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The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to antisera raised against the undecapeptide C-terminal fragment of drosulfakinin II (DrmSKII), Asp-Gln-Phe-Asp-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Gly-His-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2, has been studied in the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Antisera were preabsorbed with combinations of the parent antigen, the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 and cholecystokinin, the vertebrate sulfated octapeptide (CCK-8), Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2, in order to ensure specificity for the sulfakinin peptides of C. vomitoria (the nonapeptide callisulfakinin I is identical to drosulfakinin I and callisulfakinin II differs from DrmSK II only by the presence of -Glu3-Glu4- in place of -Asp3-Asp4-). Only four pairs of sulfakinin-immunoreactive neurones have been visualised in the entire nervous system. These occur in the brain: two pairs of cells situated medially in the caudo-dorsal region close to the roots of the ocellar nerve and two other pairs at the same level but positioned more laterally. Despite the small number of sulfakinin-immunoreactive cells, there are extensive projections to many areas of neuropile in the brain and the thoracic ganglion. The pathway of the medial sulfakinin cells extends into each of the three thoracic ganglia and a metameric arrangement of sulfakinin neuronal projections is also seen in the abdominal ganglia. Neither the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracic ganglion, nor the abdominal nerves contain sulfakinin-immunoreactive material. These observations suggest that the sulfakinins of the blowfly function as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. They do not appear to have a direct role in gut physiology, as has been shown by in vitro bioassays for the sulfakinins of orthopterans and blattodeans. In addition to the neurones that display specific sulfakinin immunoreactivity, other cells within the brain and thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to cholecystokinin/gastrin antisera. There are, therefore, at least two types of dipteran neuropeptides with amino acid sequences that are similar to the vertebrate molecules cholecystokinin and gastrin.  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal pathways in the retrocerebral complex and thoracico-abdominal ganglionic mass of the blowflyCalliphora vomitoria have been identified immunocytochemically with antisera against the extended-enkephalins, Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-7) and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (Met-8). Neurons of the hypocerebral ganglion, immunoreactive to Met-8, have axons in the crop duct nerve and terminals in muscles of the crop and its duct. Certain neurons of the hypocerebral ganglion are also immunoreactive to Met-7, and axons from these cells innervate the heart. Met-8 immunoreactive nerve terminals invest the cells of the corpus allatum. The source of this material is believed to ve a single pair of lateral neurosecretory cells in the brain. There is no Met-7 immunoreactive material in the corpus allatum. In the corpus cardiacum neither Met-7 nor Met-8 immunoreactivity is present in the cells. However, in the neuropil of the gland certain fibres, with their origins elsewhere, do contain Met-8 immunoreactivity. The most prominent neurons in the thoracic ganglion are the Met-7 immunoreactive ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells, axons from which project to neurohaemal areas in the dorsal neural sheath and also, via the ventral connective, to the brain. Co-localisation studies show that the perikarya of these cells are immunoreactive to antisera raised against several vertebrate-type peptides, such as Met-7, gastrin/cholecystokinin and pancreatic polypeptide. However, their axons and terminals show varying amounts of the peptides, suggesting differential transport and utilisation. Only a few cells in the thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to Met-8 antisera. These lie close to the nerve bundles suppling the legs. In the abdominal ganglion, Met-8 immunoreactive neurons project to the muscles of the hindgut. This study suggests that the extended enkephalin-like peptides ofCalliphora may have a variety of different roles: as neurotransmitter or neuromodulator substances; in the direct innervation of effector organs; and as neurohormones.  相似文献   

