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气候变化对鸟类影响:长期研究的意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过去一个多世纪全球气候发生了明显变化,地球表面温度正在逐渐变暖。已有大量研究结果表明,鸟类已经在种群动态变化、生活史特性以及地理分布范围等方面对全球气候变化作出了相应的反应。根据全球范围内气候变化对鸟类影响的研究资料,尤其是北美和欧洲的一些长期研究项目的成果,综述了气候变化对鸟类分布范围、物候、繁殖和种群动态变化等方面的可能影响。这些长期研究项目为探讨气候变化在个体和种群的水平上如何长时间地影响鸟类提供了独特的机会,对未来中国鸟类学研究也会有所裨益。  相似文献   

气候变暖对我国鸟类分布的影响   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:33  
研究了10年来国内有关鸟类分布及越冬地变化的资料,结合我国近年来气候变暖的事实,初步探讨了气候变暖对我国鸟类可能产生的影响,并针对这些影响提出了一些保护对策。  相似文献   

过去一个多世纪全球气候发生了明显变化,地球表面温度正在逐渐变暖。已有大量研究结果表明,鸟类已经在种群动态变化、生活史特性以及地理分布范围等方面对全球气候变化作出了相应的反应。根据全球范围内气候变化对鸟类影响的研究资料,尤其是北美和欧洲的一些长期研究项目的成果,综述了气候变化对鸟类分布范围、物候、繁殖和种群动态变化等方面的可能影响。这些长期研究项目为探讨气候变化在个体和种群的水平上如何长时间地影响鸟类提供了独特的机会,对未来中国鸟类学研究也会有所裨益。  相似文献   

2001~2013年,采用样线法和定点观察法对陕西省榆林地区鸟类进行了调查,并与1958~1980年鸟类资源调查结果进行比较。结果表明:2001~2013年共记录鸟类243种,隶属于18目53科;较1958~1980年调查结果(148种,隶属于17目47科)增加95种。其中,新增加了陕西省鸟类新纪录3种。从动物地理区划来看,古北界增加了75种,东洋界增加了10种,广布种增加了18种;从居留型情况来看,留鸟增加了26种,夏候鸟增加了20种,冬候鸟增加了16种,旅鸟增加了31种。同时,分析了全球气候变暖和生态环境变化下,陕西榆林地区鸟类组成、区系和生态分布上的变化。  相似文献   

气候变化对鸟类影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对生物多样性的影响已成为热点问题.本文以鸟类为研究对象,根据鸟类受气候变化影响的最新研究成果,综述了气候变化对鸟类的分布、物候和种群等方面的影响.结果表明,在气候变化影响下,鸟类分布向高纬度或高海拔区移动,速度比以往加快,繁殖地和非繁殖地的分布移动变化并不相同,并且多数分布范围缩小,物候期发生复杂变化,种群数量下降明显.文章还讨论了该领域主要的预测和评估方法,以及进化适应等生物因素对气候变化预测结果的影响,除了以往单一的相关性模型外,目前应用最多的是集成模型,而未来最具发展潜力的是机理模型.进化适应方面的研究近来取得新进展,证实了生物个体积极应对气候变化影响的事实,从而对人为模型预测的准确性带来挑战.文章最后进行了总结和展望,结合国外研究经验和我国实际情况,提出一些建议:由于气候变化的影响及其研究是长期性的,从而对鸟类的历史监测数据提出很高的要求,当前我国急需建立一套长期、全面和可靠的鸟类数据监测系统;此外,人们需要综合评估现有各种预测模型的可靠性,在此基础上探索新的研究方法.  相似文献   

