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采用营养液培养试验,比较研究了4种景天属植物对Zn的吸收、积累和运输特性.结果表明,东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)耐Zn毒的能力远强于珠芽景天(S. sarmentosum Bunge)、凹叶景天(S. bulbiferum Makino)和垂盆草(S. emarginatum Migo),其地上部和根系的干物质产量随着Zn浓度的增加而逐渐减少;当浓度≤40 mg*L-1时,东南景天的地上部和根系的干物质产量均随Zn浓度的增加而增加,其地上部Zn含量、积累量及其Zn运输速率均显著高于珠芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草;当Zn浓度低于80 mg*L-1时,东南景天地上部Zn含量随着营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加,在80 mg*L-1浓度,其地上部Zn含量高达19.09 mg*g-1.东南景天的地上部Zn含量/根系Zn含量的比值大于1,而株芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草的地上部Zn含量/根系Zn含量比值小于1.东南景天是在我国首次发现的具有生物量大、生长速率快的一种新的Zn超积累植物.  相似文献   

四种景天属植物对锌吸收和累积差异的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用营养液培养试验 ,比较研究了 4种景天属植物对Zn的吸收、积累和运输特性。结果表明 ,东南景天(SedumalfrediiHance)耐Zn毒的能力远强于珠芽景天 (S .sarmentosumBunge)、凹叶景天 (S .bulbiferumMakino)和垂盆草 (S .emarginatumMigo) ,其地上部和根系的干物质产量随着Zn浓度的增加而逐渐减少 ;当浓度≤ 40mg·L-1时 ,东南景天的地上部和根系的干物质产量均随Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,其地上部Zn含量、积累量及其Zn运输速率均显著高于珠芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草 ;当Zn浓度低于 80mg·L-1时 ,东南景天地上部Zn含量随着营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,在 80mg·L-1浓度 ,其地上部Zn含量高达 19.0 9mg·g-1。东南景天的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量的比值大于 1,而株芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量比值小于 1。东南景天是在我国首次发现的具有生物量大、生长速率快的一种新的Zn超积累植物  相似文献   

通过野外调查和温室营养液砂培试验,发现并鉴定出钻叶紫菀(Aster subulatus Michx.)是一种新的镉(Cd)超积累植物。调查结果发现,钻叶紫菀对土壤中高含量的Cd有很强的忍耐、吸收和积累能力,其地上部茎、叶Cd含量分别为90.0-150.7mg/kg和119.8-172.6mg/kg,平均值分别为132.8mg/kg和139.2mg/kg。砂基营养液培养试验证明,钻叶紫菀对生长介质中的Cd有很强的忍耐能力,当生长介质中Cd浓度高达150mg/L时,植株仍生长正常,其株高与对照相比无显著差异;地上部Cd含量及其积累量均随生长介质中Cd浓度的增加而增加,当生长介质中Cd浓度为120mg/L时,地上部茎Cd含量和积累量达到最高值,分别为5672.50mg/kg、4.93mg/株。结果表明,钻叶紫菀是一种新的Cd超积累植物,为今后探明植物超积累Cd的机理和Cd污染土壤的植物修复提供一种新的种质资源。  相似文献   

芦苇和香蒲地上部N和P积累动态及适宜收获时期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外采样和室内分析相结合的方法,对5月至11月芦苇〔Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud.〕和香蒲(Typha orientalis Presl)地上部生物量以及N和P的含量和积累量的动态变化进行了分析,并对生物量、N和P含量及N和P积累量间的相关性进行了研究;在此基础上,确定芦苇和香蒲的适宜收获时期。结果表明:在整个生长过程中,芦苇和香蒲地上部生物量随生长时间延长呈典型的单峰型曲线,最高值分别出现在9月份和10月份,且芦苇地上部生物量极显著高于香蒲(P<0.01)。芦苇和香蒲地上部N含量呈先升高后降低的趋势、P含量呈逐渐降低的趋势,香蒲地上部N和P含量均极显著高于芦苇地上部。芦苇地上部N和P积累量在8月份达到最高,香蒲地上部N和P积累量在9月份达到最高。芦苇和香蒲地上部C/N、C/P和N/P比在不同月份差异较大,C/N和N/P比呈波动趋势,C/P比则总体呈逐渐升高的趋势。总体来看,芦苇和香蒲的生长在生长初期和中期受N限制、在生长末期受P限制。相关性分析结果表明:芦苇和香蒲地上部的N含量与P含量、N积累量与P积累量间均呈极显著正相关;N和P积累量与其生物量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),但与N和P含量的相关性不显著(P>0.05)。综合分析结果表明:芦苇和香蒲的适宜收获时期分别为8月份和9月份。  相似文献   

