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内生菌协同宿主植物修复土壤复合污染的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
土壤复合污染日益严重,危及植物生长及人类发展,寻找修复土壤复合污染的有效方法已经成为环境领域的优先事项。复合污染指同一环境中存在两种或两种以上的污染物,分为复合重金属污染、复合有机污染物污染及重金属-有机污染物复合污染。近些年发现内生菌能定殖在植物中,并且被感染的植物不会引起任何外在病症,其主要通过促进宿主植物生长,改变植物摄取污染物能力和酶促降解污染物等方法增强植物修复能力。本文综述了具有复合重金属和复合有机污染抗性的内生菌种类及其作用机制,并展望了内生菌协同宿主植物修复环境中复合污染物的研究方向。  相似文献   

重金属污染的转基因植物修复——原理与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
污染环境的植物修复技术具有成本低、不造成二次污染等优点。从自然界中寻找用于污染环境修复的超富积植物不仅难度大 ,而且受生物量、生长周期以及地理环境等因素的限制。近几年迅速发展起来的通过转基因植物进行污染环境的修复技术显示了广阔的应用前景。外源基因在植物的高效表达可以提高植物吸收、运输、降解污染物的能力以及修复的效率 ,并可以作为研究不同污染物修复机理的实验系统。以转基因植物修复几种主要的重金属污染为例 ,介绍了转基因植物修复的原理、现状及存在问题 ,并探讨了提高转基因植物修复效率的一些方法 。  相似文献   

有机污染环境的植物修复研究进展   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
分析了近年来国内外的文献资料,对有机污染物污染环境的植物修复研究进展作了综述。植物能通过根系从环境中吸收和积累PCBs、PAHs等有机污染物,并将吸收的TNT、TCE及有机农药降解为高极性产物、水和CO2;另一方面植物根际可促进有机污染物的根际生物吸收与,使植物对有机污染环境的修复效果更明显。文中探讨了有机污染环境的植物修复技术的优势、问题与未来的研究。  相似文献   

有机污染环境植物修复技术   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用物理、化学方法修复有机污染环境,费用昂贵,而且还可能使当地的生态资源难以再利用,对于大面积污染土壤也难以实施。植物修复,利用植物吸收、降解以及根际圈降解的作用方式将有机污染物从环境中彻底去除,具有处理费用相对低廉、对环境扰动少和使资源可持续利用的特点,目前已成为环境科学领域的一大热点和前沿。本文对环境中主要有机污染物的发生机理、近年来植物修复有机污染的研究进展做一综述,并对有机污染植物修复的强化措施进行了展望。  相似文献   

汞污染土壤植物修复中转基因技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汞是一种全球性污染物.随着工业的发展、汞矿开采的加速,土壤汞污染日益严峻,给生态环境和人类生活带来了严重的威胁.因此,汞污染土壤的修复问题受到了广大学者的关注.针对受污染的土壤修复问题,植物修复技术具有成本低和不会给环境带来新的危害等特点.本文对目前国内外汞污染土壤修复植物修复技术的研究进行了综述,介绍了转基因技术在汞污染土壤中的应用,探讨了转基因技术在环境治理和环境修复中潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

植物修复油污土壤是控制环境污染的有效途径,但在实际应用中存在着植物生物量较小、生长缓慢等不足。将具有修复功能的外源基因引入植物中,使转基因植物的生物修复功能大大增强,为解决土壤石油污染问题提供了有效手段。文章系统论述了转基因植物对石油污染土壤中有机污染物,尤其是对持久性有机污染物(POPs)的吸收、转化和降解作用以及近年来所取得的突破性进展,并指出了利用生物基因修复技术进行土壤石油污染研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染土壤的植物修复及其机理研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着人类对化学品的依赖程度越来越高,环境的有机污染状况也越来越严重.有机污染土壤的植物修复是指利用植物在生长过程中,吸收、降解、钝化有机污染物的一种原位处理污染土壤的方法,具有应用成本低、生态风险小、对环境副作用小等特点.本文综述了近年来国内外有机污染土壤的植物修复研究进展情况,重点介绍了多氯联苯、多环芳烃、农药和硝基芳香化合物等持久性有机污染物的植物修复,阐述了有机污染土壤植物修复的关键机制,并分析了该技术在实际工程应用中的局限性及应考虑的因素.最后,指出了今后该领域的重点研究方向.  相似文献   

