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Clonal species are characterised by having a growth form in which roots and shoots originate from the same meristem so that adventitious nodal roots form close to the terminal apical bud of stems. The nature of the relationship between nodal roots and axillary bud growth was investigated in three manipulative experiments on cuttings of a single genotype of Trifolium repens. In the absence of locally positioned nodal roots axillary bud development within the apical bud proceeded normally until it slowed once the subtending leaf had matured to be the second expanded leaf on the stem. Excision of apical tissues indicated that while there was no apical dominance apparent within fully rooted stems and very little in stems with 15 or more unrooted nodes, the outgrowth of the two most distal axillary buds was stimulated by decapitation in stems with intermediate numbers of unrooted nodes. Excision of the basal branches from stems growing without local nodal roots markedly increased the length and/or number of leaves on 14 distally positioned branches. The presence of basal branches therefore prevented the translocation of root-supplied resources (nutrients, water, phytohormones) to the more distally located nodes and this caused the retardation in the outgrowth of their axillary buds. Based on all three experiments we conclude that the primary control of bud outgrowth is exerted by roots via the acropetal transport of root-supplied resources necessary for axillary bud outgrowth and that apical dominance plays a very minor role in the regulation of axillary bud outgrowth in T. repens.  相似文献   

The flowering response of axillary buds of seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, was examined in relation to the timing of apical bud removal (plumule including the first leaf or second leaf) before or after a flower-inductive 16-h dark period. When the apical bud was removed well before the dark period, flower buds formed on the axillary shoots that subsequently developed, but when removed just before, or after, the dark period, different results were observed depending on the timing of the apical bud removal and plant age. In the case of 8-day-old seedlings, fewer flower buds formed on the axillary shoots developing from the cotyledonary node when plumules were removed 20 to 0 h before the dark period. When the apical bud was removed after the dark period, no flower buds formed. Using 14-day-old seedlings a similar reduction of flowering response was observed on the axillary shoots developing from the first leaf node when the apical bud was removed just after the dark period. To further elucidate the relationship between apical dominance and flowering, kinetin or IAA was applied to axillary buds or the cut site where the apical bud was located. Both chemicals influenced flowering, probably by modulating apical dominance which normally forces axillary buds to be dormant.  相似文献   

A mature, quiescent, primary axillary bud on the main axis of a flowering Nicotiana tabacum cv. Wisconsin 38 plant, when released from apical dominance and before forming its terminal flower, produced a number of nodes which was dependent upon its position on the main axis. Each bud produced about one more node than the next bud above it. The total number of nodes produced by an axillary bud was about 6 to 8 greater than the number of nodes present above this bud on the main axis. At anthesis of the terminal flower on the main axis, mature, quiescent, primary axillary buds had initiated 7 to 9 leaf primordia while secondary axillary buds, sometimes present in addition to the primary ones, had initiated 4 to 5 leaf primordia. When permitted to grow out independently, primary and secondary axillary buds located at the same node on the main axis produced the same number of nodes before forming their terminal flowers. In contrast, immature primary axillary buds which had produced only 5 leaf primordia and which were released from apical dominance prior to the formation of flowers on the main axis produced only as many nodes as would be produced above them on the main axis by the terminal meristem, i.e., “extra” nodes were not produced. Therefore, it is the physiological status of the plant and not the number of nodes on the bud at the time of release from apical dominance that influenced the node-counting process of a bud. When two axillary buds were permitted to develop on the same main axis, each produced the same number of nodes as single axillary buds developing at these nodes. Thus, the counting process in an axillary bud of tobacco is independent of other buds. Axillary buds on main axes of plants that had been placed horizontally produced the same number of nodes as identically-positioned axillary buds on vertical plants, indicating that gravity does not play a major role in the counting, by an axillary bud, of the nodes on the main axis.  相似文献   

