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在对武陵山区硅藻分类和多样性研究中,收集到了一种双肋藻的标本,经研究鉴定,其为明晰双肋藻[Amphipleura pellucida(Kützing)Kützing]。光学显微镜观察和扫描电子显微镜观察结果表明:明晰双肋藻具有以下特征:(1)纺锤形的壳瓣外形。(2)长而直的中央胸骨。(3)仅着生在靠近壳面两端的短壳缝系统。(4)线纹密度为38~39条/10μm,孔纹密度为54~58个/10μm。(5)壳缝的外近缝端呈直线状,远缝端略微膨大。(6)孔纹内侧开口被圆形筛膜覆盖。该研究结果为明晰双肋藻提供了清晰的超微结构图片资料以及科学的描述。  相似文献   

龙继艳  刘冰  周阳艳  徐三妹  陈锦华 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1791-1796
在对湖南省硅藻多样性研究过程中,发现其中一采自湘江的桥弯藻种类具有以下鉴定特征:(1)细胞小,长度小于29 μm;(2)壳面略微呈背腹之分;(3)远缝端末梢向壳面背侧弯曲;(4)顶孔区很小,由1~3横列形态不同的两种类型孔纹组成,一种孔纹与壳面上的孔纹相似,呈狭缝隙状,另一种为圆形小孔,其内部开口上方有袋盖状硅质突出物覆盖;(5)壳面背侧中部处线纹密度每10 μm为10~12条、腹侧中部处每10 μm为11~13条,孔纹密度每10 μm为30~40个;(6)在靠近壳面腹侧中央区具有1~2个孤点。经与帕瓦拉桥弯藻(Cymbella pavanaensis A. Vigneshwaran et al.)模式种群相比较,该文确定上述桥弯藻即为帕瓦拉桥弯藻。该文提供了对帕瓦拉桥弯藻超微结构的更多清晰认识,扩大了其地理分布区域,且是该种在中国的首次报道。  相似文献   

利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对采自武陵山区澧水的1种中国新记录硅藻——喙状比利牛斯山微小曲壳藻进行了形态研究。该种的鉴定特征为壳面线形披针形,具有喙状的末端,有壳缝壳面末端线纹呈略微会聚状或近平行排列,孔纹膜为筛状。该研究结果扩展了对喙状比利牛斯山微小曲壳藻形态结构和地理分布的认识。  相似文献   

袁莉  刘冰  龙华  莫雯惠  周阳艳 《西北植物学报》2021,41(10):1785-1792
该文利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对采自青海省门源县水域的未知等片星杆藻形态特征进行了详细观察研究,并对其特征与其相似种类——拟星状等片星杆藻比较,以确定其分类属种。结果表明:(1)青海省门源县水域的未知等片星杆藻具有以下8个鉴定特征:①狭披针形的壳瓣外形和头状末端;② 3种类型的增厚横肋,即初生横肋、次生横肋和三生横肋;③ 星状细胞群体;④ 壳面上不均匀分布的线纹;⑤ 不凸起的胸骨;⑥每个壳瓣只着生一个唇形突;⑦ 非嵌入式顶孔区;⑧ 每条环带上只有一列孔纹;故确定该硅藻为未知等片星杆藻。(2)对未知等片星杆藻与其相似种类——拟星状等片星杆藻比较发现,二者最大区别是群体着生形态不同,前者可形成Z字形或星状群体,而后者是单生,不形成群体,表明二者为不同的种类,故支持其作为独立种类。(3)该研究结果扩大了未知等片星杆藻的地理分布区域;未知等片星杆藻为中国新记录属种,永久装片保存在吉首大学植物标本馆(JIU)。  相似文献   

郑妍  刘冰  易曼琪  杨彬  徐子林 《西北植物学报》2023,43(11):1975-1980
本研究利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对采自湖南省江华瑶族自治县一源头水溪流的硅藻标本进行了观察,鉴定出中国新记录一种:沃氏具脊桥弯藻(Oricymba voronkinae Glushchenko, Kulikovskiy & Kociolek)。研究结果显示该具脊桥弯藻具有以下鉴别特征:(1) 壳面呈披针形,末端钝圆;(2) 壳面平坦,壳面和壳套区别明显,被一条边缘脊分开;(3) 边缘脊两侧具凹槽;(4) 近缝端向壳面腹侧偏转,远缝端几乎呈直角向壳面背侧弯曲且在远缝末梢的背侧处有一个缺刻;(5) 壳面中央孤点外侧开口为一个简单圆形,内壳面开口为被向内生长物所遮挡的两个裂缝;(6) 壳面孔纹呈裂缝状,仅近中轴区的孔纹呈半圆至弧形;孔纹的开口被齿状突出物部分遮挡;(7) 顶孔区内侧开口被波浪形的贯壳列硅质条所覆盖但未完全封闭内侧开口;(8) 壳面中部的线纹密度为8~11条/10 μm,孔纹密度25~30个/10 μm。本文提供了沃氏具脊桥弯藻孔纹密度和原始描述中未揭示的顶孔区内壳面的详细超微结构特征。  相似文献   

