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【目的】探明光周期对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)生长发育及繁殖的影响。【方法】在实验条件下观察了5个光周期(0L︰24D,8L︰16D,12L︰12D,16L︰8D和24L︰0D)下小地老虎的生长发育和繁殖情况。【结果】随着光照时间增加,小地老虎生长速度加快,发育历期缩短,孵化率、存活率、羽化率、产卵量先增大后降低。其卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的最适光周期分别为12L︰12D或16L︰8D、16L︰8D、0L︰24D以及12L︰12D。综合来说,光周期16L︰8D最适合小地老虎的生长发育。【结论】研究结果初步揭示了不同光周期对小地老虎生长发育及繁殖状况存在显著的影响,并且不同虫态对光周期变化也呈现不同的变化规律。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠社会行为对光周期的适应格局   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘伟  房继明 《兽类学报》2001,21(3):199-205
对实验室内不同光周期条件下的布氏田鼠陌生成体—亚成体间社会行为模式的初步研究显示:不同光周期下成体对亚成体(特别是对雄性亚成体)的行为反应具性二型特征,长光照周期下(light:dark,14L:10D)成体与亚成体同性组合间的争斗较异性组合间的明显,容忍性低,其中成体雄对亚成体雄尤甚。短光照周期下(light:dark,10L:14D)成体雄对亚成体雄、成体雌对亚成体雌及亚成体雄的相容性均较成体雄对亚成体雌的容忍性低,尤成体雌对亚成体雄的排斥表现更为突出,其容忍性也较长光照条件下对应组的低。结果表明,不同光周期条件下布氏田鼠成体与亚成体间的社会行为模式不同。在自然条件下,这些行为模式是其对环境季节变化的一种有效适应,它影响种群中未成年个体存活、补充、扩散重组以及社群结构、种群空间格局季节变化,对该鼠的生存和繁殖有利。  相似文献   

本实验研究目的是在低温下诱导半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum Hellen休眠,为半闭弯尾姬蜂蜂蛹的保存技术提供科学依据。试验方法在室内温度10℃、设置4个光周期:L:D=10:14、L:D=12:12、L:D=14:10、L:D=16:8,观察半闭弯尾姬蜂蛹休眠诱导的光周期反应。结果表明,蛹是半闭弯尾姬蜂休眠的敏感虫态,休眠蛹表现出对光周期的数量反应特征,休眠诱导的临界日长在14-16 h之间。不同光周期具有不同的诱导效果,短光照促进休眠,蛹在光周期为L:D=10:14时休眠率最高,达73.03%;光周期为L:D=16:8时,则仅为10.67%。半闭弯尾姬蜂感受休眠信号的敏感期为预蛹期,进入休眠,蛹感受休眠信号以后,需要在发育条件中发育到预蛹后期,蛹才能全部进入休眠。将室内诱导的休眠蛹在10℃左右环境条件下冷藏42 d,休眠蛹仍有64.13%可以正常羽化。结论:低温和短光照是诱导该种天敌昆虫休眠的主要因子。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探明滞育诱导期和滞育期间的光周期和温度如何影响亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis滞育的强度。【方法】采用不同条件下诱导的亚洲玉米螟滞育幼虫转到不同条件下解除滞育的方法,测试了亚洲玉米螟南昌种群滞育幼虫滞育解除的光周期反应、滞育诱导期和滞育期间的光周期和温度对滞育持续时间的影响及田间越冬幼虫滞育解除的时间进程。【结果】滞育解除是由光周期控制的,临界日长为14.5 h。在25℃和28℃,光周期13L︰11D诱导的滞育个体的滞育强度显著弱于11L︰13D和12L︰12D。滞育幼虫在长光周期15L︰9D和22,25和28℃解除滞育,显示了其滞育持续时间随温度的升高显著缩短,从22℃下的72 d降到28℃下的34 d。5℃的低温处理没有缩短滞育持续时间,但低温处理同步了滞育个体的化蛹时间。越冬幼虫不同时期从自然条件下转入恒温25℃,长光周期15L︰9D和短光周期12L︰12D的条件下解除滞育,显示了越冬幼虫滞育初期对光周期仍然敏感,但这种光敏感性在1月份后丧失。3年的田间观察揭示了50%滞育幼虫的化蛹时间出现在4月末至5月上旬,50%羽化时间出现在5月中旬。【结论】亚洲玉米螟滞育幼虫的滞育强度受到滞育诱导期和滞育期间的光周期和温度的显著影响。  相似文献   

