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工业水足迹评价与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大规模的工业生产不但消耗了大量的水资源,同时产生了大量的工业废水,这是造成和加剧全球或区域水资源危机和水环境问题最重要的原因之一。对工业生产过程的水资源综合影响进行科学有效评估是目前资源环境管理领域研究的重要问题之一,是采取有效措施、提升工业生产的水资源利用效率和管理水平的重要前提和基础。以发展和完善工业生产过程的水资源综合影响的评价系统和方法体系为目标,基于水足迹理论,提出了工业水足迹的概念,即用以测量由某一产品、工业企业、行业或区域的工业生产过程引发的水资源利用增量的一个多维指标。以此概念为理论基础,进而首先分析了工业水足迹的内涵,包括直接工业水足迹与间接工业水足迹两部分。另外,区别于全生命周期的水足迹,工业水足迹评价是针对工业生产过程中由于工业原料、辅料、能源和水的输入,以及废水、废物与产品的输出产生的水足迹,其系统边界不包括分销零售、消费使用与废物处理等环节。其次,在确定的系统边界内构建了工业水足迹的核算框架和基础方法体系,即从生产、公共及运输3个方面收集数据、处理并核算。最后,从产品、企业、行业和区域4个层面对工业水足迹的应用及其意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

对旅游活动过程的水资源综合影响进行科学评估是制定旅游业水资源管理和保护措施、提升旅游水资源利用效率的重要前提和基础。为丰富和发展旅游业水资源影响的评价方法, 提出了旅游水足迹的概念, 即在一定区域范围内, 旅游活动中食、住、行、游、娱、购各环节消费的产品和服务的生产过程所消耗的水资源量。旅游水足迹评价则是对旅游水足迹各环节进行量化和分析的过程。进而分析了旅游水足迹的内涵, 确立了旅游水足迹评价的系统边界是以旅游六大要素直接相关的旅游活动过程产生的水足迹。在边界范围内从交通、住宿、餐饮、游览、购物五个方面构建了核算框架和核算方法。最后, 从旅游产品、企业、行业和区域四个层面分析了旅游水足迹评价的应用, 并对今后的研究重点进行了分析。  相似文献   

水足迹研究进展   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
马晶  彭建 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5458-5466
水为生命之源,水资源的合理分配与科学管理是区域可持续发展与流域综合管理的核心环节;水足迹作为一种全面核算人类活动对水资源真实占用的综合指标,将人类消费终端与水资源利用密切关联,为维护流域水资源安全、提高区域水资源利用效率提供了重要的科学依据,已成为当前国际水资源管理的前沿研究领域。在明确水足迹及水资源生态足迹相关概念的基础上,对比分析了水足迹与生态足迹、水资源生态足迹模型的异同,明晰了过程、产品及区域等不同研究对象的水足迹核算方法,系统梳理了产品和区域水足迹评价、基于水足迹的区域水资源安全研究、区域水足迹可持续性分析等水足迹主要研究内容的近今进展,并展望了进一步的重点研究方向,即水足迹综合研究、水足迹评价不确定性分析、水足迹与物质流核算的关联研究,以及基于足迹整合的可持续发展多维测度等。  相似文献   

范星  陈彬 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6368-6380
水足迹是评价人类活动对水资源开采和水环境污染程度的重要方法,对农作物生长过程的绿水足迹、蓝水足迹和灰水足迹进行量化和分析,可以为农业用水综合评价和用水管理提供指导。以三江平原为研究区域量化粮食作物生产水足迹的时空特征,揭示粮食生产对区域水资源的占用情况,并分析水足迹的影响因素。结果表明:(1)三江平原粮食生产水足迹总量在2005-2018年间呈显著增加趋势,其中绿水足迹、蓝水足迹和灰水足迹在水足迹总量中的占比历年平均为28%、8%和64%;(2)粮食生产水足迹空间差异明显,在地市尺度,佳木斯市水足迹最高,占三江平原总量的47%,在县区尺度,富锦市、依兰县和桦南县是水足迹热点地区;(3)只考虑蓝水足迹,粮食生产给三江平原水资源造成轻度压力,而同时考虑蓝水和灰水足迹,粮食生产给三江平原水资源造成重度压力;各地市间水资源压力有较大差异,其中佳木斯市负担了该区域将近一半的粮食产量,水资源压力最高,鹤岗市则水资源压力最低;(4)降雨量、灌溉水利用效率、化肥施用量、粮食种植结构和作物单产水平等都会影响粮食作物生产水足迹,其中蓝水足迹响应种植结构的变化最敏感,灰水足迹响应化肥施用量的变化最敏感,而水足迹总量响应作物单产水平的变化最敏感。因此,建议减少化肥施用量、提高作物单产水平和优化作物种植结构纳入区域水资源可持续管理之中。  相似文献   

