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草蜥属两种蜥蜴卵和幼体特征的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较研究了南草蜥和北草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。南草蜥产卵雌体的体长、最大窝卵数、平均卵重小于北草蜥 ,相对窝卵重与北草蜥相似。两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重 ,但卵外形明显不同 ,南草蜥的卵较长。两种蜥蜴卵孵化过程中均吸水增重。相同孵化温度 ( 2 6℃ )条件下 ,南草蜥的孵化期明显比北草蜥长。南草蜥幼体的体重、体长、头长和头宽的实测值小于北草蜥 ,尾长实测值与北草蜥无显著差异。南草蜥幼体的体重、头长和头宽的矫正平均值小于北草蜥 ,尾长矫正平均值大于北草蜥 ,体长矫正平均值与北草蜥无显著差异。  相似文献   

比较研究了南草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。南草蜥产卵雌体的体长、最大窝卵数、平均卵重小于北草蜥,相对放重与北草蜥相似。两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重,但卵处形明显不同,南草蜥的卵孵化过程中均吸水增重。相同孵化温度(26℃)条件下,南草蜥的孵化期明显比北草蜥长。南草蜥幼体的体重、体长、头长和头宽的实测值小于北草蜥,尾长实测值与是蜥显著差异。南草晰幼体的体重、头长和头宽的矫正平均值小于北草  相似文献   

东方田鼠两亚种幼体生长特征参数的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在相同驯养条件下同步测定东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)指名亚种和长江亚种幼体的生长特征参数。两亚种初生幼体表型特征无明显差异。采用Von Bertalanffy生长模型对两亚种幼体的体重、体长和尾长,以Logistic生长方程对后足长生长过程进行拟合与描述。指名亚种雄体渐近体重、体长和尾长均大于或显著大于长江亚种,雌体前者小于后者;两亚种在17~20 d体重均已产生性二型分化,长江亚种两性个体渐近体重、体长和尾长差值大于指名亚种。两亚种雌体体重、体长、尾长和后足生长速率均相应地大于雄体,体重生长曲线拐点出现时间、瞬时生长率曲线拐点出现时间较体长、尾长和后足长明显迟缓。两亚种两性个体的后足长生长速率要大于其体重、体长和尾长。结果表明,(1)雌体较雄体早熟;(2)雄性体重指名亚种大于长江亚种,雌体相反,指名亚种性二型现象较长江亚种明显;(3)后足长较体重、体长和尾长较早地达到成熟时的大小;(4)两亚种幼体性二型分化时间早于其性成熟过程。  相似文献   

通过比较抱对和非抱对普通东方小蛙(Crinia signifera) 的吻尾干骨长(体长) 和检测个体较大或状态较好的雄体是否为成功繁殖个体, 检测雌蛙体长与交配成功的雄蛙的体长和相对状态(体重/体长) 之间是否存在线形关系, 评估交配与个体大小之间的关系。在实验室内, 令未交配雌体选择随机选出的雄体, 观测雌体是否与最大的雄体交配; 将抱对的蛙暴露于其它雄蛙, 观测其它较大或较小的雄蛙是否取代已抱对的雄蛙。结果表明: 抱对雄蛙和雌蛙的个体大小无显著的关系, 成功交配的雄蛙并不比未交配的雄蛙大, 其它雄蛙不能取代已抱对的雄蛙。在这一C. signifera种群中, 繁殖盛期雄性个体的大小似乎不影响交配成功率, 在此期间即便存在配偶选择, 亦决定于与雄性个体大小无关的其它因素。在更长的繁殖期内, 雄性个体大小则与交配成功率有关, 这是该种的典型特征。  相似文献   

黑斑侧褶蛙的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
测定了黑斑侧褶蛙成体的体长、体重、头长、头宽、眼径、鼓膜径、前肢长、后肢长等形态指标以及雌体的怀卵数量。黑斑侧褶蛙雌体的体长和体重显著大于雄体。其它局部形态特征指标与体长呈正相关,协方差分析表明,雄体的鼓膜径大于雌体,其余形态指标不存在明显的两性差异。黑斑侧褶蛙雌体怀卵数量与体长和体重皆成正相关关系,表明黑斑侧褶蛙通过增加个体大小增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

