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为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera folisa)的繁育系统与传粉生物学特征,对其开花物候、花粉活力与柱头可授性、人工授粉、花的挥发性成分以及昆虫传粉行为进行了研究。结果表明,多叶斑叶兰的唇瓣黄色,萼片白色或白色带红褐色;单花花期为(9.4±0.8)d;花粉在开花后第1天具备活力,柱头在开花后第2天具备可授性,花粉活力和柱头可授性都在开花后第5天达到峰值。去雄套袋和不去雄套袋都不能结实,人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的结实率分别为93.3%、95.0%和96.7%,自然结实率为43.3%。花朵的主要挥发性成分为1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺。多叶斑叶兰传粉者为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)。多叶斑叶兰具有自交亲和能力,但在自然界不具有主动自交现象,必须依赖中华蜜蜂传粉,花色及花香气味为吸引传粉者的主要因素。  相似文献   

别鹏飞  唐婷  胡进耀  蒋炜 《生态学报》2018,38(11):3899-3908
通过野外观察,运用套袋授粉和联苯胺-过氧化氢法等实验方法对距瓣尾囊草开花物候以及种群的繁育系统特性进行研究。研究结果:1)距瓣尾囊草为两性花,聚伞状花序,花期较长,从头年12月持续到次年4月,单花花期持续8—15 d,种群花期可持续4个月左右。2)距瓣尾囊草在花朵未开放前花粉没有活力,花药开裂当天花粉活力达到94.8%,第2天为90.3%,第3天为81.6%,第4天为62.9%,此后其花粉活力明显减弱;柱头可授性于散粉后第3天开始出现,散粉后4—5天最强,散粉后第8天柱头失去可授性;柱头可授性和花粉活力有5 d左右的重叠期。3)其花粉胚珠比P/O为938.5±250,按照Cruden标准划分,其有性繁育系统为兼性异交。4)按照Dafni的标准,距瓣尾囊草的OCI=4,即繁育系统为异交、部分自交亲和、需要传粉者。5)人工异花授粉结实率达80%以上,略高于自然结实率78.94%;直接套袋结实率为5.71%;去雄套袋和去雌套袋均不结实。以上结果表明,距瓣尾囊草繁育系统表现为异交为主、部分自交亲和并且不存在无融合生殖现象,其开花物候、花部特征和繁育系统为适应特殊的环境提供了一定的生殖保障,本次研究结果为距瓣尾囊草的迁地保护和种群的繁衍复壮提供理论依据。  相似文献   

异型花柱植物的适应意义在于提高亲和花粉的传递, 从而促进异交, 但是有不少研究发现柱头上落置了大量不亲和花粉。目前, 很少有人研究柱头是否有利于亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管伸长, 以及通过去雄处理排除花内和植株内不亲和花粉干扰从而验证二型花柱植物是否可以促进异交。本研究以亚麻科青篱柴属(Tirpitzia)的二型花柱植物青篱柴(T. sinensis)为研究对象, 分居群调查了青篱柴长、短柱型的植株数量, 测量不同柱型的花粉与柱头大小以及观察其表面纹饰, 测定不同开花时间长、短柱型的柱头活性与花粉活力, 统计自然状态下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 进一步统计花内、株内去雄和自然对照下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 计算型间、型内和混合授粉花粉管长度和花粉萌发率, 人工授粉检测其是否型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。结果表明, 自然居群中长、短柱型青篱柴植株数量没有显著性差异; 短柱型青篱柴花粉体积显著大于长柱型, 且二者花粉表面纹饰不同, 但不同柱型的柱头表面积与表面纹饰无差异; 青篱柴开花第一天的花粉活力显著高于开花第二天, 而柱头活性在开花前两天无显著性差异; 自然状态下柱头上落置的不亲和花粉比例显著高于亲和花粉; 在长柱型青篱柴中, 花内和株内去雄显著提高了柱头上亲和花粉的落置比例; 柱头上授型内花粉, 其花粉萌发率和花粉管的长度都显著低于授型间花粉; 授粉结果表明青篱柴为型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。二型花柱植物通过促进亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长而有利于型间授粉, 从而显著提高其传粉精确性。  相似文献   