该研究利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对采自湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区的硅藻标本进行了观察,鉴定出其中一种硅藻为比提基金长篦藻(Neidium beatyi Hamilton et al.)。结果表明,该长篦藻具有以下鉴定特征:(1)线性椭圆至线性披针形的壳瓣外形。(2)壳面两侧具有3~5条纵向线。(3)向相反方向弯曲的两近缝端,呈叉状分枝的远缝端末梢及顶端的三角形硅质顶盖。(4) 16~18条/10μm的线纹密度和14~18个/10μm的孔纹密度。(5)一些孔纹内部开口周围的4~7个豆状突出物。本研究结果与比提基金长篦藻模式种群的形态特征和数量性状均吻合,故确定其为比提基金长篦藻;增加了比提基金长篦藻的新地理分布区域——中国洞庭湖。  相似文献   

以采集于青海湖的石附生硅藻(芬兰贝氏藻)为样品,用10%的HCl溶液溶解样品中含钙的固体化合物,再加入30% H2O2溶液氧化去掉硅藻细胞的有机物质,获得干净的硅藻标本。利用Naphrax 封装剂制成永久装片,在光学和电子显微镜下对其形态特征进行了详细研究。结果表明:(1) 在光学显微镜下芬兰贝氏藻具有披针形的壳瓣外形、尖圆的壳面末端和明显伸长的中轴区三个特征。(2) 在扫描电子显微镜下芬兰贝氏藻紧邻中央区的孔纹明显伸长,其长度为2~4个正常孔纹的长度。(3) 通过文献查阅和相似种类的比较发现,同时具有尖圆的末端和明显伸长的紧邻中央区的孔纹是芬兰贝氏藻鉴定的独特性状组合,故芬兰贝氏藻的身份可由此确定。该研究首次报道了芬兰贝氏藻在中国的分布。  相似文献   

该研究利用光学和扫描电子显微镜,对采自东洞庭湖国家自然保护区的2种双壳缝硅藻中国新记录种——肿胀类辐节藻和英格兰盘状藻具孤点变种的标本进行了详细形态学研究。观察发现:(1)肿胀类辐节藻具有4个鉴定特征:①壳瓣轮廓在大的标本中呈披针形,在小的标本中呈椭圆披针形;②线纹在壳面中部呈辐射状排列,彼此间隔相对较宽;③假隔片在壳面两端都存在;④ 孔纹在内壳面被具微孔的膜完全覆盖。(2)英格兰盘状藻具孤点变种也具有4个鉴定特征:①壳瓣线性椭圆形或椭圆形;② 线纹除了在壳面两端呈平行排列外,在壳面大部区域呈辐射状排列,中部线纹密度10~14条/10 μm;③在壳面中央有一个孤点;④孔纹内部开口被由4个支柱支撑的孔板所覆盖,孔纹密度35~40个/10 μm。该研究的详细描述和清晰的插图为肿胀类辐节藻和英格兰盘状藻具孤点变种的准确鉴定提供了参考。  相似文献   

利用透射电镜对采自东黄海海域典型站位的微型硅藻(nanodiatom,<20mm)进行了研究。观察到我国微型硅藻类的一个新记录属微舟藻属NanoneisR.E.Norris以及该属的一个新种长微舟藻Nanoneislongtasp.nov.。该属的主要特征是壳面两侧对称,具有不完全壳缝,壳面除中轴区外都有横肋纹或长室孔分布。本文描述该属的两个种,其中海斯微舟藻(NanoneishasleaeR.E.Norris)为我国的新记录种,长微舟藻为新种,两种之间主要的区别特征是壳面外形、长宽比例以及壳面横肋纹的密度。并较详细地描述了该属种类的分类特征、生态习性和分布。  相似文献   

利用透射电镜对采自东黄海海域典型站位的微型硅藻(nanodiatom,〈20μm)进行了研究.观察到我国微型硅藻类的一个新记录属:微舟藻属Nanoneis R.E.Norris以及该属的一个新种:长微舟藻Nanoneislongta sp.nov..该属的主要特征是:壳面两侧对称,具有不完全壳缝,壳面除中轴区外都有横肋纹或长室孔分布.本文描述该属的两个种,其中海斯微舟藻(Nanoneis hasleae R.E.Norris)为我国的新记录种,长微舟藻为新种,两种之间主要的区别特征是壳面外形、长宽比例以及壳面横肋纹的密度.并较详细地描述了该属种类的分类特征、生态习性和分布.  相似文献   

