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湖南柿竹园矿区土壤重金属含量及植物吸收特征   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:53  
矿区重金属污染十分严重,寻找和发现适合当地气候与土壤条件的重金属耐性植物是矿区植被恢复和污染土壤修复的前提。对我国湖南柿竹园有色金属矿区调查发现,该地区选矿厂的重金属污染问题普遍比尾砂库严重。选矿厂土壤砷、镉、铅、锌严重超标,尾砂库周围也受到不同程度的重金属污染。土壤重金属胁迫效应影响着植物物种分布,选矿厂物种分布较少,相比之下尾砂库的植物多样性较为丰富。柿竹园矿区植物对重金属的吸收表现为富集型(如蜈蚣草Pteris Vittata L .和苎麻Boehmerianivea (L .) Gaud.)、根部囤积型(如攀倒甑Patrinia villosa和木贼Equisetum hyemale)和规避型(如蔓出卷柏Selaginelladavidii Franch和芒草Miscanthus sinensis Andlerss)等3种类型。  相似文献   

金属矿区芒草种群对重金属的积累及其与土壤特性的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过分析大型综合金属矿区中经历不同污染强度与污染时间胁迫的芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)种群对4种主要重金属的积累状况,初步揭示芒草对这些重金属的积累特性与土壤重金属含量的关系。结果表明,1芒草根茎叶对4种重金属的的积累顺序为:根〉叶〉茎;2芒草对Cd、Pb的积累量与土壤中这两种重金属含量之间存在显著(P〈0.05)正相关关系;对Cu、Zn的积累量与土壤含量之间无显著相关,主要是因为土壤最高Cu与Zn含量已超过芒草对这两种元素积累所需的最大量,成为对芒草构成胁迫的主要因子。在该矿区的酸性条件下,芒草对Pb、Zn、Cu3种重金属的吸收率随pH值升高而升高,pH接近的样地,芒草的吸收率主要受土壤重金属含量的影响。结合各种群对四种重金属的积累状况判断,强度胁迫下的种群可能已发生耐性分化,从而产生较其它种群更强的耐重金属特性。总体上芒草是一种多重金属耐性植物,对这四种重金属的耐性顺序是:Cd〈Cu〈Zn-Pb。  相似文献   

以‘新选七叶’油菜为研究对象,采用土培方法,研究在不同浓度重金属(镉、铅、汞)胁迫下,油菜对重金属的吸收和积累特征,并探讨重金属在土壤—蔬菜间的迁移情况。结果表明:不同重金属在植物不同部位的分布和积累规律存在差异,镉和汞在植株上的积累规律为根叶茎,而铅在植株上的积累规律为根茎叶。油菜根部对重金属的累积能力远高于茎和叶,根部对三种重金属的吸收富集能力为镉汞铅。油菜各部位重金属含量与土壤重金属浓度呈显著正相关(r20.859)。以蔬菜可食部位重金属含量的最大限量为标准(GB 15201-1994、GB 14935-1994、GB 2762-1994),计算得出土壤中对应的镉、铅、汞临界值分别为0.362、43.62、2.892μg/g。  相似文献   

5种湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集转运特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择芦苇、水葱、千屈菜、扁秆藨草、长苞香蒲5种湿地植物进行盆栽实验,比较它们对土壤中的5种重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集特性,分析重金属在各植物体和土壤中的动态分布,以评价所测植物对土壤中重金属的综合富集能力,为利用植物修复金属污染土壤提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)种植湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集效果显著高于无植物对照,且随着处理时间的延长,土壤中重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的含量均呈下降趋势。(2)湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集效果差异显著,其中水葱根部对重金属镉的富集系数最大,芦苇根部对重金属铬、汞、铅、锌的富集系数均最大,千屈菜、扁秆藨草和长苞香蒲根部对5种重金属的富集系数均较小;芦苇地上部分对金属镉的富集系数最大,千屈菜地上部分对金属铬、汞、铅的富集系数均最大,水葱地上部分对金属锌的富集系数最大。(3)5种湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的转移系数差异显著,其中扁秆藨草对土壤中镉、铬、铅、锌的转移系数均为最大,对铬和锌的转移系数均大于1,长苞香蒲对铬的转移系数大于1,仅次于扁秆藨草。其他3种植物对5种重金属的转移系数均小于1。研究表明,5种湿地植物对重金属Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb、Zn都有富集和转移的能力,但不同植物对不同重金属的富集效果不同。  相似文献   

