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蓝氏贾第虫核被膜缺口的电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双滴虫类是迄今所知的现存最原始的真核生物类群。以蓝氏贾第虫作为双滴虫类的代表,对其细胞核进行了电镜观察。除了未见有核仁外,还发现其核被膜的横切面上存在有缺口。在缺口的边缘处,核内膜与核外膜是相互连接着的,表明并非切片时所造成的假象。核被膜缺口处常有一核纤层样的薄层分隔核质与细胞质。用高锰酸钾固定细胞以求只保存膜结构时,核被膜缺口仍然可见,上述的薄层即未见到。核被膜缺口的发现证实了李靖炎(1979)的核被膜起源假说所作出的推断。  相似文献   

分析了可能用作研究原始性细胞核的模型的涡鞭毛虫与双滴虫核,发现实际上只有后者是适用的。以蓝氏贾第虫(Giaridialamblia)作为双滴虫类的代表,对其核作了多方面的考察,发现其核中确实还没有核仁;核被膜上有天然的缺口;但核内已经有了核骨架及5种组蛋白。比较的免疫印迹检查表明,在检查到的各种原生生物中,蓝氏贾第虫的着丝粒/动粒蛋白最接近于原细菌的相应蛋白。有人怀疑蓝氏贾第虫缺少线粒体及典型高尔基氏器等原始性特征实际上不过是由于过寄生生活所致。本文针对这种怀疑进行了多方面的分析。其实所有过自由生活的双滴虫类都没有线粒体及典型高尔基氏器,看来也全都没有核仁,核被膜全都有缺口。依据上述的发现,对真核细胞发生之初原始性细胞核的特性进行了推断,进而对细胞核的整个起源过程进行了分析:认为在真核细胞的原细菌祖先体内就已经有了核骨架;多个类核体的DNA结合在其上而构成了核区。我们关于组蛋白的分子进化研究表明,核小体组蛋白的共同祖先在极早的时候就已经分化成了4种。因此可以相信,真核细胞的原细菌祖先很早就有了4种核小体组蛋白和核小体。本文着重分析了染色体的起源过程并进一步发展了过去已经提出的核被膜起源于原始性内质网的学说(  相似文献   

李靖炎 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):275-286
分析了可能用作研究原始性细胞核的模型的涡鞭毛虫与双滴虫核,发现实际上只有后者是适用的。以蓝氏贾第虫(Giaridia lamblia)作为双滴虫类的代表,对其核作了多方面的考察,发现其核中确实还没有核仁;核被膜上有天然的缺口;但核内已经有了核骨架及5种组蛋白。比较的免疫印迹检查表明,在检查到的各种原生生物中,蓝氏贾第虫的着丝粒/动粒蛋白最接近于原细菌的相应蛋白。有人怀疑蓝氏贾第虫缺少线粒体及典型高尔基氏器等原始性特征实际上不过是由于过寄生生活所致。本文针对这种怀疑进行了多方面的分析。其实所有过自由生活的双滴虫类都没有线粒体及典型高尔基氏器,看来也全都没有核仁,核被膜全都有缺口。依据上述的发现,对真核细胞发生之初原始性细胞核的特性进行了推断,进而对细胞核的整个起源过程进行了分析:认为在真核细胞的原细菌祖先体内就已经有了核骨架;多个类核体的DNA结合在其上而构成了核区。我们关于组蛋白的分子进化研究表明,核小体组蛋白的共同祖先在极早的时候就已经分化成了4种。因此可以相信,真核细胞的原细菌祖先很早就有了4种核小体组蛋白和核小体。本文着重分析了染色体的起源过程并进一步发展了过去已经提出的核被膜起源于原始性内质网的学说(李靖炎,1979),并分析论述了原始性细胞核的进化过程。  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾卵经钙离子载体A 23187激活后,在10,000g下离心得到爪蟾卵提取物。Lambda DNA加入上述提取物可构建出染色质结构,并在染色质表面重建核被膜,同时在染色质外的区域形成环形片层。核被膜与环形片层有相似的发生途径,它们都是由两类在形态、大小、膜结构上有明显差别的膜泡融合而来。首先是直径200nm的圆形小膜泡相互融合成双层膜片层,同时核孔复合体在双层膜上大量装配,以这些双层膜片层为基础,光滑的大膜泡与之融合导致环形片层的扩张与核被膜的成熟。  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾卵经钙离子载体A23187激活后,在10,000g下离心得到爪蟾卵提取物,LambdaDNA中入上述提取物可构建出染色质结构,并在染色质表面重建核被膜,同时,在染色质外的区域形成环形片层。核被膜在环形片层有相似的发生途径,它们都是由两类在形态、大小、膜结构上有明显差别的膜泡融合而来,首先是直径200nm的圆形小膜泡相互融合成双层膜片层,同时核孔复合体在双层膜上大量装配;以这些双层膜片层为基  相似文献   

