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10种鸣禽控制鸣啭神经核团大小与鸣唱复杂性的相关性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为进一步揭示鸣禽鸣唱行为的神经生物学机制 ,本实验先对 8个科 10种鸣禽的鸣唱行为进行了观察和录音 ,并借助声谱软件分析了每种鸣禽的鸣唱复杂性。鸣唱语句复杂性的评价指标包括 :短语总数、每个短语中所含的平均音节数及音节种类数、所有短语的总音节数及音节种类数、最长短语的音节数及音节种类数。然后 ,测定了前脑三个鸣啭学习控制核团和一个与发声无关的视觉参考核团体积 ,分析了鸣唱语句复杂性和这些核团大小间的相关关系。结果表明 :1)HVC和HVC/Rt与 7种鸣唱语句复杂性指标无关 ;RA和RA/Rt与总音节种类数相关 ;AreaX与总音节数及音节种类数相关 ;2 )HVC/RA和HVC/X比值与多个鸣唱语句复杂性指标相关。结果提示 :鸣禽鸣唱复杂性不同特征可能受不同神经控制  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣唱控制系统的前端脑通路(anterior forebrain pathway, AFP)在鸣唱学习中发挥着重要作用。新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, LMAN)是AFP的最后一级输出核团,AFP中的信号通过LMAN传导到弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium, RA),与高级发声中枢(high vocal centre,HVC)共同调节RA的活动,从而影响鸣禽的发声行为。LMAN可能通过其与RA的单突触连接来影响鸣唱可塑性。文章对近年来LMAN在鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣唱控制系统的前端脑通路(anterior forebrain pathway,AFP)在呜唱学习中发挥着重要作用.新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum,LMAN)是AFP的最后一级输出核团,AFP中的信号通过LMAN传导到弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium,RA),与高级发声中枢(high vocal centre,HVC)共同调节RA的活动,从而影响鸣禽的发声行为.LMAN可能通过其与RA的单突触连接来影响鸣唱可塑性.文章对近年来LMAN在呜唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述.  相似文献   

鸣禽白腰文鸟前脑古纹状体粗核性双态发育的神经机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曾少举  张信文  左明雪 《动物学报》2001,47(5):535-541,T001
对鸣禽白腰文鸟 (Lonchurastriata)发声控制核团古纹状体粗核 (robustnucleusofarchistriatum ,RA)的性双态分化过程进行了组织学研究 ,并应用双向神经示踪剂 (biotinylateddextranamine ,BDA) ,追踪新纹状体外侧巨细胞核 (lateralnucleusmagnocellularisofanteriorneostriatum ,LMAN)和高级发声中枢 (highvocalcenter,HVC)与RA建立纤维联系的时间和过程。结果发现 :5~ 3 5日龄段为雌雄RA体积、神经元大小和神经元密度变化最集中的时间。在该时段内 ,RA体积、神经元大小均增加 3~ 4倍 ,而RA神经元密度减少约 4倍。这些变化在雌雄间无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ,非配对 ,双尾t 检验 ) ,但与RA同LMAN、HVC建立神经联系的时间一致。RA同LMAN、HVC建立联系的时间分别为 5~ 15和 15~ 3 5日龄。 4 5日龄后 ,RA体积大小在雌、雄间出现显著差别 (P <0 0 5 )。 4 5~ 60日龄为雌鸟神经元凋亡数量最多时期 ,4 5和 60日龄神经元凋亡数分别为 19 4± 8 0和 17 9± 8 2 (× 10 3/mm3)。结果提示 :4 5日龄后雌雄鸟RA体积和神经元凋亡的变化可能是鸣禽发声核团性双态产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

鸣禽鸟的基本发声中枢——丘间复合体背内侧核(nucleus dorsalis medialis of the intercollicular complex,DM)对叫声的调控模式是诱发单次叫声。应用电生理与声学分析相结合的方法研究鸣禽鸟燕雀(Fringilla montifringilla)DM核团对声音调控的模式。经语图和频谱图分析,结果显示:燕雀左侧DM诱发单次叫声的声长和主能量区的带宽分别为右侧DM诱发叫声的2倍和1.7~3.1倍,提示燕雀DM对叫声声长和声强的调控能力,均呈明显的左侧优势。这与高级发声中枢(high vocal center,HVC)和古纹状体粗核(nucleus robustus archistriatalis,RA)等发声控制核团在控声模式中具有左侧优势的特征相似,从而为鸣禽发声控制通路高、低级中枢具有内源投射关系提供了声学上的证据。  相似文献   

