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快速城市化过程中,大城市对周边中小城市的城市化具有辐射和带动作用,但周边中小城市的城市空间扩展如何响应大城市的这种影响却很少有研究。本文以上海松江区为例,应用遥感航片解译的多时相土地利用数据,研究大城市对周边中小城市的城市用地增长的影响。结果表明:受大城市城市化和区域经济快速发展的影响,上海市卫星城——松江区的城市用地增长呈现出明显的空间各向异性;城市形态的发展具有明显的大都市向心性;城市用地增长呈加速度发展,并超过大城市的发展速度。研究结果很好地验证了城市形态发展理论中的集中-扩散理论;政府决策、经济发展和人口增长,以及道路交通等基础设施的发展是促进松江区城市扩展的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

量化植被物候与城市化进程之间的关系对探索人类活动对城市生态系统的影响至关重要。以中国35个城市及周边区域为研究对象,基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS)提供的归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI),采用Savitzky-Golay滤波和动态阈值法提取2000—2020年研究区植被返青期(Start of Growing Season, SOS)和枯黄期(End of Growing Season, EOS)。并分析不同城市规模、不同距离城市的植被物候变化对陆地地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)与不透水面(Impervious Surface Area, ISA)的响应差异。研究发现:(1)2000—2020年,中国城市城区植被SOS和EOS分别以0.17d/a和0.15d/a的速率推迟。根据城市规模的不同,大城市和中等城市物候期呈推迟趋势,而超大城市、特大城市和小城市呈提前趋势。51%的城市...  相似文献   

以亚太地区3个大城市中国上海、菲律宾大马尼拉和越南河内为对象,在3S(GIS,GPS,RS)技术支持下,选取了近20年的遥感资料,采用基于斑块密度等6种景观指数的景观格局梯度分析的手段,研究了这3座城市城市化的景观格局动态及与之相关的城乡融合区特征。结果表明:在城市化过程中,这3座城市城市化区域景观格局都有显著变化,斑块密度升高,破碎化加强;在样带上,斑块密度、Shannon多样性等指数与到市中心的绝对距离有较强的相关性,景观指数能检测出城市化的梯度和城市化的推进方向;3座城市的城乡融合区有着不同的发展特征,城市化呈现出不同的发展阶段特点。大马尼拉市城市化阶段最高,郊区城市化也最早,城乡融合区明显,上海市城市化阶段较高,郊区城市化和城乡融合区也较为明显,而河内的城市化阶段较低,郊区城市化和城乡融合区不明显。需要对城市融合区的生态环境加以保护。  相似文献   

报道了在国内5个大中城市部分非免疫功能不全,也未受过免疫抑制剂治疗人群的尿标本中,用PCR法扩增JC病毒的V-T间序列。结果证实JC病毒在中国也是广为蔓廷的病毒,并且各城市间检出率有明显差异,高者达66%(33/50).低者仅14%(7/50),平均为31%(78/250)。中部和南方城市的检出明显高于北方城市。大城市与中等城市,大城市与大城市郊区的检出率有显著性差异,大城市郊区与中等城市无明显差异,与国外研究结果一致。作为进行性多灶性白质脑病病原,本次在国内的检出率与国外结果相近,希望引起有关学者的关注。  相似文献   

中国典型特大城市交通的生态足迹评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市化快速发展带来机动车数量的骤增、交通拥堵、交通污染物排放及能源消耗恶化等城市生态问题,生态足迹可以作为衡量城市交通发展带来生态环境压力的有效指标。本文以北京、上海、天津、杭州、沈阳和成都6个特大城市为研究对象,计算了2005—2012年6个城市的交通生态足迹。结果表明:6个城市交通的生态足迹均有所增加,城市交通的生态环境压力逐年增加,化石能源间接生态足迹在城市交通生态足迹增长中起到主要作用;快速增长的机动车和小汽车及其高出行率导致能源消耗不断增加,是城市交通生态足迹增长的主要原因;完善的轨道交通及慢行交通等绿色出行的发展,可以有效降低特大城市自驾出行的次数,优化交通出行结构,缓解城市交通生态环境压力。  相似文献   

