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水域生态系统中生物多样性经济价值评估的一个新方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性的经济价值,是目前国内外有关生态系统服务价值研究中难点之一。生物多样性经济价值分为使用价值和非使用价值两类,前者包括直接和间接使用价值,后者包括选择价值、遗产价值和存在价值[1]。一般而言,对生物多样性的使用价值采用直接市场评价法较多,对非使用价值采用支付意愿法较多。但是这种基于支付意愿(Willingness to pay,WTP)调查的条件价值法(Contingent value method,CVM)评价生物多样性经济价值面临许多的困难,甚至非议[2—4]。许多学者认为,由于在生物多样性价值概念、计量方法、计量参数等方面的不规范性,导致生物多…  相似文献   

生物多样性经济价值评估的基本方法   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
目前,生物多样性经济价值的基本评价方法包括三种类型,一种是基于个人支付意愿(WTP)的直接经济价值评估方法,再一种是利用实际或替代市场的间接经济价值评估方法,第三种是针对生物多样性价值在空间上流动的现象,基于定量分析的过程-效益评价法。  相似文献   

神农架自然保护区森林生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
神农架自然保护区是以亚热带森林生态系统和珍稀动植物为主要保护对象的自然保护区,对中国的生物多样性研究有重要意义.应用市场价值、影子价格、机会成本等方法,对神农架自然保护区提供林产品、涵养水源、土壤保持、气体调节、净化环境、养分循环、娱乐文化和维持生物多样性等森林生态系统功能的生态经济价值进行评估.结果表明:神农架国家级自然保护区森林生态系统服务价值总计为204.33×108元·a-1.按服务类型的价值比例从高到低排序为:生物多样性(68.5%)土壤保持(12.7%)娱乐文化(4.9%)气体调节(4.8%)林产品(4.2%)涵养水源(3.9%)净化环境(0.7%)养分循环(0.3%).按利用类型划分,非使用价值(68.5%)间接使用价值(22.4%)直接使用价值(9.1%).  相似文献   

采用市场价值法、机会成本法、影子价格法、生产成本法、影子工程法和旅行费用法等对湖南省生物多样性的经济价值作了粗略评估,为绿色GDP核算、生态市和生态县建设规划以及有关环境影响评价提供了一套定量评估的参考方法。重点围绕生物多样性的直接使用价值和间接使用价值的计算,计算结果表明:2000年湖南省生物多样性直接使用价值为2.02×1011元、间接使用价值为1.68×1012元、潜在使用价值为2.50×1011元,分别占全省生物多样性经济总价值的10.6%、88.1%和1.3%。湖南省2000年生物多样性经济总价值为1.91×1012元,占全国生物多样性经济总价值的4.9%,是湖南省2000年国内生产总值(GDP)的5.17倍。  相似文献   

生物资源利用相关的传统知识是对生物资源进行识别和利用的传统知识系统。随着现代生物技术的发展, 这类传统知识显示出其在科学、经济、文化乃至粮食安全战略方面的价值。本研究根据《生物多样性相关传统知识分类、调查与编目技术规定(试行)》, 对我国青海省土族聚集区的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识进行了系统调查与编目, 并借鉴生物多样性测度方法, 创建了传统知识多样性指数计算方法, 对土族生物资源利用相关传统知识多样性进行分析。结果如下: (1)编目现存的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识词条共424条; (2)土族传统知识的α多样性指数DTK = 0.67, 表明其传统知识多样性较高; 土族传统知识的βwtk多样性指数在不同的县域差异较大, 表明其在县域之间存在差异, 在空间上分布不连续、不均匀。本研究利用生物多样性指数验证了传统知识的定量研究方法, 说明传统知识多样性指数不仅可用于定量研究表征区域传统知识的多样性, 揭示不同空间区域内的分布特征, 还可为未来构建传统知识的定量研究体系提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

红树林是生长在热带以及亚热带海岸潮间带上的生态群落, 其生产力高, 固碳能力强, 对保持海岸带生物多样性具有十分重要的价值。本文介绍了利用多源遥感数据监测红树林的一些主要研究内容, 分为3个方面: (1)在时空模式研究方面, 利用高空间分辨率影像像素和对象结合的方法对红树林树种进行分类以及利用Landsat影像对红树林进行动态变化监测并分析其驱动因素; (2)在结构参数研究方面, 利用无人机多光谱数据及地面激光雷达数据对红树林叶面积指数进行反演; (3)在生理生化参数研究方面, 探讨了红树林叶绿素含量对淹没状况的响应、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵是否影响红树林光能利用率, 以及光化学反射指数(photochemical reflectance index, PRI)与光能利用率(light use efficiency, LUE)的关系。上述系列研究为提取红树林相关信息要素时如何选择合适的分析方法提供了有力的参考, 强调了遥感在研究红树林时空模式, 提取结构参数和生物生化参数监测的有效性, 从而更好地促进红树林生态系统的生物多样性保育工作。  相似文献   

