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为建立一种适于法庭科学实践的植物物证DNA提取优化方法,以期获得高质量的适于PCR分析的模板DNA.用8种方法从不同植物的干叶片中提取DNA,利用线粒体DNA非编码区的PCR扩增结果分析评价提取DNA的质量.结果表明8种DNA提取方法所提取的DNA都可以获得线粒体DNA非编码区的PCR扩增产物,对照紫外波长扫描结果显示,以改进的CTAB方法制备的模板DNA纯度最高,可达到进口试剂盒同等制备精度,OD260/280稳定在1.7~1.9之间.因此改进的CTAB方法适用于微量植物样本的DNA提取,可应用于法庭科学实践.  相似文献   

改良Chelex-100法快速提取转基因农产品DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在建立一种从转基因农产品中快速提取DNA的方法.分别采用改良Chelex-100法和常规CTAB法提取转基因大豆GTS40-3-2基因组DNA,测其浓度和纯度,PCR扩增其内源基因(Lectin)、启动子(CaMV35S)和品系特异性序列,对两种方法进行比较和评价,并研究两种方法提取的DNA在-20℃下保存一个月内的检测效果,以及改良Chelex-100法在玉米、小麦和水稻等其他转基因农产品的应用效果.结果表明,改良Chelex-100法能够快速在1.5h之内从样品中提取DNA,所提取的DNA直接用于PCR扩增反应,产物电泳条带清晰明亮.两种方法提取的DNA在-20℃下保存一个月内的检测效果未见明显差别.该方法在玉米、小麦和水稻等转基因农产品的应用效果稳定.因此,改良Chelex-100法提取的DNA可以作为PCR扩增模板用于转基因农产品检测.该方法具有经济、简便、快速、安全的特点,适合转基因农产品大规模筛选和鉴别.  相似文献   

一种简易的甘蔗叶组织PCR模板制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以转基因甘蔗叶片为材料,少量嫩叶经碱并短暂高温处理,再中和,形成裂解混合物。直接以此为模板,转基因甘蔗外源基因bar、KP4、Cry1Ac-2A-gna融合基因及内源基因Shactin基因为靶基因,PCR扩增结果稳定、准确、重复性强,完全可以达到常规CTAB法提取的DNA扩增效果。用此方法制备的模板室温下2周之内,4℃、-20℃下一个月之内结果不变。经多种外源基因PCR反应的反复验证,证实了这种方法在转基因甘蔗检测中的广泛适用性。该方法快速制备PCR模板,无需DNA提取过程,具有使用样品量少,成本低、简便、快捷等优点。  相似文献   

目的:筛选能均衡地提取小鼠胚胎胃肠道微生物区系各种细菌总DNA的方法.方法:分别采用反复冻融法、CTAB -SDS法、柱式基因组DNA提取试剂盒法提取小鼠胚胎胃肠道细菌基因组DNA,对其进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳、紫外分光光度计测定、PCR扩增等质量检测.结果:CTAB -SDS方法提取的基因组DNA纯度较高,OD260/OD280平均值最高,为1.845,电泳条带清晰,能满足下游的PCR扩增等分子操作.结论:确定CTAB -SDS方法为提取小鼠胚胎胃肠道细菌基因组DNA的最佳方法,为研究不同种动物胚胎的肠道菌群的结构和多样性奠定了基础.  相似文献   

利用改良CTAB法快速小量提取微胚乳玉米基因组DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了能快速小量提取微胚乳玉米基因组DNA,以微胚乳玉米幼叶为试材,采用改良CTAB法和传统CTAB法提取微胚乳玉米基因组DNA,并对所提取的DNA通过紫外分光光度计、琼脂糖凝胶电泳和PCR扩增等方法进行检测。两种方法所得基因组DNA的OD260/OD280在1.8~1.9之间,电泳条带清晰,无蛋白质和RNA污染,DNA无明显降解,其浓度和纯度都适合基因工程实验操作的条件。改良CTAB法与传统CTAB法相比更简便快捷,可实现大批量的不同样本基因组DNA的同时提取,提供了一种简便、快捷、有效和实用的微量提取微胚乳玉米基因组DNA方法,可满足以PCR为基础的分子生物学研究。  相似文献   