The Leu-callatostatins are a series of four neuropeptides isolated from nervous tissues of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria that show C-terminal sequence homology to the allatostatins of cockroaches. The allatostatins have an important role in the reproductive processes of insects as inhibitors of the synthesis and release of juvenile hormone from the corpus allatum. In this study, the distribution of the Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive neurones and endocrine cells has been mapped in C. vomitoria and, in contrast to the cockroach allatostatins, it has been shown that there is no cytological basis to suggest that the dipteran peptides act as regulators of juvenile hormone. Although occurring in various neurones in the brain and thoracico-abdominal ganglion, there is no evidence of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive pathways linking the brain to the corpus allatum, or of immunoreactive terminals in this gland. Three different types of functions for the Leu-callatostatins are suggested by the occurrence of immunoreactive material in cells and by the pathways that have been identified. (1) A role in neurotransmission or neuromodulation appears evident from immunoreactive neurones in the medulla of the optic lobes, and from immunoreactive material in the central body and in descending interneurones in the suboesophageal ganglion that project to the neuropile of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. (2) Leu-callatostatin neurones directly innervate muscles of the hindgut and the heart. Immunoreactive fibres from neurones of the abdominal ganglion pass by way of the median abdominal nerve to ramify extensively over several areas of the hindgut. Physiological experiments with synthetic peptides show that the Leu-callatostatins are potent inhibitors of peristaltic movements of the ileum. Leu-callatostatin 3 is active at 10-16 to 10-13 M. This form or regulatory control over gut motility appears to be highly specific since the patterns of contraction in other regions are unaffected by these peptides. (3) Evidence that the Leu-callatostatins act as neurohormones comes from the presence of varicosities in axons passing through the corpus cardiacum (but not the corpus allatum) and also from material in extraganglionic neurosecretory cells in the thorax. Fibres from these peripheral neurones are especially prominent over the large nerve bundles supplying the legs. There are also a considerable number of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells in a specific region of the midgut. The conclusion from this study is that although conservation of the structure of the allatostatin-type of peptides is evident through a long period of evolution it cannot be assumed that all of their functions have also been conserved. Several different types of functions for the Leu-callatostatins of the blowfly are proposed in this study, but there is no evidence to suggest a role in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis and release.  相似文献   

Nichols R 《Peptides》2007,28(4):767-773
Invertebrate sulfakinins are structurally and functionally homologous to vertebrate cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin. To date, sulfakinins are reported to require a sulfated tyrosine for activity; sulfated and nonsulfated CCK and gastrin are active. This is the first nonsulfated sulfakinin activity reported. Nonsulfated Drosophila melanogaster sulfakinins or drosulfakinins (nsDSK I; PheAspAspTyrGlyHisMetArgPheNH2) and (nsDSK II; GlyGlyAspAspGlnPheAspAspTyrGlyHisMetArgPheNH2) decreased the frequency of contractions of adult D. melanogaster foregut (crop) in vivo. The EC50's for nsDSK I and nsDSK II were approximately 2 x 10(-9)M and approximately 3 x 10(-8)M, respectively. Nonsulfated DSK peptides also decreased the frequency of larval anterior midgut contractions. Sulfated DSK peptides decreased both adult and larval gut contractions. Whether sulfation is required for sulfakinin activity may depend on where the peptide is applied, what tissue is analyzed, or what preparation is used. D. melanogaster contains two sulfakinin receptors, DSK-R1 and DSK-R2; vertebrates contain two CCK receptors, CCK-1 and CCK-2. A sulfated DSK I analog, [Leu7] sDSK I, binds to expressed DSK-R1; the corresponding nonsulfated analog does not bind to DSK-R1. No DSK-R2 binding data are reported. Sulfated and nonsulfated CCK peptides preferentially bind to CCK-1 or CCK-2, respectively. Sulfated and nonsulfated sulfakinins may bind to DSK-R1 or DSK-R2, respectively. Sulfakinin activities, spatial and temporal distribution, and homology to CCK and gastrin suggest sulfated and nonsulfated DSK peptides act in diverse roles in the neural and gastrointestinal systems including gut emptying and satiety.  相似文献   

In situ hybridisation studies using a digoxigenin-labelled DNA probe encoding the Leu-callatostatin prohormone of the blowflies Calliphora vomitoria and Lucilia cuprina have revealed a variety of neurones in the brain and thoracico-abdominal ganglion, peripheral neurosecretory neurones, and endocrine cells of the midgut. With two exceptions, the hybridising cells are the same as those previously identified in immunocytochemical studies of sections and whole-mounts using Leu-callatostatin COOH-terminal-specific antisera. Within the brain and suboesophageal ganglion, there is a variety of neurones ranging from a single pair of large cells situated in the dorsal protocerebrum, to the several pairs of neurones in the tritocerebrum, some of which, in immunocytochemical preparations, can be seen to project via axons in the cervical connective to the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. In the medulla of the optic lobes, numerous small interneurones hybridise with the probe, as do clusters of similar-sized neurones close to the roots of the ocellar nerves. These results indicate that the Leu-callatostatin neuropeptides of the brain play a variety of roles in neurotransmission and neuromodulation. There are only three pairs of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive neurones in the thoracico-abdominal ganglion, at least two pairs of which project axons along the median abdominal nerve to provide extensive innervation of the hindgut. The Leu-callatostatin peripheral neurosecretory cells are located in close association with both nerve and muscle fibres in the thorax. In addition to neuronal Leu-callatostatin, the presence of the peptide and its mRNA has been demonstrated in endocrine cells in the posterior part of the midgut. These observations provide an example of a named brain/gut peptide in an insect.