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目的:建立一种酪胺信号放大-量子点标记银染增强的基因芯片可视化检测方法,提高基因芯片检测的灵敏度。方法:待测靶基因与固定在玻片上的探针杂交,依次加入链霉亲和素标记的辣根过氧化物酶、生物素标记的酪胺及链霉亲和素标记的量子点,37℃孵育,然后加入银增强试剂显色,最后用可视化生物芯片扫描仪扫描并记录结果;以牛布鲁菌210105株为检测对象,以酪胺信号放大-荧光素Cy3(TSA-Cy3)检测法为对照方法,测定酪胺信号放大-量子点标记银染增强(TSA-QDS)检测法的灵敏度。结果:确定了基因芯片量子点标记银染增强可视化检测方法的检测流程,优化了检测条件,并考察了检测灵敏度。优化的检测条件为:酪胺-生物素稀释比例为1∶4000,链酶亲和素标记的量子点稀释比例为1∶50,37℃孵育时间为25~30 min,银染增强时间为6~7 min。检测牛布鲁菌的灵敏度为103CFU/mL。结论:该方法实现了基因芯片高灵敏度可视化检测,其灵敏度与荧光法相当,并且有可视化的优势。  相似文献   

利用酶促重组等温扩增(enzymatic recombinase amplification,ERA)技术建立快速检测肺炎支原体的实时荧光检测方法。针对肺炎支原体P1基因设计特异性引物和探针,优化反应条件,分析其敏感性和特异性,并对临床样本进行验证。ERA实时荧光法在25-40℃均具有扩增能力,在35℃条件下对肺炎支原体的扩增效果最好,20 min内可完成扩增;该法对肺炎支原体的检出限为10^(3) copies/μL;并对其他6种呼吸道病原体进行检测,均无扩增曲线产生,有较好的特异性;以荧光定量PCR法检测结果为标准,ERA实时荧光法对34份临床样本的检测结果的诊断敏感度为96.15%、特异度为100%、阳性预测值为100%、阴性预测值为88.89%。本研究构建的ERA实时荧光法可以快速简单、灵敏和特异地检测出肺炎支原体,满足现场检测的需求。  相似文献   

通过研究培养温度、培养基pH值对大肠杆菌生长和培养液荧光强度的影响,确定44℃,培养液pH值7.0~7.5为大肠杆菌MUG酶荧光检测的最佳条件。通过研究培养时间和接种菌浓度与培养液荧光强度的关系,建立起基于荧光方法检测大肠杆菌的单管定量检测技术。通过与平板菌落计数法和最大可能数法比较发现单管定量检测法的相对标准偏差小于这两种常用的方法,而且更为快速、经济,适合用于大肠杆菌的定量检测。  相似文献   

研究了ATP生物荧光检测法与国标法《GB4789.2-2010食品卫生微生物学检验菌落总数测定》检测鸡蛋壳表面细菌总数的相关性。采用ATP生物荧光检测法和国标法对40个混合样品表面细菌总数进行检测,以log CFU/个蛋壳为横坐标(x),以logRLU/个蛋壳为纵坐标(y),分别进行线性、对数、乘幂、指数拟合。结果表明,ATP荧光检测法与国标法检测结果 Pearson相关系数为0.912,线性模型y=0.7306x-1.0041(R2=0.8322)拟合度较高。该试验结果为ATP荧光检测法在鸡蛋壳表面细菌总数快速检测中应用的可行性提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的建立两种甲型肝炎病毒抗原(HAV-Ag)检测试剂盒,并对其检测效果进行评价。方法生物素标记甲型肝炎病毒抗体(HAV-Ab)与辣根过氧化物酶标记亲和素联合应用建立甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法;同时使用辣根过氧化物酶标记HAV-Ab作放大系统建立双抗体夹心甲型肝炎病毒抗原ELISA检测试剂,对比两种检测方法的特异性、灵敏度及实际应用效果。结果用生物素标记甲型肝炎病毒抗体-辣根过氧化物酶标记亲和素作放大系统建立的甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法,较双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法灵敏度高1~2个稀释度;两种检测法均对10余种病毒无交叉,P/N值BA-ELISA检测法较高。结论甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法是一种灵敏度高,特异性好,方便快捷的检测方法,可广泛应用于甲型肝炎病毒研究及临床检测中。而甲型肝炎病毒抗原双抗体夹心ELISA检测法,检测灵敏度适中,操作简单,更适用于甲肝疫苗生产检定。  相似文献   

梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种严重危害人类健康的性传播疾病,选择敏感性高、特异性强的检测方法对于梅毒的确证和临床指导应用均具有很重要的意义。当前,有多种梅毒实验室检测方法,其中直接检测法在近十年的临床诊断中仍被经常使用,血清学检测法仍然是目前梅毒实验室诊断的主要方法,以各类PCR技术为代表的梅毒分子生物学检测方法因其具有高度的特异性和敏感性已被广泛应用于临床检验。对梅毒实验室检测技术中直接法、血清学检测法及PCR检测法三类方法的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

本研究将用于化妆品中Bio Lumix微生物荧光光电检测系统与《化妆品安全技术规范2015》微生物检测法进行了比较。结果显示两种方法结果基本一致,对于《化妆品安全技术规范2015》微生物检测法检测化妆品,出具可靠的检测报告需要5 d,而Bio Lumix系统快速检测化妆品细菌项目和霉菌、酵母项目可在16 h和35 h内分别发出预警,并可控制在48 h内完整地输出检测报告。Bio Lumix微生物荧光光电检测系统具有检测时间短、检测效率高、操作简单等优点。  相似文献   

酰胺酶是一种合成手性羧酸和酰胺衍生物的重要工具酶,在不对称合成中具有巨大应用潜力.传统的色谱分析方法通过检测底物及相应的产物去测定酰胺酶活性及立体选择性,十分费时费力.根据显色法、荧光法、NMR等原理,较为全面地综述了近年来国内外发展起来的高通量酰胺酶筛选方法.为酰胺酶筛选中筛选效率低、可靠性差等难题提供借鉴,也可为其他水解酶筛选模型的建立提供思路.  相似文献   

双链特异性核酸酶(DSN酶)是一种能高效识别并酶切完全互补配对的DNA双链或者DNA/RNA杂交双链中的DNA链,而对单链DNA和单/双链RNA几乎没有作用的核酸酶,所以DSN酶在生物和医学等领域有着广泛的应用。目前,基于DSN酶对单双链核酸不同的切割特点,搭载不同的信号输出及扩增方式,已经建立了一系列生物传感技术,如比色法、荧光法及电化学法等。实现了miRNAs、mRNA及重金属离子等一系列生物标志物及食品安全风险因子的检测。另外,DSN酶与新兴纳米材料搭载的纳米传感器也在RNA等物质传感中显示出了极大的分析优势。首先从结构、性质和切割方式3个方面介绍了DSN酶,并对近年来基于DSN酶介导的、具有代表性的生物传感器的组建及应用情况进行了综述,主要是根据不同的信号输出方法对DSN酶介导的核酸传感器进行归类综述,包括光学传感器、电化学传感器和光磁传感器等。具体综述内容包括,详细地阐述了各种传感器的传感原理,综合比较了各传感器的检测范围及检测灵敏度等,同时还归纳了目前DSN酶介导的生物传感器能够检测的靶物质类型,有助于人们以后对DSN酶更深层次的使用。最后,对DSN酶介导的生物传感器目前存在的不足及今后的发展趋势进行了展望,旨在指导人们在未来使用DSN酶介导的生物传感器中能避免相关问题,研发出更快捷、更方便、灵敏度更高的生物传感器。  相似文献   