李靖炎 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):287-289
根据本实验室对贾第虫(Giardia)细胞核的观察、研究,并参阅有关文献及电镜照片报道,发现双滴虫类的细胞核有两个极原始的特征:1)还没有进化出核仁;2)核被膜尚不完整。它们在核分裂方面也是极原始的。据此,作者建议把Cavalier—Smith(1989)提出的源真核生物(Archezoa)超界中的源真核生物界划分为两个界,即以双滴虫门为代表的前源真核生物(Proarchezoa)界和包含目前所知的其他源真核生物的后源真核生物(Metarchezoa)界。  相似文献   

利用电镜观察紫竹梅雄蕊行超薄切片,发现细胞器,如线粒体有向核凹入现象,其线粒体仍处在与细胞质相勾通的核沟槽里,但核沟槽能扩大核被膜表面积,以利用于胞核与胞质的物质交换和信息传递,当核沟槽颈部变窄时,核膜融合,核沟槽脱离核被膜,形成核液泡;随后,核液泡的内外两层膜相继降解,核液泡被消化溶入核基质中。  相似文献   

李瑞莲  王倬  杜昱光 《微生物学报》2017,57(8):1206-1218
难治性真菌感染的临床分析发现,病灶感染病原常以生物被膜的形态存在。生物被膜的形成可帮助真菌躲避宿主细胞免疫系统清除和药物的攻击,所造成的持续性感染严重威胁人类健康,因此,认识研究真菌生物被膜及其耐药机理对于防治临床真菌感染有着重大意义。白色念珠菌是一种临床感染常见的条件性致病菌,也是目前真菌生物被膜研究的主要研究模型。白色念珠菌生物被膜主要由多糖、蛋白质和DNA构成,其形成由微生物间的群体感应调控,并受到环境中营养成分及其附着物表面性质影响。研究发现,胞外基质的屏障作用、耐药基因的表达等机制与生物被膜耐药性的产生密切相关。本文就白色念珠菌生物被膜的形成过程、结构组成、形成的影响因素、现有研究模型、耐药机制和治疗策略等几个方面介绍近年来的研究进展。  相似文献   

菜豆叶片叶绿体总脂和被膜膜脂中均含有单半乳糖甘油二脂和双半乳糖甘油二脂,在整个衰老期间两种糖脂的比值变化不大。叶绿体总脂中含有5种磷脂,脂肪酸以不饱和的亚麻酸为主,而被膜膜脂中仅含磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰甘油,脂肪酸以饱和的棕榈酸为主,不饱和亚油酸为次。叶片衰老过程中被膜所含两种磷脂比值明显降低,脂肪酸的不饱和指数也因亚麻酸相对含量显著减少、棕榈酸相对含量增加而降低。  相似文献   

近年来,白念珠菌耐药性备受关注,其耐药机制之一是形成生物被膜(biofilm).生物被膜主要由大量菌细胞及其所分泌的细胞外多聚基质( matrix)将其包裹所构成,基质含有多糖、蛋白、核酸等成分,不仅参与生物被膜的结构组成,也与耐药性密切相关.本文综述了白念珠菌生物被膜基质的组成特点、功能、影响因素、基因调控和药物干预的最新进展,并展望其在生物被膜感染方面作为诊断标志及治疗靶点的潜在应用前景.  相似文献   