为探讨铅锌矿废弃地优势植物在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的应用潜力,利用野外采样分析法,从粤东梅县丙村铅锌尾矿区采集其三种优势植物类芦、黄荆、盐肤木的根、茎、叶和土壤样品,测定和分析Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd四种重金属含量.结果表明:该矿区土壤污染严重,Pb、Zn、Cd含量远超土壤环境质量的三级标准,Cu超出二级标准;根际土壤和非根际土壤重金属含量均为Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd,但根际土壤的重金属含量显著低于非根际土壤;这三种植物对Pb、Zn、Cu的转移系数大于1.0,对Cu的富集系数最高,Pb最小,但对四种重金属的富集系数均小于1.0,均未达到超富集植物临界含量标准.三种植物为该矿区的优势植物,说明它们对土壤的重金属污染有很强的耐性,虽然并非典型的超富集植物,但对污染土壤仍有较好的修复效果.  相似文献   

土壤中镉、铅、锌及其相互作用对作物的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
通过作物盆栽模拟试验(砂壤质褐土、pH值8.2)揭示:土壤中分别施入镉(CdCl2)、铅[Pb(CH3COO)2]或锌(ZnSO4)其影响表现为,植物各器官镉的含量超过对照植物的数倍至500倍。土壤镉浓度<5ppm和<10ppm分别造成某些蔬菜和水稻的污染。铅主要积累在植物根部,土壤铅污染对作物的影响较小。锌主要积累在植物叶片和根部,对水稻产生生长抑制的土壤锌浓度临界值不大于200ppm,此浓度对旱作无影响。土壤中同时施入镉和铅,植物对镉的吸收增加。而土壤中镉的增加却减少了植物体内铅的含量。土壤中由于镉、锌或铅、锌相互作用的结果,水稻对它们的吸收都有增加。在旱地土壤锌浓度的增高,降低了植物对镉、铅的吸收。镉、铅、锌同时施入土壤由于相互作用的结果,除锌之外,植物对镉、铅的吸收有明显下降。评价土壤重金属污染,不仅要看它们的含量及其存在形态,而且要分析它们之间的相互作用(促进或拮抗)特点。  相似文献   

采用不同浓度原位污染土盆栽试验,研究铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)在8种蔬菜中的累积规律及对蔬菜生长的影响,揭示蔬菜-土壤铅、镉含量相关关系,提出8种蔬菜的土壤铅、镉安全临界值。结果表明:油菜、甘蓝长势均好,生长未受抑制,其他几种蔬菜随铅、镉浓度的增加,生长受到不同程度抑制;铅、镉复合污染对8种蔬菜的生长抑制程度为芹菜莴苣胡萝卜豇豆辣椒番茄甘蓝、油菜,与蔬菜累积铅、镉能力一致;芹菜-土壤铅、镉含量呈显著线性相关(R2=0.923,0.956);土壤铅安全临界值为叶菜类(甘蓝、油菜)根茎类(莴苣、胡萝卜)豆类(豇豆)芹菜和辣椒,番茄土壤铅安全临界值待定;8种蔬菜土壤镉安全临界值相同。  相似文献   

从梅州丙村铅锌尾矿区近污水排放区采集了土壤与四种优势植物样品, 分别测定和分析了Zn、Pb、Ni、Cu、Cr、Cd、Mn 七种重金属含量。结果表明, 该矿区土壤污染严重且为强酸性。Cd、Pb、Zn、Mn、Cu 的污染指数均大于3, 且综合污染指数为319.16, Zn、Pb、Cd 均超出国家土壤环境质量(GB15618-1995)的二级标准, 也远超过广东土壤背景值, 有很大的潜在生态风险, 重金属单因子生态风险指数大小排序为Cd>Pb>Zn>Mn>Cu>Ni>Cr。两歧飘拂草(Fimbristylis dichotoma)、细辐射枝藨草(Scirpus filipes)、多枝扁莎(Pycreus polystachyus)地下部分的Pb 含量均超过超富集植物临界含量标准, 因此这三种植物有作为Pb 富集植物的潜力。贝壳叶荸荠(Heleocharis chaetaria)对镍的富集系数超过1, 细辐射枝藨草对Mn 的转移系数大于1。这四种植物对土壤的重金属污染有很强的耐性, 与非矿区土壤中生长相比, 长势并无显著差异, 且地下部分重金属含量都很高, 说明对它们土壤中的重金属有一定的固定作用, 可作为这些区域植被恢复的先锋植物。  相似文献   