根系分泌物及其在植物修复中的作用   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53       下载免费PDF全文
 近年来环境污染日益严重,污染物在土壤植物中的行为引起了人们的高度关注。利用植物去除土壤水体等介质中污染物的植物修复是近10年来兴起的一项安全、廉价的技术,已成为污染生态学和环境生态学的研究热点,它通过植物吸收、根滤、稳定、挥发等方式清除环境中的重金属和有机污染物。国内外有关植物修复的研究报道和概述很多, 但对植物根系分泌物在植物修复中所起的作用及其机理少有述评。 本文从根系分泌物对土壤重金属和土壤有机污染物的去除作用出发,对根系分泌物的种类、数量及其在去除环境污染物中的作用机理和功能地位进行了总结,并借助研究事例对影响植物根系分泌的内外因子,如植物种类、营养胁迫、重金属胁迫、根际环境的理化性质、土壤微生物及其它环境因子进行了讨论。概言之,根系分泌物在修复污染土壤中的重金属途径是多种多样的,主要是通过调节根际pH值、与重金属形成螯合物、络合反应、沉淀、提高土壤微生物数量和活性来改变重金属在根际中的存在形态以及提高重金属的生物有效性,从而减轻它对环境的危害。在清除有机污染物时,根系分泌物中的酶可以对有机污染物进行直接降解,根系分泌物影响下的微生物也可以对有机污染物进行间接降解,且被认为是主要的降解途径。根系分泌物在植物修复过程中确实起着某些重要作用,今后应将这方面的研究重点放在某些特异性根系分泌物植物,尤其是某些重金属超富集植物资源的寻找、筛选上,通过室内实验和野外研究确定其根系分泌物对清除重金属和有机污染物的效率,证实超富集植物根系分泌物的特异性与污染物超富集的内在联系,找到污染土壤生态恢复和治理的有效方法并加以推广应用,如针对性地在被污染地大面积种植此类具特异性根分泌物植物,并辅以营林措施如修剪等,加快生物修复进程,提高修复效率。植物根系分泌物在植物修复过程中所具有的重要生态意义和可能应用前景,为污染生态学和化学生态学之间的联合研究开拓了全新的领域,今后将取得新的突破和重要进展。  相似文献   

根际圈在污染土壤修复中的作用与机理分析   总被引:71,自引:9,他引:62  
根际圈以植物根系为中心聚集了大量的生命物质及其分泌物,构成了极为独特的“生态修复单元”。本文叙述了根在根际圈污染土壤修复中的生理生态作用,富集、固定重金属,吸收、降解有机污染物等功能;菌根真菌对根际圈内重金属的吸收、屏障及螯合作用,对有机污染物的降解作用;根际圈内细菌对重金属的吸附与固定,对有机污染物的降解作用以及根际圈真菌和细菌的联合修复作用等,同时对可能存在的机理进行了分析,认为根际圈对污染土壤的修复作用是植物修复的重要组成部分和主要理论基础之一,并指出利用重金属超富集植物修复重金属污染土壤具有广阔的应用前景;筛选对水溶性有机污染物高吸收富集及其根 发泌能力强的特异植物,同时接种利于有机污染物降解的专性或非专性真菌和细菌可能会成为有机污染土壤植物修复研究的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