芜湖市三种生境夏季鸟类多样性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1引言鸟类群落结构在一定程度上是鸟类之间相互关系的综合反映.一些鸟类对城市生态环境的变化反应非常敏感,因而对城市生态平衡和环境质量的变化能起到指示剂的作用[8].目前我国正处在城市化加速发展的时期,许多中等城市正在向大城市发展,城市生态建设面临巨大的压力和挑战.鸟类多样性是城市生物多样性的重要组成部分,对维持城市生态平衡具有重要的意义[13],而城市鸟类多样性研究能为城市的生态建设提供重要的参考依据.国内对城市鸟类群落的研究主要集中在北京、武汉、杭州等少数大城市,而对中小城市的研究不多[5,16~19].王宗英等[11]曾对…  相似文献   

城市动物调查对监测生物多样性研究、城市生态建设具有十分重要的意义。深圳作为新兴崛起的大城市,动物多样性受城市化干扰的程度较传统大城市少,但近年来缺乏对该地区的生物资源进行全面调查。我们于2014年4月至2015年4月,在深圳市(陆域)郊区布设了57个红外相机监测点,对深圳市鸟类和兽类多样性进行了初步调查。在相机累积工作3780个捕获日中,获得动物有效照片607张,经鉴定,可辨识的兽类共3目6科8种;鸟类共计3目9科26种。其中褐翅鸦鹃被列为国家二级保护动物,列入《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生名录》的鸟兽共有24种。除鼠类外,相对丰富度较高的物种有灰背鸫、野猪、橙头地鸫、乌灰鸫等。经分析发现都市内野生动物的日活动节律与自然保护区的存在一定差异。本研究为在城市深入开展野生动物资源调查研究提供了一种新的思路和手段。  相似文献   

闫章美  周德成  张良侠 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8870-8881
以大中小城市协同发展为特征的城市群已成为我国城市化发展的主要形式,城市化和农业作为城市群地区最主要的土地利用活动,其气候效应是国际研究的热点。然而过去研究多关注大城市的热岛效应,对更为普遍的农业活动以及中小城市城市化的气候效应认识十分薄弱。基于MODIS地表温度数据,以自然林地为参照,提出了一种可逐像元估算土地利用地表热环境效应的新方法,进而对比分析了我国三大城市群地区(京津冀、长三角和珠三角)城市和农业用地地表热环境效应及其驱动因子差异。结果表明各城市群白天城市热岛效应明显,地级以上城市年平均热岛强度达3.2℃以上,但最强热岛均未发生在核心城市。夜晚热岛效应明显减弱,京津冀和长三角部分城市甚至出现冷岛效应。农业用地在白天亦表现出明显的增温效应,特别是在京津冀地区,而在夜晚除珠三角城市群外,降温效应明显,京津冀和长三角地区平均降温2.3℃和0.7℃。虽然城市用地平均增温强度大于农业用地,但农业用地因面积优势对区域温度变化起控制作用。白天城市和农业用地整体导致各城市群温度明显增加,京津冀增温最高(4.0℃),夜晚二者导致长三角和京津冀地区平均温度降低。研究还发现各城市群城市和农业用地地表热环境效应时空异质性极大,主要受植被、地表反照率、气候背景和人口密度控制。本文对制定缓解气候变化的土地利用策略具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于DMSP/OLS影像的我国主要城市群空间扩张特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪90年代以来,随着中国城市化步伐的加快,城市用地空间扩张极为明显。采用1992、1995、2000、2005、2009年5期的夜间灯光影像数据提取了京津冀、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城市群的城市像元,并从空间扩张强度、扩张类型以及方向性空间扩张特征3个方面对三大城市群城市用地的空间扩张特征进行了分析,同时还从社会经济方面对城市群空间扩张的驱动因素进行了讨论。结果表明,三大城市群的空间扩张特征既存在共性也存在明显的差异,同时社会经济的快速发展对城市用地的扩张具有明显的驱动作用,为进一步推动中国城市化进程提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