光周期对白头鹎体重、器官重量和能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光周期是四季环境变化的最直接表现因素之一,并影响动物的生理变化特征。为探讨光周期驯化对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)体重、器官重量及能量代谢的影响,以室温28℃、不同光周期(16L∶8D,LD组和8L∶16D,SD组)对两组白头鹎进行为期4周的光周期驯化,测定其体重、各器官鲜重和干重、基础代谢率(BMR)和食物摄入能、排泄能及同化能并计算同化率。结果发现,SD组个体体重、内部器官(肝、小肠)重量、BMR及同化率相应显著高于LD组个体;短光照刺激白头鹎显著降低摄入能、排泄能及同化能。这些结果表明:光周期对白头鹎的体重、器官重量、BMR及能量收支有着一定影响,并且短光照较长光照更能引起白头鹎体重、器官重量及能量代谢的明显变化,同时验证了中心限制假说,即白头鹎BMR与中心器官代谢(肝、小肠等)具有相关性,中心器官是改变白头鹎BMR的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

配偶选择是性选择研究核心问题之一。雌性通过选择高质量的雄性配偶获得直接利益,如资源、营养和保护等,也可以通过获得高质量雄性提高后代的适合度。配偶选择研究对于研究性选择机制和进化均具有重要意义。目前,对配偶选择的研究主要集中在影响配偶选择的因素及雌性"听众效应"中雄性-雄性竞争方面。鸣唱对配偶选择的影响和雄性"听众效应"中雌性-雌性竞争的研究对于探索鸟类配偶选择中信号交流、调整的方式及选择策略均具有重要意义。以灰文鸟为对象,研究了雄性鸣唱对雌性配偶选择的影响及雄性"听众效应"对雌性灰文鸟同性竞争行为的影响进行了探讨。实验一利用双向选择装置,以配偶鸣唱(求偶鸣唱或非求偶鸣唱)和非配偶鸣唱(求偶鸣唱或非求偶鸣唱)对雌鸟进行刺激,观察雌鸟对两端鸣唱的偏爱状况。实验二主要观察雌鸟之间在无听众、听众为熟悉的雄性和听众为配偶条件下的竞争行为。结果表明,雌性灰文鸟大多偏爱配偶鸣唱,相对于配偶的非求偶鸣唱更偏爱非配偶的求偶鸣唱。求偶鸣唱比非求偶鸣唱更具有吸引力,求偶鸣唱更能刺激雌性灰文鸟配偶选择的积极性,这种积极要付出更多的时间和资源,但雌鸟可以通过选择更高质量的雄性配偶获益。在配偶雄性作为听众条件下雌鸟攻击行为最高,显著高于熟悉雄性为听众的条件下,并且两者都显著高于无听众条件下雌鸟的攻击行为。雌性灰文鸟会基于不同"听众"而对雌-雌竞争行为做出适当调整。上述研究结果对于深入理解鸟类的性选择行为机制具有重要帮助作用。  相似文献   

倪小英  柳劲松 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1703-1713
光周期是四季环境变化的最直接表现因素之一,并影响动物的生理变化特征。为探讨光周期驯化对白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)体重、器官重量及能量代谢的影响,以室温28℃、不同光周期 (16L ∶ 8D,LD组和8L ∶ 16D,SD组)对两组白头鹎进行为期4周的光周期驯化,测定其体重、各器官鲜重和干重、基础代谢率(BMR)和食物摄入能、排泄能及同化能并计算同化率。结果发现,SD组个体体重、内部器官(肝、小肠)重量、BMR及同化率相应显著高于LD组个体;短光照刺激白头鹎显著降低摄入能、排泄能及同化能。这些结果表明:光周期对白头鹎的体重、器官重量、BMR及能量收支有着一定影响,并且短光照较长光照更能引起白头鹎体重、器官重量及能量代谢的明显变化,同时验证了"中心限制假说",即白头鹎BMR与中心器官代谢(肝、小肠等)具有相关性,中心器官是改变白头鹎BMR的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,采用析因设计,分别以长光照及短光照水平,测定根田鼠母体怀孕期、哺乳期及幼体断乳期光周期信息对环青春期雄性子代繁殖发育的作用,探讨雄性子代对光周期信息的反应及光周期信息的母体传递模式。检验的特定假设为,光周期能刺激和调节田鼠类动物雄体的繁殖发育;在其亲代与子代间存在光周期信息的母体传递。研究结果表明,在根田鼠亲代母体与子代幼体间具有光周期信息的母体传递。雄体的繁殖发育,不仅受母体传递光周期信息的作用,亦受断乳期光周期的影响。断乳后的光周期信息是影响雄体繁殖发育的主要信息。在长期的适应和进化过程中,根田鼠对高寒环境形成特殊的光周期信息传递格局和繁殖策略。  相似文献   

