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铁调素调节蛋白(HJV)———一个新的铁代谢调节蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
铁调素调节蛋白 (hemojuvelin,HJV) 是最近发现的一种重要的铁代谢调节蛋白. HJV基因突变是年轻型血色素沉着症 (Juvenile hemochromatosis,JH ) 的重要原因之一. 研究显示,HJV可能是一种极为重要的铁调素 (hepcidin) 表达的调节蛋白,通过参与铁调素表达的调节从而在铁代谢中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

膜铁转运蛋白1,铁调素的靶分子?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膜铁转运蛋白1是重要的跨膜铁输出分子,主要分布于十二指肠和单核巨噬系统的细胞膜上,参与机体的肠铁吸收和巨噬细胞对铁的再循环等过程。铁调素是调节机体铁代谢平衡的激素,机体通过肝脏分泌的铁调素对铁转运相关蛋白的表达进行调控,从而实现机体自身的铁稳态。最新研究显示,铁调素的靶分子可能是膜铁转运蛋白1,它通过直接的作用引起膜铁转运蛋白1的内化(internalization)、降解,从而调节其在细胞膜上的表达量,进而控制肠铁吸收和巨噬细胞对铁的再循环过程,以维持机体的铁稳态。  相似文献   

铁是人体必需的微量元素,是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白及多种酶的重要组成成分,广泛地参与氧气输运、氧化还原反应、细胞增殖与分化、基因表达调控等基本生命过程。机体铁稳态对生命体新陈代谢的平衡起着至关重要的作用。铁稳态依赖铁吸收、转运和储存、再循环利用等代谢过程共同调节。铁调素(Hepcidin)是铁代谢调节中最关键的调节分子,成熟的铁调素是一个由25个氨基酸组成的功能性小肽类激素,可以通过调节小肠上皮细胞和巨噬细胞表面的相关铁转运蛋白来调控机体内铁的储存和利用。铁调素同时受到机体铁水平的反馈,免疫应答和红细胞生成等因素的共同调节。许多铁代谢疾病、炎症和各种原因引起的贫血与铁调素的异常表达相关。因此,对于铁调素的检测不但可以反映机体的铁代谢状况,结合其他临床指标还能够辅助诊断和有针对性地检测相关疾病的治疗效果。  相似文献   

单核巨噬细胞铁代谢相关蛋白的表达调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类机体的铁代谢表现为受限制的对外界铁的吸收和有效的机体内的铁的再循环利用,单核巨噬细胞系统通过吞噬衰老的红细胞,储存和释放铁,在机体铁的循环再利用方面起到了重要的作用。因此,单核巨噬细胞系统对整个机体铁稳态的维持非常重要。近年来,随着转铁蛋白受体1(transferrin receptor1,TfR1)、铁蛋白(ferritin,Fn)、二价金属离子转运蛋白1(divalent metal transporter1,DMT1)、膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1),以及铁调素(hepcidin)等在单核巨噬细胞系统中功能和调控机制研究的不断深入,日益加深了人们对单核巨噬细胞系统的铁代谢过程和调控机制的了解。该文综述了铁水平、NO以及炎症等因素对单核巨噬细胞系统TfR1、Fn、DMT1、FPN1、hepcidin等蛋白表达的调控及其机制研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

王贺阳  李敏 《生命科学》2012,(8):767-774
铁调素(Hepcidin)是由肝细胞分泌的维持人体系统性铁平衡的核心因子,其通过改变细胞膜铁转运蛋白(ferroportin,Fpn)的表达量以调控肠黏膜细胞和巨噬细胞内铁的转出水平,从而决定机体循环铁水平并影响肝脏等主要储铁脏器的铁负荷程度。根据近年来的研究发现,影响Hepcidin表达的主要因素可以归纳为两个方面:一是机体本身对铁的需求,而由于铁本身又是Hb(hemoglobin,血红蛋白)的合成原料以及携氧成份,因此还应包括机体对Hb合成和缺氧的反应,介导因子主要包括携铁转铁蛋白(holo—transferrin,holo—Tf)、促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)和缺氧诱导因子-1(hypoxia.inducible factor1,HIF.1);另一则是源于疾病病理过程中相关致病因素、细胞因子、激素等非铁调控因子的改变对其表达调控机制产生的影响,并通过扰乱机体铁稳态加速疾病的发展或加重病情。随着研究资料的积累,糖尿病、部分心血管疾病、酒精性或非酒精性脂肪肝等慢性疾病存在铁过负荷已是不争的事实,多种hepcidin非铁调控因子在代谢紊乱型铁过负荷综合征(sysmetabolic iron overload syndrome)发生过程中的作用受到了广泛重视。对一些常见疾病中引起hepcidin表达变化异常和铁代谢紊乱的非铁因子及其作用机制的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

