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中国菜粉蝶寄生昆虫调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡萃 《昆虫学报》1983,(3):287-294
菜粉蝶是十字花科蔬菜的大害虫。本文系1978—1982年涉及21省、市、自治区,野外采集、室内饲养其卵、幼虫、蛹共达193,000以上的寄生性天敌调查结果。 调查中共得12种原寄生性天敌,它们是:广赤眼蜂(Trichogramma evanescens)、拟澳洲赤眼蜂(T.confusum)、菜粉蝶绒茧蜂(Apanteles glomeratus)、微红绒茧蜂(A.rubecula)、镶颚姬蜂(Hyposotersp.)、蝶蛹金小峰(Pteromalus puparum)、广大腿小蜂(Brachymeria lasus)、粉蝶大腿小蜂(B.femorata)、舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂(Coccygomimus disparis)、家蚕追寄蝇(Exorista sorbillans)、毛虫追寄蝇(E.amoena)以及常怯寄蝇(Phryxe vulgaris)。卵寄生率0-1.70%:幼虫害生率0-64.5%;蛹寄生率0—97.00%。在杭州,5、6月间平均蛹寄生率分别为61.45%和63.38%,越冬代蛹寄生率平均 56.01-60.62%。 根据调查结果,初步讨论了当前各地区保护、利用的重点对象,建议考虑从国外引进适当的赤眼蜂,并对如何开展天敌调查工作提出了看法。  相似文献   

瓜螟Diaphania indica Saunders是葫芦科植物的重要害虫.试验表明幼虫最嗜食冬瓜叶,其次是黄瓜、丝瓜和西瓜,对南瓜和蒲爪叶取食较少.雌蛾产卵时对植物有选择行为.在杭州每年从7月中旬起最多发生四代.十一年黑光灯下资料表明.灯下始蛾不早于七月上旬,终蛾不迟于十一月下旬,蛾蜂在八月下旬.卵、幼虫、预蛹和蛹历期(天)与日平均温度(℃)的关系分别是:Ye=18.500—0.550X,Y1=35.203—0.901X,Yp&p=59.705—1.785X.拟澳洲赤眼蜂(Trichogramma confusum)和瓜螟小室姬蜂(Scenocharops sp.)是首次报道的瓜螟寄生蜂,前者年平均寄生率达54.2±38.2%.另发现瓜螟绒茧蜂(Apanteles sp.)、扁股小蜂(Elasmus sp.)和病毒.  相似文献   

漆一鸣 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):403-411
本文研究了缓慢细蚤Leptopsylla segnis(Schonherr),不等单蚤Monopsyllus anisus(Rothschild)和猫栉首蚤指名亚种Ctenocephalides felis felis(Bouche)雄性外生殖器的结构,观察了从幼虫、前蛹、蛹至成虫各发育时期的雄性外生殖器的内部结构变化.对有争议的雄蚤上抱器的起源,雄蚤生殖孔的位置,雄性外生殖器芽内陷的腹节以及射精管横切面的细胞数目和阳茎背、腹杆的结构等问题进行了详细的观察和探讨.  相似文献   

印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾的生物活性及田间防效研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
在室内测定了印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾(Spodopteralitura)的生物活性,并进行了田间防治试验.结果表明,印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾具有多种生物活性,主要表现在对幼虫的拒食作用、生长发育的抑制作用和一定的毒杀活性,以及对成虫产卵的忌避作用.经印楝素处理后,幼虫平均发育历期延长、幼虫体重、蛹重、化蛹率和蛹羽化率显著低于对照,印楝素乳油12μl·L-1浓度处理3龄幼虫5和7d后的体重分别是对照组的36.8%和14.5%,而幼虫平均发育历期比对照组延长6d左右,化蛹率和蛹羽化率分别是27.79%和37.23%,显著低于对照组85.66%和82.11%.印楝素对低龄幼虫有一定的毒杀活性,而对高龄幼虫活性则很低.田间防治试验表明,印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾种群有良好的控制作用,施药7d后其防治效果要优于化学农药10%除尽悬浮剂.  相似文献   

