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三江源国家公园鸟类物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三江源国家公园位于青藏高原腹地,是生物多样性最为集中的区域。为了系统掌握公园内的鸟类分布状况,2015—2017年,对三江源国家公园区域进行了长期的野外调查,结合文献资料,发现三江源国家公园内共分布野生鸟类196种,隶属于18目45科121属。各级保护鸟类59种,占公园鸟类总数的30.1%,其中,国家I级重点保护鸟类8种;国家II级重点保护鸟类27种;青海省级保护鸟类24种。另外,还有国家三有鸟类120种。根据中国物种红色名录,受威胁(濒危、易危和近危)物种有39种,占公园鸟类总数的19.9%。中国特有鸟类15种,占园区内鸟类总数的7.65%。在地理分布型上,三江源国家公园位于古北界青藏区,古北界物种有145种;东洋界物种有37种;广布种有14种。利用G-F指数对物种多样性进行评估,三江源国家公园鸟类的G-F指数为0.825,表明公园内的鸟类物种多样性处于较高水平。长江源园区、澜沧江源园区和黄河源园区的平均动物区系相似性结果表明,三个园区之间动物区系关系均为密切关系。三江源国家公园鸟类物种多样性高、特有种及珍稀濒危物种丰富,具有极高的保护价值和意义。  相似文献   

中国是世界上淡水蟹物种多样性最高的国家。然而, 迄今为止还没有一个系统的、涵盖全国范围的淡水蟹分类和分布名录。本文收集了涉及中国淡水蟹分类和分布的文献, 采用国际上更新的短尾下目淡水蟹类高级阶元分类系统, 通过系统梳理, 汇编成中国淡水蟹分类与分布名录。该名录共收录了截至2018年1月记述的所有中国淡水蟹类, 共计2科45属311种。其中, 拟地蟹科(Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904) 1属28种; 溪蟹科(Potamidae Ortmann, 1896) 44属283种及亚种; 中国特有属共计38属, 占总数的84%; 特有种共计302种, 占97%。对各省淡水蟹的分布分析发现, 云南是中国淡水蟹物种多样性最丰富的省份, 已记述16属50种; 其次为台湾(4属41种)。本名录首次全面概括了中国淡水蟹类的分类和分布, 可为深入开展全国范围的淡水蟹类生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解三江源国家公园野生兽类的分布现状,2015-2017年对园区进行了实地调查。根据调查结果并参考相关文献资料,三江源国家公园内野生兽类共62种,分别隶属8目19科44属。园区内兽类呈现出物种多样性高,珍稀濒危物种多,特有种多的特点:三江源国家公园内的兽类物种多样性G-F指数为0.77,表明该区域物种多样性处于很高水平。根据中国物种红色名录,20个物种受威胁(极危、濒危和易危),比例为32.26%,远高于国家整体水平;中国或青藏高原特有种29种,占46.77%。三江源国家公园在动物地理区划上属于古北界青藏区,在地理分布型上,以古北界成分为主,东洋界成分为辅,以古北界高山型成分最多,有25种,且资源量大,表明三江源国家公园的兽类以适应高寒气候的特殊种类为主。3个园区的平均动物区系相似性比较结果表明,长江源园区与澜沧江源园区为共同关系,黄河源园区与长江源园区和澜沧江源园区为密切关系。近些年,三江源地区的兽类保护工作取得了很好的效果,并得到国内外认可,本研究结合园区生物多样性和区系特点,根据保护现状,提出了今后的监测保护建议。  相似文献   

中山市淡水浮游动物区系调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年6~7月和12月对中山市主要淡水水体的浮游动物区系进行了调查。结果表明,中山市主要淡水水体浮游动物由38目92科129属317种组成。区系特点以原生动物最丰富,有30目82科102属263种,占浮游动物物种总数的83%;其次为轮虫,有4目4科19属37种组成,占12%;枝角类和桡足类物种数最少。各样点浮游动物种类在11~168种之间,种类最少的出现在洪奇沥,最多的出现在逍遥谷。研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。各区系浮游动物的分布与水体的营养状态密切相关,污染严重的水体,种类数较少,清洁水体,种类数较多。  相似文献   

