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采用同源重组法制备钾离子转运蛋白基因TRKI和TRK2缺失的酿酒酵母钾营养缺陷型。通过RNA反转录PCR方法从拟南芥幼根扩增获得片段长度为2 139bp的AtKup1基因,以此片段为膜板,采用DNA重排技术,经DNase I降解,Primerless PCR和Primer PCR建立AtKup1基因突变库。将突变库和未经DNA重排处理的AtKup1基因分别构建酵母穿梭载体,并导入K 转运蛋白基因TRK1和TRK2缺失的酿酒酵母中,分别在低钾(5.0mmoL/L KC1)不合色氨酸的培养基上筛选转化子,从突变基因库酵母转化子中获得2株长势明显优于AtKup1基因转化子的突变基因转化菌株,菌株质粒上的突变AtKup1基因核苷酸测序结果表明突变基因AtKup1发生了2个碱基的置换,造成了2个氨基酸的改变。转化烟草烟叶化学成分分析证实突变基因的吸钾活性显著提高。  相似文献   

为更好的进行钾素营养有关基因表达调控和功能性研究,我们采用同源重组法通过重叠引物扩增分别将URA3和HIS3基因替代酿酒酵母的TRK1和TRK2基因,并以酿酒酵母的尿嘧啶合成酶URA3基因和组氨酸合成酶HIS3力标记基因,在不舍尿嘧啶和组氨酸的基本培养基筛选转化子获得了钾离子转运蛋白TRK1和TRK2基因缺失的酿酒酵母钾素营养缺陷型菌株,该菌株在低K 培养基中导入拟南芥K 转运体基因AtKuP1可恢复正常生长.  相似文献   

为更好的进行钾素营养有关基因表达调控和功能性研究, 我们采用同源重组法通过重叠引物扩增分别将URA3和HIS3基因替代酿酒酵母的TRK1和TRK2基因, 并以酿酒酵母的尿嘧啶合成酶URA3基因和组氨酸合成酶HIS3为标记基因, 在不含尿嘧啶和组氨酸的基本培养基筛选转化子获得了钾离子转运蛋白TRK1和TRK2基因缺失的酿酒酵母钾素营养缺陷型菌株, 该菌株在低K+培养基中导入拟南芥K+转运体基因AtKuP1可恢复正常生长。  相似文献   

菌落PCR快速扩增工业酿酒酵母基因组DNA片段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对工业酿酒酵母细胞破壁难和提取基因酵母组DNA费时长(2-3 h/样品)的问题,研究了SDS-微珠涡旋破壁的方法。以破壁液上清为模板进行菌落PCR扩增酿酒酵母南阳K基因组中铜抗性蛋白基因(cup1)片段和rDNA片段。结果表明,在不需要提取酵母基因组前提下,利用该方法能有效地扩增酵母基因组DNA片段,同时该方法也适用于对转基因酿酒酵母进行菌落PCR从而实现对转化子的准确和快速地鉴定筛选,是一种成本低和易于操作的适于处理大量样品的方法。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母类丙酮酸脱羧酶基因缺失对高级醇生成量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝欣  肖冬光  张翠英 《微生物学报》2010,50(8):1030-1035
【目的】通过构建酿酒酵母类丙酮酸脱羧酶基因(YDL080C)缺失的工程菌株,研究该基因对酿酒酵母浓醪发酵产高级醇特别是异戊醇的影响。【方法】以酿酒酵母工业菌株AY-15的单倍体a-8或α-22的基因组DNA为模板,PCR分别扩增YDL080C上下游非编码区片段YA和YB;以pUG6质粒为模板,PCR扩增KanMX抗性基因片段。分别将YA、YB和KanMX片段连入pUC19载体,构建重组质粒pUC-YABK;并以其为模板,PCR扩增YA-KanMX-YB重组盒,分别电转化单倍体a-8和α-22。将转化子和亲本分别进行酒精浓醪发酵,发酵结束后测定其发酵性能和高级醇的生成量。【结果】筛选获得了YDL080C基因缺失突变株。酒精发酵后发酵性能和高级醇测定结果显示,转化子的异戊醇及总高级醇生成量与对应的单倍体亲本相比没有明显变化,但酒精度分别比亲本提高了0.6(%,v/v)和0.4(%,v/v)。【结论】YDL080C基因缺失对降低酿酒酵母发酵产高级醇特别是异戊醇没有明显作用,但会使酒精度有所提高。  相似文献   