The development of axillary buds, terminal buds, and the shoots extended from them was studied inHydrangea macrophylla. The upper and lower parts in a nonflower-bearing shoot are discernible; the preformed part of a shoot develops into the lower part and the neoformed part into the upper part (Zhou and Hare, 1988). These two part are formed by the different degrees of internode elongation at early and late phases during a growth season, respectively. Leaf pairs in the neoformed part of the shoot are initiated successively with a plastochron of 5–20 days after the bud burst in spring. The upper axillary buds are initiated at approximately the same intervals as those of leaf pairs, but 10–30 days later than their subtending leaves. Changes in numbers of leaf pairs and in lengths of successive axillary buds show a pattern similar to the changes in internode lengths of the shoot at the mature stage. The uppermost axillary buds of the flower-bearing shoot often begin extending into new lateral shoots when the flowering phase has ended. The secondary buds in terminal and lower axillary buds are initiated and developed in succession during the late phase of the growth season. Internode elongation seems to be important in determining the degrees of development of the axillary buds. Pattern of shoot elongation is suggested to be relatively primitive. Significances of apical dominance and environmental conditions to shoot development are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of axillary bud age on the development and potentialfor growth of the bud into a shoot was studied in roses. Ageof the buds occupying a similar position on the plant variedfrom 'subtending leaf just unfolded' up to 1 year later. Withincreasing age of the axillary bud its dry mass, dry-matterpercentage and number of leaves, including leaf primordia, increased.The apical meristem of the axillary bud remained vegetativeas long as subjected to apical dominance, even for 1 year. The potential for growth of buds was studied either by pruningthe parent shoot above the bud, by grafting the bud or by culturingthe bud in vitro. When the correlative inhibition (i.e. dominationof the apical region over the axillary buds) was released, additionalleaves and eventually a flower formed. The number of additionalleaves decreased with increasing bud age and became more orless constant for axillary buds of shoots beyond the harvestablestage, while the total number of leaves preceding the flowerincreased. An increase in bud age was reflected in a greaternumber of scales, including transitional leaves, and in a greaternumber of non-elongated internodes of the subsequent shoot.Time until bud break slightly decreased with increasing budage; it was long, relatively, for 1 year old buds, when theysprouted attached to the parent shoot. Shoot length, mass andleaf area were not clearly affected by the age of the bud thatdeveloped into the shoot. With increasing bud age the numberof pith cells in the subsequent shoot increased, indicatinga greater potential diameter of the shoot. However, final diameterwas dependent on the assimilate supply after bud break. Axillarybuds obviously need a certain developmental stage to be ableto break. When released from correlative inhibition at an earlierstage, increased leaf initiation occurs before bud break.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Age, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, pith, shoot growth, Rosa hybrida, rose  相似文献   

The developmental morphology ofIndotristicha ramosissima, a submerged rheophyte from South India, is described. Besides creeping organs (called roots) there are branched shoots with two kinds of short-lived photosynthetic appendages: scales and compound structures (called ramuli). These ramuli may be interpreted as leaf-stem intermediates because they combine typical leaf characters (extra-axillary position, determinate growth, subtending an axillary bud) and typical stem characters (nearly radial symmetry, acropetal development with apical meristem, arrangement of the scaly subunits helical or irregular). Floral shoots arise from axillary exogenous buds along the vegetative shoots, occasionally also from endogenous buds along the roots and vegetative shoots. The uppermost scales and ramuli of each floral shoot form a cup-like structure around the base of the terminal flower.Indotristicha is thought to be primitive within theTristichoideae (Podostemaceae). Some morphogenetic switches are postulated in order to deriveIndotristicha from a putative ancestor that still showed the classical root-shoot model typical of most angiosperms.  相似文献   

The morphology of axillary shoots of pea plants (Pisum sativumL. cv. Alaska) was analysed as a function of the position ofthe bud on the plant axis and the stage of plant developmentwhen the buds began to grow. Buds from the three most basalnodes were stimulated to develop by decapitating the main shootwhen buds were still growing (4 d plants), shortly after budsbecame dormant (7 d plants) or after the initiation of floweringon the main shoot (post-flowering plants, about 21 d after sowing).Branch shoots were scored for node of floral initiation (NFI),shoot length, and node of multiple leaflets (NML), a measureof leaf complexity. Shoots that developed spontaneously fromupper nodes (nodes 5-9) on intact post-flowering plants werescored for NFI. NFI for basal buds on 4 and 7 d plants variedas a function of nodal position and ranged from 5 to 6·7nodes. NFI on these plants was not influenced by bud size orwhether a bud was growing or dormant when the plant was decapitated.NFI for shoots derived from basal buds on decapitated post-floweringplants and upper nodes on intact post-flowering plants was about4. Reduced NFI on post-flowering plants may be due to depletionof a cotyledon-derived floral inhibitor. Basal axillary shootson 4 d plants were about 20% longer than those on 7 d plantsand about five times longer than those on post-flowering plants.These differences may be due to depletion of gibberellic acidsfrom the cotyledons. NFI and NML for the main shoot and forbasal axillary shoots were similar under some experimental conditionsbut different under other conditions, so it is likely that eachdevelopmental transition is regulated independently.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Apical dominance, bud development, garden pea, initiation of flowering, Pisum sativum L., shoot morphology  相似文献   