气候变化对野生植物的影响及保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎磊  陈家宽 《生物多样性》2014,22(5):549-1609
以温室气体浓度持续上升、全球气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化对野生植物及生物多样性造成的潜在影响, 已经引起了国际学者的高度关注。本文总结了全球气候变化的现状与未来趋势, 概述了中国野生植物的保护及管理现状, 从不同侧面综述了国内外关于全球气候变暖对野生植物影响的研究进展和动态, 包括气候带北移、两极冰山退缩、高海拔山地变暖、海平面上升、早春温度提前升高、荒漠草原土壤增温、旱涝急转弯等对野生植物造成的影响以及气候变暖对种间关系和敏感植物类群的影响, 并从气候变化背景下全球生态系统敏感度、植物多样性、物种迁移与气候槽(sink areas)、物种适应与灭绝以及物候节律5个方面分析了未来全球变暖影响野生植物的总体趋势。在以后的野生植物保护与管理中, 应确定全球气候变化的植物多样性敏感区, 重点关注对气候变化敏感的植物类群以及气候要素改变植物-动物互作关系中的野生植物, 自然保护区的建设要重点考虑全球气候变化的影响, 通过在全球范围内对野生植物分布和种群变化进行长期、系统的追踪监测, 建立有效的数据库, 发展野生植物迁地保护的保育技术及信息网络, 发展有关野生植物对全球气候变化响应的量化指标及相应的模型。最后提出应将全球气候变化下野生植物保护与管理列入相关基金会的研究重点。  相似文献   

2007年对广西架桥岭自然保护区鸟类资源进行了调查,记录到鸟类175种,隶属13目47科.根据居留类型,留鸟105种,夏候鸟28种,冬候鸟27种,旅鸟15种.国家重点保护鸟类21种.区系以在华南区有分布的鸟类最多,但华中区和西南区成分也占有较大的比例.斑头大翠鸟在架桥岭保护区的发现扩展了其在中国的已知分布区,这与全球气候变暖是否存在一定关系有待进一步研究.鸟类G-F指数分析比较发现广西西部地区鸟类多样性较高,自西向东至中部架桥岭一线后递减.架桥岭保护区的鸟类多样性较为丰富,具有很高的自然保护价值.  相似文献   

气候变暖对昆虫影响研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈瑜  马春森 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2159-2172
"全球气候变化"已成为国内外最受关注的环境问题。气候变化中以温度升高为特征的气候变暖对变温动物昆虫自身及其所在的生物群落产生直接或间接影响。从研究内容与研究方法2个方面综述了气候变暖对昆虫影响研究的国内外进展。气候变暖导致昆虫发生期提前,地理分布向更高纬度和海拔地区扩散,低温适生种种群密度下降,高温适生种种群密度增加。气候变暖改变寄主植物—害虫—天敌的物候同步性和昆虫原有种间互作关系,影响植食性昆虫的寄主植物范围和取食为害程度。长期的气候变暖带来的强烈的选择性压力引起某些昆虫种群的基因组发生变异。以日均温升高、日最高气温升高和昼夜温差变化等为主要特征气候变暖对昆虫发育、繁殖及存活等生态学指标产生重要影响。研究方法上主要是利用野外直接观察法、回归预测模型、有效积温模型、CLIMEX和GIS等生态风险评估软件、生物化石比较技术、人工气候下生态试验、检测标记基因频率变化等方法来研究气候变暖对昆虫的影响。最后简要评述了已有研究的不足并指出未来的研究方向:(1)气候变暖情景下开展昆虫种间互作研究并拓展研究对象;(2)高温下昆虫适应性研究;(3)建立完善人工模拟气候下的实验方法;(4)构建昆虫有效生态机理模型。  相似文献   

刘洋  李强  张明庆 《生态科学》2015,34(4):64-70
近11 年来在北京天坛公园进行鸟类调查, 共记录鸟类166 种, 隶属14 目47 科。研究得出以下结论: (1)天坛公园鸟类群落多样性指数春、秋季高于夏、冬季; (2)公园鸟类群落相似度与植物种类关系密切, 植物多样, 鸟类丰富; (3)公园环境对鸟类的分布、群落组成及种群数量影响明显, 受游人活动的影响, 部分迁徙鸟分布范围缩小, 种群数量减少; 树木种类多样, 受游人影响较小的区域则记录到了公园内近7 成的鸟种。研究首次报道了11 年来长耳鸮的种群变化情况。  相似文献   

甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区目前已进行了三次综合科学考察(以下简称科考): 第一次1988-1989年、第二次2002-2003年、第三次2012-2013年。在三次科考20多年的时间跨度中, 脊椎动物各类群物种多样性发生了一定的变化: 鱼类增加了2种, 减少了3种土著种; 两栖爬行类种类一直保持稳定; 保护区三次科考记录的151种鸟类中, 有55.63%(84种)一直稳定分布。因气候变暖, 鸟类区系中东洋界比例增加, 有明显的分布区向西扩散的物种成分, 同时也有从新疆向东扩散的种类以及高原扩散来的成分。20年间分布减少的29种鸟类中, 主要为夏候鸟(41.37%)和旅鸟(48.28%), 这些鸟类的分布消失随机性很大。哺乳类的分布相对比较稳定, 第三次科考没有调查到的6种哺乳类应该是由于调查方法造成的。新增的小五趾跳鼠(Allactaga elater)是甘肃省啮齿类的一个新记录, 表明该物种分布区有向东南扩散的趋势。  相似文献   

蝴蝶对全球气候变化响应的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化以及生物对其响应已引起人们的广泛关注。在众多生物中,蝴蝶被公认为是对全球气候变化最敏感的指示物种之一。已有大量的研究结果表明,蝴蝶类群已经在地理分布范围、生活史特性以及生物多样性变化等方面对全球气候变化作出了响应。根据全球范围内蝴蝶类群对气候变化响应的研究资料,尤其是欧美一些长期监测的研究成果,综述了蝴蝶类群在物种分布格局、物候、繁殖、形态特征变化、种群动态以及物种多样性变化等方面对气候变化的响应特征,认为温度升高和极端天气是导致蝴蝶物种分布格局和种群动态变化的主要因素。在此基础上,展望了我国开展蝴蝶类群对气候变化响应方面研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The distributions of bird species have changed over the past 50 years in China. To evaluate whether the changes can be attributed to the changing climate, we analyzed the distributions of 20 subspecies of resident birds in relation to climate change. Long‐term records of bird distributions, gray relational analysis, fuzzy‐set classification techniques, and attribution methods were used. Among the 20 subspecies of resident birds, the northern limits of over half of the subspecies have shifted northward since the 1960s, and most changes have been related to the thermal index. Driven by climate change over the past 50 years, the suitable range and latitude or longitude of the distribution centers of certain birds have exhibited increased fluctuations. The northern boundaries of over half of the subspecies have shifted northward compared with those in the 1960s. The consistency between the observed and predicted changes in the range limits was quite high for some subspecies. The changes in the northern boundaries or the latitudes of the centers of distribution of nearly half of the subspecies can be attributed to climate change. The results suggest that climate change has affected the distributions of particular birds. The method used to attribute changes in bird distributions to climate change may also be effective for other animals.  相似文献   

Species attributes are commonly used to infer impacts of environmental change on multiyear species trends, e.g. decadal changes in population size. However, by themselves attributes are of limited value in global change attribution since they do not measure the changing environment. A broader foundation for attributing species responses to global change may be achieved by complementing an attributes‐based approach by one estimating the relationship between repeated measures of organismal and environmental changes over short time scales. To assess the benefit of this multiscale perspective, we investigate the recent impact of multiple environmental changes on European farmland birds, here focusing on climate change and land use change. We analyze more than 800 time series from 18 countries spanning the past two decades. Analysis of long‐term population growth rates documents simultaneous responses that can be attributed to both climate change and land‐use change, including long‐term increases in populations of hot‐dwelling species and declines in long‐distance migrants and farmland specialists. In contrast, analysis of annual growth rates yield novel insights into the potential mechanisms driving long‐term climate induced change. In particular, we find that birds are affected by winter, spring, and summer conditions depending on the distinct breeding phenology that corresponds to their migratory strategy. Birds in general benefit from higher temperatures or higher primary productivity early on or in the peak of the breeding season with the largest effect sizes observed in cooler parts of species' climatic ranges. Our results document the potential of combining time scales and integrating both species attributes and environmental variables for global change attribution. We suggest such an approach will be of general use when high‐resolution time series are available in large‐scale biodiversity surveys.  相似文献   