小肠铁释放机制及相关疾病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁是生物体必需的微量元素。铁缺乏和铁过载均会导致铁代谢紊乱相关疾病,因此有关机体铁水平稳态的调节机制已成为了目前铁代谢领域的研究热点。小肠吸收细胞是调节肠铁吸收、肠铁释放,以及维持机体铁稳态的重要部位。最新的研究表明,铁从小肠吸收细胞基底端释放入血液循环,主要是由膜铁转运蛋白(ferroportin1,Fp1)介导,并在膜铁转运辅助蛋白(haphaestin,Hp)和铜蓝蛋白(ceruloplasmin,Cp)的参与下完成。其中Fp1在小肠铁释放过程中起着至关重要的作用。本文重点阐述铁释放相关蛋白Fp1的作用机制及其调节机制,并详细介绍Fp1基因突变导致的铁代谢相关疾病方面的最新研究讲展。  相似文献   

机体铁稳态的维持对正常生理功能至关重要。铁调素和铁调素调节蛋白在维持铁稳态中发挥重要作用。近来,丝氨酸蛋白酶基质-2在铁稳态中的作用越来越受到重视。此外,肥胖与铁缺乏的发生密切相关。一方面,肥胖人群脂肪组织高水平分泌白介素-6(interleukin-6, IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α)以及瘦素等脂肪因子,这些脂肪因子能够调节铁调素和铁调素调节蛋白表达;另一方面,肥胖个体脂肪组织也可直接表达铁调素与铁调素调节蛋白。运动作为一种非侵入性干预手段在调节肥胖与铁缺乏中可能发挥重要作用。本文将对近年来文献进行整理,以期能够为铁稳态维持以及肥胖与铁缺乏的机制提供一些新的视角。  相似文献   

低氧诱导因子(hypoxia-inducible factors,HIFs)是一类介导细胞内低氧反应的核转录复合体。HIF-α和HIF-β形成有功能的异质二聚体。哺乳动物中有HIF-1α、HIF-2α和HIF-3α。HIFs在铁代谢中发挥重要作用。受HIFs调节的铁代谢相关蛋白主要有二价金属转运蛋白1(divalent metal transporter 1,DMT1)、铁转出蛋白(ferroportin 1,FPN1)、十二指肠铁细胞色素b(duodenal cytochrome b,Dcytb)和转铁蛋白受体(transferrin receptor,Tf R)。铁调素(hepcidin)和铁调节蛋白(iron regulatory proteins,IRPs)是调节机体与细胞内铁代谢、维持铁稳态的重要因子,同样受到HIFs的调节。本文综述了HIFs对上述铁代谢相关蛋白的调节作用,以期为治疗铁代谢相关疾病提供可能的靶点。  相似文献   

骨形态发生蛋白6(BMP6)为TGF-β超家族中的一员,已有的研究表明BMP6具有成骨和成软骨作用,最新的研究发现了它对机体的铁代谢也具有重要的调控作用,通过调节铁调素(hepcidin)的表达,在调节机体铁稳态过程中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

超顺磁性铁纳米粒子(SPION)已在纳米医学等诸多领域开始应用,其相关研究也受到了广泛关注,但有关磁性纳米粒子进入细胞的方式、代谢归宿及细胞学效应仍不完全清楚.本研究发现,几乎所有的内吞信号通路都参与了SPION进入RAW264.7巨噬细胞的过程.SPION入胞后主要有3种代谢途径:(1)随有丝分裂进入子代细胞;(2)经溶酶体降解释放游离铁离子进入细胞的铁代谢库;(3)可能通过胞吐作用被排至细胞外.SPION入胞后有很好的生物相容性,对细胞活力、活性氧(ROS)生成及线粒体膜电位等无显著影响,但SPION入胞后对胞内的铁代谢有一定影响,能使贮铁蛋白L(ferritin-L)的mRNA和蛋白表达均升高,运铁蛋白1(ferroportin1)在mRNA水平表达升高,但蛋白质水平未见明显变化,且上述两种蛋白质表达的变化不是通过影响铁调节蛋白2(IRP2)实现的.上述发现为深入揭示纳米粒子的入胞机制及磁性纳米粒子在医学上的安全应用提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

