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对中国棘蚁蛉族Acanthaclisini进行了分类研究和修订,共记述中国棘蚁蛉族4属5种(包括2新纪录属、2新纪录种):尾棘蚁蛉Acanthaclisis pallida Mclachlan,单中大蚁蛉Centroclisis negligens(Navás),南击大蚁蛉Heoclisis kawaii(Nakahara),追击大蚁蛉Heoclisis japonica(Maclachlan)和黎母硕蚁蛉Stiphroneura inclusa(Walker).其中棘蚁蛉属Acanthaclisis和硕蚁蛉属Stiphroneura为中国新纪录属,尾棘蚁蛉A.pallida Mclachlan和黎母硕蚁蛉S.inclusa(Walker)为中国新纪录种.确定了Alloclisis hainanica Yang为Centro-clisis negligens(Navás)的新异名,Neriga limoiana Yang为Stiphroneura inclusa(Walker)的新异名.编写了中国棘蚁蛉族分种检索表.标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫系标本馆和中国科学院动物所.  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae囊蚁蛉族Myrmecaelurini中国1新纪录属:幻蚁蛉属Lopezus,以及中国1新纪录种:飞幻蚁蛉Lopezus fedtschenkoi。  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae蚁蛉属Myrmeleon中国1新纪录种,狭翅蚁蛉Myrmeleon trivialis Gerstaecker,1885;提出藏蚁蛉Myrmeleon zanganus Yang,1987为狭翅蚁蛉Myrmeleonon trivialis Gerstaecker,1885的新异名.研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆、匈牙利绍莫吉州博物馆和德国格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学动物博物馆.  相似文献   

记述了蝶角蛉科原完眼蝶角蛉属1新种:狭翅完眼蝶角蛉Protidricerus steropterus sp.nov.,标本采用河南省嵩山县白云山,模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了中国平肘蚁蛉属Creoleon Tillyard,19183个种。其中,埃及平肘蚁蛉Creoleon aegyptiacus和朴平肘蚁蛉Creoleon plumbeus是中国新纪录,对这3种进行了详细描述,并编制了检索表。  相似文献   

首次报道了瘤螳蛉属Tuberonotha在中国的分布,对原"华安螳蛉Entanoneur asinica Yang,1999"进行了修订和重新描述,建立新组合华瘤螳蛉Tuberonoth asini cacomb.nov.;报道了中国螳蛉另一属——澳蜂螳蛉属Austroclimaciella的中国3新纪录种:吕宋澳蜂螳蛉A.luzonica(Weele)、小褐澳蜂螳蛉A.subfusca(Nakahara)和韦氏澳蜂螳蛉A.weelei Handschin,并对拉氏澳蜂螳蛉A.lacolombierei(Navás)进行了重新描述。编写了中国澳蜂螳蛉属检索表,首次对该两属的外生殖器进行了解剖描述和绘图。研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆(CAU)和中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆(IOZ)。  相似文献   

本文对草蛉科(Chsysopidae)玛草蛉属Mallada做了修正,并建立一新属——纳草蛉属Navasius gen. nov. 同时报道了纳草蛉属6新种:槽纳草蛉N. alviolatus sp. nov. 钩纳草蛉N. ancistroideus sp. nov. 无斑纳草蛉N. epunctatus sp. nov. 曲纳草蛉N. flexuosus sp. nov. 海南纳草蛉N. hainanus sp. nov. 及和纳草蛉N. hesperus sp. nov.。  相似文献   

中原和郎(Nakahara,w.)1966在《台湾及琉球群岛的褐蛉、水蛉和溪蛉科》一文中曾建立一个新属Mesohemerobius.是以我国台湾的M.subacutus Nakahara新种为属的模式种。早在1928年我国学者秉志在《中国白垩纪之昆虫化石》(载于《古生物志》内)一文中.已根据热河的化石标本记述了Mesohemerobius Ping新属,模式种为M.jeholensis Ping 1928。  相似文献   

本文记述了采集自我国辽宁省北票市中生界下白垩统义县组地层的草蛉科篱草蛉亚科原草蛉属一新种,短脉原草蛉。该属此前仅在丹麦和加拿大的新生界地层中发现2种,新种与该属的其它种具有显著差异,如前翅基部第一支r1-rs横脉位于Rs起始处与Rs第一支脉分出处之间,R1在翅端前结束。本文简要对比了原草蛉属与篱草蛉亚科其它属的特征差异,并对新种的归属及其与该属其它种的特征差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

对中国巴蝶蛉属Balmes Navás,1910进行了分类研究和厘定,确认巴蝶蛉属中国有5种:滇缅蝶蛉Balmes birmanus Maclachlan,集昆蝶蛉Balmes chikuni sp.nov.,丽东蝶蛉Balmes formosus(Kuwayama),显赫蝶蛉Balmes notabilis Navás和川贵蝶蛉Balmes terissinus Navás.提供了这5个种的修订名录及分种检索表,对新种进行了描述,附形态特征影像.  相似文献   