黑曲霉pepB基因缺失菌株的构建及其功能分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)GICC2773基因组DNA为模板,用PCR方法分别扩增pepB基因中的上游约1.4kb和下游约1.3kb两段DNA序列,将此两段序列按同一方向分别插入质粒pMW1中潮霉素抗性基因(hph)表达单元的5′和3′端,构建成重组质粒pMW1-pepB,用于通过同源重组靶向破坏基因组中的pepB基因。同源重组则采用原生质体-PEG方法,将酶切pMW1-pepB得到的线性片段转化A.niger GICC2773菌株,通过潮霉素选择平板得到62个Hgy抗性转化子,然后采用PCR方法从这些抗性转化子中筛选到1个由于同源重组产生的pepB基因缺失突变菌株pepB29。功能分析显示该突变株的酸性蛋白酶活性有明显下降,外源蛋白漆酶的分泌表达有所提高。  相似文献   

为了研究灰葡萄孢菌肌糖磷脂酰神经酰胺合成酶(BcAUR1基因)的表达及酶活性,采用RT-PCR方法,利用含有FLAG标签以及BamH Ⅰ、Xho Ⅰ酶切位点的AUR1特异引物从灰葡萄孢菌中扩增得到BcAUR1基因.将BcA UR1基因与穿梭质粒pYES2重组,得到pYES2-BcAUR1质粒采用醋酸锂转化法导入酿酒酵母尿嘧啶突变菌株△yor1中,Western blotting检测肌糖磷脂酰神经酰胺(IPC)合成酶表达,HPLC检测IPC合成酶活力.结果显示pYE S2-BcA UR1在酿酒酵母尿嘧啶突变菌株△yorl中获得表达,pYES2-BcA UR1转化子IPC合成酶活性显著增高,比空载转化子约提高1倍.低浓度的AbA能够抑制空载pYES2酵母转化子生长,但pYES2-BcA UR1酵母转化子能抵抗AbA对菌体生长的抑制.  相似文献   

将胡杨Na /H 逆向转运蛋白基因PeNhaD1,分别转入对盐敏感的缺失质膜和缺失液泡膜Na /H 逆向转运蛋白基因的酵母突变菌株ANT3和GX1中。结果表明,在pH6.0、Na 浓度为80mmol/L(固体培养基)或400mmol/L(液体培养基)的条件下,转化具有目的基因的酵母ANT3具有更高的耐盐性,而将目的基因转化到突变株GX1时,却不能提高其耐盐性。实验结果说明PeNhaD1可能是通过编码质膜Na /H 逆向转运蛋白而提高酵母的耐盐性的,推测其在胡杨耐盐机制中的作用可能是提高拒盐性。  相似文献   

PCR依赖型方法构建高质量酵母基因突变文库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王睿  喻晓蔚  徐岩  郅岩  孔宇 《生物工程学报》2011,27(9):1326-1336
针对定向进化中利用亚克隆的方法建立酵母突变文库建库周期长、效率低、库容量低、丰度低等问题,建立了一种基于体内同源重组构建酵母整合型基因突变文库的新方法。步骤为:构建目标基因的重组表达质粒;以此为模版,设计长引物片段,PCR/易错PCR/DNA Shuffling等方法扩增得到两端带有与表达载体40~70 bp同源序列的突变基因;再利用PCR扩增得到表达载体;将扩增得到的目标基因和表达载体以一定的摩尔比混合电转化酵母,目标基因和表达载体在酵母体内同源重组成为完整的表达盒,整合入酵母基因组,获得基因突变文库。对构建的突变文库进行筛选,分别得到了酶活、蛋白表达量及热稳定性提高的突变株。该方法为完全PCR依赖型 (PDM),在体内构建表达盒,效率高,操作方便,将建库周期由2周缩短为3 d,将库容量从传统的103~104提高到105以上,库阳性率达到95%。  相似文献   

