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重金属污染土壤的植物修复技术   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
土壤受重金属污染的状况在国内外都相当严重,传统的重金属污染土壤的修复技术存在许多难以克服的缺陷;近年来,一种运用植物来去除有毒重金属的新兴修复技术(植物修复技术)给这一问题提供了良好的解决途径,该技术被认为是一种低成本有效的“绿色”技术.但其主要缺点是修复周期较长,筛选、培育超积累植物以及提高土壤中重金属的生物有效性是提高植物吸收效果、缩短修复周期的关键.本文就超积累植物的筛选、转基因超积累植物及螯合剂强化植物吸收等热点问题的研究进展作了介绍,并对我国当前植物修复技术研究工作的重点提出了建议.  相似文献   

有机物及重金属植物修复研究进展   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
植物修复技术是近年来发展起来的一种非常有前途的生物治理技术 ,也是当前学术界研究的热点领域 .本文对植物修复的类型 ,植物修复土壤、水体有机污染物、重金属和某些放射性核素的过程、机理及可能影响因子作了概括和详尽讨论 ,并就国内外近年来植物修复技术在污染环境中的应用和研究成果进行了综述  相似文献   

汞污染土壤植物修复技术研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
汞是一种全球性污染物,汞污染土壤的修复问题,一直倍受各国科学工作者关注,土壤汞污染的植物修复技术是近年来发展起来的新兴技术.其中,汞污染土壤的植物提取技术是最有发展前途的一种汞污染土壤植物修复技术.本文对国内外有关汞污染土壤的植物修复技术进行了系统分析,对有关汞污染土壤的植物修复应用技术,如植物挥发、固化及提取等修复方法进行了评述,探讨了植物修复技术在汞污染土壤修复中的应用前景.加快对汞超积累植物的筛选和植物体对重金属耐性机制的研究,对今后开展汞污染土壤的植物修复工作具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

花卉植物应用于污染土壤修复的可行性研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
植物修复是解决污染土壤问题的有效途径之一,而已报道的超积累植物的种类非常有限.如果能从物种繁多的花卉植物中筛选出修复植物,不但能够弥补这一不足,而且还能在美化环境的同时,产生一定的经济效益.从植物修复的重要性和修复植物的筛选出发,概括了修复植物的判断标准及基本特征.通过描述花卉植物资源及其在环境保护中的作用,列举花卉植物与其它植物相比的优势,分析花卉植物的耐性、积累性和修复类型,探讨花卉植物应用于污染土壤修复实践的可行性.从花卉中筛选超积累植物,将为污染土壤的修复工作提供的生物材料.  相似文献   

环境重金属污染的植物修复及基因工程在其中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着工业技术的发展,重金属在土壤和水体中的含量越来越高,重金属污染已日益成为威胁人类健康和人类生活质量的严重的社会问题和环境问题。植物修复可部分解决这一问题且正引起人们的普遍关注。但现在发现许多用于修复的超量积累植物生长缓慢、植株矮小、地上部生物量小,成了实际应用中的最大限制。利用基因工程手段改变植物对重金属吸收、转运、积累和忍耐的机制,从而提高植物对重金属的富集能力,将成为今后植物修复领域研究的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根对有机污染土壤的修复作用及机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丛枝菌根(AM)是丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系相互作用的互惠共生体,能改良土壤结构,增强植物抗性.自然界中已知的AMF有170多种,分布广泛,且可与大多数植物共生.利用AM修复有机污染土壤正成为一个崭新的研究方向.本文综述了AM对多环芳烃、酞酸脂、石油和农药等一些典型有机污染物污染土壤的修复作用.AM修复有机污染土壤的机理主要包括:AMF代谢有机污染物;AM分泌酶,降解污染物;AM影响根系分泌作用,并促进根际微生物对有机污染物的降解;AMF宿主植物吸收积累污染物.AM修复研究中,高效AMF的筛选、复合菌种效应、土壤老化、AM作用下植物对有机污染物的吸收积累等几方面仍有待于深入研究.  相似文献   

