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植物气味化合物对棉铃虫产卵及田间诱蛾的影响   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14  
利用触角电位技术(EAG)研究棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera对17种植物气味物质的嗅觉反应,实验结果表明:棉铃虫雄蛾、雌蛾对所试各种植物气味物质均无明显的嗅觉反应差异,不同种类的气味物质能引起不同的EAG反应。对其中的几种植物气味物质进行了引诱产卵实验及田间诱蛾实验,结果表明:某些寄主植物的挥发性次生物质显示出较好的引诱产卵活性,且对棉铃虫性诱剂具有增效和协同作用。田间实验数据显示,增加了植物气味物质的棉铃虫性诱剂与单一的棉铃虫性诱剂相比差异显著。  相似文献   

亚洲小车蝗(Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko)和鼓翅皱膝蝗(Angaracris barabensis Pall)为内蒙古草原同域分布、生活时间重叠、但食性不同的两种蝗虫, 亚洲小车蝗为禾草专食者, 鼓翅皱膝蝗为蒿草专食者. 利用触角电位技术(EAG)比较研究了这两种蝗虫的雌雄个体对37种植物挥发性化合物的嗅觉反应, 结果发现, 这两种蝗虫的雌雄个体对绿叶挥发化合物的EAG反应要高于对萜类及芳香族化合物的反应, 其中6个碳原子的醇(1-己醇、反-2-己烯-1-醇、顺-2-己烯-1-醇、顺-3-己烯-1-醇)、醛(顺-2-己烯-1-醛)、酯(反-3-己烯基乙酸酯), 以及7个碳原子的1-庚醇引起的EAG反应最强; 对具有醇、醛功能团的单萜类化合物的反应高于其他单萜类化合物, 倍半萜类化合物引起的嗅觉反应较低; 在所实验的芳香族化合物中, 苯甲醛引起的反应最强. 对绿叶挥发化合物的反应, 亚洲小车蝗高于鼓翅皱膝蝗, 亚洲小车蝗雄虫的反应高于其雌虫, 鼓翅皱膝蝗无性别差异. 测定两种蝗虫的雌虫对6种化合物的剂量反应曲线, 两种蝗虫对所测化合物的EAG反应浓度为10−3~10−2 mol/L, 只有鼓翅皱膝蝗对松油醇的反应阈浓度为10−2 mol/L. 对苯甲醛与正己醛的反应随浓度增加EAG反应增强. 比较触角不同部分对植物挥发性化合物的EAG反应发现, 触角电位反应主要由触角远端的感器产生, 而非近触角基部的7节.  相似文献   

大豆蚜嗅觉在选择寄主植物中的作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
杜永均  严福顺 《昆虫学报》1994,37(4):385-392
大豆蚜 Aphis hlycines 有翅和无翅孤雌生殖蚜为其寄主植物大豆叶和鼠李叶气味所引诱,而非寄主植物棉花叶和黄瓜叶气味处于中性,丝瓜叶和南瓜叶气味具有明显的排斥作用。非寄主植物气味可以遮蔽寄主植物气味的引诱作用。大豆蚜触角感受器对植物气味具有嗅觉生理反应,对一些化合物的最小感觉阈值达10-5至10-6体积比浓度,表明大豆蚜触角上存在识别植物气味的嗅觉受体细胞。由此证明,嗅觉在大豆蚜选择寄主植物过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

大豆蚜嗅觉在选择寄主植物中的作用   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
大豆蚜APhisglycines有翅和无规孤雌生殖蚜为其寄主植物大豆叶和鼠李叶气味所引诱,而非奇主植物棉花叶和黄瓜叶气味处于中性,丝瓜叶和南瓜叶气味具有明显的排斥作用。非寄主植物气味可以遮蔽寄主植物气味的引诱作用。大豆蚜触角感受器对植物气味具有嗅觉生理反应,对一些化合物的最小感觉阈值达10-5至10-6体积比浓度,表明大豆蚜触角上存在识别植物气味的嗅觉受体细胞。由此证明,嗅觉在大豆蚜选择寄主植物过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】植物的挥发性气味对传粉者的选择具有重要的影响,为探究红阳猕猴桃Actinidia chinensis ‘Hongyang’雌花的挥发性气味对东方蜜蜂Apis cerana和西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera行为反应的差异。【方法】利用顶空固相微萃取与气质联用技术(Headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)鉴定红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性物质成分及相对含量,并通过气相色谱-触角电位联用测量系统(GC-EAD)和Y型嗅觉仪测定东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花气味的触角电位和行为反应。【结果】GC-MS结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性气味含有33种成分,包括醇类、酯类、酮类、烃类、萜烯类、醛类、胺类和盐类。GC-EAD结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性物质中7种化合物芳樟醇、壬醛、苯乙醇、2,6,6-三甲基-2-环己烯-1,4-二酮、苯甲酸乙酯、水杨酸甲酯和顺式-3-己烯醇2-甲基丁酸酯能够引起东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂的触角反应,而3种化合物乙酸叶醇酯、水杨酸乙酯和β-紫罗酮只引起东方蜜蜂的触角反应。嗅觉行为反应结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味对东方蜜蜂具有引诱作用(P> 0.05),引诱率为60%;对西方蜜蜂具有驱避作用(P <0.01),驱避率是67.5%。【结论】东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性气味的响应存在显著差异,东方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味无明显趋性,而西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味具有明显驱避。因此,为红阳猕猴桃授粉时,东方蜜蜂相对于西方蜜蜂更理想。  相似文献   

