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Although crucial for host survival when facing persistent parasite pressure, costly immune functions will inevitably compete for resources with other energetically expensive traits such as reproduction. Optimizing, but not necessarily maximizing, immune function might therefore provide net benefit to overall host fitness. Evidence for associations between fitness and immune function is relatively rare, limiting our potential to understand ultimate fitness costs of immune investment. Here, we assess how measures of constitutive immune function (haptoglobin, natural antibodies, complement activity) relate to subsequent fitness outcomes (survival, reproductive success, dominance acquisition) in a wild passerine (Malurus coronatus). Surprisingly, survival probability was not positively linearly predicted by any immune index. Instead, both low and high values of complement activity (quadratic effect) were associated with higher survival, suggesting that different immune investment strategies might reflect a dynamic disease environment. Positive linear relationships between immune indices and reproductive success suggest that individual heterogeneity overrides potential resource reallocation trade-offs within individuals. Controlling for body condition (size-adjusted body mass) and chronic stress (heterophil-lymphocyte ratio) did not alter our findings in a sample subset with available data. Overall, our results suggest that constitutive immune components have limited net costs for fitness and that variation in immune maintenance relates to individual differences more closely.  相似文献   

Because quality differences between individuals affect fitness,much research has attempted, with limited success, to relatephysiological condition (e.g., body reserves), to differencesin life history between individuals. Recently, it has beensuggested that immunocompetence may reflect condition, andit thus may mediate variation in individual quality and reproductiveperformance and, ultimately, fitness. We measured humoral immunocompetence(HIC) by immunizing female tree swallows with a harmless antigenand measured the specific antibody responses in a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay developed for passerine birds. HIC was stronglycorrelated with egg-laying date, an important determinant ofreproductive success in female tree swallows. We also investigatedthe effect of increased workload on HIC by manipulating femaleflight costs by clipping flight feathers. Clipped females hadlower HIC than nonclipped females. These data suggest that HICis a measure that may reflect phenotypic quality and also appearsto be sensitive to increased workload in female tree swallows.  相似文献   

The concept of Darwinian fitness is central in evolutionary ecology, and its estimation has motivated the development of several approaches. However, measuring individual fitness remains challenging in empirical case studies in the wild. Measuring fitness requires a continuous monitoring of individuals from birth to death, which is very difficult to get in part because individuals may or may not be controlled at each reproductive event and recovered at death. Imperfect detection hampers keeping track of mortality and reproductive events over the whole lifetime of individuals. We propose a new statistical approach to estimate individual fitness while accounting for imperfect detection. Based on hidden process modelling of longitudinal data on marked animals, we show that standard metrics to quantify fitness, namely lifetime reproductive success, individual growth rate and lifetime individual contribution to population growth, can be extended to cope with imperfect detection inherent to most monitoring programs in the wild. We illustrate our approach using data collected on individual roe deer in an intensively monitored population.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in realized fitness but the genetic/phenotypic traits that underpin such variation are often unknown. Telomere dynamics may be a major source of variation in fitness traits because physiological telomere shortening depends on environmental and genetic factors and may impair individual performance. Here, we showed that, in a population of a socially monogamous, biparental passerine bird, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), breeding in northern Italy, telomere length (TL) of both adult males and females positively correlated with seasonal reproductive and fledging success, as expected because long telomeres are supposed to boost performance. Telomere length was correlated with sexually dimorphic coloration in both sexes, showing for the first time in any species that coloration reliably reflects TL and may mediate mutual mate choice, leading to the observed positive assortative mating for TL in the barn swallow. Thus, TL appears to be associated with variation in a major fitness trait and may be an ultimate target of mate choice, as individuals of both sexes can use coloration to adaptively choose high‐quality mates that possess long telomeres.  相似文献   

