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“两步法”体外培养山羊卵母细胞的超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有假说认为,卵母细胞在体外培养过程中,如果延长GV期,可促进卵母细胞进一步成熟,因而提高发育潜能。采用山羊半卵泡和卵母细胞共培养,抑制卵母细胞GVBD发生,从而延长GV期。比较了共培养前后和恢复成熟培养后卵母细胞的超微结构变化,其目的从亚细胞水平寻找卵母细胞进一步成熟的证据。研究发现,常规成熟培养:有卵周隙存在,但不贯通,局部区域卵膜与透明带结合紧密;部分皮质区尚有细胞器存在;微绒毛大部分从透明带中撤出,倒伏于质膜表面,数量较多,形态较为粗大;皮层颗粒质膜下部分单层分布,部分散布于皮质区;线粒体均匀散布于卵质中央区。共培养前:卵母细胞的卵周隙尚未形成,微绒毛没有从透明带中撤出;线粒体等细胞器分布于皮质区,皮层颗粒成簇状分布,皮质区富含细胞器。共培养后:局部形成卵周隙,微绒毛已自透明带中撤出,数量较多,垂直或倒伏于卵膜表面;线粒体以簇状分批开始内移,皮层颗粒已部分单层分布于质膜下,部分皮质区缺乏细胞器。恢复成熟培养后:卵周隙进一步扩大并且贯通,微绒毛数量减少并且绝大多数垂直于卵膜;线粒体在卵质中央区均匀分布,皮层颗粒卵膜下单层分布,大部分皮质区无细胞器存在。利用“两步法”培养得到的卵母细胞与体外常规成熟培养的卵母细胞相比,更有利于皮层颗粒的质膜下单层分布,卵母细胞卵周隙的形成与贯通,微绒毛数量减少和垂直于卵膜表面,无细胞器皮层区的进一步形成。因此,更有利于卵母细胞胞质的进一步成熟。  相似文献   

齐艳萍  李和平  崔凯 《兽类学报》2006,26(2):171-175
用FSH 对马鹿进行超数排卵,通过抽吸法和切割法采集卵泡卵母细胞,用M199 为基础的培养液在38.5℃、5%CO2 和饱和湿度条件下对马鹿卵母细胞进行体外培养与体外受精培养,利用透射电镜观察不同时期马鹿卵母细胞的超微结构,旨在揭示马鹿卵母细胞体外培养前、培养后及受精后超微结构的变化规律。结果表明,培养前卵丘细胞紧紧包围卵母细胞,卵母细胞表面的微绒毛细长,伸入透明带内,皮质区及细胞中心分布大量的细胞器。培养后卵丘细胞与卵母细胞结合松散,卵母细胞表面微绒毛短粗,倒伏于卵表面,第一极体无核,皮质颗粒在皮质区成层排列,细胞质中细胞器分布均匀。受精后卵母细胞表面的微绒毛由倒伏而竖起,第二极体有核,细胞质中细胞器丰富,主要分布于细胞中心。  相似文献   

牦牛卵泡细胞及其卵母细胞不同发育时期的结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雍艳红  余四九  巨向红  崔燕 《动物学报》2005,51(6):1050-1057
采集成年母牦牛卵巢,通过光镜和电镜对牦牛卵泡及其卵母细胞不同发育时期的结构变化进行了观察。结果发现当卵母细胞被单层立方卵泡细胞包围时,微绒毛开始出现,而皮质颗粒、透明带则在包被2-4层卵泡细胞时开始出现。随着卵母细胞的继续发育,透明带增厚,微绒毛由粗短变为细长,密度增加;皮质颗粒、线粒体、滑面内质网等细胞器的数目不断增加,并逐渐移行到质膜下;在移行的过程中,皮质颗粒成团存在。在囊状卵泡中,卵母细胞皮质颗粒呈线形分布于质膜下,线粒体、滑面内质网又移向胞质中央。卵母细胞借助微绒毛穿过透明带与卵泡细胞胞质突起相联系。结果证明牦牛卵泡和卵母细胞不同发育时期的结构变化与其它哺乳动物的基本相似。  相似文献   