用焦油紫染色,图像分析及统计学方法比较研究了两种鸣禽栗巫鸟和燕雀发声控制核团的体积差异.结果表明,在发声活动中起重要作用的核团前脑HVc、RA 和X区的体积存在显著的种间差异:发声技巧较高的雄性栗巫鸟的相应核团均相对大于雄性燕雀;而在发声中作用较小的nⅫts及雌性鸣禽的相应所有核团均无显著种间差异. 这一结果表明,发声能力的高低与前脑发声核团的体积直接相关.  相似文献   

对近年来听觉反馈在鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述.鸣禽的鸣曲学习与人类的语言学习都是一种依赖于听觉反馈的模仿学习.在鸣曲学习过程中,幼鸟根据听觉反馈的信息对鸣曲进行比较和修正,使其不断完善;在鸣曲维持过程中,成鸟通过听觉反馈实时监测自己鸣曲的完整性与准确性,使鸣曲保持稳定.鸣曲的输出与听觉反馈信息在鸟脑中得到整合,并指导下一次鸣唱做出适当的调整.近年来,这种感觉与运动信息在鸣禽发声核团中的整合机制逐渐引起了国内外研究者的兴趣.其中,新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(LMAN)神经元对自鸣曲(BOS)高度选择性的听觉应答在鸣曲去稳定化过程中的作用,以及高级发声中枢(HVC)中镜像神经元的发现,为今后的研究提供了重要的线索.  相似文献   

用BrdU标记DNA的ABC免疫细胞化学方法,观察雌性蒙古百灵端脑神经前体细胞的产生和分布特点,并与白腰文鸟作比较。结果如下:1.在百灵和白腰文鸟胸肌注射BrdU短时程组(存活1天),在端脑室带区外侧壁(LVZ)有大量的标记细胞,新生神经细胞起源于端脑室带区(VZ)中的增殖细胞层,并在纹状体腹侧的VZ形成标记细胞增殖热点,如在百灵和白腰文鸟靠近中缝线处的外侧纹状体(LSt)与内侧纹状体(MSt)腹侧的LVZ形成标记最多的‘第1增殖热点’区;在靠近中缝线处LVZ的头端形成密集的新生标记细胞,形成‘第2增殖热点’区;在百灵LSt尾端的LVZ标记细胞形成‘第3增殖热点’,但白腰文鸟此脑区的标记细胞较少。2.在百灵胸肌注射BrdU长时程组中5天起,大量的LVZ的标记细胞开始迁移,存活5-30天期间在高级发声中枢(HVc)和高位发声运动中枢-古纹状体栎核(RA)有新生标记细胞,在端脑靠近LVZ的区域有较多的标记细胞。但在雌性白腰文鸟胸肌注射BrdU存活30天期间,在HVC、RA内未见到标记细胞。结果提示雌百灵端脑HVc和RA不断地产生新生神经细胞,这可能与雌性需要不断地感知、识别雄百灵鸣唱的新语句有关,而白腰文鸟不需要这种功能。  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Sun YY  Zuo MX 《生理科学进展》2010,41(3):232-235
成年鸣禽鸣唱语句的形成和维持依赖于听觉反馈。X区是鸣禽前脑回路的一个重要核团,对鸣禽的发声学习和语言结构的稳定有重要作用。X区在解剖结构、电生理学以及神经化学等方面的特性与哺乳类基底神经节极为相似。对鸣禽前脑X区的研究有助于揭示人类语言学习的中枢机制。本文对近年来鸣禽X区的相关研究进展,包括鸣禽X区的结构特征、电生理特性及神经化学特征予以阐述。  相似文献   

Pan X  Li DF 《生理科学进展》2011,42(1):72-74
多巴胺(DA)与鸣禽的鸣唱行为密切相关.多巴胺能神经元主要分布于中脑VTA和SNc以及PAG,它们投射到前端脑鸣唱控制核团,调节鸣唱的学习和产生.研究表明,环境的改变会影响成鸟的鸣唱产生和幼鸟的鸣唱学习,而这种环境依赖性的鸣唱行为变化是由中脑内多巴胺能神经元的活动来介导的.本文重点介绍了近年来有关中脑多巴胺能神经元活动与鸣唱行为关系的研究进展.  相似文献   