记述了金斑蝶Danaus chrysippus chrysippus(Linnaeus)的形态特征、生物学特性与规模化饲养的方法.该蝶在海南尖峰岭地区全年发生、世代重叠,1年发生15代左右,完成1个世代冬季需29~37d,夏季14~18d.成虫抗逆性与生命力强,耐高温,嗜食的寄主植物有马利筋Asclepias curassavica L.和牛角瓜Calotropis gigantean(L).金斑蝶色彩艳丽、飞翔姿态缓慢优美,宜在生态蝴蝶园与喜庆等场合放飞,良好的生态环境是金斑蝶规模化饲养成功的关键,而幼虫饲养是它规模化饲养的重要环节.成虫卵散生,幼虫5龄,初孵幼虫宜室外套网袋饲养,5龄后期用塑料盆室内饲养并使之化蛹于盆盖上,将盆盖挂入羽化室内,通过空调和喷雾装置温度控制在25~28℃,湿度控制在60~80%,使蛹能正常发育和羽化.  相似文献   

许纲  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1987,(4):359-366
实夜蛾属(Heliothis)的棉铃虫(H. armigcra)和烟青虫(H. assulta)是近缘种,幼虫期取食多种相同的植物,其中含有不同的次生物质.本项工作是在人工饲料中分别加入0.5%的烟碱、番茄苷、棉子酚、丹宁酸等饲养早期六龄的幼虫,测定它们对生长和食物利用的影响.结果表明这些次生物质对两种幼虫有不同的作用:烟碱对棉铃虫没有明显影响,但对烟青虫的取食却有一定的刺激作用.丹宁酸、棉子酚、番茄苷可抑制两种幼虫的生长,而以番茄苷抑制烟青虫的生长最为显著.番茄苷主要通过抑制取食来影响幼虫的生长,而丹宁酸和棉子酚则具有降低消化率的作用.通过次生物质对这两种幼虫效应的比较可知,棉铃虫有较大的忍耐力.  相似文献   

1956-1958年间, 作者在南京考查菜粉蝶天敌, 发现重要种类有:黄金小蜂(Pteromalus puparum(L.))、广大腿蜂(Brachymeria euploeae Westwood)、菜粉蝶黑疣姬蜂(Pimla sp.)和黄绒茧蜂(Apantelesglomeratus(L.))等数种。幼虫期寄生蜂的寄生率平均为3.3%, 蛹期为53.86%。黄金小蜂为蛹寄生蜂, 一年发生11-12代(室内), 以幼虫或蛹在寄主蛹壳内越冬, 寄生率平均为50.52%, 高者可达80%以上;雌峰率为65.12%;羽化率为93.17%。广大腿蜂寄生率平均为3.34%, 蛹寄生, 雌蜂率为58.43%。菜粉蝶黑疣姬蜂在国内寄生于菜粉蝶, 尚属初次报导。单寄生于越冬寄主蛹内, 寄生率为1.91%。黄绒茧峰只在一头菜粉蝶幼虫中发现, 寄生率为3.3%。黄金小蜂为菜粉蝶生物防治较合理想的一种寄生蜂, 但不能终年抑制菜粉蝶的猖獗。作者建议:(1)增加早春黄金小蜂的虫口数量;(2)解决8月间寄主数量的不足, 从而使黄金小蜂充分发挥其寄生能力, 达到菜粉蝶生物防治的目的。  相似文献   

焦艺夜蛾的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦艺夜蛾Hyssia adusta Draudt是新发现的马尾松严重害虫.一年1代,以蛹在土中越冬,翌年3月初羽化,产卵于松针上,3月中旬孵化.幼虫食叶,一般7龄,幼虫期49—77天,蛹期约250天.前一年冬季和当年早春的干旱是该虫于当年大发生的主要因素.可应用741烟剂或白僵菌粉炮防治.大星步(虫甲)Calosoma maximowiczi Morawiz是主要天敌,对害虫大发生有一定抑制作用.  相似文献   

豆野螟的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
豆野螟Maruea testulalisGeyer(1832)是我国豆类蔬菜,特别是长豇豆Vigna sesguipedalis的主要害虫。在杭州,一年发生七代,以预蛹越冬。以1—3代为害为主。一龄幼虫头宽0.197毫米,Dyar常数为1.653。随虫龄增加,取食场所从花器转向豆荚。产卵前期为3—4天,羽化后6—8天卵量最集中。幼虫、蛹发育历期与日平均温度间的对数回归方程为Y1=3.5825—1.7766x,Yp=3.8118-2.0800x。卵期2—4天。田间为害以6—8月为主;灯下威虫有7月和9—10月两个高峰。有分距姬蜂Cremastus sp.和稻苞虫寄蝇Pseudoperiehaeta insidiosa二种天敌。应用80%敌敌畏800倍等农药,在百花虫数达40头上下、二龄幼虫约占50%时,兼喷植株、落地花,能达到降低花、荚被害率,提高鲜荚产量、品质和降低成本的效果。  相似文献   

