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白鱀豚MHC基因类DQB1座位第二外元的序列变异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了 4 5个克隆的白豚 (Lipotesvexillifer)MHCⅡ类基因DQB座位第二外元 172bp的核苷酸序列 ,共获得 15种序列 ,发现了 2 2个变异位点。核苷酸的非同义替换明显多于同义替换 ,并造成了 15个氨基酸的改变。氨基酸的替换趋于集中在假定的与抗原的选择性识别相关的位点附近。白豚DQB基因的核苷酸和氨基酸序列与文献报道的白鲸 (Delphinapterusleucas)和一角鲸 (Monodonmonoceros)DQB1序列具有较高的同源性。氨基酸序列不具备人及其它一些灵长类动物DQB2基因所共有的基序 (Motif) ,而与牛DQB1基因的基序相近 ,说明本研究得到的白豚MHC序列应属于类DQB1基因。同一个体出现了多种序列的情况 ,提示白豚的DQB基因可能存在着座位重复。白豚的类DQB1座位的序列中存在多种基序的不同组合 ,推测是由于基因转换造成的.  相似文献   

测定了45个克隆的白(既鱼)豚(Lipotes vexillifer)MHC Ⅱ类基因DQB座位第二外元172 bp的核苷酸序列,共获得15种序列,发现了22个变异位点.核苷酸的非同义替换明显多于同义替换,并造成了15个氨基酸的改变.氨基酸的替换趋于集中在假定的与抗原的选择性识别相关的位点附近.白(既鱼)豚DQB基因的核苷酸和氨基酸序列与文献报道的白鲸(Delphinapterus leucas)和一角鲸(Monodon monoceros)DQB1序列具有较高的同源性.氨基酸序列不具备人及其它一些灵长类动物DQB2基因所共有的基序(Motif),而与牛DQB1基因的基序相近,说明本研究得到的白(既鱼)豚MHC序列应属于类DQB1基因.同一个体出现了多种序列的情况,提示白(既鱼)豚的DQB基因可能存在着座位重复.白(既鱼)豚的类DQB1座位的序列中存在多种基序的不同组合,推测是由于基因转换造成的[动物学报 49(4):501~507,2003].  相似文献   

猪MHC-DQB、DRB近端调控区序列及其多态性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据人MHC—DRB和MHC—DQB基因组序列和猪MHC-DRB和MHC-DQB基因外显子1设计引物,应用PCR扩增及克隆测序技术,首次得到了猪MHC-DRB和MHC-DQB基因的5上游近端调控区(URR)序列。分析发现所得序列中存在与MHCⅡ类基因表达调控有关的高度保守的W、X、Y、CCAAT及类TATA调控元件,调控元件的空间组织顺序也与其他物种相应序列的相同。利用SSCP技术在313头猪中共发现12个DRB-URR复等位基因和14个DQB-URR复等位基因,序列比对结果表明在这些复等位基因中存在丰富的多态位点,为进一步深入研究猪MHCⅡ类基因近端调控区的多态性及抗病育种研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

MHC-DRA基因仅在少部分物种如马、斑马、驴等具有多态性,DRA基因在其他哺乳动物中多为低多态性。由于MHC-DRA的低多态性,较少受到研究者重视,我们选取近缘物种牛的DRA基因引物,对四川养麝研究所的217只林麝进行DRA基因exon 2的序列扩增,得到2个林麝DRA基因,片段长度为260 bp,这2个基因仅有一个核苷酸同义突变,没有氨基酸突变。我们将所获得的林麝DRA基因与反刍亚目其他物种DRA基因进行氨基酸比对发现,我们扩增的序列为林麝DRA基因exon 2,编码MHCⅡ类分子的α1区域,而这段区域主要参与形成MHCⅡ类分子的多肽结合槽,根据Brown确定人类的抗原肽结合区位点,在参与比对的反刍亚目物种DRA基因中,抗原位点11、22、72、76存在氨基酸变异,而在这些位点上林麝的DRA基因没有变异,和大部分反刍亚目相同。同时我们发现大部分反刍亚目物种之间氨基酸突变的位点大都在非抗原结合位点。  相似文献   

