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植物根围促生细菌(PGPR)作用机制的研究进展   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
结合生防作用和促生作用2个方面综述近年植物根围促生菌(PGPR)作用机制研究进展。  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌促生特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根际微生物组是决定农作物健康状况的关键因素之一,也是调节农作物与生物和非生物环境相互作用的重要因素。植物根际促生菌(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR)为农作物宿主提供了多种有益作用,通过化学交流以复杂的方式与农作物、土壤相互作用,进而促进农作物生长。本文综述了PGPR对农作物的促生机制、PGPR与农作物的互作及其在农业实践中的应用,并展望了PGPR在农业实践中应用的发展趋势,以期为今后PGPR的应用和研究提供新的思路和理论支撑。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌与根围促生细菌相互作用的效应与机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴梅  王洪娴  殷元元  武侠  王淼焱  刘润进   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2854-2854~2860
丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌是植物活体营养专性共生菌,广泛存在于陆地各生态系统中.研究表明,AM真菌与根围促生细菌(plant growth promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)之间的相互作用,尤其是它们之间的协同作用不仅影响植物养分吸收利用、病原物发生发展、土壤理化特性与生物修复等,而且对于可持续农、林、牧业生产、稳定生态系统都具有十分重要的意义.因此,近年来给予众多关注和研究.综述了AM真菌与PGPR之间的相互影响及其可能的作用机制,以及AM真菌与PGPR协同改善植物营养和生长、协同抑制病原菌、协同修复土壤方面的作用,旨在总结AM真菌与PGPR相互作用的效应与机制方面的最新研究进展,为今后研究发展提供依据.  相似文献   

根际促生菌提高植物抗盐碱性的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤盐碱化已成为限制作物生长及产量的主要因素之一,严重制约农业的发展。提高作物的抗盐碱性,为提高我国农业持续高效发展奠定基础。从根际促生菌研究现状入手,介绍耐盐碱根际促生菌(Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)的多样性。综述根际促生菌诱导植物建立抵抗或忍耐盐碱胁迫的机制,主要是通过产生植物激素、1-氨基-环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)脱氨酶、抗氧化防御物质、渗透调节物质、胞外多糖及挥发性化合物等生理活性物质,改变植物生理及物质代谢水平;另外,一些PGPR通过调节植物盐碱抗性相关基因及蛋白的表达,增强植物抗盐碱能力。通过对耐盐碱根际促生菌及其与植物互作进行展望,为大规模利用根际促生菌缓解盐碱土壤中植物的盐胁迫损伤、增加产量提供重要参考。  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌(PGPR)的研究与应用前景   总被引:56,自引:4,他引:52  
植物土传病害难以防治,植物根际促生菌(plant growth—promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)的深入研究和发展为解决这一难题展现了诱人的前景.PGPR能够高密度地在植物根际定殖,兼有抑制植物病原菌、根际有害微生物,以及促进植物生长并增加作物产量的作用,更重要的是有些PGPR能够诱导植物产生系统抗性(induced systemic resistance,ISR),从而提高植物整体的抗病能力.近20年来,国外这一领域的研究十分活跃,已有很多成功应用的PGPR产品,国内应大力加强基础与应用的研究,并推进其产业化的发展.  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
【目的】植物根际促生菌(PGPR)和植物的互作关系往往不稳定,PGPR菌群有可能提高菌株对野外环境的适应性。为此,本文根据PGPR促生机制的多样性,从不同植物根际土壤进行了PGPR的筛选及鉴定。【方法】首先,按照固氮、解磷、解钾、拮抗6种常见病原真菌,同时能在植物根际定殖为基本初筛标准,然后在实验室条件下测定初筛菌株的多项促生能力(PGP),最后通过生理生化试验和16SrRNA基因序列分析对所筛菌株进行鉴定。【结果】从江苏扬州、盐城等地土壤样品筛选出14株PGPR,具有体外抑菌、产NH3、产IAA、产HCN、产嗜铁素、解磷、溶钾、固氮以及产抗生素等促生能力。分类鉴定结果显示:7株属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、3株属于类芽孢杆菌属(Paenibacillus)、2株为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、1株为布克霍尔德氏菌属(Burkholderia)、1株为欧文氏菌属(Erwinia)。【结论】所筛细菌具有多种促生能力,且能在根际定殖,为进一步构建多功能PGPR广适菌群提供菌株资源。  相似文献   

