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Communities of insect herbivores and their natural enemies are rich and ecologically crucial components of terrestrial biodiversity. Understanding the processes that promote their origin and maintenance is thus of considerable interest. One major proposed mechanism is ecological speciation through host‐associated differentiation (HAD), the divergence of a polyphagous species first into ecological host races and eventually into more specialized daughter species. The rich chalcid parasitoid communities attacking cynipid oak gall wasp hosts are structured by multiple host traits, including food plant taxon, host gall phenology, and gall structure. Here, we ask whether the same traits structure genetic diversity within supposedly generalist parasitoid morphospecies. We use mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite genotypes to quantify HAD for Megastigmus (Bootanomyia) dorsalis, a complex of two apparently generalist cryptic parasitoid species attacking oak galls. Ancient Balkan refugial populations showed phenological separation between the cryptic species, one primarily attacking spring galls, and the other mainly attacking autumn galls. The spring species also contained host races specializing on galls developing on different host‐plant lineages (sections Cerris vs. Quercus) within the oak genus Quercus. These results indicate more significant host‐associated structuring within oak gall parasitoid communities than previously thought and support ecological theory predicting the evolution of specialist lineages within generalist parasitoids. In contrast, UK populations of the autumn cryptic species associated with both native and recently invading oak gall wasps showed no evidence of population differentiation, implying rapid recruitment of native parasitoid populations onto invading hosts, and hence potential for natural biological control. This is of significance given recent rapid range expansion of the economically damaging chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, in Europe.  相似文献   

Insect‐induced galls on plants comprise species‐rich but self‐contained communities of herbivores and natural enemies. In the present study, we focus on galls induced by cynipid gall wasps on oaks, and on the least‐known trophic level that these galls contain: inquilines. These insects, also cynipids, feed on gall tissue and are an abundant but taxonomically poorly understood part of an otherwise well‐studied system. We used DNA sequence data to examine spatial patterns in the genetic diversity of Synergus umbraculus Olivier 1791 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini), a widespread species attacking many host galls across the Western Palaearctic. Analysis of 239 cytochrome b sequences revealed eight haplogroups showing significant phylogeographic pattern across the Western Palaearctic, corresponding to putative glacial refugia in Iberia, Central Europe, Turkey, and Iran. There were significant genetic discontinuities across the Pyrenees and the Anatolian diagonal but no impact of the Alps, suggesting that significant discontinuities have biotic rather than physical causes. Detailed analysis of sites in the Carpathian Basin reveal a high diversity and low spatial structure, and identify Central Europe as the source of colonists for Quaternary colonization of Germany, France, and Britain. We found no evidence for host‐associated differentiation of S. umbraculus lineages associated with the most common cynipid host galls, suggesting frequent shifts within the host gall assemblage by inquiline lineages. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 750–764.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary relationships between parasites and hosts can elevate the rate of evolutionary changes owing to reciprocal adaptations between coevolving partners. Such relationships can result in the evolution of host specificity. Recent methodological advances have permitted the recognition of cryptic lineages, with important consequences for our understanding of biological diversity. We used the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), a freshwater fish that parasitizes unionid mussels, to investigate host specialization across regions of recent and ancient sympatry between coevolving partners. We combined genetic data (12 microsatellite and 2 mitochondrial markers) from five populations with experimental data for possible mechanisms of host species recognition (imprinting and conditioning). We found no strong evidence for the existence of cryptic lineages in R. amarus, though a small proportion of variation among individuals in an area of recent bitterling–mussel association was statistically significant in explaining host specificity. No other measures supported the existence of host‐specific lineages. Behavioural data revealed a weak effect of conditioning that biased behavioural preferences towards specific host species. Host imprinting had no effect on oviposition behaviour. Overall, we established that populations of R. amarus show limited potential for specialization, manifested as weak effects of host conditioning and genetic within‐population structure. Rhodeus amarus is the only species of mussel‐parasitizing fish in Europe, which contrasts with the species‐rich communities of bitterling in eastern Asia where several host‐specific bitterling occur. We discuss costs and constraints on the evolution of host‐specific lineages in our study system and more generally.  相似文献   

