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大量收敛一致的实验证据表明,图形的大范围性质可以由拓扑性质来描述,并且其检测发生在视觉过程的最早期,这些证据几乎全部来自对意识上知觉的研究,而拓扑性质的意识下加工机制尚有待发掘.意识下知觉是人的感官系统客观上接受刺激呈现但主观上没有察觉的知觉,其机制和应用长期以来一直是知觉研究的热点.本文采用了一种双眼竞争的变式——连续闪现抑制,将待检测的刺激图形掩蔽,使之处于意识下状态,考察意识下知觉中拓扑性质的加工."洞的个数"作为一种拓扑性质是本文的研究对象.通过量度被抑制图形从发生变化到被知觉的被抑制时间,或者被试对被抑制的变化图形的正确检测率,我们发现,相比于不变或者各种非拓扑性质变化,意识下知觉中的拓扑性质(洞的个数)的变化会使图形更快、更容易被检测到.本研究揭示了拓扑性质(洞的个数)在意识下知觉中的优先性,将拓扑知觉理论从意识上知觉领域拓展到了意识下知觉领域,为拓扑性质加工的早期性提供了有力的证据;另一方面,本研究也提示了拓扑性质经由皮层下视通路加工处理的可能性.  相似文献   

视觉感知的一系列研究都支持大范围拓扑感知的理论.拓扑性质作为整体性质,是视觉感知的基础.视觉对图形拓扑特征差异的感知要优先于对局部特征差异的感知.采用Y迷宫研究了小鼠对不同拓扑性质图形的识别.训练小鼠学习识别圆环和实心矩形这一对拓扑性质不同的图形,之后用拓扑特征相同或不同的其他图形测试小鼠,这些图形包括空心矩形、实心圆、缺口的圆环、缺口的空心矩形.实验结果表明,学会识别圆环(奖励)和实心矩形(无奖励)的小鼠无法区分实心圆和实心矩形以及圆环和空心矩形,但是能够分别从缺口圆环、缺口的空心矩形、实心圆与空心矩形组成的图形对中识别出空心矩形.因此证实了小鼠的视觉系统能够感知拓扑特征的差异并且具有对拓扑性质的概括能力.结果为拓扑知觉对视觉系统来说是基本的这一假设提供了证据.  相似文献   

动物和人类是怎样对外部世界进行感知编码的?这历来是神经生理学中一个重大的问题,就此有人提出了各种各样的理论。比较著名的有早期“格式塔”理论、空间频率通道理论以及单细胞特征提取理论,它们都是从不同的角度,对感知编码的可能机制进行了探讨。美国纽约大学医学中心的E.L.Schwartz近年来提出了一种崭新的理论——空间对数变换理论,它从视网膜—皮层的空间投射性质入手,对视觉研究中的几个基本问题如视觉不变性、Mackay互补图后效应、视错觉现象和Julesz“质  相似文献   

Tao L  Cai D 《生理学报》2011,63(5):401-411
本文回顾了我们在哺乳动物视觉皮层的建模工作.利用初级视觉皮层的大规模神经元网络模型,我们解释了初级视觉皮层里“简单”与“复杂”神经元现象的网络机制.所谓的“简单”细胞对视觉刺激的反应近似线性,而“复杂”细胞对视觉刺激是非线性的.我们的模型成功地再现了简单和复杂细胞分布的实验数据.  相似文献   

研究表明,视觉通路除了经典的视觉皮层通路外,还有一条“古老的”、快速的皮层下通路负责在有意识和无意识状态下快速处理与情绪相关的信息。皮层下视觉通路由上丘、枕核和杏仁核组成,而且不经过初级视觉皮层。我们前期研究表明,初级视觉皮层与拓扑知觉信息加工没有关系,而皮层下视觉通路负责处理视觉拓扑信息。基于这些发现,我们认为,在早期视觉中,大脑检测涉及生命攸关的信号,这些信号告诉大脑:环境中有物体出现或消失,使大脑进入警戒状态,这对物种的生存至关重要。因此,在早期视觉中,需要检测的要素只是物体的“出现”和“消失”,而不是“纹理”、“形状”等。“出现”和“消失”都是拓扑特征的变化。拓扑感知和皮层下视觉通路的存在可能是早期预警的神经基础。在灵长类动物中,视网膜外周区域主要由视杆细胞构成,该区域接收的视觉信息主要通过皮层下视觉通路进行处理;视网膜中心区域(即中央凹)主要由视锥细胞构成,视觉空间分辨率变得非常高,该区域视觉信息处理主要是由视觉皮层负责。研究表明,由视杆细胞构成的视网膜是个“古老”结构,在1亿多年前就出现了;而视锥细胞构成的视网膜类型较为“年轻”,在5 000万年前才出现。所以,我们的视网膜从“古老”结构演化到“年轻”结构至少用了5 000万年的时间,它是由一个古老结构和一个年轻结构共同组成的“嵌合体”。当我们讨论皮层下通路存在的意义时,我们也应该结合皮层通路的功能来统一考虑。  相似文献   