Regulation of Branching in Decussate Species with Unequal Lateral Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the decussate plants Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hygrophilasp. the opposite axillary bud primordia are of unequal sizefrom the time of their inception; the larger or + buds lie alongone helix and the smaller or – buds along another (helicoidalsystem). In decapitated plants of Alternanthera both buds grewout, but unequally; if the node was vertically split growthof the two shoots was more equal, and if the + buds were excisedgrowth of the – shoots approximately equalled that ofcontrol + shoots. In decapitated shoots of Hygrophila grownin sterile culture only one bud, the + or larger one, grew outat each of the upper nodes. In excised cultured nodes, also,only the + bud grew out; but if the nodes were split longitudinallyboth buds grew out, initially rather unequally. These experimentssupport the view that the regulation of branching in these specieshas two components, apical dominance and the dominance of thelarger (+) bud over the smaller (–) bud at the same node.The restriction of growth potentiality imposed on the –bud is not permanent but can be modified. Further correlativeeffects on bud outgrowth include those of the subtending leavesand of buds at other nodes.  相似文献   

When the upper part of the main shoot of the Japanese morning glory (Pharbitis nil or Ipomoea nil) is bent down, the axillary bud situated on the uppermost node of the bending region is released from apical dominance and elongates. Here, we demonstrate that this release of axillary buds from apical dominance is gravity regulated. We utilized two agravitropic mutants of morning glory defective in gravisensing cell differentiation, weeping (we) and weeping2 (we2). Bending the main shoots of either we or we2 plants resulted in minimal elongation of their axillary buds. This aberration was genetically linked to the agravitropism phenotype of the mutants, which implied that shoot bending-induced release from apical dominance required gravisensing cells. Previous studies have shown that basipetal translocation of auxin from the apical bud inhibits axillary bud growth, whereas cytokinin promotes axillary bud outgrowth. We therefore compared the roles of auxin and cytokinin in bending- or decapitation-induced axillary bud growth. In the wild-type and we plants, decapitation increased cytokinin levels and reduced auxin response. In contrast, shoot bending did not cause significant changes in either cytokinin level or auxin response, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying gravity- and decapitation-regulated release from apical dominance are distinct and unique.  相似文献   

Summary Micropropagation of the anti-cancer plant Camptotheca acuminata Decaisne from axillary buds and seed embryos was investigated. Axillary buds from greenhouse seedlings required a period of culture in media free of N6-benzyladenine (BA) before multiple shoot induction began. Direct induction of multiple shoots on BA-containing medium resulted in high mortality of the axillary buds. Multiple shoot induction from the greenhouse axillary buds was best achieved on B5 with 4.4 μM BA+0.5μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid, forming an average of three 2-mm tall shoots per bud in 8 wk. Elongation of these multiple shoots was successful at a lower BA level (0.22 μM) on B5 medium. Both in vitro and ex vitro rooting of the microcuttings was feasible with indole-3-butyric acid in the culture media, but ex vitro rooting led to high plantlet survival. Seed embryos were not ideal explants for multiple shoot induction. Shoot tips and axillary buds of in vitro-germinated seedlings showed an optimal multiple shoot formation on B5 with 8.9 μM BA, double the optimal BA level for greenhouse axillary buds. Using axillary buds to propagate C. acuminata plants in vitro is feasible for mass propagation of desired clonal lines high in camptothecin concentrations.  相似文献   

