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记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae蚁蛉属Myrmeleon中国1新纪录种,狭翅蚁蛉Myrmeleon trivialis Gerstaecker,1885;提出藏蚁蛉Myrmeleon zanganus Yang,1987为狭翅蚁蛉Myrmeleonon trivialis Gerstaecker,1885的新异名.研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆、匈牙利绍莫吉州博物馆和德国格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学动物博物馆.  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae蚁蛉亚科Myrmeleoninae双蚁蛉属Mesonemurus Navás,1920,及蒙双蚁蛉M.mongolicus Hlzel,1970;格双蚁蛉M.guentheri Hlzel,1970在中国的首次发现。提供了形态描述及特征图。研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae囊蚁蛉族Myrmecaelurini中国1新纪录属:幻蚁蛉属Lopezus,以及中国1新纪录种:飞幻蚁蛉Lopezus fedtschenkoi。  相似文献   

记述了中国蚁蛉科树蚁蛉属Dendroleon 5种,其中包括3新种:丽翅树蚁蛉Dendroleon callipterum Wan et Yang,sp.nov.,李氏树蚁蛉Dendroleon lii Wan et Wang,sp.nov.,珠斑树蚁蛉Dendroleon perlistigma Wan et Wang,sp.nov..模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae蚁蛉亚科Myrmeleoninae双蚁蛉属Mesonemurus Navás,1920,及蒙双蚁蛉M.mongolicus H(o)lzel,1970;格双蚁蛉M.guentheri H(o)1zel,1970在中国的首次发现.提供了形态描述及特征图.研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

首次报道了瘤螳蛉属Tuberonotha在中国的分布,对原"华安螳蛉Entanoneur asinica Yang,1999"进行了修订和重新描述,建立新组合华瘤螳蛉Tuberonoth asini cacomb.nov.;报道了中国螳蛉另一属——澳蜂螳蛉属Austroclimaciella的中国3新纪录种:吕宋澳蜂螳蛉A.luzonica(Weele)、小褐澳蜂螳蛉A.subfusca(Nakahara)和韦氏澳蜂螳蛉A.weelei Handschin,并对拉氏澳蜂螳蛉A.lacolombierei(Navás)进行了重新描述。编写了中国澳蜂螳蛉属检索表,首次对该两属的外生殖器进行了解剖描述和绘图。研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆(CAU)和中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆(IOZ)。  相似文献   

对中国巴蝶蛉属Balmes Navás,1910进行了分类研究和厘定,确认巴蝶蛉属中国有5种:滇缅蝶蛉Balmes birmanus Maclachlan,集昆蝶蛉Balmes chikuni sp.nov.,丽东蝶蛉Balmes formosus(Kuwayama),显赫蝶蛉Balmes notabilis Navás和川贵蝶蛉Balmes terissinus Navás.提供了这5个种的修订名录及分种检索表,对新种进行了描述,附形态特征影像.  相似文献   

记述了中国平肘蚁蛉属Creoleon Tillyard,19183个种。其中,埃及平肘蚁蛉Creoleon aegyptiacus和朴平肘蚁蛉Creoleon plumbeus是中国新纪录,对这3种进行了详细描述,并编制了检索表。  相似文献   

记述采自西藏墨脱的树蚁蛉属1新种,命名为墨脱树蚁蛉 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.,提出了1个新异名Dendroleon pERLISTIGMA Wang,2004.syn.nov.,整理出中国树蚁蛉树属物种名录,模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.墨脱树蚁蛉,新种 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.(图1~6)新种与环纹树蚁蛉 Dendroleon pupillaris(Gerstaecker),1893相似,但区别明显:1)新种前胸背板细长狭窄,明显在1/3处分为两段,前段洋葱形;环纹树蚁蛉前胸背板为梯形,仅在1/3处有不明显的缢缩;2)新种前翅散布更多的小型斑点,位于翅中央近后缘处眼状斑的弧形条纹不连续;环纹树蚁蛉前翅斑点较稀疏,眼状斑的弧形条纹清晰、粗重且连续;3)新种后翅端区C形斑下面的斑较之环纹树蚁蛉大很多.正模♀,西藏墨脱,1995-09,海拔800m,黄浩采.模式标本保存在中国农业大学.词源:新种种名根据采集地而拟.  相似文献   

