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目的:评价尿液转流在修复尿道下裂术后复杂性尿瘘术中的作用。方法:将40例尿道下裂术后复杂性尿瘘患者随机分为尿液转流组和非尿液转流组两组进行比较。结果:尿液转流组:25例患者术后尿道皮肤瘘复发两例,手术成功率99.2%。非尿液转流组:15例患者中有6例(40%)发生尿瘘复发。结论:尿道下裂术后复杂性尿瘘修复术中应用尿液转流有较好的效果。  相似文献   

杨小燕 《蛇志》2017,(1):58-59
目的探讨尿道下裂术后2种不同尿液引流方式的临床护理和效果。方法选取我院泌尿外科2014年8月~2016年8月收治的46例接受尿道下裂成形术治疗的患者为研究对象。根据术后尿液引流方式不同分为A、B两组,其中A组22例患者采用新尿道内留置支架管的方式引流,B组24例患者采用耻骨上膀胱造瘘管+新尿道内留置支架管的方式引流,两组患者均按照尿道下裂术后护理常规实施术后护理,并根据尿液的不同引流方式给予相关护理。结果两组患者均顺利完成手术治疗,术后采用耻骨上膀胱造瘘管+新尿道内留置支架管方式引流尿液的B组尿瘘及尿道狭窄发生率显著低于实施新尿道内留置支架管引流尿液的A组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论尿道下裂术后采用耻骨上膀胱造瘘管+新尿道内留置支架管方式引流尿液,能有效保持尿液及分泌物的充分引流,减少管道堵塞的发生,减少术后尿瘘和尿道狭窄的发生,提高了手术成功率,提高了患者满意度。  相似文献   

目的:总结Ⅰ期手术治疗尿道下裂的方法及疗效.方法:分析本科室2008年9月至2010年3月期间收治的尿道下裂126例患者,其中98例为采用侧背侧皮瓣的OUPFⅡ法;另28例阴茎下弯畸形较严重,采用切除尿道板加尿道口旁皮瓣的OUPFⅣ法的治疗方法和效果等临床资料.结果:126例中115例病例得到治愈,治愈率为91.3%.11例出现术后并发症:10例术后并发尿瘘,均为针尖样尿道皮肤瘘口,其中3例多发瘘口,7例单发瘘口,均已行补瘘术.另1例为尿道外口狭窄,定期行尿道扩张术可获得满意疗效.结论:OUPF法尿道成形手术适合于几乎所有尿道下裂患者,是一种很好的手术方法,具有手术时间短,取材方便,术后恢复快,阴茎外观满意,尿道狭窄、尿瘘、阴茎下弯畸形等并发症少等优点.  相似文献   

阴囊纵隔血管蒂皮瓣尿道成形Ⅰ期治疗尿道下裂26例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍阴囊纵隔皮瓣尿道成形术Ⅰ期修复尿道下裂的方法.方法:于阴囊纵隔部设计以纵隔血管为蒂,宽1.5~2cm,长等于尿道外口至冠状沟距离的皮瓣,切取后成形尿道,修复下裂.结果:本组26例皮瓣全部成活,成形尿道排尿通畅.术后6例出现尿漏,4例换药治疗后自行愈合,2例半年后行瘘修补.随访6月至2年,无尿瘘及尿道狭窄.阴茎功能及外形满意.结论:阴囊纵隔皮瓣尿道成形术是Ⅰ期治疗尿道下裂的良好方法.  相似文献   

张志斌  万伟东 《生物磁学》2009,(22):4295-4296,4302
目的:介绍阴囊纵隔皮瓣尿道成形术I期修复尿道下裂的方法。方法:于阴囊纵隔部设计以纵隔血管为蒂,宽1.5~2cm,长等于尿道外口至冠状沟距离的皮瓣,切取后成形尿道,修复下裂。结果:本组26例皮瓣全部成活,成形尿道排尿通畅。术后6例出现尿漏,4例换药治疗后自行愈合,2例半年后行瘘修补。随访6月至2年,无尿瘘及尿道狭窄,阴茎功能及外形满意。结论:阴囊纵隔皮瓣尿道成形术是I期治疗尿道下裂的良好方法。  相似文献   