Vegetative nuclear divisions in cystosoral Plasmodia from the shoot system of Sorosphaera veronicae Schroeter were studied with standard transmission electron microscopy. Each metaphase nucleus forms a cruciform configuration as the persistent nucleolus elongates perpendicularly to chromatin aligned on the equatorial plate. The nuclear envelope remains intact during metaphase and anaphase. Each spindle pole consists of a fenestrated nuclear envelope with an exteriorly situated centriole and closely associated endoplasmic reticulum. Intranuclear membranous vesicles occur within metaphase and anaphase nuclei and are closely associated with chromatin and nuclear envelope. Microtubules pass from centrioles into the nucleus and are also attached to chromatin at kinetochores.  相似文献   

D. B. Gromov 《Protoplasma》1985,126(1-2):130-139
Summary The fine structure ofAmoeba proteus nuclei has been studied during interphase and mitosis. The interphase nucleus is discoidal, the nuclear envelope is provided with a honeycomb layer on the inside. There are numerous nucleoli at the periphery and many chromatin filaments and nuclear helices in the central part of nucleus.In prophase the nucleus becomes spherical, the numerous chromosomes are condensed, and the number of nucleoli decreases. The mitotic apparatus forms inside the nucleus in form of an acentric spindle. In metaphase the nuclear envelope loses its pore complexes and transforms into a system of rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae (ERC) which separates the mitotic apparatus from the surrounding cytoplasm; the nucleoli and the honeycomb layer disappear completely. In anaphase the half-spindles become conical, and the system of ERC around the mitotic spindle persists. Electron dense material (possibly microtubule organizing centers—MTOCs) appears at the spindle pole regions during this stage. The spindle includes kinetochore microtubules attached to the chromosomes, and non-kinetochore ones which pierce the anaphase plate. In telophase the spindle disappears, the chromosomes decondense, and the nuclear envelope becomes reconstructed from the ERC. At this stage, nucleoli can already be revealed with the light microscope by silver staining; they are visible in ultrathin sections as numerous electron dense bodies at the periphery of the nucleus.The mitotic chromosomes consist of 10 nm fibers and have threelayered kinetochores. Single nuclear helices still occur at early stages of mitosis in the spindle region.  相似文献   

Summary Early diplotene oocytes from Necturus maculosus ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter were examined by electron microscopy. In the smallest oocytes of this range, the cytoplasm is largely devoid of membranes, but contains primarily ribosomes and mitochondria. In slightly larger oocytes, smooth-surfaced cytomembranes first appear in the perinuclear cytoplasm. At this time, the outer layer of the germinal vesicle nuclear envelope (GVNE) shows frequent connections with long membranous lamellae that extend for considerable, but variable distances into the juxtanuclear ooplasm. The number of smooth membranous lamellae increases tremendously as the oocytes increase in diameter. In such oocytes as well, frequent continuities are observed between the outer membrane of the GVNE and many of the cytoplasmic membranes. Eventually, as the ooplasm becomes populated with extensive numbers of membranous lamellae, instances of continuity between the membranous lamellae and nuclear envelope now become sparse and eventually non-existent. The frequent connections observed between membranous lamellae and the outer membrane of the GVNE during a circumscribed interval of diplotene strongly implicate the GVNE in the generation of extensive amounts of cytoplasmic membrane. The ooplasm of larger oocytes in the size range indicated contain numerous Golgi complexes and large quantities of annulate lamellae most of which are positioned in the peripheral or subcortical ooplasm, as well as extensive quantities of smooth membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope has a stereotypic morphology consisting of a flat double layer of the inner and outer nuclear membrane, with interspersed nuclear pores. Underlying and tightly linked to the inner nuclear membrane is the nuclear lamina, a proteinous layer of intermediate filament proteins and associated proteins. Physiological, experimental or pathological alterations in the constitution of the lamina lead to changes in nuclear morphology, such as blebs and lobulations. It has so far remained unclear whether the morphological changes depend on the differentiation state and the specific lamina protein. Here we analysed the ultrastructural morphology of the nuclear envelope in intestinal stem cells and differentiated enterocytes in adult Drosophila flies, in which the proteins Lam, Kugelkern or a farnesylated variant of LamC were overexpressed. Surprisingly, we detected distinct morphological features specific for the respective protein. Lam induced envelopes with multiple layers of membrane and lamina, surrounding the whole nucleus whereas farnesylated LamC induced the formation of a thick fibrillary lamina. In contrast, Kugelkern induced single-layered and double-layered intranuclear membrane structures, which are likely be derived from infoldings of the inner nuclear membrane or of the double layer of the envelope.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have proved that diplomonads have primitive cell nuclei and lack a nucleolus. We determined the distribution of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in diplomonad nuclei that lacked a nucleolus. Giardia lamblia was used as the experimental organism with Euglena gracilis as the control. The distribution of rDNA was demonstrated indirectly by the modified Ag-I silver technique that can indicate specifically the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) by both light and electron microscopy. In ultrathin sections of silver stained Euglena cells, all silver grains were concentrated in the fibrosa of the nucleolus, while no silver grains were found in the cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, condensed chromosomes or pars granulosa of the nucleus. In the silver stained Giardia cells, no nucleolus was found, but a few silver grains were scattered in the nucleus. This suggests that the rDNA of Giardia does not form an NOR-like structure and that its nucleus is in a primitive state.  相似文献   