菱镁矿粉尘污染土壤机理及其植物修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了菱镁矿粉尘对土壤的污染和植物的毒害作用机理,分析了镁粉尘污染土壤的改良途径,探讨了植物修复的可行性和关键技术.菱镁矿在开采、生产加工过程中产生的大量粉尘,主要成分为MgCO3和MgO,镁粉尘对土壤的污染和植物的毒害作用主要是通过碱化、板结土壤,以及使土壤中的水溶性钙、镁离子比例失调而造成的.虽然菱镁矿粉尘污染土壤的植物修复研究鲜见报道,但通过植物吸收、植物代谢和植物积累等作用去除土壤中的过量镁具有较强的可行性.  相似文献   

植物内生细菌在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染是威胁人群健康和经济可持续发展的重要环境问题。植物修复具有经济、环保等特点,已成为治理重金属污染土壤的重要技术。如何提高植物对重金属的抗性、促进植物生长是影响植物修复效率的关键之一。内生菌群-植物共生关系在此方面具有独特优势。其中,植物内生细菌可改善植物营养、降低植物病菌感染、影响酶活性,以及分泌激素、含铁载体和有机配位体等,进而提高超积累植物对重金属的吸收作用。本文综述了近年来国内外关于抗重金属植物内生细菌筛选与应用的研究进展,分析了内生细菌促进植物生长、增强植物对重金属抗性、促进重金属向茎叶转移的机理,阐述了植物内生细菌在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用前景与研究重点。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤植物修复基本原理及强化措施探讨   总被引:99,自引:11,他引:88  
阐述了植物修复的基本概念及主要作用方式 ,并从土壤中重金属存在形态 ,植物对重金属吸收、排泄和积累以及植物生物学特性与植物修复的关系等方面讨论了重金属污染土壤植物修复的基本原理及局限性和限制性因素 ,从超富集植物性能强化和技术强化两方面探讨了植物修复的强化措施 ,并指出与现代化农业技术相结合是植物修复重金属污染土壤大规模商业应用的一条捷径  相似文献   

抗生素的环境污染问题日益严峻,如何对抗生素污染的水体和土壤进行有效的原位处理已然成为亟待解决的问题.植物修复是具有处理成本低、二次污染可控、易于后续处理、不破坏土壤和河流生态环境等优势的绿色、原位修复技术,已被证明是可用于抗生素污染治理的处理技术之一.因此,通过文献搜索和总结分析,作者们对植物修复在抗生素污染治理中的应...  相似文献   

放射性核素常危及生态系统的稳定,给人类的生命和健康带来巨大的威胁。森林生态系统具有独特的特点和功能,利用其修复放射性污染的土壤具有重要的意义。本文就森林生态系统对放射性核素的截持、保持、放射性核素在森林生态系统中的移动规律以及森林生态系统对放射性核素污染土壤的修复进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The potential for unacceptable risks to biota from radiological exposure to depleted uranium (DU) in soils was evaluated at two sites where DU weapons testing had been conducted in the past. A screening risk assessment was conducted to determine if measured concentrations of DU-associated radionuclides in site soils exceed radionuclide levels considered protective of biota. While concentrations of individual radionuclides did not exceed acceptable levels, total radionuclide concentrations could result in potentially unacceptable doses to exposed biota. Thus, a receptor-specific assessment was conducted to estimate external and internal radiological doses to vegetation and wildlife known or expected to occur at the sites. Wildlife evaluated included herbivores, omnivores, and top-level predators. Internal dose estimates to wildlife considered exposure via fugitive dust inhalation and soil and food ingestion; root uptake was the primary exposure route evaluated for vegetation. Total doses were compared with acceptable dose levels of 1.0 and 0.1 rad/day for vegetation and wildlife, respectively, with potentially unacceptable risks indicated for doses exceeding these levels. All estimated doses were below or approximated acceptable levels, typically by an order of magnitude or more. These results indicate that current levels of DU in soils do not pose unacceptable radiological risks to biota at the sites evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary Elimination of count rate variations caused by the absorption of Cherenkov radiation by pigments in coloured solutions was achieved by placing these solutions in opaque walled cylinders immersed in colourless liquids contained in standard counting vials. Good counting efficiencies for a range of and emitting radionuclides were obtained by selecting colourless liquids with high refractive index.  相似文献   