城市生态环境和城市化之间的关系是城市可持续发展的关键。研究不同城市化水平下植被覆盖的长时间演变趋势,对理解城市化过程对植被生长动态的影响,城市更新以及推进城市绿化的科学管理具有重要意义。然而,目前对城市内部沿城乡梯度植被生长趋势差异的认识还比较有限。以我国城市化发展最为强烈的长三角地区为研究对象,基于2000-2020年长三角归一化植被指数数据,采用趋势分析和地理探测器方法,探究了长三角地区城市内部植被覆盖演变城乡差异,并从土地利用/覆被变化和城市化发展的角度解析其成因。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2020年长三角地区植被总体呈绿化趋势,植被明显绿化占最大比例(52.06%),轻微绿化与稳定不变地区占31.68%,零星分布的褐化区占6.82%。(2)城市老城区植被覆盖变化总体呈现返绿趋势(0.016/10 a),新城区褐化明显(-0.019/10 a),农郊区绿化突出(0.023/10 a)。在上海、南京和杭州等人口城市化水平较高的城市中,老城区土地利用变化强度最高,其绿化趋势也最高,体现了城市更新过程对绿地空间的促进作用;而在人口城市化水平相对较低的宣城、蚌埠和阜阳等城市,土地利用变化强度相对较低的农郊区也呈现明显的绿化趋势,更多的是受到区域生态保护的影响。(3)土地城市化是长三角地区老城区和新城区植被覆盖变化的主导因子,而城市化因子对农郊区解释程度总体不显著。从长三角总体区域看,城镇人口比重、不透水面积/总面积以及地区生产总值三者对植被覆盖演变存在显著影响,其中城镇人口比重影响最大。  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - From 2010, more than half of human beings live in cities and global urbanization is growing at a fast pace. This leads to threats for the...  相似文献   

Urban ecosystems and the North American carbon cycle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Approximately 75–80% of the population of North America currently lives in urban areas as defined by national census bureaus, and urbanization is continuing to increase. Future trajectories of fossil fuel emissions are associated with a high degree of uncertainty; however, if the activities of urban residents and the rate of urban land conversion can be captured in urban systems models, plausible emissions scenarios from major cities may be generated. Integrated land use and transportation models that simulate energy use and traffic‐related emissions are already in place in many North American cities. To these can be added a growing dataset of carbon gains and losses in vegetation and soils following urbanization, and a number of methods of validating urban carbon balance modeling, including top down atmospheric monitoring and urban ‘metabolic’ studies of whole ecosystem mass and energy flow. Here, we review the state of our understanding of urban areas as whole ecosystems with regard to carbon balance, including both drivers of fossil fuel emissions and carbon cycling in urban plants and soils. Interdisciplinary, whole‐ecosystem studies of the socioeconomic and biophysical factors that influence urban carbon cycles in a range of cities may greatly contribute to improving scenarios of future carbon balance at both continental and global scales.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing rate of urbanization, the consequences of this process on biotic interactions remain insufficiently studied. Our aims were to identify the general pattern of urbanization impact on background insect herbivory, to explore variations in this impact related to characteristics of both urban areas and insect–plant systems, and to uncover the factors governing urbanization impacts on insect herbivory. We compared the foliar damage inflicted on the most common trees by defoliating, leafmining and gall‐forming insects in rural and urban habitats associated with 16 European cities. In two of these cities, we explored quality of birch foliage for herbivorous insects, mortality of leafmining insects due to predators and parasitoids and bird predation on artificial plasticine larvae. On average, the foliage losses to insects were 16.5% lower in urban than in rural habitats. The magnitude of the overall adverse effect of urbanization on herbivory was independent of the latitude of the locality and was similar in all 11 studied tree species, but increased with an increase in the size of the urban area: it was significant in large cities (city population 1–5 million) but not significant in medium‐sized and small towns. Quality of birch foliage for herbivorous insects was slightly higher in urban habitats than in rural habitats. At the same time, leafminer mortality due to ants and birds and the bird attack intensity on dummy larvae were higher in large cities than in rural habitats, which at least partially explained the decline in insect herbivory observed in response to urbanization. Our findings underscore the importance of top‐down forces in mediating impacts of urbanization on plant‐feeding insects: factors favouring predators may override the positive effects of temperature elevation on insects and thus reduce plant damage.  相似文献   