以18S rDNA为分子标记,对碘泡虫属Myxobolus粘孢子虫的分子进化规律进行了系统研究。结果显示:碘泡虫属各物种18S rDNA的AT含量(53.2%)高于GC含量(46.8%),表现出一定的AT组成偏向性;各物种18S rDNA遗传距离在0.00~0.35;脑碘泡虫M.cerebralis保守区序列变异介于淡水物种和广盐性物种之间;碘泡虫属18S rDNA分子系统发育树呈现生境相同先聚枝,形态相似后聚枝的规律,并表现出一定的宿主特异性和组织向性。此外,以线粒体COⅠ基因为分子标记,对碘泡虫属相应宿主进行了系统进化分析,结果表明:淡水物种与广盐性物种分别聚在不同的分类枝系中,与寄生于宿主体内的碘泡虫所呈现的支序树有相同的进化趋势,并表现出一定的协同进化关系;海水起源的虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss在适应淡水过程中被脑碘泡虫寄生,两者经过长期的演化,最终适应淡水环境。  相似文献   

武夷山国家公园是中国正式设立的第一批国家公园之一, 其所处的武夷山脉在动物地理区划上是东洋区南亚亚区华南小区、东洋区东亚亚区华东小区的分界线。为查明武夷山国家公园及其周边的鱼类区系和多样性现状, 本研究在梳理历史研究资料的基础上, 对调查区域内的崇阳溪、麻阳溪、九曲溪、北溪和铅山河5条河流进行了实地调查, 从物种多样性和功能多样性两个层面对武夷山国家公园及其周边地区鱼类多样性水平进行了分析。结合历史数据, 武夷山国家公园及其周边地区分布的土著鱼类为113种, 隶属于5目17科61属, 其中以鲤形目鱼类为主, 共82种, 占物种总数的72.6%, 其次为鲈形目, 共16种, 占总数的14.2%。受威胁鱼类3种, 包括2种国家II级野生水生保护动物, 即胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)和花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)。武夷山国家公园的第一优势种为拟腹吸鳅(Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus), 与其周边地区以点纹银鮈(Squalidus wolterstorffi)为第一优势种不同。多样性分析结果显示武夷山国家公园的鱼类物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于周边区域。通过比较调查区域内5条河流的鱼类多样性, 麻阳溪鱼类多样性显著高于其他河流, 铅山河的多样性显著低于其他河流。位于国家公园内的九曲溪鱼类多样性比周边地区的崇阳溪要低。鱼类功能多样性结果显示, 武夷山国家公园的功能丰富度指数显著低于周边地区, 功能离散度和功能均匀度均高于周边地区; 在河流方面, 北溪的功能丰富度显著高于其他河流, 崇阳溪的功能均匀度较高, 九曲溪的功能离散度显著高于其他河流。综合鱼类多样性分析结果, 武夷山国家公园鱼类多样性低主要是自然生境异质性低和人为活动共同作用形成, 而周边地区的河流受到捕捞、水利设施、水质污染等因素的影响。这些干扰改变了鱼类的群落结构, 使得鱼类多样性降低。因此应该加强对该区域的鱼类多样性保护工作, 未来还应进一步开展针对公园内鱼类多样性的调查工作。  相似文献   

热带岛屿生物多样性是全球生物多样性保护研究的热点之一。海南岛是中国面积最大的热带岛屿, 丰富独特的淡水蟹类是维持岛内淡水生态系统功能完整性的关键类群。本文通过多年野外调查, 综合历史及最新文献资料, 对海南岛淡水蟹类物种多样性及其现状进行调查和评估, 并对淡水蟹类物种多样性保护现状进行了分析讨论。研究发现, 海南岛淡水蟹类物种多样性分布中心位于中南部山地, 主要集中于中部的霸王岭、鹦哥岭和猕猴岭, 南部的五指山和吊罗山, 以及西南部的尖峰岭一带。其物种多样性整体上呈现中南部山地高、平原台地低的特点。根据《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》对海南岛淡水蟹类物种现状的评估结果显示, 全岛受威胁淡水蟹类物种的占比为16.7%。基于分布区预测, 以海南热带雨林国家公园为主体的保护地对淡水蟹类潜在适宜分布区的覆盖度明显优于此前碎片化的各级保护区。本文研究结果显示, 海南岛淡水蟹类的总体生存状况良好, 但一部分山地或平原种类处于受胁状态。国家公园体制的建立有望为岛内淡水蟹类物种多样性保护提供前所未有的机遇。基于物种多样性分布格局开展淡水蟹类等淡水生物多样性监测, 有助于促进海南岛淡水生态系统完整性的长效保护与可持续发展。  相似文献   