The connection between reproductive fitness and animal personality is not fully understood. Using computer simulations and machine learning, we found high accuracy rules that predict which personalities are associated with fitness for two correlated measures of components of fitness applied a posteriori for classificatory purposes: fitness component (1) in terms of survival and short-term reproductive success, and fitness component (2) in terms of long term reproductive success which is indirectly related to survival of the parents. Animals are represented in the abstract as individuals with a genome that through time develops into certain characteristic behaviors and personalities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first simulation study of its kind that extracts rules to investigate the link between personality and fitness. Clearly separated behaviors between fit and non-fit individuals emerged through the evolution of the population over time without top-down processing. Moreover, we did not employ a pre-defined fitness function, in order to minimize any possible biases toward a specific type of behavior. With respect to fitness component (1), we found that individuals with one of two extreme values of a personality trait (either bold or fearful) tend to be most fit, which agrees with empirical studies. With respect to fitness component (2), we found that when resources are low, fit individuals search for food whereas if food is abundant, they focus on reproduction, thereby suggesting the context dependence of fitness related behaviors. Once again, these results agree with empirical studies.  相似文献   

Perhaps the best way to determine whether and how traits of organisms are currently adaptive is to alter them experimentally and compare the relative fitness of altered and unaltered individuals. We call this method phenotypic engineering. To the extent that natural selection moulds organisms on a trait-by-trait basis, we would expect fitness of unmanipulated (control) individuals to be higher than that of experimentally altered individuals. However, other outcomes are possible and of interest. If, for example, a single trait were altered and the fitness of manipulated and unmanipulated organisms were found to be similar, we might conclude that selection is not currently operating on the altered trait. Phenotypic engineering with hormones describes an experimental approach to the study of adaptive variation in suites of traits that are hormonally mediated and correlated in their expression. A likely outcome of such manipulations is that some traits would be altered so as to elevate fitness but that changes in other, correlated traits would lower fitness. If the net effect were to depress fitness, a process by which natural selection shapes and maintains organisms as integrated units would be demonstrated. We have employed this approach in studies of the Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis, a small passerine whose reproductive success varies with the abundance of nest predators. We treated males with testosterone, documented the phenotypic consequences and related these to various measures of fitness. Summarizing results to date: Behavioural comparison of males treated with testosterone (T-males) and control males (C-males) shows that T-males sing more frequently, are less attentive to offspring, have larger home ranges and are more attractive to females. Physiologically, testosterone accelerates entry into breeding condition in spring (loss of winter lipid stores) and results in higher levels of corticosterone. If exposure to testosterone is prolonged beyond the breeding season, pre-basic moult is delayed or prevented. We are currently comparing T- and C-males with respect to corticosteroid binding proteins, sperm reserves, response to nestling vocalizations and neuroanatomy. The relationship between testosterone-induced phenotypic variation and fitness is still under study. When treatment extends well beyond the breeding season, testosterone significantly reduces survivorship; otherwise it does not. With respect to apparent reproductive success (i.e. estimates of paternity that are not based on genetic analysis), more young leave the nests of C-males than of T-males, but treatment groups do not differ in the number of young that reach independence. Preliminary data on realized reproductive success (i.e. number of genetic offspring sired) suggest that production as the result of extra-pair fertilizations is greater in T- than in C-males but that T-males lose paternity of more of the offspring of their social mates to other males. Continued investigation will, we hope, reveal the factors governing the trade-offs between male mating effort and parental effort and between survival and current reproduction, as well as the frequency with which the typical phenotype outperforms one that has been experimentally altered.  相似文献   

The leading explanatory model for the widespread occurrence of color vision polymorphism in Neotropical primates is the heterozygote superiority hypothesis, which postulates that trichromatic individuals have a fitness advantage over other phenotypes because redgreen chromatic discrimination is useful for foraging, social signaling, or predator detection. Alternative explanatory models predict that dichromatic and trichromatic phenotypes are each suited to distinct tasks. To conclusively evaluate these models, one must determine whether proposed visual advantages translate into differential fitness of trichromatic and dichromatic individuals. We tested whether color vision phenotype is a significant predictor of female fitness in a population of wild capuchins, using longterm 26 years survival and fertility data. We found no advantage to trichromats over dichromats for three fitness measures fertility rates, offspring survival and maternal survival. This finding suggests that a selective mechanism other than heterozygote advantage is operating to maintain the color vision polymorphism. We propose that attention be directed to field testing the alternative mechanisms of balancing selection proposed to explain opsin polymorphism nichedivergence, frequencydependence and mutual benefit of association. This is the first indepth, longterm study examining the effects of color vision variation on survival and reproductive success in a naturallyoccurring population of primates.  相似文献   