重金属污染环境的植物修复及其分子机制   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
重金属污染物的排放和扩散造成了日益严重的环境污染。如何消除环境中的重金属污染物已成为国际性难题。近年来,植物修复技术的出现和快速发展为我们展示了一条新的有效途径:即利用植物对重金属化合物的吸收、富集和转化能力去除土壤和水体中残存的重金属污染物。文章简要介绍了重金属污染物与植物修复的关系和植物修复的生理机制,重点总结了重金属污染环境的植物修复在分子生物学方面所取得的研究进展,包括有机汞裂解酶基因merB、汞离子还原酶基因merA和金属硫蛋白基因MT等的生物学功能及其在植物修复上的应用,展望了植物修复研究工作的发展方向,并针对汞污染提出了一套修复方案。  相似文献   

高等植物金属抗性中有机酸的作用及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙瑞莲  周启星 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1275-1279
植物的金属抗性可通过避性和耐性途径获得。具有螯合能力的有机酸在植物的金属外部排斥(避性)机制和内部耐受(耐性)机制中均具有重要作用。在金属的外部排斥过程中,植物根系分泌有机酸,与金属离子形成稳定的复合体,降低土壤金属的移动性,达到体外解毒的目的。超积累型植物的内部耐受机制主要体现在,有机酸可与金属元素发生螯合作用,将离子态的金属转变成低毒或无毒的螯合态,从而降低细胞内金属离子的毒害效应。有机酸的种类受植物种类、金属类型等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of toxic elemental and organic pollutants   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
Phytoremediation is the use of plants to extract, sequester, and/or detoxify pollutants. Phytoremediation is widely viewed as the ecologically responsible alternative to the environmentally destructive physical remediation methods currently practiced. Plants have many endogenous genetic, biochemical, and physiological properties that make them ideal agents for soil and water remediation. Significant progress has been made in recent years in developing native or genetically modified plants for the remediation of environmental contaminants. Because elements are immutable, phytoremediation strategies for radionuclide and heavy metal pollutants focus on hyperaccumulation above-ground. In contrast, organic pollutants can potentially be completely mineralized by plants.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in recent years in enhancing the ability of plants to tolerate, remove, and degrade pollutants. Plant root remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater shows great potential for future development due to its environmental compatibility and cost-effectiveness. Hairy roots are disease manifestations developed by plants that are wounded and infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The application of transgenic hairy roots in phytoremediation has been suggested mainly because of their biochemical resemblance to the roots of the plant from which they are derived. The application of genetic engineering has greatly augmented removal rates of hazardous pollutants. In addition, the rhizospheric bacteria that live on or around plant hairy roots also lead to improved tolerance to normally phytotoxic chemicals and increased removal of pollutants. This paper provides a broad overview of the evidence supporting the suitability and prospects of hairy roots in phytoremediation of organic pollutants and heavy metals.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation uses living higher plants for the removal and biochemical decomposition of environmental pollutants. In this paper Phase I metabolic pathways in the biotransformation reactions of organic pollutants in plants are reviewed. These reactions result in the introduction of functional groups in the xenobiotic molecule or the exposure of preexisting functional groups and lead to the formation of more polar, more water-soluble, chemically more reactive and sometimes biologically more active derivatives. Phase I type reactions are most important in the phytoremediation of hydrophobic, chemically stable organic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and (poly)chlorinated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Although Phase I reactions involve a wide range of chemical transformations from hydrolysis to reduction, oxidative processes catalyzed by cytochrome P450 containing monooxygenases are the most important. Transgenic plants with tailored Phase I enzymatic activities may play major roles in the removal of environmentally stable organic pollutants from contaminated fields.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is the use of plants to clean up environmental pollution. However, detoxification of organic pollutants by plants is often slow, leading to the accumulation of toxic compounds that could be later released into the environment. A recent publication by Doty and colleagues describes the development of transgenic poplars (Populus) overexpressing a mammalian cytochrome P450, a family of enzymes commonly involved in the metabolism of toxic compounds. The engineered plants showed enhanced performance with regards to the metabolism of trichloroethylene and the removal of a range of other toxic volatile organic pollutants, including vinyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and benzene. This work suggests that transgenic plants might be able to contribute to the wider and safer application of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Dieldrin and endrin are persistent organic pollutants that cause serious environmental problems. Although these compounds have been prohibited over the past decades in most countries around the world, they are still routinely found in the environment, especially in the soil in agricultural fields. Bioremediation, including phytoremediation and rhizoremediation, is expected to be a useful cleanup method for this soil contamination. This review provides an overview of the environmental contamination by dieldrin and endrin, along with a summary of our current understanding and recent advances in bioremediation and phytoremediation of these pollutants. In particular, this review focuses on the types and abilities of plants and microorganisms available for accumulating and degrading dieldrin and endrin.  相似文献   