华溪蟹属Sinopotamon是中国淡水蟹类的特有属。在构建种群数据库的基础上,对华溪蟹属的分布格局进行了深入的研究。结果显示:迄今,华溪蟹属已报告75种和9亚种,占中国淡水蟹总数的29.68%(84/283),系中国淡水蟹36个属中所含种及亚种最多的一个类群,广泛分布于赣、鲁、苏、皖、浙、闽、湘、鄂、粤、桂、川、黔、豫、晋、陕、陇、冀计17个省区。华溪蟹属的分布格局与中国自然地理环境区域分异密切相关,自然地理的阻限等因素是导致华溪蟹属在中国高度分化的主要原因,表现出该属下物种对现代自然条件的适应及其遗传与分化至现阶段的结果。依照中国淡水蟹类地理区划的划分,华溪蟹属分属于西南区、华中区、华南区、华北区及其各亚区的东部季风区内,以东洋界物种成分为绝对优势,其地理分布约以24°N为其南限,37°N为北限,经度则为103°E以东直至东南沿海地区。在垂直分布上,该属物种多分布在海拔200~1000m。又以长江中下游一带物种最为丰富,而黄河与淮河流域则相对贫乏。秦岭及其淮河一线成为华溪蟹属东洋界和古北界物种的明显分野地域,但二界之间存在广泛过渡与渗透。据此,华溪蟹属的地理分布,均受制于中国第2级阶梯和第3级阶梯内的秦岭、雪峰山、巫山、太行山、南岭、武夷山等主要山脉及其低岗丘陵与平原地域。  相似文献   

2023年6月12日,在湖南省城步县南山国家公园(110°11′42″E,26°11′54″N)采集到无尾目(Anura)角蟾科(Megophryidae)布角蟾属(Boulenophrys)雌性标本1号(标本号NS20230612),现保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院脊椎动物学实验室。该标本背部皮肤光滑有痣粒,两侧皮肤松弛,有刺疣,背部灰褐色,背中央有深色“X”形斑,与花坪角蟾(B. mirabilis)形态鉴别特征一致。基于线粒体16Sr RNA和COI基因片段进行的系统发育分析结果显示,该标本与花坪角蟾聚为一支;平均遗传距离为0.28%,远小于布角蟾属物种间的遗传距离。结合形态特征比较与系统发育关系重建,鉴定该标本为角蟾科布角蟾属花坪角蟾,查阅相关文献资料,确认花坪角蟾为湖南省两栖纲分布新记录种。该物种的发现丰富了南山国家公园的两栖爬行动物物种多样性,同时为该物种分类及谱系地理学研究提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

【目的】从物种代表性和多样性方面为拟创建的昆仑山国家公园青海片区评估区的植物多样性保护、植物资源利用与管理提供基础科学数据。【方法】研究在野外调查基础上,结合历史数据及文献资料,梳理评估区种子植物名录,分析评估区种子植物区系的组成、优势类群、地理成分及珍稀濒危物种。【结果】(1)昆仑山国家公园青海片区评估区共有种子植物46科146属384种,裸子植物3科3属5种,被子植物43科143属379种;苋科(Amaranthaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)和禾本科(Poaceae)4科在评估区种子植物区系中占重要地位,单种科和寡种科构成科的主体。(2)评估区种子植物科、属优势现象明显,优势科有8科,优势属有36属,具10种以上的大属有黄芪属(Astragalus)、棘豆属(Oxytropis)、蒿属(Artemisia)、风毛菊属(Saussurea)、早熟禾属(Poa)、薹草属(Carex)6属,单种属和小属构成属的主体。(3)评估区种子植物科的分布区类型以世界分布为主,同时呈现出温带性质,属的分布区类型以温带分布为主,与劳亚古陆有紧密联系。(4)评估区有...  相似文献   

