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应用选择性抽提、整装透射电镜观察和双向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳与质谱鉴定技术研究细胞凋亡诱导物姜黄素处理前后人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞核基质-中间纤维系统的构型变化.及其核基质蛋白表达的差异。经姜黄素处理后,MG-63细胞的核基质和中间纤维比对照组明显稀疏,且分布更加不均匀,并分别与核纤层连系,形成趋于断裂但相对还较为完整的网状结构:双向凝胶电泳分析显示在姜黄素诱导MG-63细胞凋亡前后存在27个差异表达的核基质蛋白.经质谱鉴定了其中的21个蛋白.在凋亡的MG-63细胞中表达上调的蛋白鉴定为:DNA聚合酶zeta等7种蛋白:表达下调的蛋白质为:Prohibitin等14种蛋白。其中首次在核基质中发现的蛋白质有17个。因此.在MG-63细胞凋亡过程中不仅其核基质-中间纤维系统构型产生了典型的的凋亡特征性变化.而且伴有核基质蛋白表达的差异。由此证实了与肿瘤细胞凋亡诱导相关特异核基质蛋白的存在及其对肿瘤细胞凋亡诱导的调控作用.从而对揭示核基质构型及其蛋白组成与细胞凋亡的关系和阐明细胞凋亡过程中的基因表达调控机理.均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

原生动物纤毛虫是一类单细胞真核生物,其蛋白质合成终止过程中密码子使用的特殊性使其成为研究蛋白质合成终止机制的一个经典模型。为了能够有效地分析生物大分子在该细胞中的功能作用位点,本研究根据该生物染色体结构的特征,构建了含有红色荧光蛋白基因的大核人工染色体EoMAC_R,并与之前构建的含绿色荧光蛋白基因的大核染色体EoMAC_G一起,对蛋白质合成终止有关的3个重要因子核糖体大亚基蛋白L11、多肽链释放因子eRF1和eRF3在八肋游仆虫细胞中进行了荧光共定位分析。结果显示,在八肋游仆虫细胞中,蛋白质翻译过程主要位于"C"形大核内侧区域。构建的人工染色体能够作为一种有效的工具,对目的蛋白质在八肋游仆虫细胞中进行定位分析。  相似文献   

研究表明外加紫杉醇能够诱导悬浮培养的东北红豆杉(Taxus cuspidata)细胞总DNA发生梯带化降解。利用mRNA差异显示技术比较了紫杉醇诱导凋亡与不诱导凋亡的东北红豆杉细胞基因表达的差异,得到了8个特异表达的cDNA克隆,经Northern杂交证实其中3个在不发生凋亡的细胞中表达,5个在凋亡的细胞中表达。对这8个cDNA克隆单向序列测定后,与GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ中同源序列进行了比较,结果表明:1个cDNA片段与拟南芥中ABA应答蛋白基因的保守区有86%的同源性;2个cDNA片段与番茄内切壳聚糖酶前体基因的保守区有50%的同源性;其他5个cDNA片段无明显的同源基因,可能是新基因。  相似文献   

葛志强  李景川等 《植物生理学报》2001,27(6):515-520,T001
研究了不同浓度的DMSO对悬浮培养的东北红豆杉(Taxus cuspidata)细胞的增殖能力、细胞活性以及紫杉醇合成和释放等方面的影响,同时应用荧光指示剂双染法检测了细胞凋亡的发生情况。结果显示2%的DMSO处理能显著降低细胞活性,抑制细胞的增殖能力,使细胞核内DNA含量减少,培养中、后期在荧光显微镜下可见部分细胞核出现典型的凋亡形态,同时伴有紫杉醇产量的明显增加。对照组及1%以下浓度组未出现上述改变。结果表明一定浓度的DMSO能诱导细胞凋亡,促进细胞紫杉醇合成能力的提高。  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度的DMSO对悬浮培养的东北红豆杉(Taxus cuspidata)细胞的增殖能力、细胞活性以及紫杉醇合成和释放等方面的影响,同时应用荧光指示剂双染法检测了细胞凋亡的发生情况.结果显示2%的DMSO处理能显著降低细胞活性,抑制细胞的增殖能力,使细胞核内DNA含量减少,培养中、后期在荧光显微镜下可见部分细胞核出现典型的凋亡形态,同时伴有紫杉醇产量的明显增加;对照组及1%以下浓度组未出现上述改变.结果表明一定浓度的DMSO能诱导细胞凋亡,促进细胞紫杉醇合成能力的提高.  相似文献   

代谢调节剂对紫杉醇和Taxuyunnanine C生物合成的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了诱导子、前体和抑制剂对东北红豆杉生产紫杉醇和taxuyunnanine C的影响。结果表明,诱导子在第12d添加,前体和抑制剂在第15d添加能有效地提高紫杉醇和taxuyunnanine C的含量。水杨酸与氯化氯胆碱的交互作用对紫杉醇的合成有很大影响,水杨酸与赤霉酸的交互作用对taxuyunnanine C的合成有很大影响。  相似文献   