Most studies on the relationship between measures of song behavior and the sizes of song control nuclei have focused on one or two oscine species, and often show inconsistent results. To address this issue, we first measured four variables for song complexity, i.e., song repertoire size, syllable repertoire size, the mean number of syllables per phrase (MNS) and the number of syllables in the longest phrase (NSLP), and the sizes of three song control nuclei, i.e., HVC, RA (the robust nucleus of the arcopallium), and Area X in 14 oscine species from eight families. To tackle the problem of statistical non-independence that probably existed among the closely related species, we reconstructed the phylogeny of the species studied using mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences from GenBank. By using the methods adopted in most previous reports, we tested the relationship between song complexity and the sizes of the song control nuclei. We found that: 1) the absolute sizes of RA and Area X, but not of HVC, were positively correlated to the three measures of song complexity, but that only the residual size of RA in regard to telencephalon size was significantly correlated to the song measures; 2) independent contrasts analysis showed RA and Area X to be significantly associated with NSLP. Our results indicated that the relationship between song behavior and its neural structures varied among song nuclei, suggesting that each song control nucleus may play a different role in song behavior.  相似文献   

Peter F.  Jenkins Allan J.  Baker 《Ibis》1984,126(4):510-524
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain over 100 years ago, and since then their songs have diverged from British ones in both syllable structure and basic organization of syllable sequences. The New Zealand populations seem to be unique in that their songs have undergone differentiation of trill segments by progressive elaboration of syllable morphology and hp ascending and descending changes of pitch. Published sonagrams of British song types have significantly more trill phrases and significantly fewer syllables in the end phrase than do Yew Zealand ones. Many New Zealand song types have much elaborated end phrases and concomitantly simpler trill segments, with songs quite commonly having only one trill phrase. This reversal of complexity between the trill and end phrase in New Zealand seems to have been derived by progressive reduction of the ultimate trill phrase to one syllable, and by recombination of end phrase syllables from different song types into one compound end phrase. The significance of the increased complexity in the end phrases of many song types may relate to the sound transmission properties of dense pine forests in New Zealand, in which Chaffinches are ubiquitous. Elaborate end phrases degrade much less from reverberation in pine forests because individual syllables have more dispersed temporal patterning.
Recombination of syllables to form new song types is a major mechanism of song differentiation in New Zealand. Although whole song copying is the predominant mode of replication, very few song types in a locality sample are composed of a unique set of syllables. Rather, song types in an area are interconnected by different combinations of shared syllables, suggesting that the incorporation of some local syllables in a bird's repertoire is sufficient to signal its status as a member of a neighbourhood and also allows the evolution of broadcast complexity.  相似文献   

The spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) is a small passerine with a patchy distribution throughout the circum-Mediterranean region, including the North Atlantic archipelagos of Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Here we characterize the species song structure on the island of Fuerteventura, quantifying repertoire size, inter- and intra-individual spectrographic variation, to determine whether acoustic variation occurred within an island population. Male song display was organized in song bouts of a variable number of song phrases, which in turn were made up of 4–69 syllables. We classified syllable types to derive a measure of repertoire size (number of different syllables) per song bout, and then used rarefaction methods to calculate the estimated repertoire size for our population of males. Three categories of song bout length were considered in analyses: short song bouts of 10 phrases, average bouts of 19 phrases and long bouts of ≥ 29 phrases. The observed and estimated repertoire size per male (between 43 and 126 syllables per male) increased with song bout duration, although the relationship was not significant for the estimated values. To test whether songs could be individually specific, we measured 11 spectrotemporal parameters of the song. A discriminant analysis using these variables performed poorly in classifying songs to the individuals that uttered them, but we found less variation in the individual than in the population for three out of the 11 variables. These individually specific variables, involving the first or the most common syllable of the song, the trill, were the duration of the first syllable of the phrase, the duration and the dominant frequency of the trill syllable. Our study emphasizes the complexity of spectacled warbler songs, in which males continuously add novel syllables over the entire song bout. This complexity appears to be determined by individual innovation capabilities rather than by the behaviour of copying neighbour repertoires, since songs of close birds were not more similar than songs from far-away territories.  相似文献   