Animals have adapted behavioral and physiological strategies to conserve energy during periods of adverse conditions. Heterothermy is one such adaptation used by endotherms. While heterothermy—fluctuations in body temperature and metabolic rate—has been shown in large vertebrates, little is known of the costs and benefits of this strategy, both in terms of energy and in terms of fitness. Hence, our objective was to model the energetics of seasonal heterothermy in the largest Arctic ungulate, the muskox (Ovibos moschatus), using an individual‐based energy budget model of metabolic physiology. We found that the empirically based drop in body temperature (winter max ~−0.8°C) overwinter in adult females resulted in substantial fitness benefits in terms of reduced daily energy expenditure and body mass loss. Body mass and energy reserves were 8.98% and 14.46% greater in modeled heterotherms compared to normotherms by end of winter. Based on environmental simulations, we show that seasonal heterothermy can, to some extent, buffer the negative consequences of poor prewinter body condition or reduced winter food accessibility, leading to greater winter survival (+20%–30%) and spring energy reserves (+10%–30%), and thus increased probability of future reproductive success. These results indicate substantial adaptive short‐term benefits of seasonal heterothermy at the individual level, with potential implications for long‐term population dynamics in highly seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Most theoretical models of age-related mate choice predict that females should prefer older males because they have proven survival ability. An alternative view is that older males represent inferior mates because of negative genetic correlations between early and late fitness components, or because older males have traded off longevity against other fitness components, have accumulated deleterious germ-line mutations, or are less well adapted to current conditions than more recently born individuals. While numerous studies have reported female choice for older males, few have explicitly examined the fitness consequences of such a preference. We present evidence from a lekking sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis, showing that choosy females discriminate against older males and gain a fitness benefit from their choice. When permitted free choice from an aggregation consisting of males aged zero to two days (young), four to six days (middle-aged) and eight to ten days (old), females preferentially mated with middle-aged males, but all measures of female reproductive success were independent of male age. In contrast, when a second set of females was randomly assigned single virgin males of known age, the eggs of those paired to old mates exhibited lower hatching success than the eggs of females mated to young or middle-aged males. These results suggest that females avoid mating with older males because they represent poorer quality mates. Age-related differences in male quality may have a genetic basis, but could equally well arise through a phenotypic decline in sperm quality or sperm transfer ability with male age. The lack of evidence of female discrimination against older males from other studies may be because these did not explore the reproductive success of the full age range of males.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data on natural populations have been analysed using multistage models in which survival depends on reproductive stage, and individuals change stages according to a Markov chain. These models are special cases of stage-structured population models. We show that stage-structured models generate dynamic heterogeneity: life-history differences produced by stochastic stratum dynamics. We characterize dynamic heterogeneity in a range of species across taxa by properties of the Markov chain: the entropy, which describes the extent of heterogeneity, and the subdominant eigenvalue, which describes the persistence of reproductive success during the life of an individual. Trajectories of reproductive stage determine survivorship, and we analyse the variance in lifespan within and between trajectories of reproductive stage. We show how stage-structured models can be used to predict realized distributions of lifetime reproductive success. Dynamic heterogeneity contrasts with fixed heterogeneity: unobserved differences that generate variation between life histories. We show by an example that observed distributions of lifetime reproductive success are often consistent with the claim that little or no fixed heterogeneity influences this trait. We propose that dynamic heterogeneity provides a 'neutral' model for assessing the possible role of unobserved 'quality' differences between individuals. We discuss fitness for dynamic life histories, and the implications of dynamic heterogeneity for the evolution of life histories and senescence.  相似文献   