HFE2 (hemochromatosis type 2 gene) is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and liver hepatocytes. Its encoded protein, hemojuvelin (HJV), is a co-receptor for the bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4 (BMP2 and BMP4) and enhances the BMP-induced hepcidin expression. Hepcidin is a central iron regulatory hormone predominantly secreted from hepatocytes. HJV also binds neogenin, a membrane protein widely expressed in many tissues. Neogenin is required for the processing and release of HJV from cells. The role that neogenin plays in HJV trafficking was investigated, using HepG2 cells, a human hepatoma cell line. Knockdown of endogenous neogenin markedly suppresses HJV release but has no evident effect on HJV trafficking to the plasma membrane. The addition of a soluble neogenin ectodomain to cells markedly inhibits HJV release, indicating that the HJV shedding is not processed before trafficking to the cell surface. At the plasma membrane it undergoes endocytosis in a dynamin-independent but cholesterol-dependent manner. The additional findings that HJV release is coupled to lysosomal degradation of neogenin and that cholesterol depletion by filipin blocks both HJV endocytosis and HJV release suggest that neogenin-mediated HJV release occurs after the HJV-neogenin complex is internalized from the cell surface.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is a liver-derived hormone with a key role in iron homeostasis. In addition to iron, it is regulated by inflammation and hypoxia, although mechanisms of hypoxic regulation remain unclear. In hepatocytes, hepcidin is induced by bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) through a receptor complex requiring hemojuvelin (HJV) as a co-receptor. Type II transmembrane serine proteinase (TMPRSS6) antagonizes hepcidin induction by BMPs by cleaving HJV from the cell membrane. Inactivating mutations in TMPRSS6 lead to elevated hepcidin levels and consequent iron deficiency anemia. Here we demonstrate that TMPRSS6 is up-regulated in hepatic cell lines by hypoxia and by other activators of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). We show that TMPRSS6 expression is regulated by both HIF-1α and HIF-2α. This HIF-dependent up-regulation of TMPRSS6 increases membrane HJV shedding and decreases hepcidin promoter responsiveness to BMP signaling in hepatocytes. Our results reveal a potential role for TMPRSS6 in hepcidin regulation by hypoxia and provide a new molecular link between oxygen sensing and iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

The adipose tissue may play an active role in systemic iron regulation and this role may be determinant in obese patients. Indeed, we reported previously that hepcidin, the iron-regulatory hormone, is expressed in adipose tissue and its messenger RNA (mRNA) expression is increased in adipose tissue of morbidly obese patients. The objectives of this study were to characterize the status of hemojuvelin (HJV), another iron-regulatory protein, within the adipose tissue of morbidly obese patients. Since cell-associated HJV acts as a coreceptor of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) to enhance hepcidin expression in liver cells, we investigated the possible involvement of this pathway in adipose tissue in regulating hepcidin expression. HJV expression was studied in adipose tissue of morbidly obese patients. Soluble HJV blood concentrations were assessed. Hepcidin regulation through BMP pathway was investigated in cultured adipocytes. HJV was expressed both at mRNA and protein levels in adipose tissue. Moreover, its mRNA expression was highly increased in adipose tissue of obese patients and correlated with mRNA hepcidin expression levels. Interestingly, HJV expressed by adipose tissue may be effective since cultured adipocytes increased their hepcidin expression when challenged with BMP2 through Smad effectors. In addition, blood concentrations of soluble HJV were significantly increased. In conclusion, adipose tissue may influence iron homeostasis in obese patients by expressing major iron-regulatory proteins and the BMP signaling pathway could be involved in regulating hepcidin expression in this tissue.  相似文献   

Both hemojuvelin (HJV) and bone morphogenic protein-6 (BMP6) are essential for hepcidin expression. Hepcidin is the key peptide hormone in iron homeostasis, and is secreted predominantly by hepatocytes. HJV expression is detected in hepatocytes, as well as in skeletal and heart muscle. HJV binds BMP6 and increases hepcidin expression presumably by acting as a BMP co-receptor. We characterized the role of hepatocyte HJV in the regulation of BMP6 and hepcidin expression. In HJV-null (Hjv−/−) mice that have severe iron overload and marked suppression of hepcidin expression, we detected 4-fold higher hepatic BMP6 mRNA than in wild-type counterparts. These results indicate that Hjv−/− mice do not lack BMP6. Furthermore, iron depletion in Hjv−/− mice decreased hepatic BMP6 mRNA. Expression of HJV in hepatocytes of Hjv−/− mice using an AAV2/8 vector, increased hepatic hepcidin mRNA by 65-fold and phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 in the liver by about 2.5-fold. However, no significant change in BMP6 mRNA was detected in either the liver or the small intestine of these animals. Our results revealed a close correlation of hepatic BMP6 mRNA expression with hepatic iron-loading. Together, our data indicate that the regulation of hepatic BMP6 expression by iron is independent of HJV, and that expression of HJV in hepatocytes plays an essential role in hepcidin expression by potentiating the BMP6-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is an antimicrobial peptide, which also negatively regulates iron in circulation by controlling iron absorption from dietary sources and iron release from macrophages. Hepcidin is synthesized mainly in the liver, where hepcidin is regulated by iron loading, inflammation and hypoxia. Recently, we have demonstrated that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-hemojuvelin (HJV)-SMAD signaling is central for hepcidin regulation in hepatocytes. Hepcidin is also expressed by macrophages. Studies have shown that hepcidin expression by macrophages increases following bacterial infection, and that hepcidin decreases iron release from macrophages in an autocrine and/or paracrine manner. Although previous studies have shown that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can induce hepcidin expression in macrophages, whether hepcidin is also regulated by BMPs in macrophages is still unknown. Therefore, we examined the effects of BMP signaling on hepcidin expression in RAW 264.7 and J774 macrophage cell lines, and in primary peritoneal macrophages. We found that BMP4 or BMP6 alone did not have any effect on hepcidin expression in macrophages although they stimulated Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and Id1 expression. In the presence of LPS, however, BMP4 and BMP6 were able to stimulate hepcidin expression in macrophages, and this stimulation was abolished by the NF-κB inhibitor Ro1069920. These results suggest that hepcidin expression is regulated differently in macrophages than in hepatocytes, and that BMPs regulate hepcidin expression in macrophages in a LPS-NF-κB dependent manner.  相似文献   