Songs of wild male Anna hummingbirds (Calypte anna) consist of syllables grouped into phrases. Nearest neighbors tend to share similar syllable types, rhythms and syntax. Songs from different localities contain different syllable types, syntax and repetition indices. A male raised by hand in isolation produced a song consisting of highly variable syllable types of a wide frequency range. The song was simple in structure, and syllables were not grouped into phrases. Three males raised by hand as a group sang songs containing two stereotyped syllable types sung in alternating sequence and without phrase structure. These three males shared syllable types and syntax. The data from our study indicate that despite its relatively simple syrinx the Anna hummingbird learns syllable types, frequency, rhythm and syntax (as do oscines with their more complex syringes) during the song development process.  相似文献   

Territorial male veeries (Catharus fuscescens) were presented with three series of reorganised songs to determine the functional properties of song structure. Songs consist of three parts: a low frequency initial phrase, a higher frequency middle phrase, and again a lower frequency end phrase. The latter two consist of vibrato syllables. Three series of experiments were performed, using various combinations of song syllables. In Series I, songs consisted of repetitions of a single syllable, one from each part of the song. Veeries responded to syllables from the middle and end phrases as to normal songs, both in localisation and in vocal responses. However, they showed little localisation and vocalisation responses to the introductory syllables. In Series II and III, veeries responded significantly more to songs in which syllables from the middle and end phrases were presented in proper sequence, rather than not. The minimum requirements for intraspecific recognition were determined in relation to the number and order of syllables in the song.  相似文献   

Are young songbirds ready to learn virtually any song, or are they predisposed to learn songs of their own species? To explore this question tests were conducted on the equipotentiality of auditory song learning stimuli in the song sparrow. 23 males reared as nestlings were exposed to tape recordings of their own and other species songs in early life and subsequent song production was analyzed for imitations. Birds exposed to natural song sparrow songs, including their fathers', and equal numbers of swamp sparrow songs, strongly preferred conspecific songs. They neither favored nor eschewed paternal songs despite having had access to them for 6–10 days as nestlings. In three other experiments synthetic songs were used in which some properties were held constant and others were systematically varied. Birds were exposed to 1–4 segmented songs varying in phrase order, tempo and syllable number, each synthesized in two versions, one from conspecific and the other from heterospecific (swamp sparrow) song syllables. With one-segmented songs (alien syntax) subjects favored conspecific over heterospecific syllable songs. Heterospecific syllables were rendered more acceptable by incorporation into two-segmented trilled songs (more song sparrow-like syntax). Heterogeneous summation of phonological and syntactical cues appeared to occur. There was also evidence of interaction between phonology and syntax. When another phrase type, the note complex, was added, in three- and four-segmented songs, a preference for conspecific syllables reappeared. Heterospecific syllables may be more readily accepted as a trilled sequence than without repetition, as in a note-complex. When phrase structure within four-segmented songs was varied, birds favored patterns most like normal conspecific song. We conclude that there are innate learning preferences in the song sparrow, based on note and syllabic structure (phonology and syllabic syntax), and temporal organization of phrases (segmental syntax), differing from those of the closely related swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana, in which song syntax plays no role in learning preferences.  相似文献   

白腰文鸟发声行为的神经发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了 5~ 15 0日龄雄性白腰文鸟 (Lonchurastriataswinhoei)不同年龄段的声谱变化以及这种变化的神经调制机制。结果如下 :(1)HVC、RA和AreaX三个发声核团的神经联系基本接近成年鸟的水平后 ,幼鸟才开始学习鸣叫 (约 45日龄 ) ;(2 )HVC、RA和AreaX达到成年核团体积时 (约 80日龄 ) ,幼鸟才具有成年雄鸟的鸣叫模式 ;(3)发声控制核团的发育与核团间的神经支配有关 ,而基本不受鸣唱行为的影响 ,HVC、RA和AreaX的最快增长时间段各不相同 ,三个核团随年龄增长而呈现体积增长的显著变化 (one wayANOVA ,P <0 0 5 ) ,但各核团在任意两个时间段的体积差异并不都显著。结果提示 :发声行为产生的时间和发展与发声控制核团的发育、核团间的神经联系有关 ,最终的体积发育程度受内在遗传力的作用 ,同时可能还受神经核团建立正常神经联系时间的影响  相似文献   

