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稳定同位素技术在水域生态系统研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
稳定同位素作为一种天然的示踪物,应用十分广泛,其在水域生态学中的应用也日益受到重视。生物同位素组成总是与其食物同位素组成相一致,能随食物的改变而相应地发生改变,是生物生存状况的理想指示物,为水域生态系统食物网结构与功能、物质流与能量流的研究提供了有力的技术支撑。在综评稳定同位素技术原理与方法的基础上,较为详细地对其应用于水域生态研究的理论基础与进展进行了总结。该方法的应用以水域中生产者同位素组成差异为前提,主要涉及确定食物来源、食物的贡献比例、营养级的确定、食物网结构的构建及鱼类等水生生物的洄游及迁移路线等方面,这些研究对了解生态系统的动态变化与外界环境对其影响具有重要意义。并对我国此类研究的前景和存在问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素的湿地食物源判定和食物网构建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地生物营养动力学是湿地生态系统结构和功能评价研究的基础.碳、氮稳定同位素作为识别营养关系的方法,已在湿地生态系统食物来源、组成和食物链传递研究中得到广泛运用.本文系统综述了稳定同位素食物贡献度计算模型和营养级确定的基本方法和理论;讨论了动物营养分馏值和基线的选择依据;概括了湿地生态系统典型食物源及其稳定同位素变化特征;总结了草食、杂食和肉食等不同营养级动物的食物来源.指出了稳定同位素在湿地食物源溯源和食物网研究中的不足;基于国内外研究现状和发展趋势及需求,展望了未来同位素技术在湿地食物网生态学研究中的运用前景和研究重点,提出需要加强稳定同位素营养分馏和基线的影响因素、样品处理和保存方式研究以及胃含物、分子标记物和多元素同位素结合分析.  相似文献   

王玉玉  于秀波  张亮  徐军 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1181-1188
稳定碳、氮同位素比值分析技术是研究生态系统中物质循环与能量流动的有效技术.δ13C值常用来分析消费者食物来源,δ15N值常用来确定生物在食物网中的营养位置.应用稳定同位素技术分析了鄱阳湖北部湖口县、都昌县、星子县、吴城镇4个采样点95条鱼和其他食物网成分样品的碳、氮稳定同位素比值,构建了鄱阳湖枯水期末期水生食物网.结果表明,不同水域颗粒有机物(POM)的δ13C值不同,范围为-27.5‰~-24.6‰可以区分赣江、修水、鄱阳湖、长江和鄱阳湖湖交汇处水体的颗粒有机物特征.江西鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区受人类活动干扰少,核心区生物δ15N相对较低,而周边人类活动频繁的星子、都昌两县附近水域生物体内的δ15N偏高,反映了人类活动引起的营养输入对系统的影响.在湖区不同位置捕获的相同品种水生生物δ13C值不同,反映了其不同的食物来源,用δ15N值计算发现其所占据的相对营养位置较为一致.  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术在鲨鱼摄食和洄游行为研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
李云凯   《生态学杂志》2014,25(9):2756-2764
随着稳定同位素分析技术的不断成熟,其在生态学领域中的应用也增长迅速,并成为动物摄食生态学的重要研究工具.鲨鱼因其在生物系统进化过程中的独特地位和海洋生态系统中的重要作用已成为海洋食物网研究的重点,然而国内针对鲨鱼摄食习性和洄游行为等方面的研究仍处于起步阶段.本文在总结了国内外鲨鱼稳定同位素分析组织样品选取和样品预处理方法的基础上,系统归纳了稳定同位素技术在鲨鱼摄食生态学,尤其在其摄食和洄游行为研究领域中的应用,着重分析稳定同位素技术在鲨鱼稳定同位素判别值和更新速率、食性分析、营养级评估、洄游路径分析和生态位分布等核心问题上的应用现状和发展前景,以期为国内学者开展鲨鱼类基础生物、生态学研究提供有益参考.  相似文献   