为了探究束花石斛(Dendrobium chrysanthum)的繁育生物学特性,对其开花习性、花粉活力、柱头分泌特性、人工授粉结实率、自然结实种子育性和贮藏特性进行研究,结果表明:(1)束花石斛花芽萌动期为19 d,现蕾期为23 d,群体花期为28 d,单花寿命10~15 d;(2)开花1~3 d花粉活力保持在90%左右,开花至第9天时花粉活力仅为23.7%,初始3 d开花的花粉活力与其他时间取样的活力差异均达极显著水平(P<0.01),花粉活力随开花时间延长呈由强到弱的趋势;(3)束花石斛的柱头腔从开花第2天开始有分泌物,第6 d时分泌物最多,柱头过氧化氢染色结果表明在开花5~6 d时柱头可授性最强,柱头可授性随开花时间延长呈由弱到强再到弱的趋势;(4)选取花朵开放4 d的花粉和柱头人工授粉,同株异花和同花授粉未见结实。野外结实果质量2.02~4.83 g,种子长0.628~0.845 mm,宽0.082~0.110 mm,长宽比为7.798,成胚率达97.35%,种子活力为90.80%,室温条件保存6个月的种子活力维持在73.20%。上述结果说明,束花石斛单花花期不长,开花初期花粉活力最高,柱头发育要滞后于花粉的发育;束花石斛不存在无融和生殖,人工同株自花授粉不育。但自然状况下能正常结实,种子发育良好,胚活力较高,干燥种子在自然条件下有一定的耐贮特性。本研究揭示了束花石斛的开花生物学特性和雌雄蕊异熟特点,其交配系统应为自交不亲和,为其野生种质资源的保育和人工精准授粉提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为探讨枸杞新品系NQ-2纯系种植结实率低的原因,采用TTC法、联苯胺—过氧化氢法、花粉—胚珠比、杂交指数和套袋试验等方法,对NQ-2花粉活力、柱头可授性及繁育系统等进行了研究。结果表明:NQ-2单花花期为3~4 d,花后8 h散粉结束,开花当天花粉活力最高,花粉寿命可持续9 d以上;开花前一天柱头已具可授性,开花第1天柱头可授性最强,开花第3天柱头基本失去可授性;枸杞新品系NQ-2平均花粉-胚珠比8615,OC I=4,结合人工授粉实验结果确定其繁育系统为专性异交。自交不亲和是导致NQ-2纯系种植落花落果结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

对内蒙古居群抗寒西伯利亚杏的12个种源同一树龄的102株进行雌蕊败育率、花粉量、花粉活力、柱头可授性及自交不亲和性进行研究,以明确西伯利亚杏主产地资源的花期生物学特性和繁殖特性,为杏杂交育种和资源利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)有86.27%的西伯利亚杏雌蕊败育率低于90%;73.53%的西伯利亚杏单朵花花粉量在1×104~5×104之间;86.27%的西伯利亚杏花粉活力低于50%,且寿命较短。(2)花苞在将开未开时,柱头已经具备一定的可授性,开花后1~4d内柱头可授性保持较高水平,第5天开始有下降趋势。(3)荧光显微观察结果显示,授粉后16h时,96.08%的杏花花粉管在花柱上部;授粉后24h时,74.51%的杏花花粉管仍在花柱上部;授粉后48h时,35.29%的杏花花粉管到达花柱中部;授粉后80h时,花粉管到达花柱下部的杏花约50%,但受精胚珠数为0。研究认为,西伯利亚杏基本为自交不亲和。  相似文献   