赵锐  李红  贺华玲  周晓  刘丹 《生态科学》2017,36(2):93-99
产品水足迹能反映人类活动在产品全生命周期中对水资源的消耗情况, 为水资源的合理分配和利用提供科学依据。以乐山市为例, 运用水足迹的理论和方法, 测算了动物从出生到出栏过程中的虚拟水量以及出栏后加工成肉类产品期间的生产用水量。结果显示: 乐山市动物产品总水足迹在2000-2011 年呈上升趋势, 2011 年较2000 年总水足迹增加了22.23 亿立方米。比较不同种类动物产品水足迹, 由大到小为牛肉>羊肉>猪肉>其它禽肉>兔肉>水产品>禽蛋>奶类。从水足迹构成看, 年虚拟水量占总水足迹的比重在56.03-60.70%之间。动物产品的耗水环节主要为饲料用水以及出栏后动物产品的加工过程, 建议采取改善饲料成分、改变养殖模式以及加强虚拟水贸易等措施, 从而有效降低动物产品的水足迹。  相似文献   

路杨  刘秀位  张喜英 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3207-3214
水是人类生产生活的重要资源,科学合理地评价人类活动对水资源的影响是实现水资源可持续利用的重要保障.水足迹概念的提出创新性地将人类活动消耗的水资源区分为绿水、蓝水和灰水,拓展了水资源可持续利用的评价思路.基于虚拟水(VW)的水足迹理论和基于生命周期(LCA)的水足迹理论将水质与水量的概念相结合,成为了农业水资源管理研究的热点内容.基于VW的水足迹理论主要包括绿水足迹、蓝水足迹和灰水足迹的计算,以及水环境可持续性评价,而基于LCA的水足迹理论体现了水资源的消耗和污染及其对环境造成的综合影响.本文详细介绍了这两种水足迹理论的计算方法与环境可持续评价的研究进展,对比分析两种水足迹理论在描述农产品生产用水及其环境影响方面的差异性,并对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

白雪  胡梦婷  朱春雁  任晓晶  鲍威  孙亮 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7260-7266
水足迹国际标准(ISO 14046)于2014年发布,基于生命周期评价(LCA)的思想,水足迹被定义为量化与水相关潜在环境影响的指标。在ISO14046的原则、要求和方法学框架基础上,介绍了工业产品水足迹的计算和评价方法,并以铜电缆和铝合金电缆为例进行研究,分别评价了两类电缆生命周期过程产生的与水相关环境影响。与水足迹网络(WFN)的方法侧重于计算生产产品所需要的水资源总量不同,ISO的方法更关注于产品全生命周期过程的环境影响评价。案例研究表明:铜电缆生命周期全过程耗水量与铝合金电缆相比少24.8%,水短缺足迹相比则少97.9%。这是因为铜电缆生产地江苏的水压力指数(WSI)小于铝合金电缆生产地河北的WSI。由此,在江苏地区生产电缆使用的水资源对当地水环境压力造成的影响远小于在河北地区生产电缆造成的影响。采用科学合理的水足迹评价方法,量化工业产品全生命周期带来的环境影响,能为我国实现工业布局的合理规划和水资源的可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

刘宁  李华姣  边志强  刘晓佳 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9335-9347
随着中国水资源供需矛盾加剧,虚拟水成为地区水资源管理中不可或缺的一环,为提高地区水资源综合利用效率和探索水资源区域一体化管理提供了新思路。采用"自下而上"法核算了山东省17个城市农业、工业、生活、生态与灰水足迹,在分析2009-2018年水足迹时空分布规律基础上,综合运用探索性空间数据分析方法、面板数据STIRPAT模型和空间杜宾模型,揭示了水足迹的空间自相关特征,量化分析了人口数量、富裕程度、技术进步、城镇化和产业升级等影响因素对水足迹的本地影响效应与空间溢出效应。结果显示:①2009-2018年山东省水足迹总量均呈现波动上升的变化趋势;空间布局上呈现东部沿海和西部平原水足迹高,中部山地水足迹低的特点。②山东省水足迹具有正向的空间自相关性,相比地理位置相邻,水足迹的空间相关性受人口数量因素影响更大,表现出明显的"高高"聚集和"低低"聚集特征,但是受到经济因素的主要影响,区域间水足迹空间相关性随时间发展逐渐下降。③人口数量是山东省水足迹增长的重要来源,经济增长是推动各地区间水资源竞争关系的最重要因素。城镇化能够缓解本地水资源压力,技术进步和产业升级不仅能缓解本地水资源压力,而且通过空间溢出效应有效缓解临近地区水资源压力,是实施水资源区域一体化管理策略的重要着眼点。  相似文献   