氯离子和乙二胺四乙酸对镉的植物有效性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王芳  郑瑞伦  何刃  李花粉 《应用生态学报》2006,17(10):1953-1957
通过水培试验,向营养液中添加不同浓度的Cl-或乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA),研究了离子的配合作用对水稻及油菜吸收镉的影响.结果表明,随着营养液中Cl-或EDTA浓度的增加,水稻和油菜地上部与根中镉的浓度降低.Cl-浓度的增加抑制了水稻对镉的吸收,地上部与根部的镉含量分别从212.2和345.1 mg·kg-1降低到34.1和209.1 mg·kg-1.EDTA的添加抑制了水稻及油菜对镉的吸收,水稻地上部与根部的镉含量分别从212.2和345.2 mg·kg-1降低到50.0和4.2 mg·kg-1;油菜地上部与根部的镉含量分别从86.7和149.2 mg·kg-1降低到22.2和12.3 mg·kg-1.在营养液培养条件下,Cl-或EDTA与镉的配合作用降低了植物对镉的吸收,与Cl-相比,EDTA的抑制作用更明显.  相似文献   

滇苦菜(Picris divaricata Vant.)对锌的吸收和富集特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外调查和营养液培养,研究Zn对滇苦菜(Picris divaricata Vant.)生长的影响及其吸收富集Zn的特性.野外调查发现,铅锌矿区土壤Zn全量范围为1724~134973 mg·kg-1,平均为61495 mg·kg-1.滇苦菜地上部Zn含量范围为1214~18339 mg·kg-1,平均为5911 mg·kg-1,且转运系数(S/R)的平均值为2.21,大于1.在营养液培养条件下,当Zn浓度达到80 mg·L-1时,滇苦菜生长开始出现明显的中毒症状,随着Zn处理的增加,植物地上部与根部的生物量呈下降趋势,Zn含量呈上升趋势,且地上部与根部在160 mg·L-1时Zn含量达最高值,分别为12472 mg·kg-1和14026 mg·kg-1,体内Zn富集量也达最高值1518 μg ·株-1,并且整个植株富集的Zn有75%~91%分布在地上部.结果表明滇苦菜具有很强的忍耐、吸收和富集Zn的能力,是我国境内发现的又一种Zn超富集植物.  相似文献   

为揭示河西干旱区白芍干物质积累及营养元素吸收特征和药效成分累积规律,明确影响药效成分积累的营养元素种类,科学制定白芍施肥方案和规范化种植。以甘肃省古浪县古丰镇芍药产业基地4年生白芍为研究对象,通过田间试验测定白芍不同生长期干物质积累特征以及根中9个营养元素含量和3类药效成分含量,并分析白芍根中有效成分含量与营养元素的相关关性。结果表明:(1)随着生育期延续,白芍根部干物质积累先下降后上升,全株干物质积累量逐渐增加,出苗后90-130 d是白芍干物质积累最快的时期,占总积累量的79.29 %,是白芍生长的关键时期。(2)白芍地上部氮、钾含量总体呈下降趋势,而磷素含量总体呈明显增加趋势,而根部氮、磷含量总体呈减少趋势,钾含量变化不明显;地上部和根氮累积总量分别在出苗后130 d和150d达到最高。地上部磷积累量在出苗后150 d达到最大,根部磷积累量分别在出苗后30 d、150 d达到高峰,地上部和根部钾积累量分别在出苗后70 d和150 d达到高峰。地上部氮、钾含量在不同生长时期均高于根部,其磷含量则在出苗后90 d前低于根部,在出苗后110 d后高于根部。(3)根中芍药苷、芍药内酯苷积累量均先升高后降低,最后趋于稳定,多糖积累量表现为高-低-高的变化趋势。(4)芍药苷含量与氮、钙、铜含量呈极显著正相关,与钾含量呈显著正相关,芍药内脂苷含量与氮、钾、钙、铜含量呈极显著正相关,而芍药多糖与各营养元素含量之间没有相关性。可见,白芍氮、磷、钾营养最大效率期在出苗后110~150 d,适时追加氮、钾肥有利于根部生物量的积累,施肥中添加Ca、Cu元素能有效促进白芍药效成分的积累;河西冷凉山区白芍宜在9月中下旬(9月16日以后)采挖。  相似文献   