我国是蜂蜜生产大国,棉花是主要蜜源植物之一。近些年来,我国种植的棉花大多为转基因抗虫棉,棉花蜜中是否含有转基因成分,引起国内外广大消费者的密切关注。本文以抗虫棉种植地采取的棉花蜜为原料,采用改良CTAB法,在DNA提取过程中,用PBS缓冲液除去其中大部分的可溶性多糖,并提高CTAB提取缓冲液中NaCl浓度以去除残余多糖,从蜂蜜中成功提取出片段完整、纯度较高的DNA,DNA得率为486ng/mL,OD260/OD280为2.01,能够满足后续PCR定性检测的需求。从以转基因棉花为蜜源的蜂蜜中检测出外源DNA片段,建立了蜂蜜中转基因成分的PCR检测技术。本研究对转基因食品标识制度的完善、转基因食品监管、减少贸易摩擦以及保证消费者权益等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:建立从转基因作物中快速提取DNA的方法.方法 :采用Chelex-100法提取抗草甘膦大豆和非转基因大豆、转基因抗虫玉米Bt176和非转基因玉米中的DNA,使用PCR扩增大豆和玉米的内源基因(Lectin,zSSⅡb)及外源特异性序列(CaMV35S,Bt176)评价提取核酸的质量.结果 :Chelex-100法能够快速在1h之内从大豆和玉米中提取DNA,所提取的DNA可以直接用于PCR扩增反应,PCR扩增产物电泳条带清晰,转基因抗草甘膦大豆样品和转基因抗虫玉米Bt176检测均出现强阳性结果.结论 :Chelex-100法提取DNA可以作为转基因检测的模板,该方法具有经济、简便、快速的特点,适合于转基因检测工作.  相似文献   

降落PCR法快速检测高羊茅转基因植株   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过CTAB微量提取高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)转基因再生植株基因组DNA。用9600型PCR仪器设计降落PCR反应程序,对高羊茅转基因植株两个片段OSISAP1(495bp)和GFP-nos(1 000bp)进行扩增;同时进行了PCR扩增的初步检测。结果表明降落PCR法能快速准确检测转基因植株;而且更适合多个基因片段同时检测,从而提高PCR分子检测的效率,以提高转基因植株鉴定效率。  相似文献   

转基因植物快速检测方法的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本试验对转基因植物检测中的DNA提取和PCR扩增程序作了改进。经试验,本研究建立的DNA快速提取法与目前广泛使用的CTAB法相比更为简便,快速和经济,提取的DNA质量主扩增效果无明显差异,可用于多种转基因植物,多种植物组织的DNA提取,利用复合PCR法可在同一反应管中同步检测35N,NOS及CP4-EPSPS基因,明显提高了检测效率。应用本试验建立的DNA快速提取-复合PCR扩增-银染检测技术可在6小时内得出结果,达到了快速,简便,灵敏,可靠的检测目的。  相似文献   

通过CTAB法从冬虫夏草菌株和天然冬虫夏草不同部位提取DNA,并用PCR扩增进行验证,证明了CTAB法适合从冬虫夏草子座、菌核和冬虫夏草菌培养物中提取DNA。首次报道1种将子囊孢子破壁直接进行PCR扩增的方法,并比较了该方法和CTAB法在提取冬虫夏草DNA方面的差异。2种方法获得的DNA用于PCR扩增均能得到较好的结果。  相似文献   