北京市水足迹及农业用水结构变化特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄晶  宋振伟  陈阜 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6546-6554
运用水足迹的理论和方法计算评价了1990—2005年北京市水足迹及水资源利用的可持续性,在此基础上进一步分析了北京市农业用水结构的变化特征。结果表明:(1)北京市水足迹从1990年的81.5亿m3上升至2005年的168.6亿m3,人均水足迹由750.1m3上升为1096.0m3;(2)北京市水资源匮乏度不断升高,1995年以来水资源自给率呈下降趋势,与之相对应的水资源依赖度越来越高;(3)农业部门用水量在本地用水量中的比例平均每年为55.1%,虚拟水净输入量在虚拟水净输入总量中的比例平均每年达到89.1%;(4)高耗水型作物产品生产用水比例升高加大了农业用水压力,动物产品生产用水量呈增加趋势,2001—2005年动物产品生产引入的虚拟水占到其虚拟水总量的81.3%。北京市水资源利用呈不可持续状态,通过农业系统内部结构的优化调整,实现农业部门水资源的高效利用是缓解北京市水资源紧缺问题的关键。  相似文献   

中国省际水足迹强度收敛的空间计量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵良仕  孙才志  郑德凤 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1085-1093
计算了1997—2010年中国31个省市的水足迹强度,整体呈现明显下降趋势;运用全局Moran's I指数探讨中国各省市水足迹强度空间自相关模式,发现1997—2010年水足迹强度显示出全局正的自相关,自相关程度逐年增大。基于省际水足迹强度的面板数据,空间计量收敛分析结果表明中国各省市水足迹强度存在绝对β收敛,空间因素在水足迹强度收敛过程中起到重要作用。在考虑了空间效应情况下,收敛时间明显延长。通过条件β收敛检验,人均GDP、人均水足迹、工业水足迹强度、教育经费比重、外商直接投资、市场化程度均在不同程度上影响着水足迹强度收敛。在标准条件β收敛模型中人均GDP和工业水足迹强度分别正向和负向显著影响水足迹强度的收敛,而在空间滞后模型和空间误差模型中的条件β收敛中只有人均水足迹负向显著影响水足迹强度的收敛。最后对中国水资源利用效率健康发展提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

In the context of social responsibility and, of the directives aimed at an integral management of natural resources, the Water Footprint (WF) has been widely spread as an indicator that contributes to a safe and sustainable use of water. The purpose of this study was to determine the WF for rice production (WFR) in two rice-growing areas in Argentina: central-east Entre Ríos and Santa Fe. The calculation was made using the methodology proposed in The Water Footprint Assessment Manual, according to which the WF of a crop, in this case rice, represents the relation between the amount of water satisfying the evapotranspiration demand (CWU) and the field productivity. The WF has three components: green (WFgreen), associated with rain used by the crop (CWUgreen); blue (WFblue), related to underground or surface water that fulfils the evapotranspiration demand (CWUblue); and grey (WFgrey), related to the volume of water required to dilute the residues of pollutants generated from the crop production. To estimate the CWUblue and CWUgreen, a rice water balance model (RWM), specifically developed for continuous flooding irrigation, was applied. Based on daily data of precipitation, crop evapotranspiration and soil variables the model allows calculating gross irrigation depth, surface runoff due to precipitations, variation of water stored in the soil, and deep percolation. Four agricultural seasons were assessed: 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 2012/2013. In Entre Ríos, WF was 987 m3 ton−1 (44% WFgreen and 56% WFblue), whereas in Santa Fe it was 846 m3 ton−1 (36% WFgreen and 64% WFblue). In accordance with related work in the region, WFgrey was not considered. Although only CWU is part of the WF calculation, the other components of the water balance are necessary for rice production. The RWM model determined the consumptive use of the crop and distinguished blue water from green water, besides calculating the other parameters of the water balance. This made possible to show the inefficiencies in the system since precipitations are not fully used. The WFR, together with these components, is useful to make comparisons between different regions and it is a tool to promote water saving, provided that it is complemented with specific policies, such as the differential application of irrigation taxes or electric power rates.  相似文献   