王珞珈  董晓峰  刘星光 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3335-3343
根据系统科学理论,在科学界定人口城市化和土地城市化内涵的基础上,以甘肃省12个中心城市为例,分别构建了人口城市化和土地城市化质量的评价指标体系.使用耦合协调模型,从时间和空间两个维度对2005—2013年甘肃省人口城市化和土地城市化质量的综合发展指数以及耦合协调度进行测算.结果表明:人口城市化和土地城市化只能反映城市化进程的快慢,并不能衡量城市化发展的质量,单一的指标只能代表狭义的城市化发展水平.从时间序列来看,甘肃省土地和人口的城市化质量以及耦合协调水平呈现整体上升态势.总的来说,土地资源集约利用程度低仍是制约甘肃省城市化质量的关键因素.从空间格局来看,2013年,除兰州属于人口城市化质量滞后型,其他11个中心城市的土地城市化质量均不同程度地滞后于人口城市化质量.甘肃省12个中心城市的城市化质量整体上处于较低水平的协调阶段.  相似文献   

王朝  李伟峰  海霞  周伟奇  韩立建  钱雨果 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4257-4267
城镇化发展加剧了城市对能源的消耗,进而加剧了能源供需不平衡,这种不平衡已经成为限制城镇化发展的重要因素。目前,城市群作为我国城镇化发展的重要形式,充分发挥城市群的协同效应以减缓能源供需矛盾,对实现区域可持续发展具有重要意义。研究以京津冀城市群为例,从地级市尺度系统地核算了2001—2015年能源供应和需求量,并采用ward聚类方法划分3种不同类型的能源供求特征,并分析了每种类型的能源供需特征差异。同时,以能源供需比值表示供需差异并进行了比较。在此基础上,采用多指标综合分析方法进一步探讨了能源供需与城市化的关系模式。结果表明:(1)京津冀城市群不同城市能源的供求特征及变化存在明显的时空差异。一方面,从能源供给特征来看,年平均能源生产量较高的城市(天津市)能源产量由上升转变为平缓变化趋势,而低产城市(石家庄市)呈不稳定的变化趋势,两类城市平均能源产量相差2497.66万t标准煤;另一方面,从能源需求特征来看,北京、天津市等能源高耗城市能源消费近年来趋于下降趋势,而低耗型城市(沧州市)近年来呈波动变化,二者平均差值为4752.49万t标准煤;(2)基于能源供需比值,京津冀城市群所有城市均表现为能源供不应求,且不同城市能源供需缺口差异明显。其中,天津市能源供给能力最强,但其生产量却不及自身消费量的65%,而供给能力相对最弱的城市保定市,其能源需求几乎完全依赖外部能源供给;(3)城市能源供需与城市化水平之间关系不完全一致。研究对能源供需模式与城市化模式不一致的城市,划分了先进型和滞后型两种关系模式。对于先进型的城市,主要有北京市、沧州市和廊坊市,它们的城市化水平相对较高,分析认为其能源开发利用相对集约;而属于滞后型的城市,包括唐山市、邯郸市和邢台市,其城市化水平偏低,分析认为这类城市能源开发利用效率低、发展方式相对粗放,是城市群能源效率提升的重点。本研究旨在为今后的城市群能源规划提供科学依据,建议北京市等能源相对集约型城市带动唐山市等发展方式粗放、落后的城市,以提高京津冀城市群整体的能源效率。  相似文献   