通过定株观察、人工套袋授粉试验等对华北驼绒藜繁育系统进行了研究。结果显示:(1)华北驼绒藜的花粉寿命为6d,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为1 351 189±391 779;自然条件下存在着同株授粉和异株授粉两种方式,但以异株授粉为主,其繁育系统属于兼性异交。(2)华北驼绒藜在有花粉时柱头可授性为6d(柱头露出后5~10d),但在缺乏花粉不能完成授精时,柱头会出现徒长现象,其可授性可以维持12d(柱头露出后9~20d)。(3)人工套袋授粉结果显示,华北驼绒藜最佳授粉时间是柱头露出后6~7d,此时年均授粉结实率最高(94.83%);在柱头失去过氧化物酶活性时(柱头露出后21d)授粉结实率年均为4.93%;相对于柱头最佳可授期,华北驼绒藜具有较高结实率的授粉时间范围较宽。研究表明,在长期的进化过程中,华北驼绒藜形成了P/O较高、柱头可授性时间长以及在异株授粉优势的情况下,还保留同株授粉方式的生殖补偿机制,对其野生退化群落的种群恢复具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

濒危植物缙云卫矛繁育系统研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张仁波  窦全丽  何平  肖宜安  刘云  胡世俊   《广西植物》2006,26(3):308-312
运用花粉萌发、联苯胺-过氧化氢法、花粉—胚珠比、杂交指数和套袋实验等方法,对缙云卫矛(Eu-onymuschloranthoidesYang)花粉活力、柱头可授性及繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明缙云卫矛花粉-胚珠比为764~1340,杂交指数等于3,结合人工授粉和套袋实验结果可以确定该物种的繁育系统属于自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。根据套袋实验及实地观察可以推测该物种以风媒传粉为主。其花粉活力较高,持续时间较长,花粉质量可能不是导致该物种濒危的主要原因。其雌雄性功能表达具一定的重叠期,提高了同株异花授粉的几率,雌雄性功能表达在时间上的差异不是影响其结实率的主要原因。气候条件对传粉过程的限制可能是导致该物种濒危的原因之一。  相似文献   

濒危植物凹叶厚朴的花部综合特征和繁育系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解凹叶厚朴(Magnolia officinalis subsp.biloba)濒危的生殖生物学原因,通过野外观测,运用杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比、花粉活力和柱头可授性观测、人工授粉和套袋实验等方法,对凹叶厚朴种群的开花生物学、繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:凹叶厚朴单花花期一般为4~5d,单花花期根据形态和散粉时间可分为4个时期:蕾期、初开期、盛开期和凋零期;种群于4—5月开花,一般开花历时30d左右,但不同地点、年份间有所差异;种群无开花高峰,单株平均开花数量为171.4~188.8朵,平均开花振幅为5~6朵·株-1·d-1;凹叶厚朴杂交指数为4,花粉胚珠比为5728.86,结合人工套袋和授粉实验结果可确定,繁育系统为异交,传粉过程需要传粉者;花粉活力较高(94%),且花粉活力可维持至散粉后的第6天。散粉后,柱头可授性显著下降,花粉高活力期与柱头可授期有5~6h的重叠;自然状况下结果率和单果出种百分率低,异株异花授粉可明显提高结果率和单果出种百分率,二者相对自然状况分别提高14.25%和43.66%。表明自然状态下传粉效率低、柱头最佳可授期短、同株自花授粉败育严重是其濒危的主要生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

野生烟草花粉活力与柱头可授性及繁育特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用TTC法测定2个野生烟草材料(花烟草、哥西氏烟草)和1个栽培品种(K326)的花粉活力及其日变化情况,通过联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定3个烟草材料的柱头可授性、利用直接授粉法测定不同开花天数柱头可授性变化,并通过估算花粉胚珠比(P/O)、杂交指数(OCI)及授粉试验分析3个烟草材料的繁育特性。结果表明:(1)哥西氏烟草的花粉活性(74.9%)显著高于K326(52.2%)和花烟草(45.3%),且K326与花烟草间差异不显著;3个烟草材料花粉活力日变化均呈双峰曲线,峰值分别在13:00与15:00左右,且3个烟草材料的花粉活力日最低值与气温日最高值同时出现在14:00。(2)K326柱头可授性显著高于花烟草和哥西氏烟草,且2个野生烟草间可授性无显著差异;不同烟草的最佳授粉时期不同,哥西氏烟草自开花前1d至花后4d,一直保持较高的柱头可授性;花烟草的最佳授粉时期为花后2~3d;K326的柱头在开花前1d至开花后1d授粉最佳。(3)K326以自交为主,存在异交现象;哥西氏烟草繁育类型为兼性异交,自交亲和;花烟草繁育以异交为主,自交亲和性差。研究认为,野生烟草柱头可授性显著低于栽培品种从而影响其结实性,花烟草结实率低主要是由自交不亲和性造成的,而缺乏有效的传粉机制是造成哥西氏烟草结实性差的主要原因。  相似文献   