棉铃虫越冬蛹呼吸代谢的某些特点   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
吴坤君  龚佩瑜 《昆虫学报》1989,32(2):136-143
在25℃、不同光周期条件下饲养棉铃虫Heliothis armigera幼虫,分别形成滞育的越冬蛹和发育蛹,用Gilson呼吸计研究其呼吸代谢.两组棉铃虫在蛹期的代谢速率(微升氧气/毫克鲜重/小时)都呈U-型曲线变化.越冬蛹呼吸代谢的特征是:代谢速率显著降低;U-型曲线的底线延续很长时间;几乎全部利用脂类作为代谢底物.预计滞育的棉铃虫在6龄幼虫期的代谢速率已明显降低.由于在诱导滞育的条件下蛹并不一定全部进入滞育,滞育与非滞育个体在化蛹初期又没有形态上的区别,所以它们的代谢速率差异可以用作判断蛹是否滞育的标准.根据呼吸资料估测,棉铃虫越冬蛹在长达7个月的越冬期内消耗能量约800(雌)—900(雄)焦耳,只比发育蛹(历期约两周)消耗的能量多70%左右.  相似文献   

苦楝果实中某些化学成分及其对菜青虫的生物活性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
汪文陆  王义 《昆虫学报》1994,37(1):20-24
采用生物活性追踪法,从苦谏(Melia azedarach)果实中分得苦楝新醇(I)、苦谅酮(II)苦楝醇(III)、苦楝二醇(IV),苦楝三醇(V)、香草酸(VI)、香草醛(VII)和川楝素(VIII)。根据波谱(1R,MS,1H-NMR,13C-NMR)分析和理化常数测定确定其结构,其中I为一新化合物。生测结果表明,II-V和VIII对菜青虫(Pieris rapae)有明显的拒食活性,VIII还表现出明显的胃毒活性;I、VI和VII仅表现出一定的拒食活性。  相似文献   

The effects of the insecticides abamectin, acetamiprid, cartap and chlorpyrifos on larvae, pupae (within the host egg) and adults of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) were evaluated under laboratory conditions, using three standard tests described by IOBC. When sprayed on the immature stages of this parasitoid, cartap and chlorpyrifos proved to be the most harmful insecticides, affecting both the emergence success and parasitism capacity of this parasitoid, whereas abamectin and acetamiprid were selective. Abamectin was harmful to adults (residue test on glass plates), slightly harmful to larvae, and moderately harmful to pupae (sprayed on the immature stages within host eggs Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller)); acetamiprid was moderately harmful to adults, harmless to larvae, and slightly harmful to pupae; cartap was harmful to adults, moderately harmful to larvae and harmful to pupae; chlorpyrifos to adults, harmless to larvae and harmful to pupae.  相似文献   

Selected commercial and technical grade pesticides were tested against the egg, preparasite and adult stages of Agamermis unka , a nematode parasite of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens . The commercial insecticide, diazinon (LC = 0.37 ppm), was most toxic to the 50 preparasites, followed by phenthoate (LC = 0.43 ppm), BPMC (LC = 0.44 ppm), IBP 50 50 (LC = 0.46 ppm), cartap hydrochloride (LC = 0.82 ppm) and buprofezin + isoprocarb 50 50 (LC = 1.11 ppm). The least toxic commercial pesticide tested was the fungicide, pencycuron 50 (LC = 2.19 ppm). Out of 12 technical grade insecticides tested, phenthoate, monocrotophos, 50 diazinon and carbofuran (LC = 0.37-0.46 ppm) were highly toxic to the preparasites, followed by 50 buprofezin, BPMC and fenitrothion (LC = 0.74-0.86 ppm). Fenthion, etofenprox, chlorpyrifos, 50 imidacloprid and MIPC (LC = 1.11-2.19 ppm) were the technical grade insecticides least toxic 50 to the preparasites. Most preparasites survived for up to 24 h at the low insecticide concentrations (0.63 and 0.31 ppm). Preparasites that were exposed to BPMC for 24 h at concentrations as high as 5.0 ppm and survived the treatments infected brown planthopper nymphs. Four selected insecticides-chlorpyrifos, BPMC, imidacloprid and carbofuran-had significant adverse effects on A. unka egg hatching. Eggs that were in the insecticide solution for 168 h fared poorly with imidacloprid having the best survival ( > 2% of the eggs hatching at 0.04 ppm). No eggs hatched from the other insecticide treatments. Three selected insecticides, BPMC, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos, tested against adult A. unka showed that most adults survived the exposure to the insecticides between 0.31 and 2.5 ppm. At 5.0 ppm of BPMC or chlorpyrifos none of the adults survived, whereas with imidacloprid 70% of the adults survived. Egg deposition by the surviving adults was greatly reduced in those treated with the insecticides compared with those in the controls. Imidacloprid had some negative impact on the preparasites' ability to infect BPH nymphs, but it had the least detrimental effect of the insecticides tested on preparasite survival and on the eggs and adults of A. unka .  相似文献   