知觉对象是什么?这事看起来很简单,却是认知科学许多领域中最核心的问题,目前为止还没有公认的解答."大范围优先"的拓扑学方法把知觉对象的定义严格地联系到拓扑变换下的不变量.知觉对象的直观概念-形状改变时其整体一致性得以保持-可以精确地被拓扑不变量,如连接组分和洞,所刻画.知觉对象的拓扑学定义已经被大量的行为学实验所验证.这些实验一致表明,虽然对象的一致性能够在非拓扑变换下得以保持,却会被拓扑变换所破坏,从而一个新的对象被感知到.特别是进一步的功能磁共振成像实验揭示,前颞页区参与拓扑知觉和知觉对象的形成,而这一脑区本来是形式视觉通路的终点.行为学上"大范围优先"的结果与视觉通路神经解剖学结果的悖逆,提示我们应该注意对象表征形成的问题和更广泛的意义上,知觉到底在何处发生的基本问题.  相似文献   

目的:研究类别学习过程中,基于类别相似性的不同时间限制下被试分类学习脑激活机制.方法:通过对15名被试采用事件相关电位技术(ERPs),使用2相似程度不同(高相似vs低相似)×3呈现时间不同(10ms vs 200ms vs 600ms)的多因素实验设计,探讨不同相似程度及刺激呈现时间不同下的类别学习脑机制.结果:类别高相似的脑激活机制更加复杂,激活的脑区更多;刺激呈现时间为10ms的时候被试的波形图与200ms和600ms类似,但是其潜伏期更短,决策速度更快;三种时间条件下都激活了N400,可能存在语义加工.结论:类别学习在视觉加工阶段就已经发生;类别学习过程并非全或无的竞争机制,而是内隐和外显综合加工的结果.  相似文献   

以往对化学通讯在啮齿类社群生活中的作用开展了很多研究,而对视觉信号的作用则很少涉及.本文借助一个特殊设计的透明密封玻璃缸,研究怀孕雌性金仓鼠是否对陌生雄鼠的视觉信号刺激产生应激反应.结果发现实验组和对照组雌鼠在交配后至分娩、分娩至断乳期的体重变化、产仔数量、幼鼠体重变化、睁眼时间、存活率和性比等均未表现显著性差异,而实验组雌鼠正常分娩率显著低于对照组.怀孕雌鼠对陌生雄鼠单一视觉刺激信号产生应激反应的假设得到部分支持.我们的结果表明,陌生雄鼠的视觉信号刺激影响了怀孕雌鼠的繁殖,但该影响并未延伸到分娩后和后代的生长发育.  相似文献   

穿颅电刺激被认为可以无创调节大脑的神经活动,为研究特定脑区与某一认知功能间的因果关系提供了可能.近些年,对穿颅电刺激作用机制和其对认知、运动功能调控的研究方面取得了很多重要进展.在这篇综述中,我们总结了以往关于穿颅直流电刺激、穿颅交流电刺激和穿颅随机噪声电刺激三种刺激方式的发展历史及其作用机制,同时总结了其对感知觉(主要是视觉知觉)、注意和记忆等认知功能的调控,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

谢蔚骊 《生理通讯》2004,23(5):122-123
2004年8月13日Science发表了我国青年科学家唐世明为第一作的题为“果蝇的视觉模式识别具有视网膜位置不变性”的研究论。年仅33岁的中科院生物物理研究所研究员唐世明等人发现和证明了果蝇的视觉具有位置不变性,这一研究成果改变了人们以往对  相似文献   

知觉物体的定义是认知科学领域富有争议的中心问题之一.本研究通过运动诱发视盲(MIB)现象的研究发现:a.两个图形当它们是连通的,或位于同一个洞中,或是具有相同的洞的个数,更倾向于整体共同消失或重现;b.前景图形和背景图形的拓扑性质差异,较之非拓扑性质差异,显著地削弱MIB现象;c.相对于其他各种几何性质的变化,拓扑性质的变化能更快地被知觉到返回意识状态.这些结果揭示了拓扑性质定义的知觉物体是MIB过程操作的基本单元,提示了拓扑性质改变产生新知觉物体的表征可能是意识下的过程,进一步支持了知觉物体的拓扑学定义.  相似文献   

Using topological summaries of gene trees as a basis for species tree inference is a promising approach to obtain acceptable speed on genomic-scale datasets, and to avoid some undesirable modeling assumptions. Here we study the probabilities of splits on gene trees under the multispecies coalescent model, and how their features might inform species tree inference. After investigating the behavior of split consensus methods, we investigate split invariants—that is, polynomial relationships between split probabilities. These invariants are then used to show that, even though a split is an unrooted notion, split probabilities retain enough information to identify the rooted species tree topology for trees of 5 or more taxa, with one possible 6-taxon exception.  相似文献   