Within-species variation in animal body size predicts major differences in life history, for example, in reproductive development, fecundity, and even longevity. Purely from an energetic perspective, large size could entail larger energy reserves, fuelling different life functions, such as reproduction and survival (the “energy reserve” hypothesis). Conversely, larger body size could demand more energy for maintenance, and larger individuals might do worse in reproduction and survival under resource shortage (the “energy demand” hypothesis). Disentangling these alternative hypotheses is difficult because large size often correlates with better resource availability during growth, which could mask direct effects of body size on fitness traits. Here, we used experimental body size manipulation in the freshwater cnidarian Hydra oligactis, coupled with manipulation of resource (food) availability to separate direct effects of body size from resource availability on fitness traits (sexual development time, fecundity, and survival). We found significant interaction between body size and food availability in sexual development time in both males and females, such that large individuals responded less strongly to variation in resource availability. These results are consistent with an energy reserve effect of large size in Hydra. Surprisingly, the response was different in males and females: small and starved females delayed their reproduction, while small and starved males developed reproductive organs faster. In case of fecundity and survival, both size and food availability had significant effects, but we detected no interaction between them. Our observations suggest that in Hydra, small individuals are sensitive to fluctuations in resource availability, but these small individuals are able to adjust their reproductive development to maintain fitness.  相似文献   

For birds, unpredictable environments during the energetically stressful times of moulting and breeding are expected to have negative fitness effects. Detecting those effects however, might be difficult if individuals modulate their physiology and/or behaviours in ways to minimize short-term fitness costs. Corticosterone in feathers (CORTf) is thought to provide information on total baseline and stress-induced CORT levels at moulting and is an integrated measure of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal activity during the time feathers are grown. We predicted that CORTf levels in northern common eider females would relate to subsequent body condition, reproductive success and survival, in a population of eiders nesting in the eastern Canadian Arctic during a capricious period marked by annual avian cholera outbreaks. We collected CORTf data from feathers grown during previous moult in autumn and data on phenology of subsequent reproduction and survival for 242 eider females over 5 years. Using path analyses, we detected a direct relationship between CORTf and arrival date and body condition the following year. CORTf also had negative indirect relationships with both eider reproductive success and survival of eiders during an avian cholera outbreak. This indirect effect was dramatic with a reduction of approximately 30% in subsequent survival of eiders during an avian cholera outbreak when mean CORTf increased by 1 standard deviation. This study highlights the importance of events or processes occurring during moult on subsequent expression of life-history traits and relation to individual fitness, and shows that information from non-destructive sampling of individuals can track carry-over effects across seasons.  相似文献   

Individual animal fitness can be strongly influenced by the ability to recognize habitat features which may be beneficial. Many studies focus on the effects of habitat on annual reproductive rate, even though adult survival is typically a greater influence on fitness and population growth in vertebrate species with intermediate to long lifespans. Understanding the effects of preferred habitat on individuals over the annual cycle is therefore necessary to predict its influences on individual fitness. This is particularly true in species that are resident and territorial year‐round in the temperate zone, which may face potential trade‐offs between habitat that maximizes reproduction and that which maximizes non‐breeding season (‘over‐winter’) survival. We used a 37‐year study of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia residing territorially year‐round on a small island to examine what habitat features influenced adult over‐winter survival, how site‐specific variation in adult survival vs. annual reproductive rate influenced long‐term habitat preference, and if preferred sites on average conferred higher individual fitness. Habitat features such as area of shrub cover and exposure to intertidal coastline predicted adult over‐winter survival independent of individual age or sex, population size, or winter weather. Long‐term habitat preference (measured as occupation rate) was better predicted by site‐specific annual reproductive rate than by expected over‐winter survival, but preferred sites maximized fitness on average over the entire annual cycle,. Although adult over‐winter survival had a greater influence on population growth (λ) than did reproductive rate, the influence of reproductive rate on λ increased in preferred sites because site‐specific variation in reproductive rate was higher than variation in expected over‐winter survival. Because preferred habitats tended to have higher mean site‐specific reproductive and adult survival rates, territorial birds in this population do not appear to experience seasonal trade‐offs in preferred habitat but are predicted to incur substantial fitness costs of settling in less‐preferred sites.  相似文献   