Water consumption related to the life cycle of metals is seldom reported, even though mines are often situated in very dry regions. In this study we quantified the life cycle consumption of groundwater and fresh surface water (blue water footprint [WFblue]) for the extraction and production of high‐grade copper refined from both a copper sulfide ore and a copper oxide ore in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Where possible, we used company‐specific data. The processes for extracting copper from the two types of ore are quite different from each other, and the WFblue of the sulfide ore refining process is 2.4 times higher than that of the oxide ore refining process (i.e., 96 cubic meters per metric ton [tonne] of copper versus 40 cubic meters per tonne of copper). Most of the water consumption (59% of WFblue) in the sulfide ore process occurred at the concentrator plant, via seepage, accumulation, and also by evaporation. In the oxide ore process, the main user of water is the heap‐leaching process, with 45% of WFblue. The crushing and agglomeration operations, electrowinning cells, and solution pools are also significant contributors to the total consumption of water in the oxide ore process. Most of the water consumed in the oxide ore process was lost to evaporation. The WFblue of the oxide ore process can be reduced by preventing water evaporation and using more sophisticated devices during irrigation of the leaching heaps. The WFblue of the sulfide ore refining process can be reduced by improving water recovery (i.e., reducing seepage, accumulation, and evaporation) from the tailings dam at the concentrator plant. Using seawater in the production of copper is also a promising option to reduce the WFblue by up to 62%.  相似文献   

张宇  李云开  欧阳志云  刘建国 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6647-6654
华北平原是种植冬小麦和夏玉米的主要区域,农民为达高产而过量使用化肥对该区造成了严重的面源污染。"有河皆干,有水皆污"已经成为华北平原水资源与水环境现状的概语。灰水足迹理论与方法的提出为定量评价农业生产对水环境的影响提供了一条新的思路。因此,基于精细的县域尺度农业基础数据,运用灰水足迹评价方法,分析了华北平原1986—2010年的冬小麦-夏玉米灰水足迹及其时空变异特征。结果表明:华北平原冬小麦和夏玉米产品灰水足迹分别为0.55—2.97m3/kg和0.50—2.02m3/kg,均为美国、德国等地区的2—10倍;河北衡水、保定等地区灰水足迹较低,渤海湾等地区灰水足迹较高;冬小麦和夏玉米25a总灰水体积为2.67×1010—5.84×1010m3,平均值为3.90×1010m3,总体表现为随时间变化呈波动上升趋势。建议在华北平原要注意严格控制施肥量、提高肥效,积极推广测土配方施肥、缓释肥等养分资源管理技术,积极发展利用沼液、有机肥等化肥替代技术;要控制肥料地表流失和地下淋失,大力发展冬小麦-夏玉米轮作条件下的机械化喷灌、滴灌、微喷带等灌溉系统条件下的水肥一体化技术,全面实施秸秆、地膜等覆盖技术减少农田土壤流失以及深松等耕作技术实现土壤水库的增容扩蓄。  相似文献   

In this paper, the EU28 (EU27 and Croatia) water footprint of consumption (WFcons) for different diets is analysed: the current diet (REF, period 1996–2005), a healthy diet (DGE), a vegetarian (VEG) and combined (COM) diet. By far the largest fraction of the total WFcons (4815 lcd) relates to the consumption of edible agricultural goods (84%). The average EU28 diet is characterised by a too high energy intake and a too high ratio of animal to vegetal protein intake. For a healthy diet, the intake of some product groups should be reduced (sugar, crop oils, meat and animal fats) and of other product groups increased (vegetables and fruit). Especially the consumption of animal products accounts for high WF amounts. The three alternative diets result in a substantial reduction (−974 lcd or −23% for DGE, −1292 lcd or −30% for COM, −1611 lcd or −38% for VEG) of the WFcons for agricultural products with respect to the existing situation (REF, 4265 lcd). The reduction in meat intake contributes most to the WF reduction. Each of the specific WF components (green, blue and grey) shows a reduction similar to the observed reduction in the total WFcons. Regarding the total WFcons (green, blue and grey WFcons) as well as the WFcons without the grey WF component (green + blue WFcons) for agricultural products, the EU28 shifts from net virtual water (VW) importer for the REF and DGE diets to net exporter for the COM and VEG diets.  相似文献   