类芽胞杆菌(Paenibacillus)是植物根际促生菌的重要来源,可通过固氮、产生激素、分泌铁载体、活化矿物营养元素等机制直接促进植物生长;也可通过诱导植物抗病性、产生各类抗菌活性物质等机制抵御植物病害。因其特性符合植物促生和病害生物防治的需要,在可持续农业中发挥越来越重要的作用。从自身代谢角度综述类芽胞杆菌对植物促生御病机制的研究进展,梳理了组学技术在相关研究中应用所取得的成果,展望了未来研究的发展趋势,并对今后的研究提出了三点建议。  相似文献   

我国植物根围促生细菌研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根围(rhizosphere)和植物根围促生细菌(PGPR)是重要的生物学概念,已成为当今土壤微生物学和微生态学研究热点之一。我国已从粮食作物、经济作物和其他植物上分离到27属53种(株)PGPR,其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)和伯克霍尔德氏菌属(Burkholderia)是常见的PGPR的种群。研究表明,PGPR通过直接合成一些激素和抗生素等次生代谢物质、调控植物相关基因表达和调节根围土壤中其他生物的群落结构等作用机制,来活化土壤养分、改善土壤理化特性、增加土壤肥力、拮抗病原物、降低植物病害、提高抗病性、增强耐盐性、耐寒性、耐重金属毒性、促进作物生长发育、增加作物产量和改善品质。PGPR这些生理生态效应受到包括PGPR菌种在内的其他生物、土壤条件和农艺措施的影响。所研发的数个PGPR制剂已经商品化生产并且广泛用于促进植物生长及防控土传病害,效果明显。此外,我国已完成多个PGPR菌种(株)全基因组测序分析工作。这些均表明,我国PGPR应用基础研究取得了丰硕成果,为进一步实现PGPR的产业化及其应用奠定了坚实的基础;PGPR在解决作物生产中的一些难题和促进农林牧业可持续发展具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

根际促生菌强化植物修复重金属污染土壤的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物修复虽然是近年来土壤重金属污染修复的重要手段之一,但因修复植物生长缓慢、生物量小、重金属转移率低等因素严重影限制了植物修复技术的广泛应用。根际促生菌(plant growth promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)作为一类生长在植物根际土壤中的微生物,不仅能够利用自身的抗性系统减缓重金属离子对植物的毒性,还能够改变重金属的形态和迁移率,并通过分泌铁载体、有机酸、生物表面活性剂、植物激素等作用,直接或者间接地促进植物生长和增强植物对重金属的抗性,在强化植物修复土壤重金属污染过程中发挥着重要的作用。现介绍了根际促生菌的种类及其重金属抗性机制,总结了近年来国内外关于根际促生菌促进植物生长、强化植物修复重金属污染土壤的作用原理,同时对该研究领域目前存在的问题以及今后的研究前景进行展望,以期为今后土壤重金属修复研究提供新的思路和理论依据。  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌的筛选及其对玉米的促生效应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
[目的]以不同植物根及根际土壤为研究材料,进行植物根际促生菌(PGPR)的筛选,并探索其植物促生作用机制.[方法]以解磷、固氮、产氨、产IAA和拮抗3种常见病原真菌为筛选标准,测定了初筛菌株的多项促生能力,并通过对这些菌分别单独回接和多菌混接的玉米盆栽试验,测定了其对玉米的促生效应.[结果]从渭南、成阳、安康、商洛和榆林5地分离得到的158株菌中有17株茵具有上述多种植物促生作用的菌株.盆栽试验的测定结果表明:单独接种和多菌混合接种在玉米株高、根长、茎长、茎平均直径和干重方面与对照组相比较都有所增加,尤其是在多个指标上,多菌混合接种所显示出的促生效应均明显优于单菌接种.[结论]所筛选到的具有多种促生能力的菌株,可以为进一步构建植物根际促生菌(PGPR)菌群提供良好的种质资源.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere dwelling bacteria can increase plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and they promote plant growth through various mechanisms. In this study, three bioassays were conducted including the following: (a) screening for effective bacterial isolates in the suppression of broomrape, (b) evaluating induced systemic resistance against broomrape and (c) comparing the selected bacterium isolate with plant chemical inducers. Fifteen plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were examined to assess their biocontrol potential against Egyptian broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca). Ten isolates significantly reduced the broomrape biomass compared to the control. The Lysinibacillus boronitolerans B124 reduced the dry weight of broomrape plants from 2.15 g in control to 0.45 g. Bacillus megaterium B6 was the best isolate in reducing the number of broomrape tubercles. In addition, the activity of three selected bacterial isolates was investigated in induced systemic resistance to broomrape by split‐root method. The Bacillus pumilus INR7 reduced the number of visible broomrape tubercles by 90%, and B. megaterium B71 and L. boronitolerans B124 were the next two in rank. Compared with the control, L. boronitolerans B124 reduced the dry weight of broomrape from 1.49 g in control to 0.39 g. In a subsequent experiment, L. boronitolerans B124 was evaluated along with some resistance‐inducing volatile compounds. Lysinibacillus boronitolerans B124 decreased the number of broomrapes by 87% on average, while the lowest dry weight of broomrape was observed in methyl jasmonate treatment. In conclusion, PGPR have considerable potential to be used in the integrated management of broomrape. It is also possible to use a mixture of rhizobacteria and defence inducers, such as biogenic volatiles as a promising approach in the management of this noxious parasitic weed.  相似文献   