Hemojuvelin (HJV) is an important regulator of iron metabolism. Membrane-anchored HJV up-regulates expression of the iron regulatory hormone, hepcidin, through the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signaling pathway by acting as a BMP co-receptor. HJV can be cleaved by the furin family of proprotein convertases, which releases a soluble form of HJV that suppresses BMP signaling and hepcidin expression by acting as a decoy that competes with membrane HJV for BMP ligands. Recent studies indicate that matriptase-2 binds and degrades HJV, leading to a decrease in cell surface HJV. In the present work, we show that matriptase-2 cleaves HJV at Arg(288), which produces one major soluble form of HJV. This shed form of HJV has decreased ability to bind BMP6 and does not suppress BMP6-induced hepcidin expression. These results suggest that the matriptase-2 and proprotein convertase-cleavage products have different roles in the regulation of hepcidin expression.  相似文献   

Hemojuvelin (HJV), encoded by the gene HFE2, is a critical upstream regulator of hepcidin expression. Hepcidin, the central iron regulatory hormone, is secreted from hepatocytes, whereas HFE2 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and liver. Previous studies demonstrated that HJV is a GPI-anchored protein, binds the proteins neogenin and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP2 and BMP4), and can be released from the cell membrane (shedding). In this study, we investigated the physiological significance and the underlying mechanism of HJV shedding. In acutely iron-deficient rats with markedly suppressed hepatic hepcidin expression, we detected an early phase increase of serum HJV with no significant change of either HFE2 mRNA or protein levels in gastrocnemius muscle. Studies in both C2C12 (a mouse myoblast cell line) and HepG2 (a human hepatoma cell line) cells showed active HJV shedding, implying that both skeletal muscle and liver could be the source of serum HJV. In agreement with the observations in iron-deficient rats, HJV shedding in these cell lines was down-regulated by holo-transferrin in a concentration-dependent manner. Our present study showing that knock-down of endogenous neogenin, a HJV receptor, in C2C12 cells suppresses HJV shedding and that overexpression of neogenin in HEK293 cells markedly enhances this process, suggests that membrane HJV shedding is mediated by neogenin. The finding that neither BMP4 nor its antagonist, noggin, was able to alter HJV shedding support the lack of involvement of BMP signaling pathway in this process.  相似文献   

Hepcidin mRNA levels in mouse liver respond to inhibition of erythropoiesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hepcidin, a key regulator of iron metabolism, decreases intestinal absorption of iron and its release from macrophages. Iron, anemia, hypoxia, and inflammation were reported to influence hepcidin expression. To investigate regulation of the expression of hepcidin and other iron-related genes, we manipulated erythropoietic activity in mice. Erythropoiesis was inhibited by irradiation or posttransfusion polycythemia and stimulated by phenylhydrazine administration and erythropoietin. Gene expression of hepcidin and other iron-related genes (hemojuvelin, DMT1, ferroportin, transferrin receptors, ferritin) in the liver was measured by the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Hepcidin expression increased despite severe anemia when hematopoiesis was inhibited by irradiation. Suppression of erythropoiesis by posttransfusion polycythemia or irradiation also increased hepcidin mRNA levels. Compensated hemolysis induced by repeated phenylhydrazine administration did not change hepcidin expression. The decrease caused by exogenous erythropoeitin was blocked by postirradiation bone marrow suppression. The hemolysis and anemia decrease hepcidin expression only when erythropoiesis is functional; on the other hand, if erythropoiesis is blocked, even severe anemia does not lead to a decrease of hepcidin expression, which is indeed increased. We propose that hepcidin is exclusively sensitive to iron utilization for erythropoiesis and hepatocyte iron balance, and these changes are not sensed by other genes involved in the control of iron metabolism in the liver.  相似文献   

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