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运用梯度──输送理论分析了植物花粉、种子湍流扩散的不同情况,导出了植物花粉、种子散布的湍流扩散模型,并运用此模型研究了亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种四川大头茶的种子散布格局.  相似文献   

Hitt.  Ja 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1998,40(11):981-987
迄今为止世界上最早的种子植物发现于北美和欧洲西北部的晚泥盆纪地层。这些种子植物可能起源于前裸子植物,即解剖构造上较为进化的一类蕨类植物。然而,从目前的证据来看尚无法确切判断这些种子植物起源于前裸子植物中的某个特定类群,比如古羊齿目和戟枝木目。作者总结了种子植物祖先的有关证据,并对目前已知的最早的种子植物的形态进行了概述。由于种子植物自出现起即表现出丰富的形态多样性,因而尚无法对某个可能的祖先形态作出判断。目前的研究尚不能确切回答种子植物起源的全部问题,仍需寻找有关前裸子植物与种子植物过渡类型的新证据。作者对未来的研究提出了建议  相似文献   

植物人工种子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邵宏波  初立业   《广西植物》1990,10(2):168-174
在我国高技术的发展规划中,生物技术是被重视的首领技术之一。植物人工种子正是在创建中的生物技术,由于其具有重大的实践意义和经济价值,目前美国、日本、法国等都相继地开展了此方面的广泛研究,并在胡萝卜、芹菜、苜蓿、花椰菜、西红柿等植物中获得成功。我国从事此方面研究很少,从1985年开始中科院植物所探索了西洋参、玉米、芹菜等植物人工种子的研究,取得可喜成绩。本文阐述植物人工种子发展历程,人工种子的概念,使用的可行性,优越性及对人工种子技术发展中现存的问题,前景给以了乐观的估计。  相似文献   

安徽大别山区种子植物区系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对安徽大别山区种子植物资料收集和实地勘察,在此基础上得到了安徽大别山区种子植物区系的特征和珍稀濒危保护种子植物的分布,并与周边山区进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)安徽大别山区种子植物种类繁多、类型丰富,区域内种子植物共计145科,731属,1 648种(不含种以下分类)。(2)通过统计和PCA方法分析,表明安徽大别山区植物区系整体上呈现亚热带向温带过渡的性质。(3)安徽大别山区与岳西古井园种相似性系数最高(64.52%),与清凉峰次之(40.22%),与舒城万佛山最低(24.65%)。(4)安徽大别山区内含21种珍稀濒危保护种子植物,包括5种濒危植物、2种国家一级保护植物和14种国家二级保护植物。  相似文献   

麒麟啤酒公司6月21日发表了由莴苣和芹菜的F_1品种的人工种子育成的种苗的田间试验成功。降低成本和开发自动化大量生产系统、人工种子的新品种的育种等还有实用化的课题。但是该公司证实了在田间和植物工场能实际使用人工种子的意义很大。确信将来人工种子是用基因操作和细胞融合等育种的“生物技术植物”的增殖不可缺少的工具。不能期待这种“生物技术植物”一定有育性,人工种子具有把以有性生殖的种子为基础的现有种子产业  相似文献   

鉴定一颗种子的成熟,必须根据多方面的特征来决定。通常植物的种实在成熟过程中颜色由浅变深,种仁坚韧而充实,表现出品种固有的色泽,具有旺盛的生活能力,在适宜的条件下能正常萌发,这样则表明种子已经成熟。在采种工作中不能单凭采种时测定种子是否萌发而判定种子成熟度。有些植物种子虽在乳熟期而种子就能萌发(如禾本科的稻、麦等)。而另一些植物的种子虽到完熟期或从植株上已经脱落,但种子并不能萌发(如林木种子中的银杏、蔷薇科的蔷薇、山楂等)。这些种子必须经过后热或低温处理才能萌发。  相似文献   