Some non-pathogenic rhizobacteria called Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) possess the capacity to induce in plant defense mechanisms effective against pathogens. Precedent studies showed the ability of Pseudomonas putida BTP1 to induce PGPR-mediated resistance, termed ISR (Induced Systemic Resistance), in different plant species. Despite extensive works, molecular defense mechanisms involved in ISR are less well understood that in the case of pathogen induced systemic acquired resistance.  相似文献   


In mulberry (Morus alba L.), various individual strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and synthetic analogs of naturally occurring plant activators have demonstrated their potential to elicit induced systemic resistance (ISR) against either brown leaf spot (Cercospora moricola) or leaf rust (Cerotelium fici) diseases. However, these biological and chemical elicitors have not been evaluated so far against multiple infections of both these diseases which commonly occur during the post-rainy season. The present study was therefore aimed to assess the capability of PGPR strains and chemical plant activators, as individual and in integration, in elicitation of ISR against multiple infections. Three PGPR strains, Azotobacter chroococcum strain Azc-3, Bacillus megaterium strain Bm-1 and Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Psf-4, and plant activators, acetyl-salicylic acid (ASA), sodium salicylate (NaS) and 4-amino-n-butyric acid (ABA) were selected for the study. Under in vitro tests, all the plant activators up to 2000 ppm concentration exhibited their compatibility with the PGPR strains tested. Upon assaying of elicitors with plant-pathosystem, disease suppression was significantly (p = 0.05) high with integrated application of PGPR strains and plant activators when compared to their individual applications. All the elicitors at individual application varied in their response to multiple infections with the plant age. However, integration of Azc-3 + ASA provided greater suppression to multiple infections of brown leaf spot and leaf rust diseases during the entire growth period of mulberry plants. Thus, this combination of biological and chemical elicitors holds great promise to provide an effective ecofriendly alternative to the toxic chemical fungicides presently recommended for the control of brown leaf spot and leaf rust diseases in mulberry.  相似文献   



Previous studies showed the ability of Pseudomonas putida strain BTP1 to promote induced systemic resistance (ISR) in different host plants. Since ISR is long-lasting and not conducive for development of resistance of the targeted pathogen, this phenomenon can take part of disease control strategies. However, in spite of the numerous examples of ISR induced by PGPR in plants, only a few biochemical studies have associated the protective effect with specific host metabolic changes.  相似文献   

植物修复是一种前景广阔的重金属污染土壤的主要修复技术,在微生物的协助下效果更为显著。植物根际促生菌可通过分泌吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)、产铁载体、固氮溶磷等方式促进植物生长、改善植物重金属耐受性,从而有效提高重金属污染土壤的植物修复效率。菌根真菌是土壤-植物系统中重要的功能菌群之一,可侵染植物根系改变根系形态和矿质营养状况,通过菌丝体吸附重金属,也可产生球囊霉素、有机酸、植物生长素等次生代谢产物改变重金属生物有效性。植物根际促生菌与丛枝菌根真菌可对植物产生协同促生作用,在重金属污染土壤修复中具有一定应用潜力。目前,国内外关于植物根际促生菌和丛枝菌根真菌互作已有大量研究,而二者的相互作用机理仍处于探索阶段。本文综述了近年来国内外植物根际促生菌和丛枝菌根真菌在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的作用机制,并对其研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W) and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) are responsible for severe losses in cucurbits and tomato production in south Florida and other regions in the USA. Traditional chemicals are not effective to control these viruses. Using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) may present an alternative to control these viruses. Results from this study demonstrated that applying mixtures of PGPR strains is more efficient to control PRSV-W and TCSV compared to individual PGPR strain only. The application method significantly affected the efficiency of PGPR to control PRSV-W and TCSV. The highest reduction in disease severity of both PRSV-W and TCSV occurred in case of soil drenching with PGPR, followed by root dipping and seed coating treatments. Application of PGPR mixtures of (IN937a & SE34) or (IN937a &, SE34 & T4) were the most efficient methods to control these viral diseases.  相似文献   