单一与复合污染条件下两种敏感性植物对Cd、Zn、Pb的吸收   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了进一步研究镉、锌、铅3种重金属元素间的相互作用以及对植物吸收重金属能力的影响,在模拟单一重金属污染试验研究的基础上,采用正交回归设计方案.研究了Cd、Zn、Pb复合污染情况下紫花苜蓿和披碱草两种敏感性植物对3种重金属的吸收效应。结果表明,在单一污染条件下.银元素对紫花苜蓿生长的影响大于锌、镉、铅元素对披碱草生长的影响大于锌、镉,紫花苜蓿对于镉的吸收累积显著高于:披碱草,植物内银元素浓度最高达到1088.5mg/kg。而披碱草对于铅元素的吸收则高于紫花苜蓿。植物内铅元素浓度最高达到1345.5mg/kg。在复合污染条件下.两种植物对铅、锌和铅、镉的吸收在不同浓度范围内分别存在存在着协同效应和桔抗效应;同时两种植物对锌、银元素在实验涉及浓度范围内都存在着拮抗效应。这对于深入研究复合污染条件下重金属的土壤环境化学行为,对植物的综合毒性以及不同植物对重金属的吸收累积效应等,具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

施用尿素对土壤中Cd、Pb形态分布及植物有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室外盆栽试验,研究了在镉(25mg·kg-1)、铅(1000mg·kg-1)单一污染及其复合污染的土壤中,施用不同剂量尿素(0、100、200、400、800mg·kg-1)对小麦根际和非根际土壤镉、铅形态、小麦植物体镉、铅浓度的影响,为重金属污染土壤的防治提供依据。结果表明:增加尿素施用水平显著提高了小麦不同部位镉、铅浓度,尿素施用促进小麦对镉、铅的吸收与其对土壤中镉、铅形态分布的影响紧密相关,尿素施用引起土壤pH下降,提高土壤中交换态镉、铅含量,而交换态是最易被植物吸收利用的部分,这是尿素施用提高镉、铅植物有效性的主要原因;与单一污染相比,镉、铅复合污染抑制了小麦对铅的吸收,但促进了小麦对镉的吸收。  相似文献   

Perennial C4 grasses, especially Miscanthus sinensis, are widely distributed in the degraded lands in South China. We transplanted native and exotic tree seedlings under the canopy of M. sinensis to assess the interaction (competition or facilitation) between dominant grass M. sinensis and tree seedlings. The results of growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, and ultrastructure showed that negative effects may be stronger in perennial dominant grass M. sinensis. Although M. sinensis buffered the air temperature, improved soil structure, and increased soil phosphorus content, these beneficial effects were outweighed by the detrimental effect, especially overshading. To ensure the establishment of target native species in M. sinensis communities in degraded lands of South China, restoration strategies should include removing aboveground vegetation, planting target species seedlings in openings to reduce the effects of canopy shading, and/or selecting competition-tolerant target species. Also, seedlings of exotic species used in restoration engineering cannot be directly planted under the canopy of M. sinensis.  相似文献   

为探索不同种植模式下重金属污染对牧草生理特性的影响,皇竹草(Pennisetum sinese)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和龙须草(Juncus effusus)采用单作和间作模式,研究了重金属污染对其叶片光合参数、光合色素和重金属含量的影响。结果表明,与单作相比,间作下皇竹草叶片的叶绿素(Chl)a、Chla+b和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量极显著上升,净光合作用速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)、细胞间隙CO_2浓度(C_i)和Chl b含量极显著下降,但蒸腾速率(Tr)的差异不显著;黑麦草和龙须草叶片的C_i、Car含量极显著增加,P_n、T_r、G_s、Chl a、Chl b和Chl a+b显著或极显著下降(龙须草Chl a除外)。除龙须草的铜含量极显著降低外,3种牧草叶片和总生物量和重金属含量均极显著上升。与对照相比,低浓度污染的皇竹草叶片的光合参数、光合色素含量及叶片和总生物量极显著提高,而黑麦草和龙须草叶片的P_n、T_r、G_s、C_i、叶片和总生物量极显著减少,光合色素含量极显著增加,但黑麦草的T_r、C_i、叶片生物量及黑麦草和龙须草的Chl b差异不显著;重金属污染使3种牧草叶片的重金属含量均极显著上升。种植模式×重金属污染互作对牧草叶片的光合参数、光合色素含量、干质量及重金属含量的影响均极显著。因此,在复合污染土壤间作3种牧草有利于叶片干物质的积累和重金属的吸收,单作更有利于提高叶片的光合作用能力;且皇竹草对重金属污染的适应性强于黑麦草和龙须草。  相似文献   