Aim Primary and secondary genetic clines in post-glacial colonized regions have different implications for biogeographic distributions and the origin of species. Primary clines arise in situ after colonization as adaptive responses to environmental gradients, while secondary clines are caused by contact between vicariant lineages. Here we analyse primary versus secondary origin of a genetic cline in the tephritid fly Urophora cardui in Jutland, Denmark, in a post-glacial landscape. Location Western Palaearctic. Methods Phylogeographic and demographic analyses of U. cardui based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genealogies, hierarchical genetic variance tests based on allozymes and distribution analysis of a rare allele from the Jutland cline. Results There was no phylogeographic divergence between the Jutland population of U. cardui north of the cline and neighbouring western European regional populations, which all shared the common western European mtDNA haplotype H1. At nuclear loci, by contrast, the North Jutland population was diverged above the mean level of divergence among regional populations and had no loss of genetic variation. A rare allozyme allele that was frequent in the cline area (up to 45%) and was missing north of the cline also occurred at low frequency (0–14%) elsewhere in the sampling range. Shallow phylogeographic divergence was observed between Russian and western European populations and between English and continental populations. Main conclusions The genetic variation patterns support primary cline evolution and parapatric divergence in Jutland following a demographic expansion of a western European ancestral source population of U. cardui, and suggest cryptic refugia and/or selection in other European population assemblages. The patterns of intra-specific regional divergence are discussed with respect to the interpretation of cryptic refugia in Europe after the most recent ice age.  相似文献   

Parasite communities tend to be dissimilar in hosts that are geographically, phylogenetically, ecologically and developmentally distant from one another. The decay of community similarity is a powerful and increasingly common method of studying parasite beta diversity, but most studies have examined only a single type of distance. Here, we evaluate distances based on the phylogeny, ecology, spatial proximity and size of hosts, as predictors of the similarity of parasite communities in individual hosts, host populations and host species. We surveyed parasites in six species of fish collected simultaneously from six localities in the St. Lawrence River, Canada, and species in a common group of larval parasites were discriminated using DNA sequences from barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase I. Distances based on the habitat use patterns of host species were good predictors of short‐term, ecological similarity of parasite communities, such as that operating at the scale of the individual host. The genetic distance between host species was associated with almost all types of similarity at all scales, particularly qualitative and phylogenetic similarity of parasite communities at the level of populations and meta‐populations of hosts. The trophic level, diet, spatial proximity and size of hosts were poor predictors of parasite community similarity. The increased taxonomic resolution provided by molecular data increased the explanatory power of regression models, and different factors were implicated when parasite species were distinguished with DNA barcodes than when larval parasites were lumped into morphospecies, as is commonly practiced.  相似文献   

Host‐associated differentiation (HAD) is considered a step towards ecological speciation and an important mechanism promoting diversification in phytophagous insects. Although the number of documented cases of HAD is increasing, these still represent only a small fraction of species and feeding guilds among phytophagous insects, and most reports are based on a single type of evidence. Here we employ a comprehensive approach to present behavioural, morphological, ecological and genetic evidence for the occurrence of HAD in the gall midge Dasineura folliculi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on two sympatric species of goldenrods (Solidago rugosa and S. gigantea). Controlled experiments revealed assortative mating and strong oviposition fidelity for the natal‐host species. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed an amount of genetic divergence between the two host‐associated populations compatible with cryptic species rather than host races. Lower levels of within‐host genetic divergence, gall development and natural‐enemy attack in the S. gigantea population suggest this is the derived host.  相似文献   

The freshwater turtles of the genus Emys and some leech species of the family Glossiphoniidae are the only Palaearctic representatives of primarily Nearctic taxa, which jointly colonized Eurasia and the Maghreb during the Miocene. The strict trophic relationships occurring between the glossiphoniid parasite leech Placobdella costata and its host, the emydid Emys orbicularis, make them a prime example of host–parasite cophylogenetic evolution. In the light of the discovery of the Sicilian cryptic endemic species Emys trinacris, which is the sister species to the widespread Palaearctic E. orbicularis, the possible cophylogenetic divergence of the turtle hosts and their leech parasites was investigated. In spite of the deep divergence scored between the two pond turtle species and of their allopatric distribution, their leech parasites proved to be conspecific and indistinguishable based on the implemented molecular marker. This unexpected decoupling might likely be ascribed to the different dispersal abilities of the two taxa and/or to the recent, human‐mediated introduction of the leech parasites in Sicily. If this last scenario is confirmed, the long‐term effects of the introduced leech parasite on the endemic Sicilian pond turtle Emys trinacris should be carefully monitored. In the frame of this study, representatives of the widely spread predatory leech Helobdella stagnalis were observed on E. trinacris. Molecular analyses of their stomach content allowed to rule out the possibility of the existence of a trophic relationships between these two taxa, in contrast to what was previously suspected, and suggest that H. stagnalis specimens were rather attached to the turtles for non‐nutritional reasons.  相似文献   