菊科入侵植物三叶鬼针草的繁殖特征及其与入侵性的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郝建华  刘倩倩  强胜 《植物学报》2009,44(6):656-665
三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法, 对其花序开花动态、花粉胚珠比 (P/O)、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫和种子 (瘦果)的萌发率等与繁殖相关的特征进行了研究, 探讨了这些繁殖特征与入侵性的关系。三叶鬼针草在10-11月开花, 单个花序的花期约为5-6天。每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕。单个花序内可自交亲和, 自交结实率和花粉活力均较高, 其P/O值为1 7 54.1 2±29 .8 7。主要访花者为灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)、粉蝶科(Pieridae)和茧蜂科(Braconidae)昆虫。三叶鬼针草所具有的灵活交配机制是其入侵成功的重要因素。此外, 三叶鬼针草结实量大、种子产生迅速且适于传播, 以及种子萌发范围广和短期快速萌发等特性也增强了其入侵性。  相似文献   

菊科入侵植物三叶鬼针草的繁殖特征及其与入侵性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物.通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法,对其花序开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫和种子(瘦果)的萌发率等与繁殖相关的特征进行了研究,探讨了这些繁殖特征与入侵性的关系.三叶鬼针草在10-11月开花,单个花序的花期约为5-6天.每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕.单个花序内可自交亲和,自交结实率和花粉活力均较高,其P/O值为1754.12士29.87.主要访花者为灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)、粉蝶科(Pjerjdae)和茧蜂科(Braconidae)昆虫.三叶鬼针草所具有的灵活交配机制是其入侵成功的重要因素.此外,三叶鬼针草结实量大、种子产生迅速且适于传播,以及种子萌发范围广和短期快速萌发等特性也增强了其入侵性.  相似文献   

Self-compatibility segregation was assessed in two successive backcross progenies originating from an interspecific cross between Coffea canephora (self-incompatible) and Coffea heterocalyx (self-compatible). After self- and cross-pollination, pollen tube behaviour in styles was observed under ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy and fruit-set was determined at harvesting time. Segregation ratios in the two progenies were consistent with monofactorial control of self-compatibility. Self-compatible plants exhibited higher fruit-set than self-incompatible ones in open-pollination conditions. Segregation of AFLP markers was scored in the first backcross progeny. By molecular linkage analysis, the S locus could be mapped to a short linkage group.  相似文献   

Self-compatibility in a naturally self-incompatible species like sweet cherry is a highly interesting trait for breeding purposes and a powerful tool with which to investigate the basis of the self-incompatible reaction in gametophytic systems. However, natural self-compatibility in sweet cherry is a very rare phenomenon. Cristobalina is a local Spanish sweet cherry cultivar that has proven to be spontaneously self-compatible. In this work, the nature of the self-compatibility in Cristobalina has been studied using genetic and molecular approaches. Pollination studies and microscopic observations of pollen tube growth were carried out to confirm the self-compatible character and the results obtained indicate that self-compatibility is caused by a failure of the pollen and not the style factor. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of progenies derived from Cristobalina revealed that self-compatibility in this genotype is not related uniquely to one of the two pollen S alleles, but that pollen grains carrying either of the two haplotypes can overcome the incompatibility barrier. Moreover, PCR analysis and microscopic observation of pollen tube growth in progeny derived from Cristobalina also confirmed that the self-compatible descendants can carry either of the two S haplotypes of their progenitor. Isolation and sequencing of the style S-RNases and pollen SFBs revealed that the DNA sequences of these factors are the same as those described in other self-incompatible sweet cherry cultivars with the same S alleles. Possible mechanisms to explain self-compatibility in Cristobalina are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Selection may favour a partial or complete loss of self-incompatibility (SI) if it increases the reproductive output of individuals in the presence of low mate availability. The reproductive output of individuals varying in their strength of SI may also be affected by population density via its affect on the spatial structuring and number of S-alleles in populations. Modifiers increasing levels of self-compatibility can be selected when self-compatible individuals receive reproductive compensation by, for example, increasing seed set and/or when they become associated with high fitness genotypes.