Environmental and economic factors have stimulated research in the area of bioenergy crops. While many plants have been identified as potential energy crops, one species in particular, Miscanthus x giganteus, appears to have the most promise. As researchers attempt to exploit and improve M. x giganteus, genome information is critical. In this study, the genome size of M. x giganteus and its two progenitor species were examined by flow cytometry and stomatal cell analyses. M. x giganteus was found to have genome size of 7.0 pg while Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus were observed to have genome sizes of 5.5 and 4.5 pg respectively with stomatal size correlating with genome size. Upon computing the two tetraploid × diploid hybrids theoretical genome sizes, the data presented in this paper supports the hypothesis of the union of a 2x M. sacchariflorus and a 1x M. sinensis gamete for the formation of the allotriploid, M. x giganteus. Such genomic information provides basic knowledge that is important in M. x giganteus plant improvement.  相似文献   

Zhonghua Wu  Dan Yu 《Hydrobiologia》2004,527(1):241-250
Two experiments were designed to investigate the effects of competition on growth and biomass allocation in Nymphoides peltata. First, competition between N. peltata and Zizania latifolia was assigned with the densities of N. peltata to Z. latifolia ratios of 4:0, 4:2, 4:4 and 4:8. The increase of density of Z. latifolia resulted in apparent decrease of total biomass, relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and mean leaf area per plant of N. peltata. N. peltata allocated above-ground biomass to shoots and roots and decreased the ratios of above-ground to below-ground biomass (A b/B b) with increasing density of Z. latifolia. Second, competitions between N. peltata and emerged Z. latifolia, floating-leavedTrapa bispinosa and submerged Myriophyllum spicatum were studied in the mean time. Total biomass, A b/B b and mean leaf area per plant of N. peltata were higher when competing with floating-leaved T. bispinosa than in N. peltata growing in the community with submerged M. spicatum and emerged Z. latifolia. There were no significant differences in RGR, net assimilation rate (NAR) and LAR of N. peltata when growing with each of the competitor species. Our studies indicate that the growth of N. peltata is strongly inhibited by the presence of Z. latifolia, and N. peltata can show certain competitive advantages over T. bispinosa and M. spicatum.  相似文献   

Efficient utilization of lignocellulosic Miscanthus biomass for the production of biochemicals, such as ethanol, is challenging due to its recalcitrance, which is influenced by the individual plant cell wall polymers and their interactions. Lignocellulosic biomass composition differs depending on several factors, such as plant age, harvest date, organ type, and genotype. Here, four selected Miscanthus genotypes (Miscanthus sinensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Miscanthus × giganteus, Miscanthus sinensis × Miscanthus sacchariflorus hybrid) were grown and harvested, separated into stems and leaves, and characterized for their non‐starch polysaccharide composition and structures, lignin contents and structures, and hydroxycinnamate profiles (monomers and ferulic acid dehydrodimers). Polysaccharides of all genotypes are mainly composed of cellulose and low‐substituted arabinoxylans. Ratios of hemicelluloses to cellulose were comparable, with the exception of Miscanthus sinensis that showed a higher hemicellulose/cellulose ratio. Lignin contents of Miscanthus stems were higher than those of Miscanthus leaves. Considering the same organs, the four genotypes did not differ in their Klason lignin contents, but Miscanthus × giganteus showed the highest acetylbromide soluble lignin content. Lignin polymers isolated from stems varied in their S/G ratios and linkage type distributions across genotypes. p‐Coumaric acid was the most abundant ester‐bound hydroxycinnamte monomer in all samples. Ferulic acid dehydrodimers were analyzed as cell wall cross‐links, with 8‐5‐coupled diferulic acid being the main dimer, followed by 8‐O‐4‐, and 5‐5‐diferulic acid. Contents of p‐coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and ferulic acid dimers varied depending on genotype and organ type. The largest amount of cell wall cross‐links was analyzed for Miscanthus sinensis.  相似文献   