夏季若尔盖高寒湿地水生生物群落食物网结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解若尔盖高寒湿地夏季水生生物群落食物网结构及营养关系特征,应用稳定同位素技术分析了若尔盖湿地 3个不同区域(ZS1、ZS2和ZS3)水生生物群落碳、氮稳定同位素比值,并计算了13C-15N同位素生态位中的6个营养结构量化指标。结果显示:外源性营养源陆生植物13C、15N值分别为-28.23- -26.07,-1.20-5.98; 内源性营养源颗粒有机物 (POM:主要成分为藻类)和水生植物13C、15N值分别为-26.39- -21.17、-25.37- -24.15,3.68-6.61、3.50-4.01; 其中POM样品13C、15N组成存在明显的区域性差异(P0.05,P0.001)。食物网营养结构分析显示若尔盖湿地外源性碳源输入(优势陆生植物)对于维持该水域生态系统结构稳定有着十分重要的作用。若尔盖湿地水域食物网营养级介于2-3,暗示了其生态系统结构的相对脆弱性。同位素量化指标标记发现若尔盖湿地水生动物群落生态结构存在明显的空间异质性,可能与若尔盖湿地发达的畜牧产业相关。  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术在头足类摄食生态学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
头足类在海洋食物网营养关系中占有重要地位,然而对其复杂的生活史过程,尤其是摄食生态学信息仍知之甚少.稳定同位素技术作为传统食物网科学研究方法的有力补充,可更深层次地分析头足类的摄食习性和栖息地等方面的重要信息.本文在比较分析国内外头足类摄食生态学研究方法的基础上,系统归纳总结了稳定同位素技术在头足类摄食生态学研究中的发展现状并介绍最新进展情况,着重分析稳定同位素技术在头足类生活史信息,尤其是在摄食生态学研究中的应用现状及发展前景,包括测定样品标准化、头足类生长发育过程中的食性转换和洄游分布等核心问题,以促进其在头足类生物学研究中的应用.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统稳定同位素基线的选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贡艺  陈玲  李云凯 《生态学杂志》2017,28(7):2399-2404
稳定同位素技术在海洋食物网研究中得到了广泛的应用,但在分析海洋生物食性和营养级时,需要选择某种生物或物质的稳定同位素值作为基线.本文综述了河口和海湾、浅海、大洋及深海4类典型海洋生态系统稳定同位素基线的选取,分析了影响稳定同位素基线选择的因素,以及特定化合物稳定同位素在消除基线时空异质性中的潜在价值,并对目前存在的问题以及今后的研究方向进行了展望,以期为国内学者进一步深入开展海洋生态系统的稳定同位素生态学研究提供有益参考.  相似文献   

基于碳、氮稳定同位素技术的东太湖水生食物网结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稳定同位素技术是研究生态系统食物网中物质循环与能量流动的有效技术之一。碳稳定同位素比值(δ13C)常用来分析消费者食物来源,而氮稳定同位素比值(δ15N)常用来确定生物在食物网中的营养位置。本研究应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术构建了东太湖食物网结构。结果表明:东太湖食物网主要由两条营养传递途径组成,即浮游植物为初级生产者的浮游营养传递途径和苦草等大型水生植物为初级生产者的近岸底层营养传递途径,湖中9种主要鱼虾类能量主要来自近岸底层传递;翘嘴鲌(Erythroculter ilishaeformis)、鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)和鲶(Silurus sp.)作为湖泊中的顶极捕食者,具有相对最高的营养级,并占据食物网的顶层。  相似文献   

东太平洋中部中上层鲨鱼群落营养生态位分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲨鱼在大洋生态系统中占据着重要的生态地位,其作为顶级捕食者,通过下行效应直接影响生态系统的稳定.稳定同位素技术是目前研究摄食生态学强有力的手段之一,可利用碳氮稳定同位素在食物网中的特性分别指示鲨鱼的食物来源和营养级.本研究选取8种130尾采集自东太平洋中部的中上层鲨鱼,应用稳定同位素绘制其种群生态位图谱,比较不同种群间的生态地位及资源分配方式上的差异.结果表明:不同鲨鱼种群碳、氮稳定同位素比值存在显著差异;8种鲨鱼在东太平洋生态系统中的营养级为4.3~5.4,大青鲨、尖吻鲭鲨与其他6种鲨鱼存在摄食隔离,表现出独特的营养生态地位.这些结果充分证明大洋性中上层鲨鱼并非生态系统的冗余种,其营养生态位的独特性不会被其他捕食者简单地替代和弥补.  相似文献   

硫稳定同位素技术在生态学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着人为SO2释放的增加, 硫稳定同位素的动态已成为生物地球化学循环过程中研究的热点。该文对天然硫稳定同位素在大气自然过程中的硫来源分析及其在森林生态系统、农田生态系统和水域生态系统中的硫动态研究, 人为添加的硫稳定同位素在生态环境中的应用及硫稳定同位素技术在我国酸雨研究中的潜在贡献等进行了综述, 并从硫稳定同位素技术应用研究的范围、分析手段及源解析模型方面介绍了可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