对毕氏海蓬子分别进行了不同日照长度处理及不同光周期数的短日照处理,发现:(1)毕氏海蓬子开花的临界日长为15 h;(2)在光照8 h/d处理条件下,毕氏海蓬子开花所需最少光周期数为13;(3)经过13~18个短日照(8 h光照/d)光周期数处理,再移至长日照(17 h光照/d)条件下,有成花逆转现象.  相似文献   

光周期对布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠体重和能量代谢的影响   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
本文测定了光周期对雄性布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重、基础代谢率和能量代谢的影响。动物从长光照(16L∶8D , LD) 转入短光照(8L∶16D , SD) 条件下驯化6 周(田鼠) 和7 周(沙鼠) 。结果显示: (1) 无论在LD还是SD 条件下, 两种动物的体重都趋于增加, 但反应程度不同也具有种间差异性。两种动物的体重对光周期的反应有时段性, 约14 d 前两种动物的体重增加迅速, 而后增加缓慢, 3 周左右趋于稳定。短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重分别增长了37 %和11 % , 均低于长光照组(分别为47 %和25 %) , 说明短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重增长较长光照缓慢; (2) 光照对两种动物的摄入能、消化能和可代谢能均没有显著影响,摄入能与体重的增长无关; (3) 光照对两种动物的基础代谢率无显著影响。这些结果表明: 布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠在自然环境中, 可能以光周期作为一种信号, 当环境温度降低、食物质量变劣时, 采取降低体重以减少绝对能量需求的策略而适应环境。  相似文献   

The effect of various photoperiods on circadian rhythms of chosen parameters was investigated in laboratory rats. SPF male Wistar rats were adapted for six weeks to artificial light-dark cycles (LD 8:16, 12:12, 16:8). The light was switched on at 07.00 h in all regimens. The rats were killed at 3-hour intervals within 24 h, the serum concentration of corticosterone, insulin, glucose, food and water intake was determined. The external and computative acrophases of corticosterone varied in every photoperiod being dependent on the duration of light, the mesor values decreased in LD 16:8 in comparison with other photoperiods. The external acrophase of insulin was located 4 h after light onset in LD 8:16 and 12:12, in LD 16:8 one hour before light onset. The mesor values were approximately equal in all photoperiods. The circadian rhythms of glucose were similar in all regimens. Circadian variation of food and water consumption culminated at the same time in all regimens, the amount of food consumed in light increased with the light duration. Various photoperiods remarkably influenced circadian oscillations of corticosterone and in part food and water intake which could be considered as photoperiodic traits.  相似文献   

Photoperiod treatments of 13, 14.5, 16 and 17.5 h were used to determine the photoperiodic response of the interspecific Aster hybrids 'Painted Lady', 'Snowflake' and 'Blue Butterfly' belonging to 'Butterfly' series, under glasshouse conditions. Rate of flowering was higher under 13-h photoperiods decreasing up to 16-h photoperiods. The rate of flowering for 13- and 17.5-h photoperiods was nearly similar but under the longest photoperiod flowering was erratic and sometimes abortion of the apical bud was observed. Pholoperiod affected the morphology of the plant. Increasing photo-periods up to 16 h induced an increase of internode length of the main axis, of total length of lateral shoots, the number of ray florets. In a 13-h photoperiod the plants produced a paniculate-racemose shaped inflorescence while in longer photoperiods the inflorescence was paniculate-corymbose shaped.  相似文献   