密点麻蜥的两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宏  计翔  屈彦福  高建芳  章玲 《动物学报》2006,52(2):250-255
蜥蜴繁殖成功率与其形态特征有密切的关系。作者在内蒙古乌拉特后旗采集密点麻蜥(Eremias multio-cellata) ,定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖特征,检验与成体形态特征相关的两性繁殖成功率差异是否能促进两性异形的进化。密点麻蜥成体个体大小无显著的两性差异,但头部大小两性差异显著;雄性个体的头长和头宽均大于体长相同的雌性成体。繁殖雌体于五、六月份排卵;在实验室条件下,雌体在六月下旬至七月下旬之间产仔。该种雌体年产单窝仔,每窝2 -4仔。窝仔重与雌体体长呈正相关,但雌体体长仅能解释很少一部分(约19 %)窝仔重的变异。窝仔数和幼仔重均与雌体体长无关。幼仔重与相对生育力(相对于雌体体长的窝仔数)呈显著的负相关,表明该种蜥蜴存在后代数量-大小之间的权衡。密点麻蜥雄体和雌体向较大体型方向进化的选择压力均相对较弱,与成体头部大小相关的两性繁殖成功率的差异是导致该种蜥蜴头部大小两性异形进化的主要原因[动物学报52 (2) : 250 -255 , 2006]。  相似文献   

四川辖曼自然保护区硬刺高原鳅生物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对四川若尔盖辖曼自然保区220尾硬刺高原鳅的生物学进行了研究。硬刺高原鳅体长22.56~98.56mm,体重0.12~13.98g;体重与体长呈显著的幂函数关系:W=0.0095L3.2033(r=0.9956)。Fulton肥满度雌体平均为1.35,雄体平均为1.37;Clark肥满度雌体平均为1.03,雄体平均为1.05。雄性成熟个体最小体长为74.61mm,体重为5.79g。雌性成熟个体最小体长为71.06mm,体重为5.20g。平均绝对怀卵量5175粒/尾。食性主要为摇蚊幼虫,其次是藻类和维管植物。  相似文献   

宁波滑蜥两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蜥蜴的雌性繁殖特征对理解两性异形的进化原因起着重要作用。于2011年4月在安徽滁州采集宁波滑蜥(Scincella modesta),定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,检验成体形态特征两性异形与雌性繁殖的相关性。研究共采集43条(17♀♀,26♂♂)宁波滑蜥,雄性和雌性个体的最大体长分别为47.4 mm和46.6 mm。雌雄两性在体长和头宽上没有差异,而在腹长和头长上差异显著,雄性有较大的头长,雌性有较大的腹长。宁波滑蜥年产单窝卵。窝卵数和窝卵重与雌体体长及腹长呈正相关,卵重与雌体体长无相关性。窝卵数及卵重的变异系数分别为0.20和0.12。卵长径与窝卵数呈负相关,而卵短径与窝卵数无关。雌体主要通过增加窝卵数来增加繁殖输出。这些结果表明,宁波滑蜥是雌雄个体大小同形的两性异形模式,性选择使得雄性有着较大的头长,以具有较高的交配成功率,生育力选择使得雌性有着较大的腹长,以具有较大的生育力和繁殖输出。  相似文献   

丽纹攀蜥头体大小的两性异形和繁殖期的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林植华 《四川动物》2004,23(3):277-280
测定了丽纹攀蜥的体长、头长、头宽、头高、尾长和体重等形态指标,以及通过44天的生长后体长、头长、头宽和头高的增长。表明成年两性个体体长无显著的两性异形,局部形态特征皆与体长呈正相关。协方差分析表明,雄性的头长、头宽、头高和尾长显著大于雌性个体,繁殖期雌性个体的体重显著大于雄性个体。丽纹攀蜥繁殖期雄性体长的增长显著大于雌性体长的增长,雌雄两性头长、头宽和头高的增长无显著的差异。  相似文献   

本研究以黑眶蟾蜍(Duttaphrynus melanostictus)为研究对象,通过对比黑眶蟾蜍抱对个体的体长、头长、头宽、眼间距、鼓膜径、耳后腺长、眼径、前臂及手长、前肢长以及后肢长等形态特征,分析雌性黑眶蟾蜍繁殖输出与其体型的关系,探究黑眶蟾蜍两性异形模式及其与雌性生育力的关系;同时通过对配对个体形态学特征的相关性分析探究了黑眶蟾蜍的配对模式。结果表明,黑眶蟾蜍雌性体长和体重显著大于雄体;两性的所有局部形态特征均与体长成正相关;去除体长因素影响后,雄性头长以及后肢长均明显大于雌性,其余局部形态特征两性间则皆无显著差异。雌体的窝卵重、窝卵数均与其体长和体重成正相关关系。雌性成体的前肢长与抱对雄性成体的前肢长之间呈显著正相关,其余形态特征两性间均无相关性。研究表明,生育力选择是导致黑眶蟾蜍两性异形的重要驱动力;黑眶蟾蜍的选型配对模式未表现在个体大小上,而是体现在局部特征(前肢长),这不仅为揭示两栖类配对模式的普遍性提供了参考,还表明对两栖类选型配对的研究应以多个性状为对象。  相似文献   