The effect of variation in the strength of SI and scrub density (low versus high) on seed set, seed germination and inbreeding depression in seed germination (δgerm) was investigated in the partially self-incompatible species Flourensia cernua by analysing data from self-, cross- and open-pollinated florets.

Key Results

Examination of 100 plants in both high and low scrub densities revealed that 51% of plants were strongly self-incompatible and 49 % varied from being self-incompatible to self-compatible. Seed set after hand cross-pollination was higher than after open-pollination for self-incompatible, partially self-incompatible and self-compatible plants but was uniformly low for strongly self-incompatible plants. Strongly self-incompatible and self-incompatible plants exhibited lower seed set, seed germination and multiplicative female fitness (floral display × seed set × seed germination) in open-pollinated florets compared with partially self-incompatible and self-compatible plants. Scrub density also had an effect on seed set and inbreeding depression: in low-density scrubs seed set was higher after open-pollination and δgerm was lower.


These data suggest that (a) plants suffered outcross pollen limitation, (b) female fitness in partially self-incompatible and self-compatible plants is enhanced by increased mate-compatibility and (c) plants in low-density scrubs received higher quality pollen via open-pollination than plants in high-density scrubs.Key words: Flourensia cernua, population density, seed set, seed germination, female fitness, partial self-incompatibility, Mapimí Biosphere Reserve  相似文献   

Pollen limitation occurs when sexual reproduction is decreased due to inadequate pollen receipt. Limitation is usually associated with the quality and the quantity of pollen; still, most studies do not discriminate between the two. We used hand-pollination experiments and observations of floral visitors to determine the mating system and limitations to seed production of the Spanish endangered species Pseudomisopates rivas-martinezii. We tested for agamospermy, autogamy, obligated autogamy, cross-pollination and supplementation. The response variables considered were fruit set, seed set and viable seed set. Previous studies indicated that (i) the species exhibits extensive clonal growth, (ii) plants flower profusely in summer, (iii) seeds showed to be highly unviable, and (iv) no seedlings were observed in the field. We found that P. rivas-martinezii is predominantly self-incompatible, has an unexpected generalized pollination system considering its occluded corolla, and is limited by qualitative rather than quantitative pollen limitation. These results indicate that, in addition to other presumed environmental factors, the low seed viability of this self-incompatible species is due to pollen quality limitation as a result of reduced mate availability.  相似文献   

为了判断芸芥(Eruca sativa)自交亲和性的变异情况, 采用套袋自交、剥蕾自交和开放授粉3种方法, 对来源于中国、伊朗和巴基斯坦的52份芸芥的自交亲和指数及相对亲和指数进行了统计分析。结果表明: (1) 芸芥为高度自交不亲和植物, 其不同品种(系)中存在自交亲和基因; (2) 芸芥不同品种间自交亲和性存在广泛的变异, 品种间自交亲和指数介于0-4.98之间, 品种内不同个体间自交亲和性也存在广泛的变异; (3) 参试材料分为4种类型, 即高自交亲和、自交亲和、自交不亲和(0<自交亲和指数<1.00)及高自交不亲和; (4) 芸芥自交亲和性因生态类型而异, 西南地区的材料自交亲和性最高, 西北地区次之, 华北地区最低。总之, 芸芥为一种高度自交不亲和植物, 其自交亲和性状存在广泛的变异, 共有4种变异类型。  相似文献   