贡艺  陈新军  高春霞  李云凯   《生态学杂志》2014,25(11):3349-3356
稳定同位素技术可深层次地分析头足类的摄食习性和栖息地等方面的重要信息.稳定同位素分析多选取动物肌肉为研究组织,然而,肌肉中的脂类含量会影响对其稳定同位素信息的准确解析.北太平洋柔鱼是重要的大洋经济性头足类,在海洋生态系统中具有重要的生态地位.本研究选取了53尾北太平洋柔鱼,通过分析脂类抽提对胴体肌肉稳定同位素比值的影响,探讨脂类物质对稳定同位素比值的干扰机制,对比不同碳稳定同位素比值校正模型的适用性,并提出适用于北太平洋柔鱼胴体肌肉δ13-C校正模型.结果表明: 北太平洋柔鱼肌肉的脂类抽提会引起稳定同位素测定结果的显著变化,δ13-C和δ15-N分别平均升高0.71‰和0.47‰,在分析组织碳稳定同位素比值时,脂类抽提在样品预处理过程中十分必要,其能消除脂类对样品稳定同位素分析的干扰,从而更加准确地分析研究对象食性与栖息地的变化.在单独进行氮稳定同位素比值分析时,则不需要进行脂类抽提.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has rapidly become a useful tool to study the ecology of wild animal populations, especially for elusive, wide‐ranging predators like marine mammals. The development of projectile biopsy techniques resulted in the collection of thousands of cetacean tissue samples that were archived in a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution for long‐term, multidecadal preservation. Here we examine the influence of DMSO preservation on carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) values by comparing a set of paired delphinid skin samples stored frozen without preservative and in DMSO for up to 22 yr. Treatment of paired frozen and DMSO‐preserved skin in a 2:1 chloroform:methanol solution yielded similar δ13C and δ15N values, revealing that DMSO and lipid contamination have similar isotopic effects on skin, and that these effects can be removed using routine lipid‐extraction methods. Further, amino acid concentrations in DMSO‐preserved and frozen skin tissue were similar, providing independent evidence of minimal protein alteration due to preservation. Access to a rich archive of skin samples preserved in DMSO will expand our ability to examine temporal and spatial variability in the isotope values of cetaceans, which will aid our understanding of how their ecology has been influenced by historical changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

以长江一级支流小江上游的汉丰湖为研究对象,设置了4个采样点(影响组:A, B;对照组:C, D),应用碳、氮稳定性同位素探讨人类生活污水和农业面源污染对汉丰湖水生生态系统中不同营养级水平生物类群的影响。结果表明:影响组POM(颗粒有机物)和螺类碳、氮稳定性同位素比值范围分别为-25.93‰--24.63‰、4.12‰-9.86‰,-14.28‰--21.60‰、7.97‰-19.99‰;对照组POM(颗粒有机物)和螺类碳、氮稳定性同位素比值范围分别为-25.62‰--22.51‰、0.01‰-6.56‰,-22.96‰--19.21‰、6.75‰-8.89‰;不同组间POM和初级消费者螺类碳同位素比值无明显空间变化(P>0.05), 而氮稳定性同位素比值空间变化显著(P<0.05)。因此,在汉丰湖食物网中,氮稳定性同位素特征更好地反应了营养物质(人为输入)吸收和富集的信息。与固着藻类、鱼类等相比,POM和软体动物螺类更适合作为环境评价的指示物。影响组A、B样点的部分生物类群已经受到了人为营养物质输入的影响,影响强度B样点区域>A样点区域。结果建议加强汉丰湖水环境保护,控制污水排放量及提高污水处理水平,对于保护小江和三峡库区水质具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

《Trends in parasitology》2023,39(9):749-759
Wild animals are usually infected with parasites that can alter their hosts’ trophic niches in food webs as can be seen from stable isotope analyses of infected versus uninfected individuals. The mechanisms influencing these effects of parasites on host isotopic values are not fully understood. Here, we develop a conceptual model to describe how the alteration of the resource intake or the internal resource use of hosts by parasites can lead to differences of trophic and isotopic niches of infected versus uninfected individuals and ultimately alter resource flows through food webs. We therefore highlight that stable isotope studies inferring trophic positions of wild organisms in food webs would benefit from routine identification of their infection status.  相似文献   

