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短命植物小甘菊营养器官解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
小甘菊(Cancriniadiscoidea(Idb.)Pok)营养器官的结构特点为望叶表皮细胞中含有叶绿体;茎内有大型长弧形裂腔;叶为等而叶,叶柄近轴面具栅栏组织却为异而叶的极特殊结构,具C4植物型结构特征;根具次生结构,茎(花葶)仅有初生结构。  相似文献   

偏序钝叶草(Stenotaphrumsecundatum(Walt.)Kuntze)与地毯草(Axonopuscompressus(Swartz)Beauv.)均为热带和亚热带的草坪优良草种,它们的匍匐枝节节可生根和产生分蘖,覆盖面积大。偏序钝叶草根毛分布范围较广,寿命较长;地毯草植株平铺地面,它们都是良好的保土植物。偏序钝叶草茎和叶的维管束都较密集,厚壁组织较发达,植株有一定的韧度。它们的叶的维管束解剖呈现“花环”结构,属C4植物。  相似文献   

该文采用光学显微镜,首次对九种瘤足蕨属植物的叶柄和羽片横切面进行了解剖学比较研究。结果表明:九种瘤足蕨属植物在叶柄中部横切面的表皮、基本组织和中柱以及营养叶羽片的表皮、叶肉和主脉等结构特征是相似的,如叶柄中部横切面的表皮不被毛或是鳞片,表皮细胞形状呈类圆形,具有厚壁组织,中柱为周韧型维管束;营养叶羽片横切面的气孔只分布于下表皮,表皮细胞形状呈扁平状,主脉的结构类型属于周韧型维管束。在系统的演化中,瘤足蕨与桫椤科植物有一定的亲缘关系,两者既有相似的特征但也表现出一定的差异,支持瘤足蕨属是一个自然分类的观点。九种瘤足蕨属植物叶柄中部横切面形状有梯形、椭圆形和三角形,叶柄中部横切面维管束的形状成"U"字形、"V"字形或"品"字形;维管束数目1个或3个;维管束结构中的木质部成"八"字形、"U"字形或"一"字形;羽片主脉下侧形成了以三角形、弧形或梯形的突起;叶柄中的木质部形态有两种,即典型的海马形状以及非典型的海马形状,其中典型的海马形状的特点为叶柄的木质部两侧都呈现弯曲成钩的形态,非典型的海马形状特点为2个木质部束的两侧都未出现弯曲成钩的形态或者是其中的一个木质部一端无弯曲成钩的形态,这些形态解剖特征稳定且具类群特异性,为瘤足蕨属植物的分类和系统学研究提供了新的依据。同时,依据其叶柄和羽片横切面解剖叶柄学特征列出了瘤足蕨属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物翅果油树表皮毛的微形态观察研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用体视显微镜、扫描电镜和光学显微镜,对珍稀濒危植物翅果油树(Elaeagnus mollis Diels)的茎、叶、果、休眠芽等多种器官表面覆盖的表皮毛,进行了详细观察.发现其表皮毛的形态和结构具有多样性,各器官有差异,据此将它们分为分支状毛、星状毛、盾状-星状毛、盾状毛四类,以及一些特殊的表皮毛,如:分支状毛与星状毛或盾状-星状毛的过渡类型称为类星状毛和类盾状-星状毛.叶片上表面的表皮毛,为分枝状表皮毛,且稀疏散布.叶片下表面的白色表皮毛,也多为分枝状表皮毛,但分布较密,叶主脉处最为稠密多为星状毛.叶柄的表皮毛形态呈现一定的梯度变化,远轴端(靠近叶片端)为类星状毛,近轴端(靠近茎的一端)为盾状-星状表皮毛,中间段为星状毛介于前二者之间.茎表面灰色的或褐色的表皮毛,以盾状表皮毛为主,夹杂少量盾状-星状表皮毛,因茎的老嫩其表皮毛形态略有不同.外果皮沟槽内的表皮毛多为盾状表皮毛,嵴部则密集星状或分支状表皮毛.休眠芽的鳞片多覆盖盾状表皮毛,只在鳞片的尖端有少量星状毛和分枝状毛.翅果油树多种器官表面多种表皮毛的存在是其适应高山(海拔800~1300m)环境的一种形态特征.表皮毛具有反射阳光、阻止水分过度散失、保温、防止机械损伤等功能.为探究翅果油树耐早、耐寒、耐高温机理以及组织培养过程中外植体易污染等问题,提供了形态学依据,也为进一步进行表皮毛的发育和分子生物学研究打下了一定的基础。  相似文献   