There is a duality in plant tolerance to pollutants and its response to the pollutants’ stress.On the one hand some plants, (hyper)tolerant to heavy metals, are able to hyperaccumulate these metals in shoots, which could be beneficial for phytoremediation purposes to clean-up soil and water. On the other hand tolerant food crops, exposed to heavy metals in their growth medium, may be dangerous as carriers of toxic metals in the food chain leading to food toxicity. There is an additional duality in plant tolerance to heavy metals and that is in food crops that are tolerant and/or hyperaccumulators, which could be used on one hand for phytoremediation, under controlled conditions and on the other hand for food fortification with essential metals.Similarly, plants are also exposed to a large number of xenobiotic organic pollutants. Because they generally cannot avoid these compounds, plants take up, translocate, metabolize and detoxify many of them. There is a large variability in tolerance (defence) mechanisms against organic pollutants among plant species. This includes production of reductants but also scavenger molecules like ascorbate and glutathione and expression of the P-450 defence system, and superfamilies of the enzymes glutathione- and glucosyl-transferases. Again, with view to organic pollutants, plant detoxification mechanisms might well protect the plant itself, but produce compounds with some deleterious potential for other organisms.In this review we discuss these dualities on the basis of examples of agricultural and ‘wild’ species exposed to metal contaminants (mainly Cd) and organic pollutants. Differences in uptake and translocation of various pollutants and their consequences will be considered. We will separately outline the effects of the organic and non-organic pollutants on the internal metabolism and the detoxification mechanisms and try to indicate the differences between both types of pollutants. Finally the consequences and solutions of these dualities in plant tolerance to pollutants will be discussed.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferases (GSTs) represent a widespread enzyme superfamily in eukaryotes and prokaryotes catalyzing different reactions with endogenous and xenobiotic substrates such as organic pollutants. The latter are often found together with metal contamination in the environment. Besides performing of essential functions, GSTs protect cells by conjugation of glutathione with various reactive electrophiles. The interference of toxic metals with this functionality of GSTs may have unpredictable toxicological consequences for the organisms. In this review results from the recent literature are summarized and discussed describing the ability of metals to inhibit intracellular detoxification processes in animals and plants.  相似文献   

In recent years, hairy roots (HRs) have been successfully used as research tools for screening the potentialities of different plant species to tolerate, accumulate, and/or remove environmental pollutants, such as PCBs, TNT, pharmaceuticals, textile dyes, phenolics, heavy metals, and radionuclides. This is in part due to several advantages of this plant model system and the fact that roots have evolved specific mechanisms to deal with pollutants because they are the first organs to have contact with them. In addition, by using HRs some metabolic pathways and enzymatic catalyzed reactions involved in pollutants detoxification can be elucidated as well as the mechanisms of uptake, transformation, conjugation, and compartmentation of pollutants in vacuoles and/or cell walls, which are important detoxification sites in plants. Plant roots also stimulate the degradation of contaminants by the release of root exudates and oxido-reductive enzymes, such as peroxidases (Px) and laccases, that are associated with the removal of some organic pollutants. HRs are also considered good alternatives as enzyme sources for remediation purposes. Furthermore, application of genetic engineering methods and development of microbe-assisted phytoremediation are feasible strategies to enhance plant capabilities to tolerate, accumulate, and/or metabolize pollutants and, hence, to create or find an appropriate plant system for environmental cleanup. The present review highlights current knowledge, recent progress, areas which need to be explored, and future perspectives related to the application and improvement of the efficiency of HRs for phytoremediation research.  相似文献   

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