Summary Photoperiod plays an important role in controlling the annual reproductive cycle of the male lizard Anolis carolinensis. The nature of photoperiodic time measurement in Anolis was investigated by exposing anoles to 3 different kinds of lighting paradigms (resonance, T cycles, and night breaks) to determine if photoperiodic time measurement involves the circadian system. Both the reproductive response and the patterns of entrainment of the activity rhythm were assessed. The results show that the circadian system is involved in photoperiodic time measurement in this species and that a discrete photoinducible phase resides in the latter half of the animals' subjective night. Significantly, the ability of the circadian system to execute photoperiodic time measurement is crucially dependent on the length of the photoperiod. Resonance, T cycle and night break cycles utilizing a photoperiod 10–11 h in duration reveal circadian involvement whereas these same cycles utilizing 6 or 8 h photoperiods do not.Abbreviation CRPP circadian rhythm of photoperiodic sensitivity  相似文献   

Photoperiod is an important signal controlling the onset of dormancy in perennial plants. Short days typically induce growth cessation, the initiation of cold acclimation, the formation of a terminal bud. bud dormancy and other adaptive responses. Photoperiodic ecotypes have evolved in many species with large latitudinal distributions. The photoperiodic responses of two northern (53°35′ and 53°50′N) and two southern (34°10′ and 40°32′N) genotypes of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) were characterized by growing trees under a range of photoperiods in the greenhouse and growth chamber. Short days induced bud set in both ecotypes. resulting in trees with fewer leaves and less height growth than trees grown under long days. Short days also enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the northern ecotype and decreased branching of the southernmost genotype. Two aspects of the photoperiodic response were evaluated for each trail: critical photoperiod. which was defined as the longest photoperiod that elicited a short-day response, and photoperiodic sensitivity, which was defined as the change in response per unit change in photoperiod. For each of the traits analyzed, the northern ecotype had a longer critical photoperiod and greater photoperiodic sensitivity than did the southern ecotype. The short critical photoperiod and reduced photoperiodic sensitivity of the southern ecotype resulted in a significant delay in bud set compared to that of the northern ecotype, even under a 9-h photoperiod. Typically, photoperiodic ecotypes have been characterized as having different critical photoperiods. Ecotypic differences in photoperiodic sensitivity, however, indicate that differences in the photoperiodic response curves cannot be completely described by the critical photoperiod alone. These results also suggest that the critical photoperiod. photoperiodic sensitivity and speed of bud set have a common physiological basis. Bud set occurred earlier hi the northern ecotype primarily because bud scale leaves were initiated earlier. For one of the northern genotypes, leaf primordia that were initialed under long days subsequently differentiated into bud scale leaves after the trees were transferred to a 9-h photoperiod. This demonstrates that primordia initiated under long days are not necessarily committed to becoming foliage leaves. The response to photoperiod did not differ appreciably between the greenhouse and growth chamber conditions that were tested.  相似文献   

Some switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars originating in the northern USA show limited late-summer and fall growth when grown in more southerly locations despite adequate temperature and moisture. Our objective was to determine the effects of low-light photoperiod extension on the dry matter yield of switchgrass cultivars originating from contrasting latitudes. Seedlings of the four cultivars (Cave-in-Rock, 'Caddo', 'Kanlow', and 'Alamo') were grown for 100 d in a greenhouse in winter under ambient (11.2-12.2 h) and extended (18 h) photoperiods. Photoperiod extension was with 7 micromol m(-2) s(-1) photosynthetic photon flux density. Cultivars responded differently to photoperiod extension (P<0.05). Large increases in dry matter yield at extended photoperiods were observed in Cave-in-Rock (+98%) and Caddo (+129%). The dry matter yield of Kanlow increased by 31%, whereas dry matter yield of the southernmost cultivar Alamo was not affected by photoperiod extension. Yield increases for Cave-in-Rock and Caddo were associated with increased tiller number and weight. A reversal of dormancy for some cultivars with a photoperiodic signal verified that dormancy was not simply a result of a low radiant input.  相似文献   

The effect of photoperiodic history on the neuroendocrine response to intermediate daylengths (11-13.5 hr of light) was investigated in the male Syrian hamster. The duration of the nocturnal peak of pineal melatonin content was inversely proportional to photoperiod and independent of photoperiodic history. Serum levels of prolactin were lower in animals exposed to shorter photoperiods. Photoperiodic history had little effect on the response of serum prolactin to intermediate daylengths. Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were also lower in shorter photoperiods, but in addition were sensitive to the direction of photoperiodic change, so that a single photoperiod could be interpreted as either stimulatory or inhibitory to LH secretion. This effect of photoperiodic history was expressed at intermediate photoperiods with 12-13.5 hr of light. The sensitivity of serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels to photoperiodic history was masked by an early onset of photorefractoriness. Testicular size and serum testosterone levels revealed weaker effects of photoperiodic history; these were attributed to the dissociation between gonadotrophin and prolactin secretion induced by intermediate daylengths. The contrasting effects of photoperiodic history on the secretion of LH and prolactin may represent the expression of multiple photoperiodic time-measuring systems.  相似文献   