中华大蟾蜍卵巢中长足的卵母细胞外被三层包膜:卵巢膜(包括卵巢上皮和结缔组织层)、滤泡上皮与透明带。卵巢膜和滤泡上皮可以分别从卵球表面剥除,透明带因与卵母细胞质膜的微绒毛紧密相连,无法分离。适当培养条件,和垂体促性腺激素或孕酮的作用下,中止在第一次减数分裂双线期的卵母细胞继续进行减数分裂,并作从滤泡排出的准备。在此过程中,随着胚泡和细胞质的一系列活动,卵外包膜结构也有相应变化,我们观察到: 1.随着激素处理时间的增进,卵母细胞表面质膜延伸形成的微绒毛回缩,9小时左右(18±1℃),卵周隙出现。卵周隙自卵球动物极向植物极延伸,在出现卵周隙的区域,卵黄膜即自透明带衍生而成,并能与质膜分离。迄13—14小时,第一次减数分裂中期时,卵周隙发展至植物极顶端,一层透明而坚韧的卵黄膜全部形成,可从卵球表面剥除。此后,卵周隙作不均等的增宽——动物极宽于植物极,卵黄膜增固。不论是已从卵泡排出的卵母细胞,还是仍留在卵泡内的卵母细胞,只要能够恢复进行减数分裂,抵达第二次减数分裂中期,卵周膜都有上述相应变化。可见,卵黄膜是长足卵母细胞在激素诱发成熟过程中,在透明带的基础上衍生形成,是卵母细胞成熟分裂的产物,不是排卵的结果;它的形成,和卵母细胞成熟分裂过程中,细胞核与细胞质的一系列活动有直接关系。2.垂体促性腺激素体外培养3小时,卵巢上皮细胞和结缔组织层内的微纤维仍是分散着的,基膜仍是平直的带条,未见明显变化。12小时左右,正在准备从滤泡排出的卵母细胞中,微纤维并列成束,呈收缩状;基膜增厚,扭曲为波浪形,上皮细胞和细胞核的形状也相应改变;结缔组织层中,部分成纤维细胞和胶原纤维解体。蟾蜍卵母细胞的释放,是在滤泡外平滑肌和滤泡内液压不存在的情况下进行。上述微纤维和基膜等的变化指出,在卵巢膜里可能存在着一个非肌肉的收缩体系,在排卵过程中起主要作用。同时,剥除卵巢膜的卵母细胞,在激素作用下,能够抵达第二次成熟分裂中期,并形成卵黄膜,但却不能排离滤泡上皮的包裹。这进一步说明,激素诱发排卵,与卵巢上皮和结缔组织层(不是滤泡上皮)的活动有密切关系,剥除卵巢膜,就不见排卵。  相似文献   

为了研究褪黑激素(Melatonin,MLT)对休情期银黑狐腔前卵泡卵母细胞超微结构的影响。本研究选取健康7月龄埋植和未埋植MLT的银黑狐各5只,取其左侧卵巢共计10枚,制备超薄切片后利用透射电镜分别观察每枚卵巢的各级腔前卵泡各1-5个,并进行拍照。结果埋植和未埋植MLT的银黑狐原始卵泡卵母细胞内均有少量线粒体和高尔基体,而未埋植MLT的银黑狐卵母细胞中还可见少量滑面内质网;初级卵泡卵母细胞内,均开始形成不完整透明带,线粒体及内质网数量均有所增加,沿透明带出现少量皮质颗粒;次级卵泡阶段,未埋植MLT银黑狐卵母细胞微绒毛数量较埋植MLT的多,其余细胞器未见差异。结果表明,MLT对休情期银黑狐卵巢腔前卵泡卵母细胞的线粒体、脂滴、高尔基体、皮质颗粒等细胞器的发育没有影响,仅对初级卵泡阶段内质网的发育有抑制作用。  相似文献   

