutionary morphogenetic novelties originate from conserved genetic network modules subject to divergent contextual traits.  相似文献   



Rice is a well-known silica-accumulating plant. The dumbbell-shaped silica bodies in the silica cells in rice leaf epidermis are formed via biosilicification, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown.


Leaves at different developmental stages were collected to investigate silica cell differentiation by analyzing structures and silicon localization in the silica cells.


Exogenous silicon application increased both shoot and root biomass. When silicon was supplied, silica cells in the leaf epidermis developed gradually into a dumbbell-shape and became increasingly silicified as leaves aged. Silicon deposition in the silica cells was not completed until the leaf was fully expanded. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that lignification of silica cell walls precedes silicon deposition in the lumen of silica cells. The organized needle-like silica microstructures were formed by moulding the inner cell walls and filling up the lumen of the silica cell following leaf maturation.


Two processes were involved in silicon deposition: (1) the silica cell wall was lignified and silicified, and then (2) the silicon was deposited gradually in silica cells as leaves aged. Silica body formation was not completed until the leaf was fully mature.  相似文献   

运用植物解剖学方法研究了喜树各器官的结构,对喜树不同器官中喜树碱含量进行了HPLC法测定。结果表明:(1)喜树根尖纵切面的结构由根冠、分生区、伸长区和根毛区4个部分组成。根和茎的初生结构都由表皮、皮层和维管柱3部分组成;在根和茎初生结构的皮层和髓部具有被锇酸染成黑色的嗜锇细胞;在次生生长中,根的木栓形成层起源于中柱鞘,茎的木栓形成层起源于皮层细胞;随着次生维管组织的增加,茎的中央形成髓腔。(2)叶片由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,叶肉细胞中分布有嗜锇细胞;光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察显示,喜树叶的上表皮没有气孔器分布;下表皮气孔器的保卫细胞呈肾形,没有副卫细胞,被几个表皮细胞不规则的围绕,属于无规则型;在上下表皮均分布着单细胞非腺毛和2种类型的腺毛,其中下表皮的分布相对稠密;上表皮腺毛呈球形,下表皮腺毛大部分为长卵形,其中间杂着一些球形腺毛;观察发现,越幼嫩的叶中,分布的腺毛和非腺毛越多。(3)喜树不同器官中喜树碱含量以幼叶和种子中较高,木质部中较低,髓中含量最少;随着叶的发育成熟,叶中喜树碱的含量逐渐降低,且同一叶的不同部位,喜树碱含量也有差异;喜树幼苗发育过程中喜树碱含量也在不断变化。  相似文献   

As a result of salt (NaCl)-stress, sensitive varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) respond with a strong inhibition of organ growth. The reduction of leaf elongation investigated here has several causes, including a modification of the mechanical properties of the cell wall. Among the various tissues that form the leaf, the epidermis plays a special role in controlling organ growth, because it is thought to form a rigid outer leaf coat that can restrict elongation by interacting with the inner cell layers. This study was designed to determine whether growth-related changes in the leaf epidermis and its cell wall correspond to the overall reduction in cell expansion of maize leaves during an osmotic stress-phase induced by salt treatment. Two different maize varieties contrasting in their degree of salt resistance (i.e., the hybrids Lector vs. SR03) were compared in order to identify physiological features contributing to resistance towards salinity. Wall loosening-related parameters, such as the capacity of the epidermal cell wall to expand, β-expansin abundance and apoplastic pH values, were analysed. Our data demonstrate that, in the salt-tolerant maize hybrid which maintained leaf growth under salinity, the epidermal cell wall was more extensible under salt stress. This was associated with a shift of the epidermal apoplastic pH into a range more favourable for acid growth. The more sensitive hybrid that displayed a pronounced leaf growth-reduction was shown to have stiffer epidermal cell walls under stress. This may be attributable to the reduced abundance of cell wall-loosening β-expansin proteins following a high salinity-treatment in the nutrient solution (100 mM NaCl, 8 days). This study clearly documents that salt stress impairs epidermal wall-loosening in growth-reduced maize leaves.  相似文献   

胡杨细胞和组织结构与其耐盐性关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The characteristics of the cell and organ structures of Populus euphratica Oliv. in relation to salt and osmotic tolerance were compared with those of P. tomentosa Cart. in vitro under the electron and light microscopic observation. P. euphratica exhibited characteristic structure which was associated with salt stress. It had well-developed epidermis and exodermis in the root tip and poorly developed conducting tissue in leaf. Root hairs were formed closer to the root tips. AsP. euphratica were stressed with salt and PEG, more abundance of chondriosomes and plastids in the cytoplasm and more containing substance in the plastid were observed and the osmophilic substance was obviously displayed in the cytoplasm and in the posterior margin of the vacuole. The filamentous structure, bigger nucleus and nucleolus were visualized in the stressed suspension-cultured cells of P. euphratica. The meristemic cells in the root tip of P. euphratica could maintain their structure when the plant was subjected to 8 g/L NaCl stress. It was also demonstrated that the cell wall and plasmalemma of P. euphratica were tightly combined as a dentate form, explaining why the cell could endure severe salt or osmotic stress and resist to plasmolysis indicating that P. euphratica possesses a solid structure base as a defense to salt stress.  相似文献   

The root surface determined microscopically amounts only to ten per cent of the surface assayed with methylene blue. This difference is assumed to correspond to the sorption surface of cell wall interfibrillar capillaries. The volume of these capillaries amounts to 0.1 per cent of the total volume of the organ only, but their surface far exceeds the external root surface. It is suggested that the interfibrillar capillaries of the epidermis cell walls constitute the main elements of the root sorption surface.  相似文献   

Wheat seedlings {Triticum aestivum L.) were grown on soils withcontrasted resistances to root penetration (measured as penetrometerresistance, Rs. High Rs reduced the rates of leaf appearanceand expansion. Although the duration of expansion was increased,mature leaves were smaller. Underlying changes in leaf anatomywere investigated on cleared mature leaves, focusing on theepidermes. Three leaves were analysed: leaves 1 and 3 whichstarted their development in the embryo, and leaf 5 which wasinitiated on the seedling, after imposition of contrasted soilconditions. In all leaves, high Rs, caused a reduction in maturecell sizes, lengths and widths, and a shift in the relativeproportions of functionally different cell types, with a decreasein the relative proportions of stomata and associated cell types(interstomatal and sister cells) and an increase in the proportionsof unspecialized elongated epidermal cells and of trichomes.In leaves 3 and 5 the number of cellular files across the bladewas also reduced, while in leaf 1 it was similar at the twoRs. These differences between leaves are attributed to differencesin their developmental stage when root stress was first perceived.Remarkably, Rs had no effect (leaf 1) or relatively small effects(leaves 3 and 5) on the total number of cells per file, suggestingthat this parameter is either largely insensitive to variationin root environment, or is programmed at the outset before stresswas perceived at the apex. Key words: Wheat, anatomy, mature epidermis, root impedance  相似文献   

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