The length and basal diameter of all lateral and terminal budsof vegetative annual shoots of 7-year-oldJuglans regia treeswere measured. All buds were dissected and numbers of cataphylls,embryonic leaves and leaf primordia were recorded. Each axillarybud was ranked according to the position of its associated leaffrom the apex to the base of its parent shoot. Bud size andcontent were analysed in relation to bud position and were comparedwith the size and number of leaves of shoots in equivalent positionswhich extended during the following growing season. Length andbasal diameter of axillary buds varied according to their positionon the parent shoot. Terminal buds contained more embryonicleaves than any axillary bud. The number of leaves was smallerfor apical and basal axillary buds than for buds in intermediatepositions on the parent shoot only. All new extended shootswere entirely preformed in the buds that gave rise to them.Lateral shoots were formed in the median part of the parentshoot. These lateral shoots derived from buds which were largerthan both apical and basal ones. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Juglans regia L., Persian walnut tree, branching pattern, preformation, bud content, shoot morphology  相似文献   

The hormonal control of axillary bud growth was investigated in cultured stem segments of Phaseolus vulgaris L. When the stem explants were excised and implanted with their apical end in a solid nutrient medium, outgrowth of the axillary buds-located at the midline of the segment-was induced. However, if indoleacetic acid (IAA) or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was included in the medium, bud growth was inhibited. The exposure of the apical end to IAA also caused bud abscission and prevented the appearance of new lateral buds.In contrast to apically inserted segments, those implanted in the control medium with their basal end showed much less bud growth. In these segments, the auxin added to the medium either had no effect or caused a slight stimulation of bud growth.The IAA transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) relieved bud growth inhibition by IAA. This suggests that the effect of IAA applied at the apical end requires the transport of IAA itself rather than a second factor. With the apical end of the segment inserted into the IAA-containing medium, simultaneous basal application of IAA relieved to some extent the inhibitory effect of the apical IAA treatment. These results, together with data presented in a related article [Lim R and Tamas I (1989) Plant Growth Regul 8: 151–164], show that the polarity of IAA transport is a critical factor in the control of axillary bud growth.Of the IAA conjugates tested for their effect on axillary bud growth, indoleacetyl alanine, indoleacetic acid ethyl ester, indoleacetyl-myo-inositol and indoleacetyl glucopyranose were strongly inhibitory when they were applied to the apical end of the stem explants. There was a modest reduction of growth by indoleacetyl glycine and indoleacetyl phenylalanine. Indoleacetyl aspartic acid and indoleglyoxylic acid had no effect.In addition to IAA and its conjugates, a number of other plant growth substances also affected axillary bud growth when applied to the apical end of stem segments. Myo-inositol caused some increase in the rate of growth, but it slightly enhanced the inhibitory effect of IAA when the two substances were added together. Gibberellic acid (GA3) caused some stimulation of bud growth when the explants were from younger, rather than older plants. The presence of abscisic acid (ABA) in the medium had no effect on axillary bud growth. Both kinetin and zeatin caused some inhibition of axillary buds from younger plants but had the opposite effect on buds from older ones. Kinetin also enhanced the inhibitory effect of IAA when the two were applied together.In conclusion, axillary buds of cultured stem segments showed great sensitivity to auxins and certain other substances. Their growth responded to polarity effects and the interaction among different substances. Therefore, the use of cultured stem segments seems to offer a convenient, sensitive and versatile test system for the study of axillary bud growth regulation.  相似文献   

The structure of shoots, in particular of winter buds, ofHydrangea macrophylla was examined. The non-flower-bearing shoot is usually composed of a lower and an upper part, between which a boundary is discernible by means of a distinctly short internode. This internode is the lowermost of the upper part, and it is usually shorter than the internodes immediately above and below, although the internodes tend to shorten successively from the proximal to the distal part of the shoot. Variations exist in the following characters among the terminal bud, the axillary bud on the lower part of the shoot and the axillary bud on the upper part: (1) length of bud; (2) character of the outermost pair of leaf primordia; (3) degree of development of secondary buds in the winter bud; and (4) the number of leaf primordia. Usually, the terminal bud contains several pairs of foliage leaf primordia with a primordial inflorescence at the terminal of the bud, but the axiallary bud contains only the primordia of foliage leaves in addition to a pair of bud scales.  相似文献   