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of three peptides, DSK I, DSK II, and DSK 0, encoded by the Drosophila melanogaster drosulfakinin (Dsk) gene, have been examined in the central nervous system. DSK I and DSK II have a -RFamide C-terminus and are structurally similar to sulfakinin peptides; in contrast, DSK 0 contains -SFamide and is not structurally similar to sulfakinins. Antisera specificities were determined by the design of the antigens and confirmed by dot blot analysis and preincubation with peptides prior to their use in immunocytochemistry. The distribution of immunoreactivity suggests that all three DSK peptides are processed from the polypeptide precursor and expressed in many of the same cells. Expression was observed at all developmental stages with an increase in the level of staining and the number of immunoreactive cells as development progresses. Cells in the brain lobe, optic lobe, subesophageal ganglion, thoracic ganglia, and the eighth abdominal neuromere contain DSK-immunoreactive materials. Immunoreactive fibers project from some cells and extend into the brain and ventral ganglion with regions of extensive arborization. DSK 0 immunoreactivity provides initial evidence for the presence of a -SFamide peptide in neural tissue. The observed expression of DSK-immunoreactive materials throughout development in numerous cells of the central nervous system suggests that DSK peptides may serve as hormones, modulators, or transmitters involved in several functions.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of a neuropeptide, previously shown to have the same or a very similar amino acid composition as vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP), has been studied in the nervous system and gut of the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria. Neurones immunoreactive to a bovine PP antiserum occur in the thoracic and abdominal ganglionic components of the central nervous system, in addition to the brain and suboesophageal ganglion. Pancreatic polypeptide appears to be relayed from its cells of origin to a neurohaemal organ in the dorsal sheath of the thoracic ganglion. PP immunoreactivity is also found in cells of the hypocerebral ganglion of the stomatogastric nervous system and in associated nerve fibres. The mid-gut contains PP-positive material in flask-shaped cells of its epithelial lining.  相似文献   

Summary Ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells (VTNCs) of the blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala and C. vomitoria, innervating thoracic neuropil and the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion have been shown to be immunoreactive to a variety of mammalian peptide antisera. In the neural sheath the VTNC terminals form an extensive neurohaemal network that is especially dense over the abdominal ganglia. The same areas are invaded by separate, ut overlapping serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) projections derived from neuronal cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunocytochemical studies with different antisera, applied to adjacent sections at the lightmicroscopic level, combined with extensive cross-absorption tests, suggest that the perikarya of the VTNCs contain co-localized peptides related to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP), Met- and Leuenkephalin and Met-enk-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-enk-RF). Electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling shows that some of the terminals in the dorsal sheath react with several of the individual peptide antisera, whilst others with similar cytology are non-immunoreactive. In the same region, separate terminals with different cytological characteristics contain 5-HT-IR. Both 5-HT-IR and peptidergic terminals are localized outside the cellular perineurium beneath the acellular permeable sheath adjacent to the haemocoel. Hence, we propose that various bioactive substances may be released from thoracic neurosecretory neurons into the circulating haemolymph to act on peripheral targets. The same neurons may also interact by synaptic or modulatory action in the CNS in different neuropil regions of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

The sulfakinin (SK) family of neuropeptides are characterized by a C-terminal octapeptide sequence that begins with two acidic residues (most commonly DD), and ends with YGHMRF-NH2, usually with the tyrosyl residue sulfated. So far, sulfakinins have only been identified in insects and the present study was initiated to investigate if the family is more widely distributed within the arthropods. Purification of an extract of the central nervous system of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon has revealed three novel members of the sulfakinin peptide family. One of the peptides, Pem SKI, has the sequence 相似文献   