Miscanthus sinensis Andersson grows naturally at the Hitachi mine. The root‐zone soil was acidic and contained high concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and exchangeable Al. Adventitious roots accumulated high concentrations of Al and Fe, but not other heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of tolerance of Al in M. sinensis, focusing on its chemical interaction with root endophytes. We isolated Chaetomium cupreum, which produced siderophores, from adventitious roots of M. sinensis via CAS assay. In inoculation tests, C. cupreum promoted M. sinensis seedling growth and increased Al and Fe uptake in the roots, although C. cupreum did not stimulate M. sinensis to produce Al detoxicants, such as citric and malic acids. Observation of the pattern of Al localization in the roots clarified that C. cupreum reduced Al toxicity in M. sinensis via compartmentalizing Al into fungal mycelia surrounding the roots and creating a less toxic Al‐localization pattern, allocating Al to the epidermis, endodermis and stele of roots. In conclusion, our results indicated that C. cupreum increases Al tolerance in M. sinensis growing at the acidic mine site.  相似文献   

Miscanthus is a vigorous perennial Gramineae genus grown throughout the world as a promising bioenergy crop and generally regarded as heavy metal tolerant due to its ability to absorb heavy metals. However, little is known about the mechanism for heavy metal tolerance in Miscanthus. In this study, two Miscanthus species (Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Miscanthus floridulus) exhibiting different cadmium (Cd) sensitivity were used to address the mechanisms of Cd tolerance. Under the same Cd stress, M. sacchariflorus showed higher Cd tolerance with better growth and lower Cd accumulation in both shoots and roots than M. floridulus. The malate (MA) content significantly increased in root exudates of M. sacchariflorus following Cd treatment while it was almost unchanged in M. floridulus. Cellular Cd analysis and flux data showed that exogenous MA application markedly restricted Cd influx and accumulation while an anion‐channel inhibitor (phenylglyoxal) effectively blocked Cd‐induced MA secretion and increased Cd influx in M. sacchariflorus, indicating that MA secretion could alleviate Cd toxicity by reducing Cd uptake. The genes of malate dehydrogenases (MsMDHs) and Al‐activated malate transporter 1 (MsALMT1) in M. sacchariflorus were highly upregulated under Cd stress, compared with that in M. floridulus. The results indicate that Cd‐induced MA synthesis and secretion efficiently alleviate Cd toxicity by reducing Cd influx in M. sacchariflorus.  相似文献   

Endogenous gibberellins in a parasitic plant, Aeginetia indica L., and its host, Miscanthus sinensis Andress (eulalia) were analyzed. Gibberellins of the early-non-hydroxylation pathway and their putative metabolites were identified as the major endogenous gibberellins from both types of A. indica parasitizing M. sinensis and parasitizing Oryza sativa L. (rice). Members of both the early-non- and early-13-hydroxylation pathways were detected in the host M. sinensis. Since the early-13-hydroxylation pathway has been reported to be the major pathway operating in vegetative tissues of O. sativa, these results suggest that A. indica can biosynthesize gibberellins independent of its hosts.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of competition on growth and performance of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze in microcosm. Part of the research on growth and biomass allocation of N. peltata in response to competition had been reported early (Wu, Z. & D. Yu, 2004, Hydrobiologia 527: 241–250). This paper focuses on the morphological variations of N. peltata under competitive pressure. First, competition between N. peltata and Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf. was assigned with the densities of N. peltata to Z. latifolia ratios of 4:0, 4:2, 4:4 and 4:8. Water surface coverage, surface area per leaf blade and number of leaves per plant of N. peltata all declined significantly with increasing density of competitor. Similar results were also found for petiole length and density of branching. However, the variations of planting density did not significantly affect the number of ramets per plant and the stolon length of N. peltata. Second, competitions between N. peltata and emerged Z. latifolia, floating-leaved Trapa bispinosa Roxb. and submerged Myriophyllum spicatum L. were also studied simultaneously. The results showed that significant difference was only found for the water surface coverage of N. peltata. No other significant differences were found for the number of ramets per plant, number of leaves per plant, density of branching, surface area per leaf blade, petiole length, and stolon length of N. peltata. Our studies indicate that N. peltata presents morphological variations when it is growing with Z. latifolia, such that the growth of above-ground parts decrease (i.e., leaf number, petiole length, branching density) and the growth of below-ground parts remains stable (i.e., stolons length). However, N. peltata does not show apparent differences in morphology when it is growing with T. bispinosa or M. spicatum. Accordingly, we conclude that the growth of N. peltata may be apparently inhibited by the presence of Z. latifolia, while T. bispinosa and M. spicatum may have little impact on the growth and performance of N. peltata.  相似文献   

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