“大范围优先”对象形成的神经关联:前颞叶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈霖 《生命科学》2008,20(5):718-721
知觉对象是什么?这事看起来很简单,却是认知科学许多领域中最核心的问题,日前为止还没有公认的解答。“大范围优先”的拓扑学方法把知觉对象的定义严格地联系到拓扑变换下的不变量。知觉对象的直观概念—形状改变时其整体一致性得以保持一可以精确地被拓扑不变量,如连接组分和洞,所刻画。知觉对象的拓扑学定义已经被大量的行为学实验所验证。这些实验一致表明,虽然对象的一致性能够在非拓扑变换下得以保持,却会被拓扑变换所破坏,从而一个新的对象被感知到。特别是进一步的功能磁共振成像实验揭示,前颞页区参与拓扑知觉和知觉对象的形成,而这一脑区本来是形式视觉通路的终点。行为学上“大范围优先”的结果与视觉通路神经解剖学结果的悖逆,提示我们应该注意对象表征形成的问题和更广泛的意义上,知觉到底在何处发生的基本问题。  相似文献   

Effects of viewpoint that are typically found in shape recognition tasks have been interpreted in the past as strong evidence against approaches based on the use of geometric invariants by the human visual system. At first sight, the use of such invariants would indeed predict shape recognition to be viewpoint independent. It has been argued before, however, that the visual estimation of invariants need not itself be invariant. Changes of viewpoint introduce changes in 2D stimulus features. The latter may make the estimation of invariants by the visual system more or less difficult. The present study explores how such 2D features influence estimation distributions in a reconstruction paradigm. Subjects were shown four coplanar dots. They were asked to estimate the position of one of the dots relative to the three others on the basis of a slanted version of the configuration. An estimation distribution was obtained for every position of the dot to be estimated. Biases in these distributions indicated that subjects performed the task by using 2D reference axes that were unambiguously identifiable in both the images of the dot pattern.  相似文献   

Retinotopic mapping, i.e., the mapping between visual inputs on the retina and neuronal activations in cortical visual areas, is one of the central topics in visual neuroscience. For human observers, the mapping is obtained by analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals of cortical responses to slowly moving visual stimuli on the retina. Although it is well known from neurophysiology that the mapping is topological (i.e., the topology of neighborhood connectivity is preserved) within each visual area, retinotopic maps derived from the state-of-the-art methods are often not topological because of the low signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution of fMRI. The violation of topological condition is most severe in cortical regions corresponding to the neighborhood of the fovea (e.g., < 1 degree eccentricity in the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset), significantly impeding accurate analysis of retinotopic maps. This study aims to directly model the topological condition and generate topology-preserving and smooth retinotopic maps. Specifically, we adopted the Beltrami coefficient, a metric of quasiconformal mapping, to define the topological condition, developed a mathematical model to quantify topological smoothing as a constrained optimization problem, and elaborated an efficient numerical method to solve the problem. The method was then applied to V1, V2, and V3 simultaneously in the HCP dataset. Experiments with both simulated and real retinotopy data demonstrated that the proposed method could generate topological and smooth retinotopic maps.  相似文献   

Lu  Junshi  Luo  Lu  Wang  Qian  Fang  Fang  Chen  Nihong 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2021,64(1):144-151
The recall of learned temporal sequences by a visual cue is an important form of experience-based neural plasticity. Here we observed such reactivation in awake human visual cortex using intracranial recording. After repeated exposure to a moving dot, a flash of the dot was able to trigger neural reactivation in the downstream receptive field along the motion path. This effect was observed only when the cue appeared near the receptive field. The estimated traveling speed was faster compared to the activation induced by the real motion. We suggest a range-limited, time-compressed reactivation as a result of repeated visual exposure in awake human visual cortex.  相似文献   

The architecture of iso-orientation domains in the primary visual cortex (V1) of placental carnivores and primates apparently follows species invariant quantitative laws. Dynamical optimization models assuming that neurons coordinate their stimulus preferences throughout cortical circuits linking millions of cells specifically predict these invariants. This might indicate that V1’s intrinsic connectome and its functional architecture adhere to a single optimization principle with high precision and robustness. To validate this hypothesis, it is critical to closely examine the quantitative predictions of alternative candidate theories. Random feedforward wiring within the retino-cortical pathway represents a conceptually appealing alternative to dynamical circuit optimization because random dimension-expanding projections are believed to generically exhibit computationally favorable properties for stimulus representations. Here, we ask whether the quantitative invariants of V1 architecture can be explained as a generic emergent property of random wiring. We generalize and examine the stochastic wiring model proposed by Ringach and coworkers, in which iso-orientation domains in the visual cortex arise through random feedforward connections between semi-regular mosaics of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and visual cortical neurons. We derive closed-form expressions for cortical receptive fields and domain layouts predicted by the model for perfectly hexagonal RGC mosaics. Including spatial disorder in the RGC positions considerably changes the domain layout properties as a function of disorder parameters such as position scatter and its correlations across the retina. However, independent of parameter choice, we find that the model predictions substantially deviate from the layout laws of iso-orientation domains observed experimentally. Considering random wiring with the currently most realistic model of RGC mosaic layouts, a pairwise interacting point process, the predicted layouts remain distinct from experimental observations and resemble Gaussian random fields. We conclude that V1 layout invariants are specific quantitative signatures of visual cortical optimization, which cannot be explained by generic random feedforward-wiring models.  相似文献   

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