穴蚁蛉的自然种群动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要报道了穴蚁蛉 Myrmeleon(Morter) sagax(Walker)幼虫的野外自然种群数量动态。穴蚁蛉 1年发生 1代 ,在自然界其幼虫 3~ 5月份数量平稳略有下降 ,5、6月间数量迅速下降 ,6月初数量最少 ;7~ 9月份数量迅速上升 ,而后下降 ;新一代穴蚁蛉幼虫 (蚁狮 )在 6月份出现。其种群 ,秋季以 1龄幼虫数量为多 ,冬季主要以 2龄幼虫为主越冬 ,春季以 3龄蚁狮占优势。春季野外采集来的蚁狮 ,在每日光照 14小时、每周两饲 (每次饲 1头米蛾 Corcyra cephalonica成虫 )的条件下饲养 ,结果发现 ,采集回时处于 3龄期的蚁狮比自然界大约提前 1个月结茧化蛹和羽化 ;而采集回时处于 2龄期的蚁狮则和自然界中的情况基本一致。  相似文献   

用离散量预测蛋白质的结构型   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
基于蛋白质的结构类型决定了它的二级结构序列的概念,用二级结构序列参数Nα,Nβ,Nβaβ,N(βαβ)构成离散源,并计算离散量D(Xα),D(Xβ),D(Xα+β),利用离散增量预测蛋白质的结构类型,它是由这个蛋白质的离散量D(Xn)与四个标准离散D(Xα),D(Xβ),D(Xα/β),D(Xα+β)之间离散增量的最小值所决定的,预测结果表明,准确率分别达到84.8%(标准集)和83.3%(检验集)。  相似文献   

本文研究了缓慢细蚤L.segnis不等单蚤M.anisus和猫栉首蚤指名亚种C.felis felis的臀板发育,详细观察了上述蚤种幼虫至成虫臀板、肛节的内部结构变化。认为在早期三龄幼虫,臀板芽开始出现在第10腹节背板前1/2处中部;在前蛹期第11腹节明显可见并由肛背叶和肛腹叶组成;在蛹期臀板充分发育,臀板载板在雌蚤外面由9背板,内面由10背板融合而成,而在雄蚤外面由9背板,内面由10背板和阳茎副叶基段的背突融合而成。本文对一直有争议的臀板、肛节起源问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1. In certain cases the rate of digestion of proteins by pepsin is not proportional to the total concentration of pepsin. 2. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the enzyme in solution is in equilibrium with another substance (called peptone for convenience) and that the equilibrium is quantitatively expressed by the law of mass action, according to the following equation. See PDF for Equation It is assumed that only the uncombined pepsin affects the hydrolysis of the protein. 3. The hypothesis has been put in the form of a differential equation and found to agree quantitatively with the experimental results when the concentration of pepsin, peptone, or both is varied. 4. Pepsin inactivated with alkali enters the equilibrium to the same extent as active pepsin. 5. Under certain conditions (concentration of peptone large with respect to pepsin, and concentration of substrate relatively constant) the relative change in the amount of active pepsin is inversely proportional to the concentration of peptone and the equation simplifies to Schütz''s rule. 6. An integral equation is obtained which holds for the entire course of the digestion (except for the first few minutes) with varying enzyme concentration. This equation is identical in form with the one derived by Arrhenius for the action of ammonia on ethyl acetate. 7. It is pointed out that there are many analogies between the action of pepsin on albumin solutions and the action of toxins on an organism.  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous papers that when a collodion membrane has been treated with a protein the membrane assumes a positive charge when the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution with which it is in contact exceeds a certain limit. It is pointed out in this paper that by treating the collodion membrane with a protein (e.g. oxyhemoglobin) a thin film of protein adheres to the membrane and that the positive charge of the membrane must therefore be localized in this protein film. 2. It is further shown in this paper that the hydrogen ion concentration, at which the reversal in the sign of the charge of a collodion membrane treated with a protein occurs, varies in the same sense as the isoelectric point of the protein, with which the membrane has been treated, and is always slightly higher than that of the isoelectric point of the protein used. 3. The critical hydrogen ion concentration required for the reversal seems to be, therefore, that concentration where enough of the protein lining of the membrane is converted into a protein-acid salt (e.g. gelatin nitrate) capable of ionizing into a positive protein ion (e.g. gelatin) and the anion of the acid used (e.g. NO3).  相似文献   

西安现代人面颅   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文对在西安地区收集的现代人成年颅骨100例(男50,女50)的面颅作了测量和统计。依据两性差异非常显著的项目找出了12个判定面颅性别的拟用指标。  相似文献   