HMBA诱导处理人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞分化后,选择性抽提核基质蛋白,经双向凝胶电泳技术分析.共有12个蛋白点表达发生变化,经肽指纹图谱分析鉴定了9个蛋白质,其中,MHCⅡ类抗原、IFN刺激的基因因子3α蛋白、DKFZp434M2221.1蛋白、8-羟基-鸟嘌呤糖基化酶同功酶oggl和波形蛋白表达上调,hnRNP A2/B1和肌动蛋白表达下调,60S核糖体蛋白L21和ST2蛋白仅在分化的MG-63细胞中表达。研究结果表明肿瘤细胞增殖分化过程中伴随核基质蛋白表达的变化,并为深入揭示核基质蛋白与细胞癌变和逆转的关系以及阐明细胞增殖分化的基因表达调控原理提供了依据。  相似文献   

紫外辐射诱发NIH3T3细胞凋亡时DNA断裂的特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用常规琼脂糖凝胶电泳UVB照射后培养不同时间的NIH3T3细胞DNA,两个样本均未出现凋亡梯形带,而用相同条件处理的昆明小鼠胸腺细胞DNA出现了典型的梯形带.再用反转电场琼脂糖凝胶电泳(FIGE)UVB照射后培养不同时间的NIH3T3细胞DNA,发现DNA先断裂成低于23 kb的大分子片段,然后进一步断裂成小分子片段,但始终未出现梯形带,说明DNA并不总是从核小体之间断裂的.  相似文献   

美丽镰刀(Fusarium mairei)是一分离自南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)的产紫杉醇内生真菌,用B5培养基培养6 d,去菌尘幺后制得美丽镰刀菌培养液,并从中提取其胞外多糖.研究了4%(V/V)美丽镰刀菌培养液及4%(W/V)胞外多糖两种处理,对东北红豆杉(T.cuspidata)悬浮细胞防御反应及紫杉醇合成的影响.结果表明:两种处理均能诱导东北红豆杉细胞的防御反应.但美丽镰刀菌培养液的影响明显大于胞外多特(P<0.05).另外,两种处理均可促进东北红豆杉细胞紫杉醇的合成与释放.美丽镰刀菌培养液处理得到的紫杉醇与其释放率分别是对照的2.5倍8.8倍,而胞外多糖处理得到的紫杉醇与其释放率则分别是对照的1.5倍与3倍.  相似文献   

干旱和ABA对同核异质冬小麦叶片蛋白的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用双向凝胶电泳研究了冬小麦核质杂种NC4、NC37和它们的核供体丰抗13的3个品种幼苗在水分胁迫和外施ABA条件下叶片中蛋白质代谢的变化。结果表明水分胁迫可抑制3种小麦叶片中一些蛋白质合成,使蛋白数量减少,而在NC4、NC37两个核质杂种中有1个PI5.8、20kD的新合成蛋白点出现,根部外伤ABA也可诱导该蛋白合成,核供体丰抗13幼苗中,ABA可诱导合成该蛋白,而水分胁迫时该蛋白没有出现,表明该蛋白由核基因编码,而其表达可能由细胞质中与ABA有关的某种机制调控。  相似文献   

The changes in soluble proteins induced by Ce4+ were analyzed in suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The ultrastructure of cells obviously changed at day 4 after addition of Ce4+. Large amount of nuclear DNA fragments of about 200 bp were observed. Thirteen protein spots were different between the cultures grown with and without Ce4+ at day 4 as well as at day 6 after addition of Ce4+. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

东北红豆杉细胞两液相培养中紫杉醇释放行为研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在东北红豆杉细胞悬浮培养中,分别研究了稀土化合物(硫酸铈铵)、有机溶剂(油酸和邻苯二甲酸二丁脂)和稀土化合物与有机溶剂的协同作用对紫杉醇释放的影响。在此基础上深入研究了在东北红豆杉细胞两液相培养中,紫杉醇释放率随不同的有机溶剂(烷烃、有机酸、醇和脂)、有机溶剂的体积分数、有机溶剂的加入时间和有机溶剂相毒性的变化规律。结果表明分别加入稀土化合物和有机溶剂都明显促进紫杉醇的释放,特别是有机溶剂更显著促进紫杉醇的释放。但在东北红豆杉细胞两液相培养中,稀土化合物加入不能进一步促进紫杉醇的释放。因此两液相培养中有机溶剂本身就是很好的产物释放剂。紫杉醇的释放率由对照组的40%提高到75%以上。  相似文献   