双链特异性核酸酶(DSN 酶)是一种能高效识别并酶切完全互补配对的 DNA 双链或者 DNA/RNA 杂交双链中的DNA 链,而对单链 DNA 和单 / 双链 RNA 几乎没有作用的核酸酶,所以 DSN 酶在生物和医学等领域有着广泛的应用。目前,基于DSN 酶对单双链核酸不同的切割特点,搭载不同的信号输出及扩增方式,已经建立了一系列生物传感技术,如比色法、荧光法、电化学法等。实现了 mi RNAs、m RNA、重金属离子等一系列生物标志物及食品安全风险因子的检测。另外,DSN 酶与新兴纳米材料搭载的纳米传感器也在 RNA 等物质传感中显示出了极大的分析优势。首先从结构、性质和切割方式 3 个方面介绍了 DSN 酶,并对近年来基于 DSN 酶介导的、具有代表性的生物传感器的组建及应用情况进行了综述,主要是根据不同的信号输出方法对 DSN酶介导的核酸传感器进行归类综述,包括光学传感器、电化学传感器和光磁传感器等。具体综述内容包括,详细地阐述了各种传感器的传感原理,综合比较了各传感器的检测范围及检测灵敏度等,同时还归纳了目前 DSN 酶介导的生物传感器能够检测的靶物质类型,有助于人们以后对 DSN 酶更深层次的使用。最后,对 DSN 酶介导的生物传感器目前存在的不足及今后的发展趋势进行了展望,旨在指导人们在未来使用 DSN 酶介导的生物传感器中能避免相关问题,研发出更快捷、更方便、灵敏度更高的生物传感器。  相似文献   

The binding of phosphoenolpyruvate, malate, and glucose 6-phosphate to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from Crassula argentea Thunb. was measured using both the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the enzyme and the extrinsic fluorescence of the complex of 8-anilino-1-napthalenesulfonate with the enzyme. It was found that the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate can bind in the absence of magnesium but is bound in greater quantities and more tightly when magnesium is present. Malate reduces the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate, while glucose 6-phosphate increases the binding of the substrate. Glucose 6-phosphate requires magnesium to bind to the enzyme, while malate does not. The general trends from the binding experiments using fluorescence methods were confirmed by activity determinations using assays performed in the absence of magnesium.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the detection of isoforms of several glycolytic enzymes by activity staining after native PAGE. The staining is based on coupled enzyme assays carried out on the gel after electrophoresis and is linked to the disappearance of NADH, which is visualized by fluorescence. This method offers reliable and sensitive detection for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, PPi-dependent phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase from plant tissues. It can be applied to the detection of all enzymes which are normally detected spectrophotometrically using coupled enzyme assays consuming NAD(P)H.  相似文献   

Multiplexed (96-lane) capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence (MCE-LIF) detection was used for the rapid analysis of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) levels from in vitro cell extracts. The levels of ERK enzyme in cell extracts were determined by monitoring the conversion of a fluorescent-labeled peptide substrate to a phosphorylated fluorescent-labeled peptide product using MCE-LIF. The incorporation of a fluorescent internal standard was found to improve the precision of the analysis. The enzyme assay conditions including substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme linear range were rapidly optimized using the MCE-LIF approach for both direct and immunoprecipitation-based ERK assays. The levels of ERK from in vitro cell extracts stimulated with angiopoietin 1 (Ang1*) were determined using the MCE-LIF approach. The advantages of MCE-LIF for developing and applying enzyme assays, as well as the figures of merit for the direct and immunoprecipitation ERK assays, are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the detection of 100 molecules of enzyme substrateand product. A fucosyltransferase and a fucosidase were usedto add and remove, respectively, a monosaccharide from a syntheticoligosaccharide fluorescently labelled with tetramethylrhodamine.The reaction was followed by use of capillary zone electrophoresis,to separate the product and reactant, with laser-induced fluorescencedetection. These are the most sensitive enzyme assays reportedto date and six orders of magnitude more sensitive than anyreported for these two enzymes. This simple technology allowshigh-sensitivity determination of the activity of any enzymefor which a fluorescent substrate can be synthesized, and bringswithin reach the ability to assay glycosyltransferase activitiesin single cells. capillary electrophoresis enzyme assay fucosidase fucosyltransferase glycosyltransferase assay laser-induced fluorescence yoctomole analysis  相似文献   