本文用EAG技术研究棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味物质的嗅觉反应。供试的气味物质有棉铃虫性外激素的二种主要组分和36种与棉铃虫寄主植物有关的植物气味物质。试验结果表明:1)只有棉铃虫雄蛾对性外激素组分产生反应,二种性外激素的组分中,Z-11-16:AL能引起较强的EAG反应。2)对植物气味物质,雌雄棉铃虫之间的嗅觉反应没有明显的差异。棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味组分的嗅觉感受过程是一个有选择性的感受过程:不同种类的气味物质能引起不同的EAG反应。只有棉铃虫雄蛾才对性外激素组分起反应,在二种性外激素组分中:主要组分:Z-11-16:AL引起的EAG反应最高,高于大多数植物气味物质。次要组分Z-9-16:AL引起的EAG反应很弱。雌、雄棉铃虫对植物气味组分的嗅觉反应的选择性表现出一致的规律:对苯甲醛和绿叶气味物质的反应最高。单萜类中的萜烯衍生物(萜类醇、醛、酯等)的触角电位反应次之。棉铃虫对大多数的供试化合物的EAG反应都很小。最后,作者讨论了性外激素和植物气味物质对棉铃虫行为的作用。  相似文献   

无翅茶蚜对茶树挥发物的触角电生理和行为反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩宝瑜  韩宝红 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4485-4490
分别使用昆虫触角电位仪(EAG)和四臂嗅觉仪,测定了无翅茶蚜Toxopteraaurantii Boyer对14种茶树挥发性化合物、14种挥发物中"绿叶气味"组成的混合物(GLV)、14种挥发物的混合物(ACB)、以及新鲜嫩叶、芽、嫩茎、成叶和茶蚜为害嫩叶(ADYL)的EAG反应和行为反应。ACB引出最大的EAG反应值,茶树挥发物主要组分Z-3-己烯-1-醇、E-2-己烯醛、n-己醇、水杨酸甲酯和苯甲醇也引起较大的EAG反应值。4种正常茶梢的器官也引出较大的EAG反应,以嫩叶最强、依次为芽、嫩茎和成叶。有趣的是ADYL引出弱的负的EAG值。用嗅觉仪进行的生物测定表明,嫩叶以及主要的茶梢挥发性成分乙酸-Z-3-己烯酯、水杨酸甲酯、E-2-己烯-1-醇和Z-3-己烯-1-醇等也具有较强引诱活性。研究显示无翅茶蚜可能利用茶梢挥发物作为利它素而寻觅适宜的取食场所,如茶树嫩梢。  相似文献   

寄生蜂对宿主的成功定位是其繁衍后代的关键步骤之一,主要受挥发性化合物的调节。首先,雌性寄生蜂可根据寄主植物挥发物尤其是植食性昆虫诱导的植物挥发物(herbivore-induced plant volatiles, HIPVs)对宿主的栖息环境进行远距离定位,它们可根据HIPVs提供的信号缩小宿主范围,而HIPVs的混合物极为复杂,其成分和含量受多种因素的调节。尽管如此,萜类是HIPVs中常见的化合物,且被多数行为研究证实在寄生蜂宿主定位中发挥作用。随后,当寄生蜂发现并降落到与宿主相关的植物后,它们可利用宿主衍生的信号近距离定位宿主。宿主的虫体、茧和粪便等释放的挥发性化合物对寄生蜂具有吸引作用,有些宿主粪便的气味可以作为寄生蜂执行宿主定位行为的主信号,而且宿主粪便挥发物的成分因昆虫取食的植物种类的不同而发生变化。此外,来自寄生蜂自身的信息化学物质也有助于同种寄生蜂的其他个体对宿主的定位。寄生蜂对气味分子的感知依赖其主要位于触角上的嗅觉感器,而关于其嗅觉识别的分子机制的研究仍较为薄弱。由于气味结合蛋白(odorant-binding proteins, OBPs)是嗅觉系统中介导气味识别...  相似文献   