The growth patterns of axillary buds of dayneutral tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38) plants were assessed by using expiants of single buds attached to leafless stem cuttings and allowing the buds to grow to flowering without additional manipulation. Buds located 5, 10 and 15 nodes below the inflorescence were employed. For a given bud position, when a cutting had few internodes the growth pattern of a bud tended to fall into one of two groups: buds that produced few-noded shoots and buds that produced many-noded shoots. For example, in a group of 13 cuttings composed of bud 5 with 2 associated internodes, 11 buds produced 14.2 nodes (range, 11–17) and 2 buds produced 32.0 nodes (range, 30–34). As the number of internodes on the cutting increased, the number of buds producing few-noded shoots increased and the number of nodes produced decreased (e.g. in contrast to the data above, all 5th buds with 6 internodes produced 12.8 nodes; range 11–15). When cuttings from the 3 positions had the same number of internodes, the more apical cuttings had buds that produced fewer nodes (e.g. for cuttings with 6 internodes all 5th buds produced 12.8 nodes, all 10th buds produced 15.5 nodes and 85% of 15th buds produced few-noded shoots with 19.3 nodes). The number of nodes produced by a bud was a function of the original position of the stem piece and not the original position of the bud. That is, bud 5 associated with the 6 internodes below it produced 12.8 nodes and bud 10 associated with essentially the same 6 internodes (i.e. the 6 above it) produced 12.9 nodes while bud 10 associated with the 6 internodes below it produced 15.5 nodes. Thus, the number of nodes produced by a bud was dependent upon the original main-axis position of the cutting as well as the number of internodes on the cutting. Buds forced to grow out in situ on main axes devoid of leaves produced substantially more nodes than similar buds on cuttings. Buds isolated without associated internodes produced many-noded plants with a number of nodes similar to that of plants grown from seed. The simplest interpretation of these data is that stem pieces contain floral-stimulus activity and that this activity is present in a gradient with the highest activity being located in the apical part of the stem.We thank Susan Smith and Harry Roy (Rensselaer) for comments, and the National Science Foundation for financial support (IBN-9003739 to C.N.M.).  相似文献   

Summary Factors affecting in vitro shoot production and regeneration of Cercis yunnanensis Hu et Cheng were investigated by comparing various growth regulators and explant types. For optimum shoot production from axillary buds, Murashige and Skoog (MS) media containing 6-benzyladenine, either alone or in combination with a low concentration of thidiazuron, resulted in the greatest number of shoots formed per explant (>3). Explants (2 mm long) containing one axillary bud placed in directcontact with the medium yielded the most shoots per bud (1.6) when grown on growth regulator-free medium. Root formation on 70–80% of shoot explants was accomplished using either indole-3-butyric acid or α-naphthaleneacetic acid in the medium, with significantly more roots formed on explants possessing and apical bud than those without the bud. Direct shoot organogenesis from leaf explants occurred on MS medium containing 10–30 μM thidiazuron, with up to 42% of leaf explants producing shoots.  相似文献   

During the last century, two key hypotheses have been proposed to explain apical dominance in plants: auxin promotes the production of a second messenger that moves up into buds to repress their outgrowth, and auxin saturation in the stem inhibits auxin transport from buds, thereby inhibiting bud outgrowth. The recent discovery of strigolactone as the novel shoot-branching inhibitor allowed us to test its mode of action in relation to these hypotheses. We found that exogenously applied strigolactone inhibited bud outgrowth in pea (Pisum sativum) even when auxin was depleted after decapitation. We also found that strigolactone application reduced branching in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) auxin response mutants, suggesting that auxin may act through strigolactones to facilitate apical dominance. Moreover, strigolactone application to tiny buds of mutant or decapitated pea plants rapidly stopped outgrowth, in contrast to applying N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an auxin transport inhibitor, which significantly slowed growth only after several days. Whereas strigolactone or NPA applied to growing buds reduced bud length, only NPA blocked auxin transport in the bud. Wild-type and strigolactone biosynthesis mutant pea and Arabidopsis shoots were capable of instantly transporting additional amounts of auxin in excess of endogenous levels, contrary to predictions of auxin transport models. These data suggest that strigolactone does not act primarily by affecting auxin transport from buds. Rather, the primary repressor of bud outgrowth appears to be the auxin-dependent production of strigolactones.  相似文献   