The goal of this article was to establish reference ranges of the concentration of trace elements in human serum and to compare these results with those reported by other authors. We describe the sample preparation and measurement conditions that allow the rapid, precise, and accurate determination of Al, As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Rb, Se, Sr, and Zn in human serum samples (n=110) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Accuracy and precision were determined by analyzing three reconstituted reference serum samples by comparison with other methods and by the standard addition procedure. The advantages of the ICP-MS method include short time of analysis of the elements mentioned, low detection limit, high precision, and high accuracy. Disadventages include a high risk of contamination due to the presence of some of the elements of interest in the environment, the relatively delicate sample handling, and the high cost of the equipment.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

A new polynitro cage compound 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonanitro-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonaazaheptcyclo [,11).1(5,9)] pentadecane (NNNAHP) was designed in the present work. Its molecular structure was optimized at the B3LYP/6-31 G(d,p) level of density functional theory (DFT) and crystal structure was predicted using the Compass and Dreiding force fields and refined by DFT GGA-RPBE method. The obtained crystal structure of NNNAHP belongs to the P-1 space group and the lattice parameters are a = 9.99 ?, b = 10.78 ?, c = 9.99 ?, α = 90.01°, β = 120.01°, γ = 90.00°, and Z = 2, respectively. Based on the optimized crystal structure, the band gap, density of state, thermodynamic properties, infrared spectrum, strain energy, detonation characteristics, and thermal stability were predicted. Calculation results show that NNNAHP has detonation properties close to those of CL-20 and is a high energy density compound with moderate stability.  相似文献   

This report attempts to formulate reference ranges of elemental concentrations for 15 trace elements in selected human tissues and body fluids. A set of samples consisting of whole blood, blood serum, urine, milk, liver, and hair were chosen and considered for 15 elements of biological significance: As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn. The results represent wholly or partially data received from 40 countries of the global regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, North, South, and Central America, Australia, and New Zealand. This survey, even if qualitative, has been useful in demonstrating certain trends of trace-element scenarios around the world. It is of course recognized that both diet and environment exert a strong influence on the distribution pattern of several elements, such as As, Cd, Mn, Pb, Se, and Zn. A limited comparison of the available information on soil status of different countries reflected some interesting associations for elements, such as Mn and Zn. Importantly, this study revealed that only a few countries were in a position to identify a reasonable amount of data on samples requested for this project. Regretably, for a number of countries, any dependable data for even such essential elements as Cu, Fe, and Zn were not available. In view of the nutritional importance of many elements, the time is ripe for concerted efforts by intergovernmental agencies to initiate investigations or commission task forces/projects to generate reliable reference data for selected global regions, which sadly lack data of any kind at present.  相似文献   

The variation with age of the 18 trace element mass fractions and some histological characteristics of intact prostate glands of 50 subjects aged 0–30 years was investigated by instrumental neutron activation analysis, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, and a quantitative morphometric analysis. Mean values ± standard error of the mean (M ± SΕΜ) for the mass fractions (in milligrams per kilogram wet tissue) of these trace elements in pre-puberty were: Al 28.5 ± 9.0, B 0.40 ± 0.11, Ba 1.48 ± 0.44, Br 10.5 ± 1.5, Ca 241 ± 30, Cl 3,203 ± 278, Cu 3.51 ± 0.89, Fe 33.7 ± 4.1, K 2,364 ± 145, Li 0.020 ± 0.004, Mg 153 ± 23, Mn 0.46 ± 0.06, Na 2,286 ± 130, P 1,391 ± 100, S 1,698 ± 132, Si 62 ± 11, Sr 0.38 ± 0.08, and Zn 27.6 ± 2.3. During puberty and postpuberty, when there is a significant increase in circulating androgens, the mean values were: Al 7.2 ± 1.4, B 0.21 ± 0.05, Ba 0.25 ± 0.06, Br 5.8 ± 1.0, Ca 433 ± 81, Cl 2,314 ± 201, Cu 1.77 ± 0.13, Fe 20.9 ± 1.6, K 2,585 ± 118, Li 0.0088 ± 0.0014, Mg 232 ± 27, Mn 0.34 ± 0.04, Na 1,875 ± 107, P 1,403 ± 98, S 1,673 ± 73, Si 22.2 ± 3.1, Sr 0.22 ± 0.03, and Zn 93.3 ± 8.9. Mean values (M ± SΕΜ) of percent volumes (%) of the stroma, epithelium and lumen in the prostate before puberty were 73.4 ± 2.6, 20.4 ± 1.7, and 4.45 ± 0.94, respectively, versus 46.5 ± 2.5, 38.5 ± 1.9, and 14.9 ± 1.2 during puberty and postpuberty. This work’s results confirm that the Zn mass fraction in prostate tissue is an androgen-dependent parameter. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the glandular lumen is a main pool of Ca, Mg, and Zn accumulation and that the stroma is a main pool of Al, B, Ba, Br, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Si accumulation in the normal human prostate, for the age range 0–30 years. It was concluded that the Ca, Mg, and Zn binds tightly within the prostatic fluid, because the volume of glandular lumen reflects the volume of prostatic fluid.  相似文献   