Simulation of the sterile insect release process was carried out based on a system which consisted of a logistic population model and Poisson-binomial model for normal, sterile and combined matings. From the results, relationship between the intrinsic rate of natural increase and the sterile vs. normal ratio necessary to attain eradication of the target pest species were presented. The effects of weakened sperm competitiveness and the increased number of matings per female were not so strong. On the other hand, a given rate of immigration could be a cause of failure of the eradication. A simple method to calculate relationship between hatchability and sterile vs. normal ratio was presented.  相似文献   

通过野外交配系统试验和传粉昆虫观察, 以铃铛子( Anisodus luridus) 和赛莨菪( A. carniolicoides)为研究对象, 探讨了山莨菪属内自交亲和系统的进化与传粉昆虫的转变。结果表明, 铃铛子和赛莨菪均属于自交完全亲和的类群, 但两个种的自动自交能力均不强, 而且都存在传粉限制。北方黄胡蜂( Vespula rufarufa) 和石长黄胡蜂( Dolichovespula saxonica) 分别是铃铛子和赛莨菪的主要传粉昆虫, 自然状态下两种昆虫的传粉效率均比较高, 但两种昆虫访问两种植物时传递花粉的方式不同, 其中北方黄胡蜂主要促进了铃铛子的花间传粉, 而石长黄胡蜂访花引起赛莨菪同一朵花内的传粉。通过与该属的另一种植物山莨菪(A. tanguticus) 的传粉机制比较, 发现在山莨菪属的物种分化过程中, 由自交不亲和转变为自交完全亲和, 传粉昆虫也发生了转变, 证明了自交亲和系统存在于起源较晚的类群中。高山环境中频繁且不可预测的降雨可能降低了传粉昆虫的活动能力, 进而导致铃铛子和赛莨菪均存在传粉限制。  相似文献   

Intense competition between males for reproduction has led to the evolution of alternative mating tactics (AMTs). Feral goat males usually use a tactic called tending, in which they defend oestrous females from other males. Males may also use a second mating tactic called coursing, in which they gain access to oestrous females by disturbing a tending pair. Herein, we examine estimated mating success (EMS) and risks of using these tactics. Tending was only used by mature (≥4 years old), higher-ranking males and accounted for 75% of EMS. Coursing was used by males of all ages and dominance ranks, and accounted for 25% of EMS. Using coursing, male kids achieved 8% of EMS. Mature males achieved 92% of EMS. Both age and dominance rank were related to EMS, but age was not important after its relationship with dominance was controlled. Tending bouts were, on average, ca. 30 min long, while coursing bouts only averaged ca. 2 min. Males were more likely to suffer a butt while coursing than while tending, and formerly tending males were responsible for most butts. Kids that coursed had the highest risk of being butted. In most AMTs, there are reductions in the risks in relation to low fitness benefits. However, we found that the risks of butts during coursing were high, while our evidence suggests that the EMS was probably low. Nevertheless, the existence of an effective AMT in male feral goats may have an important influence on the intensity of sexual selection and the effective population size.  相似文献   

Extra-pair mating has been proposed as a source of sexual selection responsible for secondary sexual traits that are common among socially monogamous birds, although supporting evidence is scant. In the socially monogamous yellow warbler, males are larger than females, and unlike females, have extensive reddish streaking on their breasts. Using DNA fingerprinting we show that within-pair parentage was positively related to male size, and that extra-pair mating success was positively related to the amount of streaking on the breast. To our knowledge, this is the first intraspecific evidence of an association between a male plumage ornament and gains of extra-pair paternity that is apparently independent of age. This study confirms that extra-pair mating can be an important mechanism of sexual selection even when the most successful sires are commonly cuckolded, and refutes a previous hypothesis that the variation in plumage and behaviour among male yellow warblers is an example of alternative, equally successful, evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS). More generally, the demonstrated independence of within-pair and extra-pair success and their associated traits indicates that where animals have multiple secondary sexual traits, different traits may be selected by different mechanisms that contribute to total reproductive success.  相似文献   

