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光周期对白头鹎体重、器官重量和能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光周期是四季环境变化的最直接表现因素之一,并影响动物的生理变化特征。为探讨光周期驯化对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)体重、器官重量及能量代谢的影响,以室温28℃、不同光周期(16L∶8D,LD组和8L∶16D,SD组)对两组白头鹎进行为期4周的光周期驯化,测定其体重、各器官鲜重和干重、基础代谢率(BMR)和食物摄入能、排泄能及同化能并计算同化率。结果发现,SD组个体体重、内部器官(肝、小肠)重量、BMR及同化率相应显著高于LD组个体;短光照刺激白头鹎显著降低摄入能、排泄能及同化能。这些结果表明:光周期对白头鹎的体重、器官重量、BMR及能量收支有着一定影响,并且短光照较长光照更能引起白头鹎体重、器官重量及能量代谢的明显变化,同时验证了中心限制假说,即白头鹎BMR与中心器官代谢(肝、小肠等)具有相关性,中心器官是改变白头鹎BMR的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在光周期驯化中的变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为探讨光周期对树麻雀代谢产热和代谢器官变化的影响,对成年树麻雀 Passer montanus 进行温度为25℃、两种光周期16 L:8 D(LD组)和8 L:16 D(SD组)4周的气候箱驯化后,测定其体重、基础代谢率(BMR)、体脂和水分含量,以及各器官、组织的鲜重和干重.结果 显示,SD组麻雀BMR显著大于LD组,作为代谢活性器官的消化道显著增生是其BMR显著增加的主要原因之一;麻雀通过增加体重和能量储备物脂肪来实现对较长黑暗环境的适应是其成功的生存策略.SD组麻雀体重的显著增加和水分含量显著降低,说明短光照的刺激引起麻雀能量储备的增加和代谢活性器官消化道增生.光周期驯化的结果验证了"中心限制假说",即麻雀体内存在着与BMR相关的"代谢机器",中心器官(消化道)是改变麻雀BMR的基础之一.  相似文献   

基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值。"能量需求"假设认为,鸟类短期BMR的调整可以通过改变内部器官的大小来适应能量需求。以白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在10℃和30℃的不同环境中适应4周后,测定了其BMR、蒸发失水(EWL)和内部器官(心、肝、肾、胃、小肠和整体消化道)的重量,同时分析了白头鹎内部器官的变化及与BMR的关系。驯化4周后,白头鹎暖温组(30℃)的体重有明显降低的趋势;经协方差校正体重后,低温组(10℃)单位体重BMR与整体BMR明显高于暖温组,同时两组间EWL表现出显著差异。协方差分析表明,低温组白头鹎的肝脏、肾脏、小肠及总消化道重量显著高于暖温组。低温引起白头鹎能量需求增加,内部器官发生相应改变,要求摄入更多的氧气以维持代谢平衡,导致散失更多的蒸发水。  相似文献   

温度与光周期是环境季节性变化的最直接表现因子及时间变化指示标志,对动物的形态、生理及行为产生重要的影响.本文以白头鹎为研究对象,探讨了不同温度与光周期对其体质量、能量收支和消化道形态的影响,分析了能量收支与消化道形态特征的关系.将28只白头鹎(12雄16雌)分为4组:暖温长光组(30℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)、暖温短光组(30 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌)、低温长光组(10 ℃,16 L8 D;3雄4雌)和低温短光组(10 ℃,8 L16 D;3雄4雌).结果表明: 低温与短光照可促进白头鹎的体质量、摄入能及同化能明显增加,同时温度与光周期的交互作用对白头鹎的摄入能及同化能影响显著.低温条件下,胃、小肠、直肠及总消化道的湿质量及干质量明显增加.残差分析表明,小肠与总消化道的长度及干质量与摄入能和同化能显著相关.表明低温与短光照下白头鹎通过增加体质量、能量摄入和改变消化道形态来应对严酷的环境条件.  相似文献   