Urban landscapes are characterized by high proportions of impervious surface resulting in higher temperatures than adjacent natural landscapes. In some cities, like those at cooler latitudes, trees may benefit from warmer urban temperatures, but trees in many cities are beset with problems like drought stress and increased herbivory. What drives patterns of urban tree health across urbanization and latitudinal temperature gradients? In natural systems, latitude–herbivory relationships are well‐studied, and recent temperate studies have shown that herbivory generally increases with decreasing latitudes (warmer temperatures). However, the applicability of this latitude–herbivory theory in already‐warmed urban systems is unknown. In this study, we investigated how the interaction of urbanization, latitudinal warming and scale insect abundance affected urban tree health. We predicted that trees in warmer, lower latitude cities would be in poorer health at lower levels of urbanization than trees at cooler, higher latitudes due to the interaction of urbanization, latitudinal temperature and herbivory. To evaluate our predictions, we surveyed the abundance of scale insect herbivores on a single, common tree species Acer rubrum in eight US cities spanning 10° of latitude. We estimated urbanization at two extents, a local one that accounted for the direct effects on an individual tree, and a larger one that captured the surrounding urban landscape. We found that urban tree health did not vary with latitudinal temperature but was best predicted by local urbanization and herbivore abundance. We did not observe increased herbivore abundance in warmer, lower latitudes cities, but instead herbivore abundance peaked in the mid latitudes of our study. This study demonstrates that urban landscapes may deviate from classical theory developed in natural systems and reinforces the need for research reconciling ecological patterns in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

李伟峰  吕小瑜  王朝  韩立建 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4318-4329
随着社会、经济效益的不断增加及国际影响力的不断增大,京津冀正在向世界级城市群迈进。而快速的城市增长与资源环境的交互胁迫效应严重制约了京津冀地区的可持续发展,因此,明确城市增长与不同资源环境要素的相互作用机制并采用有效的措施,是实现京津冀地区发展和保护共生的关键。目前针对城镇化与单一种资源环境要素交互作用的研究较多,但对城镇化与不同资源环境要素相互作用的叠加效应的关注很少。针对土地、水资源与能源这三种明显限制京津冀地区发展的资源要素,综合考虑了供给侧与需求侧特征,分析了人-地、人-水与人-碳的相互作用关系,解析了京津冀地区城镇发展与不同资源环境要素交互胁迫作用及其叠加效应。结果表明:2002-2017年,1、城市群整体水平上,人-地、人-水和人-碳关系总体上均呈"强协调"或"弱协调"交替变化的状态;2、城市尺度上,不同城市的人-地、人-水和人-碳交互关系存在明显时空分异。多数城市都曾面临土地、水资源或能源的胁迫影响,尤其是河北的一些城市(石家庄、邯郸、承德、衡水、邢台、唐山及保定等)在有些年份面临土地、水资源或能源的"强胁迫"影响;3、从京津冀地区整体水平上看,不存在多种资源要素的叠加胁迫影响,但是,城市群内部多数城市在有的年份同时面临土地、水资源或能源两种以上资源要素的叠加胁迫影响。因此,要协同改善京津冀地区资源环境的胁迫,需要全面考虑不同空间尺度之间,不同城市之间,以及不同资源要素之间的叠加影响机制,有针对性的提出政策与措施。  相似文献   