用感耦等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定了东西赣南地区非稀土矿区和4处不同稀土矿区内,土壤-铁芒萁系统中La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Gd、Dy、Yb和Y的含量,并对其在土壤剖面层及铁芒萁植物体内的分布、迁移特征进行了研究,结果表明,土训层的底土层含量最高,但表土层铈相对富集、稀土元素总量(∑REE)在铁芒萁植物体内的分布规律是叶>根>茎>叶柄,单一稀土的分布规律各异,La、Ce、Pr、Nd的分布规律表现为:叶>根>茎>叶柄;Sm和Gd在不同采样点表现为叶>根>茎>叶柄或根>叶>茎>叶柄;Dy、Yb和Y均有3种不同的分布模式:叶>根>茎>叶柄、根>叶>茎>叶柄及根>茎>叶>叶柄,稀土元素在铁芒萁体内的迁移过程中,发生了明显的分馏作用,茎、叶柄、叶中的重稀土相对贫乏。  相似文献   

对萍蓬草〔Nupharpumilum(Thimm.)DC.〕根、茎、叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分析。茎中维管束散生、无形成层。茎端周围及幼叶、叶柄部位着生能分泌粘液的腺毛。不定根为多元型,有髓;侧根对着原生木质部脊着生,根表面具短缩的根毛;根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征,属封闭型。  相似文献   

30种新疆沙生植物的结构及其对沙漠环境的适应   总被引:57,自引:5,他引:52       下载免费PDF全文
新疆30种沙生植物营养器官的解剖学研究表明,它们的形态结构为适应沙漠环境发生相应变化。叶片表面积/体积比普遍小于中生植物;表皮细胞外壁具厚的角质膜,并覆盖毛状体,气孔下陷,具有孔下室;按叶肉结构的差别,30种沙生植物的叶片可归为正常型、全栅型、环栅型、不规则型、禾草型、退化型等6类。轴器官中普遍具有发达的机械组织,一些植物形成异常结构;根的周皮发达;茎中基本组织/半径比率较大;部分植物形成同化枝,有的茎、叶中存在粘液细胞或结晶。按其适应沙生环境的形态结构特点,可以分为薄叶植物、多浆植物、肉茎植物以及卷叶植物等4类。沙生植物以不同的旱生结构特征和不同的方式适应沙漠环境。  相似文献   

棉属茎,叶表皮毛的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
棉属植物茎、叶表皮毛的多少及其形态是识别种或品种的主要特征之一,并且与种或品种的抗虫或抗逆性有密切联系。Ramey(1962)研究指出,多毛性状是受 H_1和H_2两个主效基因和一些修饰基因的控制,H_2具有多效性。较系统地研究棉属茎、叶表皮毛的性状报道较少。本文报道利用扫描电镜对棉属植物的茎、叶表皮毛性状观察的结果。  相似文献   

对萍蓬草(Nupharpumilum(Thimm.)DC)根,茎,叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分的,茎中维管束散生,无形成层,茎端周围及幼叶,叶柄部位着生能力分泌粘液的腺毛,不定根为多元型,有髓;侧根对着原生木质部脊着生,根表面具有短缩的根毛,根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征,属封闭型。  相似文献   