目的:比较括约肌间瘘管结扎术与切开挂线术治疗复杂性肛瘘的临床疗效,探讨复杂性肛瘘的最佳手术方式。方法:选择同期复杂性肛瘘患者80例,根据患者自愿的原则,随机均分为对照组(n=40例)和观察组(n=40例),对照组采取切开挂线术治疗,观察组采取括约肌间瘘管结扎术治疗,比较两组患者治疗后临床疗效及术后状况。结果:治疗后两组患者临床满意例数比较,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);平均住院时间、平均创口愈合时间、术后明显疼痛、肛门功能障碍、局部出血感染和术后6个月复发例数比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05),观察组优于对照组。结论:手术治疗复杂性肛瘘时,应首选括约肌间瘘管结扎术治疗,可提高临床疗效,促进创口愈合,减少术后并发症。  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁共振成像技术(MRI)对复杂性肛瘘诊断和术前评估的指导意义及术后复发的危险因素。方法:前瞻性选取2015年6月至2017年12月到我院诊断并接受手术治疗的359例复杂性肛瘘患者,将其随机分为观察组182例和对照组177例。对照组患者术前未行MRI检查,术中行亚甲蓝染色指导手术治疗。观察组术前行MRI检查,术中给予亚甲蓝染色结合术前评估行手术治疗,以术中探查结果为金标准,统计MRI术前检查复杂性肛瘘的准确率,Kappa检验评估MRI检查结果与术中探查结果的一致性,经1-2年的随访统计所有患者复发情况,单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析术后复发的危险因素。结果:观察组术中探查共发现瘘管内口281个,合并肛周脓肿57例,多发瘘管及支管151例,MRI术前检查瘘管内口、合并肛周脓肿、多发瘘管及支管的准确率分别为98.22%(276/281)、85.96%(49/57)、96.03%(145/151),观察组中MRI结果与术中探查结果对患者Parks分型通过一致性检验显示,两结果一致性较好(k=0.890,P=0.001)。单因素分析结果显示,肛瘘位置、内口位置、合并肛周脓肿、既往肛瘘手术史及术前是否行MRI检查均会影响复发率(均P0.05),Logistic回归多因素分析显示,术前未进行MRI检查、高位肛瘘、内口位于后正中线、既往肛瘘手术史是复杂性肛瘘术后复发的危险因素(均P0.05)。结论:MRI检查复杂性肛瘘能够术前明确瘘管及内口数量,可较为精确地识别瘘管Parks分型,有助于提高手术疗效,合并肛周脓肿、术前未进行MRI检查、高位肛瘘、内口位于后位、既往肛瘘手术史是复杂性肛瘘术后复发的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:分析系统性淋巴结清扫术对子宫内膜癌患者预后的影响及安全性。方法:选择2010年6月~2012年6月我院收治的68例子宫内膜癌患者作为研究对象,将其随机分为研究组与对照组。对照组行两侧附件+全子宫切除+盆腔淋巴结清扫术,研究组行两侧附件+全子宫切除+系统性腹腔、盆腔主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术。观察和比较两组患者术后3年内的生存率、疾病复发转移率以及并发症的发生率。结果:研究组检出阳性淋巴结15枚,发现4例患者淋巴结转移;对照组患检出阳性淋巴结3枚,发现1例患者淋巴结转移。两组阳性淋巴结检出率及淋巴结转移发现率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。研究组3年内生存率为88.24%,显著高于对照组的67.65%(P0.05);复发转移率为14.71%,显著高于对照组的35.29%(P0.05)。研究组患者术后发生不全性肠梗阻发生率为17.65%,显著高于对照组(P0.05);但两组术后下肢水肿、深静脉血栓、淋巴囊肿、输尿管尿瘘、体温转复时间5 d的发生率对比差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:系统性淋巴结清扫术可以延长子宫内膜癌患者的3年生存率,降低病灶的复发及转移率,虽然术后不全性肠梗阻的发生率有所增加,但仍在可控范围内。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂的手术方法及分期手术修复的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析2005年1 月至2012 年 6 月间兰州军区兰州总医院收治的43 例阴茎阴囊转位伴尿道下裂的病例资料并分析手术方式及术后随访外观情况。结果:43 例 患者经2 期阴囊成形术后疗效满意,其中2 例伴严重尿道下裂患者经分手术后达到预期效果,术后随访6 个月至7 年。所有患者 在阴茎阴囊复位后经同期或分期尿道成形术后最终均达到尿道下裂修复的标准。结论:阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂应及早手术 矫正治疗。分期手术方法使操作简化,阴茎阴囊复位整形效果满意,最终尿道成形术后预后良好,术后并发症少,是一种安全可行 的手术方式,但性器官发育后易复发,术后要随访至青春期以后。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂的手术方法及分期手术修复的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析2005年1月至2012年6月间兰州军区兰州总医院收治的43例阴茎阴囊转位伴尿道下裂的病例资料并分析手术方式及术后随访外观情况。结果:43例患者经2期阴囊成形术后疗效满意,其中2例伴严重尿道下裂患者经分手术后达到预期效果,术后随访6个月至7年。所有患者在阴茎阴囊复位后经同期或分期尿道成形术后最终均达到尿道下裂修复的标准。结论:阴茎阴囊转位合并尿道下裂应及早手术矫正治疗。分期手术方法使操作简化,阴茎阴囊复位整形效果满意,最终尿道成形术后预后良好,术后并发症少,是一种安全可行的手术方式,但性器官发育后易复发,术后要随访至青春期以后。  相似文献   