蔺琛  龚明昊  刘洋  潘旭  朴正吉 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4677-4683
生物多样性保护是生态系统的主导功能之一,对生物多样性空间异质性的研究有助于准确认识区域的保护价值及重要性,但目前可借鉴的生物多样性价值空间异质性评价方法和经验偏少。以长白山生态功能区核心区为研究区域,基于生物多样性丰富区域优势物种的分布及其环境因子,通过Maxent评估生物多样性保护价值,将研究区域分为生物多样性保护高价值区、中价值区和一般价值区,并开展景观分析与评估。研究结果表明:研究区域内生物多样性保护高价值区域占总面积的42.9%、主要分布于长白山保护区内,保护区内的高价值斑块也较保护区外完整、面积大;研究区域内生物多样性高价值斑块的平均面积和最大斑块面积远高于中价值区和一般价值区,其斑块景观较完整、破碎化水平相对较低,是研究区域生物多样性保护价值和生态系统稳定性的重要基础。植被是对研究区域生物多样性影响最大的环境因子,其次是土层厚度和海拔。从生态系统完整性和过程连续性保护的需要,保护区南部缓冲区可考虑调整为核心区,保护区外还有较大面积的生物多样性高价值和中价值区域也应纳入保护区进行保护;长白山西坡是生物多样性高价值斑块最破碎的区域,应在未来的保护工作中予以特别关注。本研究表明关联优势种空间分布及环境因子是认识生物多样性价值及空间异质性的有效手段,本研究方法可为生态红线划定和国家公园设计提供参考。  相似文献   

宏生态尺度上景观破碎化对物种丰富度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的地理格局及其形成机制是宏生态学与生物地理学的研究热点。大量研究表明,景观尺度上的生境破碎化对物种多样性的分布格局具有重要作用,但目前尚不清楚这种作用是否足以在宏生态尺度上对生物多样性地理格局产生显著影响。利用中国大陆鸟类和哺乳动物的物种分布数据,在100 km×100 km网格的基础上生成了这两个类群生物的物种丰富度地理格局,进一步利用普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型研究了物种丰富度与气候、生境异质性、景观破碎化的相关关系。结果表明,景观破碎化因子与鸟类和哺乳动物的物种丰富度都具有显著的关联关系,其方差贡献率可达约30%—50%(非空间模型)和60%—80%(空间模型),略低于或接近于气候和生境异质性因子。方差分解结果显示,景观破碎化因子与气候和生境异质性因子的方差贡献率的重叠部分达20%—40%。相对鸟类而言,景观破碎化对哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局具有更高的解释率。  相似文献   

生物多样性丧失是当今人类面临的重要危机之一,在以“爱知目标”为代表的生物多样性保护目标均未实现的背景下,如何推进变革性转型以遏制和扭转生物多样性丧失趋势成为当务之急。基于自然的解决方案(NbS)因其坚持整体性、系统性、多样性、稳定性、可持续性、权衡性和包容性等原则,成为应对全球危机的重要途径。该文通过分析机理和功能层面生物多样性和NbS的关系,阐明了NbS利用恢复生态系统的复杂性和营养级来指引生物多样性保护的路径,提出了利用NbS促进生物多样性保护的双重内涵,一是以提升生态系统多样性、稳定性、持续性为目标,二是利用自然生态过程。在建立NbS和生物多样性关联认知的基础上,该文进一步梳理了NbS的概念内涵与生物多样性保护目标的一致性,以及NbS在生态空间、农业空间、城镇空间对生物多样性保护的相关方法,归纳了NbS促进生物多样性的国内外实践案例,讨论了NbS协同促进生物多样性保护、应对气候变化和可持续发展的多重效益,展望了NbS纳入生物多样性保护战略规划的愿景,以期为促进《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》等框架履约、推进NbS在生物多样性保护主流化提供参考。  相似文献   

《生物多样性公约》传统知识议题的背景、进展与趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统知识之所以成为《生物多样性公约》等国际公约的热点议题,主要源于其重要的研究价值、经济潜力以及特定的社会历史背景.《生物多样性公约》签署至今,在传统知识议题方面取得了许多进展,如:设立专门的传统知识工作组,为履行公约相关条款制定了工作方案和行动计划,推动特殊制度的谈判,达成一系列道德行为准则,以及通过了《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》.根据公约第十次和第十一次缔约方大会达成的相关决议,习惯性可持续利用(customary sustainable use)、特殊制度(sui generis systems)、传统知识归还(repatriation)等将成为今后传统知识谈判的重点.我国需要加强生物多样性保护和知识产权等主管部门之间的协作,协调我国在不同国际法框架中传统知识议题的谈判立场;还需要开展习惯性可持续利用、特殊制度体系、传统知识就地或者活态保护(living protection)的研究.  相似文献   