Two myotropic peptides displaying tyrosyl sulfation have been isolated from an extract of central nervous systems (brain, suboesophageal ganglion, thoracic ganglia, and ventral nerve cord) of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Both peptides were identified by mass spectrometry and belong to the sulfakinin family of neuropeptides, which are characterized by the C-terminal hexapeptide Y(SO(3)H)GHMRF-NH(2) preceded by two acidic amino acid residues. Pev-SK 1 (AGGSGGVGGEY(SO(3)H)DDY(SO(3)H)GH(L/I) RF-NH(2)) has two sulfated tyrosyl residues and a unique (L/I) for M substitution in the C-terminal sequence. Pev-SK 2 (pQFDEY(SO(3)H)GHMRF-NH(2)) fully complies with the typical sulfakinin core sequence and is blocked by a pyroglutamyl residue. Synthetic analogs (sulfated and unsulfated) were synthesized and the tyrosyl sulfations were confirmed by myotropic activity studies and co-elution with the native fractions. Pev-SK 1 is the first disulfated neuropeptide elucidated in the phylum of the arthropoda, with the only other reported disulfated neuropeptide, called cionin, found in a protochordate. The similarities in amino acid sequence and posttranslational modifications of the crustacean sulfakinins and protochordate cionin provide further evidence for the hypothesis stating that gastrin/CCK, cionin, and sulfakinins originate from a common ancestral gastrin/CCK-like peptide.  相似文献   

Summary The adult optic lobes of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala were found to be innervated by more than 2000 neurons immunoreactive to antisera raised against the neuropeptides FMRFamide, its fragment RFamide, and gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK). All of the CCK-like immunoreactive (CCK-IR) neurons also reacted with antisera to RFamide, FMRFamide and pancreatic polypeptide. A few RFamide/FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (RF-IR) neurons did not react with CCK antisera; they reacted instead with antisera to Leu-enkephalin and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7. The RF-IR neurons are, thus, heterogeneous with respect to their contents of immunoreactive peptides. Two of the RF-IR neuron types innervating the adult optic lobes could be traced in their entirety only after following their postembryonic development, because of the complexity of the trajectories of the immunoreactive neuronal process in the adult insect. The majority of the cell bodies of the RF-IR and CCK-IR neurons lie within the optic lobes and are derived from imaginal neuroblasts of the inner and outer optic anlagen. Six of the peptidergic neurons are, however, metamorphosing larval neurons with their cell bodies in the central part of the protocerebrum. The full extent of immunoreactivitiy is not attained in some of the neurons until the late pupal or early adult stage. The larval optic center was also found to be innervated by neurons immuno-reactive with both RFamide and CCK antisera. The cell bodies of these RF-IR/CCK-IR neurons are located near the developing lamina (one on each side). In the 24 h pupa, the cell bodies of these neurons are still immunoreactive, but thereafter they cannot be immunolabeled apparently due to cell death or a change in transmitter phenotype.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide Y, galanin, and bombesin are known to be involved in the control of food intake. We report here that insect sulfakinins, peptides which display substantial sequence similarities with the vertebrate gastrin/CCK peptide family, significantly inhibit food uptake in fifth instar nymphs of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Upon injection of Lom-sulfakinin, a neuropeptide present in the corpus cardiacum of locusts, food intake was significantly reduced in a dose-dependent manner within a fixed 20 min time period. The induced effect ranged from 13% inhibition (10 pmol of injected peptide) to over 50% inhibition at 1 nmol. Other naturally occurring sulfakinins from different insect species also elicited this satiety effect. Analogous to the satiety effect of CCK in vertebrates, the sulfate group is required for activity. No effect on the palptip resistance was found after injection with sulfakinin. Therefore it seems unlikly that sulfakinins reduce food intake by decreasing the sensitivity of the taste receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal pathways immunoreactive to antisera against the extended-enkephalins, Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-7) and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (Met-8), have been identified in the brain of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Co-localisation with other enkephalins in certain neurons suggests that a precursor similar to preproenkephalin A exists in insects and that differential enzymatic processing occurs as in vertebrates. Co-localisations of the extended-enkephalin-like peptides with other vertebrate-type peptides, including cholecystokinin and pancreatic polypeptide, also occur. The