A method to determine the activity of the cytochrome P-450 1A1 enzyme, by measuring 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence or with visible absorbance detection of resorufin, is described. The lowest quantifiable activity (0.2 pmol/mg min) is obtained by incubation of 0.3 mg of human duodenal microsomal proteins using HPLC fluorescence detection. Using HPLC with visible absorbance detection, sensitivity was ten times lower. However, the equipment for this last method is available in most laboratories. The use of both HPLC assays allows determination of the low EROD activity level in samples of small size, such as two or three human duodenal biopsies obtained by routine endoscopy. These methods will be a useful tool to study the role of drug intestinal metabolism by cytochrome P-450 1A1.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive spectrophotofluorometric assay for indoleglycerol phosphate synthase is presented. The method is based upon the fluorescence of the reaction product indoleglycerol phosphate and has two advantages over previously reported assays. It is more sensitive and is useful for measuring enzyme activities in extracts containing materials that prohibit the use of other methods.  相似文献   

A flow injection analysis method for determining L-carnitine is reported. The system uses the enzyme L-carnitine dehydrogenase covalently immobilized to Eupergit C. The NADH produced by the action of the enzyme, which is proportional to the L-carnitine concentration, is quantified using fluorescence detection. The system response was rapid and had a wide range of linearity. At a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min, a detection limit of 1 microM (20 pmol) was obtained for L-carnitine, peak areas were linear up to 100 microM, and samples could be injected every 4 min. The method performed well as a routine assay, showing high sensitivity (54,000 AU/microM), a precision of 0.96%, and the ability to carry out 144 consecutive assays with an RSD of 1.47% (good stability). Comparisons were made with other known methods for L-carnitine determination. Presence of D-carnitine had no effect on L-carnitine assay. The analysis was valid for determining L-carnitine concentrations in commercial pharmaceutical preparations.  相似文献   

Phosphorescent platinum(II) coproporphyrin label (PtCP) is evaluated for the detection of cellular proteases by time-resolved fluorescence in homogeneous format. An octameric peptide containing the recognition motif for the caspase-3 enzyme was dual labeled with a new maleimide derivative of PtCP and with the dark quencher dabcyl. Following photophysical characterization, the quenched substrate was employed in cleavage assays for caspase-3 using Jurkat and HL60 cell lines treated with proapoptotic stimuli performed on a commercial plate reader. Dose-response and time course assays for the drug camptothecin were obtained for comparison with conventional fluorometric detection.  相似文献   

Enzyme-amplified lanthanide luminescence (EALL) is a new method which has been developed for enzymatically amplified signal detection in ultrasensitive bioanalytical assays where an enzyme is used as label or is itself the analyte of interest. Signal generation is performed by enzymatically transforming a substrate into a product which forms a luminescent lanthanide chelate; the product chelate can then be detected using time-resolved or normal fluorescence methods. Alkaline phosphatase substrates have been developed and demonstrated in a model immunoassay in microwell format. The method has also been demonstrated for detection of a variety of other hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. Thus the EALL method shows promise for use in a wide variety of bioanalytical applications.  相似文献   

We used a temperature-jump isothermal denaturation procedure with various methods of detection to evaluate the quality of putative inhibitors of MurB discovered by high-throughput screening. Three optical methods of detection-ultraviolet hyperchromicity of absorbance, fluorescence of bound dyes, and circular dichroism-as well as differential scanning calorimetry were used to dissect the effects of two chemical compounds and a natural substrate on the enzyme. The kinetics of the denaturation process and binding of the compounds detected by quenching of flavin fluorescence were used to quantitate the dose dependencies of the ligand effects. We found that the first step in the denaturation of MurB is the rapid loss of flavin from the active site and that the two chemical inhibitors appeared to destabilize the interaction of the cofactor with the enzyme but stabilize the global unfolding. The kinetics of the denaturation process as well as the loss of flavin fluorescence on binding established that both compounds had nanomolar affinities for the enzyme. We showed that coupling of the various detection methods with isothermal denaturation yields a powerful regimen to provide analytical data for assessing inhibitor specificity for a protein target.  相似文献   

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