A study was made of the carry-over effect of long photoperiods followed by short photoperiods ou the fattening and gonadal response in a photoperiodic migratory species, the Blackheaded Bunting (Emberiza melanocephala). The effect was studied in photosensitive and then in photostimulated birds. Two experiments were performed: experiment I with photosensitive males and experiment II with photosensitive males exposed to 30 long photoperiods. In both of them, five groups were submitted to the following treatments for 30 days: Group S, a short daily photoperiod; Group L, a long daily photoperiod; Group LS, alternating long and short daily photoperiods; Group L 2S, one long with two short daily photoperiods; Group L 3S, one long with three short daily photoperiods. The results showed that the inductive effect of long days or the inhibitory effect of short days was affected by intervening reversed daylengths.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to define precisely the response curve for photoinduced luteinizing hormone (LH) release in feed-restricted meat-type (broiler) breeder females and to compare it with the photoperiodic response curve for advance in age at first egg (AFE). Birds with a mean body weight of 2.0kg at 20 weeks of age were transferred from an 8 to a 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 14 or 18-h photoperiod; change in plasma LH was measured 4d after photostimulation and subsequent individual AFE recorded. The first significant increase in LH secretion was seen in birds transferred to an 11.5-h photoperiod, but no further significant increases in LH were observed in birds transferred to longer photoperiods. A photoperiodic response curve based on a meta-analysis of changes in photoinduced LH secretion observed in this study and data from an earlier experiment using dwarf broiler breeders indicated a critical daylength of about 9.5h and a saturation daylength of approximately 13h. Similarly, the first significant advance in AFE occurred in birds transferred to an 11-h photoperiod, but with no further significant increases seen in birds transferred to photoperiods >11h. A response curve for photoinduced advances in AFE was produced by meta-analysis using data from the present study and from an earlier investigation involving fewer, more widely spaced photoperiods. It is concluded, in female broiler breeders, that the photoperiodic response curves for photoinduced LH release and AFE are similar, with the point at which the responses begin to rise steeply (classical critical daylength) occurring at 9.5h and the asymptote (classical saturation daylength) at 13h. Functionally, however, the minimum photoperiod to achieve a significant change in either LH secretion or advance in AFE is between 11 and 11.5h.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to elucidate the mechanism regulating its seasonal life cycle, the photoperiodic response of Achaearanea tepidariorum has been analysed. Nymphal development was faster in long-day and slower in short-day photoperiods. The combined action of low temperature, poor food supply and short daylength induced diapause at an earlier developmental stage than short days alone. Thus, photoperiod is a primary factor inducing nymphal diapause, but the diapausing instar is influenced by both temperature and food supply. Hibernating nymphs became unresponsive to photoperiod in late December. After hibernation, however, sensitivity was restored and the nymphs remained sensitive to photoperiod throughout their life. This spider could also enter an imaginal or reproductive diapause. Photoperiod was again a primary inducing factor and temperature modified the photoperiodic response to some extent. The induction of the reproductive diapause was almost temperature-compensated whereas development was not. So the involvement of a photoperiodic counter system was suggested. Irrespective of whether the nymph had experienced diapause or not, the imaginal diapause was induced in response to a short-day photoperiod after adult moult. Based on these observations, the seasonal life cycle and the adaptive significance of nymphal and imaginal diapause are discussed.  相似文献   

Saltcedar (Tamarix pentandra Pall.) stem cuttings responded vegetatively to various photoperiods of 11-, 14-, 17-, and 8 + 1-hour duration. Total stem length, average stem length, cuticle thickness, and xylem vessel member outside diameter were significantly maximal under a 14-hour photoperiod and less under photoperiods above and below this level. Numbers of stems and roots produced were significantly less in an 11-hour than under a 14-hour photoperiod; but neither was significantly different from responses under 17- and 8 + 1-hour photoperiods. Vegetative photoperiodic responses, except for cuticle thickness, were affected by a photoperiodic after-effect produced by cuttings collected on various dates. Average stem length, total stem length, and number of stems produced were significantly correlated with field photoperiods from November to May.  相似文献   

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