The deposition of siliceous valves during asexual reproduction of the pennate diatom, Navicula cuspidata Kütz., is described with emphasis on the cytoplasmic components involved. The events accompanying valve secretion are similar to those already known from other pennate species. After mitosis, the microtubule centre (MC) moves to the center of the cleavage furrow where silica deposition is initiated inside a tubular silicalemma, and it remains associated with the prospective central nodule during valve growth. Microtubules (MTs), emanating from the MC, run parallel to the prospective raphe and together with the raphe fibres, appear to be involved with raphe development. Multiple raphe fibres occupy the maturing raphe fissure, in contrast to the single fibre of Pinnularia viridis, P. maior and Hantzschia amphioxys. The fibers exhibit a periodic substructure and are often opposed to the silicalemma where they may inhibit silica deposition and control the shaping of the raphe fissure. In contrast with the above species, in N. cuspidata MTs are clustered strictly opposite the raphe and lose their association with the MC which degenerates before the valves are mature. The primary role of MTs may be the stabilization of the cytoplasmic region where initial silicification occurs. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are not involved in molding valve growth in this species. Evidence for vesicle involvement in silica transport and deposition was limited. The possible contributions provided by comparative studies on the ultrastructure of valve morphogenesis towards elucidating the control of valve formation and the taxonomy of diatoms are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Triparma laevis f. inornata is a unicellular alga belonging to the Bolidophyceae, which is most closely related to diatoms. Like diatoms, T. laevis f. inornata has a siliceous cell wall. The cell wall of T. laevis f. inornata consists of four round plates (three shields and one ventral plate) and one dorsal and three girdle plates. But, unlike diatoms, T. laevis f. inornata cells can grow when concentrations of silica are depleted. We took advantage of this ability, using TEM to study the ontogeny of the siliceous plate, pattern center formation, and development. Two types of pattern centers (annulus and sternum) were observed in the early and middle stage of plate formation. During their formation, the annuli were initially crescent‐shaped but eventually their ends fused to make a ring. Only outward silica deposition of the branching ribs occurred on the growing annulus until it became a ring, resulting in an unfilled circle inside the annulus. The pattern center of the shield plate was always an annulus, but in ventral plates both annulus and sternum were observed. The annuli and sterna in T. laevis f. inornata round plates were very similar to the annuli and sterna in diatom valves. These results suggested that the round plates of Parmales are homologous to diatom valves. This information on the plate ontogeny of T. laevis f. inornata provides new insights into the evolution of the siliceous cell wall in the Parmales and diatoms.  相似文献   

Tibetiella pulchra Y. L. Li, D. M. Williams et Metzeltin is described from River Nujiang. Its main features are heteropolar valves, which are linear with capitate ends; narrow sternum, expanding at its center; 2–5 rimoportulae at each apex; uniseriate striae; two short projections arising on the surface above each apical pore plate; and an ocellulimbus, extending from the edge of the valve margin to the edge of the valve surface. Of these characters, it is defined by the 2–5 rimoportulae at each apex. T. pulchra was common to abundant on rocks in the samples examined herein.  相似文献   

利用光学和电子显微镜对采自黄海水域的1个管壳缝类硅藻——非洲南氏藻进行了形态学研究,并对其地理分布进行了讨论。结果表明:(1)该种壳体带面呈矩形,壳面窄椭圆形,具有钝圆的末端。(2)壳缝居中,由两条等长的分支组成。(3)管壳缝由复杂、接合的肋突支撑,但无龙骨。(4)每条线纹仅有1个孔纹,壳套上最多有1列孔纹。(5)目前本种仅发现于南非萨尔达尼亚湾和中国黄海。非洲南氏藻是该属在中国的第一个报道种类,因此,该属也是在中国第一次报道。  相似文献   

Nitzschia fonticola (Grunow) Grunow is a member of Nitzschia sect. Lanceolatae, a group of taxonomically intractable but ecologically important and widespread diatoms. We investigated the morphology and life cycle in three clones of N. fonticola and all exhibited reduced sexuality, with pedogamous production of auxospores in unpaired gametangia. The auxospores of all clones contained tangles of striplike elements that lay outside the perizonium and were distinct from it in structure and ontogeny. We introduce a new term, incunabula, to refer to such components of the auxospore wall. Semicryptic variation was detected: one clone differed from the other two in valve size and shape, stria density, and fibula density, as well as its nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) sequence. The implications of reduced sexuality for the taxonomy of sect. Lanceolatae are discussed. A lectotype is designated for N. fonticola from among original material of Grunow, and the application of the name is clarified further by designating illustrations and the LSU sequence AM182191 from one of our clones as epitypes.  相似文献   