顽拗植物龙眼基因组DNA提取方法的研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
为从顽拗植物龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)叶片中获得可供后续分子生物学操作的基因组DNA.针对其组织细胞内富含多酚、多糖、单宁及色素等物质的特点,采用改进的CTAB法和SDS法,即在核裂解之前先破碎细胞.将存在于细胞质中的次生物质去除后再裂解细胞桉.结合其它一些改进措施.提取到的DNA沉淀呈纯白色.极易溶解于TE中。两种改进方法的OD260和OD280比值分别达到1.82和1.73,其鲜叶基因组DNA产量分别为103ug/g和127ug/g:RAPD扩增条带清晰,丰富.完全满足后续分子生物学操作的要求,其中改良CTAB方法效果更为理想,与之埘比.传统的CTAB法和SDS法提取到的DNA沉淀呈浅黄色甚至红褐色,很难被TE溶解,其OD260和OD280比值均低于1.5,也得不到扩增产物。  相似文献   

胡椒叶片基因组DNA提取方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜艳  刘进平 《生物技术》2009,19(6):41-44
目的:研究建立胡椒叶片中提取高质量DNA的方法。方法:采用各种CTAB法和SDS法的改良方法,提取胡椒叶片中的总DNA,并对DNA进行紫外和电泳检测。结果:改良CTAB法4和5提取的DNA经电泳检测,有一条明亮主带,且无拖尾现象,样品槽无荧光出现,说明抽出的DNA纯度较高,一致性好;测定其OD260和OD280值,并计算其比值,OD260/OD280值在1.8-2.0之间,提取率在51.667-60.000μg/g之间,获得的基因组DNA质量高。结论:改良CTAB法4和法5可从胡椒幼叶中提取高质量DNA。  相似文献   

The ubiquity, high diversity and often‐cryptic manifestations of fungi and oomycetes frequently necessitate molecular tools for detecting and identifying them in the environment. In applications including DNA barcoding, pathogen detection from plant samples, and genotyping for population genetics and epidemiology, rapid and dependable DNA extraction methods scalable from one to hundreds of samples are desirable. We evaluated several rapid extraction methods (NaOH, Rapid one‐step extraction (ROSE), Chelex 100, proteinase K) for their ability to obtain DNA of quantity and quality suitable for the following applications: PCR amplification of the multicopy barcoding locus ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 from various fungal cultures and sporocarps; single‐copy microsatellite amplification from cultures of the phytopathogenic oomycete Phytophthora ramorum; probe‐based P. ramorum detection from leaves. Several methods were effective for most of the applications, with NaOH extraction favored in terms of success rate, cost, speed and simplicity. Frozen dilutions of ROSE and NaOH extracts maintained PCR viability for over 32 months. DNA from rapid extractions performed poorly compared to CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts for TaqMan diagnostics from tanoak leaves, suggesting that incomplete removal of PCR inhibitors is an issue for sensitive diagnostic procedures, especially from plants with recalcitrant leaf chemistry. NaOH extracts exhibited lower yield and size than CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts; however, NaOH extraction facilitated obtaining clean sequence data from sporocarps contaminated by other fungi, perhaps due to dilution resulting from low DNA yield. We conclude that conventional extractions are often unnecessary for routine DNA sequencing or genotyping of fungi and oomycetes, and recommend simpler strategies where source materials and intended applications warrant such use.  相似文献   

药用植物艾纳香基因组DNA提取方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以药用植物艾纳香为研究对象,以-20℃保存、4℃保存、室温自然干燥和硅胶干燥四种样品保存方式,并采用SDS法、CTAB法、SDS-CTAB法和改良CTAB法4种不同的基因组DNA提取方法进行了对比试验,以期建立艾纳香的较好的样品保存方法和基因组DNA提取方法。结果表明,-20℃保存是艾纳香的较理想的样品保存方式;改良CTAB法是艾纳香基因组DNA提取较适宜的方法,该方法提取的DNA经紫外检测,其A_(260)/A_(280)为1.8左右,明显优于SDS法(1.1~1.5)、CTAB法(1.2~1.5)和SDS-CTAB法(1.4~1.6),琼脂糖凝胶电泳、酶切检测和PCR扩增也得出了同样的结论。  相似文献   