Management and timing of cleft palate fistula repair   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study reviewed 199 cleft palate repairs resulting in 22 percent fistula formation. Of these, 49 percent were judged to be symptomatic. Of 44 fistulas, 21 required treatment, of which 14 had conventional type surgical closure with an overall success rate of 35 percent. Good surgical technique and good surgical judgment were felt to be important factors both in preventing postoperative fistula and in the success of their repair. Conventional methods of surgical repair of hard palate fistulas were seen to result in a very poor success rate. Orthodontic movement of maxillary segments was seen to contribute to late postoperative fistula formation. Therefore, orthodontic movement should be completed before undertaking surgical repair of anterior palatal fistulas. Finally, the success rate of anterior fistula repair has been dramatically improved by the addition of free periosteal grafts and cancellous bone grafts.  相似文献   

Palatal fistulas: rare with the two-flap palatoplasty repair   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of this study was to examine the palatal fistula rate after repair with the two-flap palatoplasty technique. This is a retrospective review of 119 consecutive cleft-palate repairs performed over a 5-year interval by a single surgeon. The two-flap palatoplasty technique was used to provide tension-free, multilayer repairs. The age of these children at the time of repair ranged from 7 to 84 months (mode, 9 months). The initial follow-up visit occurred 2 to 12 weeks after the repair operation (mean, 4 weeks). The postoperative follow-up duration ranged from 7 to 48 months. This review of 119 cleft-palate repairs revealed a fistula rate of 3.4 percent (four fistulas in 119 repairs). This experience demonstrates the lowest reported palatal fistula complication rate with use of the two-flap palatoplasty technique.  相似文献   