Use of insecticides with low toxicity to natural enemies is an important component of conservation biological control. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity of insecticides used in sweet corn, Zea mays L., and soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., to the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), under laboratory and field conditions. Field experiments conducted in sweet corn in 2003 and 2004 and in soybean in 2003, showed that H. axyridis was the most abundant predator. In sweet corn, densities of H. axyridis larvae in plots treated with spinosad or indoxacarb were generally higher than in plots treated with chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, bifenthrin, and A-cyhalothrin. In soybean, densities of H. axyridis larvae in plots treated with chlorpyrifos were higher than in plots treated with lambda-cyhalothrin. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the acute toxicity of insecticides to eggs, first and third instars, pupae, and adults. Spinosad, followed by indoxacarb, were the least toxic insecticides for all life stages of H. axyridis. Conventional insecticides showed high toxicity to H. axyridis when applied at field rates under laboratory conditions. Overall, first instars were most susceptible to the insecticides tested, followed by third instars and adults, eggs, and pupae. Our results suggest that spinosad, and to a lesser extent indoxacarb, offer reduced toxicity to H. axyridis and would be beneficial for conservation biological control in agricultural systems where H. axyridis is abundant.  相似文献   

The insect growth regulating properties of rhodojaponin-III (Abbr. R-III) and ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extract from Rhododendron molle G. Don flowers against imported cabbage worm, Pieris rapae L., were determined under laboratory and field conditions. The values of IC50 (the median of concentration for inhibiting weight increase) for R-III and EtOAc extract were 6.78 p.p.m. and 70.29 p.p.m. against 3rd instar larvae and 13.72 p.p.m. and 346.00 p.p.m. against 5th instar larvae, respectively. R-III and EtOAc extract also could reduce pupating rate, pupal weight, emergence rate and extend the duration of development. Thus development of insects was inhibited significantly and development index decreased. R-III would be superior to toosendanin as insect growth regulator. EtOAc extract 1000 p.p.m. mixture with molosultap 500 p.p.m. could achieve an effective control rate of 87.34% against P. rapae in field trials when adjusted cumulative insect-days were used as index.  相似文献   

The impact of three different doses of botanical insecticide derived from the syringa tree, Melia azedarach and the neem tree, Azadirachta indica was tested on the behaviour of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus). Both botanical insecticides had a significant impact on larval behaviour. At higher doses the extracts showed feeding deterrent activity, with larvae preferring the untreated sides of cabbage leaves and consuming less of the treated half of cabbage leaves. The botanical insecticides had less of an effect on the oviposition behaviour of P. xylostella moths. In laboratory and glasshouse trials, significantly fewer eggs were oviposited on the plants that had been treated with syringa extracts. Therefore, the syringa extracts appear to have a repellent effect. In contrast, when exposed to the neem extracts the moths did not discriminate between control plants and treated plants. Behavioural observation indicated that, despite the lower number of eggs oviposited on cabbage treated with syringa extracts, the moths chose cabbage treated with the highest dose of syringa more often than they chose control cabbage plants. Similar observations were found in cabbage plants treated with neem, moths chose the medium dose more often than they chose the control. Oviposition and feeding deterrent properties are important factors in pest control, and results from this study indicate that botanical insecticides have the potential to be incorporated into control programmes for P. xylostella in South Africa.  相似文献   