Competition for local and shared resources is widespread. For example, colonial waterbirds consume local prey in the immediate vicinity of their colony, as well as shared prey across multiple colonies. However, there is little understanding of conditions facilitating coexistence vs. displacement in such systems. Extending traditional models based on type I and type II functional responses, we simulate consumer-resource systems in which resources are “substitutable,” “essential,” or “complementary.” It is shown that when resources are complementary or essential, a small increase in carrying capacity or decrease in handling time of a local resource may displace a spatially separate consumer species, even when the effect on shared resources is small. This work underscores the importance of determining both the nature of resource competition (substitutable, essential, or complementary) and appropriate scale-dependencies when studying metacommunities. We discuss model applicability to complex systems, e.g., urban wildlife that consume natural and anthropogenic resources which may displace rural competitors by depleting shared prey.  相似文献   

We present a consumer-resource model in which individual consumers subsist on a continuum of resource distributed over a very large number of small “bite-sized” patches, each patch being sufficiently small that all its resource is eaten whenever a consumer visits. This form of consumer–resource interaction forces a heterogeneous distribution of resource among the patches, and may dampen out the large amplitude, consumer-resource cycles that are predicted by traditional models of well-mixed, spatially homogeneous systems. The resource equilibrium does not increase with enrichment, a prediction that distinguishes this model from models that invoke direct or indirect consumer density dependence as a stabilizing mechanism.  相似文献   

The most benign rationale for sex selection is deemed to be “family balancing.” On this view, provided the sex distribution of an existing offspring group is “unbalanced,” one may legitimately use reproductive technologies to select the sex of the next child. I present four novel concerns with granting “family balancing” as a justification for sex selection: (a) families or family subsets should not be subject to medicalization; (b) sex selection for “family balancing” entrenches heteronormativity, inflicting harm in at least three specific ways; (c) the logic of affirmative action is appropriated; (d) the moral mandate of reproductive autonomy is misused. I conclude that the harms caused by family balancing are sufficiently substantive to override any claim arising from a supposed right to sex selection as an instantiation of procreative autonomy.  相似文献   

Spatial point pattern analysis of available and exploited resources   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A patchy spatial distribution of resources underpins many models of population regulation and species coexistence, so ecologists require methods to analyse spatially‐explicit data of resource distribution and use. We describe a method for analysing maps of resources and testing hypotheses about species' distributions and selectivity. The method uses point pattern analysis based on the L‐function, the linearised form of Ripley's K‐function. Monte Carlo permutations are used for statistical tests. We estimate the difference between observed and expected values of L(t), an approach with several advantages: 1) The results are easy to interpret ecologically. 2) It obviates the need for edge correction, which has largely precluded the use of L‐functions where plot boundaries are “real”. Including edge corrections may lead to erroneous conclusions if the underlying assumptions are invalid. 3) The null expectation can take many forms, we illustrate two models: complete spatial randomness (to describe the spatial pattern of resources in the landscape) and the underlying pattern of resource patches in the landscape (akin to a neutral landscape approach). The second null is particularly useful to test whether spatial patterns of exploited resource points simply reflect the spatial patterns of all resource points. We tested this method using over 100 simulated point patterns encompassing a range of patterns that might occur in ecological systems, and some very extreme patterns. The approach is generally robust, but Type II decision errors might arise where spatial patterns are weak and when trying to detect a clumped pattern of exploited points against a clumped pattern of all points. An empirical example of an intertidal lichen growing on barnacle shells illustrates how this technique might be used to test hypotheses about dispersal mechanisms. This approach can increase the value of survey data, by permitting quantification of natural resource patch distribution in the landscape as well as patterns of resource use by species.  相似文献   