中国省际灰水足迹测度及荷载系数的空间关联分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
借鉴Hoekstra等提出的灰水足迹计算公式,从农业、工业及生活三方面计算了1998—2012年中国31个省市(自治区)的灰水足迹及其灰水足迹荷载系数。结果表明:1研究期间全国灰水足迹呈现波动趋势,1998年至2006年的灰水足迹呈现波动上升趋势;2007年开始,全国灰水足迹呈现下降趋势;农业在总灰水足迹的贡献率最高、工业最低;231个省市(自治区)15a灰水足迹荷载系数整体呈现小幅波动趋势。在全国内部也存在着明显的地区差异,大体分为5类,分别为高荷载地区、较高荷载区、中度荷载区、较低荷载区、低荷载区。3借助全局与局部空间自相关对全国31个省市(自治区)灰水足迹荷载系数进行空间关联格局分析可知,中国省级灰水足迹存在空间集聚现象且集聚现象逐渐减弱,其中H-H集聚区主要集中在华北地区,L-L集聚区主要集中在南方与青藏地区。通过全国灰水足迹测度与灰水足迹荷载系数空间关联格局分析为灰水足迹分析提供新的研究思路同时为区域可持续发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

A Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The increase in the consumption of animal products is likely to put further pressure on the world’s freshwater resources. This paper provides a comprehensive account of the water footprint of animal products, considering different production systems and feed composition per animal type and country. Nearly one-third of the total water footprint of agriculture in the world is related to the production of animal products. The water footprint of any animal product is larger than the water footprint of crop products with equivalent nutritional value. The average water footprint per calorie for beef is 20 times larger than for cereals and starchy roots. The water footprint per gram of protein for milk, eggs and chicken meat is 1.5 times larger than for pulses. The unfavorable feed conversion efficiency for animal products is largely responsible for the relatively large water footprint of animal products compared to the crop products. Animal products from industrial systems generally consume and pollute more ground- and surface-water resources than animal products from grazing or mixed systems. The rising global meat consumption and the intensification of animal production systems will put further pressure on the global freshwater resources in the coming decades. The study shows that from a freshwater perspective, animal products from grazing systems have a smaller blue and grey water footprint than products from industrial systems, and that it is more water-efficient to obtain calories, protein and fat through crop products than animal products.  相似文献   

So far, very little is known about microbiological deterioration of dyed woollen textiles. In this paper, the influence of the Gymnoascus arxii fungus on woollen textiles dyed with natural and synthetic dyes was studied. What is more, it was analysed whether the enrichment of the culture medium with additional nutrients has any impact on the deterioration of dyed woollen fabrics caused by a strongly keratinolytic strain. The study was carried out by means of a pure culture method over three different time periods, i.e. 1, 2 and 4 weeks. Within a week, the pure Gymnoascus arxii strain led to a severe deterioration in the mechanical strength of the examined woollen textiles, with the raw fabric being the most severely damaged. After the two-week incubation period, only the fabrics coloured in yellow, i.e. the fabric dyed with natural dye weld, and the synthetic yellow textile as well as the textile dyed with natural dye indigo survived, exclusively on the enriched medium. Solely the weld dyed textile withstood the four-week culture on the nutrient-enriched medium. The conducted studies demonstrated a strong influence of Gymnoascus arxii on dyed fabrics leading to their irreversible destruction. It has been also shown that the presence of nutrients in the substrate that are readily available to microorganism may hinder the development of the Gymnoascus arxii strain and thus, prevent textile deterioration.  相似文献   

基于水足迹理论的煤制油产业布局评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏思策  石磊 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4203-4214
煤制油是我国应对石油危机的重要途径之一,但其高耗水的特点使其备受争议。利用水足迹理论对全国五大煤炭基地2015年规划的煤制油产业进行了蓝水足迹和灰水足迹的测算,分析了煤制油产业对这些区域水资源的耗用情况及冲击程度。结果显示,神东、晋东和新疆伊犁3个基地的煤制油产业蓝水足迹超过了1亿t、灰水足迹超过了3亿t,其中神东地区作为最大的煤制油产地两项数值分别达到1.9亿t和4.1亿t与当地水资源总量对比,宁东地区煤制油耗水冲击最大,占当地水资源总量的28.2%;新疆伊犁地区比例最小,为0.36%。通过对这5个煤炭基地以区域为尺度的水足迹结构分析和评价比较,得出了两种煤制油工艺的水资源消耗差异,并且为煤制油产业在五大基地的合理布局给出了依据,与此同时为接下来煤制油产业的技术革新和流程优化也提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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