李佳薏  姚永芳  周亮  徐怀亮 《遗传》2012,(11):1433-1442
主要组织相容性复合体(Major histocompatibility complex,MHC)对许多疾病的易感性和抵抗力起着重要的作用。为了解藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)的MHC基因遗传背景,以促进藏酋猴遗传资源的保护及其在生物医学研究中的应用,文章采用PCR扩增和克隆测序等方法对来自四川地区的70个藏酋猴样品的Mhc-DPB1基因exon 2进行了检测和分析。首次在藏酋猴中获得了18个DPB1等位基因(Math-DPB1),其中1个为假基因(Math-DPB1*01:06N)。18个等位基因中,Math-DPB1*06:01:01(67.14%)的阳性检出率最高,其次为Math-DPB1*01:03:01(37.14%)、Math-DPB1*09:02(25.71%)和Math-DPB1*22:01(15.71%)。氨基酸序列比对发现,藏酋猴Math-DPB1等位基因编码的氨基酸序列中,有5个氨基酸残基变异位点表现出物种特异性。不同物种来源的DPB1等位基因系统发生树表明,藏酋猴、猕猴(Macaca mulatta)和食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)的DPB1等位基因不是以物种特异性方式聚类,而是种间混聚在一起,并显示出明显的跨物种多态性(Trans-species polymorphism)。选择性检验表明,平衡选择(Balancing selection)在维持Math-DPB1基因的多态性中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)是脊椎动物基因组中高度多态的基因家族,其编码产物在脊椎动物免疫系统中起着重要作用。受湿地生境污染和破坏等因素的影响,全球现存鹤科(Gruidae)动物大都已处于受胁状态。为了解鹤科动物MHC-I基因序列信息,本研究设计通用引物对灰鹤(Grus grus)和肉垂鹤(Bugeranus carunculatus)MHC-I基因进行分离。结果从1只灰鹤和1只肉垂鹤血液基因组中分别分离到2条和3条长约1 500 bp的序列片段,这暗示鹤科动物至少存在两个MHC-I基因座位。分离到的核苷酸序列均可翻译成正常的氨基酸,表明它们具有一定的生物学功能。MHC-I抗原结合区的核苷酸和氨基酸变异率,灰鹤分别为5.0%和9.6%,肉垂鹤为9.1%和14.6%。两种鹤抗原肽结合位点的非同义替代率与同义替代率的比值分别为7.348 8和2.145 2,表明其受到强烈的正选择作用。贝叶斯系统发生树显示,鹤科动物MHC-I基因并未按物种聚类,暗示MHC-I基因跨物种多态性的存在。本研究获得的MHC-I基因通用引物及序列信息,可为今后濒危鹤科动物的保护遗传学研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

中华稻蝗四个种群的遗传分化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术研究中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis)四个种群的12个基因座位,探讨其遗传分化.这四个种群分别采自内蒙古呼和浩特、山西代县、山西太原和陕西西安.Ck和Mdh-2在四个种群中均为单态,其余的基因座位至少在一个种群内有两个以上的等位基因;在Ldh和Mdh-1的等位基因频率呈现梯度分布趋势.多态基因座位百分率(P)和平均每个基因座位的等位基因数目(A)分别为58.3%-66.7%和2.2-2.8,平均杂合度为Ho=0.173-0.240.除Gpi,Hk-2,Idh,Ldh和Mdh-1在部分蝗虫种群符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡外,其余绝大多数基因座位的基因型频率显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡.四个种群间FST平均值不存在显著差异(FST=0.0510,P>0.05),结合高的Nei's遗传一致度(I>0.97)可知,种群之间遗传分化不明显.我们认为人类的农业活动可能促进了种群间的基因交流,从而降低了分化程度[动物学报50(2)187-192,2004].  相似文献   

采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术及应用等位酶分析方法,研究我国河北黄骅、辽宁葫芦岛宽翅曲背蝗两个自然种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化。在检测的11种酶15个酶基因座位中,Adk-I、Fbp-I、Mdh-2和G3pd-I基因座位的等位基因少,而Fbp-2、Mdh-I和Me-I基因座位的等位基因多。对每个基因座位的各基因型进行χ^2检验,除Mdh-I在辽宁葫芦岛种群、Adk-I在河北黄骅种群分别符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡外,其余绝大多数基因座位的基因型频率显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡。两个种群之间存在明显的遗传多样性和分化:多态位点百分率分别为100%和93.3%,等位基因平均数分别为3.1和2.5,平均杂合度观测值分别为0.086和0.061。与其他非迁飞性蝗虫如中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis)比较,这种蝗虫种群的平均杂合度较低但遗传多态性较高。结果表明:该蝗虫较强的跳跃能力可使个体暴露于各种不同环境,有利于维持种内遗传多态性的动态平衡,而种群保持较高的遗传多态性能增强该物种在不同栖息地的生存和繁殖能力。F-统计量表明两个种群之间的遗传分化相对较小,但这种分化显著高于迁飞性蝗虫如东亚飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis)。Nei的遗传一致度(I)和Roger的遗传距离(D)的结果分析揭示了两个种群之间较高的遗传一致度(I=0.904)和较小的遗传距离(D=0.256)。然而,在一些酶基因座位如Aep-I(Fst=0.462)和Pgi-I(Fst=0.182),F-统计值相对较大,遗传分化比较明显。  相似文献   