白头鹎的代谢率与器官重量在季节驯化中的可塑性变化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
动物能量代谢的生理生态特征与物种的分布和丰富度密切相关,基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值,是内温动物能量预算的重要组成部分.本研究测定了白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)的BMR、内部器官(肝、心、肌胃、小肠、肾和整体消化道)和肌肉的重量,分析了白头鹎内部器官和肌肉重量的季节性变化及与BMR的关系.方差分析表明,白头鹎的BMR存在明显的季节性变化,冬季较高,夏季最低.其内部器官及肌肉重量的变化同样有明显的季节性.相关分析表明,白头鹎的BMR与肝、心、消化道等内部器官和肌肉重量存在明显的相关性.  相似文献   

光周期对布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠体重和能量代谢的影响   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
本文测定了光周期对雄性布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重、基础代谢率和能量代谢的影响。动物从长光照(16L∶8D , LD) 转入短光照(8L∶16D , SD) 条件下驯化6 周(田鼠) 和7 周(沙鼠) 。结果显示: (1) 无论在LD还是SD 条件下, 两种动物的体重都趋于增加, 但反应程度不同也具有种间差异性。两种动物的体重对光周期的反应有时段性, 约14 d 前两种动物的体重增加迅速, 而后增加缓慢, 3 周左右趋于稳定。短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重分别增长了37 %和11 % , 均低于长光照组(分别为47 %和25 %) , 说明短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重增长较长光照缓慢; (2) 光照对两种动物的摄入能、消化能和可代谢能均没有显著影响,摄入能与体重的增长无关; (3) 光照对两种动物的基础代谢率无显著影响。这些结果表明: 布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠在自然环境中, 可能以光周期作为一种信号, 当环境温度降低、食物质量变劣时, 采取降低体重以减少绝对能量需求的策略而适应环境。  相似文献   

为探讨在同时逐渐缩短光照时间和降低温度的过程中,动物能量代谢水平和身体成分的适应性变化, 我们以成年雄性布氏田鼠为对象, 测定了温度为20℃ 和光周期为12L:12D (对照组),以及从温度为20℃ 和长光照条件(16L:8D)逐渐转换到温度为4℃ 和短光照条件(8L:16D)的过程中(实验组), 其体重、静止代谢率和能量摄入的变化, 以及经过8 周驯化后身体器官和组织重量的变化。结果发现:实验组动物的体重增长率低于对照组。在驯化期间, 静止代谢率无组内和组间差异。实验组动物的干物质摄入、能量摄入和消化能等组内差异不明显, 但对照组动物在驯化的第8 周显著降低。实验组动物的能量摄入水平在驯化后显著升高;小肠和胃的干重, 以及小肠和心脏等器官的湿重也都显著高于对照组。结果表明,布氏田鼠能够采取降低体重、增加能量摄入和调整体内某些器官和组织重量的方式来适应变化的环境条件。  相似文献   

攻击行为是增强个体生存能力和提高繁殖成功机会的最有效竞争方式之一。为理解攻击行为对小型哺乳动物能量学收支策略的影响,以具有独居且好斗习性的黑线仓鼠为研究对象,基于居留者-入侵者(resident-intruder)争斗方式将入侵鼠放入居留鼠笼中(10min / d),21d后测定能量摄入、基础代谢率(BMR),分析BMR和内脏器官重量的相关性。结果显示,攻击行为使居留组BMR增加了26.2%,使摄入能和消化能显著增加。居留组体重、胴体重,以及某些代谢活性器官(肝脏、肺脏、肾脏、胃、小肠和盲肠)重量显著增加,且这些器官重量与BMR显著正相关。结果表明,增加能量摄入和BMR是黑线仓鼠应对攻击行为的主要能量学收支策略;在种内个体之间强烈的攻击行为可能是该鼠维持较高水平BMR的原因之一。  相似文献   

动物的生理昼夜节律是对环境昼夜变化的一种重要适应。为探讨白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)体温、体重及能量代谢的昼夜节律变化,采用数字式温度计、电子天平及封闭式流体压力呼吸仪,测定了白头鹎的日体温、日体重和昼夜基础代谢率(BMR)。结果发现:白头鹎日体温及日体重变化存在显著差异,其中夜间体温明显低于白昼,并在4:00时体温呈现最低值;而白头鹎夜间体重显著低于白昼,在4:00时达到最小值,在18:00时达到最大值。另外,白头鹎的BMR也表现出了明显的昼夜差异,夜间BMR显著低于白昼。表明白头鹎体温、体重及能量代谢存在显著的昼夜节律变化,并调节达到自身生理能量平衡,从而适应昼夜环境变化。  相似文献   