Calorimetry is a robust method for online monitoring and controlling bioprocesses in stirred tank reactors. Up to now, reactor calorimeters have not been optimally constructed for pilot scale applications. Thus, the objective of this paper is to compare two different ways for designing reactor calorimeters and validate them. The “heat capacity” method based on the mass flow of the cooling liquid in the jacket was compared with the “heat transfer” method based on the heat transfer coefficient continuously measured in the cultivation of Escherichia coli VH33 in a 50 L stirred tank reactor. It was found that the values of the “heat transfer” method agreed very well with the calculated values from the oxygen consumption. By contrast, the curve of the “heat capacity” method deviated from that of the oxygen consumption calculated with the oxycaloric equivalent. In conclusion, the “heat transfer” method has been proven to have a higher degree of validity than the “heat capacity” method. Thus, it is a better and more robust means to measure heat generation of fermentations in stirred tank bioreactors on a pilot scale. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 180–190. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Alterations induced by carbon tetrachloride poisoning in fatty acids of liver microsomal lipids were studied. Thin layer chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters prepared from liver microsomal lipids, revealed, in the CCl4-treated rats, the presence of a component (the “D” spot) with an Rf value lower than that of the methyl esters. The lipids recovered from this component showed a marked diene conjugation absorption when examined spectrophotometrically over the UV range, while the lipids recovered from the spot of the methyl esters showed no absorption of conjugated dienes.Studies carried out with labelled carbon tetrachloride indicated that compounds present in the “D” spot contained 28% of 14C applied to the chromatoplate. The spot of the methyl esters (the “M” spot) contained 42% of 14C applied to the chromatoplate. However, specific activity of the “D” spot was about 1000 times greater than specific activity of the “M” spot.The lipids recovered from either the “D” spot or the spot of the methyl esters were analyzed separately by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with an electron capture detector (ECD). It was found that the lipids recovered from the “D” spot showed no response, while those recovered from the spot of the methyl esters exhibited the response of the ECD, which was similar to that observed with the unfractionated fatty acid methyl esters. The lack of the response of the ECD for compounds in the “D” spot appears to be due to the fact that they cannot be eluted from the column.On the basis of the analytical results, it can be postulated that the “D” spot contains compounds formed by a chain termination addition reaction of free radicals derived from CCl4 (probably trichloromethyl free radicals) to fatty acid free radicals containing conjugated dienes. On the other hand, the spot of the methyl esters appears to contain also, together with unmodified fatty acids, the fatty acids in which a simple addition of CCl4 free radicals to double bonds has occurred.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new methodology for evaluating the performance of a forecasting model. The evaluation-criterion utilizes a “credibility interval” centered at the model prediction. Given predicted and observed values, the length of the “credibility interval” is increased (or decreased) according as an observed value of the dependent random variable falls out of (or into) the interval. Based on that, various ways of assessing the rating of the model are discussed and illustrative examples are given.  相似文献   

Identifying behavioral mechanisms that underlie observed movement patterns is difficult when animals employ sophisticated cognitive‐based strategies. Such strategies may arise when timing of return visits is important, for instance to allow for resource renewal or territorial patrolling. We fitted spatially explicit random‐walk models to GPS movement data of six wolves (Canis lupus; Linnaeus, 1758) from Alberta, Canada to investigate the importance of the following: (1) territorial surveillance likely related to renewal of scent marks along territorial edges, to reduce intraspecific risk among packs, and (2) delay in return to recently hunted areas, which may be related to anti‐predator responses of prey under varying prey densities. The movement models incorporated the spatiotemporal variable “time since last visit,” which acts as a wolf's memory index of its travel history and is integrated into the movement decision along with its position in relation to territory boundaries and information on local prey densities. We used a model selection framework to test hypotheses about the combined importance of these variables in wolf movement strategies. Time‐dependent movement for territory surveillance was supported by all wolf movement tracks. Wolves generally avoided territory edges, but this avoidance was reduced as time since last visit increased. Time‐dependent prey management was weak except in one wolf. This wolf selected locations with longer time since last visit and lower prey density, which led to a longer delay in revisiting high prey density sites. Our study shows that we can use spatially explicit random walks to identify behavioral strategies that merge environmental information and explicit spatiotemporal information on past movements (i.e., “when” and “where”) to make movement decisions. The approach allows us to better understand cognition‐based movement in relation to dynamic environments and resources.  相似文献   

“Cyborg” entities do not easily fit into pre-existing categories and can therefore be useful in deconstructing these categories and showing their contingency and political power. In this paper, some cyborg stem cells are examined. They were discussed in Australian public debates as well as during interviews with scientists. Multiple ways of making sense of them are possible, but one became dominant, was inscribed in Australian parliamentary documents and may now seem to be a simple reflection of nature. By showing other possible categorizations and highlighting the contingency and ambiguity of concepts such as “embryo,” or “fetus,” the established definition of these cells is contested. In particular, the way it can displace conversations about women's bodies and the use in research of material from terminations is highlighted. Alternative stem cell categorizations are put forward; these are not “innocent” either, but may offer fruitful ways of talking about this area of techno-science in public.  相似文献   

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