用电镜方法研究小鼠卵母细胞的发育及受精虽然已有很多报道,但大多数是有关细胞质、尤其是皮质颗粒、高尔基复合体及线粒体的形态及分布变化的。从卵母细胞体外成熟培养、第一次减数分裂恢复到受精后第二次减数分裂完成,细胞核经历了复杂的变化,有关的系统研究却很少。本实验详细地研究了小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟受精过程中两性生殖细胞内细胞核的时空变化规律。从卵巢中采集生发泡(GV)期卵母细胞,进行体外成熟培养,经超排获得的成熟卵母细胞去卵丘和透明带后,用于体外受精。于体外成熟培养及受精后的不同时间,用光镜及电镜方法观察细胞核变化及极体排放。结果说明,尽管大多数 母细胞在体外培养2至4小时发生泡破裂(GVBD),但有13.6%在培养8小时后仍处于GV期(图1)。电镜观察揭示,不发生GVBD的卵母细胞核的核仁由颗粒性纤维成分、空泡及纤维中心组成有时核仁表面有空泡。只有核仁完全致密化、核仁周围有核仁相随染色质分布时,卵母细胞才获得恢复减数分裂的能力。GVBD发生时,随着核仁相随染色质向核膜侧扩散迁移,核仁越来越小;与此同时,核膜打折,染色质团块中央出现电子致密的芯。核仁的消失早于核膜的破裂,提示核仁成分可能参与核膜打折及破裂,体外培养5小时,卵母细胞减数分裂进入前中期,染爸体分布于不含任何细胞器的原GV区域,其周围有特别丰富的线粒体(PB1)(图2)。原核期的卵中,含有一个原核和一个以上原核的卵各自的百分率在培养的8小时内是随着时间的延长而不断增加的。体外受精后1小时,进入卵质的精子头开始去致密。2小时后已形成含有致密核仁的早期雄原核。雌原核的形成及增大稍早于雄原核。受精后8-9小时,已形成含有致密核仁的早期雄原核。雌原核的形成及增大稍早于雄原核。受精后8-9小时,33.3%的卵子两性原核相互靠近。原核核仁的形成过程与GVBD时核仁的变化恰好相反。受精后2至5小时,第二极体(PB2)排出,PB1和PB2的区别在于:1)PB1表面有微绒毛,PB2没有;2)PB1中含皮质颗粒;3)PB2中形成细胞核及核仁,PB1则无;4)二者的形状及大小不同。文中还讨论了极体排放的机理(图A-T)。  相似文献   

冬眠蟾蜍长足卵母胞胞,经手工剥除其卵巢膜、滤泡膜、透明带和质膜,包埋在琼脂块里,孕酮作用3小时(18±1℃)后,该细胞质团块中出现促成熟活性物质(MPF);将含有此MPF的微量卵质(约50毫微升),注入未经激素处理的卵球,能诱发后者恢复减数分裂,胚泡破裂,排出第一极体,正常抵达第二次成熟分裂中期。如果在去除上述卵外和卵表膜层结构的同时,剔除其细胞核(胚泡),然后包裹在琼脂中,经孕酮处理3小时左右,照样能够诱发产生促成熟活性物质;微量细胞质的转移,照样能使未经激素处理的受体卵正常成熟。随着供体卵质块与孕酮接触时间的延长,其诱发受体卵成熟的百分率逐渐增高。孕酮处理后9小时的供体卵质块,几乎全部能使受体卵正常成熟。上述结果表明,在本实验处理的条件下,孕酮诱发中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞形成促成熟活性物质的过程,既不依赖于卵表透明带与质膜,也不依赖于细胞核,而是细胞质自身活动的结果;显然,孕酮诱发蟾蜍卵母细胞成熟的初始作用部位是在细胞质。  相似文献   

研究东北梅花鹿初级卵母细胞发育的超微结构变化,目的是为探索东北梅花鹿初级卵母细胞的发育规律提供组织学和形态学依据。本研究于2003年和2004年的6月初到8月末取3只、9月中旬到10月初取4只,共计7只健康经产2~3胎的成年东北梅花鹿卵巢;卵巢经2·5%戊二醛固定液固定后,切取约1mm3的卵巢皮质和直径0·5~1·5mm及1·5~3mm的卵泡作为电镜观察用材料;该材料经0·1MpH7·2的PBS漂洗、1%锇酸固定、不同浓度乙醇脱水后,再经Epon812和丙酮等量混合液浸透,最后用Epon812包埋制块,并用半薄切片机切成0·5~2μm半薄切片;再经亚甲基兰-天青Ⅱ染色后,在光镜下进行卵泡分类和卵母细胞定位;将经定位的材料用超薄切片机切成厚度为700~800的切片,经醋酸铀和柠檬酸铅双重染色后,用透射电镜观察、记录并照相。观察时将卵泡依其直径大小、透明带的形成、卵泡腔的出现等分为原始卵泡、初级卵泡、次级卵泡和三级卵泡4类。研究结果表明,在原始卵泡阶段,卵母细胞为较规则的圆形,质膜与卵泡细胞膜紧密相贴,有时形成桥粒,细胞器多分布于近核区,高尔基体不典型,线粒体多为圆形,嵴较少;在次级卵泡阶段,2~4层的卵泡细胞局部开始形成透明带,4层以上时形成薄的透明带,微绒毛斜伸入透明带内,方向不规律;在直径为0·5~1·5mm的三级卵泡阶段,卵母细胞的透明带增厚,各种细胞器在皮质区内数量较多,皮质区内高尔基体的数目增多,粗面内质网明显减少;在直径为1·5~3mm的三级卵泡阶段,卵母细胞的透明带继续加厚,微绒毛缩短变弯,开始从透明带退出,许多皮质颗粒开始排列在卵母细胞膜下。  相似文献   