According to the Host-tracking Hypothesis, species of higher trophic levels with a close relationship to their hosts, such as parasites or parasitoids, are expected to show spatio-temporal phylogeographic patterns similar to those of their host. Alternatively, with ecological sorting, a subset of the local species pools might shift to a related host species, thereby disengaging common phylogeographic patterns. Here, we compare the phylogeographic structures of the cynipid rose gall wasp Diplolepis rosae across Europe and of two of its most common parasitoids, the wasps Orthopelma mediator and Glyphomerus stigma, by analysing the sequences of two gene fragments (COI and ITS 2). The phylogeographic structures of the three species associated with roses were incongruent. D. rosae had the lowest genetic diversity with one major clade, O. mediator showed the classical phylogeographic structure for Europe with one eastern and one western clade, and G. stigma had the highest diversity but no geographical structuring. This discordance of geographical patterns may be explained by 1) the dispersal propensity of adult parasitoids or 2) the parasitoids having the ability to switch to another host, while the primary host becomes rare or is even not available. Furthermore there was no indication that phylogenetic patterns were affected by Wolbachia infections. Our results document that communities of closely interacting species may be the result of idiosyncratic biogeographic histories.  相似文献   

Host shifts followed by specialization can result in sympatric genetic differentiation, and may have fuelled the diversification of phytophagous insects. This study examines a recent colonization of a non‐native host by Prodoxus quinquepunctellus (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae). Allozyme differentiation was detected among different host feeding populations, yet was nearly absent among similar host feeding populations in sympatry. Geographical patterns of allozyme variation showed a much higher level of population structure among populations feeding on the derived host. Conversely, mtDNA haplotype frequencies were nearly homogeneous in the derived populations compared to the ancestral populations, suggesting a bottleneck and/or rapid fixation of haplotypes following host colonization. Moth emergence coincided with host plant flowering, and phenological differences between host species translated into allochronic isolation between populations feeding on different hosts. Derived moth populations also differed significantly in three ovipositor characters from ancestral populations. These findings suggest rapid host‐specific genetic differentiation, and specialization of moth emergence time and ovipositor morphology following host colonization.  相似文献   



We used comparative phylogeography of two intestinal parasites of freshwater fish to test whether similarity in life cycle translates into concordant phylogeographical history. The thorny‐headed worms Pomphorhynchus laevis and P. tereticollis (Acanthocephala) were formerly considered as a single species with a broad geographical and host range within the Western Palaearctic.


Central and eastern parts of Northern Mediterranean area, Western and Central Europe, Ponto‐Caspian Europe.


A mitochondrial marker (COI) was sequenced for 111 P. laevis and 50 P. tereticollis individuals and nuclear ITS1 and ITS2 sequences were obtained for 37 P. laevis and 21 P. tereticollis. Genetic divergence, phylogenetic relationships and divergence time were estimated for various lineages within each species, and their phylogeographical patterns were compared to known palaeogeographical events in Western Palaearctic. Biogeographical histories of each species were inferred.


The two species show very different phylogeographical patterns. Five lineages were identified in P. laevis, partially matching several major biogeographical regions defined in the European riverine fish fauna. The early stages of P. laevis diversification occurred in the peri‐Mediterranean area, during the Late Miocene. Subsequent expansion across Western Europe and Russia was shaped by dispersal and vicariant events, from Middle Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene. By contrast, P. tereticollis has differentiated more recently within the Western and Central parts of Europe, and shows weak geographical and genetic structuring.