The impact of regional climate change on net primary productivity (NPP) is an important aspect in the study of ecosystems’ response to global climate change. China’s ecosystems are very sensitive to climate change owing to the influence of the East Asian monsoon. The Lund–Potsdam–Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model for China (LPJ-CN), a global dynamical vegetation model developed for China’s terrestrial ecosystems, was applied in this study to simulate the NPP changes affected by future climate change. As the LPJ-CN model is based on natural vegetation, the simulation in this study did not consider the influence of anthropogenic activities. Results suggest that future climate change would have adverse effects on natural ecosystems, with NPP tending to decrease in eastern China, particularly in the temperate and warm temperate regions. NPP would increase in western China, with a concentration in the Tibetan Plateau and the northwest arid regions. The increasing trend in NPP in western China and the decreasing trend in eastern China would be further enhanced by the warming climate. The spatial distribution of NPP, which declines from the southeast coast to the northwest inland, would have minimal variation under scenarios of climate change.  相似文献   

Land‐cover and climate change are two main drivers of changes in species ranges. Yet, the majority of studies investigating the impacts of global change on biodiversity focus on one global change driver and usually use simulations to project biodiversity responses to future conditions. We conduct an empirical test of the relative and combined effects of land‐cover and climate change on species occurrence changes. Specifically, we examine whether observed local colonization and extinctions of North American birds between 1981–1985 and 2001–2005 are correlated with land‐cover and climate change and whether bird life history and ecological traits explain interspecific variation in observed occurrence changes. We fit logistic regression models to test the impact of physical land‐cover change, changes in net primary productivity, winter precipitation, mean summer temperature, and mean winter temperature on the probability of Ontario breeding bird local colonization and extinction. Models with climate change, land‐cover change, and the combination of these two drivers were the top ranked models of local colonization for 30%, 27%, and 29% of species, respectively. Conversely, models with climate change, land‐cover change, and the combination of these two drivers were the top ranked models of local extinction for 61%, 7%, and 9% of species, respectively. The quantitative impacts of land‐cover and climate change variables also vary among bird species. We then fit linear regression models to test whether the variation in regional colonization and extinction rate could be explained by mean body mass, migratory strategy, and habitat preference of birds. Overall, species traits were weakly correlated with heterogeneity in species occurrence changes. We provide empirical evidence showing that land‐cover change, climate change, and the combination of multiple global change drivers can differentially explain observed species local colonization and extinction.  相似文献   

气候变化是当前全球生物多样性面临的最大威胁之一,对物种地理分布格局具有较大影响。东北森林物种丰富度较高,目前尚缺乏基于主要树种、未来不同气候模式的综合研究。基于12种建群树种的分布数据及23个环境变量(19个生物气候因子、土地利用类型、海拔、坡度、坡向)数据,应用MaxEnt模型首次对东北地区乔木树种在3种气候变化情景下(SSP126可持续路径、SSP245中间路径、SSP585化石燃料为主发展路径)的潜在丰富度分布格局、主导环境变量以及树种损失、获得和周转情况进行了预测。结果表明:不同未来气候情景下东北地区各树种的潜在分布变化存在差异,适生区面积减小的树种有:兴安落叶松、山杨、春榆、白桦、水曲柳、胡桃楸、蒙古栎、辽东桤木,减小幅度达到10%-30%;适生区面积变化不大的树种有:红皮云杉、樟子松、黄檗,多数情况下低、中和高适生区面积变化发生了抵消,导致总适生区面积变化不大;适生区增加的树种有:红松,增加幅度达20%左右。环境因素将影响东北地区乔木树种潜在适宜性分布,其中,降水因素对东北地区树种分布格局起关键作用,尤其是降水量季节性变化,是影响东北地区50%左右树种分布格局的主导环境因子。东北地区乔木树种在无迁移和SSP585气候情景下受威胁程度相对较高,而在SSP126气候情景下大多处于低风险状态;物种迁移假设的对物种受威胁程度的影响先于气候变化情景的影响,树种发生适度迁移能够缓解树种受威胁的状况。网格单元中物种损失和周转的预测表明,东北地区树种高周转率主要由树种高损失率造成,损失率较高的地区往往树种周转率也相对较高。预测气候变化对东北地区树木分布格局的影响,有助于制定更有效的气候变化适应策略,以促进东北地区树木的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Understanding the relative impact of climate change and land cover change on changes in avian distribution has implications for the future course of avian distributions and appropriate management strategies. Due to the dynamic nature of climate change, our goal was to investigate the processes that shape species distributions, rather than the current distributional patterns. To this end, we analyzed changes in the distribution of Eastern Wood Pewees (Contopus virens) and Red‐eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus) from 1997 to 2012 using Breeding Bird Survey data and dynamic correlated‐detection occupancy models. We estimated the local colonization and extinction rates of these species in relation to changes in climate (hours of extreme temperature) and changes in land cover (amount of nesting habitat). We fit six nested models to partition the deviance explained by spatial and temporal components of land cover and climate. We isolated the temporal components of environmental variables because this is the essence of global change. For both species, model fit was significantly improved when we modeled vital rates as a function of spatial variation in climate and land cover. Model fit improved only marginally when we added temporal variation in climate and land cover to the model. Temporal variation in climate explained more deviance than temporal variation in land cover, although both combined only explained 20% (Eastern Wood Pewee) and 6% (Red‐eyed Vireo) of temporal variation in vital rates. Our results showing a significant correlation between initial occupancy and environmental covariates are consistent with biological expectation and previous studies. The weak correlation between vital rates and temporal changes in covariates indicated that we have yet to identify the most relevant components of global change influencing the distributions of these species and, more importantly, that spatially significant covariates are not necessarily driving temporal shifts in avian distributions.  相似文献   