昆虫对宿主植物的嗅觉定向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷宏 《生物学通报》1995,30(3):9-11
在混虫辨别宿主植物所利用的各种信息中,植物的气味是一个很重要的因素昆虫利用触角上的嗅觉感受器来感觉植物气味。触角电位是昆虫的触角感受到植物气味后所产生的神经反应,而嗅觉编码则是嗅觉感受器将植物的气味信息传至神经中枢的脉冲系列。本文从行为生理学的角度介绍了昆虫利用植物气味寻找宿主植物的过程。  相似文献   

人尿及汗液中几种化合物对黄脊竹蝗的引诱活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄脊竹蝗Ceracris kiangsu Tsai成虫对发酵人尿及汗液有明显的趋向行为。利用昆虫触角EAG反应和林间诱蝗试验对氯化钠、碳酸氢氨及乙醇3种主要的人尿、汗液化合物的诱蝗活性进行测定。结果表明:3种物质均能明显激发黄脊竹蝗雌、雄成虫的触角电位反应,激发活性的强弱次序为乙醇>碳酸氢氨>氯化钠。3种化合物对雌蝗触角的刺激作用强于雄蝗。在林间,氯化钠、碳酸氢氨及乙醇及其混合物对竹蝗的引诱效果不明显,化合物浓度及药剂种类是影响竹蝗引诱量的因子之一。  相似文献   

Abstract Electroantennograms (EAGs1 were recorded from male adults of Melanoplus sanguinipes to foliage odours from 5 plant species and 9 volatile compounds as well as their blends. Higher EAG responses were recorded for Louisianna sage and Alfalfa foliages, compared to other three gramineous plants. Among green odour chelricals, 6-carbon alcohols (e. g. E-2-hexen-1–01 and E-3-hexen-1–01] resulted in the highest EAG responszs. No significant differences among the pentenol, 3-pentanone and blank control were observed. In ternary and quaternary mixture tests of volatile compounds, the combinations with pentenol did not elicit greater amplitudes; thus pentenol and 3-pentanone were proved to be unimportant to the response of this generalist grasshopper. The EAG data are discussed with regard to the role of host plant volatiles in host plant orientation and selection by the grasshopper.  相似文献   

Two Oedipodinae grasshopper species Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko and Angaracris baraben-sis Pall. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) are important pests on the natural grasslands in Inner Mongolia and often require insecticide treatment during outbreaks[1]. They both prefer overgrazed steppes and xerophytous habi-tats, and have thus been suggested as indicator species for steppe deterioration in typical steppe zones of In-ner Mongolia[2]. The two species have a sympatric distribution and sync…  相似文献   

Abstract The role of plant volatiles in host plant location of the leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard was studied. Four types of antennal sensilla were identified on the funiculus by scanning electron microscopy: trichoid, basiconic, clavate and grooved sensilla. An olfactory pit, containing groups of sensilla, was present on the ventral side of the funiculus. No sexual difference was detected in sensilla diversity and distribution. In behavioural assays, both males and females were attracted by the odour of the bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. They had distinct EAG responses to the bean odour. No significant sexual difference was found in behaviour or EAG responses.
Electroantennograms were recorded from female L. sativae to 14 plant volatile compounds. The most distinct EAG responses were obtained for: (1) the general green leaf volatiles 1-hexanol (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol and its isomers, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, the acetate (E)-3-hexenylacetate and the aldehyde hexanal; and (2) limonene, a compound associated with tomato, which is a key host plant of this insect. Other volatile compounds associated with host plants, such as α-pinene, myrcene, β-caryophyllene, and eugenol did not elicit responses. The ability of this insect to locate a host plant appears to be augmented by the perception of a combination of host-specific and general green leaf volatiles. A modification of the EAG recording method of Dipteran species was provided.  相似文献   