Our study highlights weak to moderate similarity in the phylogeographical pattern of these acanthocephalan parasites compared to their amphipod and fish hosts. The observed differences in the timing of dispersion and migration routes taken may reflect the use of a range of final hosts with different ecologies and dispersal capabilities. By using a group underrepresented in phylogeographical studies, our study is a valuable contribution to revealing the biogeography of host–parasite interactions in continental freshwaters.  相似文献   

Detection of genetic and behavioural diversity within morphologically similar species has led to the discovery of cryptic species complexes. We tested the hypothesis that US populations of the canyon treefrog (Hyla arenicolor) may consist of cryptic species by examining mate‐attraction signals among three divergent clades defined by mtDNA. Using a multi‐locus approach, we re‐analysed phylogenetic relationships among the three clades and a closely related, but morphologically and behaviourally dissimilar species, the Arizona treefrog (H. wrightorum). We found evidence for introgression of H. wrightorum’s mitochondrial genome into H. arenicolor. Additionally, the two‐clade topology based on nuclear data is more congruent with patterns of call variation than the three‐clade topology from the mitochondrial dataset. The magnitude of the call divergence is probably insufficient to promote isolation of the nuclear DNA‐defined clades should they become sympatric, but further divergence in call properties significant in species identification could promote speciation in the future.  相似文献   

Dincă V  Dapporto L  Vila R 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(18):3921-3935
Widespread species have the potential to reveal large‐scale biogeographical patterns, as well as responses to environmental changes possibly unique to habitat generalists. This study presents a continental‐scale phylogeographical analysis of Polyommatus icarus, one of the most common Palaearctic butterflies, and the morphologically and ecologically similar Polyommatus celina, a recently discovered cryptic species. By combining data from mitochondrial [cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)] and nuclear [internal transcribed spacer (ITS2)] molecular markers with geometric morphometrics, we document a complex phylogeographical history for the two species. Despite morphological similarities, the genetic divergence between these two species is high (more than 5% at COI) and they are not sister species. For the first time, we show that P. celina occurs not only in North Africa but also in Europe, where it inhabits several west Mediterranean islands, as well as large parts of Iberia, where it occurs in parapatry with P. icarus. The two species appear to completely exclude each other on islands, but we provide morphological and molecular evidence that introgression occurred in the Iberian Peninsula. We discovered strongly diverged lineages that seem to represent relict populations produced by past range expansions and contractions: Crete and Iberian isolates for P. icarus, Balearics–Sardinia and Sicily–Lipari for P. celina. This study shows that a combined genetic‐morphometric approach can shed light on cryptic diversity while providing the necessary resolution to reconstruct a fine‐scale phylogeographical history of species at both spatial and temporal levels.  相似文献   

The tapeworm species Spirometra erinaceieuropaei was documented mainly in Asia and Europe. In recent years, plerocercoid larvae (spargana) of this parasite have been found in different hosts in north‐eastern Poland. The evolutionary history and way of S. erinaceieuropaei spreading across Eurasia have been not described yet. However, this phenomenon could be closely related to the evolutionary history and migration routes of studied tapeworm host species. We investigated the genetic variability and divergence pattern among S. erinaceieuropaei populations in intermediate and paratenic hosts from north‐eastern Poland based on complete mitochondrial sequences of cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) genes. Analysis of 319 consolidated sequences of these two genes showed no genetic structure across study area. Comparison of sequences from Poland and China showed distinct separation of S. erinaceieuropaei populations from these two regions. They split from their common ancestor approximately 28.6 million years ago. Demographic expansion of Polish population of S. erinaceieuropaei started from glacial refugia approximately 12.5 thousand years ago, and recent population expansion has been observed in the tapeworm population from north‐eastern Poland.  相似文献   

Studies of related populations varying in their degrees of reproductive isolation can provide insights into speciation. Here, the transition from partially isolated host races to more fully separated sibling species is investigated by comparing patterns of genetic differentiation between recently evolved (~150 generations) apple and ancestral hawthorn‐infesting populations of Rhagoletis pomonella to their sister taxon, the undescribed flowering dogwood fly attacking Cornus florida. No fixed or diagnostic private alleles differentiating the three populations were found at any of 23 microsatellites and 10 allozymes scored. Nevertheless, allele frequency differences were sufficient across loci for flowering dogwood fly populations from multiple localities to form a diagnosable genotypic cluster distinct from apple and hawthorn flies, indicative of species status. Genome‐wide patterns of differentiation were correlated between the host races and species pair comparisons along the majority of chromosomes, suggesting that similar disruptive selection pressures affect most loci. However, differentiation was more pronounced, with some additional regions showing elevated divergence, for the species pair comparison. Our results imply that Rhagoletis sibling species such as the flowering dogwood fly represent host races writ large, with the transition to species status primarily resulting from increased divergence of the same regions separating apple and hawthorn flies.  相似文献   