为探讨光周期对麻雀基础能耗和性腺重量的影响,对25℃和3种不同光周期的麻雀进行4周人工气候箱驯化后,分别比较了雌、雄麻雀的体重、个体BMR和性腺的鲜重和干重.结果显示,光周期作为繁殖的信号对麻雀性腺重量有极显著的影响.雄麻雀的体重、个体基础能耗和性腺重量的变化幅度比雌麻雀显著,繁殖初期的雄麻雀很可能要早于雌麻雀进入繁殖状态;随光周期的延长和性腺重量的增加,麻雀个体的基础能耗呈现递减趋势.总之,较低的生存压力和个体基础能耗的降低是麻雀繁殖的基础和前提.繁殖初期麻雀拥有相对较低的体重和个体BMR,这是麻雀个体的生存、繁殖与生存压力之间能量预算的结果,也是生存能耗和繁殖能耗与个体适合度之间进行能量预算的结果.  相似文献   

We analyzed the metaproteome of the bacterial community resident in the hindgut paunch of the wood-feeding ‘higher'' termite (Nasutitermes) and identified 886 proteins, 197 of which have known enzymatic function. Using these enzymes, we reconstructed complete metabolic pathways revealing carbohydrate transport and metabolism, nitrogen fixation and assimilation, energy production, amino-acid synthesis and significant pyruvate ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase protein redundancy. Our results suggest that the activity associated with these enzymes may have more of a role in the symbiotic relationship between the hindgut microbial community and its termite host than activities related to cellulose degradation.  相似文献   

Bivariate femoral length allometry in recent humans, Pan, and Gorilla is investigated with special reference to the diminutive Liang Bua (LB) 1 specimen (the holotype of Homo floresiensis) and six early Pleistocene femora referred to the genus Homo. Relative to predicted body mass, Pan and Gorilla femora show strong negative length allometry while recent human femora evince isometry to positive allometry, depending on sample composition and line-fitting technique employed. The allometric trajectories of Pan and Homo show convergence near the small body size range of LB 1, such that LB 1 manifests a low percentage deviation (dyx of Smith [1980]) from the Pan allometric trajectory and falls well within the 95% confidence limits around the Pan individuals (but also outside the 95% confidence limits for recent Homo). In contrast, the six early Pleistocene Homo femora, belonging to larger individuals, show much greater dyx values from both Pan and Gorilla and fall well above the 95% confidence limits for these taxa. All but one of these Pleistocene Homo specimens falls within the 95% confidence limits of the recent human sample. Similar results are obtained when femoral length is regressed on femoral head diameter in unlogged bivariate space. Regardless of the ultimate taxonomic status of LB 1, these findings are consistent with a prediction made by us (Franciscus and Holliday, 1992) that hominins in the small body size range of A.L. 288-1 (“Lucy”), including members of the genus Homo, will tend to possess short, ape-like lower limbs as a function of body size scaling.  相似文献   

We examined the association between body mass and metabolic rate in Drosophila melanogaster under a variety of conditions. These included comparisons of body mass and metabolic rate in flies from different laboratory lines measured at different ages, over different metabolic sampling periods, and comparisons using wet versus dry mass data. In addition, the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate was determined for flies recently collected from wild populations. In no case was there a significant correlation between body mass and metabolic rate. These results indicate that care must be taken when attempting to account for the effects of body mass on metabolic rate. Expressing such data in mass-specific units may be an inappropriate method of attempting to control for the effects of differences in body mass.  相似文献   

Glutathione-S-transferase has been detected in the somatic extract and excretory-secretory products of different life stages of Setaria cervi, a bovine filarial parasite. The enzyme was subjected to MALDI-TOF followed by mass spectrometry and the nearest match found was Pleuronectes platessa GST. Molecular mass of the purified enzyme was approximately 26 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF. Setaria cervi GST exhibited high activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and ethacrynic acid. Kinetic analysis with respect to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and glutathione as substrate revealed a K(m) of 2.22 mM and 0.61 mM, respectively. The activity was inhibited significantly by Cibacron blue and alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