A retrospective, multivariate statistical analysis of 129 consecutive nonsyndromic patients undergoing cleft palate repair was performed to document the incidence of postoperative fistulas, to determine their cause, and to review methods of surgical management. Nasal-alveolar fistulas and/or anterior palatal fistulas that were intentionally not repaired were excluded from study. Cleft palate fistulas (CPFs) occurred in 30 of 129 patients (23 percent), although nearly a half were 1 to 2 mm in size. Extent of clefting, as estimated by the Veau classification, was significantly more severe in those patients who developed cleft palate fistula. Type of palate closure also influenced the frequency of cleft palate fistula. Forty-three percent of patients undergoing Wardill-type closures developed cleft palate fistula versus 10, 22, and 0 percent for Furlow, von Langenbeck, and Dorrance style closures, respectively. The fistula rate was similar in patients with (30 percent) and without (25 percent) intravelar veloplasty. Age at palate closure did not significantly affect the rate of fistulization; however, the surgeon performing the initial closure did not have an effect. Thirty-seven percent of patients developed recurrent cleft palate fistulas following initial fistula repair. Recurrence of cleft palate fistulas was not influenced by severity of cleft or type of original palate repair. Following end-stage management, a second cleft palate fistula recurrence occurred in 25 percent of patients. Continued open discussion of results of cleft palate repair is recommended.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药熏洗在肛瘘患者经挂线引流术后的临床应用效果。方法:收集我院收治的70例肛瘘挂线引流术后患者,随机分为实验组和对照组,每组35例,患者均行肛瘘经挂线引流术,术后对照组给予常规护理治疗,实验组患者给予自拟熏洗方进行中药熏洗。治疗结束后,比较两组患者的疼痛持续时间、恢复时间、创面愈合速度、症状评分并发症发生率以及复发率。结果:与治疗前相比,两组患者治疗后的症状评分均显著下降(P0.05),而实验组患者治疗后的症状评分、疼痛持续时间、恢复时间、并发症发生率以及复发率明显低于对照组(P0.05),创面愈合速度显著快于对照组(P0.05)。结论:中药熏洗能够有效促进肛瘘患者经挂线引流术后恢复并减少复发,且安全性较高。  相似文献   

The authors present a 5-year experience in formation of the arterio-venous fistulas for hemodialysis. Analysed material includes 58 fistulas in 40 patients. Fistulas were formed twice or more times in 22% of the patients. Thrombus in the fistula was the most frequent complication (10.3%). The authors form arterio-venous fistula "of choice" in the peripheral portion of the forearm anastomosing radial artery with cephalic vein "side-to-end". Such a procedure in other portions of the arm is related to a higher risk of failure. Intra-arterial subtraction angiography is of significant help in the selection of the tactics of secondary operations forming fistula.  相似文献   

Despite advances in head and neck reconstruction with free-tissue transfer techniques, oropharyngocutaneous fistulas continue to present challenging and potentially lethal complications. The authors present a system for prioritizing these fistulas and the surgical management of nine patients in whom critical fistulas developed after microsurgical head and neck reconstruction. The indications for aggressive management of these fistulas were primarily dependent on their location. Three peristomal and six midneck fistulas were considered critical because of the risk of aspiration pneumonia and carotid artery blowout, respectively. Fistulas located in the submental and/or submandibular region were considered noncritical and were managed conservatively. Using the concept of a "tissue plug" for fistula repair, a dermal component (i.e., a deltopectoral or pectoralis major pedicled flap) is guided through the fistula, and with external traction the tissue "plugs" the tract. No sutures are placed directly in the surrounding friable tissue. There were no partial or total flap losses. There were two fistula recurrences in patients who had received postoperative radiation therapy. One of these recurrences was due to tumor recurrence within the previous fistula and was managed with palliative measures. The other fistula recurrence was closed with a local-flap procedure on an outpatient basis. All patients resumed oral feeding, except for the patient in whom tumor recurrence was suspected. This tissue-plug technique can be used in the management of critical peristomal and/or midneck oropharyngocutaneous fistulas not only to obliterate the tract but also to augment volume and vascularity in already damaged, ischemic, and deficient tissue.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of cleft palatal fistula in a series of nonsyndromic children treated at the authors' institution. This retrospective analysis of 103 patients with cleft palate treated by five surgeons between 1982 and 1995 includes 60 boys and 33 girls, whose median age was 18.4 months at the time of surgery. The median length of follow-up was 4.9 years after primary palatoplasty. Cleft palatal fistula was defined as a failure of healing or a breakdown in the primary surgical repair of the palate. Intentionally unrepaired fistulas of the primary and secondary palate were excluded. Extent of clefting was described according to the Veau classification. Statistical examination of multiple variables was performed using contingency table analysis, multivariate logistic regression, and the Wilcoxon rank sum test. The incidence of cleft palatal fistula in this series was 8.7 percent. All of these fistulas were clinically significant. The rate of fistula recurrence was 33 percent. The incidence of cleft palatal fistula when compared by Veau classification was statistically significant, with nine fistulas occurring in patients with Veau 3 and 4 clefts and no fistulas occurring in patients with Veau 1 and 2 clefts (p = 0.0441). No significant differences between patients with and without fistulas were identified with respect to operating surgeon, patient sex, patient age at palatoplasty, type of palatoplasty, and use of presurgical orthopedics or palatal expansion. All three recurrent fistulas occurred in the anterior palate, two in patients with Veau class 3 clefts and one in a patient with a Veau class 4 cleft. The low rate of clinically significant fistula was attributed to early delayed primary closure, with smaller secondary clefts allowing repair with a minimum of dissection and disruption of vascularity.  相似文献   