The radionuclide content was estimated in the soil of three black sand habitats in the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, namely, sand mounds and coastal sand planes and dunes. In addition, a total of 14 heavy minerals found in the soils were characterized. The soil to plant transfer of uranium and thorium was tested on three black sand species, namely, Cakile maritima Scop., Senecio glaucus L. and Rumex Pictus Forssk. The transfer of thorium and uranium radionuclides from the soil to plant is complex process that is subjected to many variables; among which are the organic matter and clay content of the soil, the type of radionuclides and plant species. The study revealed a strong negative relationship between uranium and thorium uptake by S. glaucus and R. pictus and the clay and organic matter content of soil. Concentration of thorium in the soil has a negative correlation with soil-to-plant transfer factor. The study results suggest the possibility of using black sand species for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with radioactive elements. The potentiality of S. glaucus as phytoremediator of radionuclides polluted soils is greater than R. pictus which in turn outweigh C. maritima.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an investigation into the occurrence of elevated levels of radionuclides in soils associated with a seabird colony in the Arctic. Soils and other materials were collected from a seabird colony (primarily composed of kittiwakes) in Kongsfjorden, located in the High Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. The samples were analyzed for a suite of gamma emitting natural and anthropogenic radionuclides, including 137Cs and nuclides of the 238U and 232Th series, to establish the level of enrichment and the behavior of the radionuclides in the immediate area. The results indicate that soils near the colony exhibit enrichment factors of 8 for 137Cs, 5 for 238U and 2 for 226Ra compared to the nuclide content of soils from the general area. The spatial patterns of the nuclides in the soil are consistent with enrichment of the soil via run-off draining from a large accumulation of fecal and nesting material that has developed at the base of the colony. 137Cs ingress to the soil appears to have peaked at some point in the past as patterns of enrichment at the colony are different to those exhibited by 238U, which must be assumed to be a steady state contribution. The means of introduction of radionuclides to the colony remains unclear but the transfer of 137Cs from the marine environment to the terrestrial environment via the food chain and deposition of feces is discussed.  相似文献   

Trends in phytoremediation of radionuclides   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dushenkov  Slavik 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(1):167-175
Phytoremediation, a novel plant-based remediation technology, is applied to a variety of radionuclide-contaminated sites all over the world. Phytoremediation is defined as the use of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment or to render them harmless. Current status of several subsets of phytoremediation of radionuclides is discussed: (a) phytoextraction, in which high biomass radionuclide-accumulating plants and appropriate soil amendments are used to transport and concentrate radionuclides from the soil into the above-ground shoots, which are harvested with conventional agricultural methods, (b) rhizofiltration, in which plant roots are used to precipitate and concentrate radionuclides from polluted effluents, (c) phytovolatilization, in which plants extract volatile radionuclides from soil and volatilize them from the foliage and (d) phytostabilization, in which plants stabilize radionuclides in soils, thus rendering them harmless. It is shown that phytoremediation is a fast developing field and the phytoremediation of radionuclides might soon become an integral part of the environment management and risk reduction process.  相似文献   

More accurate reconstruction of the radioactive contamination of the Techa River system in 1949–1951 has been made on the basis of refined data on the amounts and the rate of discharge of radionuclides into the Techa River from the Mayak Production Association; this has led to the development of a modified Techa River model that describes the transport of radionuclides through the up-river ponds and along the Techa River and deposition of radionuclides in the river-bottom sediments and flooded areas. The refined Techa River source-term data define more precisely the time-dependent rates of release and radionuclide composition of the releases that occurred during 1949–1951. The Techa River model takes into account the time-dependent characteristics of the releases and considers (a) the transport of radionuclides adsorbed on solid particles originally contained in the discharges or originating in the up-river ponds as a result of stirring up of contaminated bottom sediments and (b) the transport of radionuclides in soluble form. The output of the Techa River model provides concentrations of all source-term radionuclides in the river water, bottom sediments, and floodplain soils at different distances from the site of radioactive releases for the period of major contamination in 1950–1951. The outputs of the model show good agreement with historical measurements of water and sediment contamination. In addition, the river-model output for 90Sr concentration in the river water is harmonized with retrospective estimates derived from the measurements of 90Sr in the residents of the Techa Riverside villages. Modeled contamination of the floodplain soils by 137Cs is shown to be in agreement with the values reconstructed from late measurements of this radionuclide. Reconstructed estimates of the Techa River contamination are being used for the quantification of internal and external doses received by residents of the Techa Riverside communities.  相似文献   