1.大白鼠下丘中心核(the Central Nucleus of the Inferior Colliculus,ICCN)内神经末稍以群体的形式有在,神经突触排列的类型主要为系列突触.2.末稍群体(Clustered ending)中轴突终末内含有多种类型的突触小泡.3.ICCN内具有不对称突触与对称突触两种类型的突触结构.4.在ICCN内,突触前终末有大量的突触小泡聚集,并且在突触后常有1—2个大线粒体靠近突触后膜.5.以上结果表明了脑干听觉中枢下丘中心核的结构及其突触连结的模式;突触的结构及其特点,这是频有意义的.  相似文献   

Abstract The result of a study on the internal structures during the development of sensilium and anal segment from first instar larva to adult of Leptopsylla segnis (Schinherr 1811), Monopsyllus anisus (Rothschild 1907) and Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche 1835) is reported and summarized as follows: (1) The development of the sensilium and anal segment of these fleas is essentially the same. (2) The first sensilium rudiment appears in the early third instar larva on the anterior one-second part of the tergite of the tenth abdominal segment, and in prepupa the eleventh abdominal segment which is composed of the dorsal and ventral anal lobes is formed, and in the pupa the sensilium and its frame are fully developed. (3) The differenced of opinions on the terminal segments of the flea are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The hydrolysis of gelatin at a constant hydrogen ion concentration follows the course of a monomolecular reaction for about one-third of the reaction. 2. If the hydrogen ion concentration is not kept constant the amount of hydrolysis in certain ranges of acidity is proportional to the square root of the time (Schütz''s rule). 3. The velocity of hydrolysis in strongly acid solution (pH less than 2.0) is directly proportional to the hydrogen ion concentration as determined by the hydrogen electrode i.e., the "activity;" it is not proportional to the hydrogen ion concentration as determined by the conductivity ratio. 4. The addition of neutral salts increases the velocity of hydrolysis and the hydrogen ion concentration (as determined by the hydrogen electrode) to approximately the same extent. 5. The velocity in strongly alkaline solutions (pH greater than 10) is directly proportional to the hydroxyl ion concentration. 6. Between pH 2.0 and pH 10.0 the rate of hydrolysis is approximately constant and very much greater than would be calculated from the hydrogen and hydroxyl ion concentration. This may be roughly accounted for by the assumption that the uncombined gelatin hydrolyzes much more rapidly than the gelatin salt.  相似文献   

不同处理对海甘蓝种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
蓝福生   《广西植物》1995,(3):224-230
由于受种子生理休眠作用的影响和硬而厚的种皮所产生的抑制作用,使海甘蓝(CrambemaritimaL.)种子发芽慢,发芽率低。为探索加快海甘蓝种子发芽和提高种子发芽率的有效方法,我们先后进行了8种不同的种子预处理试验和6种不同次氯酸钠溶液浸种的发芽试验。结果发现:(1)种子剥皮处理可以很大程度地促进发芽和提高发芽率;(2)用浓度为0.05%的赤霉酸溶液浸种18h对海甘蓝种子发芽也有很好的促进作用;(3)用0.20%的代森锰锌45M(Diithane45M)溶液浸种20min的消毒处理对海甘蓝种子发芽产生一定程度的抑制作用,但可减少海甘蓝幼苗死亡率;(4)适宜浓度的次氯酸钠漂白水(法文名1'EaudeJavel)的溶液(10%)浸种5min对促进海甘蓝种子发芽和减少幼苗死亡均有良好效果;浓度低于10%时.不足以腐蚀种子硬而厚的种皮而促进种子发芽,也不足以杀死种子携带的病菌而减少幼苗死亡率;浓度大于10%时,对种子的胚和种子内的酶活性产生不良影响,从而抑制种子发芽和影响幼苗的正常生长。  相似文献   

Evidence is presented which indicates: (1) that the effect of gamma radiation is negligible with respect to that of beta radiation upon pepsin in dilute solution under the conditions employed in the experiments made; (2) approximately the thickness of fluid layer which may be regarded as necessary and sufficient to practically completely absorb the available beta radiation; (3) that the mean reaction speed coefficient in radiochemical inactivation of pepsin varies inversely with the volume of solution irradiated if the thickness of the fluid layer satisfies the sufficient condition stated in (2), and beyond this as far as has been studied.  相似文献   

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