enkephalinergic pathways are specific, comprising a few groups of highly characteristic neurons and areas of neuropil. Of special interest is the finding that parts of the antennal chemosensory and the optic lobe visual systems contain Met-8 immunoreactive neurons. Within the median neurosecretory cell groups, some of the giant neurons show immunoreactivity to Met-8 and others to both Met-8 and Met-7. Fibres from these cells project to the corpus cardiacum and also to the suboesophageal ganglion, where arborisations occur in the tritocerebral neuropil. Co-localisation studies of these cells have shown that at certain terminals, one particular type of peptide is the dominant neuroregulator, whilst at other terminals, within the same cell, a different co-synthesised peptide predominates. Several groups of lateral neurosecretory cells show clearly defined enkephalinergic pathways, most of which have connections with the central body. The complex patterns of immunoreactivity seen in terminals in the different parts of the central body, suggest an important role for the enkephalin-like peptides in the integration of multimodal sensory inputs. The physiological functions of the extended-enkephalin-like peptides in the brain of Calliphora is still unknown, but the anatomical evidence suggests they may have a role similar to that in mammals, where they are thought to control aspects of feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of neurons immunoreactive against antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) and gastrin/cholecystokinin (gastrin/CCK) has been studied in the larval retrocerebral complex of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala, a composite structure which consists of the corpus cardiacum, the corpus allatum, the thoracic gland and a portion of the cephalic aorta. Immunoreactive material was found in all these elements except in the corpus allatum. Six to eight cell bodies in the corpus cardiacum and four to eight cell bodies in the thoracic gland were 5-HT immunoreactive (5-HTi). These 5-HTi cell bodies send processes to the neuropil of the corpus cardiacum and to neurohemal sites in the cephalic aorta, corpus cardiacum and ventral part of the thoracic gland. Six to eight cell bodies in the corpus cardiacum and four to six cell bodies in the thoracic gland reacted with antibodies against gastrin/CCK. These cell bodies send processes to the neuropil of the corpus cardiacum and to neurohemal sites in the corpus cardiacum and the cephalic aorta in a pattern resembling that of the 5-HTi fibers. Additional gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactive fibers were shown to come from the central nervous system via the two nervi corporis cardiaci. An electron-microscopical analysis was performed to analyze further the morphological features revealed by the light-microscopic immunocytochemical technique. This confirmed the existence of neurosecretory-like terminals among the gland cells of the thoracic glands and the existence of neurohemal sites in several regions of the larval retrocerebral complex. Some functional aspects of the retrocerebral complex are discussed on the basis of the presented data.  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal circuits in the brain and retrocerebral complex of the cockroach Diploptera punctata have been mapped immunocytochemically with antisera directed against the extended enkephalin, Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (Met-8). The pathways link median and lateral neurosecretory cells with the corpus cardiacum/corpus allatum complex. In females, nerve fibres penetrate the corpora allata and varicosities or terminals, immunoreactive to Met-8, surround the glandular cells. Males differ in having almost no Met-8 immunoreactivity in the corpora allata. The corpora cardiaca of both males and females are richly supplied with Met-8 immunoreactive material, in particular in the cap regions immediately adjacent to the corpora allata. A similarity in the amino-acid sequences of Met-8 and the C-terminus of the recently characterised allatostatins of D. punctata suggests that the pathways identified with the Met-8 antisera may be the same as those by which the allatostatins are transported from the brain to the corpus allatum. In comparative studies on the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria, similar neuronal pathways have been identified except that no sexual dimophism with respect to amounts of immunoreactive material within the corpus allatum has been observed. These results suggest a possible homology in the neuropeptide regulation of the gland.  相似文献   