杂交种子对玉米的增产起了大的作用.同时也给供给种子公司带来了莫大的利益.而且,现在由于新技术的出现,其他作物也能生产杂交种子. 用生物技术生产杂交种子种子生产者能供给农家价格高但收益也高的杂交种子.这种第一代植物比双亲系统优异,它们继承了双亲的好性质,具有杂种优势.杂交种子对种子生产者的好处是农家不能自己培育第一代种子,而第二代以后的植物因不能继承第一代的性质,它们的种子不能用.所以农家必须每年购买新的种子.  相似文献   

野牡丹属植物种子特征的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以国产5种野牡丹属植物的种子为材料,对种子颜色、数量、大小、形状、千粒重和萌发率等基本特征进行观察和统计分析。野牡丹属不同植物果实中都有浅、深两种颜色种子,其数量比多在1:2左右。种子形状为类肾形、类三角形、类半圆形、类圆形。浅色种子较饱满,能萌发;深色种子多数干瘪,不能萌发。同种植物浅色种子的千粒重约为深色种子的2倍;不同植物千粒重由大到小的顺序为:展毛野牡丹〉地苍〉多花野牡丹〉细叶野牡丹〉野牡丹。野牡丹种子的萌发率最高,为97.55%,地苍最低,为12.63%,种子萌发率与采种时期有密切关系。对种子表面做电镜扫描,多花野牡丹、野牡丹和细叶野牡丹种子表面纹饰为圆形、椭圆形或不规则突起;地苍种子表面呈不规则的皱痕;展毛野牡丹种子表面有脊和谷,脊顶部有突起,谷布满穴。  相似文献   

许多健全饱满未受损伤的树木种子,往往在温度、湿度、氧气和光照等适宜的情况下却不能萌发,这叫做休眠的种子。休眠是植物的一种有益的生物学特性。它是植物在对外界不良条件的适应过程中所形成的。并且和人工与自然选择有密切关系。  相似文献   

Calgerie公司已获得一项有关种子-特异性启动子napin的专利,napin是许多公司遗传工程植物油产品的关键成份。此项5,420,034号美国专利涉及3个DNA构建物中的种子一特异性启动子,其中包括napin,还涉及含此构建物的芸苔属宿主植物。 就油料改良而言,种子特异性启动子保证了转移油料基因编码的只是植物贮藏油料,并且对植物本身没有影响。由于长度适宜和定时性,napin启动子是植物油料遗传工程中最常用的启动子。  相似文献   

In two separate experiments in 1970 and 1971 the germination ability of seeds that had been rapidly desiccated following harvesting from glasshouse-grown pea plants improved with time after fertilization. In 1970 the germination of seeds directly after harvesting also improved with time. In both years the readiness with which electrolytes were leached from dried seeds decreased with seed age, measured as time after fertilization. The germination ability of desiccated seeds, and of undried seeds in 1970, improved after the cessation of seed moisture increase on the parent plant. This improvement coincided, in 1970, with a fall in the readiness with which electrolytes could be leached from seeds and with a decline in the rate of oxygen uptake of seeds directly after harvest. Vital staining of dried seeds from harvest samples indicated the viability of the samples as determined by germination tests. In both years, when the cotyledons first showed complete staining, the staining was very intense; in 1970 this occurred in a harvest sample with a greater than 50% germination level, but in 1971 it occurred in a sample that showed incomplete staining in the embryo axis and less than 5 % germination. In 1971 the comparative rates of moisture loss from seeds, measured with a sensor element diffusion porometer, were very low at 25 days after fertilization, increased up to a peak at 35 days and fell to a rate at the final harvest (44 days) which was nearly three times faster than the initial rate. Thus, during the period of dehydration, after 37 days, the seeds were able to lose moisture. When seeds were allowed to lose moisture slowly after harvest, before being desiccated rapidly, their eventual condition as measured by leaching improved. Also, the faster the initial water loss preceding rapid desiccation the more readily were the dried seeds leached. It is suggested that seeds can only withstand rapid desiccation after the cessation of moisture increase and after some slow dehydration, which is accompanied by a slowing down in physiological activity.  相似文献   