Frustules of a clonal culture of Melosira roeseana Rabenh. were examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. Vegetative valves in the post-auxospore (full size) stage exhibit a larger width/length ratio than those in the pre-auxospore (size-reduced) stage. Cells form chains by linking spines of adjacent valves which occur at the periphery of the valve face-mantle junction. Three or jour large pores occur at the center of the valve face, with the diameter of each pore tapering from the inner to the outer valve surface; these pores are often occluded by siliceous processes. Features of M. roeseana, not shown previously for Melosira, include a “stepped” mantle, on only one of the two valves resulting from the same cell division, flattened processes attached to short siliceous stalks on the valve face, disk-like processes on the mantle, and an open girdle band with up to eight antiligulae. Siliceous scales on the surface of the initial cell are remnants of the auxospore wall. The epivalve of the initial cell is larger in diameter than the hypovalve, and both valves lack linking spines and a step on the valve surface. The initial, cell epicingulum consists of only two bands; the hypocingulum has up to seven. Initial cells with four or more hypocingular bands divide to form new post-auxospore filaments. Melosira roeseana should not be included in the genus Melosira as it is presently defined by the type species, M. nurnmuloides C. Ag. Major differences include irregular linking spines, a closed pseudoloculate valve construction, and labiate processes on the valve face and mantle of M. nummuloides, compared with well-defined linking spines, a valve constructed of a basal siliceous layer perforated by poroid areolae, and labiate processes lacking on the valve of M. roeseana.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the oval, fusiform and triradiate morphotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin is described. The organization and structure of the cytoplasmic organelles is similar in all three morphotypes, except that the vacuoles occupy the extra volume created by the arms of the fusiform and triradiate cells. The frustule in fusiform and triradiate cells is organic; in the oval type it may be organic or one of the valves may have a silica frustule surrounded by an organic wall. In all cells, the organic cell wall has up to 10 silica bands (13 nm wide) embedded in its surface in the girdle region, lacks girdle bands, and has an outer corrugated cell wall layer, except in the girdle region. Cell division, organic wall formation and silica deposition are described in detail. Four types of oval cells are also described. The relation to other diatoms is discussed.  相似文献   

May  Linda  Bailey-Watts  A.E.  Kirika  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):29-34
Loch Leven is a shallow, eutrophic lake in the Scottish lowlands that is famous for its brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fishery. Studies of planktonic rotifer populations began here in January 1977. Since then, samples have been collected and analysed at more or less weekly intervals. Additional information on the composition and abundance of phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton species, and on a variety of physical and chemical determinants, has been recorded on each sampling occasion.Long-term datasets, such as that described above, are invaluable for identifying interactions between components of the plankton that only appear for short periods each year, as these interactions would probably be overlooked in data spanning a shorter period of time. This study uses the long-term data from Loch Leven to examine the food and temperature requirements of the summer rotifer species Trichocerca pusilla (Lauterborn). The results suggest that T. pusilla prefers water temperatures above 12 °C and that it feeds, primarily, on the filamentous diatom Aulacoseira spp. During the summer months, its abundance was closely related to the availability of this diatom. When filaments of Aulacoseira spp. were abundant, rotifer densities reached 1000–3000 ind. l–1 and when they were scarce (e.g. 1980, 1997 and 1998) T. pusilla densities also remained low (i.e. less than 100 ind. l–1). The reason for the success or failure of Aulacoseira during the summer months each year is unclear but, in general, its abundance was related to the availability of dissolved silica in the water.  相似文献   

该研究利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对3种淡水布纹藻(钝布纹藻、库氏布纹藻和赛欧托布纹藻)的形态学进行了研究,以明确它们的精细结构特征;并分析讨论它们在中国的地理分布区域。结果表明:(1) 3种淡水布纹藻皆属于粗糙布纹组;从壳面观看,都具有S形和反S(S)形两种壳瓣外形。(2) 钝布纹藻具有弱的S形壳面外形、T形的外近端壳缝末稍和直的内近端壳缝末稍以及椭圆形的中央区;库氏布纹藻具有明显的S形壳面外形、略微向不同侧偏转的外近端壳缝末稍和直的内近端壳缝末稍以及椭圆形的中央区;赛欧托布纹藻具有弱的S形壳面外形、强烈钩状的外近端壳缝末稍和T形的内近端壳缝末稍以及倾斜的中央区。(3) 钝布纹藻在广东、广西、湖南、四川和云南等地有分布;库氏布纹藻在新疆和湖南等地有发现;赛欧托布纹藻分布于武陵山区,该文是其在中国淡水分布的首次报道。  相似文献   

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