Density-dependent age at first reproduction in the eastern kingbird   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theory predicts that maximal fitness is obtained by individuals who begin to breed immediately upon reaching sexual maturity. However, delayed breeding occurs regularly in some taxa, and in birds and mammals is most often associated with long lifespan and/or limited access to suitable habitats. Delayed breeding is not expected among relatively short-lived species such as migratory passerine birds, but this assumption remains untested in many species. Here we quantify age at first reproduction in an eastern kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus population breeding in an ecological island, and through both observational and experimental approaches, investigate the potential causes for the high frequency of delayed breeding that occurs in this population. Nearly half of the fledged nestlings that returned to the breeding grounds did not breed in their first potential breeding season. Some non-breeders occupied territories, for at least some period, but most remained as non-territorial 'floaters'. Parentage analysis failed to show any reproductive success for female floaters, and only limited success for male floaters, indicating that floating was not a successful reproductive tactic. On the other hand, a strong negative relationship existed between population size and the proportion of young birds that bred in their first year, and non-territorial birds of both sexes quickly filled territory vacancies created by experimental adult removals. Limited breeding habitat and territorial behavior of older birds thus appear to be the main causes of delayed breeding in kingbirds. The frequency of delayed breeding in most species is unknown but of potential significance because failure to incorporate accurate estimates of age at first reproduction in population models may lead to flawed population projections.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately gauge the body condition of free‐swimming cetaceans is invaluable in population and conservation biology, due to the direct implications that this measure has on individual fitness, survival, and reproductive success. Furthermore, monitoring temporal change in body condition offers insight into foraging success over time, and therefore the health of the supporting ecosystem, as well as a species’ resilience. These parameters are particularly relevant in the context of widespread and accelerated, climate‐induced habitat change. There are, however, significant logistical challenges involved with research and monitoring of large cetaceans, which often preclude direct measure of body condition of live individuals. Consequently, a wide variety of indirect approaches, or proxies, for estimating energetic stores have been proposed over past decades. To date, no single, standardized, approach has been shown to serve as a robust estimation of body condition across species, age categories, and in both live and dead individuals. Nonetheless, it is clear that streamlining and advancing body condition measures would carry significant benefits for diverse areas of cetacean research and management. Here, we review traditional approaches and new applications for the evaluation of cetacean energetic reserves. Specific attention is given to the criteria of measure performance (sensitivity and accuracy), level of invasiveness, cost and effort required for implementation, as well as versatility e.g. applicability across different species, age groups, as well as living versus deceased animals. Measures have been benchmarked against these criteria in an effort to identify key candidates for further development, and key research priorities in the field.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that within‐individual plasticity of behavioural and physiological traits is limited, resulting in stable among‐individual differences in these aspects of the phenotype. Furthermore, these traits often covary within individuals, resulting in a continuum of correlated phenotypic variation among individuals within populations and species. This heterogeneity, in turn, affects individual fitness and can have cross‐generational effects. Patterns of trait covariation, among‐individual differences, and subsequent fitness consequences have long been recognized in reptiles. Here, we provide a test of patterns of among‐individual heterogeneity in behaviour and physiology and subsequent effects on reproduction and offspring fitness in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans. We find that measures of activity levels vary among individuals and are consistent within individuals in reproductive female snakes, indicating stable behavioural phenotypes. Blood hormone and glucose concentrations are not as stable within individuals, indicating that these traits do not describe consistent physiological phenotypes. Nonetheless, the major axes of variation in maternal traits describe behavioural and physiological phenotypes that interact to predict offspring body condition and mass at birth. This differential allocation of energy to offspring, in turn, strongly influences subsequent offspring growth and survival. This pattern suggests the potential for strong selection on phenotypes defined by behaviour–physiology interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding physiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying the diversity of observed life-history strategies is challenging because of difficulties in obtaining long-term measures of fitness and in relating fitness to these mechanisms. We evaluated effects of experimentally elevated testosterone on male fitness in a population of dark-eyed juncos studied over nine breeding seasons using a demographic modeling approach. Elevated levels of testosterone decreased survival rates but increased success of producing extra-pair offspring. Higher overall fitness for testosterone-treated males was unexpected and led us to consider indirect effects of testosterone on offspring and females. Nest success was similar for testosterone-treated and control males, but testosterone-treated males produced smaller offspring, and smaller offspring had lower postfledging survival. Older, more experienced females preferred to mate with older males and realized higher reproductive success when they did so. Treatment of young males increased their ability to attract older females yet resulted in poor reproductive performance. The higher fitness of testosterone-treated males in the absence of a comparable natural phenotype suggests that the natural phenotype may be constrained. If this phenotype were to arise, the negative social effects on offspring and mates suggest that these effects might prevent high-testosterone phenotypes from spreading in the population.  相似文献   