In the course of screening for novel naturally occurring insecticides from plants, the ethanol extract of the root bark of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f. was found to show insecticidal activity against larvae of Mythimna separata Walker. Three active compounds were isolated by bioassay-guided fractionation of the extract and characterized as triptolide (1), triptonide (2) and euonine (3) by IR, 1H and 13C NMR and mass spectral analysis. Compounds 1 and 2 showed strong contact activity against 3rd or 5th larvae of M. separata (LD50 1.6 microg/insect for 1, 2.9 microg/insect for 2, no contact activity for 3; LD50 is the lethal dose for 50% mortality). The antifeedant activity against the 3rd larvae of M. separata after a 24-h treatment was demonstrated; 1, 2 and 3 gave EC50 (effective concentration causing 50% antifeedance) values of 0.25, 0.35 and 0.02 mM, respectively. 1 and 2 were inferior to the positive control represented by toosendanin (12a-acetoxyamoorastatin), 3 was superior to toosendanin. For the ingested toxicity against M. separata, 1 had the more potent activity with an KD50 value of 13.5 microg/g (insect body weight) than toosendanin. This is the first report on insecticidal activity of these three compounds.  相似文献   

两种室内生物测定方法评价杀虫剂对绿盲蝽的相对毒力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张正群  郭天娥  王伟  刘峰  慕卫 《昆虫学报》2009,52(9):967-973
随着Bt棉在我国的广泛种植, 绿盲蝽Lygocoris lucorum Meyer-Dür的危害日益加重。化学防治作为棉田盲蝽综合治理的重要策略, 仍是其主要的防治手段。本研究主要用闪烁管药膜法和点滴法两种测定方法评价了传统杀虫剂、新型杀虫剂等30种杀虫剂对绿盲蝽成虫的急性触杀毒力, 其中多种杀虫剂是首次使用两种生测方法同时进行毒力测定。结果表明:有机氯类、有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯类等传统杀虫剂对绿盲蝽成虫具有较高的触杀活性。8种对绿盲蝽成虫具有较高毒力的药剂, 其中5种为传统杀虫剂, 分别为马拉硫磷、毒死蜱、联苯菊酯、灭多威和硫丹。新型吡咯类杀虫剂对绿盲蝽表现出较高毒力, 以氟虫腈的毒力最高, 两种生测方法测定的LC50分别为0.13 μg·mL-1 和 0.15 μg·mL-1。而昆虫生长调节剂、抗生素类及植物源杀虫剂对绿盲蝽成虫没有明显的触杀活性。  相似文献   

Abstract. The efficacy of a commercial product (Margosan-O) to inhibit feeding in Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) larvae was compared to that of three pure triterpenoids of botanical origin: azadirachtin and salannin (occurring in Melia azedurach ), and toosendanin (occurring in M. toosendan ). In dual-choice behaviour tests the order of antifeedant efficacy was: Margosan-O > toosendanin > salannin > azadirachtin. The ranking order of their capacity to stimulate the deterrent receptor located in the medial sensillum styloconicum appears to be: Margosan-O = toosendanin > salannin > azadirachtin. In addition to stimulating the medial deterrent cell, toosendanin inhibits the sugar receptor and the glucosinolate receptor, both located in the lateral sensillum styloconicum. The amino acid receptor in this sensillum, however, is not affected. In contrast, neither azadirachtin nor salannin influences the sensitivity of any of the receptor cells in this sensillum.
The adaptation rate of the deterrent receptor is low in comparison to that of the two sugar receptors.
A significant correlation is found between the antifeedant indices of the four neem compounds tested at three different concentrations, and the responses of the deterrent receptor to these compounds at similar concentrations. It is concluded that when this insect species feeds on its natural foodplant (i.e. cabbage), the deterrent effect of neem compounds is mediated solely via the medial deterrent receptor, whereas inhibitory effects on the sugar and glucosinolate receptors do not play a significant role.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the toxicity of three novel insecticides, spinosad (Tracer ® ), tebufenozide (Mimic ® ) and azadirachtin (Align ® ), was tested against eggs and pupae of the predator Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens). In a first series of assays, eggs were dipped in an aqueous concentration and no ovicidal activity was scored for the three insecticides. In the second, when females were ovipositing on treated substrate for 24 h, fecundity and hatching percentages were similar as compared to controls and the offspring developed normally until the adult stage. However, spinosad, at the highest concentrations tested, caused a slight, significant reduction in the adult life span and fecundity. In a third series of experiments, pupae developed into normal adults after topical treatment for the three insecticides. Herewith, a pharmacokinetic study indicated low accumulation in the body after pupal cuticle penetration when administrating 14 C-labelled insecticide. Fourthly, pupation of last-instar larvae in treated substrate was normal for spinosad and tebufenozide. Only azadirachtin caused a slight reduction in the number of pupae and adults; however, fecundity and fertility of surviving adults was normal. In conclusion, the current results indicate that the three insecticides are not toxic to eggs and pupae of C. carnea .  相似文献   

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