描述了山东兖州矿区太原组(早二叠世早期)煤核中一种具叶座的鳞木类茎的解剖构造。叶座呈略不对称的菱形。下侧边略长于上侧边,顶,底角均平截,底角并略呈拖延状;叶座上部突起较强烈,叶痕双凸镜形,叶迹呈宽V字形,叶迹与侧通气束可能都以近水平状在叶座内向外延伸;叶舌穴深,自叶座最内处向外斜伸,开口位于叶痕顶角附近,叶座底部表面具横皱纹。茎可能具管状中柱和薄壁组织的髓,初生木质部外始式,外缘较平滑,仅见有外部皮层,由径向伸长的壁较厚的细胞条带和夹于其间的空腔交替排列构成,空腔内可见弧形或宽V字形叶迹,其凹面朝向内方,周皮较发育,由近等量发育的木栓层和栓内层组成,经比较,当前标本与华夏植物区的印痕-压型化石种美丽鳞木在叶座的形态上非常相似,暂归入该种,由于无论是当前标本还是美丽鳞木的模式标本与狭义的鳞木属都有很大区别,因此美丽{“鳞木‘的确切归属还有待于今后进一步对保存更好的具解剖构造的茎和生殖器官的研究。美丽”鳞木“与欧美植物区几个乔木状鳞木类植物属的茎都不完全相同,具有它们的混合特征,很可能代表了一个新属,美丽”鳞木“是目前华夏植物区研究得最详细的一种具解剖构造的鳞木类的茎,对于研究华夏植物区鳞木类植物的起源和演化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

马蹄香的形态组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了马蹄香的药材性状和形态学,组织学特征,为准确鉴定该药材及研究本属植物的系统分类提供了依据。  相似文献   

In this study, the morphological and anatomical features of Lamium lycium Boiss. (Lamiaceae) are described in detail. L. lycium has a perennial tap-root, and the stem is ascending and clearly quadrangular. The leaves are simple and broadly ovate to narrowly ovate in shape. The inflorescense is a verticillate cyme. The corolla is purple and the upper lip is hooded. For anatomy, the cross-sections of root, stem, leaf, petiole, calyx, corolla and generative organs were examined and the anatomical features of the taxon are discussed. The morphological features were in most respects congruent with previous reports. However, the anatomy of L. lycium has not been studied before and the results are here compared with trose of previous studies on other members of Lamiaceae. Furthermore, glandular trichomes are illustrated. The results are presented with photographs and tables.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the anatomy of vegatative organs of Gymnotheca Decsne. Many significant differences between the genus and the other genera (Saururus L. and Houtuynia Thunb.) of the same family have been discovered in our study. On the contrary, the genus and Zippelia Bl. of the family Piperaceae have many anatomical characteritics in common. The genera Gymnotheca Decne. and Zippelia Bl. are therefore considered intermediate between the families saururaceae and Piperaceae from anatomical point of view.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the Cyatheaceae are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. There is in the Cyatheaceae (excluding Metaxya and Lophosoria) a basic nodal pattern consisting of four major phases of leaf trace separations. Abaxial traces arise from the leaf gap margins, and the last abaxial traces from each side of the gap are larger and undergo numerous divisions. Distally adaxial traces separate from the gap margins, and the last adaxial traces are usually larger and undergo multiple divisions. In addition, medullary bundles frequently become petiole strands of the adaxial arc in the petiole. Rarely, cortical bundles form petiole strands in the abaxial arc in the petiole. Leaf gaps of the squamate genera of the Cyatheaceae are fusiform and possess prominent lateral constrictions which result from medullary bundle fusions and the separation of leaf traces. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in all members of the Cyatheaceae. There is an increase in the complexity of the petiole vascular tissue which results in a gradation from the undivided strand in Metaxya, to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria, and finally to the much-dissected petiole vascular tissue in the advanced genera. Nodal and vascular anatomy data basically support Tryon's phyletic scheme for the family. The Sphaeropteris-Alsophila-Nephelea line shows certain tendencies toward increased complexity of nodal and vascular anatomy, whereas the Trichipteris-Cyathea-Cnemidaria line shows the same anatomical and morphological characters in a direction of increased simplification or reduction.  相似文献   