牛卵母细胞体外成熟的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛卵母细胞的成熟过程中,包括细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核的成熟。其中细胞质的成熟最为复杂。线粒体、皮质颗粒数量的变化和位移,脂滴类型的变化和形态改变,空泡形态学的变化等是鉴别卵母细胞幼稚、成熟和老化的重要特征。透明带随着培养而外侧疏松,内侧致密,母卵细胞膜上伸出的微绒毛为膨大泡状和细长毛状两种。在培养14小时后颗粒细胞与透明带脱离联系。根据综合指标判定,18小时这前为成熟生长期,18 ̄26小时为成熟期,  相似文献   

牛体外受精的程序及超微结构研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
孙青原  秦鹏春 《动物学报》1996,42(3):303-308
牛体外成熟卵母细胞体外受精后3小时精子入卵,8小时原核形成,24小时的核多到卵中央。精子发生顶体反应的部位主要在透明表面,方式是顶体外膜自身囊经,发生顶体反应的粗子可斜向或垂直穿过透明带。卵丘细胞可吞噬大量精子,在阻多精受精中发挥重要作用。高尔基得合体,线料体、环状片层和滑面内质网等在原核周围形成细胞器集团。牛体外受精卵的雌雄原结合比体内受精的要延迟,胞吐到卵周隙中的皮质颗粒内容物扩散不完全。  相似文献   