Correlative Inhibition in the Shoot of Agropyron repens ( L.) Beauv   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlative inhibition was investigated in plants of Agropyronrepens at two temperatures. Reciprocal inhibition ocrurred betweenthe main shoot apex and the outgrowing axillary shoots, withthe balance of inhibition varying with temperature. Apical dominancewas stronger at 10 °C than at 20 °C , but even at 10°C release of apical dominance by decapitation had onlyminor effects on the timing of outgrowth, growth pattern andrate of dry weight aocumulation of the axillary shoots. Dominanceof the main shoot apex by the axillary shoots was stronger at20 °C than at 10 °C. Removal of axillary buds preventeddecline in size and activity of the main shoot apex ard resultedin increased rates of primordium initiation, leaf emergenceand dry weight accumulation in the main shoot. It is suggestedthat a system of reciprocal dominance provides a mechanism formaintaining the characteristic habit of the grass plant andlimits growth in height of vegetative shoots. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, couch grass, correlative inhibition, apical dominance, shoot, apex  相似文献   

Summary Plum shoot proliferation was investigated in terms of two distinct processes: axillary bud differentiation and axillary shoot development. Results showed that light quality influenced bud differentiation and interacted with apical dominance in determining shoot outgrowth, resulting in a differentiated structure of shoot clusters and type of branching. Results suggested that blue light, acting through its photoreceptor, increased the number of axillary buds differentiated from apical meristem, but did not remove the apical dominance. Red light removed apical dominance, while reducing the formation of axillary buds; both events appeared to be dependent on the putative amount of phytochrome active form, and independent of light photon fluence rate. On the contrary, blue light action appeared to be dependent on photon fluence rate. In addition, apparent blue-red interactions related to photomorphogenic events fit an antagonistic model for branching regulated by light via cryptochrome and phytochrome photoreceptors. Our results show that the dynamics of shoot cluster development is the product of two events: the formation of new axillary buds and their release from apical dominance.  相似文献   

The influence of the apical bud on the growth of the lateral buds on subterranean shoots was studied in Stachys sieboldiiMig. and Helianthus rigidus(Gass.) Desv. Removing and damaging the apical parts of subterranean shoots or their treatment with 2% chlorocholine chloride shoot enhanced shoot branching. The response to light of the apical bud was invariably negative: the stolons, which came out or were extracted from the soil, grew back into the ground (negative phototropism). The response to light of lateral buds was autonomous and depended on the conditions of their initiation. The lateral buds developed in darkness manifested negative phototropism when withdrawn from the soil and exposed to the light, whereas the buds developed in the light showed positive phototropism. The author concludes that the concept of apical dominance, thoroughly studied in aboveground shoots, is also valid for subterranean shoots. However, in contrast to the former, in the latter case, the apical bud does not control the growth orientation of the lateral buds.  相似文献   

Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were regenerated from 3-day old seedling explants via organogenesis. The explants contained a cotyledon and a small portion (2–3 mm) of embryonic axis split in half. Explants were cultured on a defined medium containing glutamine as the sole nitrogen source. A ring of meristematic tissue was produced at the base of the axillary bud located at the cotyledonary node. The meristematic tissue was produced only if the axillary bud was present together with the cotyledon in the explant. Buds and shoots developed from the meristematic ring. Selected shoots produced roots when excised from the cluster of buds and transferred to root induction medium. Rooted shoots (plantlets) grew well and produced viable seeds when grown in the greenhouse. Histological studies revealed the origin of buds from the peripheral layers of the meristematic ring.Production of buds and shoots was a continuous process, so that new shoots could be removed from the explant for plantlet production every 10–14 days. With the cultivar Dark Red Kidney, an average of 49 buds and 8 shoots were regenerated per explant by 30 days after culture initiation. Sixty-seven percent of the shoots produced roots, and 90–95% of the plantlets survived greenhouse acclimatization to produce healthy plants.  相似文献   

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