The extraction of high-quality genomic DNA for PCR amplification from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and cotton (Gossypium spp.) is challenging because of the presence of polysaccharides, secondary metabolites, and polyphenolics in the tissues. A high-throughput DNA extraction protocol was needed in our laboratory for simple sequence repeats (SSR)-marker screening and other molecular analyses that do not require organic extraction steps of phenol or chloroform. Here we describe 2 improved highthroughput protocols for DNA extraction and in-PCR modification that result in successful PCR amplification of sunflower and cotton. While the sunflower DNA extraction protocol uses reducing agents such as sodium metabisulfite and dithiothreitol (DTT), the cotton protocol uses polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in PCR reactions and reducing agents in the DNA extraction procedure.  相似文献   

Applications of reliable DNA extraction and amplification techniques to postmortem samples are critical to ancient DNA research. Commonly used methods for isolating DNA from ancient material were tested and compared using both soft tissue and bones from fossil and contemporary museum proboscideans. DNAs isolated using three principal methods served as templates in subsequent PCR amplifications, and the PCR products were directly sequenced. Authentication of the ancient origin of obtained nucleotide sequences was established by demonstrating reproducibility under a blind testing system and by phylogenetic analysis. Our results indicate that ancient samples may respond differently to extraction buffers or purification procedures, and no single method was universally successful. A CTAB buffer method, modified from plant DNA extraction protocols, was found to have the highest success rate. Nested PCR was shown to be a reliable approach to amplify ancient DNA templates that failed in primary amplification.  相似文献   

An efficient DNA extraction protocol and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for detecting Leptosphaeria maculans from infected seed lots of oilseed rape were developed. L. maculans, the causal agent of blackleg, a damaging disease in oilseeds rape/canola worldwide, was listed as a quarantine disease by China in 2009. China imports several millions of tons of oilseeds every year. So there is a high risk that this pathogen will be introduced to China via contaminated seeds. Seed contamination is one of the most significant factors in the global spread of phytopathogens. Detection of L. maculans in infected seed lots by PCR assay is difficult due to the low level of pathogen mycelium/spores on seeds and PCR inhibitors associated with the seeds of oilseed rape. In our study, these two major obstacles were overcome by the development of a two‐step extraction protocol combined with a nested PCR. This extraction protocol (kit extraction after CTAB method) can efficiently extract high‐quality DNA for PCR. Amplification results showed that the detection threshold for conventional PCR and nested PCR was, respectively, 1 ng and 10 fg of DNA per μl in mycelia samples. On contaminated seed lots of oilseed rape, the detection threshold of conventional and nested PCR was 709 fg/μl and 709 ag/μl of DNA, respectively. The DNA extraction protocol and PCR assay developed in this study can be used for rapid and reliable detection of L. maculans from infected seeds of oilseed rape .  相似文献   

野生山梨基因组DNA提取方法和部位比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以野生山梨(Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim)嫩叶、一年生枝韧皮部和成熟叶片为材料,分别用CTAB,改良CTAB+高盐+5%PVP和试剂盒3种方法提取基因组DNA,通过测OD值、DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳和SSR引物扩增检验.结果表明:韧皮部和嫩叶是最理想的提取DNA材料,改良CTAB法是比较理想的方法,试剂盒是提取DNA最简便快捷的有效方法.  相似文献   

DNA is one of the most basic and essential genetic materials in the field of molecular biology.To date,isolation of sufficient and good-quality DNA is still a challenge for many plant species,though various DNA extraction methods have been published.In the present paper,a recycling DNA extraction method was proposed.The key step of this method was that a single plant tissue sample was recycled for DNA extraction for up to four times,and correspondingly four DNA precipitations(termed as the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th DNA sample, respectively) were conducted.This recycling step was integrated into the conventional CTAB DNA extraction method to establish a recycling CTAB method.This modified CTAB method was tested in eight plant species,wheat,sorghum,barley,corn,rice,Brachypodium distachyon,Miscanthus sinensis and tung tree.The results showed that high-yield and good-quality DNA samples could be obtained by using this new method in all the eight plant species.The DNA samples were good templates for PCR amplification of both ISSR and SSR markers.The recycling method can be used in multiple plant species and can be integrated with multiple conventional DNA isolation methods,and thus is an effective and universal DNA isolation method.  相似文献   

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