Ovulated opossum oocytes are surrounded by a zona pellucida, but not by cumulus cells. Opossum sperm carry at least four acrosomal hydrolases (hyaluronidase, acrosin, N-acetylhexosaminidase, and arylsulfatase); the functions of these enzymes in opossum fertilization are uncertain. To identify possible substrates for these hydrolases, the ultrastructure of opossum oocytes was examined after fixation in the presence of ruthenium red which stabilizes extracellular matrices. This oocyte is unusual in having a wide perivitelline space containing a highly structured extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is comprised of granules and filaments, and it resembles matrices known to contain hyaluronic acid in other systems. Hydrolases, known to be present in opossum acrosomes, were tested for their effect on the ultrastructure of the zona pellucida and matrix of the perivitelline space. Trypsin dissolved the zona pellucida and decreased the size of the granules in the perivitelline space. Streptomyces hyaluronidase, which specifically attacks hyaluronic acid, removed only matrix filaments. Arylsulfatase, N-acetylhexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase did not affect the zona pellucida or ECM in our assay. These observations are consistent with the ideas that (1) opossum sperm must penetrate two oocyte investments, the zona pellucida and ECM of the perivitelline space; (2) the ECM contains hyaluronic acid (filaments) and protein (granules); (3) opossum sperm acrosin may function in penetration of the zona pellucida and ECM; and (4) opossum sperm hyaluronidase may function in penetration of the ECM by degrading hyaluronic acid (filaments). Dissolution of the granules and filaments from oocyte microvilli is probably necessary to permit close apposition and fusion of the sperm and oocyte membranes. The evolutionary significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies of developing goat oocytes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure and distribution of organelles within developing goat oocytes at various stages of incubation were studied. In oocytes with 5 or more layers of cumulus cells, at 0 h of incubation, the zona pellucida had developed although zonation was not evident. Lipid bodies were present but no mitochondria were observed. At 20 h, the zona pellucida had differentiated into thicker and thinner regions. Clusters of membrane-bound electron-transparent bodies were present in the perivitelline space. The mitochondria were fully developed, distributed evenly and usually in close proximity with dilated endoplasmic reticula. Cortical granules were distributed at the periphery. At 40 h of incubation, a number of mitochondria was hooded. In oocytes of 2 to 4 layers of cumulus cells at 0 h, the zona pellucida was penetrated by cumulus cell processes, and the mitochondria were not well developed. However, in 20-h incubated oocytes, fully developed mitochondria, many of which were hooded, could be observed. Clusters of membrane-bound electron-transparent bodies were also observed, while cortical granules were at the periphery. In cumulus-free oocytes, zonation within the zona pellucida was indistinct. Very few vesicles and lipid bodies were observed. At 20 h, mitochondria were sparsely distributed and were not well developed and lacked cristae. At 40 h, the zona pellucida was less compact, and the membrane-bound electron-transparent bodies were less numerous compared with those of the other groups. Endoplasmic reticula were not dilated, and cortical granules were few and had no definite pattern of distribution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the structure of the vestments surrounding unfertilized and cortical granule-reacted oocytes from a marsupial, the grey short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica and to determine if a cortical granule envelope (CGE) forms in the perivitelline space (PVS) following the cortical reaction. Unfertilized oocytes collected from mature ovarian follicles and oviducal oocytes that had undergone a cortical reaction were fixed for electron microscopy in the presence of ruthenium red which stabilizes extracellular matrices (ECM) and facilitates demonstration of a CGE. Unfertilized oocytes were surrounded by a zona pellucida and had a PVS which contained a thick ECM comprised of granules and filaments. This matrix appeared to attach to the oolemma and was structurally similar to matrices reported previously in the PVS of unfertilized oocytes from eutherian mammals and two other marsupials, the Virginia opossum and the fat-tailed dunnart. The cortex of unfertilized oocytes contained cortical granules which were absent in oocytes recovered from the oviducts of mated females. Oviducal oocytes which lacked cortical granules exhibited a new coat within the PVS between the zona pellucida and the tips of the oocyte microvilli. This coat, the CGE, appeared structurally similar to CGEs described previously around fertilized eutherian oocytes. The CGE of the grey short-tailed opossum is approximately 1 μm thick and is made up of numerous small dense granules. The coats of the opossum oocyte are compared to those present around other marsupial and eutherian oocytes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To enhance preservation of the extracellular materials, we have fixed hamster and mouse oocyte cumulus complexes (OCC) for transmission electron microscopy in the presence of ruthenium red. Ruthenium red had four effects on the extracellular components of the freshly ovulated hamster OCC. It interacted with the surface of cumulus and corona radiata cells; it stabilized the extracellular matrix (ECM) that was comprised of granules and filaments; it produced moderate electron density and good structural definition in the zona pellucida, and it revealed occasional smalls granular depsits on the oolemma. The ECM observed between cells of the cumulus and corona radiata layers extended into the outer one third of the zona pellucida. The granule and filament matrix was removed from the cumulus layer, corona radiata, and pores of the zona pellucida by brief treatment with hyaluronidase. The extracellular components of oviducal OCC from hamsters and mice appeared similar to OCC removed from follicles of the hamster shortly before ovulation. However, oviducal OCC did show increased aggregation of granules in the ECM. In most cases where females had been mated and oocytes were fertilized, the extracellular components appeared similar to those seen in fresh OCC. Exceptions were noted in some oocytes that lacked cumulus and corona radiata cells. In these instances, the zona pellucida generally lacked the granule/filament matrix. After fertilization numerous small electrondense granules were noted in the perivitelline space. These were presumed to originate in the cortical granules and formed a new investing layer around the zygote. Our data suggest that the OCC becomes more difficult for a sperm to penetrate as it approaches the oocyte. The significance of these results is discussed with respect to sperm traffic in the OCC and the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