目的:构建酿酒酵母HOR2基因缺失的突变株并研究其对甘油和乙醇产量的影响。方法:以PCR为基础,通过同源重组的方式使目的基因缺失。结果:通过设计含有与HOR2(GPP2)基因两侧序列同源的长引物,以质粒PUG6为模板进行PCR构建含有Cre/loxP系统的酿酒酵母HOR2基因敲除组件,转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)YS2,获得为loxP-kan-loxP序列组件所替换而产生kanr的阳性克隆子。然后再将质粒PSH65转入阳性克隆子诱导表达Cre酶切除筛选标记,在原ORF基因处保留一个loxP位点,丢失质粒后获得HOR2单倍体缺陷型菌株。重复转化敲除组件实现另一条等位基因的敲除。发酵实验表明,突变株甘油产量降低3.34%,乙醇产量提高1.96%。结论:成功获得了酿酒酵母HOR2基因缺失的突变株,并命名为YS2-HOR2。  相似文献   

We have cloned the gene encoding the TRK transporter of the soil yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis and obtained the HAK1 trk1 delta and the hak1 delta TRK1 mutant strains. Analyses of the transport capacities of these mutants have shown that (i) the HAK1 and the TRK1 potassium transporters are the only transporters operating at low and medium K+ concentrations (< 1 mM); (ii) the HAK1 transporter is functional at low pH but fails at high pH; and (iii) the TRK1 transporter functions at neutral and high pH and fails at low pH. At neutral pH, both transporters are functional, but HAK1 is not expressed, except at very low K+ concentrations (< 50 microM) where HAK1 is very effective. TRK1 is also involved in the control of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

转拟南芥AtKup1基因高含钾量烟草获得   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
提取拟南芥幼根总RNA,进行RTPCR逆转录,产物测序,将其构建到含Km(带内含子)筛选标记的植物双元表达载体上,根癌农杆菌介导法将AtKup1基因导入烟草,对转化子进行PCR扩增、GUS染色、Southern杂交和AtKup1基因mRNA荧光定量PCR分析,并进行烟叶内在成分化验分析。PCR获得2100bp左右扩增产物,测序结果证实扩增产物序列与拟南芥AtKup1基因(GenbankNo:AF029876)一致;得到GUS染色阳性的AtKup1基因转化烟草材料29株。经PCR扩增、分子杂交检测证实AtKup1基因已整合到转基因烟草的基因组,荧光定量PCR分析可以在幼根中检测到AtKup1基因的mRNA转录。烟叶含钾量化验结果表明导入的AtKup1基因在转化材料中成功表达,使烟叶含钾量提高约45%。  相似文献   

We identified a 180-kilodalton plasma membrane protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for high-affinity transport (uptake) of potassium. The gene that encodes this putative potassium transporter (TRK1) was cloned by its ability to relieve the potassium transport defect in trk1 cells. TRK1 encodes a protein 1,235 amino acids long that contains 12 potential membrane-spanning domains. Our results demonstrate the physical and functional independence of the yeast potassium and proton transport systems. TRK1 is nonessential in S. cerevisiae and maps to a locus unlinked to PMA1, the gene that encodes the plasma membrane ATPase. Haploid cells that contain a null allele of TRK1 (trk1 delta) rely on a low-affinity transporter for potassium uptake and, under certain conditions, exhibit energy-dependent loss of potassium, directly exposing the activity of a transporter responsible for the efflux of this ion.  相似文献   