Processes derived from global change such as land-use changes, climate warming or modifications in the perturbation regime may have opposite effects on forest extent and structure with still unknown consequences on forest biodiversity at large spatial scales. In the present study, we aimed at determining forest dynamics associated with global change processes (forest spread, maturation and fire) that have driven the variation in forest bird distributions in Mediterranean forest ecosystems in recent years. The study was located in Catalonia (NE Spain) and used changes in richness of specialist and generalist forest bird species in the last 20 years of the 20th century as indicators of forest biodiversity change. Forest bird distribution changes showed strong spatial patterns and appeared to be related to population processes occurring beyond sampling units (10 km × 10 km squares). Forest maturation appeared as the most important driver of such changes because most of the studied species have a non-Mediterranean origin and are associated with more mature forests. To a lower degree, forest spread also contributed to forest bird distribution changes whereas the impact of forest fires was not associated to a decrease in the richness of either group of forest species. Given the relatively coarse scale at which our study was conducted, caution should be taken when extrapolating our results to the possible future impacts of climate change on fire regime and forest bird distribution. Our results indicate that large-scale forest maturation and spread due mainly to land abandonment in Catalonia has overridden the potentially negative effects of fires on forest bird distributions and are currently driving changes in forest biodiversity patterns across the region.  相似文献   

Aim Species can respond to global climate change by range shifts or by phenotypic adaptation. At the community level, range shifts lead to a turnover of species, i.e. community reassembly. In contrast, phenotypic adaptation allows species to persist in situ, conserving community composition. So far, community reassembly and adaptation have mostly been studied separately. In nature, however, both processes take place simultaneously. In migratory birds, climate change has been shown to result in both exchange of species and adaptation of migratory behaviour. The aim of our study is to predict the impact of global climate change on migratory bird communities and to assess the extent to which reassembly and adaptation may contribute to alterations. Location Europe. Methods We analysed the relationship between current climate and the proportion of migratory species across bird assemblages in Europe. The magnitude of community reassembly was measured using spatial variation in the proportion of potentially migratory species. Adaptation was inferred from spatial variation in the proportion of potentially migratory species that actually migrate at a specific site. These spatial relationships were used to make temporal predictions of changes in migratory species under global climate change. Results According to our models, increasing winter temperature is expected to lead to declines in the proportion of migratory species, whereas increasing spring temperature and decreasing spring precipitation may lead to increases. Changes in winter and spring temperature are expected to cause mainly adaptation in migratory activity, while changes in spring precipitation may result in both changes in the proportion of potentially migratory species and adaptation of migratory activity. Main conclusions Under current climate change forecasts, changes in the proportion of migratory species will be modest and the communities of migratory birds in Europe are projected to be altered through adaptation of migratory activity rather than through exchange of species.  相似文献   

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