Although plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been reported to influence plant growth, yield and nutrient uptake by an array of mechanisms, the specific traits by which PGPR promote plant growth, yield and nutrient uptake were limited to the expression of one or more of the traits expressed at a given environment of plant–microbe interaction. We selected nine different isolates of PGPR from a pool of 233 rhizobacterial isolates obtained from the peanut rhizosphere on the basis of ACC-deaminase activity. The nine isolates were selected, initially, on the basis of germinating seed bioassay in which the root length of the seedling was enhanced significantly over the untreated control. All the nine isolates were identified as Pseudomonas spp. Four of these isolates, viz. PGPR1, PGPR2, PGPR4 and PGPR7 (all fluorescent pseudomonads), were the best in producing siderophore and indole acetic acid (IAA). In addition to IAA and siderophore-producing attributes, Pseudomonas fluorescens PGPR1 also possessed the characters like tri-calcium phosphate solubilization, ammonification and inhibited Aspergillus niger and A. flavus in vitro. P. fluorescens PGPR2 differed from PGPR1 in the sense that it did not show ammonification. In addition to the traits exhibited by PGPR1, PGPR4 showed strong in vitro inhibition to Sclerotium rolfsii. The performances of these selected plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial isolates were repeatedly evaluated for 3 years in pot and field trials. Seed inoculation of these three isolates, viz. PGPR1, PGPR2 and PGPR4, resulted in a significantly higher pod yield than the control, in pots, during rainy and post-rainy seasons. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil, shoot and kernel were also enhanced significantly in treatments inoculated with these rhizobacterial isolates in pots during both the seasons. In the field trials, however, there was wide variation in the performance of the PGPR isolates in enhancing the growth and yield of peanut in different years. Plant growth-promoting fluorescent pseudomonad isolates, viz. PGPR1, PGPR2 and PGPR4, significantly enhanced pod yield (23–26%, 24–28% and 18–24%, respectively), haulm yield and nodule dry weight over the control in 3 years. Other attributes like root length, pod number, 100-kernel mass, shelling out-turn and nodule number were also enhanced. Seed bacterization with plant growth-promoting P. fluorescens isolates, viz. PGPR1, PGPR2 and PGPR4, suppressed the soil-borne fungal diseases like collar rot of peanut caused by A. niger and PGPR4 also suppressed stem rot caused by S. rolfsii. Studies on the growth patterns of PGPR isolates utilizing the seed leachate as the sole source of C and N indicated that PGPR4 isolate was the best in utilizing the seed leachate of peanut, cultivar JL24. Studies on the rhizosphere competence of the PGPR isolates, evaluated on the basis of spontaneous rifampicin resistance, indicated that PGPR7 was the best rhizoplane colonizer and PGPR1 was the best rhizosphere colonizer. Although the presence of growth-promoting traits in vitro does not guarantee that an isolate will be plant growth promoting in nature, results suggested that besides ACC-deaminase activity of the PGPR isolates, expression of one or more of the traits like suppression of phytopathogens, solubilization of tri-calcium phosphate, production of siderophore and/or nodulation promotion might have contributed to the enhancement of growth, yield and nutrient uptake of peanut.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to evaluate growth promotion and induced systemic disease resistance (ISR) in cucumber mediated by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) with and without methyl bromide soil fumigation. In both fumigated and nonfumigated plots, numbers of cucumber beetles, Acalymma vittata (F.), and the incidence of bacterial wilt disease, caused by the beetle-transmitted pathogen Erwinia tracheiphila , were significantly lower with PGPR treatment compared with the nonbacterized control. However, in PGPR-treated plots, the incidence of bacterial wilt was more than 2-fold lower in the nonfumigated treatments compared with fumigated treatments, indicating that the level of PGPR-mediated ISR was greater without methyl bromide fumigation than with methyl bromide. Cucumber plant growth at 21 days after planting was greater in fumigated plots than in nonfumigated plots; however, plant height values in the nonfumigated, PGPR treatments and the fumigated, PGPR treatments were equivalent. This suggests that PGPR treatment compensated for delayed plant growth that often occurs in nonfumigated soil. These results indicate that, in cucumber production systems, withdrawal of methyl bromide will not negatively impact PGPRmediated ISR, and also that PGPR may have potential as an alternative to methyl bromide fumigation.  相似文献   

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