砷对小麦生长和光合作用特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
研究了水培条件下砷对小麦根系和地上部分生长速率、光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的影响.结果表明,随着营养液中砷浓度的提高,小麦根长生长量和地上部分生长量较对照减少;鲜重和砷的浓度呈显著负相关.在0~90mg/L 砷处理内,Pn、Gs、Tr都随砷的浓度的提高而降低;Ci呈先降低,后升高的变化.在As≤30 mg/L时Ci逐渐降低,气孔限制值Ls升高,使Pn下降,造成气孔性限制;而As>30 mg/L时,Ci升高,气孔限制值Ls下降,Pn降低,造成了非气孔性限制.叶片水分利用效率WUE和气孔限制值Ls在As≤30 mg/L时变化一致,都有所升高;但是当As>60 mg/L时,小麦趋于死亡,水分利用率降低.叶绿素含量在0~10mg/L As处理内,差异不显著,在较高砷浓度(As>30 mg/L)时叶绿素显著下降.这说明较低浓度的砷不会抑制小麦叶绿素的合成.砷主要是毒害小麦根系生长,造成植株体光合作用的气孔性限制和非气孔性限制出现,最终影响小麦的生长和发育.  相似文献   

为了探讨黄芩干物质累积和氮、磷、钾吸收与分配的特点及两者间的相互关系,通过田间试验和采样分析,研究了黄芩不同生育期植株的干物质和氮、磷、钾累积量.结果表明,黄芩干物质的累积量随生育进程不断地增加,出苗后52~85 d干物质累积量占总累积量的61.62%.在整个生育期,黄芩对K2O的吸收累积量最大,N次之,P2O5最小,N、P2O5、K2O吸收比例约为2.8∶1.0∶2.9,并且黄芩地上部氮磷钾的累积量大于根部,不同生育期,根部N、P2O5、K2O的累积比例呈现增加—降低—增加的趋势.黄芩对氮磷钾的积累量与干物质积累量呈极显著正相关关系.在供试的土壤和施肥条件下,每生产100 kg的黄芩根需要从土壤和肥料中吸收6.34 kg的N,2.60 kg的P2O5,7.02 kg的K2O.  相似文献   

不同生态环境下水稻基因型产量形成与源库特性的比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以日本和IRRI的9个水稻品种为材料,分别以武香粳9号和两优培九为对照,在江苏南京和云南丽江研究了不同水稻基因型干物质积累与源库形成特征及其在不同生态环境下的差异.结果表明,生态环境对水稻产量和干物质积累量影响显著.高产水稻品种积累了高额干物质量,且干物质生产优势在中后期.高产品种的总颖花量、LAI及群体生长速率(CGR)都较高.稻谷产量随干物质积累总量的增加而提高,与齐穗后干物质积累量、总颖花量和LAI呈极显著正相关,与粒叶比呈显著正相关.与云南丽江点相比,群体LAI、单位面积颖花量和抽穗后干物质积累量少及生长速率(CGR)低是南京点稻谷产量低的关键因素.  相似文献   

Liu Z Y  Chen G Z  Tian Y W 《农业工程》2008,28(7):3228-3235
By simulating the anaerobic conditions with agar nutrient solutions, effect of arsenic (As) on the growth and As uptake by hybrid, conventional and glutinous rice cultivars were studied. It showed insignificant effect of As on the root dry weights of three rice cultivars when treated by As of different concentrations. The shoot dry weights of hybrid and glutinous decreased with As concentrations increasing, while low concentrations of As (0.5 mg L?1) could enhance the growth of conventional rice. Generally, As concentrations in roots and shoots increased as As concentrations of treatment solutions increasing. The root system had strong ability to uptake and accumulate As. The root As concentrations ranged from 156 to 504 mg kg?1, representing 63.40%–81.90% of the total As concentrations in rice, which were much higher than shoot As concentrations. The fact that the glutinous rice had higher biomass, higher tolerance, and lower As concentrations in its roots and shoots than the other two rice cultivars proved that the glutinous rice was more applicable to As-polluted soils.  相似文献   