Community structures of aphids and their parasitoids were studied in fruit crop habitats of eastern Belgium in 2014 and 2015. Quantitative food webs of these insects were constructed separately for each year, and divided into subwebs on three host‐plant categories, fruit crop plants, non‐crop woody and shrub plants and non‐crop herbaceous plants. The webs were analyzed using the standard food web statistics designed for binary data. During the whole study period, 78 plant species were recorded as host plants of 71 aphid species, from which 48 parasitoid species emerged. The community structure, aphid / parasitoid species‐richness ratio and trophic link number varied between the two years, whereas the realized connectance between parasitoids and aphids was relatively constant. A new plant–aphid–parasitoid association for Europe was recorded. Dominant parasitoid species in the study sites were Ephedrus persicae, Binodoxys angelicae and Praon volucre: the first species was frequently observed on non‐crop trees and shrubs, but the other two on non‐crop herbaceous plants. The potential influence, through indirect interactions, of parasitoids on aphid communities was assessed with quantitative parasitoid‐overlap diagrams. Symmetrical links were uncommon, and abundant aphid species seemed to have large indirect effects on less abundant species. These results show that trophic indirect interactions through parasitoids may govern aphid populations in fruit crop habitats with various non‐crop plants, implying the importance for landscape management and biological control of aphid pests in fruit agroecosystems.  相似文献   

True fruit flies in the Rhagoletis pomonella sibling species group are at the center of a long-standing debate concerning modes of speciation. The allopatric separation of populations is widely thought to be a prerequisite for speciation in sexually reproducing animals. However, speciation in the R. pomonella group appears to have occurred sympatrically as a consequence of these flies shifting and adapting to new host plants. The sympatric shift of R. pomonella from its native host hawthorn to introduced domestic apple, which occurred approximately 150 years ago, provides a test of whether host specialization is sufficient to allow populations to differentiate in the absence of geographic barriers to gene flow. We report the results of a geographic study of allozyme variation for hawthorn and apple infesting populations of R. pomonella across the eastern United States and Canada. Six loci consistently show significant allele frequency differences at paired apple and hawthorn sites. These six loci map to three different regions of the genome, and linkage disequilibrium exists between non-allelic genes within each of these regions. Allele frequencies for five of the six loci displaying host associated differences also co-vary significantly with latitude. Inter-host divergence is, therefore, superimposed on north-south clinal patterns of intra-host variation such that the magnitude of genetic divergence between hawthorn and apple flies is a function of latitude. The findings suggest that partially reproductively isolated “host races” can evolve in sympatry as a consequence of R. pomonella infesting new host plants. Host recognition and host associated developmental traits are discussed as important factors differentiating apple and hawthorn flies.  相似文献   