Mutant clones of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii defective for potassium transport were isolated and characterized. Of the four genes identified, three –TRK1, TRK2 and TRK3– encode high-affinity transport functions, and one gene, HKR1, encodes a low-affinity transport function. Characterization of the potassium dependence of recombinants possessing two mutant trk alleles suggests that the protein products of TRK2 and TRK3 interact functionally, and that TRK1 may serve a regulatory function. The mutant clone defective for a low-affinity potassium transporter was isolated by mutagenizing trk2-1 cells, which lack a functional high-affinity transporter, and screening surviving cells for dependence on very high potassium concentrations. The hkr1 phenotype is expressed only in the presence of trk2-1. Received: 24 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

构建的重组表达质粒pPIC9K-HSA-IFNα-2b经限制性内切酶SalI酶切线性化后电转化巴斯德毕赤酵母菌(P.Pastoris)SMD1168,将阳性转化子用甲醇诱导表达并进行PCR鉴定和Mut表型鉴定,再用Western-Blot法及Wish细胞-VSV病毒系统来鉴定表达蛋白的免疫原性及生物活性,同时,在摇瓶培养条件下,初步研究了甲醇诱导浓度及菌体诱导的起始OD值两因素对目的蛋白表达量的影响,本研究成功表达出具有高生物学活性的白蛋白融合干扰素蛋白(HSA-IFNα-2b),对摇瓶发酵表达条件的初步摸索也为进一步在大规模发酵中提高目的蛋白在P.Pastoris的表达水平提供一个参考依据。  相似文献   

M. Vidal  A. M. Buckley  F. Hilger    R. F. Gaber 《Genetics》1990,125(2):313-320
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells containing a deletion of TRK1, the gene encoding the high affinity potassium transporter, retain only low affinity uptake of this ion and consequently lose the ability to grow in media containing low levels (0.2 mM) of potassium. Using a trk1 delta strain, we selected spontaneous Trk+ pseudorevertants that regained the ability to grow on low concentrations of potassium. The revertants define three unlinked extragenic suppressors of trk1 delta. Dominant RPD2 mutations and recessive rpd1 and rpd3 mutations confer increased potassium uptake in trk1 delta cells. Genetic evidence suggests that RPD2 mutations are alleles of TRK2, the putative low affinity transporter gene, whereas rpd1 and rpd3 mutations increase TRK2 activity: (1) RPD2 mutations are closely linked to trk2, and (2) trk2 mutations are epistatic to both rpd1 and rpd3. rpd1 maps near pho80 on chromosome XV and rpd3 maps on the left arm of chromosome XIV, closely linked to kre1.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the MID1 (mating-induced death) gene encodes a stretch-activated channel which is required for successful mating; the mutant phenotype is rescued by elevated extracellular calcium. Homologs of the MID1 gene are found in fungi that are morphologically complex compared to yeast, both Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes. We explored the phenotype of a mid-1 knockout mutant in the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora crassa. The mutant exhibits lower growth vigor than the wild type (which is not rescued by replete calcium) and mates successfully. Thus, the role of the MID-1 protein differs from that of the homologous gene product in yeast. Hyphal cytology, growth on diverse carbon sources, turgor regulation, and circadian rhythms of the mid-1 mutant are all similar to those of the wild type. However, basal turgor is lower than wild type, as is the activity of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase (measured by cyanide [CN(-)]-induced depolarization of the energy-dependent component of the membrane potential). In addition, the mutant is unable to grow at low extracellular Ca(2+) levels or when cytoplasmic Ca(2+) is elevated with the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187. We conclude that the MID-1 protein plays a role in regulation of ion transport via Ca(2+) homeostasis and signaling. In the absence of normal ion transport activity, the mutant exhibits poorer growth.  相似文献   

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