苹毛丽金龟对植物挥发物成分的触角电位及行为反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
路常宽  王晓勤  张巨山  赵铁栋 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1379-1384
为筛选适宜的苹毛丽金龟Proagopertha lucidula (Faldermann)引诱剂化学物质, 对已报道的金龟子科两性引诱剂单一组分进行了触角电位(EAG)和Y型嗅觉仪中的嗅觉反应测定。结果表明: 在10 μg刺激剂量下测试的11 种植物挥发物中, 只有顺-3-己烯-1-醇、香叶醇、茴香脑和丁香酚有明确的EAG反应值, 其他7种化合物具有弱反应值。剂量反应曲线表明, 具有明确的EAG活性的4种化合物激发的反应强度与化合物的剂量呈正相关。在Y型嗅觉仪中, 顺-3-己烯-1-醇、香叶醇、茴香脑和丁香酚4种化合物在1, 10, 100 μg剂量下的行为反应百分率都显著高于对照溶剂正己烷, 且雌雄之间无显著差异。该研究结果可为开发苹毛丽金龟田间引诱剂奠定基础。  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of male and female Oedipodinae grasshoppers, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko and Angaracris barabensis Pall to 37 plant volatile compounds were recorded. The two species have sympatric distribution and synchronous seasonal activity in Inner Mongolia Grasslands. They have different host plant preference with Oedaleus decorus asiaticus graminivorous and A. barabensis forbivorous. The EAG response profiles to 37 compounds of the two species and their both sexes were similar. Most of the green leaf volatiles elicited higher EAG responses in both species and sexes than terpenic compounds and some aromatic compounds. Strong EAG responses were elicited by 6-carbon alcohols (1-hexanol, Z-hexen-2-ol-1, E-2-hexen-1-ol, E-hexen-3-ol-1), aldehyde (E-2-hexen-1-al), ester (Z-hexen-3-yl acetate), and 7-carbon alcohols (1-heptanol) in both species and sexes. Monoterpenes with functional groups of alcohols and aldehydes were more stimulating than other monoterpenes tested. The sesquiterpenes tested elicited relatively low responses. Benzaldehyde elicited the highest responses for both species among aromatic components. Oedaleus decorus asiaticus showed higher EAG responses than A. barabensis to the green leaf volatiles, 1-decanol, 1-nonanol, 1-pentanol, hexanal, Z-hexen-3-yl acetate and to the sesquiterpenes (-)-trans-caryophyllene. Males have higher responses than females in Oedaleus decorus asiaticus. No sexual difference was observed in A. barabensis. Dose-dependent responses to six selected chemicals were observed from females. In both species, all the chemicals tested elicit EAG responses at concentration between 10-3 mol/L and 10-2 mol/L, except that the responses of A. barabensis to terpineol had a threshold concentration of 10-2 mol/L benzaldehyde and 1-hexanol had the highest slopes in dose curves, while 1-octen-3-ol showed the smallest slope in responses to the six chemicals tested. Comparative studies on the responses of two antennal sections and the whole antenna to six selected chemicals were carried out using females of both species. A significant EAG response was only recorded from the distal part of the antenna and not from the proximal seven segments.  相似文献   

The European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana relies on a female produced sex pheromone for long-distance mate finding. Grapevine moth males compete heavily during limited time windows for females. The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of host plant volatiles by grapevine moth males and whether such compounds elicit upwind oriented flights. We compared five host plant headspace extracts by means of gas chromatography linked electroantennogram (EAG) recording. We identified 12 common host plant volatiles (aliphatic esters, aldehydes, and alcohols, aromatic compounds and terpenes) that elicit EAG responses from grapevine moth males and that occur in at least three of the host plant volatile headspace extracts tested. Subsequently the behavioural response of grapevine moth males to four these compounds presented singly and in mixtures (1-hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and (E)-β-caryophyllene) was recorded in a wind tunnel. Grapevine moth males engaged in upwind flights to all of four compounds when released singly at 10,000 pg/min and to all, except 1-octen-3-ol, when released at 100 pg/min. A blend of the four host plant volatiles released at 10,000 pg/min and mixed at a ratio based on the analysis of Vitis vinifera cv. Solaris volatile emissions attracted significantly more males than any single compound. Grapevine moth males perceive and respond to host plant volatiles at biologically relevant levels indicating that host plant volatiles figure as olfactory cues and that L. botrana males can discern places where the likelihood of encountering females is higher.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of male and female carrot flies, Psila rosae F. (Diptera: Psilidae), were recorded to thirty-six volatile plant constituents. The most distinct EAG responses were obtained to: (1) the general green leaf volatiles 1-hexanol, trans-2-hexen-1-ol and cis-3-hexen-1-ol, their isomers cis-2-hexen-1-ol and trans-3-hexen-1-ol, the alcohol 1-heptanol, the ester cis-3-hexenyl acetate and the leaf aldehydes hexanal and trans-2-hexenal, and (2) from four compounds associated with the umbelliferous host plants of this insect, namely trans-methyl-iso-eugenol, β-caryophyllene, linalool and trans-2-nonenal. Higher responses were elicited by the leaf aldehydes than by the corresponding alcohols. Although the absolute amplitude of the female response was over twice that of the male, there were no differences between the relative responses to the compounds tested in both sexes, with the exception of a much higher response to the leaf aldehydes in the male. The shape of the EAG evoked by the various compounds was consistently different, with the slowest recovery being recorded for trans-methyl-iso-eugenol. While the antennal olfactory receptors of the carrot fly are sensitive to the closely related general green leaf volatiles, they are most specifically tuned to the aldehyde component of this green odour complex. In addition, the ability of this insect to discriminate between different plants may be augmented by the perception of a group of more host specific volatiles. The conformity of the responses of males and females to the compounds tested may indicate that host plant volatiles plays an additional role as an aggregation cue for both sexes.  相似文献   