The development of a pharyngocutaneous fistula is the most common and troublesome complication in the early postoperative period following free jejunal transfer for total laryngopharyngectomy. However, many aspects of this complication remain unclear. In this study, the authors analyzed their experience with the pharyngocutaneous fistula formation following free jejunal transfers to evaluate its clinical behavior, determine the significance of the anastomotic technique used, and evaluate the role of preoperative radiation therapy on its formation and management. Of 168 patients who underwent free jejunal transfers following total laryngopharyngectomy at the authors' institution between July of 1988 and March of 2000, 23 patients (13.7 percent) with postoperative fistulas were identified. The mean onset of fistula formation was 16 days. Of the 23 fistulas, 13 (56.5 percent) occurred at the proximal and 10 (43.5 percent) at the distal anastomoses. Whereas the majority of the proximal fistulas (69.2 percent) developed near the mesenteric side of the jejunal flap, most of the distal fistulas (90 percent) were located anteriorly. The incidence of proximal fistula formation was higher in patients with a single-layer repair than in patients with a two-layer repair of a proximal anastomosis (80 percent versus 38.5 percent, p = 0.09). The incidence of fistula formation was greater in patients who received preoperative radiation therapy than in those who did not (16.3 percent versus 11.4 percent, p = 0.36). In addition, whereas a majority of fistulas (80 percent) occurred at the proximal anastomosis in patients who did not receive preoperative radiation therapy, most fistulas (61.5 percent) occurred at the distal anastomosis in patients who did receive radiation therapy (p = 0.09). The fistulas closed spontaneously in 15 patients (65 percent). On average, spontaneous closure occurred in 7.4 weeks. Proximal fistulas had a significantly higher rate of spontaneous closure compared with distal fistulas (85 percent versus 40 percent, p = 0.04). The rate of spontaneous fistula closure was higher in patients who had not received preoperative radiation therapy than in those who had (90 percent versus 46 percent, p = 0.07). Surgical closure of the fistula was required in five patients. The fistulas were not repaired in three patients because of recurrent tumor. Twenty patients (87 percent) resumed oral feeding after the closure of the fistula, with 17 (85 percent) of 20 patients tolerating a regular diet and three (15 percent) of 20 a liquid diet only.In conclusion, most fistulas occur at the proximal anastomosis and near the mesenteric side of the jejunal flap, and the use of a two-layer anastomotic technique seems to be associated with a lower incidence of fistula formation at the proximal suture line. Most fistulas close spontaneously, especially ones that occur proximally. Preoperative radiotherapy does seem to increase the risk of fistula formation, especially at the distal anastomotic site and make subsequent resolution of the fistulas more difficult. Most patients are able to resume oral feeding once the fistula is closed.  相似文献   

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