The fundamental questions revolving around research into trace metals in soils are how much, and in what form, do metals exist in soil solutions. The mobile phase of soil solutions can be sampled by lysimeters, but cannot be consistently and accurately reproduced in laboratory extractions. We used a column leaching method developed specifically to produce solutions that were similar to those of lysimeters from northern forest podzolic soils. We hoped to yield reasonable estimates of the partitioning of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn between the solid and solution phases observed in the field. The column leaching method produced solutions that were similar to lysimeter solutions in the concentrations of metals in solution. Partitioning coefficients (log Kd) calculated from average lysimeters solution concentrations ranged from 2.8 to 3.9 for Cd, 3.5 to 4.2 for Cu, 3.1 to 4.3 for Ni, 3.9 to 5.1 for Pb and 2.8 to 3.6 for Zn. Laboratory extractions produced very similar log Kd values ranging from 3.4 to 3.9 for Cd, 3.4 to 3.9 for Cu, 3.4 to 4.1 for Ni, 4.1 to 5.2 for Pb and 3.2 to 3.5 for Zn. According to a semi-mechanistic regression model based on observed lysimeter concentrations, the metal concentrations in solution were appropriate relative to known factors that influence metal partitioning in soils: pH and the concentrations of total metals and dissolved organic carbon. Partitioning coefficients based on laboratory extractions in the literature were on average an order of magnitude greater than those observed in lysimeters. When compared to the results of other laboratory extractions, the proposed extraction procedure appeared to be an effective method to estimate the chemistry of soil solutions in the field.  相似文献   

The objects of researches are the soil and wild vegetation in the region of the radioactive waste storage situation. In result of monitoring it was recognized 137Cs unlike 90Sr did not spread out of storage territory in spite of trench destruction and migration of radionuclides with surface and ground waters. The forms of 137Cs, 90Sr and natural radionuclide 226Ra in soils and coefficients of 90Sr accumulation for the different kinds of plants growing at the territory of storage and 50-m zone around it were researched. The low specific activities of mobile forms of 90Sr were recognized for samples of soils selected from lowland by the terrace. The considerable differences were found for specific activities of radionuclides for different soil layers. Essential irregularity of soil surface and vegetation contamination at the test points disposed at a short distances from each other also was found. The interpretation of obtained results is presented.  相似文献   

The Techa river was contaminated in 1949-1956 from the nuclear enterprise "Mayak". The investigations were carried out in flood plain of the Techa river in 1992-2001. 90Sr and 137Cs stores were calculated in the soil-vegetation cover. There is uneven character of the spatial radionuclides contamination of the investigated area. The store with 90Sr changes from 25 to 930 kBq/m2 (0.7-25.0 Ci/km2) and that with 137Cs--from 30 to 1700 kBq/m2 (0.8-46.0 Ci/km2). In the preriver-bed soils the ratio 90Sr/137Cs increases with further from discharge point. Individual effective dose was calculated for the Brodocalmak population. 90Sr was revealed in the flood plain soils of the Iset river. The contribution of the contaminated Techa river and its flood plains soils accounted for as by incorporated radionuclides as background gamma-radiation does not exceed 0.13-0.17 mSv/yr if the contaminated Techa river utilization is limited. In other case the contribution of the contaminated Techa river increases to 1.6-3.0 mSv/yr. These values exceed international safety norms.  相似文献   

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