Humans hunt forest vertebrates throughout the tropics. Many preferred game species consume flowers, fruit, seeds and/or leaves, and these interactions will cause their harvest to ramify through forests. Three related issues will determine how severely the harvest of forest vertebrates influences the plant community. First, the types of species selected by hunters and the intensity of the harvest will determine which vertebrates are removed and which remain. Second, the possible presence of ecologically similar, non-game species able to expand their activities to fulfill the ecological role of heavily exploited species will determine how severely the harvest disrupts ecological relationships between the community of forest vertebrates and the community of forest plants. Finally, hunters will alter plant species composition if the harvest of vertebrates differentially affects mutualists or pests of particular plant species. Hunters will also alter plant diversity if the harvest of vertebrates disrupts ecological mechanisms that permit plant species to coexist. I examine hunter selectivity, the intensity of the hunt, possible compensation by non-game species, and the types and strengths of interactions among game species and plants for tropical forests to determine when and where these outcomes occur.  相似文献   

A series of harvests from field plots of peas showed that the younger seeds were at the time of harvest the lower was their percentage viability and the greater their percentage mortality in soil. Young seed also showed a high degree of solute leaching into steep water and had a high moisture content at harvest compared with older seeds. Heavy rainfall just prior to harvesting reduced the percentage viability of the dried seed and increased the moisture content of the seed at harvest as well as the leaching of solutes from the dried seed into steep water. Comparisons of moisture content at harvest and seed condition after drying suggested that cotyledons and embryo axes were only able to withstand enhanced drying after removal from the plant if the seed moisture content had already begun to decline whilst the seed was still on the plant.  相似文献   

终止子技术与生物安全   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
终止子技术是美国Delta and Pine Land种子公司和美国农业部联合申请、经美国专利局1998年3月批准的一项专利。整个过程可叙述为遗传工程师在转基因作物中加入了由3个基因组成的终止子基因;得到的转基因作物的种子由种子公司加上一种诱导剂;经诱导剂的作用及终止子基因间的相互作用,在种子胚胎发育的后期产生一种毒素;这种毒素杀死了发育后期的胚胎;最后得到的是成熟但不育的种子。专利获得后,引起国际上巨大反响。国际农业研究磋商小组指出,终止子技术必须禁止,不然将给全球食品保障带来影响。原因是这项技术会使农民无法留种、对遗传多样性有负影响,由于农民不再育种影响到持续农业的发展,可能出现出售或交换不能发芽的种子以及通过花粉非故意的传播造成生物安全的风险。第三世界国家认为这项技术是“种子的灾难”、“农业上的中子弹”。虽然转基因作物产生不育种子可能在解决转基因逃逸带来的生态风险上有益处,但这个收获与终止子技术可能给全球食品保障带来危机相比,两者就不能等量齐观了。从另一角度看,这项技术可能又是遗传工程带来的另一种生物安全危机。  相似文献   

Abstract: As gray wolves (Canis lupus) are removed from the federal Endangered Species List, management reverts to the states. Eventually most states will probably allow public wolf harvesting. Open seasons between about 1 November and 1 March accord more with basic wolf biology than during other times. Managers who consider wolf biology and public sensitivities, adapt public-taking regulations accordingly, and adjust harvest regulations as they learn will be best able to maximize the recreational value of wolf harvesting, minimize public animosity toward it, and meet their harvest objectives.  相似文献   

Summary Several lines of evidence show that soil texture plays an important role in the distribution of desert-dwelling heteromyid rodents. This is not surprising, since texture influences the energetic cost of digging burrows and of scratching at the soil surface to harvest buried seeds. Texture also may influence the efficiency with which seeds can be separated from the soil particles with which they are mixed. To explore mechanisms of particle separation by foraging heteromyids we measured seed harvest rates and size selection in the laboratory for a variety of seed sizes and soil textures. Harvest rate declined with increasing soil coarseness, and the preference for seeds of intermediate size that was apparent in fine soil disappeared when seeds were mixed with soil slightly coarser than the preferred seed size. In addition, there was evidence that particle separation efficiency is sensitive to the relative sizes of seeds and soil. A discontinity in the function relating harvest rate to soil texture occurred at finer soil textures for small seeds than for large seeds, suggesting that harvest techniques change once soil particle diameter equals or exceeds that of seeds. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that heteromyids use a combination of gravity-and rake-sorting mechanisms for particle separation.  相似文献   