Brain nuclei that control song are larger in male canaries, which sing, than in females, which sing rarely or not at all. Treatment of adult female canaries with testosterone (T) induces song production and causes song-control nuclei to grow, approaching the volumes observed in males. For example, the higher vocal center (HVC) of adult females approximately doubles in size by 1 month following the onset of T treatment. Male HVC projects to a second telencephalic nucleus, RA (the robust nucleus of the archistriatum), which projects in turn to the vocal motor neurons. Whether HVC makes a similar connection in female canaries is not known, although HVC and RA are not functionally connected in female zebra finches, a species in which testosterone does not induce neural or behavioral changes in the adult song system. This experiment investigated whether HVC makes an efferent projection to RA in normal adult female canaries, or if T is necessary to induce the growth of this connection. In addition, we examined whether T-induced changes in adult female canary brain are reversible. Adult female canaries received systemic T implants that were removed after 4 weeks; these birds were killed 4 weeks after T removal (Testosterone-Removal, T-R). Separate groups of control birds received either (a) T implants for 4 weeks which were not removed (Testosterone-Control, T-C) or (b) empty implants (Untreated Control, øO-C). Crystals of the fluorescent tracer DiI were placed in the song-control nucleus HVC in order to anterogradely label both efferent targets of HVC, RA and Area X. Projections from HVC to RA and Area X were present in all treatment groups including untreated controls, and did not appear to differ either qualitatively or quantitatively. Thus, formation of efferent connections from HVC may be prerequisite to hormone-induced expression of song behavior in adult songbirds. The volumes of RA and Area X were measured using the distribution of anterograde label as well as their appearance in Nissl-stained tissue. RA was larger in T-treated control birds than in untreated controls. Experimental birds in which T was given and then removed (T-R) had RA volumes closer in size to untreated controls (ø-C). Because the volume of RA in T-treated controls (T-C) was larger than that of birds that did not receive T (ø-C), we conclude that the volume of RA increased in both T-C and T-R birds but regressed upon removal of T in T-R birds. Surprisingly, the volume of Area X did not increase in T-treated birds. Birds in this study were maintained on short days, suggesting that T-induced growth of Area X reported previously may have resulted from an interaction between T and another seasonal or photoperiodic factor induced by exposure to long daylengths. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The higher vocal center (HVC) of adult male canries undergoes a seasonal change in volume that corresponds to seasonal modifications of vocal behavior: HVC is large when birds produce stereotyped song (spring) and is small when birds produce plastic song and add new song syllables into their vocal repertoires (fall). We reported previously that systemic exposure to testosterone (T) produces an increase in the volume of HVC similar to that observed with long-day photoperiods. T-induced growth of HVC occured regardless of wheter the borders of HVC were defined by Nissl-staining, the distribution of androgen-concentrating cells, or the distribution of projection neurons [separate neuronal populations within HVC project to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) and to Area X of the avian striatum (X)]. In the present study we used steroid autoradiography to determine whether T can influence the distribution of HVC cells that bind estrogen, and we combined estrogen autoradiography with retrograde labeling to determine whether HVC neurons that project to RA versus X differ in their ability to accumulate estrogen. Results showed that T increased the volume of Nissl-defined HVC and although HVC contained a low density of estrogen-concentrating cells, T increased the spatial distribution of these cells to match the Nissl borders of HVC. We also identified a region containing a high density of estrogenconcentrating cells located medial to HVC [we call this region paraHVC (pHVC)], and T also increased the volume of pHVC. pHVC also contained numerous X-projecting neurons, but few if any RA-projecting neurons. Double-labeling analysis revealed the RA-projecting neurons did not accumulate estrogen, a small percentage of X-projecting neurons in HVC accumulated estrogen, and the majority of X-projecting neurons in pHVC showed heavy accumulation of estrogen. The data reported here and in our previous article suggest distinct roles for gonadal steroids within the HVC-pHVC complex: estrogens are concentrated by neurons that project to a striatal region that influences vocal production during song learning (X), whereas androgens are concentrated primarily by neurons that project to a motor region that is involved in vocal production during both song learning and the recitation of already-learned song (RA). © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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