The formation of continental Europe in the Neogene was due to the regression of the Tethys Ocean and of the Paratethys Sea. The dynamic geology of the area and repetitious transitions between marine and freshwater conditions presented opportunities for the colonization of newly emerging hydrological networks and diversification of aquatic biota. Implementing mitochondrial and nuclear markers in conjunction with a large‐scale sampling strategy, we investigated the impact of this spatiotemporal framework on the evolutionary history of a freshwater crustacean morphospecies. The Gammarus balcanicus species complex is widely distributed in the area previously occupied by the Paratethys Sea. Our results revealed its high diversification and polyphyly in relation to a number of other morphospecies. The distribution of the studied amphipod is generally characterized by very high local endemism and divergence. The Bayesian time‐calibrated reconstruction of phylogeny and geographical distribution of ancestral nodes indicates that this species complex started to diversify in the Early Miocene in the central Balkans, partially in the shallow epicontinental sea. It is possible that there were several episodes of inland water colonization by local brackish water lineages. Subsequent diversification within clades and spread to new areas could have been induced by Alpine orogeny in the Miocene/Pliocene and, finally, by Pleistocene glaciations. The present distribution of clades, in many cases, still reflects Miocene palaeogeography of the area. Our results point out that investigations of the historical aspect of cryptic diversity in other taxa may help in a general understanding of the origins of freshwater invertebrate fauna of Europe.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of natural populations are often designed to detect and categorize hidden layers of cryptic diversity, and an emerging pattern suggests that cryptic species are more common and more widely distributed than previously thought. However, these studies are often decoupled from ecological and behavioural studies of species divergence. Thus, the mechanisms by which the cryptic diversity is distributed and maintained across large spatial scales are often unknown. In 1988, it was discovered that the common Eurasian Wood White butterfly consisted of two species (Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea reali), and the pair became an emerging model for the study of speciation and chromosomal evolution. In 2011, the existence of a third cryptic species (Leptidea juvernica) was proposed. This unexpected discovery raises questions about the mechanisms preventing gene flow and about the potential existence of additional species hidden in the complex. Here, we compare patterns of genetic divergence across western Eurasia in an extensive data set of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences with behavioural data on inter‐ and intraspecific reproductive isolation in courtship experiments. We show that three species exist in accordance with both the phylogenetic and biological species concepts and that additional hidden diversity is unlikely to occur in Europe. The Leptidea species are now the best studied cryptic complex of butterflies in Europe and a promising model system for understanding the formation of cryptic species and the roles of local processes, colonization patterns and heterospecific interactions for ecological and evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated patterns of species richness and composition of the aquatic food web found in the liquid‐filled leaves of the North American purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae), from local to continental scales. Location We sampled 20 pitcher‐plant communities at each of 39 sites spanning the geographic range of S. purpurea– from northern Florida to Newfoundland and westward to eastern British Columbia. Methods Environmental predictors of variation in species composition and species richness were measured at two different spatial scales: among pitchers within sites and among sites. Hierarchical Bayesian models were used to examine correlates and similarities of species richness and abundance within and among sites. Results Ninety‐two taxa of arthropods, protozoa and bacteria were identified in the 780 pitcher samples. The variation in the species composition of this multi‐trophic level community across the broad geographic range of the host plant was lower than the variation among pitchers within host‐plant populations. Variation among food webs in richness and composition was related to climate, pore‐water chemistry, pitcher‐plant morphology and leaf age. Variation in the abundance of the five most common invertebrates was also strongly related to pitcher morphology and site‐specific climatic and other environmental variables. Main conclusions The surprising result that these communities are more variable within their host‐plant populations than across North America suggests that the food web in S. purpurea leaves consists of two groups of species: (1) a core group of mostly obligate pitcher‐plant residents that have evolved strong requirements for the host plant and that co‐occur consistently across North America, and (2) a larger set of relatively uncommon, generalist taxa that co‐occur patchily.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of plant domestication on the population structure of the associated pathogens provides an opportunity to increase our understanding of how and why diseases emerge. Here, we investigated the evolution of the population structure of the apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis in response to the domestication of its host. Inferences were drawn from multilocus microsatellite data obtained from samples collected on (i) the Central Asian Malus sieversii, the main progenitor of apple, (ii) the European crabapple, Malus sylvestris, a secondary progenitor of apple, and (iii) the cultivated apple, Malus×domestica, in orchards from Europe and Central Asia. Using clustering methods, we identified three distinct populations: (i) a large European population on domesticated and wild apples, (ii) a large Central Asian population on domesticated and wild apples in urban and agricultural areas, and (iii) a more geographically restricted population in M. sieversii forests growing in the eastern mountains of Kazakhstan. Unique allele richness and divergence time estimates supported a host‐tracking co‐evolutionary scenario in which this latter population represents a relict of the ancestral populations from which current populations found in human‐managed habitats were derived. Our analyses indicated that the domestication of apple induced a significant change in the genetic differentiation of populations of V. inaequalis in its centre of origin, but had little impact on its population dynamics and mating system. We discuss how the structure of the apple‐based agrosystem may have restricted changes in the population structure of the fungus in response to the domestication of its host.  相似文献   

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