A solution culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of silicate on the yield and arsenate uptake by rice. Rice seedlings (Oryza sativaL. cv. Weiyou 77) were cultured in modified Hoagland nutrient solution containing three arsenate levels (0, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L –1 As) and four silicate levels (0, 14, 28 and 56 mg L –1 Si). Addition of Si significantly increased shoot dry weight (P=0.001) but had little effect on root dry weight (P=0.43). Addition of As had no significant effect on shoot dry weight (P=0.43) but significantly increased root dry weight (P=0.01). Silicon concentrations in shoots and roots increased proportionally to increasing amounts of externally supplied Si (P < 0.001). The presence of As in the nutrient solution had little effect on shoot Si concentration (P=0.16) but significantly decreased root Si concentration (P=0.005). Increasing external Si concentration significantly decreased shoot and root As concentrations and total As uptake by rice seedlings (P <0.001). In addition, Si significantly decreased shoot P concentration and shoot P uptake (P <0.001). The data clearly demonstrate a beneficial effect of Si on the growth of rice seedlings. Addition of Si to the growth medium also inhibited the uptake of arsenate and phosphate by the rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Rice cultivar evaluation for phosphorus use efficiency   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Phosphorus deficiency is one of the most growth-limiting factors in acid soils in various parts of the world. The objective of this study was to screen 25 rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) at low, medium, and high levels of soil P. Number of tillers, root length, plant height, root dry weight and shoot dry weight were related to tissue P concentrations, P uptake and P-use efficiency. Shoot weight was found to be the plant parameter most sensitive to P deficiency. Significant cultivar differences in P use efficiency were found. Phosphorus use efficiency was higher in roots than shoots and decreased with increasing levels of soil P. Positive correlations were found among growth parameters such as plant height, tillers, root and shoot weight, and P content of roots and shoots. These results indicate selection of rice cultivars for satisfactory performance under low P availability can be carried out using shoot and root dry weight as criteria.  相似文献   

W.-J. Liu  Y.-G. Zhu  F.A. Smith 《Plant and Soil》2005,277(1-2):127-138
We have shown previously that phosphorus nutrition and iron plaque on the surface of rice roots influence arsenate uptake and translocation by rice in hydroponic culture. We have now investigated the role of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) plaque on arsenate and arsenite uptake and translocation in rice seedlings grown hydroponically. Fe and Mn plaques were clearly visible as reddish or brown coatings on the root surface after 12 h induction, and Fe plaque was much more apparent than Mn plaque. Arsenite or arsenate supply did not decrease plant dry weights significantly. There were significant differences in shoot dry weights but little difference in root dry weights between some plaque treatments. Arsenic (As) concentrations in Fe plaque when arsenate was supplied were significantly higher than those in no plaque (control) and Mn plaque treatments, and much higher than those supplied with arsenite. This showed that Fe plaque on the rice root had higher affinity to arsenate than to arsenite. In Fe plaque treatment, the results indicated that most As was sequestered in roots when arsenite was supplied and most As concentrated in Fe plaque when arsenate was supplied. Most As was accumulated in rice roots in Mn plaque and no plaque treatments for both As species.  相似文献   

Dry direct‐seeded rice (DSR) cultivation is widely spreading in tropical Asia, but drought and nutrient deficiency stresses often cause crop failure in rainfed lowlands. The objective of this study was to dissect the physio‐morphological characteristics associated with crop establishment and early vigour of DSR under drought and P deficiency conditions in the Philippines. It was found that new drought‐resistant cultivars bred for DSR (Rc348 and Rc192) had faster germination and sprout growth than popular irrigated rice cultivars (Rc222 and Rc10) under soil water deficit due to rapid moisture acquisition by the germinating seeds from drying soils. There was a significant correlation between seed moisture content and the reduction in seed dry weight, and between reduction in seed dry weight and shoot elongation under both control and drought stress treatments at the germination stage. At the seedling stage, the root growth of Rc348 under drought tended to be more vigorous with its higher root‐to‐shoot ratio compared to Rc222 and Rc10. The seedling vigour of Rc348 under P deficiency was also greater than that of Rc222 due to its greater root growth and P uptake. The yields of Rc348 and Rc192 grown under rainfed condition at the target drought‐prone site where a dry spell of 13 days occurred during crop establishment were higher (4.0–4.1 t ha?1) than the yield of Rc10 (3.0 t ha?1). These results suggest that quick germination and seedling vigour with quick root anchorage and great nutrient uptake capacity, even with limitations of soil moisture and nutrients, would be important traits for DSR in rainfed lowlands.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments are described in which a comparison was made of differences in phosphorus contents, dry matter production and root growth between a semi-dwarf wheat (Israel M68) and a standard height cultivar (Olympic). In the first experiment, using soil as a support medium, Olympic had higher root dry weight and root to shoot ratios, but lower root and shoot phosphorus contents, than Israel M68. In the second experiment, using solution culture technique, Olympic had higher root dry weights and root to shoot ratios, but there was no cultivar difference in either root or shoot phosphorus content. This suggests an improved ability in the semi-dwarf wheat to explore the soil system. In both experiments the rate of uptake of phosphorus, when calculated per unit root fresh weight, was highest with Israel M68. Root measurements in a later experiment (Experiment 2a) indicated similar total fresh weights for both cultivars, but on a unit fresh weight basis, the semi-dwarf cultivar had a greater root number, root area and lateral root volume. Although further studies to clarify the situation are necessary, these differences may be associated with the enhanced grain yield response to superphosphate of some semi-dwarf wheats when compared to standard height cultivars. re]19751104  相似文献   