The first taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Oriental fishfly genus Ctenochauliodes van der Weele, 1909 is presented. Except for C. punctulatus , where the male is unknown, all species of Ctenochauliodes and two outgroups ( Archichauliodes chilensis Kimmins and Protochauliodes bullocki Flint) were scored for 24 adult morphological characters, 21 of which were obtained from the male genitalia. The monophyly of Ctenochauliodes is corroborated by a series of synapomorphic characters. The pectinate female antenna was proposed as a diagnostic character. Two main clades within Ctenochauliodes were found based on the present phylogenetic analysis. All 12 Ctenochauliodes species are keyed, described and illustrated, with five species new to science. Ctenochauliodes forcipatus Kimmins is a junior synonym of C. friedrichi Navás, and C. moganshanus Yang & Yang is a junior synonym of C. griseus Yang & Yang. All Ctenochauliodes species were recorded from southern China, including 11 endemic species. Hence, there is no doubt that southern China should be acknowledged as the distribution centre of Ctenochauliodes .  相似文献   

Nine species of Panorpa Linn. and one of Neopanorpa Weele were recorded from Huoditang Forest Farm in Qinling Mountains. Among them, Neopanorpa longiprocessa Hua et Chou was reported from Shaanxi for the first time; Panorpa decolorata Chou et Wang and Panorpa reni Chou were redescribed on basis of male, and Panorpa chengi Chou was redescribed on basis of female. A key to the species was provided. The habitats and biology of all the species are outlined.  相似文献   

Abstract  Three new species of the genus Neopanorpa Weele are described and illustrated from Xizang in China. The previously reported three species from Xizang, Panorpa guttata Navas, P. davidi Navas, and P. stigmalis Navas, are verified to distribute in Sichuan Province, instead of in Xizang. The type specimens are deposited in Northwest Agricultural University and China Agricultural University separately. A key to the Tibetan species of Neopanorpa is provided.  相似文献   

本文记述中国西藏自治区的新蝎蛉属 Neopanorpa Weele昆虫3新种:西藏新蝎岭 Neopanorpatibetensis Hua et Chou, sp. nov.(正模,西藏通麦, 2050 m),胡氏新蝎蛉 Neopanorpa hushengchangiHua et Chou, sp. nov.(正模,西藏樟木口岸),以及李氏新蝎蛉 Neopanorpa lifashengi hua et Chou,sp. nov.(正模:,西藏易贡, 2300 m)。简述了西藏长翅目的分类历史和现状,证实过去记载所谓的三种西藏蝎蛉(模式产地均为马边),即Panorpa guttata Navas,P.davidi Navas,和P.stigmalis Navas,实际上均为四川省种类。新种模式标本分别保存在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆和中国农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

The antlions from the subfamilies Nemoleontinae and Myrmecaelurinae deposited in the Entomological Museum of the China Agricultural University (CAU) belong to 16 species, among which 11 are recorded for China for the first time. Four species with mostly Oriental distribution are recorded for the first time from the northern localities in Palaearctic China. The Dzungarian faunistic center of antlions with two species recently described from Turan is distinguished. Some species characteristic of Mongolia were found in adjacent China. Occurrence in China of three species, collected by Russian expeditions 100 years ago, is confirmed. Five species described by Yang from China have been synonymized with widely distributed species.  相似文献   

记述印度颊脊隐翅虫属Induquedius中国1新种,刘氏印度颊脊隐翅虫Induquedius liuae sp. nov.和中国1新纪录种,捷印度颊脊隐翅虫Ⅰ.baliyo Smetana,1988及中国大陆1新纪录种,台湾印度颊脊隐翅虫Ⅰ.formosae(Cameron),1949.新种与来自锡金的Ⅰ.sikkimensis(Cameron),1932很相似,但雄性外生殖器中叶端部更窄缩,侧叶侧支端部各有4根细毛,腹部第8腹板端凹缘很浅,与后者不同.  相似文献   

记述中国伊菌蚊属4新种及1新纪录种,模式标本保存在浙江林学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Zeng J  He JH  Chen XX 《ZooKeys》2011,(120):27-40
The genus Deuterixys Mason, 1981 of the tribe Cotesiini (Hymenopteran, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) is recorded from China for the first time. Two new species, Deuterixys bifossalis Zeng & Chen, sp. n. and Deuterixys curticalcar Zeng & Chen, sp. n., are described and illustrated, and a key to the Old World species of Deuterixys is given. In addition, Wilkinsonellus paramplus Long & van Achterberg, 2003 is recorded from China for the first time and illustrated.  相似文献   

Sehnal R  Bezděk A 《ZooKeys》2011,(102):65-76
A review of Polyphylla Harris, 1841, species belonging to the subgenus Granida Motschulsky, 1861, from continental Asia is presented. One new species is described from Thailand: Polyphylla (Granida) simonisp. n.Polyphylla (Granida) nikodymi de Wailly, 1993, is recorded from Thailand for the first time. Polyphylla (Granida) minor Nomura, 1977, is recorded from Yunnan (China) for the first time. The previously unknown female of Polyphylla (Granida) phongsali Zídek, 2006, is described.  相似文献   

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