The discovery of numerous specimens of the monostelic pteridosperm genus Microspermopteris in Pennsylvanian coal ball petrifactions from the Lewis Creek and What Cheer localities provides additional information about the anatomical and morphological variability within the genus. Specimens are now known up to 1.1 cm in diam that bear epidermal appendages in the form of variously-shaped trichomes. The external surface of the stem is further ornamented by longitudinal flaps of cortical tissue. Petioles exhibiting a single C-shaped vascular strand with abaxial protoxylem are produced in a 2/5 phyllotaxy. Large petiole bases that clasp the stem produce primary pinnae alternately. The presence of axillary branching appears similar to that reported in Callistopliyton and Lyginopteris. Triarch to polyarch adventitious roots, some with secondary tissues, are produced at both nodal and internodal regions. Of the currently recognized monostelic seed fern genera, Microspermopteris is most similar to Heterangium. Information is presented that supports current ideas regarding the evolution of the gymnospermic eustele from protostelic Devonian ancestors.  相似文献   

Anatomical characters of the mature leaf blade, petiole, young stem and wood were examined in order to substantiate taxonomic boundaries between genera and species of Theaeeae in Sri Lanka. Two species of Temstroemia , one of Adinandra , four of Eurya and two of Gordonia were studied.
The presence of sclereids in most organs of the plant was found to be a common character within the family. However, three distinct types of sclereid are reported. Two basic types of stomata, anomocytic and gordoniaceous, are recognized. The origin of phellogen in the young stems is pericyclic in Gordonia and subepidermal in the other three genera. The species within these genera also appear to have several distinctive characters of their own. Important wood characters have been tabulated in order to illustrate the primitive and advanced characters. Gordonia , especially, exhibits anatomical features which are quite different from those of Temstroemia, Adinandra send Eurya.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the monotypic genera Metaxya and Lophosoria are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Cyatheaceae. Both genera are distinctive and primitive with respect to habit, stem and petiole indument, stelar pattern, and nodal anatomy. Metaxya possesses a prostrate, dorsiventral rhizome, whereas a short, upright radial stem occurs in Lophosoria. Trichomes occur on the stems and leaf petioles of these genera. Both Metaxya and Lophosoria have a spiral phyllotaxy, and adventitious buds occur on the petiole bases. The stelar pattern is basically a siphonostele, although frequently a dictyostele is found in Lophosoria. Accessory bundles are lacking in both genera. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in these genera, with an increase in complexity from an undivided strand in Metaxya to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria. Data from nodal and vascular anatomy indicate that these taxa are distinct from the other genera in the Cyatheaceae and belong in an independent position at the base of the Cyatheoid line, although in some respects an affinity to members of the Dicksoniaceae is indicated.  相似文献   

The generic scope and systematic position of the Cochlospermaceae were evaluated using observations from the anatomy of the stem, node, and leaf. There are few basic differences in vegetative anatomy between Amoreuxia and Cochlospermum. Secretory cells and canals, dilated phloem rays, and banded phloem are unifying features. Mature nodal anatomy is 3-trace, trilacunar, and the leaves of both genera have elongate, unicellular, branched idioblasts in the spongy mesophyll. Bixa has some features in common with Amoreuxia and Cochlospermum but is distinctive in vascularization of the petiole, leaf anatomy, and vestiture. Rhopalocarpus is quite different from the above genera, and its placement in a separate family is justified on anatomical grounds. The Cochlospermaceae, consisting of Amoreuxia and Cochlospermum, seem more closely related to the Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae than to the Flacourtiaceae, Cistaceae, or Violaceae.  相似文献   

杨属植物叶柄的解剖及系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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