The importance of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating plant cell responses to environmental stresses is becoming evident. Here the possible role of NO in suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata under shear stress was investigated in a Couette-type shear reactor. It was found that shear stress with 190 s(-1) caused NO generation in 8 h. NO formation can be inhibited by N-nitro-L-arginine, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Moreover, the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a principal enzyme responsible for detoxification, decreased during shear stress. This inactivation partially recovered when NOS inhibitor or NO scavenger was added into cell cultures during shear stress. Treatment with reactive nitrogen species (RNS) also caused inactivation of GST in cells. The results indicate that NO plays a crucial role in GST inactivation in Taxus cuspidata cells under shear stress.  相似文献   

Cells from suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata were extracted with pentane as a source of relatively non-polar taxoids. Of the 13 taxoids identified in this fraction, eight were oxygenated at C-14 and two had not been previously described. These taxoids, along with existing taxoid standards, were employed to profile the metabolites of Taxus x media cv. Hicksii cell suspension cultures induced with methyl jasmonate to produce paclitaxel (Taxol). The majority of the taxoid metabolites produced in these induced cultures were oxygenated at C-13, and not C-14.  相似文献   

The suspension culture of self-immobilized aggregates of Taxus cuspidata, consisting of spherical, compact aggregates displaying some level of cellular/tissue differentiation was established. Total taxol yield of the self-immobilized aggregate culture was 4.9 mg/l, 5 times as much as that of the dispersed cell cultures. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Single cell growth and division was measured via flow cytometry in order to characterize the metabolic variability of Taxus cuspidata suspension cultures, which produce the valuable secondary metabolite Taxol. Good agreement was observed between the cell cycle distribution and biomass accumulation over the batch culture period. Specific growth rates of 0.13 days(-1) by fresh weight and 0.15 days(-1) by dry weight were measured. Elicitation with methyl jasmonate (MJ) significantly decreased both cell cycle progression and biomass accumulation, as the specific growth rate decreased to 0.027 days(-1) by fresh and dry weight. Despite the decrease in biomass accumulation for MJ elicited cultures, sucrose utilization was not significantly different from control cultures. MJ elicitation also increased the accumulation of paclitaxel and other taxanes. The accumulation of upstream taxanes (baccatin III and 10-deactylbaccatin III) increased during exponential growth, reached a maximum around day 12, and then declined throughout the stationary phase. The paclitaxel concentration increased during both exponential growth and stationary phase, reaching a maximum around days 20-25. Throughout the culture period, greater than 70% of the cells were in G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Studies using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation showed that approximately 65% of the Taxus cells are noncycling, even during exponential growth. Although the role of these cells is currently unknown, the presence of a large, noncycling subpopulation can have a significant impact on the utilization of plant cell culture technology for the large-scale production of paclitaxel. These results demonstrate that there is a high degree of metabolic heterogeneity in Taxus cuspidata suspension cultures. Understanding this heterogeneity is important for the optimization of plant cell cultures, particularly the reduction of production variability.  相似文献   

Plant cell aggregates have long been implicated in affecting cellular metabolism in suspension culture, yet the rigorous characterization of aggregate size as a process variable and its effect on bioprocess performance has not been demonstrated. Aggregate fractionation and analysis of biomass-associated product is commonly used to assess the effect of aggregation, but we establish that this method is flawed under certain conditions and does not necessarily agree with comprehensive studies of total culture performance. Leveraging recent advances to routinely measure aggregate size distributions, we developed a simple method to manipulate aggregate size and evaluate its effect on the culture as a whole, and found that Taxus suspension cultures with smaller aggregates produced significantly more paclitaxel than cultures with larger aggregates in two cell lines over a range of aggregate sizes, and where biomass accumulation was equivalent before elicitation with methyl jasmonate. Taxus cuspidata (T. cuspidata) P93AF cultures with mean aggregate sizes of 690 and 1,100 μm produced 22 and 11 mg/L paclitaxel, respectively, a twofold increase for smaller aggregates, and T. cuspidata P991 cultures with mean aggregate sizes of 400 and 840 μm produced 6 and 0.3 mg/L paclitaxel, respectively, an increase of 20-fold for smaller aggregates. These results demonstrate the importance of validating experiments aimed at a specific phenomenon with total process studies, and provide a basis for treating aggregate size as a targeted process variable for rational control strategies.  相似文献   

The production characteristics for Taxol (paclitaxel) using free and immobilized cells of Taxus cuspidata were investigated in a perfusion culture bioreactor. Although the cell growth was inhibited by higher dilution rates, the specific production rate of Taxol was increased by perfusion compared with that using batch operation. Perfusion cultures using a nylon-mesh cell separator for free suspension cells showed similar production profiles to those obtained using immobilized cells. Continuous Taxol production was successfully obtained at an approximate specific production rate of 0.3 mg/g DCW (dry cell weight) per day for up to 40 days. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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