5406抗生菌肥特性及使用方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
5406菌肥的使用有多种方法,可与绿肥、厩肥混用或浸种、拌种、催芽和作为基肥使用等,都能起到很好的增产作用,如在缺磷地区使用,作物的增产效果更加明显。5406菌肥的浸出液也可以用于水稻与小麦浸种、浸根和喷施等,都能起到很好的增产效果。  相似文献   

Red spruce can establish on abandoned agricultural land only from seed, unlike in logged environments where red spruce forests can establish from seedlings that survived the harvest. In this study we collected seeds from the seed rain and from soil cores to examine the abundance and distribution of the red spruce seed rain and the seed bank along a gradient from the forest interior to adjacent old fields in Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park (PEINP), Canada. In addition, we examined the temporal abundance and distribution of the seed rain through the seed-fall season. We subsequently tested the germination potential of red spruce seeds from the forest portion of our sites. Because red spruce seeds are usually viable for only one year, we expected the seed bank to be either very small or non-existent. We found 39 red spruce seeds in the seed bank, distributed over 13.1% of the sampled area; 37 of these seeds were definitely nonviable. From the seed rain, we collected 224 red spruce seeds, distributed over 29.4% of the sampled area; 213 of these seeds were definitely nonviable. Nearly all of the red spruce seed rain fell within the forest; differences in abundance among collection dates were not statistically significant. Our seeds had a low germination rate of 0.004%, in part because red and black spruce commonly hybridise in our study area. Despite the low rates of red spruce seed dispersal and viability, the presence of red spruce saplings in our two longest-abandoned fields shows that the species is able to slowly colonise some old fields in PEINP.  相似文献   

Summary Although it is well established that coexisting heteromyid rodent species forage in different microhabitats, we do not yet know the basis for divergent microhabitat choice. One possibility is that seed harvest rates differ among microhabitats, and each species forages where it can extract seeds most efficiently. Microhabitats vary in several factors that could affect heteromyid foraging efficiency, including seed density, soil organic content and particle size distribution. We have explored the effect of each of these variables on harvest rates of several species feeding from petri dishes containing known densities of millet seeds embedded in soil of known particle size and density. Results indicate that the number of seeds harvested per second increases uniformly with seed density and soil density and decreases with soil particle size. Body size affects these relationships: larger animals have higher harvest rates for a given set of conditions and experience a greater relative change in harvest rate for a give change in conditions. This implies that heteromyids can be expected to exhibit species-specific microhabitat preferences while foraging in nature.  相似文献   

A series of rotation experiments at five sites over four years has explored the environmental and agronomic implications of growing herbicide tolerant oilseed rape and sugar beet. This paper reports on the population dynamics of volunteer rape (Brassica napus). The experiments compared four winter oilseed rape (WOSR) cultivars: a conventional cultivar (Apex) and three developmental cultivars either genetically modified (GM) to be tolerant to glyphosate or glufosinate, or conventionally bred to be tolerant to herbicides of the imidazolinone group. Seed losses at harvest averaged 3575 seeds m(-2) but ranged from less than 2000 up to more than 10000 seeds m(-2). There was a rapid decline in seed numbers during the first few months after harvest, resulting in a mean loss of seeds of 60%. In subsequent seasons, the seedbank declined much more slowly at four of the five sites (ca 20% per year) and the models predicted 95% seed loss after approximately 9 years. Seed decline was much faster at the fifth site. There were no clear differences between the four cultivars in either the numbers of seeds shed at harvest or in their subsequent persistence. The importance of the persistence of GM rape seeds, in the context of the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops and the role of good management practices that minimize seed persistence, are discussed.  相似文献   

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