During progesterone-induced nuclear maturation the oocytes of Bufo arenarum undergo a series of nuclear and cytoplasmic changes. The breakdown of heterocellular communications between the follicular cell projections and the oocyte microvilli, and the consequent enlargement of the perivitelline space, were observed at the animal pole. The more evident cytoplasmic feature during nuclear maturation comprised the gathering of glycogen granules in clusters, some phagocytosed by empty vesicles. With respect to the location of these vesicles, some were observed in close proximity to the oolemma and others were freely suspended in the perivitelline space, extruded from the oocyte. Other visible events were the disruption of the annulate lamellae, the formation of an elaborate cortical endoplasmic reticulum and the rearrangement of the cortical granules in a monolayer immediately beneath the oolemma together with aggregates of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. Our results show that during nuclear maturation the nuclear oocyte changes include a flattening of the spherical oocyte nucleus, its migration towards the surface of the animal pole, the disappearance of the nucleoli and the dissolution of the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Summary Examined with the electron microscope the zona pellucida of human oocytes represents an extracellular, amorphous substance with slight differences in density. There is a greater consolidation in the inner parts and a drecrease of density towards the periphery. The plasmalemma of the oocyte forms a large number of slender projections (microvilli) penetrating the homogeneous groundsubstance of the zona pellucida. Plasmatic elongations of the follicle cells extending towards the oocyte traverse the zona in oblique or tangential directions and end at the oocytes surface forming a contact relationship (partially characteristic desmosomes). No syncytial communication between ooplasma and follicle cell cytoplasm can be demonstrated. The follicle cell processes contain finely granular material. The cytoplasm of numerous follicle cells facing the oocyte containes branched deposits of compact and dense substances with a granular ground-structure. Histochemically these substances react like anionic polysaccharides. Alternating zones of the follicle cell membranes show vaguely outlined lesser density. Intra- and extraplasmatic granular concentrations in these areas probably represent secretion processes. Acid mucopolysaccharides are the primary substrat of the zona pellucida whose deposition begins almost in the state of a bilaminar secondary follicle. Possibly this material is incorporated in the definite complex of glycoproteins by means of loss or binding of the acid groups (uronic acids, ester sulphates). PAS-positive inclusions about 1,0 to 1,5 in diameter lying in the cytoplasm of the follicle cells immediately adjacent to the plasmalemma or in open communication with the perivitelline space, represent probably paraplasmatic components for the building of the zona. Studied with the electron microscope these inclusions resemble strikingly the amorphous and cloudy ground substance of the zona pellucida. Stratified structures which would embody an appositional growth of the zona have not been demonstrated.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructural organization of the ovarian follicles in a placentotrophic Andean lizard of the genus Mabuya. The oocyte of the primary follicle is surrounded by a single layer of follicle cells. During the previtellogenic stages, these cells become stratified and differentiated in three cell types: small, intermediate, and large globoid, non pyriform cells. Fluid‐filled spaces arise among follicular cells in late previtellogenic follicles and provide evidence of cell lysis. In vitellogenic follicles, the follicular cells constitute a monolayered granulosa with large lacunar spaces; the content of their cytoplasm is released to the perivitelline space where the zona pellucida is formed. The oolemma of younger oocytes presents incipient short projections; as the oocyte grows, these projections become organized in a microvillar surface. During vitellogenesis, cannaliculi develop from the base of the microvilli and internalize materials by endocytosis. In the juxtanuclear ooplasm of early previtellogenic follicles, the Balbiani's vitelline body is found as an aggregate of organelles and lipid droplets; this complex of organelles disperses in the ooplasm during oocyte growth. In late previtellogenesis, membranous organelles are especially abundant in the peripheral ooplasm, whereas abundant vesicles and granular material occur in the medullar ooplasm. The ooplasm of vitellogenic follicles shows a peripheral band constituted by abundant membranous organelles and numerous vesicular bodies, some of them with a small lipoprotein core. No organized yolk platelets, like in lecithotrophic reptiles, were observed. Toward the medullary ooplasm, electron‐lucent vesicles become larger in size containing remains of cytoplasmic material in dissolution. The results of this study demonstrate structural similarities between the follicles of this species and other Squamata; however, the ooplasm of the mature oocyte of Mabuya is morphologically similar to the ooplasm of mature oocytes of marsupials, suggesting an interesting evolutionary convergence related to the evolution of placentotrophy and of microlecithal eggs. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate residues contained in the zona pellucida play a key role in the process of sperm-egg interaction. In vitro fertilization experiments have shown that a specific monoclonal antibody against GalNAcş,4Galş,4 disaccharide inhibits fertilization in mice. In the present study, the ultrastructural cytochemical localization of GalNAc residues and the GalNAcş,4Galş,4 disaccharide was carried out in ovarian and postovulatory oocytes by using lectin-gold cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry. Plant lectins SBA and DBA showed an affinity for the entire zona pellucida matrix of ovarian oocytes throughout the follicular maturation; however, immunoreactivity for GalNAcş,4Galş,4 disaccharide was not detected in ovarian oocytes at the earliest stages of follicular development but was found to be associated with the inner region of the zona matrix at the trilaminar primary follicle stage. The Golgi apparatus, vesicular aggregates, and cortical granules of the oocyte were intensely labeled by SBA and DBA throughout follicular development. Immunoreactivity to GalNAcş,4Galş,4 disaccharide was first observed in the Golgi apparatus and vesicular aggregates in trilaminar primary follicles. No immunoreactivity was observed in the cortical granules. In postovulatory oocytes, results were similar to those observed in ovarian oocytes. Our results thus suggest that (1) GalNAcş,4Galş,4 disaccharide residues are present only in the inner region of the zona pellucida and, therefore, might be involved in sperm penetration through the zona pellucida, (2) the inner and outer regions of the zona pellucida contain different oligosaccharide chains, (3) the vesicular aggregates detected in the oocyte could represent an intermediate step in the secretory pathway of zona pellucida glycoproteins and might be involved in the formation of cortical granules.  相似文献   

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