Many Asteraceae species inhabit open vegetation areas and, as a rule, members of this family have dry, wind-dispersed fruits. Tilesia baccata, on the other hand, occurs in forested areas and, differently from all neotropical Asteraceae, has fleshy fruits with ornithochorous characteristics. However, no studies have confirmed the dispersion by birds or any other aspect of the reproductive biology of this unique Asteraceae. The present study aims to investigate the reproductive phenology, floral biology and breeding system and to identify the pollinators and seed dispersers of T. baccata. The study was carried out in a natural population located in a semideciduous forest (Viçosa, Minas Gerais State), southeastern Brazil. The reproductive cycle of T. baccata is annual and seasonal, related to precipitation, temperature and day length. The longevity of flowers and capitula depends on the performance of pollinators and dispersers. Hand pollination tests showed that the species is self-incompatible and therefore dependent on synchronous flowering and pollinator availability. Pollination occurred in the morning, in the period of pollen availability, and social bees were the major pollinator group. Seeds are dispersed by frugivorous birds, that swallow the ripe fruits and defecate viable seeds later. Our study confirmed the bird dispersal of Tilesia baccata seeds and also demonstrates that pollinator activity and fruit removal by birds influence the magnitude of activity and the intensity of flowering and fruiting.  相似文献   

Controlled pollinations, followed by germination studies of seeds resulting from self- and cross-pollination, were carried out using plants from 12 populations of nine species of Aphelandra (Acanthaceae), a genus of neotropical shrubs and herbs. These results are combined with data from field studies of flower morphology, phenology, and pollinator relationships to estimate breeding system of each species. All species have floral morphological traits that prevent autogamy. Plants from five populations of five species experience low levels of geitonogamous pollen transfer; they produce few flowers daily and are pollinated by traplining hummingbirds. Excepting A. storkii, these plants are fully self-compatible (SC), and seeds from selfing are as viable as crossed seeds. Aphelandra storkii is partially self-incompatible (SI) and produces seeds from selfing that tend to germinate less successfully than crossed seeds. Plants from the remaining populations are profusely flowering shrubs, and even those pollinated by traplining hummingbirds should experience higher levels of geitonogamy. Aphelandra deppeana is pollinated by territorial hummingbirds, which should further increase the incidence of geitonogamy. All shrub species are partially SI, and two species (A. leonardii and A. sinclairiana) show significant reduced germination of selfed vs. crossed seeds. The breeding system of these species is thus modified by postpollination factors that favor the formation and maturation of outcrossed seeds. It is suggested that Aphelandra species, like other herbs and shrubs of tropical forest understory, possess a combination of breeding system traits that promote outcrossing but do not exclude geitonogamy.  相似文献   

I compared life-history traits and self-fertilization rates in greenhouse culture of native Spartina alterniflora with an invasive population from a low-density Pacific estuary to see whether plants in the novel r-selective regime exhibit early reproduction, greater self-compatibility and high reproductive effort putting individuals at greater risk of death. Plants were grown from seed collected from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America and a population introduced approximately 100 years ago to Willapa Bay, Washington, USA that has expanded to cover over ca. 6000 hectares. Pacific marshes have almost no native emergent vascular plants in the intertidal habitat, offering a virtually empty niche for invasive S. alterniflora. The low-density plants at the leading edge of this rapidly expanding population suffer a severe Allee effect of greatly reduced fecundity, caused by pollen limitation, compared to high-density areas. I found 99% of the invasive plants initiated reproduction in the first year of this study, while only 52% of the native range plants did so in the first year, followed by 34% in the second and 14% of native plants had not initiated reproduction after three years. The invasive plants had more than twice the reproductive effort of the native plants. Plants with the highest reproductive effort in the first year of growth died regardless of coastal site of origin, although nearly all of those that died over two years were invasive Pacific plants (27%). The invaders set two times the seed as the natives under forced selfing, suggesting greater self-compatibility or reproductive effort. These results suggest either a founding and bottleneck event and/or the invasive population has evolved from the long-lived, predominantly self-incompatible, K-selected state of the probable invasive propagules originating in dense, competitive native marshes.Co-ordinating editor: I. Olivieri  相似文献   

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