An immunogold-labelling electron-microscopic study of the frontal ganglion of two noctuids, Lacanobia oleracea and Helicoverpa armigera, has been carried out with antisera directed against three neuropeptides; allatostatins of the Y/FXFGL-NH2 type, Manduca sexta allatostatin (Mas-AS) and M. sexta allatotropin. The ganglion of both noctuids has two pairs of large peptidergic neurones with many clusters of electron-dense granules, one pair being situated anteriorly and the other posteriorly. By means of a double-labelling (flip-flop) technique, with different sizes of gold particles, all possible paired combinations of the three different types of peptide have been visualised within granules of the anterior neurones, leading to the conclusion that the three peptides are co-packaged and co-stored in these cells. Within the posterior neurones of L. oleracea, gold labelling of granules is only linked to the Y/FXFGL-NH2 allatostatin antisera and, in contrast to the anterior cells of this species in which double gold labelling results in a sparse accumulation of gold particles for any one peptide type, single labelling gives a more intense, uniform pattern of gold particles. In contrast to L. oleracea, the gold-labelling pattern seen in the posterior neurones of H. armigera reflects the co-localisation of allatostatins of the Y/FXFGL-NH2 type with Mas-AS in this species. Allatotropin is absent in the posterior neurones of both species.Grant funding was from the Wellcome Trust: grant no. 068105 (A.T.)  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I (LKI) was used to study peptidergic neurons and their innervation patterns in larvae and adults of three species of higher dipteran insects, the flies Drosophila melanogaster, Calliphora vomitoria, and Phormia terraenovae, as well as larvae of a primitive dipteran insect, the crane fly Phalacrocera replicata. In the larvae of the higher dipteran flies, the antiserum revealed three pairs of cells in the brain, three pairs of ventro-medial cells in the subesophageal ganglion, and seven pairs of ventro-lateral cells in the abdominal ganglia. Each of these 14 abdominal leucokinin-immunoreactive (LKIR) neurons innervates a single muscle of the abdominal body wall (muscle 8), which is known to degenerate shortly after adult emergence. Conventional electron microscopy demonstrates that this muscle is innervated by at least one axon containing clear vesicles and two axons containing dense-cored vesicles. Electronmicroscopical immunocytochemistry shows that the LKIR axon is one of these two axons with dense-cored vesicles and that it forms terminals on the sarcolemma of its target muscle. The abdominal LKIR neurons appear to survive metamorphosis. In the adult fly, the efferent abdominal LKIR neurons innervate the spiracles, the heart, and neurohemal regions of the abdominal wall. In the crane fly larva, dorso-medial and ventrolateral LKIR cell bodies are located in both thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. As in the larvae of the other flies, the abdominal ventrolateral LKIR neurons form efferent axons. However, in the crane fly larva there are two pairs of efferent LKIR neurons in each of the abdominal ganglia and their peripheral targets include neurohemal regions of the dorsal transverse nerves. An additional difference is that in the crane fly, a caudal pair of LKIR axons originating from the penultimate pair of dorso-median LKIR cells in the terminal ganglion innervate the hindgut.  相似文献   

Through interaction with the active site of αvβ3 integrin, tumstatin T7 peptide inhibits both the angiogenesis and the proliferation of tumour cells. In this work, docking in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulation was used to explore the binding mode of T7 peptide and αvβ3 integrin. The binding mode analysis revealed that the residues Ser90, Arg91, Asp93 and Tyr94 in T7 peptide, and (α)-Asp150, (β)-Arg214, (α)-Asp148 (α)-Gln214 and (α)-Glu123 in the active site of αvβ3 integrin were most likely the key interaction sites. The hydroxyl of Tyr94 coordinates αvβ3 via a Mn2+ ion, revealing that Mn2+ is also an important factor for the interaction. The insight into these key interaction sites not only suggests that the active site of αvβ3 integrin can bind to molecules through multiple binding mechanisms, but also provides some useful information for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Summary The serotoninergic innervation of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria was investigated using two antisera against serotonin. A dense network of immunoreactive nerve fibres was present in the storage lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres only sporadically crossed the border between the storage lobe and the glandular lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres entered the storage lobe of the CC via the nervus corporis cardiaci I (NCCI); NCCII was immunonegative. Unilateral retrograde fillings of the NCCI with the fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow, followed by antiserotonin immunocytochemistry, revealed about 20 double-labelled neurones in the anterior part of the pars intercerebralis. The double-labelled neurones were scattered between fluorescent non-immunoreactive neurones. Additionally, 5–7 neurones labelled only with Lucifer yellow were found at the ventrolateral side of the tritocerebrum. No immunopositive neurones were observed in the hypocerebral ganglion. Immunopositive fibres from neurones in the frontal ganglion ran via the recurrent nerve and the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion into the paired oesophageal nerve. At most, a few immunopositive nerve fibres occurred in the cardiostomatogastric nerves II, which connect the storage lobe of the CC with the paired oesophageal nerve at the caudal end of the hypocerebral ganglion.  相似文献   

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