两栖类正经历全球范围内的种群衰退,很多两栖动物集群灭绝事件与环境病原体(如壶菌(Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis)的侵扰有关。MHC基因的表达产物在有颌脊椎动物免疫应答过程中起关键作用,其多态性通常与动物对疾病的抗性或易感性密切相关,因而被认为是研究动物适应性进化的最佳候选基因之一。本文对中国特有的无尾两栖动物凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormota)MHC II类B基因多态性进行初步研究。首先,利用1对通用引物扩增出凹耳蛙MHC II类B基因exon2长约180bp的DNA片段。在此基础上,利用ligation-mediated PCR进一步获取侧翼未知序列,序列拼接后长2,030bp,包含exon2以及intron1和intron2的部分序列。基于上述序列设计出凹耳蛙B基因exon2特异性引物(IIQ1BU/IIQ1BD),对该物种黄山种群32个样品进行PCR扩增和克隆测序,共获得34个不同的等位基因,等位基因序列核苷酸和氨基酸变异位点的比例分别为16.17%(33/204)和26.87%(18/67),大多数氨基酸变异位点位于推测的抗原结合位点(antigen binding sites,ABS)。每个样品包含2-5个等位基因,结合等位基因序列特征以及cDNA表达分析结果,推测凹耳蛙至少拥有3个可表达的B基因座位。与文献报道的蛙科其他物种比较后发现,尽管凹耳蛙目前的分布区非常狭窄,但其MHC II类B基因多态性明显高于蛙科其他动物。等位基因碱基替换模式提示凹耳蛙MHC II类B基因曾经历过强烈的正选择作用,ABS区的dN值显著大于dS(P<0.05),PAML软件包CODEML程序中不同模型的似然比检测(likelihood rate test)结果同样支持上述推论,贝叶斯经验贝叶斯路径(Bayesian Em-pirical Bayes)共检测出5个显著受正选择作用的氨基酸位点。贝叶斯系统树的拓扑结构显示,无尾两栖类不同科的等位基因分别形成单系群,但蛙科不同属的等位基因未能形成单系群,蛙属绿池蛙(Rana clamitans)的1个等位基因与臭蛙属凹耳蛙的部分等位基因享有共同的谱系关系,提示蛙科不同属间的B基因存在跨种多态性。  相似文献   

食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis,Mafa)是重要的医学研究动物模型,被大量用于药物及移植医学试验。为探讨本地食蟹猴MHC I类基因B座位的多态性,本研究经大量PCR,克隆与测序,从10只食蟹猴中分离到24种Mafa-B等位基因的全长序列,其中4种为新序列,已递交NCBI数据库,并给予系统命名。在每个个体中均获得6至11条Mafa-B等位基因,显示食蟹猴的MHC-B座位出现扩增,食蟹猴MHC-B为重复基因座的特征与恒河猴类似。氨基酸序列比对分析得出,MHC-B基因在抗原肽结合区高度多态。  相似文献   

Two DRA alleles and six MHC-I alleles were identified from a group of 15 baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), the most threatened cetacean in the world. Little sequence variation was detected at the DRA locus but extensive variation at the MHC-I locus. In combination with data at the DQB locus previously reported, three MHC loci exon 2 of the baiji all revealed striking similarity with those of the finless porpoise. Especially, some identical alleles shared by both species at the MHC-I and DQB loci suggested the convergent evolution as a consequence of common adaptive solutions to similar environmental pressures in the Yangtze River. As for DRA locus, the identity alleles were shared not only by baiji and finless porpoise but by some other cetacean species of the families Phocoenidae and Delphinidae, suggesting trans-species evolution on this gene.  相似文献   

Xu S  Sun P  Zhou K  Yang G 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(7):581-592
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DQB and DRA genes and class I gene of finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) were investigated by single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis. The DRA, DQB, and MHC-I loci each contained 5, 14, and 34 unique sequences, respectively, and considerable sequence variation was found at the MHC-I and DQB loci. Gene duplication was manifested as three to five distinct sequences at each of the DQB and MHC-I loci from some individuals, and these sequences at each of the two loci separately clustered into four groups (cluster A, B, C, and D) based on the phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed a trans-species pattern of evolution. Relatively high rates of non-synonymous (dN) vs synonymous (dS) substitution in the peptide-binding region (PBR) suggested balancing selection for maintaining polymorphisms at the MHC-I and DQB loci. In contrast, one single locus with little sequence variation was detected in the DRA gene, and no non-synonymous substitutions in the PBR indicated no balancing selection on this gene.  相似文献   