Understanding how global environmental change impacts insect biodiversity is central to the core principals of conservation biology. To preserve the ecosystem services provided by insects in cities, it is crucial to understand how insect species are influenced by the degree of urbanization of the surrounding landscape. Using a hierarchical occupancy–detection model, we estimated the effect of urbanization on heteropteran bug species richness and occupancy, an approach that concurrently accounts for species-specific responses and imperfect detection. We found that species richness decreased along a gradient of increasing urbanization. This trend corresponded well with species-specific trends, as approximately two-thirds of all herbivores and predatory species experienced a strong mean negative response to urbanization. These results indicate that many species are potentially at risk of local extinction as cities grow and expand in the future. A second group of species, however, showed a weak mean negative response, indicating that they are ubiquitous urban species that thrive regardless of the surrounding degree of urban disturbance. Our research suggests that as cities develop, many of the species that are currently present will become less likely to occur, and therefore assemblages in the future are likely to become more simplified. In order to preserve or increase insect biological diversity in cities, it is critical to understand how individual species are influenced by urbanization. Our finding that insects display species-specific responses to urbanization has important repercussions for decision makers charged with preserving and improving urban biodiversity and the deliverance of ecosystem services in cities.  相似文献   

城镇化与生态系统服务的协调演化特征及空间耦合关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张佳田  焦文献  韩宝龙 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3271-3282
生态系统服务作为连接自然环境与社会经济的桥梁与城镇化耦合协调关系的研究备受瞩目。以中国333个城市为研究单元,通过综合评价指标体系计算了2010年、2015年的城镇化水平与生态系统服务能力,同时分析了两者的时空演变特征,最后采用空间计量模型探索了生态系统服务与城镇化之间的关系。研究显示:(1)全国城市的城镇化水平呈现"东高-西低,南高-北低"的空间格局,均值由2010年的0.0792增加到2015年的0.0987,增长了24.62%,大部分城市仍处于萌芽发展阶段,仅上海市和深圳市进入高度发达阶段;(2)全国城市的生态系统服务能力呈现"东南高-西北低"的空间格局,均值由2010年的0.2542升高到2015年的0.2621,提高了3.11%,但有81个城市的均值由2010年的0.1201下降至2015年的0.1183,降低了1.50%,形成了恶化形势显著的空间聚集特征;(3)城镇化综合得分及人口、土地和经济城镇化的空间误差模型估计系数分别为-0.1303、-0.2019、-0.2404和0.1946,经济发展或已成为改善生态系统服务的有力抓手。据此我们建议,城市发展应加强生态空间统筹管理,尝试跨区域经济合作发展,协调人口、土地与经济三维度下城镇化进程。  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of biodiversity in cities is a central goal of urban ecology. There is currently intense scientific and public interest in the factors that influence pollinator diversity in cities and their surroundings. Existing studies point to a variety of landscape and local factors as potentially important, including urbanization (often defined as impervious surface cover in the surrounding lands), tree canopy cover and the diversity and abundance of locally flowering plants. However, few studies have sought to weigh the relative importance of these predictors of bee community metrics. Using a set of 27 residential yards chosen to represent a gradient of both urbanization and tree canopy cover at a landscape scale, we used pan trapping and netting to assess the abundance and diversity of local bee communities across the City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Surprisingly, the landscape factors (urbanization and tree cover) described only a tiny fraction (< 1%) of the total variance in bee abundance and diversity across sites. This was true regardless of the scale of analysis at which the landscape factors were measured. Instead, a yard's floral richness, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, its floral abundance, emerged as the most important predictors of a yard's bee community abundance and diversity. Our study offers an important counterpoint to a growing body of work emphasizing the impacts of landscape factors on bee communities. Instead, our research suggests that improving bee floral resources by increasing the plant species richness and abundance locally is a powerful tool to support bee conservation, regardless of the level of urbanization or tree cover in the surrounding landscape. Our work highlights that the practice of promoting ‘bee-friendly’ plantings in private yards, currently being undertaken by a number of non-profits around the world, can play an important role in restoring and maintaining urban pollinator communities.  相似文献   

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