We tested the impacts of most common sample preservation methods used for aquatic sample materials on the stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in clams, a typical baseline indicator organism for many aquatic food web studies utilising stable isotope analysis (SIA). In addition to common chemical preservatives ethanol and formalin, we also assessed the potential impacts of freezing on δ13C and δ15N values and compared the preserved samples against freshly dried and analysed samples. All preservation methods, including freezing, had significant impacts on δ13C and δ15N values and the effects in general were greater on the carbon isotope values (1.3–2.2‰ difference) than on the nitrogen isotope values (0.9–1.0‰ difference). However, the impacts produced by the preservation were rather consistent within each method during the whole 1 year experiment allowing these to be accounted for, if clams are intended for use in retrospective stable isotope studies.  相似文献   

Researchers working with stable isotopes are faced with the problem of preserving animal samples without altering their isotope ratios. We evaluated the effects of several preservation treatments on the isotopic content of Drosophila samples. Results show that, when there is a danger of rotting, preservation treatment is indispensable to preserve intact isotope ratios, but that not all treatments are equally appropriate. The best is freezing without liquid nitrogen. Ethanol or ethylene glycol preserve the delta 15N, but change the delta 13C. Formalin should be avoided. Storage in a NaCl solution may be a good short-term alternative to freezing for both elements. In the control males and females, the trophic isotopic shift was, respectively, +2.9 and +2.6/1000 for delta 15N, and +1.1/1000 for delta 13C (no difference between sexes). Despite a standardised rearing protocol, there were small but significant inter-tube differences, caused by microenvironmental rather than by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Use of stable isotope ratios to trace pathways of organic matter among consumers requires knowledge of the isotopic shift between diet and consumer. Variation in trophic shift among consumers can be substantial. For data from the published literature and supplementary original data (excluding fluid-feeding consumers), the mean isotopic shift for C was +0.5±0.13‰ rather than 0.0‰, as commonly assumed. The shift for C was higher for consumers analyzed as muscle (+1.3±0.30‰) than for consumers analyzed whole (+0.3±0.14‰). Among consumers analyzed whole, the trophic shift for C was lower for consumers acidified prior to analysis (−0.2±0.21‰) than for unacidified samples (+0.5±0.17‰). For N, trophic shift was lower for consumers raised on invertebrate diets (+1.4±0.21‰) than for consumers raised on other high-protein diets (+3.3±0.26‰) and was intermediate for consumers raised on plant and algal diets (+2.2±0.30‰). The trophic shift for S differed between high-protein (+2.0±0.65‰) and low-protein diets (-0.5±0.56‰). Thus, methods of analysis and dietary differences can affect trophic shift for consumers; the utility of stable isotope methods can be improved if this information is incorporated into studies of trophic relationships. Although few studies of stable isotope ratios have considered variation in the trophic shift, such variation is important because small errors in estimates of trophic shift can result in large errors in estimates of the contribution of sources to consumers or in estimates of trophic position.  相似文献   

1. Conventional collection methods for pelagic fish species (netting, trawling) are impractical or prohibited in Loch Ness, U.K. To investigate trophic relationships at the top of the Loch Ness food web, an alternative strategy, angling, provided samples of the top predator, the purely piscivorous ferox trout ( Salmo trutta ).
2. The gut contents of these fish provided further samples of prey-fish, and subsequent examination of prey-fish guts revealed their dietary intake, analogous to the famous nested `Russian dolls'. Each trophic level separated by gut content analysis provided further complementary samples for stable isotope analysis and thus information on the longer term, assimilated diet.
3. Ferox trout exhibited considerable cannibalism to supplement a diet of Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus ). However, conspecifics stemmed from a lower isotopic baseline in relation to charr, so ferox trout exhibited a lower trophic level than predicted (4.3) by using the δ15N values. Charr displayed dietary specialisation with increasing length, and isotopic values supported by the gut data placed the charr at a trophic level of 3.5. The isotope data also indicated that charr carbon was primarily autochthonous in origin.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring separately glutamine and glutamate levels and stable isotopic enrichment in plasma or whole blood samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). Deuterated internal standards are used for the quantitation via reverse isotope dilution and are added to plasma samples immediately upon sample collection. The samples are then applied to miniature anion-exchange columns to separate glutamine and glutamate, and the separated fractions are derivatized for GCMS analysis. The internal standards serve not only to quantitate both amino acids by reverse isotope dilution, but also to correct for glutamine deamidation to glutamate during sample storage and handling. Glutamine and glutamate are quantitated from plasma with typical precisions of 1 and 16%, respectively. Plasma glutamine and glutamate amino-15N enrichments are determined with precisions of 2 and 12%, respectively. The precision of the glutamate measurements for whole blood is typically 6%, where the glutamate levels are higher. This method uses inexpensive columns, allows simultaneous processing of multiple samples, and requires minimal volumes of plasma (250 microliter).  相似文献   

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