The unitary conductances and permeability sequences of the rat connexin40 (rCx40) gap junction channels to seven monovalent cations and anions were studied in rCx40-transfected neuroblastoma 2A (N2A) cell pairs using the dual whole cell recording technique. Chloride salt cation substitutions (115 mM principal salt) resulted in the following junctional maximal single channel current-voltage relationship slope conductances (γj in pS): CsCl (153), RbCl (148), KCl (142), NaCl (115), LiCl (86), TMACl (71), TEACl (63). Reversible block of the rCx40 channel was observed with TBA. Potassium anion salt γj are: Kglutamate (160), Kacetate (160), Kaspartate (158), KNO3 (157), KF (148), KCl (142), and KBr (132). Ion selectivity was verified by measuring reversal potentials for current in rCx40 gap junction channels with asymmetric salt solutions in the two electrodes and using the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation to calculate relative permeabilities. The permeabilities relative to Li+ are: Cs+ (1.38), Rb+ (1.32), K+ (1.31), Na+ (1.16), TMA+ (0.53), TEA+ (0.45), TBA+ (0.03), Cl (0.19), glutamate (0.04), and NO3− (0.14), assuming that the monovalent anions permeate the channel by forming ion pairs with permeant monovalent cations within the pore thereby causing proportionate decreases in the channel conductance. This hypothesis can account for why the predicted increasing conductances with increasing ion mobilities in an essentially aqueous channel were not observed for anions in the rCx40 channel. The rCx40 effective channel radius is estimated to be 6.6 Å from a theoretical fit of the relationship of relative permeability and cation radius.  相似文献   

The effect of age and gender on major, minor, and trace element contents in the intact rib bone of 80 relatively healthy 15–55-year-old women and men was investigated. Contents or upper limit of contents of 16 chemical elements in the rib bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Mean values (M?±?SΕΜ) for the mass fraction of Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn (milligram per kilogram of dry bone) were as follows: 2.54?±?0.16, 171,400?±?4,050, 1.35?±?0.22, 140?±?11, 1,874?±?71, 0.049?±?0.011, 2,139?±?38, 5,378?±?88, 75,140?±?1,660, 1,881?±?51, 291?±?20, and 92.8?±?1.5, respectively. The upper limits of contents of Al, B, Mn, and V were <7.20, <0.65, <0.36, and <0.03, respectively. Statistically significant tendency for the Ca, Mg, and P content to decrease with age was found in the human rib bone, regardless of gender. The mass fraction of Fe in the male rib bone increases with age. It was shown that higher Ca, Mg, Na, P, and Sr mass fractions as well as lower Fe content were typical of female ribs as compared to those in male ribs.  相似文献   

Nine blood group systems of goats were identified using 12 caprine reagents produced by absorption of alloimmune antisera. The caprine C blood group system, possibly homologous to the ovine C blood group system, was characterized by two reagents and shown to be controlled by three alleles,C 12,C 25, andC . A more complex blood group system of goats, designated G, was identified using three reagents and shown to be controlled by six codominant alleles (G 10.19.20,G 10.19,G 10.20,G 10,G 19,G 20) and a recessive allele (G ). A further seven one-factor two-allelic systems were identified by seven reagents. The nine genetic systems provided exclusion probabilities of 0.479, 0.492, 0.548, and 0.572 in Australian Angora, Dairy, Cashmere, and Texan Angora goat breeds, respectively. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Stud Book, Alison Road, Randwick, New South Wales 2031, Australia.  相似文献   


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