The ciliate Dileptus anser is increasingly used as a laboratory model not only in protozoological research sensu stricto, but also in general biology. However, genetic studies of this ciliate have never been carried out, and this species is new to the comparative genetics of ciliates. This review describes the genetic experiments conducted at the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the last 50 years. Two characters that are classical for the genetics of ciliates, serotypes and mating types were selected for analysis. The results presented do not fit into conventional genetic schemes and may have epigenetic nature. Features of this model that were revealed earlier (the simplest possible system of multiple mating types, full serial dominance of the alleles in the mat locus, the excretion of pheromones, etc.) are promising with regard to interesting comparisons of breeding systems in ciliates. The results obtained in studies of mating pheromones in D. anser have demonstrated that this model is a perspective one for further exploration of intercellular recognition in lower eukaryotes and of other related issues.  相似文献   

An important aim of organic animal production is to allow natural animal behaviour. Regarding reproduction techniques, artificial insemination is permitted but natural mating is preferred. The outdoor multi-sire system, where the sows are placed in large paddocks with a group of boars, is one example of a service system, which complies well with the organic ideals of facilitating natural animal behavior. However, very little knowledge is available about such system. Seven groups of in total of 47 sows and 31 boars were observed to study the mating behavior in an outdoor multi-sire mating system and the subsequent reproduction results. The time of start of courtship, behavior and the cause of disruption if the courtship was terminated, were recorded each time a boar courted a sow. All aggressive interactions between the boars were also recorded to estimate the boar ranking order. The observations revealed numerous poor quality matings, a huge variation in the number of times sows are mated, and overworked boars. Only 35% of all copulations lasted 2 min or more and 63% of all copulations were disrupted, mainly by competitor boars. The higher social status of the boar, the more copulations did it disrupt (p < 0.05). The outcome was an unacceptable variation in reproduction results. Only 71% of all estrus sows conceived, corresponding to a pregnancy rate of 77% of all mated sows. A large inter-group variation in reproduction performance was observed, indicating scope for improvements. In some groups all sows showed estrus and all sows conceived. Recommendations for improvement of the system are proposed.  相似文献   

Since the seminal works of Draper and Harpending (1982) and Belsky et al. (1991) there has been considerable interest in the link between the family environment experienced as a child and consequent mating and reproductive strategy of females. In this paper, predictions from the hypothesis were tested using postal survey data from a cross-section of 415 women in Merseyside, UK. No relationships were found between father-absence, unrelated male-presence, parental divorce or parental death with age at first coitus, number of sexual partners, mean length of sexual relationships or mean length of relationships prior to coitus occurring. This work was supported by an Economic and Social Research Council Studentship. This paper was completed as part of the author’s doctoral research that focused on differences in age at first reproduction between social classes in the UK, conducted at the University of Liverpool. The author now works for the Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.  相似文献   

Mating frequency of both sexes in a natural population of the papilionid butterfly Luehdorfia japonica was studied with special attention to the role of sphragis in preventing multiple matings by females. Males patrolled continuously within a patchy habitat throughout the warm daylight period in search for females. Mating took place without specialized courtship behavior. Males also attempted to copulate forcibly with previously mated females, but the presence of sphragis and/or the escape reaction of females prevented copulation. There was no specialized mate rejection behavior. Females mated early in their adult life, mainly on the day of emergence, and the frequency of mated females reached 100% within the first two or three weeks of their flight period. Spermatophore counts based on dissections of wild females possessing a sphragis indicated that they had never remated. Males were sexually active throughout their adult life. Male mating frequency was estimated from an index of scale-loss from the claspers and frequencies of males which had not mated, and those which had mated once, twice or three or more times were respectively estimated to be 33.7%, 40.3%, 18.2% and 7.8%.  相似文献   

Mating behavior and paternity of offspring of wild patas monkeys were studied at Kala Maloue National Park, Cameroon. Observation of patas groups over three years revealed that multi-male situations occurred after takeover of the position of a resident male. Direct observation of behavior showed that resident males (harem males) occupied only 31% of mating in multi-male situations and 100% in one-male situations. DNA-typing revealed that resident males sired two of four of infants in the one-male situation and four of five in the multi-male situation. Under the two years cycle of the one-male situation and the multi-male situation, calculation shows that resident males sired more offspring than sneakers both in observation and paternity testing. Sneak mating occurred during both one-male and multi-male situations, and resident males performed compensatory mating, with dilution of sneaker sperm; these activities explain the discrepancy found between observation of mating and results of paternity discrimination.  相似文献   

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