S. Singh  M. D. Lazzaro  B. Walles 《Protoplasma》1998,203(3-4):144-152
Summary Placental cells line the ovarian transmitting tract inLilium regale and produce exudates for secretion. Sections through the highly lobed nuclei of these cells reveal the presence of membrane profiles which form vesicles with varying dimensions in cross section. Computer reconstruction of the nucleus reveals that the vesicle profiles form a complex reticulum of tubular cisternae, which spans the whole nucleus, enclosing a maze of continuous lumen space. Connections between the vesicles and the inner nuclear envelope are visible at various points along the nuclear envelope. This complex network of tubules which constitutes the reticulum arises from the inner nuclear membrane. The nuclear reticulum dramatically increases the inner-envelope surface area, comprising 82% of the total membrane perimeter of inner nuclear envelope and nuclear reticulum. The inner nuclear envelope invaginates into the nucleus forming the nuclear reticulum and the outer nuclear envelope evaginates into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), indicating that there is a continuity between the lumens of the nuclear reticulum and the ER. The nuclear reticulum is labelled with zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide, a staining pattern identical to that seen in the ER. Positive reaction to the zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide indicates that the nuclear reticulum is a site for Ca2+ deposition. The nuclear reticulum forms an extension of the endomembrane system which reaches deep into the nucleoplasm. The lumenal continuity of this system means that there is a channel for communication from the cytoplasm into the nucleoplasm, and that this channel sequesters calcium.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - TEM transmission electron microscope - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in the Marine Shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spermiogenesis in the marine prawn Sicyonia ingentis was examined using transmission electron microscopy. The acrosomal vesicle, derived from the fusion of pro-acrosomal vesicles blebbed from the nuclear envelope, contains the membrane pouches, anterior granule and a spike. The anterior granule is formed from the coalescence of granular aggregates within the proacrosomal vesicles. Primordia underlying the apical acrosomal vesicle membrane polymerize to form a spike approximately 6 μm long. The convoluted pouch membranes arise from the posterior acrosomal vesicle membrane. Lateral and apical portions of the acrosomal vesicle are surrounded by a pentalaminar membrane comprised of the spermatid plasma membrane and the acrosomal vesicle membrane. Subacrosomal structures include the dense saucer plate, granular core and crystalline lattice. These components condense just posterior to the acrosomal vesicle and are separated from the chromatin by a nuclear plate.
The spermatid nucleus becomes surrounded by rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and membranous lamellar bodies. RER gives rise to smooth endoplasmic reticulum. These membrane systems degenerate, forming a band of reticular elements around the lateral and posterior portions of the nucleus. The nucleus undergoes condensation followed by decondensation with concomitant breakdown of the nuclear envelope. The resultant chromatin is fibrillar in appearance.  相似文献   

Nuclear matrix of the most primitive eukaryote Archezoa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nuclearmatrixisaresidualframeworkofnucleusafterremovalofthenuclearmembranes,chromatinsandsolublesubstancesbysequentialextraction.Itisatripartitestructure,containingthefollowingthreeparts:(i)theresidualelementsofthenuclearenvelope,theporecomplexlamina;(ii)…  相似文献   

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