Estimates of body mass often represent the founding assumption on which biomechanical and macroevolutionary hypotheses are based. Recently, a scaling equation was applied to a newly discovered titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur (Dreadnoughtus), yielding a 59 300 kg body mass estimate for this animal. Herein, we use a modelling approach to examine the plausibility of this mass estimate for Dreadnoughtus. We find that 59 300 kg for Dreadnoughtus is highly implausible and demonstrate that masses above 40 000 kg require high body densities and expansions of soft tissue volume outside the skeleton several times greater than found in living quadrupedal mammals. Similar results from a small sample of other archosaurs suggests that lower-end mass estimates derived from scaling equations are most plausible for Dreadnoughtus, based on existing volumetric and density data from extant animals. Although volumetric models appear to more tightly constrain dinosaur body mass, there remains a clear need to further support these models with more exhaustive data from living animals. The relative and absolute discrepancies in mass predictions between volumetric models and scaling equations also indicate a need to systematically compare predictions across a wide size and taxonomic range to better inform studies of dinosaur body size.  相似文献   

Comparative proteomics of Cannabis sativa plant tissues.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Comparative proteomics of leaves, flowers, and glands of Cannabis sativa have been used to identify specific tissue-expressed proteins. These tissues have significantly different levels of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids accumulate primarily in the glands but can also be found in flowers and leaves. Proteins extracted from glands, flowers, and leaves were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Over 800 protein spots were reproducibly resolved in the two-dimensional gels from leaves and flowers. The patterns of the gels were different and little correlation among the proteins could be observed. Some proteins that were only expressed in flowers were chosen for identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprint database searching. Flower and gland proteomes were also compared, with the finding that less then half of the proteins expressed in flowers were also expressed in glands. Some selected gland protein spots were identified: F1D9.26-unknown prot. (Arabidopsis thaliana), phospholipase D beta 1 isoform 1a (Gossypium hirsutum), and PG1 (Hordeum vulgare). Western blotting was employed to identify a polyketide synthase, an enzyme believed to be involved in cannabinoid biosynthesis, resulting in detection of a single protein.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) have been implicated as playing major roles in cellular interactions and control of cell proliferation in muticellular organisms. Moreover GSLs and other sphingolipids such as sphingomyelins, ceramides and sphingosines serve a variety of roles in signal transduction. Hence, identification of structures of GSLs in different biota will shed light in understanding their physiological role. During this study, the major glycosphingolipid component present in the extracts of stage-12 and stage-17/18 metamorphosing adults of Manduca sexta was identified as mactosyl ceramide. We report the isolation of several ceramide disaccharides, a ceramide trisaccharide and a ceramide tetrasaccharide. The GSL structures were confirmed by high-resolution mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry. The identity of the monosaccharides was proved using exoglycosidases. The predominant sphingosine chain-length varied from C-14 (tetradecasphing-4-enine) to C-16 (hexadecasphing-4-enine) in these GSLs. Sphingosines of both chain lengths were accompanied by their doubly unsaturated counterparts tetradecasphinga-4,6-diene and hexadecasphinga-4,6-diene. It is also interesting to note the presence of tetradecasphinganine and hexadecasphinganine in minute amounts in the form of a GSL in the extracts of M. sexta. The varying degrees of unsaturation in the sphingosine moiety of GSLs in M. sexta may be biologically significant in insect metamorphosis. The ceramide trisaccharides and ceramide tetrasaccharide belong to the arthro-series, The observation of fucose in the M. sexta GSLs is the first report of the presence of fucose in an arthroseries GSL.  相似文献   

Sterols from free sterol and steryl ester fractions from Heterodera zeae and from total lipids of Zea mays roots were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and by GLC-mass spectrometry. The major free sterols of H. zeae were 24-ethylcholesterol (54.4% of total free sterol), 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (13.3%), 24-methylcholesterol (12.5%), and cholesterol (7.2%). The same four sterols comprised 34.6%, 7.2%, 30.3%, and 18.6%, respectively, of the esterified sterols of H. zeae. Corn root sterols included 46.6% 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol, 16.7% methylcholesterol, 16.4% cycloartenol, 12.7% 24-ethylcholesterol, and 0.5% cholesterol. The sterol 24-composition of H. zeae differed greatly from that of the only other cyst nematode previously investigated, Globodera solanacearum.  相似文献   

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