Sequence variability at three major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes (DQB, DRA, and MHC-I) of cetaceans was investigated in order to get an overall understanding of cetacean MHC evolution. Little sequence variation was detected at the DRA locus, while extensive and considerable variability were found at the MHC-I and DQB loci. Phylogenetic reconstruction and sequence comparison revealed extensive sharing of identical MHC alleles among different species at the three MHC loci examined. Comparisons of phylogenetic trees for these MHC loci with the trees reconstructed only based on non-PBR sites revealed that allelic similarity/identity possibly reflected common ancestry and were not due to adaptive convergence. At the same time, trans-species evolution was also evidenced that the allelic diversity of the three MHC loci clearly pre-dated species divergence events according to the relaxed molecular clock. It may be the forces of balancing selection acting to maintain the high sequence variability and identical alleles in trans-specific manner at the MHC-I and DQB loci.  相似文献   

Northern elephant seals were hunted to near extinction in the 19th century, yet have recovered remarkably and now number around 175,000. We surveyed 110 seals for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence variation at three major histocompatibility (MHC) class II loci (DQA, DQB and DRB) to evaluate the genetic consequences of the population bottleneck at these loci vs. other well-studied genes. We found very few alleles at each MHC locus, significant variation among breeding sites for the DQA locus, and linkage disequilibrium between the DQB and DRB loci. Northern elephant seals are evidently inbred, although there is as yet no evidence of correlative reductions in fitness.  相似文献   

Determining how intra-specific genetic diversity is apportioned among natural populations is essential for detecting local adaptation and identifying populations with inherently low levels of extant diversity which may become a conservation concern. Sequence polymorphism at two adaptive loci (MHC DRA and DQB) was investigated in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) from four regions in the North Atlantic and compared with previous data from New Zealand (South Pacific). Three alleles were resolved at each locus, with trans-species allele sharing and higher levels of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution, especially in the DQB locus. Overall nucleotide diversities of 0.49?±?0.38% and 4.60?±?2.39% were identified for the DRA and DQB loci, respectively, which are relatively low for MHC loci in the North Atlantic, but comparable to levels previously described in New Zealand (South Pacific). There were significant differences in allele frequencies within the North Atlantic and between the North Atlantic and New Zealand. Patterns of diversity and divergence are consistent with the long-term effects of balancing selection operating on the MHC loci, potentially mediated through the effects of host-parasite coevolution. Differences in allele frequency may reflect variation in pathogen communities, coupled with the effects of differential drift and gene flow.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at the ovine major histocompatibility complex class II loci   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Southern hybridization analysis of the ovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ( MhcOvar ) class II region, using sheep-specific probes for the DQA1, DQA2, DQB and DRA loci, has revealed extensive polymorphism. DQA1 and DQAP had eight and 16 alleles respectively, DQB had six and DRA had three alleles. Little information was derived from the DRB locus owing to extensive cross-hybridization between the DRB probe and the DQB locus. Differences in allele frequency between breeds were revealed. At the DQA1 locus a null allele (DQA1-N) was observed with a frequency of between 27% and 45%, making this the most common DQA1 allele in all breeds examined. The frequency of DQA1-N homozygotes was between 11% and 18%, raising questions as to the functional significance of the DQA1 gene. Linkage analysis between the DQA1, DQA2, DQB and DRA loci did not reveal any recombination.  相似文献   

Wan QH  Zhang P  Ni XW  Wu HL  Chen YY  Kuang YY  Ge YF  Fang SG 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e14518
The Père David's deer is a highly inbred, but recovered, species, making it interesting to consider their adaptive molecular evolution from an immunological perspective. Prior to this study, genomic sequencing was the only method for isolating all functional MHC genes within a certain species. Here, we report a novel protocol for isolating MHC class II loci from a species, and its use to investigate the adaptive evolution of this endangered deer at the level of multi-locus haplotypes. This protocol was designated "HURRAH" based on its various steps and used to estimate the total number of MHC class II loci. We confirmed the validity of this novel protocol in the giant panda and then used it to examine the Père David's deer. Our results revealed that the Père David's deer possesses nine MHC class II loci and therefore has more functional MHC class II loci than the eight genome-sequenced mammals for which full MHC data are currently available. This could potentially account at least in part for the strong survival ability of this species in the face of severe bottlenecking. The results from the HURRAH protocol also revealed that: (1) All of the identified MHC class II loci were monomorphic at their antigen-binding regions, although DRA was dimorphic at its cytoplasmic tail; and (2) these genes constituted two asymmetric functional MHC class II multi-locus haplotypes: DRA1*01 ~ DRB1 ~ DRB3 ~ DQA1 ~ DQB2 (H1) and DRA1*02 ~ DRB2 ~ DRB4 ~ DQA2 ~ DQB1 (H2). The latter finding indicates that the current members of the deer species have lost the powerful ancestral MHC class II haplotypes of nine or more loci, and have instead fixed two relatively weak haplotypes containing five genes. As a result, the Père David's deer are currently at risk for increased susceptibility to infectious pathogens.  相似文献   

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