The olfactory stimuli from the maturation feeding‐plant, Rosa multiflora Thunb., and larval‐host plant, Populus deltoides, of the longhorned beetle, Batocera horsfieldi (Hope), were investigated by using TCT‐GC/MS (Thermal desorption and cold trap, and GC/MS) and electroantennogram recordings (EAG). A total of 20 plant compounds were identified from plant headspace volatile, including aliphatic, aromatic and terpenoid compounds. Five compounds were common to both plants. Eight compounds eliciting strong EAG response were E‐3‐hexenyl acetate, 3‐carene, 1‐penten‐3‐ol, 3‐pentanol, Z‐2‐penten‐1‐ol, hexanal and E‐2‐hexenal. Female and male B. horsfieldi exhibited broad overlap in their EAG responses to individual plant odour, and there was no clear pattern of difference between responses of female and male antennae to different compounds. Mating status had little effect on the EAG responses of females.  相似文献   

烟夜蛾和棉铃虫对高浓度烟草挥发物的电生理和行为反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寡食性的烟夜蛾Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée)和广食性的棉铃虫H. armigera (Hübner)是夜蛾属Heliothis的两近缘种昆虫。主要的农作物中,棉花和番茄上极少发现烟夜蛾,而辣椒上几乎没有棉铃虫,只有烟草均为二者所嗜食,也唯独在烟草上它们可以稳定共存。为明确植物挥发物对昆虫寄主定向和选择行为的影响,本文运用触角电位(EAG)和风洞技术,测定了两种夜蛾的处女雌蛾、交配雌蛾及雄蛾对20种高浓度(0.1 mol/L)烟草挥发物的电生理和行为反应。结果表明:烟夜蛾和棉铃虫对测试的烟草挥发物均可产生EAG反应,而且都表现出绿叶气味>脂类和芳香化合物>单萜、倍半萜和杂环化合物的总体反应趋势;两种夜蛾对多数化合物的EAG反应既无显著的种内性别差异,也无显著的种间差异,表明二者嗅觉神经系统对寄主气味图谱的识别和感受能力具有一定的相似性,可对寄主植物的化学信息产生相同的“理解”;二者的行为反应结果与EAG反应结果基本一致,即两种夜蛾受到的嗅觉刺激与产生的行为反应具有统一性,结合两种夜蛾寄主范围的差异,推测烟草挥发物主要影响两种夜蛾的寄主定向行为,而寄主选择行为可能更依赖于二者与植物接触后对植物理化性质的评价过程。  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs)were recorded from males and females of the potato tuber moth,Phthorimaea operculella in response to a broad range of plant volatile compounds belonging to diverse chemical classes.The responses to 27 compounds were evaluated,which indicated significant differences in EAGs between chemicals as well as between sexes.The fatty acid derivatives comprising essentially green leaf volatile components elicited significantly greater responses in females.The response profile of males was,in general,lower than that of females.EAG responses to the oxygenated and hydrocarbon monoterpenes were lower in both males and females.Dose -response studies indicate differences in response between the sexes and concentrations,suggesting the existence of sexual dimorphism. Compounds belonging to the fatty acid derivatives class appear to be important for an oligophagous pest such as the potato tuber moth and the findings are discussed in relation to host plant selection in this species.  相似文献   

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