Translocation of individuals from source populations to augment small populations facing risk of extinction is an important conservation tool. Here we examine sex‐specific differences between resident and translocated house sparrows Passer domesticus in reproductive success and survival, and the contribution of translocated individuals to the growth of a local population. We found evidence for assortative mating based on origin revealed by fewer parentages between translocated males and resident females than expected, and the total number of fledglings produced by such pairs was lower. The reproductive success of translocated males was positively related to the size of the throat badge (a sexual ornament), such that only translocated males with a large badge size were as successful as resident males. However, offspring with parents of different origin had higher survival than offspring with parents of the same origin, which suggests hybrid vigour. The contribution of resident and translocated individuals to the stochastic component of the long‐run growth rate of the population was similar; neither the mean individual contributions in fitness nor the demographic variance differed between the two groups. Thus, this experiment shows that translocated individuals may have a similar demographic influence on the growth of local populations as resident individuals. Still, the intermixing of translocated and resident individuals was low, and fitness differed according to origin in relation to individual differences in a sexually selected trait. In addition, hybrid vigour with respect to offspring recruitment seemed to partially decrease the negative fitness consequences of the assortative mating based on origin.  相似文献   

A common life history pattern in many organisms is that reproductive success increases with age. We report a similar pattern in house sparrows Passer domesticus , older individuals performed better than yearlings for most measures of reproductive success. Older males and females began breeding earlier in a given season and fledged more young than their yearling counterparts. Individual males also fledged more young in their second breeding season than they did in their first, but individual females did not show consistent improvement in reproductive success from year one to two. A path analysis indicated that age in both sexes acted primarily through the timing of breeding; earlier nesters laid more eggs and hence fledged more young but did not have more nesting attempts. We tested whether the increased reproductive success with age arose from high quality individuals surviving to be older (selection hypothesis). In contrast to the main prediction of this hypothesis that reproductive success and survival should be positively related, we found that survival from one year of age to two years of age was negatively related to reproductive success in the first year for males and females combined. Additionally, individuals that survived to breed as two-year-olds did not differ in total young fledged in their first year from those that did not survive to their second season of breeding. Our results indicate that fledgling production increases with age due to improvements in timing of breeding, particularly in females, and not because of the loss of poor breeders or increased output. Mechanisms producing age-related differences in timing of breeding warrant further study.  相似文献   

Studies on individual reproductive success in relation to interspecific competition between distantly related taxa are scarce. We studied whether the abundance of red wood ants Formica rufa -group is related to the breeding habitat selection, fecundity and offspring quality in the Eurasian treecreeper Certhia familiaris, an old-growth forest passerine. The nest-box occupancy data were gathered over a five-year study period, whereas the breeding performance analyses were based on a two-year data set. The abundance of wood ants, measured within 50  m around the nest-boxes, was not related to nest-box occupancy rate, fecundity or the physiological stress of nestlings. In contrast, the abundance of wood ants was negatively related to the offspring quality and life-history traits, such as lowered body mass, subcutaneous fat reserves, and tarsus length at fledging. Our results suggest that exploitative competition between distantly related taxa may have considerable and adverse influences on nestling quality as measured by body mass, subcutaneous, fat and tarsus length. Red wood ants may decrease the fitness of treecreepers as the lower body condition of nestlings has the potential to impair recruitment into the breeding population and, additionally, impair the future reproductive effort.  相似文献   

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