不同渗氧能力水稻品种对砷的耐性和积累   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻是目前世界上(尤其是东南亚)最主要的粮食作物之一,也是砷(As)通过食物链进入人体的主要途径。日益加剧的土壤砷污染,严重影响了稻米的产量和品质,进而威胁着人体健康。通过温室实验,研究CNT 87059-3、玉香油占和巴西陆稻3种不同渗氧能力的水稻品种在不同砷浓度处理下的生长情况和砷积累特征,结果表明:(1)渗氧能力强的玉香油占砷耐性指数最高,砷处理浓度为2 mg/L时耐性指数高达0.71,而CNT 87059-3的耐性指数为0.55,巴西陆稻仅有0.17;(2)随着砷处理浓度的升高,3种水稻品种的生物量呈现下降趋势,但渗氧能力强的玉香油占较其它两品种生物量的下降幅度小;(3)在不同砷浓度处理下水稻地下部分的砷含量有显著性差异(P0.001),且同种砷浓度处理下不同水稻品种的地下部分砷含量也存在显著性差异(P0.01),渗氧能力较强的水稻品种与渗氧能力较弱的品种相比能显著降低砷在根部(地下部分)的积累。水稻渗氧能力与其砷耐性和砷积累有显著相关性,渗氧能力越强,水稻的砷耐性越强,砷的积累量越少。因此,通过筛选渗氧能力强的水稻品种,有望降低污染农田水稻的砷含量和健康风险。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to find out the role of ascorbic acid (AsA) in modulating growth and different physio-biochemical attributes of canola plants under well-watered as well as water-deficit conditions. Drought stress imposed on 60 % field capacity significantly decreased the shoot and root fresh and dry weights, leaf chlorophyll contents, shoot and root P, root K+, and activity of CAT enzyme, while increased chlorophyll a/b contents, MDA, NPQ, leaf total phenolics, free proline and GB contents in both canola cultivars. Foliar-applied varying levels (50, 100 and 150 mg L?1) of AsA enhanced shoot and root fresh and root dry weights, qN, NPQ, shoot and root P, AsA as well as the activity of POD enzyme particularly under drought stress conditions. Of both canola cultivars, cv. Dunkeld was higher in shoot fresh weights, ETR and F v /F m, MDA, proline and GB contents, and POD activity, however, cv. Cyclone in total phenolics and qN under well-watered and water-deficit conditions. Overall, the foliar-applied AsA had a positive effect, though not marked, on salt sensitive cv. Cyclone in terms of improved growth and other attributes, whereas exogenously applied AsA had a non-significant effect on relatively salt tolerant cv. Dunkeld.  相似文献   

为探索氮肥运筹对免耕条件下水稻根系生长以及对根际土壤特性、产量的影响,以金优253为材料进行试验。结果表明:平衡施肥显著提高单株根系干重、根长、单株生物量、根半径、单株根表面积、根长密度及根系活力,实收单产高于重穗肥和重基肥处理,且与重基肥差异达95%的显著水平,主要是有效穗数、结实率的增加。平衡施肥显著提高0~10 cm土层的0~2 mm根际土壤有机质、碱解氮含量及脲酶、蔗糖酶活性。因此平衡施肥能明显促进免耕水稻根系生长和有效穗数的增加,对提高水稻产量具有促进作用。  相似文献   

锌肥对不同基因型大麦吸收积累镉的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
朱永官 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):1985-1988
对土壤添加不同Zn、Cd条件下两种基因型(Sahara和Clipper)大麦对Zn、Cd的吸收积累研究表明,在本实验条件下土壤添加Zn、Cd对植物地上部生物量没有显著影响,但土壤添加Zn抑制植物根系生长,在土壤不缺Zn情况下添加Zn<20mg·kg^-1时并没有对大麦体内Cd浓度产生显著影响;当土壤Zn添加量达到40mg·kg^-1时,植物体内Cd浓度明显降低,植物吸收Cd的总量随着土壤添加Zn的增加而显著下降,这主要是由于根系生物量的下降所致,两个基因型大麦品种Zn效率存在显著差异,但这一差异对植物吸收Cd的总量没有影响,Zn高效品种Sahara根部Cd浓度显著低于Clipper。  相似文献   

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